Academic Freedom Conference II - Are there Limits to Inquiry? Should faculty be restrained from or even punished for investigating complex and controversial events of enormous political significance? |
Conference Schedule Speaker Summary (see details at the 2016 conference page) |
IBTimes 9/11 Conspiracy Theories: Inside The Lonely Lives Of Truthers |
Polling does show that millennials are far less trusting of the government than their parents. A 2014 survey by Harvard found that young people’s “cynicism toward the political process” has never been higher. “There’s an erosion of trust in the individuals and institutions that make government work — and now we see the lowest level of interest in any election we’ve measured since 2000,” polling director John Della Volpe said at the time. This year, a second poll from Harvard showed more of the same, with 83 percent of millennials showing “no faith” in Congress.“This is a more cynical generation when it comes to political institutions,” Volpe repeated this time around.It’s unclear whether disillusionment with politics will send Trutherism into the mainstream: as Ujueta himself noted, and Gage admitted, the theory remains a widespread joke on and off the Internet these days among the younger generation. While some millennials may view the movement as relevant as it was in 2001, many view it as a punch line. That alone is yet another bad break for the ostracized community.Near the end of our conversation, even Gage confessed he misses his life before 9/11 Truth.“It is tiring after nine years, I have to say,” he said. “I am an architect, I’d rather be practicing architecture. I’ve been full time as a 9/11 Truth activist for five years and I’m looking forward to going back to architecture. I make more money, I have more fun.”He paused.“But my country’s at stake.”CORRECTION 4:21 p.m. EDT: An earlier version of this article reported that Ujueta's brother and cousin died while serving in the Army in the Iraq War. Ujueta later contacted IBT and retracted his claim. |
WayneMadsenReport: Former Mossad chief admits to helping Al Qaeda branch in Syria |
![]() In an interview with the Qatar-based news network Al Jazeera, Efraim Halevy, the former head of Mossad confirmed what many in the Middle East and around the world already surmised: that Israel provided "tactical" assistance to Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian affiliate of Al Qaeda, throughout the Syrian civil war. The fact that Halevy chose the Qatari government-funded Al Jazeera to make his revelation is even more noteworthy considering the fact that Qatar is also a major financial supporter of Jabhat al-Nusra and Al Qaeda in Syria. Reports from UN observers in the Golan Heights confirmed regular contact between Israel Defense Force officers and armed Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic State terrorists at the Syrian-Israeli border. Halevy's admission blows wide open the real reason the Obama administration is opposed to the release of the 28 pages from the 2002 joint Congressional inquiry on the intelligence failures that led to the 9/11 attack on the United States. WMR has spoken to sources familiar with the report's content who have revealed that the footnotes, where the "devil is hiding in the details," adds Israel, Qatar, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates, in addition to the obvious guilty state party, Saudi Arabia, to the list of countries linked to facilitating the deadliest single foreign attack on U.S. soil in American history. Former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy [left] admits to tactical alliance between Israel and Al Qaeda affiliate on Al Jazeera. Halevy's comments add to what WMR previously reported about comments made in a private conversation by one of Halevy's predecessors in Mossad that funding for the 9/11 attack was handled by the six largest US. banks in New York. The clear inference by the former Mossad chief was that the funding was well known to the Bush administration before the attack was carried out. Halevy's admission of a tactical alliance between Israel and a Syrian branch of Al Qaeda also explains the similar alliance between Israel and the 9/11 plotters in the months prior to the 2001 attack. The presence of hundreds of Israeli "art students," "mall kiosk vendors," and "furniture movers," all of whom were Mossad agents, in close vicinity to the Arab airplane hijackers from 2000 to 2001 points to the Israeli-Al Qaeda tactical alliance being more enduring than it has been in Syria. The real reason why Senator Charles Schumer and House Speaker Paul Ryan, in addition to Barack Obama, have erected significant barriers to the 28 pages being released in full is that they fear that the details buried in the footnotes will expose Israel and other Gulf states as responsible parties in the 9/11 attack. And if the proposed Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) became law, which it will not since Obama has promised to veto it, Israel and Saudi Arabia could find themselves stripped of sovereign immunity from lawsuits and facing thousands of plaintiffs in U.S. courts. Halevy said it was "humane" for Israel to provide medical assistance to wounded Syrian terrorists but that such "humaneness" would never be extended to Shi'a Hezbollah fighters from Lebanon who have been fighting against the Sunni jihadist terrorists in Syria. Israel's "humaneness" was also shown for all the world to see in Gaza, where it murdered hundreds of children, old men, and women in incessant bombing attacks on highly-populated areas. Postscript on Mossad's "humaneness" -- Mossad showed "humaneness" in the radiation poisoning death of Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat, and the more recent death of Western Sahara liberation leader Mohamed Abdelaziz who reportedly died in an Algerian hospital after battling cancer. Abdelaziz's family contends that the leader of the POLISARIO liberation front was poisoned by Moroccan intelligence agents. Western Sahara has been fighting a decades-long battle for independence against Morocco, which invaded the former Spanish Sahara in 1975. Cancer weapons are believed to have been perfected by Halevy's "humane" Mossad and may have been successfully used on Arafat, who died from a form of fast-acting leukemia; Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, who died from fast-acting pelvic cancer; and now, Abdelaziz, who died at the age of 68 from cancer. Mossad is a close partner of the Moroccan intelligence agency. |
Dick Gregory |
Bandar buying political support in US and Europe WayneMadsenReport |
![]() WMR has learned from multiple intelligence sources in Washington, London, Beirut, and Paris that Saudi intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan has paid off key members of the U.S. Senate and House leadership, as well as key ministers of the French government, with "incentive cash" to support an American and French "shock and awe" military strike on not only Syria but Hezbollah positions in Lebanon. Secretary of State John Kerry has ordered all U.S. diplomats out of Lebanon in preparation for a U.S. strike on targets mainly in south Beirut and south Lebanon. Bandar was also chiefly behind the shipment of weapons to Syrian rebels from arms caches seized by Islamist Salafist and Muslim Brotherhood guerrillas in Libya from Muammar Qaddafi's forces. That operation, which was botched by a series of circumstances, including the dissemination of an anti-Muslim video on YouTube and a failed covert operation conducted under the auspices of a classified President Finding signed by Barack Obama and implemented by then-National Security Adviser and current CIA director John Brennan. The ill-fated covert operation that saw Libyan weapons being bought from Libyan guerrillas for transfer to Syria resulted in the 9/11/12 murder of the U.S. ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three personnel assigned to the CIA annex in Benghazi, Libya. Rival Libyan groups loyal to Saudi Arabia and Qatar, respectively, also contributed to the failure of the weapons buying operation in Benghazi. Pro-Saudi Salafists were upset that pro-Muslim Brotherhood rebels were reaping huge amounts of cash from Libyan weapons being shipped on Qatar Airways cargo flights from Benghazi to Turkey for later distribution to Syrian rebels. Afghanistan veterans of the Saudi-funded Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, which battled Qaddafi's forces for a number of years and were members of Al Qaeda, got their revenge on Qatar and the CIA by attacking the U.S. "diplomatic annex" in Benghazi. The Obama administration launched a cover-up to keep secret the nature of the CIA's weapons transfer operation from Libya to Syria. Prince Bandar (Mr. 9/11) is buying up members of Congress to vote for the Syria War Resolution. Much of the money Bandar is using to buy off members of Congress and the French National Assembly originates from a $2 billion slush fund amassed by Bandar as a result of bribes paid to him by the British defense firm BAE Systems for a Saudi oil-for-weapons deal made with Britain in the 1980s. Over more than two decades, the Bank of England transferred some $2 billion to the accounts of Bandar and other Saudi officials as a deal "sweetener." British Tornado and Typhoon Eurofighter aircraft were provided to Saudi Arabia, in addition to Tornado upgrades and missiles. Republican and Democratic members of the Senate and House leadership, including Senators Harry Reid, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Barbara Boxer, and Robert Menendez, as well as House Speaker John Boehner, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Rogers, New York's Peter King, Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, and others have seen their campaign chests grow substantially as a result of Bandar's financial largesse, according to our multiple sources. |
Wayne Madsen Report: Planning and Decision Aid System (PDAS) NFU page |
TruthSeeker Israel Discount Bank ... 9/11 |
The latest massive financial scandal is the giant $50 billion pyramid or ‘Ponzi’ scheme run by a New York Zionist Jew, Bernard Lawrence Madoff. Madoff was chairman of the Syms business school at Yeshiva University with his partner, Sy Merns, a.k.a. Sy Syms, who has been a director at Israel Discount Bank (IDB) since 1991. The IDB bank is well known for its money laundering business.Syms and the Israel discount bank.The IDB is the Israeli bank at the center of the 9-11 funding matrix connected to the Bronfman family and Israeli military intelligence. IDB is the Israeli financial institution at the center of the Zionist crimocracy. (See: The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Israeli Network Behind 9-11, especially the section on Joseph Ciechanover, the former chairman of IDB’s New York branch.)On January 31, 2006, a controlling interest in the Bank was acquired by an investor group led by Matthew Bronfman and Rubin Schron. The deal gave Bronfman ownership of IDB’s wholly owned subsidiary, the Israel Discount Bank of New York. Bronfman is a younger brother of Edgar Bronfman Jr., chairman and CEO of Warner Music Group Corp.See: “Who is Bernie Madoff, the man behind the $50 billion fraud?” by Christopher Bollyn, December 12, 2008 |
BushStole04 ... The false-flag terror attacks of 9/11 and the multi-billion dollar financial scams of Bernard Madoff and Allen Stanford are, like peas in a pod, three mega-scams that have been carried out by Israeli intelligence and high-level Zionist agents in the United States - against the American people. The people behind these crimes are from the same foreign criminal network described in greater detail in "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Israeli Network Behind 9-11" (Chapter VII of Solving 9/11). Key individuals of this network are involved in all three mega-crimes, e.g. Joseph Ciechanover. The very same Israeli/Rothschild funding entities, such as Israel Discount Bank, the Challenge Fund, and the Catalyst Fund are involved in all three crimes. The cover-ups of all three crimes have been tightly controlled by Zionist investigators, trustees, and judges in order to protect their fellow Zionist Jews. Understanding the Zionist control of these crimes and cover-ups helps us understand the nature of the crimocracy that controls the United States. Joseph Ciechanover, 77, former chairman of the board of Israel Discount Bank and El Al Israel Airlines, is one of the key individuals connected to three Zionist mega-crimes in the United States: the false-flag terror attacks of 9/11 and the financial scams of Bernard Madoff and Allen Stanford. (Photo - Moti Kimche in Haaretz) The investigations of 9/11 and the huge financial scams of the past decade are strikingly similar in their appalling lack of success. To be honest, the government investigation of the terror attacks of 9/11 is more aptly defined as a "non-investigation" because the most crucial evidence from the crime scene was confiscated and destroyed by the officials who were responsible for leading the investigation. Likewise, the investigations of the immense financial scams of Bernard Madoff and Allen Stanford have utterly failed to identify the key players involved in the scams or to locate where the missing billions went. |
JamesFetzer.blogspot 2+2= Israel Nuked the WTC on 9/11 By Don Fox (with Jim Fetzer) |
By Don Fox (with Jim Fetzer)
How many wars is the US supposed to fight for Israel? How many of our sons and daughters must die? How much of our national treasury and moral standing must be squandered to insure Israeli domination of the Middle East?
Does any serious analyst actually believe that the Syrian government–which has been routing the rebels for the past several months–would jeopardize its standing in the eyes of the world by launching a gas attack when it has no reason to do so?
Does anyone believe that doing so on the eve of the arrival of a UN inspection team would be rational? Are the American people so stupid and gullible that we are going to fall for the same “song and dance” from the nation’s leaders who so completely misled us about the massive surveillance being conducted by the NSA?
The lied to us about Iraq. They lied to us about Libya. They lied to us about Iran. And what could be more obvious than that they are lying to us again about Syria? The US is wreaking havoc in the Middle East for Israel. We have become Israeli liars, enforcers, stooges and dupes!
Some historical backgroundWe know that 9/11 involved close collusion between the neo-cons in the Department of Defense and the Mossad to create a pretext for the US to invade the Middle East and deconstruct the modern Arab states by converting them into statelets to promote the domination of the Middle East by Israel. We know that New York City appears to have been outsourced to Israel and that the destruction of the Twin Towers, unlike WTC-7, can only be explained on the basis of sophisticated arrangements of mini or micro nukes. We have proven this again and again and again. It is beyond reasonable doubt.
The most powerful proof, ironically, comes from dust samples collected by the USGS, which substantiate the presence of elements that would not be present in this form had the destruction of the Twin Towers not been a nuclear event. Those include:
But the proof also includes the dramatic incidence of cancers associated with nuclear events, where, as Jeff Prager has observed, (a) Multiple Myeloma in the general population at a rate of 3-9 incidents per 100,000 people, but the rate was 18 per 100,000 among first responders; (b) that other cancers relatively unusual cancers have appeared among the responders, including non-Hodgkins lymphoma, leukemia, thyroid, pancreatic, brain, prostate, esophageal and blood and plasma cancers; and (c) that, as of March 2011 no less than 1,003 first responders died from various cancers. Those familiar with the available evidence who continue to deny that 9/11 was a nuclear event would appear to be either cognitively impaired or deliberately deceptive.
How it was doneWTC-7 was destroyed by a classic controlled demolition, where all the floors fell at the same time, none of its floors were blown apart, and there was a stack of debris equal to 12% of the original height of the 47-story building (about 5.5 floors of debris). The Twin Towers, by contrast, were blow apart sequentially from the top down; they were converted into millions of cubic yards of very fine dust; each floor remained stationary until its turn came; and, when it was over, the buildings had been destroyed below ground level: there was no stack debris (which should have been around 12 floors high). They did not collapse. They were blown apart using mini or micro nukes, which too many have continued to deny for too long.
