9/11 Truth, JFK assassination, Holocaust revision & ISIS interactive spreadsheet |
Evidence that Brennan is a Wahhabist convertBrennan's financial ties to the Rothschilds exposed Central Intelligence Agency director John O. Brennan, whose stewardship of both the CIA and the National Security Council during the Obama presidency has done more to ensure the spread of the Islamic State and the success of Israeli expansionism than any other single administration figure, has extensive financial ties to the Rothschild financial empire, according to Brennan's financial disclosure statement from 2014. MORE British GCHQ uses Tavistock mass mind control techniques in cyberspace |
How Zionism helped create the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and .... Timely book on Saudi/CIA backing of Al Qaeda Former U.S. consular officer in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Mike Springmann could not have been more timely with his new book,"Visas for Al Qaeda: CIA Handouts that Rocked the World." As demands grow for the Obama administration to release the 28 missing pages from the Senate Intelligence Committee's report on 9/11 intelligence failures, Springmann's book serves as a unique preface and epilogue to the Senate report. In fact, Springmann's description of the pipeline that provided U.S. visas to Saudi and other Wahhabist radicals provides for the reader what is, according to intelligence insiders, identified as a key finding in the "missing" 28 pages. |
WMR Brennan's financial ties to Rothschilds exposed |
Central Intelligence Agency director John O. Brennan, whose stewardship of both the CIA and the National Security Council during the Obama presidency has done more to ensure the spread of the Islamic State and the success of Israeli expansionism than any other single administration figure, has extensive financial ties to the Rothschild financial empire, according to Brennan's financial disclosure statement from 2014.
King Fahd's death opens up sensitive time for Saudi Arabia. The ascension of Abdullah to King of Saudi Arabia will touch off in fighting between factions of the Saudi Royal Family, according to long time observers of Saudi politics and business. A fracture between the "Sudairi Seven" (which includes Prince Bandar) and the pro-Abdullah factions within Saudi Arabia could put U.S. troops in Iraq in further jeopardy. Most of the insurgents coming to Iraq are entering from Saudi Arabia. A further breakdown in Saudi security will result in more Islamist radicals pouring across the long and virtually unguarded Iraqi-Saudi border. |
WMR August 11-12, 2015 -- Growing evidence that CIA's John Brennan is a Wahhabist convert |
The tell-tale signs were always there. When John Owen Brennan, who had served as Barack Obama's deputy national security adviser was sworn in to head the Central Intelligence Agency, the Jesuit-educated former CIA officer opted to take the oath on a copy of the U.S. Constitution, not on the bible as every past CIA director, Christian and Jewish, had done. Brennan is also the highest-ranking U.S. official to have ever visited the Islamic holy city of Mecca, a privilege reserved only for pious Muslims and special guests of the Saudi King, who also serves as the "Guardian of the Two Shrines of Mecca and Medina." Brennan served as the CIA's station chief in Riyadh in the mid-1990s and in 1999, he worked himself up to the position of chief of staff to CIA director George Tenet. Obama wanted to appoint Brennan CIA director in 2009, but there was internal CIA and congressional opposition to his nomination. The reasons for the nomination were said to be Brennan's involvement in "enhanced interrogation" techniques used against detainees after 9/11, but the actual reasons for the initial opposition remains unclear to this day. However, when the Senate voted to confirm Brennan in 2013, 34 senators voted no. They included Rand Paul (R-KY), who attempted to filibuster the confirmation vote; Ted Cruz (R-TX); Charles Grassley (R-IA); Patrick Leahy (D-VT); Mike Lee (R-UT); Jeff Merkley (D-OR); Bernie Sanders (D-VT); and Richard Shelby (R-AL). Barbara Boxer (D-CA) did not vote. What did these senators actually know about Brennan, especially the Democrats, who decided Brennan was not fir for the job? It is known that Brennan, both at the National Security Council and at the CIA, has forbid the use of the term "jihadist" to describe Islamist terrorists. He prefers the term "extremists." There is now ample evidence to suggest that Brennan himself converted to Wahhabist Islam and considers himself a "jihadist," or "holy warrior." The recent revelation by retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), that the Obama administration, including Brennan at the CIA, ignored the threat of the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), provides yet further proof that a Saudi and Wahhabist "Manchurian Candidate" now occupies the director's chair on the seventh floor of the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Flynn said that the White House and supporters of the Syrian rebellion against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, ignored the DIA's SECRET report from August 2012on the rise of the Islamist caliphate in Syria and Iraq and did nothing to stop it. Flynn made his accusations to Al Jazeera, which attempted to throw cold water on Flynn's notion that the U.S. was responsible for the rise of ISIL and disputed Flynn's statement that it was the U.S. that funneled arms to Salafists, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Al Qaeda in Iraq. Al Jazeera, funded by the Qatar government, has hired a number of Muslim Brotherhood members for its news crews and editorial staffs. Brennan has shuttled frequently between Langley, Jerusalem, and Riyadh to coordinate arms transfers and other logistical support to ISIL and their allied fighters in Syria and Iraq. WMR has frequently reported on witnesses in Syria, the Golan Heights, Iraq's Anbar province, and Iraqi Kurdistan to have seen CIA and Israeli Mossad commandos transferring weapons to ISIL and affiliated forces. A few weeks before the Senate voted to confirm Brennan as CIA director, former FBI agent John Guandolo revealed that Brennan had, indeed, converted to Wahhabist Islam while he was CIA station chief in Riyadh. Guandalo quoted Brennan as having said that he "marveled at the majesty of the Hajj." The Hajj is the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca and is reserved only for devout Muslims. Guandalo was quoted as telling a radio interviewer, "Mr. Brennan did convert to Islam when he served in an official capacity on the behalf of the United States in Saudi Arabia." A website that is known to be financed by the CIA and George Soros, Snopes.com, attacked the notion that Brennan is a Wahhabist and ignored the controversy completely. The similarly CIA- and Soros-influenced Wikipedia completely ignored the controversy. One of Brennan's chief lieutenants at the CIA, the agency's chief of the Counter-Terrorism Center (CTC), known only as "Roger," did convert to Sunni Islam. This fact was reported by The Washington Post. "Roger's" career at the CIA started about the same time that Brennan joined the agency. "Roger, " whose real name is Michael A. D'Andrea or "Mike", joined in 1979, Brennan in 1980. Both became fluent in Arabic. D'Andrea's CIA nickname was "The Wolf." During the Cold War, the CIS funded the establishment of a Muslim Brotherhood operating cell in Munich called the Munich Islamic Center. The center recruited Turkish Muslim CIA operatives from Germany's Turkish "guest worker" community. These Turks were also ardent pan-Turkic nationalists whose symbol is the wolf. The Grey Wolves of Turkey, a right-wing group, were behind the 1981 attempt to assassinate Pope John Paul II in Vatican City in a false flag operation designed to blame the Soviet Union and Bulgaria for the attack. One of the Munich Center's chief CIA operatives was Muhammad Abdel Karim Grimm, a German Christian convert to Salafist Islam. Another convert to Islam who rose in the ranks of the CIA is Andrew Warren. In 2008, Warren, the CIA's station chief in Algiers, was ordered home by the ambassador after he was charged with drugging two Algerian Muslim women, having non-consensual sex with them, and filming the alleged rapes. Before 9/11, Warren, who speaks six Arabic dialects and Persian, left the CIA and took a job with Citigroup in New York but quickly returned to the CIA after the attack. In 2010, Warren received a 65-month prison sentence for "abusive sexual conduct" while in Algeirs and unlawful use of cocaine while possessing a firearm in Norfolk. He pleaded guilty to the two charges but prosecutors decided not to charge Warren with rape, which would have carried a life sentence. The sentence was two more years than requested by federal prosecutors. WMR learned from a well-placed U.S. intelligence source that Rolling Stone journalist Michael Hastings was working on a story about Warren and Brennan before he died in a suspicious fiery auto crash in Beverly Hills, California in June 2013, a little over three months after Brennan became CIA director. The perennially-suspect Wikipedia incorrectly lists Warren's religion as "Christian." More misinformation from self-proclaimed Zionist Jimmy Wales's Wikipedia. The cesspit of disinformation should become known as the "Great Zionist Encyclopedia," in the same mold as the former "Great Soviet Encyclopedia." What is alarming that is while President Obama is trying to get congressional approval for the P5+1 nuclear pact with Iran, a pro-Saudi Wahhabist cell within the CIA that is working with Israel's powerful lobby in Washington, could not only be trying to sabotage the Iran deal but are working together to provide U.S. military and other aid to ISIL. |
WMR Brennan claims ISIL is retreating when his actions have it on offensive |
March 12-24, 2015 -- Brennan claims ISIL is retreating when his actions have it on offensive Central Intelligence Agency director John Brennan allowed Fox News cameras into the spy agency's Langley, Virginia headquarters to proclaim that the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), referring to the group not using the White House's and State and Defense Department's preferred nomenclature of ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), is "no longer on the march." That will come as news to Kurds, Yazidis, Assyrians, Turkmen and others in northeastern Syria and northern Iraq who continue to battle the jihadist group as it continues to destroy ancient antiquities, churches, Shi'a shrines and mosques, and historical sites protected by UNESCO. Brennan's use of Fox, which can hardly be described as a legitimate news organization, to parlay his false propaganda that ISIL is on the ropes is fitting as the network fends off charges that its top rated performer, Bill O'Reilly, made up stories from whole cloth about his covering the British-Argentine war for the Falkland Islands, the murder of American nuns in El Salvador, and the British-Irish turmoil in Northern Ireland. While Brennan was advancing the false notion that ISIL's defeat was imminent, the Yemeni media reported that the CIA and its Saudi and Gulf allies were stepping up their clandestine assistance to ISIL and Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula guerrillas fighting Shi'a Houthi rebels who have seized control of Sana'a and Taiz in North Yemen and have attempted to sideline Hirak forces in South Yemen attempting to restore the independence of South Yemen from the failed unitary state of Yemen. Brennan, wrongly believes that Yemen can continue to exist as a single state if he and his friends in Riyadh and Doha continue to back the Yemeni president Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, who fled Sana'a and believes he can rule from Aden, a city where southern independence restorationists rule the day. Meanwhile, ISIL guerrillas are using Libya to conduct terrorist attacks in neighboring Tunisia with the tacit support of the Saudis, Qataris, and Libyan rebels factions financed by Langley. However, it is not just in the Middle East and North Africa where "Jihadi John" Brennan is providing material, propaganda, and material support to ISIL. Brennan, by backing an attempted coup d'etat resulting from a George Soros-initiated "themed revolution" in