/ Arkansas / Bush |
Neo-cons |
911 |
/ Bush death list |
Millis, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence |
- Consortium
News The New York
Time's Contra-Cocaine Dilemma ... the Hitz report. more
- Gary
Webb : Committed suicide .. L.A. Times had
never acknowledged that Webb was substantially correct in his
reporting about the Nicaraguan contras’ role in smuggling cocaine
into the United States in the 1980s. Online
Journal TruthNews
That decision by the L.A. Times – when combined with the abusive
treatment Webb received from other major news outlets and his betrayal
by his own editors at the San Jose Mercury News – had sent Webb’s
life into a downward spiral that ended with him shooting himself with
his father’s handgun. New
York Times New
York Times Consortium
News New York Times
concedes Contra CIA drug operations true ... more
search terms: Dark Alliance, San Jose
Mercury News
- Disinfo
- DailyKOS
Millerwise Dyck
- Educate
- Gunderson
Federation of American Scientists Walsh Report, Iran-Contra
- Online
Journal Jackson Stephens, Venice, Florida, 9/11, hijackers, WTC
file and
Mark Lombardi, and Wikipedia
Mochtar Riady
- Ratical,
"CIA's William Casey ran the Mujehaddin covert war against the
Soviet union ..."
- Schema-root
Marc Rich, BCCI, Clinton, Libby
- SourceWatch
Scooter Libby
- Wikipedia
BCCI Bank of Credit and Commerce International "CIA
were seeking a funding route for the Afghan Mujahideen"
- Cooperative
Research Bush 41, Pakistan, CIA,
heroin drug trade, Afghanistan, BCCI ...
- Search terms: Bert Lance, Jackson
Stephens, Abdullah Taha Bakkhsh, BCCI Hong Kong, Mochtar Riady, Aga
Hassan Abedl, National Bank of Georgia, Gaith Pharoan, defense
contracts, Stephens Inc. (bond investors) Arkansas Development Finance
Authority, Worthen Bank. Mena, Arkansas, base for Iran Contra
drug operations.
- Follow
the Jackson Stephens trail: 9/11, Florida,
hijackers, Mena, Arkansas, INSLAW, PROMIS, Bill Clinton presidential campaign.
Jackson Stephens
MORE 42inc
- Salon
and file (Larry Nichols, Iran
Contra, Arkansas,
- Znet
Human Rights Watch in Service to the War Party: Including A Review of
“Weighing the Evidence: Lessons from the Slobodan Milosevic Trial”
(Human Rights Watch, December, 2006)
- Summary
- HPSCI House Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence Consortium
News, DrugWar
- Connect Iran-Contra, Serbia,
Kosovo, Afghanistan, bin Laden and 9/11. Global
Research and file
and FAS
(The Iranian
Green Light)
- HPSCI, ... John Millis (staff director) was
investigating illegal Clinton / Iran arms trade to Bosnian
Muslims. John Millis, 'suicide', highly questionable, ...
it determined 'no laws broken'. search: HR-104-551 ...
- Pipeline
News (conservative)
10 Years And Counting - Still No Exit Plan
From Clinton Created, European Al-Qaeda Base and file
- Related articles: New
York Times New
York Times
- New York Times, LA Times Washington Post all
buried the story
- AND ...
- The Hitz Report finally implicates the Contras
and the CIA in drug operations below
- Research links to the Balkans,
Afghanistan, bin Laden.
- Hitz report released within hours of
Congressional vote to impeach Clinton .... the smoke screen.
Journal and MORE BELOW
- The Clinton / Lewinsky 'scandal' was all designed
to smoke screen the HPSCI investigation (Iran arms to Bosnia), CIA Contra drug
operations, and the Hitz report.
- Washington
- Gary Webb video, Iran Contra drug operations
- Why are the major networks ignoring all this in
the 2008 election?
- Archive
Final report of the Select Subcommittee to Investigate
the United States Role in Iranian Arms Transfers to Croatia and Bosnia
("the Iranian Green Light Subcommittee"), with minority views :
report prepared for the Committee on International Relations, U.S. House of
Representatives (1997)
- Arms
Control Wonk wonky
- Central Intelligence Retirement Committee,
John Millis speech
- John Millis "Knowledge of the
Iran-Contra Affair may also be the true cause of the essentially
unpublicized June 3, 2000 alleged "suicide" .... John Millis,
Staff Director of House Intelligence Committee.
In 1996, Millis had
investigated and uncovered the Clinton administrations’ role in
helping Iran transfer arms to Bosnian Muslims.
The suspicious nature of
the death of Millis and the lack of media coverage continued at notes.