Indeed, if we assume that it was done by blowing one ten-floor cube per second, then the time for the destruction of the 110-floor North Tower would have been approximately 11 seconds, which is the time estimate of NIST. And when we note that the top three floors of the South Tower had begun to tilt and were blown as one, then the time for its destruction would have been approximately 9 seconds, which is also in agreement withe the time estimate of NIST. This appears to have been roughly how it was done, where we will continue to fine-tune the sequence as we continue.
Muftah There Is a “Palestine Exception” to Academic Freedom |
In August 2014, Palestinian-American Professor Steven Salaita received an email from Phyllis Wise, the chancellor of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). He had just accepted a tenure-track teaching position in the university’s American Indian Studies program, and was due to start teaching in a few weeks’ time. Wise’s email notified Salaita that he was being terminated, effective immediately. Salaita had already resigned from his position at Virginia Tech University, relocated his family to Illinois, and was actively preparing for his fall courses. He had also been closely following Operation Protective Edge, Israel’s brutal assault on the besieged population of Gaza that summer, which killed over 2,000 Palestinians. On his Twitter feed, Salaita had actively expressed his outrage over the wanton massacre. His tweets were sometimes eloquent and meditative, sometimes laced with profanity, sometimes strongly worded, and always impassioned. They were also the reasons why he lost his job at UIUC. Salaita’s tweets included: This is not a conflict between #Israel and “Hamas.” It’s a struggle by an Indigenous people against a colonial power. #Gaza #FreePalestine — Steven Salaita (@stevesalaita) July 17, 2014
Let’s cut to the chase: If you’re defending #Israel right now you’re an awful human being. — Steven Salaita (@stevesalaita) July 9, 2014
If it’s “antisemitic” to deplore colonization, land theft, and child murder, then what choice does any person of conscience have? #Gaza — Steven Salaita (@stevesalaita) July 20, 2014
I repeat: if you’re defending #Israel right now, then “hopelessly brainwashed” is your best prognosis. #Gaza #FreePalestine — Steven Salaita (@stevesalaita) July 20, 2014
#Israel’s bombardment of #Gaza provides a necessary impetus to reflect on the genocides that accompanied the formation of the United States. — Steven Salaita (@stevesalaita) July 20, 2014 Although some had (unfairly) accused Salaita of professing “anti-Semitic” views, the problem, according to Chancellor Wise, was his “uncivil” demeanor in discussing Israeli atrocities against Gazans. As explained on the Chancellor’s Blog, Wise argued that Salaita had expressed his viewpoints using “personal and disrespectful words or actions that demean and abuse either viewpoints themselves or those who express them.” But, Salaita (and many others) believed the real reason for Wise’s decision was pressure from wealthy donors who could not abide having a pro-Palestinian professor on campus. As journalist Nadeen Shaker wrote for Muftah,
Many of these emails were made public, as a result of litigation over Salaita’s termination. In response to Wise’s unjustified actions, Salaita filed two separate lawsuits against the university, one to reinstate his employment and the other to release documents pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). After Salaita’s termination, heated public debate erupted around issues of academic freedom, civil rights, freedom of speech, and the Israeli occupation of Palestine. In the midst of it all, both the chancellor and Provost Ilesanmi Adesida resigned. Throughout it all, Salaita received substantial support at the university in the form of student walkouts and a vote of “no confidence” for the university’s administration by over a dozen academic departments. More broadly, lectures and events at the university were canceled as part of a far-reaching academic boycott of the university. Many prominent academic organizations, including the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), the Modern Language Association (MLA), the Society of American Law Teachers, and the American Studies Organization (ASA), issued public statements condemning the university’s treatment of Salaita. Fuck Civility stickers and buttons to support Steven Salaita (Photo source: Flickr). On Thursday, November 12, the saga between Salaita and UIUC finally came to a close, after Salaita agreed to settle his claims against the school. Pursuant to the settlement, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign agreed to give Salaita $600,000 and pay his legal fees, amounting to nearly $1 million in damages. The terms of the settlement stipulate that Salaita will not seek employment at the University of Illinois in the future and will drop all claims against the school. After the settlement was announced, Salaita wrote on his Facebook page:
Although Salaita describes the settlement as a positive development and wishes to put the ordeal behind him, many of his supporters consider it a pyrrhic victory. After learning of the settlement, over eighty academics issued a statement expressing concern about its terms and implications for freedom of speech, academic freedom, and the proper functioning of an academic institution:
In an essay for In These Times, writer and political activist Marilyn Katz noted some of the many questions that will remain unanswered now that the lawsuit is not going to trial, including the identity of those who reported Salaita’s tweets to the university and the extent and nature of the effort to unseat Salaita from his position. Most importantly, Katz wonders, “Was Salaita’s treatment the result of a zealous individual or part of a larger scheme that has tried to squelch the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement by trying to pass laws in state legislatures, city councils and elsewhere making divestment illegal?” While much of the political debate about Salaita has centered around academic freedom and civil liberties, there has been little focus on the nexus between these issues and the Palestinian question, or, as the Center for Constitutional Rights describes it, the “Palestinian exception to free speech.” As writer and activist David Green wrote for Mondoweiss:
Electronic Intifada Thesis on Zionism - Joseph Massad |
I.European Christians oppress European Jews. They then demand that the Palestinians must allow European Jews to oppress them in turn and that the Palestinians must ignore if not celebrate their own oppression, while condemning European Christian oppression of European Jews. II.European Jewish Zionists also demand that Palestinians celebrate the oppression inflicted on them by European Jews (and non-European Jews mobilized by Zionism) and marvel as to why the Palestinians resist the understanding that European Jews have the exceptional right to oppress them because as Jews, they were oppressed by European Christians. III.European Jewish Zionists are horrified that anyone would suggest that they should celebrate the oppression inflicted on them by European Christians. They are equally horrified that anyone should suggest that the Palestinians should not celebrate the oppression inflicted on them by European (and non-European) Jews. IV.European and Euro-American Christian Zionists and European Jewish Zionists insist on the exceptionalism of Europeans. European Jewish Zionists recognize that European and Euro-American Christians should have the right to oppress anyone they choose except for Jews, while European and Euro-American Christian Zionists recognize that European (and other) Jews have the right to oppress only the Palestinians, and a motley array of other Arabs and Muslims. V.European and Euro-American Zionists, Christians and Jews alike, do not consider it controversial when modern Egyptians claim descent from the ancient Egyptians and the Pharaohs, nor do they consider it controversial when modern Iraqis claim descent from the Babylonians; or when the Lebanese claim descent from the Phoenicians, or when the Jordanians claim descent from the Nabateans. The only controversy is over the Palestinians’ claim that they are descendants of the ancient Hebrews. At the same time, it remains utterly uncontroversial that modern European Jews, who are descendants of European converts to Judaism who were and are foreign to Palestine’s geography, claim instead that they, not the native Palestinians, are the real descendants of the ancient Hebrews. VI.When some Zionists admit their war crimes against the Palestinians, the expulsion, the massacres, the destruction of Palestinian cities and towns, the theft of land and property, they claim that they had little choice, as they were persecuted in Europe and needed a refuge, even if at the expense of the Palestinians. When Palestinians insist on resisting these Zionist crimes and claims, the same Zionists accuse the Palestinians of lack of sympathy with their oppressors and of anti-Semitism. VII.Zionism bases itself on three claims: (1) that the ancient Hebrews possessed ancient Palestine and nobody else lived there; (2) that modern descendants of European converts to Judaism are the direct descendants of the Hebrews; and (3) that, based on these two claims, modern European Jews have the right to take Palestine from the Palestinians. While the first two claims lack any historical validity as attested to by mounds of historical evidence, even were we to assume that they were valid, they do not lead to the acceptance of the third proposition. Otherwise all European white Aryans would be claiming northern India as their home (as they claim to have originated there) and would seek to displace all Indians (dark Aryans) living there today and take their land away from them. VIII.Religious and secular Zionists use the Jewish scriptures to assert that God promised the ancient Hebrews the land of Palestine and that the Hebrews went there and killed the native Canaanites and took their country. They add that this gives modern European Jews the right to repeat that very same crime today by killing the native Palestinians and by taking away their country. IX.Israel claims to be of Asian Hebrew origins, yet it insists that it is part of Europe and the West. X.Zionism claims to be an answer to the loss of Jewish cultures (on account of Jewish assimilation in the diaspora) and to the threat of anti-Semitism, which threatens Jewish lives in the diaspora. Yet it is Israel which has played a major role in destroying all diaspora Jewish languages (including Yiddish, Ladino and Arabic) and cultures and substituted for Jews instead an assimilated European gentile Hebrew-speaking culture. As for safeguarding Jewish lives, today and for the last six and a half decades, Israel, rather than being the safest place for Jews, has been the most dangerous place for them. XI.Anti-Zionists have interpreted the Zionist project; the point however is to undo it. Resist Zionism: Boycott — Divestment — Sanctions! Joseph Massad is Associate Professor of Modern Arab Politics and Intellectual History at Columbia University. |
Why Brexit .... The Chosenites |
In the Land of Blind Dupes the one-eyed Jewish psychopath is King. Next time you watch a WWII movie or documentary detailing the great British victories in The Battle Of Britain, El Alamain, or D-Day, just remember… This Is What They Fought For! Two world wars for freedom and this is what men and women died for. They would turn in their graves. Hitler had the last laugh after all! Many Americans and Europeans aren’t aware of the fact that Jews are responsible for multiculturalism, open borders, white privilege, feminism, the EU, Cultural Marxism, and other policies that are leading to the total destruction of Western world. The schools and the mainstream media is full of Holohoaxianity so that White people would not dare to even think that Jews might be doing something unacceptable in their countries. Cultural subversion 101… Marxist is a euphemism for JEW. Liberalism & multiculturalism are both Jewish creations and both have always been heavily promoted/advanced by Jews. Cultural Marxism and political correctness (these are social engineering “tools” which came out of the Jewish think tank known as the Frankfurt School, the Tavistock Institute and the Fabian school after WW2. ( ) For further study on the topic of the subversive nature of Jewish movements in the US and Europe, I highly recommend Kevin McDonald’s, The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements. Read it here and/or download for free in PDF: The idea that race doesn’t exist was opened pushed by an anthropologist named Franz Boas and a broad network of his fellow Jews. All the modern ‘liberal’ catchphrases such as ‘melting pot’, ‘equality’, ‘liberation’, ‘racism’, ‘race doesn’t exist’, ‘repression’, ‘oppression’, ‘ White privilege’ and so on have a Jewish-Marxist origin. Note the conservatives have the same ideology. It’s no coincidence how similar the U.S. progressive is to the British, Australian, French, German, Irish, Spanish, Greek, Swedish (et al.) western democratic liberal progressive. They all follow an ideology passed down by Jewish Marxist, multicultural nation wreckers. Sovereignty is not compatible with “progressive” agendas. Nationalism is the rebuttal to this Jewish marxist cancer. Liberalism is a mental disorder. Jews hate Whites, but many Whites are too dumb to figure it out. Multiculturalism, Who’s really believed in the first place it would ever work?! “The Revolution won’t happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.” ~ Max Horkheimer, Marxist Jew of the Frankfurt School The American Jewish Committee has made it public that the Jews control Immigration policies in both America and Europe, but vow to keep Israel a completely Jewish state. Senator Jacob Javits said “The AJC has opened the gates of immigration to America and Europe.” “For perhaps another generation, an optimistic forecast, the Jewish community will be in a position to divide and conquer and enter into selective coalitions to support our agendas.” ~ Stephen Steinlight, “The Jewish Stake in America’s Changing Demography.” Center for Immigration Studies, October, 2001. In the USA it has been exclusively Jews pushing for this Immigraton. Do a few “immigration” searches on the Jewish Daily Forward to see how much Jews support mass immigration to the States. The greatest wave of mass immigration in England came when a Jew was immigration minister for the Labour Party. There are around 650 Members of Parliament in London. If Proportional Representation were allowed there would be 1/3 of one Jewish MP. There are around 40. The Prime Minster is Jewish, the Leader of The Oposition is Jewish, the Speaker is Jewish and even the Minister who runs our Nuclear Arsenal is a self proclaimed Israeli Agent. 90 per cent of all MPS are signed up Committed Friends of Israel. The next Labour MP to come in is employed at present as an Israeli Lobbyist. Here Are The Names Of The Jews Behind The US Open Immigraton Law of 1965:
Jewish involvement in the promotion of ‘hate speech’ laws, multiculturalism, mass immigration, denationalization, subversion of traditional values, and related items. ( The third world immigration into Western nations, Jews has been in power positions to craft and force through liberal immigration laws and are responsible for each and every Western nation’s liberal immigration policy/laws, as all were orchestrated by a consortium consisting of the World Jewish Congress, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, and B’nai B’rith. They own the media and the people follow the media, they have no critical thinking. They will do exactly what is shown to them by their media heroes. Whoever controls the media is capable of presenting anything to the populace as normal. Racism is simply a pathologization of a very normal instinct, preference for your own kind. All biological life forms breeding in and out groups, all the way down to bacteria. It is a function of nature itself. It’s also the Jews greatest strength, it’s what held them together as a people without a country for so long. But Jewish psychologists decided to undermine this instinct in the non-Jew goyim by creating the concept of ‘racism’. What was their greatest strength as a people, they would forbid in others. It’s really nothing more than an old Commie scam, the word itself was even coined by notorious Jewish commie rat Leon Trotsky (aka Lev Bronstein). Racism wouldn’t be an issue if ethnically homogeneous nations were not undermined by mass immigration. Racism is a symptom of the problem, the problem is multiculturalism and diversity. You can’t get rid of the symptom or cover it up and expect the illness to be cured. Humans are a tribal society. “The fascists of the future will be called the anti-fascists” ~ Winston Churchil When organized Jewry began pushing for massive 3rd World immigration into the USA, they knew that most Whites wouldn’t like it. So Jews came up with the doctrine of “Political Correctness”… ie. a means to browbeat American Whites into keeping their mouths shut about the 3rd World invasion for fear of being branded a “Racist” or “Bigot” or “Xenophobe”. Further, “celebrate diversity” is a sly way to trick Whites into actually believing that 3rd World immigration is good for the USA. Multiculturalism is cultural communism, political correctness is the social platform to spread it and force people to accept it through shame and guilt. The Jews with their traitorous shabbos goyim are responsible for flooding our borders with hostile Islamic immigrants that don’t share our Western values. They have opened the flood gates of hell for us to divide and weaken us. The Jews has deliberately imported Islam and all those Muslims to Christian democratic nations knowing full well that Islam rejects democracy! Their Koran says to kill all non believers where ever you find them and demand Sharia Laws! Islam is incompatible with Liberty. The Kalergi Plan lays out the Jewish Masonic Genocide of the European races around the world in order to create mongrelized races to rule over that are just like them. The EU was created by Kalergi, and financed by Warburg, Baruch and Rothschild. Masonic websites have verified this and celebrate it as a victory for Freemasonry. The EU is Jewish Freemason Union number two. USA being Number 1. They wrote the plan. They funded it. They are executing it. Just read “practical idealism” by Count Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi the architect of the EU. In it he calls for Europeans to be mongrelized with Blacks and Arabs and to be ruled over by Jews. This evil agenda was sponsored by the Rothschilds, and implemented by the Rothschild-Kalergi pan-European superstate known as the European Union. Their stated objective is to eliminate the White race by mass immigration and miscegenation, and replace it with an “Eurasian-Negroid” race with lower IQ. This new and more docile race is to be ruled by the Jewish master race, which Kalergi dubbed “the new nobility” of Europe. Then look at the history of your country, and notice who has been pushing for open borders, inclusion and mass immigration. The conspiracy against the White race is Judeo-Masonic and they want to see the White race irradiated or blended in with the darker races. Once all of Europe is blended and the original culture watered down it will be easier for them to create a formal European superstate with total central control in Brussels. The resulting people will have no culture (or culture created for them) and lower IQs (as a whole studies show) which is desirable for the ruling class. As alot of immigrants to Europe are from the third World they will be happy to accept the lower living standards that will inevitably follow the decline of the European nations, once the Whites are bred out. Jews are white but they hate the White people, they seek first to rule them and then to destroy them. Masons are mostly, but not always, White and they do whatever is demanded of them by their head Freemasons, which is controlled by World Jewry. Caucasians are the subject of an ethnic cleansing and they the Caucasians don’t really care to be honest, Kalergi’s plan has come to fruition thanks to the Caucasians and Jews. White people celebrate their own genocide. White people push for White people to be a minority in their own Continent, what a spineless, toothless, devolved race of people… Every 3rd world coveting trash scum point to Europe on their little maps and laugh at how they f— your daughter, kill your brother, take your house and your job and everyone will support them in their endeavours, even White people, you couldn’t make it up. “Western Civilization is the only civilization that blames itself, while it’s enemies are destroying it.” ~ Jacques Barzun Mass Immigration And The New Tower Of Babel ( ) Meanwhile Jews meet once a year in the World Jewish Council to discuss nationalism for their people! These people are beyond criticism, it’s just unbelievable, they whine about persecution and anti-Semitism (their own special word for racism) if you so much raise a peep about any of their misdeeds. The word is getting out. A hell of a lot of people see their tricks now. They’ve got to be called out on their hypocrisy and the powerful Jewish elite that is represented in every Western government pushing mass-immigration. Imagine the hypocrisy of Jews starting “white privilege” conferences when they own the media, and they have representation in government in each and every Western nation. Ask yourself this, White man: why are Jews behind almost every single anti-White article, book, movie, TV show, organization, law, and ideology? Why do Jews label themselves “White” when it’s convenient for them, but then spew hatred against Whites by, for example, demanding that all Whites be banished from the universities that Jews run? Why is the social justice warriors (SJW) movement dominated so heavily by Jews, even though Jews are such a small portion of the population? All of these things aren’t a coincidence, White man. The Jewish parasite is a hivemind, and it’s a hivemind that is absolutely determined to destroy Whites (the only race intelligent enough to pose a threat to Jewish power) and enslave everyone else under the iron fist of Jewish Bolshevism. The hook-nosed vermin control the media in all White nations, and they will continue to use their control of the media in order to push an increasingly anti-White agenda. That is, of course, unless Whites decide to rise up and finally expel the Jewish parasite once and for all. Daniel Cohn Bendit, a Jewish politician in Germany and France, who proudly said he’s a pedophile in a book and on a French tv, publicly said years ago “we need to overflow Germany with immigration and give these immigrants the right to vote, in order to definitively destroy the German people”. Seems like this plan is going on really well: Germans are slowly disappearing by lack of children and forced immigration, and Cohn Bendit is still a revered figure in European politics, being regularly seen on tv and heard on radio insulting the Europeans and advocating their total destruction. This is why Jews have been hated throughout history. It was Jews like this who pushed the Immigration Act of 1965, bringing non-white immigration en masse deliberately to fracture White society because they saw (and see) it as a threat. Jews at the ADL of B’nai B’rith and American Jewish Congress openly discussed the need to make America “multicultural” 70 years ago. Now the same f—-rs call you “racist” for being unhappy with, or merely acknowledging, what they have done to you. Hitler should have exterminated all these devious sons of bitches. Everywhere they go they work to destroy the dominant culture, in the name of social justice, but really for the benefit of the Jewish tribe. How would this Jews feel if Whites deliberately pushed Arab and African mass immigration into Israel, then called them “racist” for not politely grumbling about their ethnic and cultural annihilation? Do I even have to ask? Hitler once stated: “Jews were responsible for bringing Negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the White race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate.” “I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. “Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our LEADING ROLE. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive”. ~ Barbara Lerner Spectre (born ca. 1942) is a US-born Jewess. She is a hardline Zionist and supports Jewish chauvinism in occupied-Palestine, and is head of Paideia – The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden, an organisation funded by the Swedish government and the Wallenberg Foundation to promote Jewish ideology. Through an organisation called One Sweden, which she heads, she promotes multiculturalism (cultural Marxism) against Europeans in their own homeland. Sweden’s number of reported rapes have increased 1500% since 1975 when the started an open immigration policy for the 3rd World and according to UN, Sweden will become a 3rd World country pretty soon in future. “What is the goal. It’s going to be controversial. The goal is to meet the challenge of racial interbreeding. The challenge of racial interbreeding that face us in the 21st century. “It’s not a choice, it’s an obligation. It’s imperative. We cannot do otherwise. We risk finding us confronted with major problems. We must change; therefore we will change. “We are going to change all at the same time. In business, in administration, in education, in the political parties. And we will obligate ourselves as to results. If the voluntarism does not work for the Republic, then the State will move more coercive measures.” ~ Nicolas Sarkozy (Jew), Palaiseau; 17.12. 2008. Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965: A Historical Review ( ) “Islamization of Europe a good thing” ~ Rabbi Baruch Efrati (Israeli Ynet News) (,7340,L-4299673,00.html ) Racism, properly defined, is a good thing. Racism is a survival mechanism. I’ll even accept the hypothesis that it is genetic and that it gives those with a proper complement of racist genes a heightened sense of who and what they are and helps them avoid those unlike themselves and also to avoid miscegenation. Racism is simply a pathologization of a very normal instinct, preference for your own kind. All biological life forms breeding in and out groups, all the way down to bacteria. It is a function of nature itself. Intelligence involves, in part, being able to discern differences that the less intelligent don’t discern. For example, a lower consciousness organism might see a forest full of trees and mentally categorize as all being the same. An intelligent person with higher consciousness would immediately see that there are many differences in the trees and he or she would then want to know why and how they’re different and which are harmful and which aren’t. This is the equivalent of a proper definition of racism. The term “racism” has been constructed as a weapon to disarm any native/ethnic race of people to surrender and allow the genocide of their ethnicity/race via miscegenation… They will use the term “racist” to shame and guilt those who wish to defend their peoples, lands, and cultures from foreign takeover. So if you march in an anti-immigration protest, they will brand you as being a racist person… Such devilish tactics! There is nothing wrong in wanting to defend your country’s people, culture, lands from foreigners illegally entering and occupying your land and using up all your resources. For some reason, the secret elites of the world hidden behind close door meetings have an agenda to mix all peoples of all races with the White people so that they will eventually lose their distinction, cultures, customs, and instead we’ll all become watered down washed down one race of brown people who have no culture and no history or heritage except the new “one race” of the world. It’s easier to control and manipulate the population if everyone is the same (mixed) with lower IQ. The Jews see the White race as a threat to their plan at world domination. If everyone is mixed, that means nobody will care about their roots, history, heritage, culture, and will basically become easy human cattle for the gov’t to control. They will give you a new identity and brand you as “corporate cattle” and no more ethnicities tied to historical culture and nationalities… You’ll simply be citizens of the Jew World Order that will own you as a sub-human cattle, groom you to continue to be slaves to the Jews who rule the world… This is why they are trying desperate to flood all the poor lower IQ 3rd World people into Europe, North America, Australia and other White countries. To mix all the races and destroy the White race and prepare the way for the one world race where every human being will become rootless and without identity desperately waiting for someone to come along and give them an identity. The word “Nazi” or “Neo-Nazi” is a very often effect tool used by the establishment… when the Communists, Socialist and Zionists feel that they are threatened they label and harrass their opponents with words “Neo nazi, Racist, Fascists, KKK”. Jews created the KKK/Skinhead, Hollywood Nazi caricature movies which gives the National Socialist Germans and us Europeans who follow National Socialist ideology a bad name. National Socialists did not act like that. “Racist”, “Nazi” and “White supremacist” are just hate slurs hurled at White people to prevent them from opposing their genocide. Jews have the most hatred toward European peoples which is why many people who are not European hate us today because of the anti White edjewcation system… The time will come one day when the European people’s reclaim the land they have a birthright to, when they realize they have been fooled by the “chosen” people. When you were born, you were a National Socialist, because at the time of your birth you subjugated yourself to nature and were humble before it. Now you’ve come to a point through degeneration, a point when you feel that you have no goal in life, but only an empty life filled with material gain and comfort. You’re simply a National Socialist who has suffered through decades of degeneration. You can feel that there is something wrong with the world. Do not confuse National Socialism with ‘Nazism’ which was created by the victors of WW2 to make true National Socialism look bad and steer people away from the truth. “Hitler was right about almost everything” – Jewish Director Stanley Kubrick (authentic quote) |
FitzInfo Brexit another Jewish dialectic? |
But compared to Michael Gove, the other leading Tory Brexit spokesman and senior British cabinet member, Boris is a veritable peacenik. Gove has long been the type of Zionist shill about whom it is fair to say he never saw a Zio-war he didn’t like. A former journalist with the Zionist London Times newspaper, he once penned the following excruciating line about war criminal Blair: “I can’t help myself! I love Tony!”. It’s worth pointing out, by the way, that Johnson, and more especially Gove, are close personal friends of British Prime Minister David Cameron, which makes it, therefore, more than plausible to suggest that their dispute over Brexit is pure political theatre for the gullible masses and nothing more. Chris Grayling, another senior Tory Brexiter, is a member of British Israel Communications and Research Centre (BICOM), a Zionist lobby group. When he was secretary of state for Justice and Lord Chancellor, Grayling declared war on “extremists”, the working definition of which, he made clear, amounted to anyone who criticised Israel or the War on Terror. |
NFU: 9/11 is the Achilles Heal of the Zionists/001% plans to dominate the world. Emboldened by the seemingly enduring Holocaust Hoax and the equally daunting juggernaut of JFK assassination cover-up, they schemed that a new 'Pearl Harbor' would usher in a new more sinister era of war profits. But they underestimated the power of the internet to level the playing field and unleash the inevitable success of millions of researchers exposing their miscalculation. Tibor Rosenbaum JTA archive link Rothschild to Rosenbaum to JFK to 9/11 |