Macedonia, has unleashed Islamist forces that intend to spread their brand of violence throughout the Balkans and, indeed, like the Ottoman Turks before them, to the very gates of Vienna. The intelligence services of the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, which are seconded by Western mercenaries, have been active in Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia, and other states of the former Yugoslavia stoking up turmoil among the Albanian population. This has included overseeing their migration from the financially-failed "independent" state of Kosovo to Serbia's Vojvodina province, Serbia itself, and Macedonia where they arrive with Serbian passports issued before Kosovo's independence in 2008, Kosovo passports, or altered Serbian passports stolen from the government in Belgrade. The CIA operations to salt Albanian "jihadists" throughout the Balkans has the quiet support of the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahayan, who is able to rely on elements within the Serbian intelligence service (Bezbednoso Informativna Agencija) and Blackwater founder Erik Prince, who now runs his Reflex Responses (R2) mercenary operations from Abu Dhabi, to support the outflow of Albanians from Kosovo to neighboring countries. Brennan is also using the U.S. military base at Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo to provide CIA logistical support for renewed insurgency operations of the Kosovo Liberation Army (UCK) in Macedonia and the predominantly Muslim Sandjak province of Serbia. In 2001, seventeen U.S. mercenaries working for the firm Military Professional Resources Inc. (MPRI) assisted Albanian National Liberation Army (NLA) guerrillas in Macedonia in fighting against Macedonian security forces in the Battle of Aricinovo. NATO forces eventually evacuated the MPRI personnel along with their NLA allies. The NLA is an ally of the UCK, the former head of which, Hashim Thaci, was the prime minister and is now the foreign minister of Kosovo. At the time of MPRI's actions in Macedonia, the U.S. State Department concluded there were some 6000 Al Qaeda members and sympathizers, including many members of the UCK and NLA, active in Macedonia. Brennan touted Wahhabist line on Iran and Yemen on Fox News Sunday. Is he, as a former FBI agent revealed, a traitor to the United States? All indications say "yes." MPRI was under contract to the State Department to "train and equip" the Macedonian army. However, MPRI's point man in Macedonia, retired U.S. Army general Richard Griffiths was discovered to have passed on to UCK and NLA guerrillas classified information on what the Macedonian government knew about their activities that he obtained from Macedonian armed forces chief of the staff General Jovan Andrejevski. In reaction, Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski, a member of the VMRO-DPMNE, Gruevksi's party, canceled the MPRI contract. Trajkovski was killed in a suspicious plane crash on February 26, 2004, near Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Reports at the time statedthat a suspected blast occurred on board shortly before the crashed Macedonian presidential plane was lost from radar screens. On July 10, 2009, WMR reported that a suspicious Israeli "art student"cased the offices of an investigator of the plane crash. WMR reported"an independent firm hired to investigate the crash was not able to conduct its investigation because its private investigator received death threats if he went to the Balkans to conduct his probe. In addition, a young Israeli male 'art student' showed up selling art sketches at the U.S. offices of the investigation firm. The Israeli arrogantly entered three office rooms in the facility without invitation. When asked by office workers what he was doing, he abruptly left. No other offices in the vicinity received a visit from the art student. It was later discovered that the office's surveillance camera had been disabled by an intruder." Many Macedonian officials were opposed to allowing the United States to investigate the crash of the Beechcraft King Air 200 and there was confusion about who had access to the two "black boxes" on board Trajkovski's plane. NATO troops stationed in Bosnia were the first to arrive at the crash scene. After the crash, U.S. ambassador to Macedonia Lawrence Butler quickly met with Prime Minister Branko Crvenkovski, who is seen as the hidden hand behind the recent attempt to stage a coup against Gruevski. Crvenkovski is one of Soros's chief agents of influence in Macedonia, along with Zaev. Doha-based Al Jazeera, which reflects not only the Muslim Brotherhood attitudes of Qatar's royal family but also the MI-6 views of the network's former British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Arabic Service staff, has been advancing the notion that Macedonia's government was caught spying on 20,000 Macedonian citizens, including the opposition. This is not the first time that Al Jazeera has been discovered echoing the CIA's propaganda line -- they have also done so in their coverage of Syria, Libya, Yemen, and Egypt. Al Jazeera and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and National Endowment for Democracy propagandists have worked with Soros-financed news organizations in Macedonia to advance the anti-government agenda. These Soros organizations include the daily newspapers "Morning," "Free Press," and "West," as well as Plusinfo, A1On, Libertas, Mactan, Policy Analysis, News, Evidence, Centarnjuz, Time, New TV, Pane, and Focus. The Macedonian government continues to reel from an attempt by the U.S.- and Soros-backed Social Democratic opposition to implicate the VMRO-DPMNE government in a major wiretapping scandal. It turns out that intercepted communications of key Macedonian government officials, including the prime minister and interior minister, were provided to the Macedonian opposition by a "foreign intelligence service," later discovered to be the CIA. The wiretapped conversations were said to have contained "proof" of criminal activity on the part of Gruevski and his senior government ministers and advisers. This entire operation, was, in fact, part of an attempt to oust Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski who has supported Russia's Balkan Stream pipeline from Russia and Turkey to Hungary and Austria. So far, the Gruevski government has withstood the attempts by Social Democratic opposition leader Zoran Zaev to stir up the large Albanian minority in Macedonia and their political leaders, most of whom remain supportive of Gruevski's government. However, a crucial date is approaching, April 12, the third anniversary of the massacre of five Macedonian men who were fishing on Lake Zhelezarsko, near the Macedonian capital of Skopje. It is believed that the murders of the Macedonian men were carried out by UCK/NLA to stoke calls for a "Greater Albania" that would include majority Albanian districts of Macedonia. For eastern Orthodox Macedonians, April 12 carries with it the specter of rising Albanian nationalism. Brennan's CIA sees the Albanians in Macedonia as a valuable "Fifth Column" to bring down the present government in Skopje and ensure that the Russian Balkan Stream pipeline is dead-on-arrival. UCK/NLA propagandists have issued several warnings to Skopje, including a warning to "the pro-Serbian government of Nikola Gruevski that it must withdraw from the occupied Albanian territories, otherwise there will be attacks on the Slav-Macedonian police and military structures." UCK/NLA guerrillas use the Albanian village of Tanusevci, located in Macedonia near the Kosovo border, as a center for their destabilization operations directed against the government in Skopje. One of the UCK's top commanders, Xhavit Hasani, hails from Tanusevci. The village is a center for UCK/NLA-run drug, weapons, and cigarette smuggling. According to former FBI agent John Guandolo, the Jesuit-educated Brennan secretly converted to Wahhabi Islam while he served as CIA station chief in Riyadh in the 1990s. In February 2013, Guandolo stated, "Mr. Brennan did convert to Islam when he served in an official capacity on the behalf of the United States in Saudi Arabia." Guandolo also said Brennan's life "was interwoven with individuals that were labeled as terrorists" and that Brennan has spoken in positive terms of "jihad" or Islamic holy war. While Guandolo represents an extreme right-wing and anti-Barack Obama point of view, his message about Brennan's commitment to radical Islam appears to carry weight in view of the CIA director's direct support for ISIL in Yemen and Libya and its would-be allies in the Balkans. Guandolo has called Brennan a traitor. Based on our view of Brennan's activities, WMR would have to agree. |
WMR Mystery U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia raises suspicions |
June 20, 2007 -- Mystery U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia raises suspicions WMR has been told by informed sources that there is plenty of suspicions concerning the Bush administration's new ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Ford M. Fraker. As the BAE Systems bribery scandal continues to circle around top Saudi officials, including the last two Saudi ambassadors to Washington, Princes Bandar and Turki bin Faisal, the Tony Blair government, and possibly, Bush administration officials aware of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations by BAE Systems, a major Pentagon contractor but failing to take action, the selection of Fraker, who has spent much of his career in London, the focal point of the BAE scandal, has taken on greater significance. There is a widespread suspicion in the U.S. State Department and intelligence community that Fraker, a fluent Arabic speaker, is in Riyadh as a "clean up man" to stifle an expanding investigation of BAE and its "payments" to Saudi officials and also possibly to assist in covering up Saudi financing of terrorist groups, including Al Qaeda. Saudi Arabia's new ambassador in Washington is the suave Adel Al Jubeir, the Saudi embassy's information officr during the time of the 9/11 attacks. Fraker was confirmed by a compliant and unquestioning Democratic U.S. Senate on March 29, 2007, and sworn in as ambassador on April 11, 2007. Fraker had been serving as the Chairman of Trinity Group, Ltd., a private investment banking firm in London. From 1972 to 1979, Fraker served as a representative for Chemical Bank in the Middle East, specifically, in Lebanon, and the then-newly independent United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. Bush's new ambassador to Saudi Arabia once worked for -- Saudi Arabia. Conflict of interests? Not for Team Bush. From 1979 to 1991, Fraker worked for the London-based Saudi Investment Bank (SIB), a J P Moran affiliate, and eventually was promoted to the bank's Management Committee. This was at the same time that Saudi Arabia was providing funding for the Afghan Mujaheddin, most notably the unit led by Saudi citizen Osama Bin Laden, which later became known as "Al Qaeda." In 1991, Fraker founded Fraker & Co. and in 1993, he joined MeesPierson Investment Finance as Managing Director. MeesPierson is also headquartered in London. Fraker also served as Managing Director of Flagship Ventures, a Cambridge, Massachusetts investment firm and a consultant for Intercontinental Real Estate Corporation in Boston. The firm is referred to as "International Real Estate Corporation" on the web site of the U.S. embassy in Riyadh. One of the firm's advisory board members is Rana el-Essa, the Assistant Deputy Director for Investment Accounting & Treasury at the Kuwait Fund for Arabic Development. Another is Thomas P. O'Neill III, former Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts and son of the late House Speaker "Tip" O'Neill. and... Informed Saudi sources report that Saudi Arabia's official policy banning alcohol pursuant to the strict Wahhabi Muslim policies of the government and clergy has a major caveat. If you wish to have alcohol delivered to your home in Saudi Arabia for domestic consumption, you can do so. Special import routes and distribution networks exist to deliver the alcohol but at a tremendous markup. For example, a liter of Scotch whisky costs $150. And who benefits from this monopoly? The group that handles it exclusively -- members of the ruling House of Saud.