- DrugWar
Federation of American Scientists Walsh Report, Iran-Contra continued
petition AP
- Insider
Magazine, WMR reprint, Leakgate, Plamegate
- Serbia
- Slobodan
Milosevic.org Executive Summary: FINAL REPORT OF THE SELECT
International Relations Committee - October 10, 1996 - 104th Congress; 2nd
- Totse
to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural
and Mechanical College
- Wikipedia
Mujahideen, Bosnia Muslims, arms trade, Clinton, Millis,
- Wikipedia,
the Reagan Doctrine
Go to Iran weapons to Bosnia / Afghanistan Muslim
extremists... Clinton impeachment a smoke screen to hide this.. 1998, What
did Hillary know?
Hitz Report, Iran Contra, CIA,
drugs, Washington
Post and 'official' 9-11 Commission Hitz Report reference.
- BCCI, Banque de Commerce et de
Placements in Geneva. UBS did not normally invest in small U.S.
companies, but it made an exception in this case.
- Alltel
Information Systems, formerly Systematics, Jackson Stephens
- Craig,
Sen. Larry Clinton-Approved Iranian Arms Transfers Help Turn
Bosnia into Militant Islamic Base ("Investigate the United States
Role in Iranian Arms Transfers to Croatia and Bosnia")
- Deutch, John research
connections to Stephens, banking crisis, NSA, BCCI, Arkansas .... etc
John Millis.
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, very little
info on John Millis,
- Maxwell
- New
York Times
- Pipeline
News 10 Years And Counting - Still No Exit Plan From Clinton
Created, European Al-Qaeda Base
go to
Balkans page
- Stephens
Group, Systematics file
- Systematics
- Wikipedia
BCCI funding of Abu Nidal, Marc Rich, Iraq arms trades, Clinton
pardon of Marc Rich.
- Wikipedia
Felix Rodriguez, Oliver North ties to Mena,
Arkansas, ties to Clintons.
- New
York Times Clinton Crazies, 1997, and file
and Marc Rich page copy
Clinton Neocon
- NewsMax
Dan Lasater, Clinton
- RightWeb
Elliot Abrams, Iran Contra
- SourceWatch
Scott Wheeler
- RightWeb
- 'Scooter'
Libby was Marc Rich's
attorney Wikipedia
Rich is Hans Brand, a DVD East German agent, and a Mossad double
Marc Rich, BCCI ties, Clinton pardon. Wikipedia
Marc Rich, Clinton
- Clinton
impeachment just a smoke screen to hide CIA
/ Contra drug operations, Hitz Report buried ... Below
Gary Webb video, Iran Contra drug operations cover-up
- Federation
of American Scientists House Report
104-551 (The
Iranian Green Light) "In April 1996, however, a
press report suggested that the Clinton administration had secretly
given its consent to covert arms shipments by Iran to Croatia and
Bosnia. An April 5 Los Angeles Times article by James Risen and Doyle
McManus claims that the U.S. ambassador to Croatia, Peter Galbraith,
and then- U.S. Contact Group representative, Charles Redman, responded
to an inquiry from Croatian President Tudjman about whether the U.S.
would object to the transshipment of arms through Croatia from Iran to
the government of Bosnia by saying that the U.S. had ``no position.''
According to the story, the two U.S. diplomats were acting on
instructions from National Security Advisor Anthony Lake, Deputy
Secretary of State Strobe Talbott, and President Clinton himself. The
policy was known only to a small group of State Department officials,
with Congress, the CIA and even several regional U.S. embassies kept
out of the loop. When then-CIA Director James Woolsey became aware of
the Iranian shipments, he contacted Mr. Lake and conferred with
then-White House counsel Abner Mikva. The matter was then referred to
the Intelligence Oversight Board (IOB), which began an investigation
in November 1994. In May 1995, the Clinton- appointed IOB concluded
that no US laws had been broken, despite the administration's failure
to issue a presidential finding and to notify Congress. In testimony
before the House International Relations Committee on April 23, 1996,
the basic assertions of the article were confirmed by Undersecretary
of State Peter Tarnoff."