WashingtonBlog, these prominent, highly trained engineers all question the official account of 9/11 and want a new investigation... Alfred Lee Lopez, with 48 years of experience in all types of buildings: John D. Pryor, with more than 30 years experience: Robert F. Marceau, with over 30 years of structural engineering experience: Kamal S. Obeid, structural engineer, with a masters degree in Engineering from UC Berkeley and 30 years of engineering experience Steven L. Faseler, structural engineer with over 20 years of experience in the design and construction industry: Ronald H. Brookman, structural engineer, with a masters degree in Engineering from UC Graham John Inman Paul W. Mason notes: David Scott says: Nathan Lomba states: Edward E. Knesl writes: Antonio Artha,with 15+ years of experience in building design Steven Francis Dusterwald: John S. Lovrovich: Travis McCoy, M.S. in structural engineering James Milton Bruner, Major, U.S. Air Force, Christopher Michael Bradbury: David Anthony Dorau Russell T. Connors, designed many buildings and other types of structures Lester Jay Germanio, 20+ years experience Daniel Metz, 26+ years experience Jonathan Smolens, William Rice, P.E., Marshall Casey Pfeiffer Paul A. Thomas Steven Merritt Kers Clausen Dennis Kollar, Doyle Winterton, American structural engineer (retired) David Topete The former head of the Fire Science Division of the government agency which claims that the World Trade Centers collapsed due to fire (the National Institute of Standards and Technology), who is one of the world’s leading fire science researchers and safety engineers, a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering (Dr. James Quintiere), called for an independent review of the World Trade Center collapse investigation. “I wish that there would be a peer review of this,” he said, referring to the NIST investigation. “I think all the records that NIST has assembled should be archived. I would really like to see someone else take a look at what they’ve done; both structurally and from a fire point of view. … I think the official conclusion that NIST arrived at is questionable. Harry G. Robinson, III – Professor and Dean Emeritus, School of Architecture and Design, Dr. David L. Griscom x
Neocon, Neo-Nazi, Chechen and Al Queda Terrorism Colaboration Neo-Nazis are far more likely to be linked to Neocons than they are to holocaust revisionists. |
March 5-6, 2014 -- WMR report on Sochi ruse operation picks up steam as more facts emerge WMR's previous report that the CIA and Saudi-funded militants arranged for Russian-made weapons to be smuggled into the hands of Ukrainian opposition units while Russian and Ukrainian security forces were put on the alert for three veiled Muslim "black widow" suicide bombers targeting Sochi during the Winter Olympics is gaining traction. Additional facts have emerged that point to Western intelligence agencies working with neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine and Chechen Islamist militants to successfully smuggle Russian-made weapons captured from Muammar Qaddafi's armories to Ukrainian irregular forces. A leaked phone call between Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and Catherine Ashton, the European Union's commissioner for foreign affairs, reveals that Paet was informed that Ukrainian protesters and policemen were shot by the same snipers. Paet visited Kiev on February 25 during violent clashes between protesters and government security forces on Maidan Square. Paet told Ashton that a Ukrainian female doctor showed the visiting Estonian official that the bullets that struck protesters and policemen all came from the same weapons and that the opposition was covering up for the snipers. Paet told Ashton about his conversation with the doctor, Olga Bogomolets: "So . . . she then also showed me some photos she said that as a medical doctor she can say that it is the same handwriting, the same type of bullets, and it’s really disturbing that now the new coalition, that they don’t want to investigate what exactly happened." WMR previously reported that the neo-Nazi units in Kiev and elsewhere were armed with the Russian-made Libyan weapons to make it appear that it was Russian troops who were killing Ukrainians. These same Russian-made Libyan weapons may be used in future "false flag" attacks that will be blamed on the Russian government. Just as in Syria, where Saudi and Israeli intelligence and military forces are assisting Al Qaeda-linked elements to overthrow President Bashar al Assad in a bloody civil war, Israeli Defense Force veterans in Kiev joined hands with Chechen Islamist guerrillas, in addition to neo-Nazi units to help overthrow the government of President Viktor Yanukovych. An Israeli Defense Force veteran codenamed "Delta" led a unit called the "Blue Helmets of Maidan" in battling Ukrainian security forces. "Delta" led a 40-man unit consisting of other ex-IDF members. Delta defended the main neo-Nazi political party, Svoboda, stating that claims that the party and its members are anti-Semitic are "exaggerated." Opposition fighters wounded in Kiev received medevaced to Israel, a clear sign that the Israeli government supported the coup against Yanukovych. The leader of the neo-Nazi Right Sector party, Dmitry Yarosh, coordinated support for the coup leaders in Ukraine from the Al Qaeda-linked Caucasus Emirate of Doku Umarov, the Chechen terrorist who is responsible for deadly attacks that have killed hundreds of people in Russia. Chechen government officials, including Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov, confirmed that Yarosh was working with Umarov loyalists inside Ukraine. Chechen intelligence officers picked up on the coordination between Yarosh and the Caucasus Emirate by monitoring postings on the social networking site VKontakte. ![]() Israeli Ukrainian opposition militia leader "Delta" worked hand-in-glove with neo-Nazis and Al Qaeda to overthrow Yanukovych government. This alliance has not been so active since their joint 9/11 attack on the United States. Although there are reports that Umarov was killed by Russian security forces, the United States and UN Security Council continue to list Umarov on their international terrorist lists. It was through the Al Qaeda network that the Russian-made arms from Libya were smuggled into Ukraine. And it was the Chechen terror network that was behind the CIA's ruse operation that had Russian and Ukrainian security personnel on the alert for the three "black widow suicide bombers in Sochi, this diverting critical resources from surveillance of the Russian-Ukrainian border for illegal arms smuggling. Rabbi Moshe Azman, a claimant to the title of chief rabbi of Ukraine, provided support to the Blue Helmet units, which was allied with a seemingly strange coalition of neo-Nazis and Islamist terrorists. Volodymyr Groysman, the rebel government's deputy prime minister for regional policy, which includes responsibility for Russian-speaking Crimea and eastern Ukraine, is Jewish, a supporter of Israel, and is working closely with the neo-Nazi ministers for national security, defense, and justice. Russian President Vladimir Putin provided more details of the Western operation to overthrow the Ukrainian government. Putin told a press conference that the key Ukrainian agitators received training in Poland and Lithuania. Putin said, "They underwent preparation in bases in Lithuanian and Polish border areas, and in Ukraine itself. Their instructors were ready for a lengthy time, you saw how they were prepared, like special forces, they were even divided up into squads." Poland and Lithuania are members of NATO. Against the backdrop of the false flags and ruse operations used to overthrow the democratically-elected government of Ukraine and then justify the operation are the NSA- and British Government Communications Headquarters-led cyber operations now taking place with the corporate news media and on social media websites. Sock puppets are out in force. They are making wild accusations likening Putin to Adolf Hitler, even though it is the Ukrainian opposition government that has allotted one-third of the government ministries to neo-Nazis. There are wild and unfounded rumors coming from acting Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, a former World Bank official and George Soros ally, that Yanukovych and his aides stole $70 billion from Ukraine and moved the money into offshore accounts. With only Yatsenyuk's word, the corporate media is running with the story as fact. The truth is that Ukraine was broke due to International Monetary Fund and World Bank policies before the coup against Yanukovych and it is doubtful the country's treasury had one billion dollars at its disposal let alone $70 billion. The story is as fake as the other disinformation now being reported as factual news from Ukraine. |
WMR Ukraine Neocons |
The neocons are still alive and active as ever inside Secretary of State John Kerry's State Department. Kerry's Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland, who previously served as Hillary Clinton's State Department mouthpiece, has threatened sanctions against Ukraine. Ukraine, which resisted efforts by the European Union to integrate it into Europe's banker-led federation of austerity and poverty, came into the EU's cross hairs after it abandoned talks with Brussels and Berlin in favor of an economic union with Russia. That move triggered off what can be described as the "Second Orange Revolution," a mass street uprising in Kyiv's Maidan (Independence) Square that demanded the resignation of Ukraine's democratically-elected President and government. The connections between the Kyiv uprising and the EU outside manipulators are so apparent, the Kyiv square that has become the "Tahrir Square" of Ukraine is called "Euromaidan." This "Orange Crush" was spearheaded by the same George Soros/National Endowment for Democracy/CIA provocateur guru Gene Sharp hydra that saw the overthrow of Ukraine's government in 2004 in the so-called Orange Revolution. This time, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych is the target. Nuland, who is married to the bloody-handed neocon archangel Robert Kagan, handed out snacks to protesters on Maidan Square. Imagine the reaction of the United States had a second-tier official of either the Russian or Chinese foreign ministry handed out food to Occupy Wall Street protesters in Washington and urged them to overthrow, by force if necessary, President Obama. Yet, that is exactly the scenario Nuland engaged in by supporting protesters in Maidan. Furthermore, she reprimanded Yanokovych for the heavy security presence in Maidan. Nuland and Kerry, who also upbraided Yanukovych, forgot the acts of police brutality committed by U.S. cops against occupy protesters, as well as a plan by the FBI to use snipers to assassinate the leaders of the group. And Nuland and Kerry were very quiet when the Turkish government sicced riot police on peaceful protesters in Taksim Square in Istanbul earlier this year. After all, Turkey is a member of NATO and Ukraine, for the time being, is not. For Gene Sharp and his two NGO "babies," OTPOR and the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS), vanguard organizations for organizing "rent-a-riot" anti-government protests around the globe, only nations resistant to the "New World Order" designs of Wall Street and the Pentagon are fair game for receiving cash, snacks, and other support from the United States. Recently, it was discovered, through leaked emails, that CANVAS founder Srdja Popovic was collaborating with the CIA- and Pentagon-linked intelligence firm STRATFOR, founded by George Friedman, whose ties to the U.S. and Israeli military-intelligence establishments are well known. And as with all fake "themed" revolutions, an "embattled martyr" is needed to rally the "rent-a-mob" to action. For the Ukrainian demonstrator, the "Maiden of Maidan" is Yulia Tymoshenko, the former Prime Minister who was imprisoned for corruption.Tymoshenko, who is now held at a clinic in Kharkiv, has become the "Aung San Suu Kyi" of Ukraine. But for many Ukrainians, the former Prime Minister is a shameless attention seeker whose trademark braided hair coif is derided as a "bagel" on top of her head. The quip is a reference to Tymoshenko's support for Ukraine's leading Zionists and jailed Russian tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, another darling of the Soros/Sharp/Nuland set. ![]() Nuland, Kagan, Soros, Sharp crowd rally around Ukrainian protesters and the "Euromaidan Maiden," the lady with the "bagel" on her head, Yulia Tymoshenko. One of the demands of the EU to agree to the pact with Ukraine was the release from prison and political rehabilitation of Tymoshenko. AndNuland and her neocon friends have made no secret of their desire to have Ukrainian ex-boxer and Udar Party leader Vitali Klitschko replace President Yanukovych in an undemocratic process brought about by the type of hooliganism that saw protesters topple a statue of Vladimir Lenin in central Kyiv. Who really benefits from the destruction of a Lenin statue? The answer to that question can be found in the banking corridors of Frankfurt and London, as well as the political power corridors of Washington and Brussels. |
Jewish Virtual Library ...pamphlets imply the neoconservatives are the real neo-Nazis.. |
. This interaction has created a dynamic in which antisemitic ideas and conspiracy theories once circulated almost exclusively by German Nazis and their neo-Nazi offspring entered popular culture, mainstream political debate, and even broadcast television series, especially in Islamic and Arab countries in the Middle East. These even included a revival of the false allegations from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. These conspiracy allegations moved into more mainstream circles through bridging mechanisms that often mask the original overtly anti-Jewish claims by using coded rhetoric about "secret elites" or "Zionist cabals." The international organization run by Lyndon LaRouche is a major source of such masked antisemitic theories globally. In the U.S. the LaRouchites spread these conspiracy theories in an alliance with aides to Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam. A series of LaRouchite pamphlets calls the neoconservative movement the "Children of Satan," which links Jewish neo-conservatives to the historic rhetoric of the blood libel. In a twisted irony, the pamphlets imply the neoconservatives are the real neo-Nazis. |
Urban Dictionary Neo-Con-Nazi |
Short for Neo-Conservative Nationalist-Socialist. Basically an American member of the Republican party who claims the conservative ideology of Ronald Reagan, but in practice acts like a Nazi in that they are pro-corporate, anti-<insert-current-scapegoat-here>, pro-military, anti-sharing, pro-self-serving, anti-abortion, pro-death-penalty, anti-tax, pro-greed, etc. Their intent is to establish a totalitarian-style state with the pretense of democracy and freedom cloaked in faux-patriotism, but controlled only by like-minded individuals. I don't know what an Islamo-Fascist is because they don't exist, but there definitely are Neo-Con-Nazi hordes running the Republican party. George W. Bush, Donal Rumsfeld, any of the PNAC aithors, Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, etc. |
TruthOut Neocons and the Ukraine Coup, (Truthout, left gatekeeper) |
American neocons helped destabilize Ukraine and engineer the overthrow of its elected government, a “regime change” on Russia’s western border. But the coup – and the neo-Nazi militias at the forefront – also reveal divisions within the Obama administration, reports Robert Parry. More than five years into his presidency, Barack Obama has failed to take full control over his foreign policy, allowing a bureaucracy shaped by long years of Republican control and spurred on by a neocon-dominated U.S. news media to frustrate many of his efforts to redirect America’s approach to the world in a more peaceful direction. But Obama deserves a big dose of the blame for this predicament because he did little to neutralize the government holdovers and indeed played into their hands with his initial appointments to head the State and Defense departments, Hillary Clinton, a neocon-leaning Democrat, and Robert Gates, a Republican cold warrior, respectively. Even now, key U.S. diplomats are more attuned to hard-line positions than to promoting peace. The latest example is Ukraine where U.S. diplomats, including Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland and U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, are celebrating the overthrow of an elected pro-Russian government. Occurring during the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, the coup in Ukraine dealt an embarrassing black eye to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who had offended neocon sensibilities by quietly cooperating with Obama to reduce tensions over Iran and Syria, where the neocons favored military options. Over the past several weeks, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was undercut by a destabilization campaign encouraged by Nuland and Pyatt and then deposed in a coup spearheaded by neo-Nazi militias. Even after Yanukovych and the political opposition agreed to an orderly transition toward early elections, right-wing armed patrols shattered the agreement and took strategic positions around Kiev. Despite these ominous signs, Ambassador Pyatt hailed the coup as “a day for the history books.” Most of the mainstream U.S. news media also sided with the coup, with commentators praising the overthrow of an elected government as “reform.” But a few dissonant reports have pierced the happy talk by noting that the armed militias are part of the Pravy Sektor, a right-wing nationalist group which is often compared to the Nazis. more |