The House of Saud + Johnnie Walker = $150 per liter, home delivered Scotch in Riyadh and Jeddah. So it appears that the Sauds have created a religious predicate for their prohibitionist policy in order to ensure their market supply, demand, and commodity profits. Al Capone could not come up with a better ruse.
and... NSA works with India, Saudi Arabia, Japan to install new SIGINT systems and... Timely book on Saudi/CIA backing of Al Qaeda "Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, alleged mastermind behind those events, had fought in Afghanistan (after studying in the United States) and then went on to the Bosnian war in 1992. In addition, two more of the September 11, 2001, hijackers, Khalid al-Mihdhar ................................................. WMR April 16-17, 2009 -- UPDATE 1X. Obama mulling disclosure of CIA torture documents while his terrorism adviser was involved with the torture policyPresident Obama has placed himself in a particularly sticky situation with regard to his deciding whether to authorize the disclosure of Bush era Justice Department documents on the CIA's controversial interrogation tactics. Obama's deputy national security and chief counter-terrorism adviser is John O. Brennan who withdrew his name as a candidate for CIA director after questions were raised about his role in carrying out and crafting the CIA's interrogation and rendition policies after 9/11. Brennan was the chief of staff to CIA Director George Tenet from 1999 to 2001 and was the chief of the CIA's National Counterterrorism Center from 2004 to 2005. In 2005, Brennan left the CIA to head The Analysis Corporation, owned by Global Strategies of London, and based in McLean, Virginia. Obama is currently considering whether or not to release Justice Department memos from the Bush administration that detail the techniques used by the CIA to interrogate, many would describe the practices as torture, detainees following 9/11. The tactics include smashing a prisoner's head against the wall, as well as waterboarding. The CIA is known to oppose releasing details on their interrogation tactics that are contained in three Justice Department memos from 2005, the year that Brennan left the CIA's Counterterrorism Center. A possible "red herring" has been floated that White House chief counsel Greg Craig and Attorney General Eric Holder are pushing for full disclosure of the memos but this may be window dressing to give the appearance that Obama considered all viewpoints but ultimately decided to heed his intelligence advisers, including Brennan, National Security Adviser Jim Jones, Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair, and CIA director Leon Panetta, and withhold the Justice memos on torture in total or in part. But Obama may have another reason to fear alienating Brennan and his old colleagues at Langley. Brennan's firm, The Analysis Corporation, was one of two State Department contractors involved in the rifling of Obama's State Department Bureau of Consular Affairs passport file on March 14, 2008. Obama's file was also looked at by contractors on January 9 and February 21, 2008. There were some reports that Obama's file had been first examined by unauthorized parties as early as the summer of 2007. The other contractor involved in the breach was Stanley Corporation of Arlington, Virginia. The Analysis Corporation admitted that one of its employees was involved in the passport file breach but stated: "This individual's actions were taken without the knowledge or direction of anyone at The Analysis Corp. and are wholly inconsistent with our professional and ethical standards." Brennan was the head of The Analysis Corporation at the time of the passport file breach by one of its State Department employees. The file on Obama contained scans of passport applications, date and place of birth, passport renewal information, court orders, arrest warrants, information on parents and their marriages, including to foreign nationals as is Obama's case, and more interestingly, citizenship information. Brennan happens to head up one of two companies identified in the perusal of Obama's passport file. Brennan is then considered by Obama for National Intelligence or CIA director but Brennan withdraws over his involvement in the Bush administration's torture policy. Then, Obama appoints Brennan deputy national security adviser holding the counter-terrorism portfolio. Brennan then leans on Obama to withhold significant portions of the Justice Department memos on the very policy Brennan helped to create and carry out. Might have Brennan's employee at State discovered something of interest in Obama's passport file that would give Brennan effective veto authority over Obama on decisions affecting the CIA? Of course, blackmail has never been a tactic found in the CIA's ample bag of dirty tricks. One interesting footnote: At the time of the passport file breach, Obama's spokesman Bill Burton, speaking for the Obama campaign, voiced the feeling that political dirty tricks were at play. If Obama felt that way, why did he then turn around and want to put in charge of the CIA or DNI the very person who headed the company that employed the person who had rifled through his passport file and the person who is now pressuring him to hold back on releasing Justice Department torture memos? More interesting, why was the head of The Analysis Corporation kept on as a chief campaign adviser to Obama while one of his employees was peering at the presidential candidate's passport file? Although Stanley fired its two employees who breached the passport files of Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John McCain, The Analysis Corporation employee was conveniently suspended but retained pursuant to a special request from the State Department until a full investigation could be completed. ............................................................................................ WMR March 6-8, 2015 -- ISIL's Chechen leadership pushing pan-Turania
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant's (ISIL) Chechen military leadership has its own agenda apart from that of the takfiri jihadists who have joined ISIL's ranks to wage holy war on anyone who does not submit to the group's self-proclaimed caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Under John Brennan, the Central Intelligence Agency has made common cause with ISIL's "Chechen Legion," as it is known, to provide not only military muscle for ISIL against the Syrian government of President Bashar al Assad but also to assist the mercenary battalions of Ukrainian-Israeli oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky against the Russian-speaking separatist governments of Lugansk and Donetsk in eastern Ukraine. The links between ISIL's Chechen Legion and Kolomoisky's Dzhokhar Dudayev Battalion are clear. The leader of the Dudayev Battalion, Adam Osmayev, was arrested by Ukrainian special forces in Odessa in February 2012 for trying to assassinate Vladimir Putin. Osmayev traveled to Ukraine from the United Arab Emirates and through Turkey on a bogus passport supplied by the CIA. Osmayev, who graduated from an elite English boarding school in the Cotswolds, was part of the Islamic Emirate of the Caucasus army led by Chechen terrorist Doku Umarov, who is wanted by Russia for a series of deadly terrorist attacks in the country. Osmayev, who was jailed by the Ukrainian government for the attempted assassination of Putin, was released by the fascist-Zionist putschist regime in a deal said to be worked out between the Ukrainian SBU security service and the CIA. The quid pro quo was that Osmayev would rally Chechen exiles from Britain, Denmark, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar to fight against the Russian in eastern Ukraine and Assad in Syria. The CIA's stations in Copenhagen, London, and Istanbul have been active in maintaining close liaison with the Chechen exile communities and their recruiting arms for battle in Ukraine, Syria, and Iraq. Osmayev is now the number one suspect in hiring the contract assassins who killed Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov in Moscow. The operation, which was known to Osmayev's CIA handlers, was to embarrass Putin and put further political pressure on him in the hopes that "regime change" would follow in Russia. With the evidence linking Nemtsov's assassination to Osmayev, Kiev, and the CIA, the plan has badly backfired on Langley. Even some congressional Republicans, including Representative Dana Rohrabacher of California, are now questioning whether it is wise for the Pentagon to arm a Ukrainian army rife with mercenaries and terrorist elements like Osmayev's Chechen Legion and Dudayev Battalion. Osmayev after his capture in Odessa in 2012 [left]. Osmayev's laptop contained footage of Putin's motorcade in Moscow [right]. Osmayev has stated that he wants to be the president of a future independent Chechnya. Herein lies the main reason why Osmayev and his Chechen Legion are receiving support from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. The Turks see the Chechen Legion as the vanguard for a future pan-Turanian empire encompassing not only Turkey but also Chechnya, Azerbaijan, the rest of the Caucasus, and stretching all the way to Chinese Turkestan. The Saudis and Qataris see the Chechens as a destabilization army that can help lead jihadist forces to overthrow the secular governments of the former Soviet republics of central Asia and open these countries up to Islamic regimes. In either case, Brennan has ordered the CIA to cooperate with the Chechen Legion and the Dudayev Battalion, whether they are found on the battlefields of the Donbass in eastern Ukraine or leading jihadist recruits in Syria and Iraq. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and other neo-conservatives inside the Obama administration tacitly support Saudi and Turkish assistance to ISIL to prevent Iran's armed forces from assisting the Iraqi Shi'a-dominated government from seizing Iraqi territory currently held by Iraq. The Iraqi government has discovered British aircraft delivering weapons to ISIL guerrillas in the country, the U.S. airdropping weapons to ISIL in Anbar province and Iraqi Kurdistan, and Israeli Defense Force commandos providing weapons to ISIL in western Iraq. Turkey and Israel have also directly provided ISIL weapons in Syria. Iran's armed forces, along with Iraqi forces, are currently battling ISIL for control of Tikrit, the birthplace of Saddam Hussein. Although the Obama administration claims it is supporting Baghdad against ISIL, the CIA is providing weapons and assistance to the group through the Chechen Legionnaires. Recently, a leader of the Chechen militant cell in Istanbul, Kaim Saduev, died after eating some wild garlic sent from Chechnya. The Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation (İHH), the same group that sponsored the Mavi Marmara aid flotilla to Gaza that was attacked by Israeli forces, claims that the Russian security service carried out the hit on Saduev just as it claimed that the Russians assassinated Medet Unlu, the honorary counsel in Ankara of the "Chechen Republic of Ichkeria," the self-proclaimed Chechen independent state, in May 2012. There is also evidence that the CIA has facilitated the recruitment in Istanbul of Uzbeks, Ingush, and Tatars for the Chechen Legion. At any rate, Istanbul has not only become a chief recruitment center for the Chechen Legion but it has also served as a way station for jihadist recruits on their way to join ISIL, Al Qaeda, Jabhat al-Nusra, Khorasan Group, and "Free Syrian Army" ranks in Syria and Iraq. The Chechen Legion is also active in fomenting dissent in Russia's Dagestan republic, which neighbors Chechnya. Tamerlan Tsarnaev, accused of carrying out the Boston Marathon bombing along with his brother Dzokhar Tsarnaev (named after the first Chechen Republic president, Dzhokhar Dudayev for whom the Dudayev Battalion is also named), served as a liaison between CIA fronts like the Caucasus Fund of Georgia and Dagestan radical imam Abu Dudzhan, killed in a fight with Russian security in 2012. Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed in a shootout with Boston police after the marathon bombing and his brother is currently on trial for the attack. Chinese intelligence is also aware that Chechen Legionnaires have been meeting with exiled Uighurs from Chinese Turkestan in Istanbul and Ankara. The Chinese have worked with the Russians to identify the Chechen support networks for the Uighurs and the CIA's fingerprints on the operations. A 1941 Turkish map of pan-Turania. The current Turkish government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan is supporting the Chechen Legion that currently directs ISIL's military operations in Syria and Iraq. Although neo-Nazis from Sweden, Poland, and Germany have volunteered to fight for the Kiev regime as part of Kolomoisky's Azov Battalion, Spanish volunteers who have joined the Russian-speaking rebels in Donbass have been arrested by the Spanish authorities. The Spanish volunteers for the Donbass have made common cause with the Donbass separatists because the Chechen Legionnaires and their Turkish pan-Turanian interlocutors have targeted Spain's Andalusia province as a future part of a restored pan-Turkic state which will include lands formerly held by Muslim conquerors, including southern Spain. Greek volunteers have joined the Donbass forces for the same reason: the Chechens spearhead a force that intends to subjugate a large portion of Greece under a pan-Turkic Muslim state. ISIL and Kiev are twin products of Brennan's CIA and, once again, Langley has shown its ability to work against the interests of the American people in far-flung parts of the world.