Feb 09, February 27-March 1, 2009 -- Stanford's Latin American
operations linked to U.S."counter-narcotics"
efforts ... Although it stands accused
of laundering money for narco-interests in countries like Panama,
Colombia, and Mexico, the Stanford Financial Group of "Sir"
R. Allen Stanford is being linked by investigators to the world of
U.S. government covert and overt counter-narcotics programs in Latin
America and the Caribbean. WMR has learned from a
knowledgeable source that FAA records point to a Stanford &
Associates, Inc. address at 1329 Alum Springs Road #101 in
Fredericksburg, Virginia. The address is listed for Stanford's Learjet
(N60CE), which was exported to Germany in 2001. The same address was
used for HS 125-700A (N81QV), exported to the Cayman Islands in 2000,
Cessna 650 (N1239L), exported to Germany in 2000, Another Stanford
& Associates address is at 1661 N. Swan Road, Suite 200-6, Tucson,
Arizona for a Learjet (N613SA), exported to Germany in 2000. more
search terms: Gulf Stream G-IV, N2SA, N3SA, N1SA, N4SA, Abby
Construction, Hawker 800XP, N14SA, N10SA, Fredericksburg, Laura
Pendergest-Holt arrested, AV Craft, Zenithe Aviation, Alum Springs,
Robert F. Stanford, Heather Hills, Bryan Stoelker, Andrea Stoelker,
Oceaneering International, Inc. Judge Mark Fuller, Senator
Richard Shelby, Iceland 'special missions', Peruvian Air Force,
Bowers, Cessna, Aviation Development Corporation, Maxwell AFB, Viva
International, River Hawk Aviaiton, SEC, Eastern Caribbean Airlines
Corp, Stanford Aviation, The pattern is familiar to one informed
source who contacted WMR. The source stated: "the CIA continues
to created these false front aviation/parts corporations, infuses some
government money to get them up and running, then sells them to
another government- created entity and the CIA shaves off the excess
cash." The pattern is similar to the CIA shell companies used to
mask the agency's extraordinary rendition program that relied on
chartered aircraft. full
July 30 -August 1, 2010 -- Bush's ambassador
to eastern Caribbean protected Stanford operations
... Mary K. Ourisman, the Texas-born socialite wife
of Maryland car dealer Mandy Ourisman, helped provide diplomatic
and legal cover for jailed former Stanford International Bank
chief Allen Stanford, according to Stanford insiders who spoke
to WMR. Mary Ourisman was George W. Bush's ambassador to
Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean States, which include Antigua
and Barbuda, the headquarters for Stanford's one-time global
banking and financial services empire that collapsed in 2009
after it was discovered to be a Ponzi scheme. Stanford is in
prison in Texas and has been refused bail as a flight risk --
Stanford is also a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda. He is
scheduled to go on trial in January 2011, conveniently two
months after the congressional election in November. Stanford's
campaign contributions fell into the coffers of congressional
members of both Democrats and Republicans. more search
terms: Mary Ourisman, Antigua, Barbuda, ponzi scheme, campaign
contributions, Bush, GOP Laura Bush, St. Kitts-Nevis, St.
Vincent, Grenadines, Texas, money laundering, Lester Bird,
Baldwin Spencer, Debra-Mae Lovell, Horald Lovell, Hillary Cliton,
Charlesworth Shelley, Hewlett & Company, north London office,
Stogniew and Associates, Mexia, Anna Nicole Smith.
WayneMadsenReport |
Report Contra / CIA drugs ... & Cover-up
- Consortium
News The New York
Time's Contra-Cocaine Dilemma ... the Hitz report. Committed suicide .. L.A. Times had
never acknowledged that Webb was substantially correct in his
reporting about the Nicaraguan contras’ role in smuggling cocaine
into the United States in the 1980s.
- Online
- TruthNews
That decision by the L.A. Times – when combined with the abusive
treatment Webb received from other major news outlets and his betrayal
by his own editors at the San Jose Mercury News – had sent Webb’s
life into a downward spiral that ended with him shooting himself with
his father’s handgun. New
York Times New
York Times Consortium
News New York Times
concedes Contra CIA drug operations true ...
- DrugWar
- Insider
Magazine, WMR reprint, Leakgate, Plamegate
- Summary
- (Frederick P.)
Hitz Report implicates the Contras
and the CIA in drug operations. CIA
website, PBS,
Hitz) A Thesis Submitted
to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural
and Mechanical College and Consortium
News, DrugWar
- Connect Iran-Contra, Serbia,
Kosovo, Afghanistan, bin Laden and 9/11.
- Related articles: New
York Times New
York Times
- Research links to the Balkans,
Afghanistan, bin Laden.
- Hitz report released within hours of
Congressional vote to impeach Clinton .... the smoke screen.
- The Clinton / Lewinsky 'scandal' was all designed
to smoke screen the HPSCI investigation (Iran arms to Bosnia), CIA Contra drug
operations, and the Hitz report.
- Washington
- Gary Webb suicide
- Totse
to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural
and Mechanical College
- Wikipedia
Mujahideen, Bosnia Muslims, arms trade, Clinton, Millis,
website (not the Hitz Report)
Hitz ... The Great Game: The Myth
and Reality of Espionage &
- Maxwell Gunter Air Force Base fdg
- Washington
Post Search
Hitz Report, ... story about Death Squads, but does not mention CIA Contra
drug operations file
- .