Wikipedia Svoboda ( neo-nazi organization) |
The Social-National Party of Ukraine changed its name to the All-Ukrainian Union "Svoboda" in February 2004 with the arrival of Oleh Tyahnybok as party leader.[2] Tyahnybok made significant efforts to moderate the party's extremist image.[48] The party not only replaced its name, but also abandoned the "I + N" ("Idea Natsii" Ukrainian "idea of a nation") Wolfsangel logo (a symbol popular among neo-Nazi groups)[2][36] with a three-fingered hand reminiscent of the 'Tryzub' pro-independence gesture of the late 1980s.[36] Svoboda also pushed neo-Nazi and other radical groups out the party,[49] distancing itself from its neofascist past while retaining the support of extreme nationalists.[48] In 2004, Tyahnybok was expelled from the Our Ukraine parliamentary faction for a speech calling for Ukrainians to fight against a "Muscovite-Jewish mafia,"[50] and celebrated the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists for having fought "Moscovites, Germans, Jews and other scum who wanted to take away our Ukrainian state."[36] The speech was delivered at the grave-site of a commander of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army where Tyahnybok praised its struggle against "Moskaly", a derogatory term for either Russians[51] or pan-Russian nationalists;[52][53] Germans; and "Zhydy", an archaic but controversial term for Jews in Ukraine due to it being a slur when used in the Russian language.[54][55] In the 2006 local elections the party had obtained 4.2% of the votes and 4 seats in the Ternopil Oblast Council, 5.62% of the votes and 10 seats in the Lviv Oblast Council and 6.69% of the votes and 9 seats in the Lviv city council.[14] In the 2007 parliamentary elections, the party received 0.76% of the votes cast,[33] more than double their share during the 2006 parliamentary elections, when they received 0.36%.[33] It was ranked eighth out of 20 parties (in the 2007 elections) and the non-participation of the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists made the party the only far-right party to participate in the 2007 parliamentary elections.[14] In the autumn of 2009, Svoboda joined the Alliance of European National Movements as the only organisation from outside the European Union.[2] That year the party claimed to have 15,000 members.[14]
GlobalResearch How and Why the U.S. Government Aided a Coup Led by Neo-Nazis in Ukraine |
The people of the United States are being deliberately misled and misinformed about the leading role played by the U.S. State Department, intelligence agencies and neoconservative leaders in bringing neo-Nazis to power in Ukraine. The same neoconservative politicians and strategists that drove the country to war against Iraq in 2003, against Libya in 2011 and nearly against Syria in 2013 have been neck-deep in a protracted regime change effort in Ukraine as part of a larger geo-strategic struggle against Russia. The fact that they have worked hand in glove with armed neo-Nazis in Ukraine—with Sen. John McCain and Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland literally joining the protests—speaks volumes about the political nature of the events. The Maidan protest movement was launched in Kiev in November 2013 when Ukrainian President Yanukovych rejected a European Union economic plan that would have imposed a harsh austerity regime on Ukraine as the price for admission into the economic sphere dominated by German banks. The U.S. and E.U.-backed street protests, supported most fervently by neoconservative elements inside and outside the Obama administration, began when Yanukovych instead accepted a $15 billion loan from Russia and an economic plan that did not require austerity measures but did include discounted prices for Russian natural gas. Oleh Tyahnybok, leader of the Neo-Nazi Svoboda party. Fascists now control key posts in the government, including over the armed forces Another case of imperialist-backed regime change – this time with neo-Nazis The U.S. government has engineered, financed and fully supported a classic coup d’état that overthrew a corrupt but democratically elected government in Ukraine. Joining in the destabilization of the Ukrainian government were Germany, France, Britain and other NATO powers. The U.S. State Department funds an international network of non-governmental organizations and media outlets that are used to create political opposition and conduct regime change against targeted countries from Venezuela to Bolivia to Syria to Ukraine and other countries. A principal vehicle for these U.S. operations is the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). A recent article by Robert Parry reports: “NED, a $100 million-a-year agency created by the Reagan administration in 1983 to promote political action and psychological warfare against targeted states, lists 65 projects that it supports financially inside Ukraine, including training activists, supporting ‘journalists’ and promoting business groups, effectively creating a full-service structure primed and ready to destabilize a government in the name of promoting ‘democracy.’” The new coup-led government was selected by a rump session of the parliament when many elected members could not show up to vote for fear of physical attack. It is filled with fascist and semi-fascist forces, as well as powerful billionaire oligarchs. The fascist forces promote hatred toward Russians, Jews, Poles and other minorities. |
EUSTACE MULLINS: THE SECRET HOLOCAUST | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EUSTACE MULLINS: THE SECRET HOLOCAUST Eustace Mullins Posted July 8, 2009 Eustace Mullins is a veteran of the United States Air Force, with thirty-eight months of active service during World War II. A native Virginian, he was educated at Washington and Lee University, New York University, Ohio University, the University of North Dakota, the Escuelas des Bellas Artes, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, and the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Washington, D.C. THE SECRET HOLOCAUST The devastation of civilization to date by the rapacious hordes of Godless Communism, as well as their planned annihilation of all non-Jewish societies and political organizations, began to ravage the world in the nineteenth century. It has resulted in incredible suffering and death for many millions of Christian victims in many parts of the world. Yet as these Christian victims lie in their graves, unmourned and unknown, a new class of international citizens, (the creators of Marxist terrorism), profess to be the only "victims" who have endured suffering in the past one hundred and fifty years. They command the world to weep for them, because they control the world. These harbingers of terror claim to be "refugees", since they had no nation of their own, but infested the civilized societies in every part of the world for two thousand years, bringing with them, in every instance, disease and death. They have emerged from one shattered nation after another, not as refugees, but as the final victors, bearing away their loot, and scurrying through ports which they have created and which they alone know how to follow, until they come to another host nation. With them they bring, like the medieval Bubonic Plagues, (an infection which they were accused of spreading), a terrible contamination, an infestation which quickly spreads through the new host country, and fells all who become its victims. This plague is world Communism, and its known carriers, the furry scavengers who have found their way through the sewers into every civilized place, are the international Jews. P. D. . We are asked to weep only for the Jews, and to ignore the many millions of actual victims of world terrorism in the past one hundred and fifty years, a chronicle of such horror that one scarcely can bear to put down this bloodstained record, not merely in fear that the world might put away its business in order to mourn these countless victims of international Communist terrorism, but that the tragic fate of these innocents, most of them women and children, is one of such pathos that one's heart could break from the full impact of its terrifying implications for everyone alive today. One of the first victims of the international financiers, shortly after publication of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx in 1848, was the Southern civilization of the United States. White immigrants had wrested from a hostile territory the means to create a gracious culture, one which the ruder and more unlettered sections of the new Republic could only gape at in admiration, an admiration, however, which soon turned to envy and then hatred. This hatred brought armies into the American South, bearing the terrorists who, unknown at that time, were the first Communist totalitarians determined to wreak their hatred and policies of annihilation on all civilized people. M JO Mtfa-n American Jewry and the Civil War Bertram W. Korn Introduction by Allan Nevlns with a raw chapter by ths author | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Iron Light Is Elie Wiesel an impostor? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On 3 March 2009, a Hungarian website published an article entitled Még mindig kísérti a haláltábor (The extermination camp is still tempting)[2] and outlining important revelations by Miklós Grüner, a former deportee to Auschwitz. The article was translated and appeared the following day under the title Auschwitz Survivor Claims Elie Wiesel is an Impostor[3]. The text reads as follows: In May 1944 , when Miklos Gruner was 15, he was deported from Hungary to Auschwitz-Birkenau with his mother and father as well as both a younger and an elder brother. He says that his mother and his younger brother were immediately gassed after their arrival in the camp. Then he, his elder brother and their father had an inmate number tattooed on their arms and were sent to perform hard work in a synthetic fuel factory linked to IG Farben where the father died six months later. After that, the elder brother was sent to Mauthausen and, as the young Miklos was then alone, two elder Jewish inmates who were also Hungarians and friends with his late father took him under their protection. These two protectors of the young Miklos were the Lazar and Abraham Wiesel brothers. In the following months, Miklos Gruner and the Wiesel brothers became good friends. Lazar Wiesel was 31 years old in 1944. Miklos never forgot the number Lazar was tattooed with by the Nazis: A-7713. In January 1945, as the Russian army was coming, the inmates were transferred to Buchenwald. During the ten days this transfer took, partly by foot, partly by train, more than half of the inmates died and amongst them was Abraham, the elder brother of Lazar Wiesel. In April 8, 1945, the US army liberated Buchenwald. Miklos and Lazar were amongst the survivors of the camp. As Miklos had tuberculosis, he was sent in a Swiss clinic and therefore was separated from Lazar. After recovering, Miklos emigrated to Australia while his elder brother, who also survived the war, established himself in Sweden. Years later, in 1986, Miklos was contacted by the Swedish journal Sydsvenska Dagbladet in Malmo and invited to meet “an old friend” named Elie Wiesel… As Miklos answered that he doesn’t know anyone with this name, he was told Elie Wiesel was the same person Miklos knew in the Nazi camps under the name Lazar Wiesel and with the inmate number A-7713… Miklos still remembered that number and he was therefore convinced at that point that he was going to meet his old friend Lazar and happily accepted the invitation to meet him at the Savoj Hotel in Stockholm on December 14, 1986. Miklos recalls: “I was very happy at the idea of meeting Lazar but when I confronted the so-called ‘Elie Wiesel’, I was stunned to see a man I didn’t recognize at all, who didn’t even speak Hungarian or Yiddish and instead he was speaking English in a strong French accent. Therefore our meeting was over in about ten minutes. As a goodbye gift, the man gave me his book entitled ‘Night’ of which he claimed to be the author. I accepted the book I didn’t know at that time but told everyone there that this man was not the person he pretended to be!” Miklos recalls that during this strange meeting, Elie Wiesel refused to show him the tattooed number on his arm, saying he didn’t want to exhibit his body. Miklos adds that Elie Wiesel showed his tattooed number afterward to an Israeli journalist who Miklos met and this journalist told Miklos that he didn’t have time to identify the number but… was certain it wasn’t a tattoo. Miklos says: “After that meeting with Elie Wiesel, I spent twenty years of research and found out that the man calling himself Elie Wiesel has never been in a Nazi concentration camp since he was not included in any official list of detainees”. Miklos also found out that the book Elie Wiesel gave him in 1986 as something he has written himself was in fact written in Hungarian in 1955 by Miklos’ old friend Lazar Wiesel and published in Paris under the title “Un di Velt hot Gesvigen”, meaning approximately “The World Kept Silent”. The book was then shortened and rewritten in French as well as in English in order to be published under the author’s name Elie Wiesel in 1958, under the french title “La Nuit” and the English title “Night”. Ten million copies of the book were sold in the world by Elie Wiesel who even received a Nobel Peace prize for it in 1986 while – says Miklos – the real author Lazar Wiesel was mysteriously missing… “Elie Wiesel never wanted to meet me again”, says Miklos. “He became very successful; he takes 25 thousand dollars for a 45 minutes speech on the Holocaust. I have officially reported to the FBI in Los Angeles. I have also complained to governments and media, in the US and Sweden with no result. I have received anonymous calls telling me I could be shot if I don`t shut up but I am not afraid of death any more. I have deposited the whole dossier in four different countries and, if I died suddenly, they would be made public. The world must know that Elie Wiesel is an impostor and I am going to tell it, I am going to publish the truth in a book called “Stolen Identity A7713”.” Miklós Grüner’s declarations have been repeated many times, but have not caused any major research effort. We will thus scrutinize them critically but soberly. First of all, some biographical data on Elie Wiesel: Born on 30 September 1928 at Sighet in Romania, the son of Shlomo and Sarah Frig, the daughter of Dodye Feig, deported to Birkenau on 16 May 1944.[4] The most important point to be verified is the reliability of the accuser. What can be considered established on the subject of Miklós Grüner is the fact that he was at Buchenwald in May of 1945. In a “Concentration Camp Inmates Questionnaire” of the Military Government of Germany, we have an entry giving his name, and the date of his birth – 6 April 1928 – also conforms. The ID number is handwritten in the upper left hand corner: 120762.[5] More Coincidentally, this fall marked the 75th anniversary of the Mercury Theater of the Air’s broadcast of “War of The Worlds,” when Orson Welles and his talented players used the conventions of the new-ish medium of radio to fool at least some unsuspecting Americans into believing their Halloween broadcast was actually a Martian invasion.[1]
Wikipedia Raul Hilberg ... Raul Hilberg ...Destruction of European Jews ... Droemer Knaur ... decided against publication, due to the work's documentation of certain episodes of cooperation by Jewish authorities with the executors of the Holocaust — material which the editors said would only play into the hands of the antisemitic right wing in Germany. Hilberg dismissed this fear as "nonsense". ... finally came out in German edition in 1982... Hillberg was raised Polish Jewish but became an atheist, family, Anschluss, Austria, Cuba, WWII to escape Hitler, encounter with Stephen Wise, Columbia University, more interested in perpetrators of holocaust than victims, President Carter's Commission on the Holocaust, holocaust scholar, Geschwister-Scholl-Preis award. Hilberg not religious, attended Ohavi Zedek, "Jews are the conscience of the world"... interviewd by Claude Lanzmann's Shoah, a strong supporter of Norman Finkelstein's Holocaust Industry, made posthumous appearance in American Radical: The Trials of Norman Finkelstein, died of lung cancer, a life long Republican, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