Mondoweiss How Zionism helped create the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia |
http://mondoweiss.net/2016/01/zionism-kingdom-arabia/ In late 2014, according to the American journal, “Foreign Affairs”, the Saudi petroleum Minister, Ali al-Naimi is reported to have said “His Majesty King Abdullah has always been a model for good relations between Saudi Arabia and other states and the Jewish state is no exception.” Recently, Abdullah’s successor, King Salman expressed similar concerns to those of Israel’s to the growing agreement between the United States and Iran over the latter’s nuclear programme. This led some to report that Israel and KSA presented a “united front” in their opposition to the nuclear deal. This was not the first time the Zionists and Saudis have found themselves in the same corner in dealing with a perceived common foe. In North Yemen in the 1960’s, the Saudis were financing a British imperialist led mercenary army campaign against revolutionary republicans who had assumed authority after overthrowing the authoritarian, Imam. Gamal Abdul-Nasser’s Egypt militarily backed the republicans, while the British induced the Saudis to finance and arm the remaining remnants of the Imam’s supporters. Furthermore, the British organised the Israelis to drop arms for the British proxies in North Yemen, 14 times. The British, in effect, militarily but covertly, brought the Zionists and Saudis together in 1960’s North Yemen against their common foe. However, one must go back to the 1920’s to fully appreciate the origins of this informal and indirect alliance between Saudi Arabia and the Zionist entity. The defeat of the Ottoman Empire by British imperialism in World War One, left three distinct authorities in the Arabian peninsula: Sharif of Hijaz: Hussain bin Ali of Hijaz (in the west), Ibn Rashid of Ha’il (in the north) and Emir Ibn Saud of Najd (in the east) and his religiously fanatical followers, the Wahhabis. Ibn Saud had entered the war early in January 1915 on the side of the British, but was quickly defeated and his British handler, William Shakespear was killed by the Ottoman Empire’s ally Ibn Rashid. This defeat greatly hampered Ibn Saud’s utility to the Empire and left him militarily hamstrung for a year.[1] The Sharif contributed the most to the Ottoman Empire’s defeat by switching allegiances and leading the so-called ‘Arab Revolt’ in June 1916 which removed the Turkish presence from Arabia. He was convinced to totally alter his position because the British had strongly led him to believe, via correspondence with Henry McMahon, the British High Commissioner in Egypt, that a unified Arab country from Gaza to the Persian Gulf will be established with the defeat of the Turks. The letters exchanged between Sharif Hussain and Henry McMahon are known as the McMahon-Hussain Correspondence. Understandably, the Sharif as soon as the war ended wanted to hold the British to their war time promises, or what he perceived to be their war time promises, as expressed in the aforementioned correspondence. The British, on the other hand, wanted the Sharif to accept the Empire’s new reality which was a division of the Arab world between them and the French (Sykes-Picot agreement) and the implementation of the Balfour Declaration, which guaranteed ‘a national for the Jewish people’ in Palestine by colonisation with European Jews. This new reality was contained in the British written, Anglo-Hijaz Treaty, which the Sharif was profoundly averse to signing.[2] After all, the revolt of 1916 against the Turks was dubbed the ‘Arab Revolt’ not the ‘Hijazi Revolt’. Actually, the Sharif let it be known that he will never sell out Palestine to the Empire’s Balfour Declaration; he will never acquiescence to the establishment of Zionism in Palestine or accept the new random borders drawn across Arabia by British and French imperialists. For their part the British began referring to him as an ‘obstructionist’, a ‘nuisance’ and of having a ‘recalcitrant’ attitude. The British let it be known to the Sharif that they were prepared to take drastic measures to bring about his approval of the new reality regardless of the service that he had rendered them during the War. After the Cairo Conference in March 1921, where the new Colonial Secretary Winston Churchill met with all the British operatives in the Middle East, T.E. Lawrence (i.e. of Arabia) was dispatched to meet the Sharif to bribe and bully him to accept Britain’s Zionist colonial project in Palestine. Initially, Lawrence and the Empire offered 80,000 rupees.[3] The Sharif rejected it outright. Lawrence then offered him an annual payment of £100,000.[4] The Sharif refused to compromise and sell Palestine to British Zionism. When financial bribery failed to persuade the Sharif, Lawrence threatened him with an Ibn Saud takeover. Lawrence claimed that “politically and militarily, the survival of Hijaz as a viable independent Hashemite kingdom was wholly dependent on the political will of Britain, who had the means to protect and maintain his rule in the region.” [5] In between negotiating with the Sharif, Lawrence made the time to visit other leaders in the Arabian peninsula and informed them that they if they don’t tow the British line and avoid entering into an alliance with the Sharif, the Empire will unleash Ibn Saud and his Wahhabis who after all is at Britain’s ‘beck and call’.[6] Simultaneously, after the Conference, Churchill travelled to Jerusalem and met with the Sharif’s son, Abdullah, who had been made the ruler, “Emir”, of a new territory called “Transjordan.” Churchill informed Abdullah that he should persuade “his father to accept the Palestine mandate and sign a treaty to such effect,” if not “the British would unleash Ibn Saud against Hijaz.”[7] In the meantime the British were planning to unleash Ibn Saud on the ruler of Ha’il, Ibn Rashid. Ibn Rashid had rejected all overtures from the British Empire made to him via Ibn Saud, to be another of its puppets.[8] More so, Ibn Rashid expanded his territory north to the new mandated Palestinian border as well as to the borders of Iraq in the summer of 1920. The British became concerned that an alliance maybe brewing between Ibn Rashid who controlled the northern part of the peninsula and the Sharif who controlled the western part. More so, the Empire wanted the land routes between the Palestinian ports on the Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf under the rule of a friendly party. At the Cairo Conference, Churchill agreed with an imperial officer, Sir Percy Cox that “Ibn Saud should be ‘given the opportunity to occupy Hail.’”[9] By the end of 1920, the British were showering Ibn Saud with “a monthly ‘grant’ of £10,000 in gold, on top of his monthly subsidy. He also received abundant arms supplies, totalling more than 10,000 rifles, in addition to the critical siege and four field guns” with British-Indian instructors.[10] Finally, in September 1921, the British unleashed Ibn Saud on Ha’il which officially surrendered in November 1921. It was after this victory the British bestowed a new title on Ibn Saud. He was no longer to be “Emir of Najd and Chief of its Tribes” but “Sultan of Najd and its Dependencies”. Ha’il had dissolved into a dependency of the Empire’s Sultan of Najd. If the Empire thought that the Sharif, with Ibn Saud now on his border and armed to the teeth by the British, would finally become more amenable to the division of Arabia and the British Zionist colonial project in Palestine they were short lived. A new round of talks between Abdulla’s son, acting on behalf of his father in Transjordan and the Empire resulted in a draft treaty accepting Zionism. When it was delivered to the Sharif with an accompanying letter from his son requesting that he “accept reality”, he didn’t even bother to read the treaty and instead composed a draft treaty himself rejecting the new divisions of Arabia as well as the Balfour Declaration and sent it to London to be ratified![11] Ever since 1919 the British had gradually decreased Hussain’s subsidy to the extent that by the early 1920’s they had suspended it, while at the same time continued subsidising Ibn Saud right through the early 1920’s.[12] After a further three rounds of negotiations in Amman and London, it dawned on the Empire that Hussain will never relinquish Palestine to Great Britain’s Zionist project or accept the new divisions in Arab lands.[13]In March 1923, the British informed Ibn Saud that it will cease his subsidy but not without awarding him an advance ‘grant’ of £50,000 upfront, which amounted to a year’s subsidy.[14] In March 1924, a year after the British awarded the ‘grant’ to Ibn Saud, the Empire announced that it had terminated all discussions with Sharif Hussain to reach an agreement.[15] Within weeks the forces of Ibn Saud and his Wahhabi followers began to administer what the British foreign secretary, Lord Curzon called the “final kick” to Sharif Hussain and attacked Hijazi territory.[16] By September 1924, Ibn Saud had overrun the summer capital of Sharif Hussain, Ta’if. The Empire then wrote to Sharif’s sons, who had been awarded kingdoms in Iraq and Transjordan not to provide any assistance to their besieged father or in diplomatic terms they were informed “to give no countenance to interference in the Hedjaz”.[17] In Ta’if, Ibn Saud’s Wahhabis committed their customary massacres, slaughtering women and children as well as going into mosques and killing traditional Islamic scholars.[18] They captured the holiest place in Islam, Mecca, in mid-October 1924. Sharif Hussain was forced to abdicate and went to exile to the Hijazi port of Akaba. He was replaced as monarch by his son Ali who made Jeddah his governmental base. As Ibn Saud moved to lay siege to the rest of Hijaz, the British found the time to begin incorporating the northern Hijazi port of Akaba into Transjordan. Fearing that Sharif Hussain may use Akaba as a base to rally Arabs against the Empire’s Ibn Saud, the Empire let it be known that in no uncertain terms that he must leave Akaba or Ibn Saud will attack the port. For his part, Sharif Hussain responded that he had, “never acknowledged the mandates on Arab countries and still protest against the British Government which has made Palestine a national home for the Jews.”[19] Sharif Hussain was forced out of Akaba, a port he had liberated from the Ottoman Empire during the ‘Arab Revolt’, on the 18th June 1925 on HMS Cornflower. Ibn Saud had begun his siege of Jeddah in January 1925 and the city finally surrendered in December 1925 bringing to an end over 1000 years of rule by the Prophet Muhammad’s descendants. The British officially recognised Ibn Saud as the new King of Hijaz in February 1926 with other European powers following suit within weeks. The new unified Wahhabi state was rebranded by the Empire in 1932 as the “Kingdom of Saudi Arabia” (KSA). A certain George Rendel, an officer working at the Middle East desk at the Foreign Office in London, claimed credit for the new name. On the propaganda level, the British served the Wahhabi takeover of Hijaz on three fronts. Firstly, they portrayed and argued that Ibn Saud’s invasion of Hijaz was motivated by religious fanaticism rather than by British imperialism’s geo-political considerations.[20] This deception is propounded to this day, most recently in Adam Curtis’s acclaimed BBC “Bitter Lake” documentary, whereby he states that the “fierce intolerant vision of wahhabism” drove the “beduins” to create Saudi Arabia.[21] Secondly, the British portrayed Ibn Saud’s Wahhabi fanatics as a benign and misunderstood force who only wanted to bring Islam back to its purest form.[22] To this day, these Islamist jihadis are portrayed in the most benign manner when their armed insurrections is supported by Britain and the West such as 1980’s Afghanistan or in today’s Syria, where they are referred to in the western media as “moderate rebels.” Thirdly, British historians portray Ibn Saud as an independent force and not as a British instrument used to horn away anyone perceived to be surplus to imperial requirements. For example, Professor Eugene Rogan’s recent study on the history on Arabs claims that “Ibn Saud had no interest in fighting” the Ottoman Empire. This is far from accurate as Ibn Saud joined the war in 1915. He further disingenuously claims that Ibn Saud was only interested in advancing “his own objectives” which fortuitously always dovetailed with those of the British Empire.[23] In conclusion, one of the most overlooked aspects of the Balfour Declaration is the British Empire’s commitment to “use their best endeavours to facilitate” the creation of “a national home for the Jewish people”. Obviously, many nations in the world today were created by the Empire but what makes Saudi Arabia’s borders distinctive is that its northern and north-eastern borders are the product of the Empire facilitating the creation of Israel. At the very least the dissolution of the two Arab sheikhdoms of Ha’il and Hijaz by Ibn Saud’s Wahhabis is based in their leaders’ rejection to facilitate the British Empire’s Zionist project in Palestine. Therefore, it is very clear that the British Empire’s drive to impose Zionism in Palestine is embedded in the geographical DNA of contemporary Saudi Arabia. There is further irony in the fact that the two holiest sites in Islam are today governed by the Saudi clan and Wahhabi teachings because the Empire was laying the foundations for Zionism in Palestine in the 1920s. Contemporaneously, it is no surprise that both Israel and Saudi Arabia are keen in militarily intervening on the side of “moderate rebels” i.e. jihadis, in the current war on Syria, a country which covertly and overtly rejects the Zionist colonisation of Palestine. As the United States, the ‘successor’ to the British Empire in defending western interests in the Middle East, is perceived to be growing more hesitant in engaging militarily in the Middle East, there is an inevitability that the two nations rooted in the Empire’s Balfour Declaration, Israel and Saudi Arabia, would develop a more overt alliance to defend their common interests. Notes [1] Gary Troeller, “The Birth of Saudi Arabia” (London: Frank Cass, 1976) pg.91. [2] Askar H. al-Enazy, “ The Creation of Saudi Arabia: Ibn Saud and British Imperial Policy, 1914-1927” (London: Routledge, 2010), pg. 105-106. [3] ibid., pg. 109. [4] ibid., pg.111. [5] ibid. [6] ibid. [7] ibid., pg 107. [8] ibid., pg. 45-46 and pg.101-102. [9] ibid., pg.104. [10] ibid. [11] ibid., pg. 113. [12] ibid., pg.110 and Troeller, op. cit., pg.166. [13] al-Enazy op cit., pg.112-125. [14] al-Enazy, op. cit., pg.120. [15] ibid., pg.129. [16] ibid., pg. 106 and Troeller op. cit., 152. [17] al-Enazy, op. cit., pg. 136 and Troeller op. cit., pg.219. [18] David Howarth, “The Desert King: The Life of Ibn Saud” (London: Quartet Books, 1980), pg. 133 and Randall Baker, “King Husain and the Kingdom of Hejaz” (Cambridge: The Oleander Press, 1979), pg.201-202. [19] Quoted in al-Enazy op. cit., pg. 144. [20] ibid., pg. 138 and Troeller op. cit., pg. 216. [21]In the original full length BBC iPlayer version this segment begins towards the end at 2 hrs 12 minutes 24 seconds. [22] al-Enazy op. cit., pg. 153. [23] Eugene Rogan, “The Arabs: A History”, (London: Penguin Books, 2009), pg.220. - See more at: http://mondoweiss.net/2016/01/zionism-kingdom-arabia/#sthash.gzSbyXop.dpuf |