- Clinton
impeachment just a smoke screen to hide CIA
/ Contra drug operations, Hitz Report buried ...
- Consortium
News "After 12 years of dumping on the
contra-cocaine allegations, The New York Times pulled what was once
called in Watergate days a "modified limited hang-out,"
offering a partial affirmation that the long-denigrated charges were
true after all. On July 17, the Times reported that outgoing CIA
Inspector General Frederick Hitz had discovered that the CIA knew that
about 50 contras and their backers were implicated in cocaine
smuggling. Then, without seriously examining the proof, the CIA kept
working with about two dozen of the suspected smugglers, the Times
wrote. The Times put its July 17 story about the still-secret
second volume of Hitz's contra-cocaine report on the front page under
a headline stating: "CIA Says It Used Nicaraguan Rebels Accused
of Drug Tie."
- Government Exec "Millerwise has a
strong work pedigree for the Bush administration and its loyalists:
She has been deputy communications director for the Bush-Cheney 2004
re-election campaign; Vice President Cheney's press secretary;
assistant press secretary in the Bush White House; and a regional
press coordinator for the Republican National Committee's
"Victory 2000" campaign. Millerwise has also worked for Ari
Fleischer (at the House Ways and Means Committee); for Spencer Abraham
(while he was a senator for Michigan); and for her current boss, CIA
Director Goss, when he was a member of Congress. Millerwise, who was
Rep. Goss's press secretary, became the CIA's director of public
affairs in January. "She is loyal, patriotic, and dedicated to
our mission," Goss says. "Her experience and relationships
with the media bring a unique asset to the CIA." Millerwise, 29,
is from Pinconning, Mich. She has a degree in business administration
and political science from Western Michigan University."
- Global Research "The John Millis-Porter
Goss connection -- from forthcoming book "Jaded Tasks" , by
Wayne Madsen "...John Millis, the late Executive Director of the
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) who allegedly
committed suicide on June 4, 2000, died a day after he forced the CIA
to release a controversial report dealing with cocaine trafficking.
Police in Fairfax, Virginia still refuse to reveal the contents of a
suicide note allegedly written by Millis. The magazine Insight, owned
by the right-wing Washington Times, reported in August 2000 that its
CIA sources reported Millis killed himself after his wife, Linda,
discovered he was involved in a homosexual relationship.
According to well-placed congressional sources, Millis and his boss,
HPSCI Chairman Porter Goss of Florida ... disagreed on many
fundamental intelligence issues. On May 11, a few weeks prior to
his death, Millis authored a report on the CIA alleged links to
cocaine smuggling ... some informed observers believe that Millis may
have actually written a different version of the report that was more
critical of the CIA involvement in drug trafficking and that he may
have been silenced because he knew too much. Former White House
counsel and Clinton confidant Charles Ruff was reportedly briefed on
HPSCI findings by Millis. Ruff died on November 20, 2000. His body was
found outside a shower in his home by his wife. HPSCI ranking
member Representative Julian Dixon, who was also briefed on the HPSCI
cocaine report, died suddenly from a heart attack on December 8, 2000,
a few weeks after Ruff death."
- Scoop
"Prof. Peter Dale Scott also wrote a response to the HPSCI
report, in which he wrote “this latest deception cannot be written
off as an academic or historical matter. The CIA’s practice of
recruiting drug-financed armies is an on-going matter.” Scott,
a Professor Emeritus at Berkeley campus, University of California,
prolific author, and a former Canadian diplomat from 1957 to 1961, has
spent years studying and reporting on drug-trafficking connections of
the CIA and other US government agencies. Knowing that the HPSCI
report is full of lies and misrepresentations, Scott is at a loss as
to how this report could have been authorized for release by the
Committee, and voiced serious concerns about the staff of the HPSCI.
“Well, they were headed by this guy who just committed suicide,
(Chief of Staff John Millis), who not only was ex-CIA, he’d actually
been working with Gulbuddin Hekmatyer in Afghanistan, (as part of CIA
covert operations assisting in the fight against the Soviets in the
late 70s and early 80s, while Hekmatyar moved tons of opium and
smack). He may not have known about the Contra-drug connections, but
he certainly knew about some CIA-drugs ties. I don’t think it was an
accident that they picked someone from that area to sit over the staff
either. I mean, this was one of the most sensitive political threats
that the CIA had ever faced.” John Millis, a 19-year veteran of the
CIA, was found dead of “suicide” in a dingy hotel room in Vienna,
Virginia, just outside of Washington, DC, June 3, 2000, less than a
month after the release of the HPSCI report."