YouTube The General's Son. Miko Peled is a peace activist who dares to say in public what others still choose to deny. Born in Jerusalem in 1961 into a well known Zionist family, his grandfather, Dr. Avraham Katsnelson was a Zionist leader and signer of the Israeli Declaration of Independence. His Father, Matti Peled, was a young officer in the war of 1948 and a general in the war of 1967 when Israel conquered the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and Sinai. Miko's unlikely opinions reflect his father's legacy. General Peled was a war hero turned peacemaker. Miko grew up in Jerusalem, a multi-ethnic city, but had to leave Israel before he made his first Palestinian friend, the result of his participation in a dialogue group in California. He was 39. On September 4, 1997 the beloved Smadar, 13, the daughter of Miko's sister Nurit and her husband Rami Elhanan was killed in a suicide attack. Peled insists that Israel/Palestine is one state—the separation wall notwithstanding, massive investment in infrastructure, towns and highways that bisect and connect settlements on the West Bank, have destroyed the possibility for a viable Palestinian state. The result, Peled says is that Israelis and Palestinians are governed by the same government but live under different sets of laws. At the heart of Peled's conclusion lies the realization that Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace as equals in their shared homeland. All rights-Alternate Focus under educational learning aid. |
InsideHigherEducation Academic Freedom and Holocaust Denial ... A Pennsylvania English professor whose anti-Israel rhetoric and denial of the Holocaust as a historic certainty have ignited controversy is citing academic freedom as his defense. Kaukab Siddique, associate professor of English and journalism at Lincoln University of Pennsylvania, appeared last month at a pro-Palestinian rally in Washington, where he called the state of Israel illegitimate. “I say to the Muslims, ‘Dear brothers and sisters, unite and rise up against this hydra-headed monster which calls itself Zionism,’ ” he said at a rally on Sept. 3. “Each one of us is their target and we must stand united to defeat, to destroy, to dismantle Israel -- if possible by peaceful means,” he added. Read more: Inside Higher Ed search terms: anti-Israel rhetoric, Holocaust was a hoax, example of a questing mind asking tough questions, freedom of expression, fire bombing, Hiroshima, Nagazaki, moral ambiguity of war, look at both sides, part of being a professor, avoid topic in classes, Siddique's comments and conservative Christians, CBN, Pat Robertson, Siddique's positions similar to Carter's, extreme right wing defense of Israel, death threats, dumbing down of discourse, expressed views do not represent Lincoln University, a black college, |
Metapedia Anti-Semitism (also spelled antisemitism) is a term and contemporary epithet which has been used in a variety of contexts by different people and organisations, though it was originally invented in 1860 by a liberal Jew named Moritz Steinschneider, the son of a Talmudist born in Moravia. In its initial coining, it was applied in a criticism of Ernest Renan's contrast of Semites and Indo-Europeans, though at this stage was in a wider more general context than just opposition to Jewishness. It was the socialist Wilhelm Marr who popularised the term in the 1870s with his League of Anti-Semites, applying it to himself in a positive sense primarily in his attacks on Jewish finance, but also in regard to their non-assimilationism in wider society. The earliest self-identifying "anti-semites" or those figures whom the term was applied to, were generally non-Marxian socialists who came to regard Jewishness and its values system, as the most anti-social form of the unrestrained bourgeoisie following the Industrial Revolution. This had coincided with the ascent of various monopolistic Jewish financial dynasties in Europe and soon North America following their "emancipation". For a time, the phrase was adopted by certain integral nationalists, especially in France such as Action Française. The phrase had its critics from the start and was regarded as inaccurate by people such as Eugen Dühring and largely fell out of use as a self-identifying term by the 1920s. "Anti-anti-semitism" has led to mass murder on an industrial scale; following the Jewish coup d'etat in Russia in 1917 for instance, so-called "anti-semitism" was a "crime" punishable by death, often by shooting in the back of the head. Today the thought police continue their war against people who criticise the legion of Jewish crimes against humanity by throwing "anti-semites" into modern gulags (ie - prisons) in many parts of Europe or bring them to ruin financially. While in other parts of the world, particularly the United States, social ostracism is enforced. Because Jews believe they are a race "chosen" by God above the rest of humanity, they believe they can commit atrocities with impunity and the mere goyim have no business asking them to limit or take account of their grotesque behavior. |
Lulu Dr. Herman Greife
Concentration Camps in the Soviet Union ...An anti-Communist book
from 1937 which revealed that Communist Jews were the commandants of 11
out of the 12 main Stalinist-era Gulags, or
concentration camps, including the camp system directors Matvei Berman
and Hershel Jehuda. Ultimately, some 14 million people would be detained
in the 53 camps which operated from 1934 to 1953. According to official
Soviet data, some 1,053,829 people died in the camps from various
causes. The modern-day Russian industrial cities of the Arctic, such as
Norilsk, Vorkuta, and Magadan, were originally Gulags. Contents
Introduction to the 2011 edition by Francis Dupont ; Introduction to the
1999 Edition by Dr. E.R. Fields; About This Book; Foreword to the 1937
Edition; Preface to the 1937 Edition; Chapter One: The Jewish Terror
Grips Russia; Chapter Two: The Origin of the Compulsion Workers; Chapter
Three: The Cry for Redemption of the Exiles; Chapter Four: The Division
of the Compulsion Workers; Chapter Five: The Construction of the Stalin
White Sea Canal; ... and Wikipedia Berman was the son of a Jewish brickyard owner. He joined the Russian army and entered the military school in Irkutsk. He then became a cadet of the 25th Reserve infantry regiment. Berman joined the Bolsheviks in June 1917. In 1918 he joined the Red Army and was stationed in Tomsk and in June was working in a propaganda unit. In August 1918 he joined the Cheka and was named chief of state security in the city of Glazov. From 1923 to 1924 he was People's Commissar for State Security in the Buryat-Mongol Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. He then led the OGPU in Central Asia. From February 1927 to October 1927 he was the chairman of the OGPU in the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic. In November 1929 he helped develop the GULAG system of camps and became deputy chief of the GULAG in 1930. From June 9, 1932 to August 17, 1937 he was head of the GULAG.[1] He was awarded the Order of Lenin on August 4, 1933, soon after the completion of the White Sea – Baltic Canal. By 1935, by his own count, Berman was in charge of over 740,000 prisoners working on 15 major projects in the GULAG. After the fall of Genrikh Yagoda, Berman continued to rise in the hierarchy of the NKVD and he held the offices of head construction of the Moscow-Volga Canal and Deputy head of the NKVD in 1936-1937. In August 1937, Berman's fall began in the time of the Great Terror. On August 17, 1937, he lost his position as head of the GULAG and was appointed People's Commissar of Posts and Telecommunications (Russian: Наркомпочтель). On December 23, 1938, he was expelled from the Soviet Communist Party, arrested the next day in the office of Georgi Malenkov, and sent to prison at Lubyanka. He was found guilty by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR of belonging to a "terrorist and sabotage organization" and shot on March 7, 1939 at Kommunarka. On October 17, 1957 Berman was legally rehabilitated. Matvei's younger brother, Boris, also worked for the NKVD and the GULAG in supervisory positions. Boris was awarded the Order of Lenin on December 19, 1937, arrested on September 24, 1938 and executed on February 22, 1939. He was not rehabilitated. |
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Wikipedia Academic freedom is the belief that the freedom of inquiry by faculty members is essential to the mission of the academy as well as the principles of academia, and that scholars should have freedom to teach or communicate ideas or facts (including those that are inconvenient to external political groups or to authorities) without being targeted for repression, job loss, or imprisonment. Academic freedom is a contested issue and, therefore, has limitations in practice. In the United States, for example, according to the widely recognized "1940 Statement on Academic Freedom and Tenure",[1] teachers should be careful to avoid controversial matter that is unrelated to the subject. When they speak or write in public, they are free to express their opinions without fear from institutional censorship or discipline, but they should show restraint and clearly indicate that they are not speaking for their institution.[citation needed] Academic tenure protects academic freedom by ensuring that teachers can be fired only for causes such as gross professional incompetence or behavior that evokes condemnation from the academic community itself.[citation needed] Contents [show] Rationale[edit] Proponents of academic freedom believe the freedom of inquiry by students and faculty members is essential to the mission of the academy. They argue that academic communities are repeatedly targeted for repression due to their ability to shape and control the flow of information. When scholars attempt to teach or communicate ideas or facts that are inconvenient to external political groups or to authorities, they may find themselves targeted for public vilification, job loss, imprisonment, or even death. For example, in North Africa, a professor of public health discovered that his country's infant mortality rate was higher than government figures indicated. He lost his job and was imprisoned.[2][3] The fate of biology in the Soviet Union is also cited[citation needed] as a reason why society has an interest in protecting academic freedom.[who?] A Soviet biologist named Trofim Lysenko rejected Western science—then focused primarily on making advances in theoretical genetics, based on research with the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) -- and proposed a more socially relevant approach to farming that was based on the collectivist principles of dialectical materialism. (Lysenko called this "Michurinism", but it is more popularly known today as Lysenkoism.) Lysenko's ideas proved appealing to the Soviet leadership, in part because of their value as propaganda, and he was ultimately made director of the Soviet Academy of Agricultural Sciences; subsequently, Lysenko directed a purge of scientists who professed "harmful ideas," resulting in the expulsion, imprisonment, or death of hundreds of Soviet scientists. Lysenko's ideas were then implemented on collectivised farms in the Soviet Union and China. Famines that resulted partly from Lysenko's influence are believed to have killed 30 million people in China alone.[4] AFAF (Academics For Academic Freedom) of the United Kingdom[5] is a campaign for lecturers, academic staff and researchers who want to make a public statement in favour of free enquiry and free expression. Their statement of Academic Freedom has two main principles: that academics, both inside and outside the classroom, have unrestricted liberty to question and test received wisdom and to put forward controversial and unpopular opinions, whether or not these are deemed offensive, and that academic institutions have no right to curb the exercise of this freedom by members of their staff, or to use it as grounds for disciplinary action or dismissal.' AFAF and those who are part of the campaign believe that it is important for academics to be able to express their opinions - not just full stop, but to put them to scrutiny and to open further debate. They are against the idea of telling the public Platonic 'noble lies' and believe that people should not be protected from radical views. Academic freedom for professors[edit] The concept of academic freedom as a right of faculty members is an established part of most legal systems. Different from the United States, where academic freedom is derived from the guarantee of free speech under the First Amendment, constitutions of other countries (and particularly of civil law jurisdictions) typically grant a separate right to free learning, teaching, and research. zxcv | ||
Gilad Atzmon: "I am happy i circulated" Holocaust denial propaganda Submitted by david gehrig on January 24, 2008 - 12:02pm UCIMC Independent Media Center, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois | ||
Gilad Atzmon: "I am happy i circulated" Holocaust denial propaganda Submitted by gehrig on January 24, 2008 - 12:02pm Global News Racism Gilad Atzmon has distributed -- and defended in general terms -- an essay by Paul Eisen designed to promote Holocaust denial. The Eisen essay, titled "Holocaust Wars," claims among other things that the gas chambers of Auschwitz are fraudulent and couldn't work. It "backs up" this claim using the same lies used by the leading lights (such as they are) of the Holocaust denial movement -- people like David Irving, the self-described "Hitler-lover" Ernst Zündel, and the faux engineer Fred Leuchter. When you defend Paul Eisen's essay, you're defending the very same lies promulgated by the "Hitler-lover" Zündel, his flunky Leuchter, and his admirer David Irving. Yet this is what Gilad Atzmon does. Now, if you think I'm exaggerating by calling Paul Eisen's essay "Holocaust denial propaganda," you might want to skip to the last section of the post, in which I document exactly that. For now, it suffices to say that Eisen has said "... the evidence for the use of homicidal gas-chambers [at Auschwitz] is not good at all. The evidence against it is much, much stronger." And the following paragraph from the essay Atzmon circulated gives little room for doubt on where Eisen stands: "Many will take the view that Holocaust rev-isionism [the boilerplate euphemism for the Holocaust denial movement] is but pernicious nonsense motivated only by a hatred of Jews and a desire to rehabilitate Hitler and National Socialism specifically, and fascism in general, and therefore not even worthy of scrutiny. I don't agree, and those with sufficient curiosity to wish to research the subject can visit the website of the premier rev-isionist think tank, the [fascist-founded, though Eisen doesn't mention that] Institute for Historical Review, locate the Journal of Historical Review and its archive of articles and papers and start reading." I'll describe the "Institute for Historical Review" in a little more detail below. You can find the Eisen essay itself, the one Gilad Atzmon thought was so brilliant, by googling "Eisen 'Holocaust wars'"; you'll pull it up on a number of "Poor Hitler was misunderstood" sites like Ernst Zündel's. What was Gilad Atzmon's reaction recently when he was challenged over having distributed a stack of standard-issue Holocaust denier lies? "I am happy i circulated Eisen and he is indeed a friend of mine." Is Atzmon an open Holocaust denier, as Tony Greenstein claims? Not quite; he's got too much to lose to go around saying openly what Eisen does. But Atzmon clearly has no serious problem with circulating pro-denial essays or praising Holocaust deniers, as shown by his decision to distribute Eisen's essay, a decision he's "happy" about. And when challenged about the propriety of spreading the lies of Nazi apologists, Atzmon resorts to the same line of patter I describe in the next section. -- Some notes on the Holocaust denial movement. One of the favorite lines of patter of the Holocaust denial movement is that nothing should be taboo when it comes to studying history. They're right -- or at least they're right if by "studying" you mean studying, not "making up lies about." Unfortunately, they mean the latter. It helps to remember some facts about the Holocaust denial movement. And the first thing to notice is that the Holocaust denial movement is and has been for thirty years a product of the racist right, the brownshirt right. Ernst Zündel -- the guy who paid for the Leuchter report I'll discuss below -- let us know exactly where he stands politically when he wrote the book, "The Hitler We Loved and Why." The Holocaust denial movement in America was also a product of the racist right; the "Institute for Historical Review" -- for decades the leading Holocaust denial organization in the US -- was funded by Willis Carto, a former Bircher who led it for more than a decade. And, of course, David Irving -- well, nobody's about to argue that *he's* in any way a political progressive, right? His racism was completely exposed in the Lipstadt trial, but so was his tendency to speak to neo-Nazi organizations. Like any crackpot organization, Holocaust deniers have two core ideas. One is that the Holocaust was vastly exaggerated by the greedy Jews. The second -- common ground for all crackpot organizations -- is that they are being censored and persecuted for their ground-breaking views. (Name a crackpot who doesn't claim he's being persecuted for his ideas. It's part of the syndrome.) When legitimate historians refuse to debate Holocaust deniers -- for exactly the same reason that legitimate astronomers don't debate flat-earthers -- Holocaust deniers do the "nothing should be taboo in historical study" dance. Which sounds pretty good, if you've removed it from context. The context, though, is this: the Holocaust *has* been very widely studied and will continue to be very widely studied. And from the very beginning these studies have shown that Holocaust deniers are full of shit. (I'll give a specific example below.) They're like -- although considerably nastier than -- the "intelligent design" folks, who start from an absolutist religious position but try to dress it up as if it were a scientific position. Scientists see right through "intelligent design," just like historians see right through Holocaust denial, which is antisemitism trying to pass for historical inquiry. The Holocaust denial movement starts from the stance, "the brownshirts weren't as bad as they say, and The Jews are lying," and then tries, through pseudo-scholarship, to make that seem like it might be a legitimate historical stance, rather than an expression of basic antisemitism. -- a note on law A key difference, of course, is that spreading Intelligent Design isn't illegal, while several countries have included Holocaust denial as part of their laws against hate speech. These countries -- all but two, last time I checked, either having been part of the Reich or having been occupied by the Reich -- aren't wrong to consider Holocaust denial a form of hate speech. I think these are bad laws, not because they somehow mischaracterize Holocaust denial (they don't), but because I don't think there should be laws against hate speech as such, except when that speech is used to incite to violence. Of course, Holocaust deniers -- and their defenders -- natter on about "thought police throwing people into prison" and such, never mentioning that Holocaust denial is only one of many forms of hate speech such laws prohibit. Having said that, let me repeat that I don't agree with such laws. I think the best way to confront Holocaust denial is simply to show how ridiculous its claims are, when unwrapped from their lies and rhetorical flourishes. But let's be clear: if you start saying things like "why is investigating the Holocaust taboo" you have bought into the Holocaust denier frame, which is wrong for two reasons. One is that investigating the Holocaust is not taboo; the second is what Holocaust deniers are doing isn't "investigating" but lying. -- the repackaging of Holocaust denial for leftist consumption And let's be clear about something else: there are some folks on the left starting to repackage classic, by-the-book Holocaust denial in "anti-Zionist" garb, hoping to spread it over here. Paul Eisen is one, and Gilad Atzmon is self-admittedly "happy" to help him do it. In the new version, tailored for the left, the culprit is not the Jews -- heaven forfend, no! -- but "the Zionists." Same lies, same reliance on Zündel and Leuchter and Faurisson and Irving and the rest of that jackboot lot, new false "anti-Zionist" moustache. There was an interesting example of this in the US just a few years ago. The nation's oldest regular publication, a progressive magazine called The Nation, ran an ad for a book by Roger Garaudy called "The Founding Myths of Modern Israel." The ad ran for one issue only before it was discovered to be a work of Holocaust denial and pulled. The placing of the ad was a clear and conscious decision by Holocaust deniers to repackage their lies for the left by making the villains not the Jews but "the Zionists" -- even though the ad was placed by the same "Institute for Historical Review" I mentioned above, a group just as happy to blame the Jews. This -- the antisemitic pile of lies called Holocaust denial -- is what Eisen wants to bring to leftist discourse, and his friend Atzmon is happy to help. Anything that makes you hate "Zionists" is fair game, apparently, even when it's repackaged Nazoid horseshit like Holocaust denial. They're hoping you'll be useful idiots. But you can't be a useful idiot if you're not an idiot, and the best way not to be an idiot is to educate yourself. So let's take a look at the real sources of Paul Eisen's Holocaust denial. -- Paul Eisen's essay Let me start out by saying that I've been following the Holocaust denial movement for over a decade, and that related to the David Irving trial I've probably read, all told, somewhere around three thousand pages of reports, submissions, transcripts, etc. I'm not going to footnote every last thing I write in this section, but be assured that I can, and feel free to ask me for details about the source(s) of any particular fact. I am *so* not making this up. Here is an example of what Eisen wrote and Gilad Atzmon was so "happy" to have distributed: "Nothing seems to fit about the gassing story. The numbers of victims crammed into the space, the design and construction of the gassing facilities, the lack of protection for the attendants, the implausibility surrounding the rate of cremation, the huge errors, omissions and disparities in eye-witness accounts -- all these and more, when added to the near total absence of hard affirmative evidence, makes one wonder why anyone believed such a story in the first place..." Let's just take the very first issue, "the numbers of victims crammed into the space." If you followed the Irving trial in any detail, you already know that this is one of the standard gambits of the Holocaust deniers, and has been for decades. Goes like this: "There simply wasn't enough capacity in the supposed gas chambers of Auschwitz to hold all the Jews who were allegedly murdered there, not even enough room to cram them all in." Where does this claim come from? It comes from a guy named Fred Leuchter, the twit Ernst "The Hitler We Loved" Zündel paid $35,000 dollars to in the 1980s to produce a bogus "scientific" refutation of the gas chambers at Auschwitz. Zündel wanted to prove in Canadian court that the Holocaust didn't happen, and he thought that throwing down a bullshit "engineering report" about the gas chambers would help his case. It didn't. But that document, the "Leuchter Report," has the grim historical hallmark of having been the work that made David Irving decide to become a Holocaust denier himself; Irving published it in the UK under his own imprint and repeatedly referred to it in his talks as an irrefutable blow to the Auschwitz "myth." I'm not going to link to the Leuchter report; you can find it at your nearest swastika-kissing site. A detailed demolition of the Leuchter report can be found here: This is a chapter of the expert report submitted by Auschwitz historian Robert Jan van Pelt as part of the Irving v. Lipstadt trial, and it chops the Leuchter Report into bits. Well, say what you want about whether or not Leuchter is an antisemite, but he's certainly an idiot, and his "Report" is full of appalling idiocies, many of which have been taken up by Paul Eisen and spread, in turn, by Gilad Atzmon. Leuchter made his calculation of the gas chamber capacity at Auschwitz and concluded that there just wasn't enough. His calculation is, as van Pelt shows, full of all sorts of stupid assumptions and errors -- Leuchter vastly overestimated fatal HCN concentration levels, he ignored the presense of a ventilation system Leuchter didn't notice, vastly overestimated the minimum possible time between gassings, etc., etc. But maybe the single dumbest factor of Leuchter's calculation is this: he assumes that -- despite eyewitness accounts of how packed the "showers" were -- that each person, required *nine* square feet of standing room within the gas chamber, man, woman, or child. Why such a ridiculously large figure? Because he wasn't trying to get at the facts; he wasn't "studying" the chambers; he was instead trying to force his numbers to fit his pre-ordained conclusion, as bought and paid for by Ernst "The Hitler We Loved and Why" Zündel. So he lied. And Ernst Zündel picked up that lie ("not enough floor space") and ran with it. Why not? He paid for it. And then David Irving picked it up as well, when he started selling copies of the Leuchter report in the UK. And the lie wound its way through the Holocaust denial movement as a standard part of the "gas chambers wouldn't work" saga. And it is as part of that saga that the Holocaust denier Paul Eisen picked it up -- without mentioning its source -- and put it into his love letter to Ernst Zündel, the very same "Holocaust Wars" essay Gilad Atzmon was so "happy" he circulated for his "good friend." | ||
PJMedia What are the limits to academic discourse? Are lies and calumnies from academics protected speech outside the classroom, as well as inside? Does “protected” mean immune from criticism or from direct consequences? Are there distinctions between statements made within one’s “field of expertise” and those made outside? When do such distinctions become hairsplitting rationalizations or mere defensiveness, as opposed to valuable exercises in reasoning and in defense of a noble enterprise? search terms: Professor of literature and communications at Lincoln University, Philidelphia, Jews have taken over America by devious and immoral means, offensive views, look at both sides, part of being a professor, moral certainty, juncture, Cary Nelson, Holocaust denial merits a hearing before a committee of his peers. Is his professional fitness at issue? ... a deluded idealogue, extracurricular remarks, line that must not be crossed, Holocaust denial raises the question of a faculty member’s] overall professional competence — the capacity to weigh evidence, to undertake rational analysis, to perform academic responsibilities reliably. MORE | ||
ABC News Holocaust survivor and historian Randolph
L. Braham said Sunday he is returning a high state award to Hungary to
protest what he says are government efforts to rewrite history and exonerate
the country from its role in the Holocaust. Braham also asked the Holocaust
Memorial Center in Budapest to remove his name from the BrahamTheque
Information Center, which collects his research results and publications.
His two-volume "The Politics of Genocide: The Holocaust in Hungary," from
1981, is considered one of the most important books about the subject. He
received the Medium Cross of the Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic in
2011. Braham, Professor Emeritus at the Center for Jewish Studies at the
Graduate Center of the City University of New York, said in an open letter
addressed to executives of the memorial center that the "straw that broke
the camel's back" leading to his decision was the government plan to erect a
memorial commemorating the March 1944 invasion of Hungary by the Nazis.
Braham said the memorial was "a cowardly attempt to detract attention from
the Horthy regime's involvement in the destruction of the Jews and to
homogenize the Holocaust with the 'suffering' of the Hungarians — a German
occupation, as the record clearly shows, was not only unopposed but
generally applauded." Miklos Horthy was Hungary's autocratic leader from the
1920s through most of World War II. Prime Minister Viktor Orban's government
has also been criticized by Jewish groups for tolerating statues of Horthy
being set up by far-right groups in several places.
Duke, David Duke Amazon By Dr. David Duke, incorporating the writings of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Frank Britton and others. The single most important work on the ethnic origins of the Russian Revolution and the greatest Holocaust in the history of mankind: Soviet Communism and its tentacles which spread out all over the world. This book rips aside the curtain which to expose the dedicated, fanatic and murderous ethnic group which founded and controlled this "worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization" (as Churchill called it): Jewish Supremacists. Read how Jewish Supremacists created the Communist movement, from its germination, to the "Russian" Revolution, the seizure of Eastern Europe, America, Britain, South Africa and even in early Communist China. Contents Introduction 1 Communism with the Mask Off 2 The Ethnic War On the Russian People 3 Communism & Zionism 4 Bloody Sunday & the 1905 Revolution 5 The First World War 6 The March 1917 Revolution 7 The Origins of the Bolshevists 8 The Ground is Prepared 9 The Sixth Party Congress 10 Trotsky to Power 11 Encyclopedia Judaica on the "Russian Revolution" 12 Winston Churchill 13 American Intelligence 14 The London Times 15 The Executioners of the Red Terror 16 Exporting the Revolution 17 Trotsky in Decline 18 Lazar Kaganovich & the Holodomor 19 The "Soviet Zion" and Plans for a Jewish Homeland 20 The Greatest Mass Murderers in all of Human History 21 Iron Curtain Dictators 22 Russians Rise & Zionism Surges 23 Jews Come to America 24 The U.S. Communist Party 25 A Communist Defector in America Spills the Beans 26 Spies, Spies and more Spies in America 27 Atomic Treason 28 The Tribal Shift: Spying Now for Israel 29 Communism in Hollywood 30 A Tribal Media 31 The Communist Origins of Neoconservatism 32 The Communist Movement in Britain 33 South African Marxism: The Usual Suspects 34 Spreading of Communism to China 35 The Key to Communism: Jewish Tribalism 36 Final Words from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn | ||
Behind Communism, Frank L. Britton excerpt from Iamawitness | ||
To understand the total problem of Communism it is necessary that we
trace the course of the movement from it’s beginning down to the present. We
must understand who it’s originators were, and what they were, and we must
gain some idea as to the forces which influenced and shaped their