WMR British GCHQ uses Tavistock mass mind control techniques in cyberspace |
February 26-27, 2014 -- British GCHQ uses Tavistock mass mind control techniques in cyberspace It was only a matter of time. The National Security Agency's British FIVE EYES partner, the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), has now made common cause with another creation of British intelligence, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London. From the time of its creation in 1921 under the aegis of the British Army's Bureau of Psychological Warfare to the present time, the Tavistock Institute has been at the forefront of research into and application of targeted and mass mind control techniques. The institute has cooperated with research entities, including the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and Esalen Institute in the United States, that carry out psychological operations on behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency and Department of Defense. The latest tranche of PowerPoint slides revealed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden shows the similarities between the GCHQ's Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG)'s Human Science Operations Cell (HSOC). The very name "Human Science Operations" appears yanked right from the operational charter of the Tavistock Institute, which includes the ability to engage in "full spectrum domination" by U.S. and U.K. intelligence services, in other words, the two core members of the FIVE EYES alliance. What is most alarming about the most recent disclosure of slides marked SECRET//SI//REL TO USA. FVEY [Special Intelligence, Releasable to USA and FIVE EYES] and UK TOP SECRET STRAP is that the FIVE EYES signals intelligence alliance of the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are adding psychological operations (psyops) and Tavistock-developed mind control operations to its traditional signals intelligence (SIGINT) role. The blending of SIGINT and human intelligence (HUMINT) as part of cyber-warfare and computer network exploitation (CNE), with little or no actual oversight from legislative oversight authorities, is the closest proof revealed to date that the NSA and its partners have embarked on a policy of instituting "1984" Big Brother controls using the Internet as a primary weapon. The latest tranche of slides points to a number of deception programs being carried out on the web. These include alias development and masquerading (which includes the employment of "sock puppet" personae already in use by the U.S. military to disrupt and influence the Internet), mass messaging (or spamming) and "call bombing," propaganda, and "pushing stories." These tactics have been refined since the CIA and its George Soros-financed non-governmental organization activist allies brought about the "Arab Spring" overthrow of governments in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, and Yemen, as well as the bloody civil war in Syria. In Ukraine, the democratically-elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych fell more quickly than either Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak or Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi simply because the Western corporate media fully cooperated in FIVE EYES efforts to activate armies of sock puppets with aliases who disseminated anti-Yanukovych propaganda and, with the assistance of the global corporate news media, "pushed stories." In the case of Ukraine, the "pushed stories" were products of CIA, NSA, GCHQ, British MI-6, and Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC) propaganda mills working in close collaboration with such intelligence agency fronts as Soros's Open Society Institute, Freedom House, Hudson Institute, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Heritage Foundation, and Demos of the UK. Western intelligence agencies "pushed stories" through the use of Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, and YouTube. These applications are part and parcel of GCHQ and NSA Computer Network Information Operations (CNIO). Outside the realm of technological warfare, JTRIG admits that it employs "credential harvesting" against "foreign news agencies." In fact, spies and provocateurs masquerading as journalists were not only discovered filing phony news reports from Ukraine but also from Venezuela during simultaneous anti-government rioting in that country. Fake journalists were also exposed in Egypt, Thailand, China, and Russia. Other areas where JTRIG and Tavistock have commonality are the use of "herding" and "group dynamics" to create "group think" among targeted audiences. The quickness by the general population to accept everything written and broadcast about the situation in Ukraine serves as a case in point. Only alternative media provided unbiased facts about what was occurring in Ukraine without the color of intelligence agency propaganda. However, JTRIG has a rapid response mechanism for alternate news reports: it calls for the use of "conspiracy stories" to influence thoughts and behavior. Either alternative news reports are derided as conspiracy theories by the GCHQ and NSA influence operations organizations or the intelligence agencies, themselves, put forward conspiracy stories to muddy the waters.
Alan Premel, Roland Carnaby YouTube Video Stanford International Bank, Israel / CIA connections below
9/11 Truth, JFK assassination & Holocaust revision interactive spreadsheet
Rendition, CIA Interrogation tapes |
Research | REFERENCE | Research* | |
Research: Leonard Peltier top | ||||
Eberle, North, Franklin Scandal, CIA, FBI, Iran-Contra, Panama....
top go
back to Gannongate
Research: |
Citizens for America
is a U.S. conservative grass-roots group founded by drugstore magnate Lewis
E. Lehrman. While it was run in the
1980s by Jack
Abramoff, it assisted Oliver North
in garnering support for the Nicaraguan Contras. Citizens for America staged
an unprecedented meeting of anti-Communist rebel leaders called the
"Democratic International", including Nicaraguan, Laotian, Angolan
and Afghan (Mujahideen) rebels in 1985 in Jamba, Angola. Future U.S.
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher aided in delivering an invitation to the
Contras. The meeting was held in the UNITA headquarters of Angolan rebel
Jonas Savimbi. The guerrilla leaders were presented with a copy of the
United States Declaration of Independence, and a letter from President
Ronald Reagan supporting Citizens for America was read, although the Reagan
administration refused to officially support all of the guerrilla groups.
Afterward, Lehrman fired Abramoff amid a dispute about the handling of the
group's $3 million budget. Grover Norquist also served as a national field
director for CFA for several months in 1985 before also being fired by
Lehrman. Operation
![]() ![]() |
Rove (dirty tricks), Siegelman (political prosecution), Abramoff (Bush emails), Clinton (crime family), US Attorneys fired , (Cheney), AIG (Greenberg Traurig) |
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apc 157 ap 1410, ..... apc 157 ap 1410 |
WMR The CIA's support for the world's most infamous terrorist August 6-7, 2012 -- |
A long-forgotten report by famed investigative reporter Jack
Anderson that appeared on September 23, 1980, in The Washington Post,
may be collecting dust in the CIA archives, but its importance is clear
in the face of repeated connections between the U.S. intelligence
community and acts of terrorism, including the mass shootings in Tucson;
Aurora, Colorado; and Oak Creek, Wisconsin.
Anderson's report, researched in conjunction with his associate Dale Van Atta and based on Top Secret documents from the CIA and the State Department, showed that the now-imprisoned Carlos the Jackal, aka Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, a Venezuelan national and the son of an expatriate millionaire Colombian lawyer, was a long-time informant for the CIA. Anderson's report also suggested that some intelligence experts believed that Carlos the Jackal was also a paid assassin who worked for the CIA. Carlos was in an excellent position to both kill for the CIA and spy for it. Carlos's younger brother was a leader of the Venezuelan Communist Party and Carlos, at age 17, was reportedly trained at a guerrilla camp in Cuba that was overseen by Soviet KGB General Viktor Simenov. However, the Soviet bloc and nationalist Third World governments were always wary of Carlos. He was expelled from Moscow's Patrice Lumumba University in 1969. Throughout his years of supporting a number of terrorst attacks, Carlos was expelled from the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Jordan, and Syria and he was on persona non grata lists in Cuba, Libya, and Iraq. In 1994, while Carlos lived in Sudan, the Sudanese government conspired with the French DST domestic intelligence service to kidnap Carlos in Khartoum and fly him to France. Carlos was tried and convicted for the 1975 murder of two DST agents who wanted to interview Carlos at a Paris house during a party. In June 1975, the DST captured in Paris, Carlos's Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) contact, Michel Moukharbal, aka "Andre," a Lebanese national, who later was discovered to be a Mossad agent. Carlos shot and killed Moukharal, who had accompanied the DST agents to question Carlos. Carlos was able to successfully flee from a French law enforcement dragnet. Moukharbal and Carlos, acting under the orders of PFLP leader Wadie Haddad, planned to commandeer an El Al passenger plane at Orly Airport outside Paris in December 1974 but an El Al wildcat strike grounded El Al planes in Tel Aviv. On January 13, 1975, Carlos and an associate attempted to fire an Russian-made rocket-propelled grenade launcher (RPG-7) at an El Al Boeing 707, en route from Tel Aviv to New York, while taxiing for take-off at Orly. The two grenades misfired; one hit a parked car and did not explode and the other fired off wildly and hit a Yugoslav JAT DC-9 on the runway. Earlier, Carlos and the Japanese Red Army, using grenades "stolen" from the U.S. Army base in Germany, seized the French embassy in The Hague. The theft of the grenades was said to have been the work of the Baader-Meinhof terrorist group, which was also suspected of being infiltrated by the CIA. Before the embassy seizure in The Hague, Carlos tossed a grenade into the crowded trendy and Jewish-owned Le Drugstore Saint-Germain on Paris's Left Bank, killing two and wounding several others. Carlos had worked with the Japanese Red Army before, in the Japanese group's massacre of passengers at Lod Airport in Tel Aviv in 1972 on behalf of the PFLP. Carlos had befriended one of his fellow students, Mohammed Boudia, a Palestinian commando, at Patrice Lumumba University. In 1970, Carlos fought alongside Boudia's PFLP guerrillas against the government of King Hussein of Jordan. At the same time, Carlos attended courses at the Polytechnic of Central London. After Mossad assassinated Boudia, Carlos shot Joseph Sieff, owner of the British Marks & Spencer department store chain and deputy chief of the British Zionist Federation. Sieff was in the bathroom of his London home when Carlos gained entry and shot him. Carlos fled the scene and Sieff survived after the 9 mm bullet from Carlos's Beretta "bounced off" Sieff's dentures and rendered him unconscious. Carlos was known as "El Gordo" (the fat one) among the London night club set, a trait he shared with someone he would later laud from his French prison cell, Osama Bin Laden. In the 1980s, one Tim Osman was known to frequent the discos and bars of San Diego, Houston, and Beirut. Tim Osman was the cover name the CIA assigned to their agent and veteran of the CIA's secret war against the Soviets in Afghanistan. Tim Osman was actually Osama Bin Laden. In 1974, Carlos tried, but failed, to bomb the Israeli Bank Hapoalim in London. In August 1974, Carlos exploded bombs in rental cars at the Paris offices of three pro-Israeli newspapers, L'Aurore, Minute, and L'Arche, but gave the papers advance notice. A rental car bomb planted at Maison de la Radio, headquarters of French state radio, failed to explode due to a faulty timer. In 1975, Carlos masterminded the seizure of hostages during a summit of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) at its Vienna headquarters. Carlos was under orders from Haddad to execute two top oil ministers, Ahmed Zaki Yamani of Saudi Arabia and Jamshid Amuzgar of Iran. Instead, the only three persons who died in the OPEC hostage seizure were an Austrian policeman and two nations of nations with which Carlos had been linked by Western governments: an Iraqi OPEC staffer and a Libyan government official. The corporate media reported that Muammar Qaddafi of Libya ordered the hostage-taking at OPEC in return for paying Carlos $2 million. Yet, of the three people killed, one was a member of Qaddafi's own government. Once again, the world's most feared terrorist, failed to carry out, to the letter, one his ultimate assignments. Carlos's resume was rife with failed assassinations, aircraft attacks, and car bombings. Carlos had been reportedly affiliated with the Palestinian Black September guerrilla attack on Israeli athletes at the Munich Summer Olympics in 1972. Yet, one of Carlos's PFLP associates was none other than Moukharbal, the covert Mossad agent, who apparently failed to inform the Israelis of the planned attack or, if he did signal the terrorists' plans to his superiors, the attack was allowed to happen on purpose. In June 1976, Carlos was said to have been involved in the hijacking of Air France flight 139, en route from Tel Aviv to Paris, after it took off from Athens. The hijackers diverted the plane to Entebbe, Uganda. In 2007, it was reported that documents found in the British National Archives pointed to Israel's Shin Bet security service having cooperated with the PFLP, which had employed Mossad mole Moukharbal, jointly conducted the hijacking of the Air France Airbus A300. Israeli commandos, led by Binyamin Netanyahu's brother Yonatan Netanyahu, stormed the Entebbe airport on July 4, 1976 (America's Bicentennial anniversary) and killed all seven hijackers and some 45 Ugandan troops. Two Israeli civilians died during the Israeli raid and a third Israeli civilian later died from injuries sustained in the rescue operation, code-named Operation Thunderbolt. Lt. Col. Yonatan Netanyahu also died during the attack. The British document states that D. H. Colvin of the British embassy in Paris received information from a source with the Euro-Arab Parliamentary Assembly that was as follows: "According to his [the source's] information, the hijack was the work of the PFLP, with help from the Israeli Secret Service, the Shin Beit [sic].. . The operation was designed to torpedo the PLO's standing in France and to prevent what they see as a growing rapprochement between the PLO and the Americans. . . My contact said the PFLP had attracted all sorts of wild elements, some of whom had been planted by the Israelis." Although there were 30 British passengers on the Air France plane, British Prime Minster James Callaghan pointedly never sent a message of congratulations for the Entebbe raid to Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and the British government was not certain that the Israeli raid was even justified under international law. One of the British documents states: "The Israelis have been critical of the fact that the prime minister did not send a personal message of congratulations to Mr. Rabin and that our public statement fell short of an endorsement of the Israeli action at Entebbe." Another document points out that Israel used its lobby in Britain to voice criticism over the British government's muted response. However, in the face of actionable intelligence that Israel was responsible for the hijacking of the plane, a British endorsement of the action would be disingenuous, at best. Uganda's dictator Field Marshal Idi Amin Dada, a Muslim, attended Israeli paratrooper school in 1965 and was awarded Israeli paratrooper wings, which he always wore on his uniform with pride. Amin ousted Ugandan President Milton Obote in a 1971 coup with the help of his good friend, Colonel Baruch Bar-Lev, the head of the Israeli military mission in Kampala. Israel then sold Amin tanks, military aircraft, and weapons. Amin ejected the Israelis from Uganda after he suspected they were organizing a coup against him after the Israelis rejected Amin's request for advanced fighters and other weapons to invade Tanzania. After the raid on Entebbe, Bar-Lev, said Amin phoned him and said the Israeli commandos who attacked Entebbe were "very good" and that Amin was able to persuade the hijackers to dismantle explosives they placed around the old terminal building where the hostages were being held to clear the way for the Israeli commando raid. Amin also told Bar-Lev that he was expelling Arab guerrilla groups in Uganda because they had been "nothing but trouble." Anderson's story on Carlos's links to the CIA originated in 1974. The CIA learned that the six-nation "Operation Condor" consortium of South American right-wing military dictatorships (Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Brazil) had put out a hit on Carlos. The hit was in retaliation for Carlos's assassination of Colonel Ramon Trabal, Uruguay's military attache in Paris, and of plotting to assassinate Bolivia's ambassador in Paris and a Chilean diplomat in the Middle East. A Top Secret document that fell into Anderson's hands states that the CIA warned the French government of Condor's plans to assassinate Carlos and the six nations were warned by Langley to call off their operation. Anderson said one source told him the CIA saved Carlos because the world's most wanted terrorist had been a "CIA informant" and that the "agency was simply protecting one of its own." On December 23, 1997, Carlos was found guilty by a French court and sentenced to life imprisonment. In 2001, Carlos converted to Islam. In 2003, Carlos penned a book titled "Revolutionary Islam," in which he praises Osama Bin Laden, who, like Carlos the Jackal, was once a CIA-employed high-flying disco and night club habitué.
CIA continues to influence Australian politics |
October 19-21, 2012 -- CIA continues to influence Australian politics In 1975, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) organized a "constitutional coup" against Australian Labor Prime Minister Gough Whitlam. Langley used one of its old agents-of-influence, Governor-General Sir John Kerr, the representative of Queen Elizabeth II in Australia, to dismiss Whitlam's left-wing government and replace it with a pro-U.S. conservative government. In June 2010, CIA lightning struck twice in Australia when Australian Labor Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was ousted in a backroom coup engineered by the CIA's and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's favorite Australian politician, Rudd's deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard. Gillard became Prime Minister and Rudd was reduced in rank to Foreign Minister. Gillard, who is embroiled in a scandal involving the former parliamentary speaker Peter Slipper, survived a comeback challenge from Rudd last February. Gillard arranged for Slipper, an independent who was lured over to the Labor coalition government, to become Speaker of the Australian parliament as a reward for his changeover. However, Slipper's assistant, James Ashby, who is openly gay, brought sexual harassment charges against Slipper. The case saw the release of some 200 text messages sent by Slipper that contain sexually explicit and vulgar passages. In one text message to Ashby, Slipper says female genitalia looks like "a mussel removed from its shell." In anotherm Slipper writes Ashby, "Look at a bottle of mussel meat! Salty Cunts in brine! . . . Been to thw [sic] fish shop yet to buy the bottle of shell less mussells [sic]?" There are also insinuations in Slipper's email that he was trying to engage in more than a professional relationship with Ashby. For example, Slipper wrote, "What I like bout you is your absolute honesty and openness. By comparison we politicians live in a closed secret world.'' Slipper resigned as Speaker but retains his seat in parliament as an independent. Meanwhile, conservative Leader of the opposition Wayne Abbott has criticized Gillard, who in turn said the following of the opposition leader in Parliament, "The leader of the opposition says that people who hold sexist views and are misogynists are not appropriate for high office . . . Well, I hope the leader of the opposition is writing out his resignation because if he wants to know what misogyny looks like in modern Australia, he needs a mirror." Abbott has made no secret of his dislike of Gillard and in parliament he stated that Gillard ensures control by ousting her enemies and replacing them with loyal subservients, for example, long-time Speaker of the House Harry Jenkins with Slipper and Rudd loyalists with Gillard supporters. Gillard, a self-proclaimed atheist, nevertheless, totally supports the theocratic Jewish state of Israel. Gillard, with the support of the Australian Labor Party's right-wing and its billionaire supporters, also supports the movement of U.S. military forces to the Asia-Pacific region and the establishment of new U.S. military bases in Darwin, Perth, the Cocos-Keeling) Islands, and other locations in the country. Gillard has initiated a program to move Australian Aborigines off their lands and into "hub centers" in order to free up their ancestral lands for mining and oil and natural gas drilling. Rudd also opposed the mining companies and their plans to displace Aborigines. Gillard has also renewed deals to house boat refugees trying to enter Australia in squalid camps on Pacific islands such as Nauru and others in Papua New Guinea and other island chains. Like Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who has moved Canada closer to the British Crown, Gillard has revelled in the "glory days" of Australian troops fighting alongside British troops in defense of the British colonial empire. Australia's election to a two-year seat on the UN Security Council will help to ensure that the neo-conservative U.S. foreign policy agenda will be advanced and that Palestinian interests will be ignored. A few of the leaked U.S. State Department cables identify the role that the U.S. embassy in Canberra played in ousting Rudd and replacing him with the more pro-American Gillard. Rudd's Employment Participation Minister, Libyan-Australian Mark Arbib, was a frequent guest of the embassy where he passed along confidential information about the Cabinet in-fighting between the right-wing forces allied with Gillard and Rudd loyalists. It is just the kind of information that would have permitted the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), with its massive surveillance capabilities in Australia, to target the e-mails, cell phone calls, and social networking communications of the involved Australian government parties and pass along the intelligence to Gillard and her loyalists. The Defense Signals Directorate (DSD) is NSA's counterpart in Australia. After Rudd's failed attempt to seize back power from Gillard last February, Arbib abruptly resigned from the government and the Senate. Senator Don Farrell, another right-wing Labor supporter of Gillard, met with a U.S. embassy official in June 2009, a year before the coup against Rudd, and informed the American about the plot to oust the Prime Minister. President Barack Obama, apparently did nothing to warn Rudd of the plot against him and there is every indication that the Obama administration, particularly Mrs. Clinton, was in Gillard's court. Farrell told the newspaper The Australian that he had more than one conversation with the U.S. embassy but said he couldn't recall the exact details of the conversations. A U.S. embassy Canberra cable, dated December 23, 2009, describes the members of the right-wing New South Wales "praetorian guard" being courted by Rudd to forestall the coup by Gillard: "(C) Rudd has unprecedented power for a Labor leader; one MP told us he had never seen a Labor Caucus as subservient to its leader, noting Rudd's control over promotions. Another told us she was surprised at marginal seat holders' acquiescence on the ETS. However, powerbrokers confide the factions will assert themselves when Rudd's popularity wanes. Possibly aware of this, Rudd in 2009 further courted New South Wales factional heavyweights Anthony Albanese (New South Wales Left) and Mark Arbib (New South Wales Right) and elevated Senator Joe Ludwig (Queensland Right - Swan's faction) to a more senior position in Cabinet. Ludwig is the son of powerful Queensland Right union official Bill Ludwig. One theory is that Rudd is developing a 'praetorian guard' based on the historically powerful New South Wales Right to head off any challenge from GILLARD; that it was no accident that Rudd promoted Arbib, Bowen and Clare (all from the New South Wales Right). Bitar, who is close to Arbib and succeeded him as New South Wales General Secretary, became ALP National Secretary in late 2008." In fact, by promoting the New South Wales right, Rudd sealed his own fate in keeping his "friends close and enemies closer." Another cable, dated July 27, 2009, describes a Melbourne U.S. Consulate meeting with a Gillard loyalist: "(SBU) Consul General met with Richard Marles, federal Member for Corio and Australia's new Parliamentary Secretary for Innovation and Industry on July 13. A rising star in the Australian Labor Party (ALP), we provide bio notes on this recently promoted Parliamentarian . . . Before his recent promotion, Marles served as the Chair of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, and was a member of the House of Representatives Employment and Workplace Relations Committee. He spoke highly of fellow leaders like Shorten and described having a close relationship with Deputy Prime Minister Julia GILLARD and a 'friendly' relationship with Kevin Rudd." After Gillard's coup, Marles became the Parliamentary Secretary for Pacific Island Affairs and the Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs. An embassy cable dated June 23, 2008, indicates that Gillard was being groomed during the Bush administration even though she had a political past in which she described herself as a "socialist" and a "feminist.": "GILLARD THE PRO-AMERICAN 4. (C/NF) Although long appearing ambivalent about the Australia-US Alliance, GILLARD's actions since she became the Labor Party number two indicate an understanding of its importance. Poloffs had little contact with her when she was in opposition but since the election, GILLARD has gone out of her way to assist the Embassy. She attended a breakfast hosted by the Ambassador for U/S Nick Burns who visited Canberra just days after the election. At our request, she agreed to meet a visiting member of the National Labor Relations Board, after prior entreaties by the board member's Australian hosts had been rebuffed. GILLARD is now a regular attendee at the American Australian Leadership Dialogues (AALD), and will be the principal government representative to the AALD meeting in Washington at the end of June. (COMMENT: Although warm and engaging in her dealings with American diplomats, it's unclear whether this change in attitude reflects a mellowing of her views or an understanding of what she needs to do to become leader of the ALP. It is likely a combination of the two. Labor Party officials have told us that one lesson GILLARDtook from the 2004 elections was that Australians will not elect a PM who is perceived to be anti-American. END COMMENT) In a speech to the American Australian Leadership Dialogue (AALD) in 2008 in Washington, Gillard avidly supported the strengthening of the ANZUS military alliance between Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. Gillard, in a message to Labor Party leader Mark Latham, described the AALD as a "CIA re-education camp." Latham also revealed that Gillard told him that he should stand by for "emails explaining George Bush is a great statesman, torture is justified in many circumstances and those Iraqi insurgents should just get over it." It is clear that Kevin Rudd was the second Australian Prime Minister ousted in a CIA coup and that Australia is an independent commonwealth in name only. |
Torture, Chicago Minority Inmates top | ||
WMR CIA Medical Assassinations |
November 30-December 2, 2012 -- Japan's Ikeda: another vicitm of CIA MEDINT "wet affairs?" The editor recently wrote a piece for PRESS TV about the CIA's use of medical intelligence or MEDINT to conduct covert medical assassinations of foreign leaders. The story has received wide pickup in the Turkish press. Based on documents from the CIA archives, the cancer that forced 65-year old Japanese Prime Minister Hayato Ikeda to resign from office in November 1964 to be replaced by the CIA's favorite, Eisaku Sato, puts Ikeda's death in the suspicious category. According to a November 9, 1967, CIA Weekly Review Special Report, titled "Prime Minister Sato's Position in a Renascent Japan," Sato had unsuccessfully attempted to unseat Ikedaearlier in 1964 as chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) before Ikeda suddenly developed cancer and was forced to resign. The report also states that Sato wanted to maintain a close relationship with the United States while building up Japan's "economic and political role in Asia." CIA archives also contain a 1978 report from Jakarta that states Ratna Sari Dewi, the widow of Indonesia's President Sukarno, ousted by the CIA in 1965 and put under house arrest until his own suspicious death in an Indonesian military hospital in 1970, accused Sato, along with the CIA, of involvement in the 1965 coup that overthrew her husband. Sato was also a strong backer of the U.S. military effort in Vietnam and the U.S.-supported Nationalist Chinese regime on Taiwan. WMR previously reported that it was Japanese leaders like Sato and his LDP cohorts who received large sums of slush funds from the CIA, courtesy of "escrow accounts" at the Bank of Hawaii in Honolulu that were controlled by Madelyn Dunham, President Obama's grandmother. Some of the CIA slush money was used by LDP politicians like Sato to recruit informers for the CIA within the LDP and other political parties, particularly the Japanese Socialist Party, as well as the yakuza, the Japanese organized crime syndicate. A number of LDP political leaders were talent spotted by the CIA in the 1950s and early 60s and they later became government ministers and lower level government functionaries, still maintaining their contacts with the large CIA station in Tokyo. However, other leaders, including Okinori Kaya, were recruited from the ranks of Japanese war criminals after World War II. Kaya was Japanese Finance Minister in the wartime Japanese government and was later deemed Class A war criminal by the Allied powers after the war. Rehabilitated and pardoned in the mid-1950s, thanks to the CIA, Kaya became a leading LDP insider where he served on the party's internal security committee. Kaya was also a major adviser to Sato and was trasked to ensure continued and unfettered U.S. access to the military bases on Okinawa. The CIA funded the Okinawa wing of the LDP. It was during the Sato administration that Japan reversed its nuclear policy and not only permitted the United States to station unclear weapons on Japanese soil and in Japanese waters but began to secretly, with the knowledge and assistance of the CIA, to develop Japanese nuclear weapons. The disaster at the Tokyo Electric Power Company's Daiichi nuclear plant in Fukushima would not have been as deadly had it not been for the presence of plutonium MOX fuel rods, necessary for the Japan's secret program of quick manufacturing and deployment of nuclear weapons. Sato, the grandfather of Japan's secret nuclear weapons program, received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1974. Ikeda's sudden onset of cancer and Sato's support from the CIA ushered forth major changes in Japan's foreign and defense policies, changes that were all to the advantage of the CIA. The Dark side of Medical Intelligence gathering Nov. 27, 2012, PressTV Intelligence agencies routinely gather medical intelligence on the world’s political leaders. Officially, this information is used to ascertain the viability for continuation in office for leaders. However, there is a dark side to such intelligence collection. Medical intelligence also contains data on the status of a leader’s immune system and his or her susceptibility to a number of diseases or other external health threat. Such information can be useful in devising “natural” assassination weapons, such as cancer, radiation poisoning, and food poisoning. The collection of information on medical factors is known as “medical intelligence.” MEDINT, as it is also known, is defined by the US Department of Defense as “That category of intelligence resulting from collection, evaluation, analysis, and interpretation of foreign medical, bio-scientific, and environmental information that is of interest to strategic planning and to military medical planning and operations for the conservation of the fighting strength of friendly forces and the formation of assessments of foreign medical capabilities in both military and civilian sectors.” Intelligence agencies take MEDINT one step further. The Central Intelligence Agency and Israel’s Mossad, in particular, use MEDINT to analyze the medical conditions of foreign leaders, as well as their treatment regimen and schedules, to determine the best methods for administering toxic dose of medicines, pathogens, or other deadly agents to cause death, in other words, medical assassination. Eight years after his death, the body of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat is to be exhumed. After researchers at a Swiss institute discovered high levels of radioactive polonium on Arafat’s clothes and other personal effects and a French court ordered an inquiry into Arafat’s death, an autopsy will be conducted on Arafat’s body. Arafat fell seriously ill while being held as a virtual hostage by the Israelis at his Ramallah, Palestine headquarters. Arafat was flown to hospital in Paris and died a month later in November 2004. Mossad is believed by many to have carried out a “medical assassination” of Arafat. At the same time that Arafat’s exhumation and autopsy was scheduled, Turkish investigators discovered high levels of DDT, strychnine, and polonium in the body of Turkish President Turgut Ozal. Ozal died suddenly from a heart attack in 1993 but the new information from a recent autopsy suggests he may have been assassinated through poisoning. Ozal’s widow said her late husband died after drinking a glass of lemonade. Ozal made enemies of the Turkish military and its secret “deep state” network known as “Ergenekon.” Ozal was also an opponent of George H. W. Bush’s “Desert Storm” invasion of Iraq and he made enemies inside the CIA as well as in Mossad. Two other leaders, known for their nationalist policies, may have also fell victim to CIA medical assassins. Indonesian President Ahmed Sukarno, confined to house arrest after his overthrow in 1965 in a CIA coup, died in 1970. There is evidence that the CIA may have altered Sukarno’s kidney medication. Sukarno was confined to Bogor Palace and his level of medical treatment was dictated by the Suharto regime and their CIA interlocutors. After falling seriously ill, Sukarno died in the Jakarta Army Hospital. After Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser’s sudden death from what was believed to be a heart attack in 1970, there were reports that he may have been poisoned. An aide to Nasser, who was close to Vice President Anwar Sadat, reportedly hid from forensic examiners nail clippings and hair samples taken from the body of Nasser for later testing. Upon becoming Egyptian president, Sadat reversed many of Nasser’s policies, including ejecting Soviet military advisers, opening relations with Israel, and steering Egypt into the Western camp. In 1961, the CIA station in Leopoldville, Congo tried to poison nationalist Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba. Eventually, Lumumba was killed by a Belgian mercenary firing squad in the employment of the CIA. There were also many attempts by the CIA to poison Cuban President Fidel Castro. In 1976, the former leftist president of Brazil, Joao Goulart, died from a sudden heart attack in exile in Uruguay. A former Uruguayan intelligence agent later revealed that Goulart’s heart medication pills were altered in order to have a "contrary effect." The Goulart family’s cook in Uruguay was later discovered to be a Brazilian intelligence agent with links to the CIA. Goulart was ousted in a 1964 CIA-led coup. After cases of cancer began to affect several Latin American progressive leaders, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, himself battling cancer, suggested the CIA had dusted off its old medical assassination program. The day following Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner’s announcement that she was being treated for thyroid cancer, Chavez stated, “Would it be so strange that they've [the Americans] invented the technology to spread cancer and we won't know about it for 50 years?" Cancer also plagued Paraguay’s President Fernando Lugo (later ousted in a CIA-backed coup), former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and Brazilian incumbent President Dilma Rousseff. To Bolivian President Evo Morales and Ecuadorian leader Rafael Correa, Chavez had a dire warning, “Evo, take care of yourself. Correa, be careful. We just don't know.” After the revelations about the deaths of Arafat and Ozal, Chavez has every right to be concerned. |
MindWar and the tragedy in Newtown By John Phillips |
MindWar and the tragedy in Newtown By John Phillips "At the close of the invective against the religious leaders (Matthew 23) he again outlined this historical process, in which the ruling class of the past had always silenced the living voice of God, but managed to utilize them posthumously among the decorative elements and authorities of religion. He Warns his own generation that they were on the point of repeating this sin by persecuting the new prophets whom he would send. Thereby they would prove that they were "sons of them that slew the prophets"; they would "fill up the measure of their fathers"; and would bring upon themselves "all the righteous blood shed on earth." You reap what you sew, and the Newtown tragedy is another in a line of national tragedies that are a direct result of the poor quality of information that is available to individuals and the public at large. While it is with good hearts we hear a desperate cry for gun control, we as a Nation still fail to ask the difficult questions? In the 1950’s and 1960’s access to firearms was significantly easier than it is today, and there was not an epidemic of school violence. What changed in the minds of individuals that mass homicide became an acceptable means of ending one’s own psychological despair? In his 1950 book, The Human Use of Human Beings, Nobert Weiner, an MIT scientist laid the foundation for the “Age of Information”. Weiner believed that the future of the human race was dependent on the quality of information available to society. Weiner found communications to be at the heart of man’s inner life, and that Human Beings only through proper information (education) were guided to distinguish the difference between right and wrong. Understanding how the universe functions and progresses, is therefore a battle between information and disinformation. Information in this scientific model is the key to salvation. The Truth Shall Set Us Free. Weiner went on to discuss the scientist’s role in mankind’s battle against disorganization. The scientist is always working to discover the order and organization of the universe, and thus is playing a game against the arch enemy, disorganization. Is this devil Manichaean or Augustinian? Is it a contrary force opposed to order or is it the very absence of order itself? Weiner concludes that the world is not inherently evil, and scientists can find solutions to our common problems as human beings, but only through correct information. He believed that to fight and abolish disorganization and disinformation, one had to understand the true nature of the beast, we were all struggling to defeat. “The difference between these two sorts of demons will make itself apparent in the tactics to be used against them. The Manichaean devil is an opponent like any other opponent, who is determined on victory and will use any trick of craftiness or dissimulation to obtain victory. In particular, he will keep his policy of confusion secret, and if we show any signs of beginning to discover his policy, he will change it in order to keep us in the dark. On the other hand, the Augustinian devil, which is not a power of itself, but the measure of our own weakness, may require our full resources to uncover, but when we have uncovered it, we have a certain sense exorcised it and it will nor alter its policy on a matter already decided with mere intention of confounding us further.” The Augustinian Devil could be understood in accordance with Newtown’s 2cd law of thermodynamic which stated that things in nature tend to decay, as the world is in a state of entropy. Weiner however felt that with science’s help, we could win the war against disorganization and entropy setting the stage for mankind’s entry in the era of perpetual peace. Weiner saw the greater battle ahead with the Manichaean Devil who would use any means to achieve victory in battle, his main weapon confusion and dis-information. As to the nature of the universe, “Weiner cites the Einstein's aphorism, "The Lord is subtle, but he isn't simply mean." “The scientist who looks for a positive force determined to confuse us in the universe which he is investigating is wasting his time. Nature offers resistance to decoding, but it does not show ingenuity in its finding new and undecipherable methods for jamming our communications with the outer world.” Weiner’s view of two distinct types of evil is important because he recognized as early as 1950 that scientists were winning the battle against the Augustinian Devil, but was still unable to confront the real threat to society the Manichaean Devil. In 1980 as Ronald Reagan ushered in the era of greed is good, Major Michael Aquino wrote under the direction of Paul Valley, Army commander of the 7th Psychological Operation Group in San Francisco, a paper called “From PSYOP to Mind War: The Psychology of Victory”. Michael Aquino proposes that the concepts of Psychological Operation (PSYOP) are outdated, and that we need a new way to explain how the military can use psychological warfare to achieve their goals. Aquino states: “So let us begin with the simple name change. We shall rid ourselves of the self-conscious, almost “embarrassed” concept of “psychological operations”. In its place we shall createMindWar. The term is harsh and fear inspiring, so it should be: It is a term of attack and victory- not one of the rationalizations and coaxing and conciliation. The enemy may be offended by it: that is quite right as long as he is defeated by it. A definition is offered: MindWar is the deliberate, aggressive convincing of all participants in a war that we will win that war.” I would like to suggest that the tragedy in Newtown is a direct result of the psychological operations that were put in place by military planners, to change American culture to accept the idea that War, any War supported by our military, benefits our country and to condition the American public that violence with a purpose in not only necessary put the preferred way to create peace. In 1976 during the Church Committee Congressional investigation into abuses within the military and intelligence community, the public discovered that a CIA project originally called Bluebird sought to learn how to control both individual behavior and to influence culture as a whole. The creation of a Manchurian Candidate whose behavior could be controlled was the ultimate goal of this research. Scientists associated with the project have admitted that they succeeded in their goals by the mid 1950’s. All government agencies were ordered to stop research on individuals who had sometimes become unwitting victims, in a research program the violated all the provisions for human research laid out at the Nuremburg Trials. CIA Director William Colby had ordered the destruction of many of the documents related to this research, and unfortunately the Church Committee really only got a small glimpse of the program that victimized 1000’s of individuals under the cover of “scientific research.” More importantly the Church Committee failed, because it chose not to reveal to the public any information concerning the CIA agencies attempt to influence “American Culture.” To control the public discourse the CIA felt it needed to control and manipulate culture so they could accomplish their goals. While all the agencies involved in violating the Nuremburg Treaty told the Congressional Committee that all research in this area had been stopped, there is irrefutable evidence that both the program to control individuals behavior and culture at large have continued. At the heart of this research lays the Devil, and until we as a society decide to seize the power of communication away from the Devil, these tragedies will not only continue but intensify. How did individual behavior change in desperate young adults? Because their education taught them that mass killing was OK, justifiable, a good way out of distress. The MindWar was alive and well, the military was succeeding in their objectives. One of the first goals of the Reagan Administration was to introduce nation wide drug education called the Dare program. Dare to resist drugs. Police officers were brought into the schools to educate young people about the dangers of illegal drugs, and students were taught to stay away from and keep in “Isolation” any individuals associated with “Drug Culture”. As one would suspect as this program evolved, isolated groups of individuals did evolve in many of our schools, this eventually became known as the “Goth Movement.” The trench coat mafias as they came to be known have been involved in countless school shootings. While the Goth movement took on a life of its own as more and more individuals felt isolated from their classmates and society at large, its philosophical origins can be traced to the Thule Society in Germany that taught that self-indulgence was the key to enlightenment, and that the Devil or the King of Darkness was the path to salvation. This philosophy slowly made its way to the Untied States in the early 1900 through the writing of Aleister Crowley who stated “That religion they call Christianity; the devil they honor they call God. I accept these definitions, as a poet must do, if he is to be at all intelligible to his age, and it is their God and their religion that I hate and will destroy” (Crowley, The World’s Tragedy, p. xxx). Crowley who worked for MI-5 the British Intelligence Agency, and claimed to have been a consultant for Adolph Hitler who was obessed with “Thule Philosophy” that theorized that “White Men” were the lost tribe of Israel, and destined to rule the world. As the “New Age” movement sprang into popular culture in California in the early 1960’s, Crowley’s work was promoted by Anton LeVey who was the founder of the “Church of Satan” in 1966. Michael Aquino, the author of MindWar, was an active disciple of the Church of Satan and later went on to found his own cult called “The Temple of Set.” If you want to know if MindWar is still alive and well, at the recent MTV music awards the MC encouraged all those in the audience to give and the sign of the devil and worship Satan to which he got an enthusiast response. If Norbert Weiner were alive today, he would surely tell us that society was losing its battle with the Manichean Devil. So if I could be so bold, let us as a nation set the table for the Manichean Devil for a last supper. While the DARE education program claims to have started in the early 1980’s, the first DARE program began in Laguna Beach California in the mid 1960’s during an era when the military dominated the field of psychological research. A major goal of the program was to teach children how important they were as individuals and to focus on their individual being”. This was the first step into a culture that focused on self indulgence: the same philosophy of the Crowley/LeVey/Aquino Legacy. Self Indulgenent people are model citizens for a consumer oriented society, useless eaters as Henry Kissinger was fond of calling them. As I said at the onset, you reap what you have sewn and until we as a nation have the fortitude and strength to address the issue of information, and how and why it is provided for our children, we will continue our plunge into the abyss. Isolation was a key goal of the program to create a Manchurian Candidate, and as the media fanned the flames of anti-drug hysteria, a significant number of young people sought comfort in Goth Culture whose philosophy was being pushed by the the liberal wing of the Military Industrial Complex, Hollywood. When the US Army was questioned about Aquino’s involvement in Satanic Worship, they stated that this was an issue of “Religious Freedom”. In retrospect it looks like a deliberate attempt to influence culture. At what cost and to whose benefit? While the Reagan administration attempted to re-educate an entire generation about the dangers of illegal drugs, it lifted the ban on advertising for pharmaceutical drugs. While our children were being told at school that drugs were bad, a wave of advertising swept America telling them that taking pills was the answer for anything that ailed them. Drug use for Mental Health related issues reached epidemic proportion, as an increasing numbers of young adults were diagnosised with mental illness, and given drugs to cure their dis-ease. It is estimated that 25% of the children in the United States are now on psychiatric medication. As profits from psychiatric drugs soared, standards for scientific research diminished as Corporate Scientists took over the Food and Drug administration that turned a blind eye to a long history of abuse by the pharmaceutical industry relating to the sale and distribution of drugs: Profits before People: Medicine with no soul. Since President Clinton took office in 1992, there have been 68 school related homicides and mass killings. All the shooters shared one disturbing fact in common; they were all taking Psychiatric Drugs. While the media hides behind the veil of Doctor patient confidentiality, regarding our most recent shootings at the movie theatre in Aurora Colorado, and in Newtown Connecticut, we can rest assured that over use of pharmaceutical drugs by an industry out of control is one of the major changes that has taken place in the last 32 years. Let’s face it, drugging are children is more cost effective than comprehensive treatment, or education for that matter. In summer of 2010, Dr. Yolande Lucire, an Australian bio-psychiatrist, published a startling research paper about the cause of pharmaceutical drug induced violence. Dr. Lucire had been working as a prison psychiatrist and began to recognize that many of the inmates with histories of violence that she was treating had been on the same types of medications. Dr. Lucire began to wonder if a genetic malfunction that prevented individuals from being able to metabolize drugs was responsible for their violent behavior. What Lucire discovered is that a significant number of her patients with a history of violence had a genetic defect that did not allow them to metabolize psychiatric drugs. If a person can not metabolize a drug with each dose, the amount of drug in a person’s system builds up until it drives them crazy. It is believed that as much as 10% of the US population may have this particular genetic flaw. This research implies that the pharmaceutical industry is partly responsible for the growing problem of mass homicide. The fact that the US pharmaceutical industry has failed to warn Doctors and the public at large about this discovery has both Civil and Criminal implications for all deaths caused by individuals who were taking psychiatric drugs since the publication of this research. It is time for us to closely examine how we educate our children, and the role that the abundance of information available to our youth through the corporately controlled media has on their perceptions of reality. One does not have to look too closely at American Culture to realize that our children have been robbed of their childhoods, by a media machine that insists on putting profits before children. While controlling the number of guns on our streets may have a minimal impact on the safety of our children, until we address the impact of the military industrial complex on the minds and soul of our children, we will live in a country that worships the Manichean Devil. Many believe that eliminating prayer in our public schools has led to the moral corruption of our youth, without first asking how the United States Army division of Psychological Warfare became actively involved in promoting Satan Worship among our youth? You reap what you sewn, when you condition a certain subset of children to worship the devil, train them in the video arcade to kill without remorse, and then drug them because they have abnormal behavior, you set the stage for National Tragedy. |
WMR -- CIA spun off financial speculators in the 1980s January 28-29, 2013 |
When William Casey took over as CIA director in 1981, he brought with
him into Langley a team of fellow Wall Street businessmen whose first
priority was to milk the intelligence agency for every drop of usable
information they could gather in order to game the stock market while
armed with top secret intelligence findings. |
Interactive 9/11, JFK & Holocaust Spreadsheet | |||||