philosophy. Wikipedia Semitic ... In linguistics and ethnology, Semitic (from the Biblical "Shem", Hebrew: שם, translated as "name", Arabic: ساميّ) was first used to refer to a language family of West Asian origin, now called the Semitic languages. This family includes the ancient and modern forms ofAhlamu, Akkadian (Assyrian-Babylonian), Amharic, Ammonite, Amorite, Arabic, Aramaic/Syriac, Canaanite/Phoenician/Carthaginian,Chaldean, Eblaite, Edomite Ge'ez, Hebrew, Maltese, Mandaic, Moabite, Sutean, Tigre and Tigrinya, and Ugaritic, among others. As language studies are interwoven with cultural studies, the term also came to describe the extended cultures and ethnicities, as well as the history of these varied peoples as associated by close geographic and linguistic distribution ... The word "Semite" and most uses of the word "Semitic" relate to any people whose native tongue is, or was historically, a member of the associated language family.[31][32] The term "anti-Semite", however, came by a circuitous route to refer most commonly to one hostile or discriminatory towards Jews in particular.[33] Anthropologists of the 19th century such as Ernst Renan readily aligned linguistic groupings with ethnicity and culture, appealing to anecdote, science and folklore in their efforts to define racial character. Moritz Steinschneider, in his periodical of Jewish letters Hamaskir (3 (Berlin 1860), 16), discusses an article by Heymann Steinthal[34] criticising Renan's article "New Considerations on the General Character of the Semitic Peoples, In Particular Their Tendency to Monotheism".[35] Renan had acknowledged the importance of the ancient civilisations of Mesopotamia, Israel etc. but called the Semitic races inferior to the Aryan for their monotheism, which he held to arise from their supposed lustful, violent, unscrupulous and selfish racial instincts. Steinthal summed up these predispositions as "Semitism", and so Steinschneider characterised Renan's ideas as "anti-Semitic prejudice".[36] In 1879 the German journalist Wilhelm Marr, in a pamphlet called Der Weg zum Siege des Germanenthums über das Judenthum ("The Way to Victory of Germanicism over Judaism") began the politicisation of the term by speaking of a struggle between Jews and Germans. He accused them of being liberals, a people without roots who had Judaized Germans beyond salvation. In 1879 Marr's adherents founded the "League for Anti-Semitism"[37] which concerned itself entirely with anti-Jewish political action. However, Antisemitism can also apply to other Semitic peoples also. In Iran, the minorities of Assyrians and Arabs in the country, as well as Jews, have suffered varying degrees of Antisemitism.[38] It is not just the bearded extremists of Chabad that have such supremacist sentiments, many of the publicly acknowledged, most influential Jews of the United States. A perfect example is Stephen Steinlight. He served for five years as the Director of National Affairs for the largest and most powerful Jewish organization in the United States, the American Jewish Committee. He made the following remarks in an article on immigration in a national Jewish magazine in October of 2001: I’ll confess it, at least, like thousands of other typical Jewish kids of my generation, I was reared as a Jewish nationalist, even a quasi-separatist. Every summer for two months for 10 formative years during my childhood and adolescence I attended Jewish summer camp. There, each morning, I saluted a foreign flag, dressed in a uniform reflecting its colors, sang a foreign national anthem, learned a foreign language, learned foreign folk songs and dances, and was taught that Israel was the true homeland. Emigration to Israel was considered the highest virtue, and, like many other Jewish teens of my generation, I spent two summers working in Israel on a collective farm while I contemplated that possibility. More tacitly and subconsciously, I was taught the superiority of my people to the gentiles who had oppressed us. We were taught to view non-Jews as untrustworthy outsiders, people from whom sudden gusts of hatred might be anticipated, people less sensitive, intelligent, and moral than ourselves. We were also taught that the lesson of our dark history is that we could rely on no one. …[6] Islamic Awakening on on Chabad Lubvitch ... Steven Steinlight, If any Gentile politician dared to say that “typical Jewish kids” are deliberately taught that their real loyalty is not to America but to Israel; and that Jews say they are superior to Gentiles in intelligence and morals, he would be mercilessly condemned by the media and hounded out of politics as an anti-Semite. Yet, this stark admission is by the former head of National Affairs for the American Jewish Committee. It should be emphasized that Steinlight’s words are not from an off-handed or careless conversation, but are his carefully chosen words from a major article he wrote for Jewish consumption, called “The Jewish Stake in America’s Changing Demographics.” I’ll confess it, at least, like thousands of other typical Jewish kids of my generation, I was reared as a Jewish nationalist, even a quasi-separatist. Every summer for two months for 10 formative years during my childhood and adolescence I attended Jewish summer camp. There, each morning, I saluted a foreign flag, dressed in a uniform reflecting its colors, sang a foreign national anthem, learned a foreign language, learned foreign folk songs and dances, and was taught that Israel was the true homeland. Emigration to Israel was considered the highest virtue, and, like many other Jewish teens of my generation, I spent two summers working in Israel on a collective farm while I contemplated that possibility. More tacitly and subconsciously, I was taught the superiority of my people to the gentiles who had oppressed us. We were taught to view non-Jews as untrustworthy outsiders, people from whom sudden gusts of hatred might be anticipated, people less sensitive, intelligent, and moral than ourselves. We were also taught that the lesson of our dark history is that we could rely on no one. …[6] |
Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth Peter H. Allen, Representative from Cheshire, New Hampshire State House of Representatives, 2000-present; member, Environment and Agriculture Committee. Brae Antcliffe BA LLB, Elected Alderman to the Council of The City of Sydney, Australia, early 1980s for 3.5 years Berit Ås, former member of Parliament, Norway (Charter Member of PL911Truth) Shirley Bianchi, 1999-2007 District Two San Luis Obispo County Supervisor, California (Retired) Click here to see statement Michael E. J. Blastos, Mayor of Keene, NH, USA, 2000-2008; City Councilor, Keene, NH, 1976-1999. Eric Booth, elected Former Islands Trustee, Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee (Local Government), 2002-2005 Click here to see statement Dr. Robert M. Bowman, former Director of Advanced Space Programs Development for the U.S. Air Force in the Ford and Carter administrations (Charter Member of PL911Truth) Click here to see statement Andreas von Bülow, former State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Defense, West Germany; former Minister of Research and Technology; former member of the German Parliament (Charter Member of PL911Truth) Donald R. Bustion, former Assistant Attorney General of Texas Giulietto Chiesa, Italian member of the European Parliament; vice chairman, Committee on International Trade; member, Committee on Security and Defense(Charter Member of PL911Truth) Gerard Chevrot, Municipal Councilor, Saint-Sixt, France Matt Cole, Board of Trustees, Town of Alma; Alma, Colorado, USA Wolfram Elsner, PhD, former head of the Planning Division of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the State of Bremen; director of the Bremen State Economic Research Institute; and Bremen State Official for Industrial Defense Conversion, 1989 - 2001(Charter Member of PL911Truth) Peter S. Espiefs, Member from Keene, New Hampshire (USA) House of Representatives, 2000-2008; former Judge of the Cheshire Country Probate Court, 1979-1999; former member Keene City Council. Douglas Nixon Everingham, Member, House of Representatives, Australia, 1967-75 and 1977-84, Minister for Health 1972-75, a Vice-President, World Health Assembly 1975, Parliamentary Adviser, UN delegation. Click here to see statement Jeanette Fitzsimons, Co-leader of the New Zealand Green Party since 1995, and member of the House of Representatives since 1999. Click here to see statement Constance Fogal, Canadian Action Party Leader, 2004-2008 (Charter Member of PL911Truth) Yukihisa Fujita, member of the House of Councilors, National Diet of Japan; Chairman, Special Committee on North Korean Abduction Issue and Related Matters; former member of the House of Representatives (Charter Member of PL911Truth) Ole Gerstrom, Member of Parliament, Denmark, 1973-1975. Click here to see statement Bill Goodacre, Smithers, BC, Town Council (12 years); elected Member of the British Columbia (Canada) Legislature, 1996-2001 Click here to see statement Honorable Art Goodtimes, fourth term County Commissioner for San Miguel, Colorado, USA San Miguel, Colorado, USA Click here to see statement Senator Mike Gravel, United States Senator (1969 - 1981) (Charter Member of PL911Truth) Roland Gustafson, Municipal Council, Haninge Municipality, Sweden, 2006-- Click here to see statement Betty B. Hall, New Hampshire State House of Representatives, 1978-2002, 2004-present School Board Member, Hollis/Brookline School Board (COOP), 2003 Chair, Brookline School Board, 1963-1971. Dan Hamburg, former Californian member of the US House of Representatives(Charter Member of PL911Truth) Steve Hickey, Representative (R), South Dakota Legislature, 9th District, 2010~. Mr. Hickey serves on the Health and Human Services and on the Transportation Committees. Click here to see statement Joel S. Hirschhorn, Senior Staff Member, Congressional Office of Technology Assessment 1978-1990 (Charter Member of PL911Truth)Click here to see statement Barbara Honegger, former White House Policy Analyst and Special Assistant to the Assistant to President Ronald Reagan (1981 - 1983) (Charter Member of PL911Truth) Ferdinando Imposimato, elected Italian Senator, 1987-1992, and 1994-1996. Elected to the Chamber of Deputies (Parliament), 1992-1994 Click here to see statement Tadashi Inuzuka, member of the House of Councilors, National Diet of Japan (Charter Member of PL911Truth) Karen S. Johnson, former member of the Senate of the State of Arizona, where she was chair of the Family Services Committee (Charter Member of PL911Truth) Scott Kennedy, former Mayor and City Council Member (12 years), Santa Cruz, California Senator Prof. Muhammad Ibrahim Khan, member of Pakistan's Senate since 2006; member of Standing committee on Education and Science and Technology; member of Standing Committee on Law, Justice and Human Rights and Parliamentary Affairs; Vice President of Jamaat e Islami (Pakistan) Click here to see statement Dr. Sergey Ivanovic Kolesnikov, Member of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly (Parliament) of the Russian Federation. He is vice president of the Duma Commitee for Eco Defense. Former Deputy Director of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMN). Paul Lannoye, former Belgian member of the European Parliament, where he was vice chair of the Committee on Energy, Research, and Technology (Charter Member of PL911Truth) Kira Lukiyanova, Member of the Parliament of the Russian Federation (Duma). Vice-Chairman of the Investment Committee of the Duma. Jon Paul McClellan, chief election judge (appointed), Eastside Precinct, Orange County, North Carolina; former elected chair of the precinct organization. Click here to see statement Cynthia McKinney, former Georgian member of the US House of Representatives, where she was a member of the Armed Services Committee and the International Relations Committee (Charter Member of PL911Truth) Michael Meacher, Minister of the British Parliament; former Minister of the Environment; former Undersecretary for Industry (Charter Member of PL911Truth) Per Mohn, deputy representative to the Norwegian Parliament from Akershus, 1989–1993 Dr. Andrew J. Moulden, Leader of the Canadian Action Party(Charter Member of PL911Truth) David Nelson, Hate Crimes Working Group (appointed advisory commission), U.S. Department of Justice, Utah, 1997-2001 Click here to see statement Art, Olivier, '98-'99 Mayor of Bellflower, CA Click here to see statement Marty B. O'Malley, elected Democratic member of Council, Forest Hills, PA Click here to see statement Walter Pitman, Member of the Canadian House of Commons, 1960-1962, member of the Ontario Legislature, 1967-1971. Order of Canada, Order of Ontario Click here to see statement Bruce Randall, elected Longmeadow (Massachusetts) Water & Sewer Commissioner, 2002-2003, then Chairman, 2003-2004 Click here to see statement Barbara Hull Richardson, State of New Hampshire, House of Representatives, 1992- . Vice Chairman, Children and Family Law Committee Senator Fernando Rossi, member of the Italian Parliament (Senato), 2006-2008 Click here to see statement Val Scott, founding member of Canada's New Democratic Party; former Trustee and Vice Chairman of North York Board of Education, Ontario, Canada (Charter Member of PL911Truth) Click here to see statement Prof. David C. Smith, former Town Councillor, Mont Saint Aignan, Normandy, France Simon C. Smith, elected to Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council, Great Bridge Electoral Division, United Kingdom Joel Tyner, third term county legislator for Clinton and Rhinebeck, Dutchess County, New York State; Environmental Committee Chair for Duchess County Legislature. Gianni Vattimo, member of European Parliament, 1999 - 2004 (Italy); Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs; Committee on Employment and Social Affairs; Committee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport(Charter Member of PL911Truth) Jesse Ventura, former Governor of Minnesota (Charter Member of PL911Truth) Bruno Vézina, elected Mayor of Irlande, Quebec, Canada, 2003 Terry Wachniak, elected to City Council, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, from 1986 to Suzi Wizowaty, Representative for Chittenden 3-5, Vermont Legislature, USA. Click here to see statement Charles R. Weed, State of New Hampshire House of Representatives, Member for Keene, NH, 2000- . Member, Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Committee. Professor of Political Science, Keene State College. Click here to see statement Victor Zvagelsky, Member of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly (Parliament) of the Russian Federation, and the head of the subcommittee of economic relations. |
The 1001 Club: A Nature Trust is a trust that helps fund the World Wide Fund for Nature. It was established in 1970 by the then head of the WWF, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, with help from Anton Rupert, a South African entrepreneur. They persuaded 1001 individuals to join the club, where each member would contribute US $10,000 to the trust. The resulting $10 million fund helps to towards the WWF's basic costs of administration. The membership of the 1001 Club largely consists of managers of banks and multinationals from around the world. Examples from past and present include Sir Eric Drake of British Petroleum, Sir Val Duncan of Rio Tinto, Harry Frederick Oppenheimer and Sidney Spiro of Anglo-American Corporation, the British and French Rothschilds, Michel David-Weill of Lazard, Laurance and David Rockefeller, Henry Ford II, Baron Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza, Peter von Siemens, and Berthold Beitz of Krupp. Among the more remarkable members have been Salem bin Laden, Osama bin Laden's older half-brother; Mobutu Sese Seko, the dictator of Zaire; BCCI founder and president Agha Hasan Abedi; Louis Bloomfield and Tibor Rosembaum; and the controversial businessman Nelson Bunker Hunt. |
Halliburton Is Houston's
by John Hoefle
| According to the Israeli-American author AJ Weberman - which is not likely to be suspected of anti-Semitism - none other than the famous Jim Garrison himself had written a novel manuscript in which he clearly identified the Mossad ( Israel's secret service) as ultimately responsible for the assassination of JFK.
ALTHOUGH Bloomfield (who died in 1984) Donated His papers to the archives contingent upon Them being white Kept under wraps up to 20 Years After His Death, Bloomfield's widow Sought to extend the restriction up to 25 Years After her death. This Philipps Prompted to file following the result of qui Was That in 2006 the Federal Court of Canada ordered the files released. (Note: AJ Weberman is a source connected to Extreme Elements of the jewish community, SUCH AS the JDL.) As Eric Jon Phelps bit serious, some tried to put on the back of the Nazis the JFK assassination. Mae Brussell had a great impact sour John Judge and Dave Emory, as well as a large part of the movement "patriot", because of the influence of Alex Jones and other freaks "big Nazi plot". She was born into a wealthy Jewish family in Beverly Hills owner of a large chain of stores (I. Magnin Dept. Store). His father was the most influential rabbi of the Jewish community in Hollywood. In his article "The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination: Evidence of link entre Nazis still in operation After World War II to the still unsolved murder of John F. Kennedy," Reinhard Gehlen identifies as one of the Nazis was subsequently hired by the United States to work for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which is the forerunner of the CIA. But the fact is that Reinhard Gehlen was an agent of the Israeli secret services! Because of its position within the OSS, he helped establish many bridges with Israel. Its role went in the same direction rather than tracking down a little Nazi refugees around the world. Far from bringing Nazis to the US government, he helped by its links with Israel in the hunt for Nazis, serving American institutions of all Nazi sympathizers who were there, contributing more than anyone to the full Zionization the government and the US intelligence apparatus. Thus the OSS became a veritable nest of Zionist spies. How might then accuse the CIA of being a haven for Nazis? The Piper Report November 25, 2013 Excerpt from the new book containing the correspondence of John F. Kennedy: What is indisputable is That, ALTHOUGH It Was Kept out of the eye of Both the Press and the Public, a bitter quarrel HAD developped entre Israeli prime minister David Ben-Gurion Who Believed That His nation's survival depended on it Attaining nuclear capability and Kennedy Who Was vehemently Opposed to it. In May 1963, Kennedy wrote to Ben-Gurion explaining why Convinced That He Was Israel's pursuit of nuclear weapons capability Was a serious threat to world peace. (...) "As I wrote Mr Ben-Gurion, this government's [USA] commitment to and Support of Israel Could Be gravement jeopardized if it Should Be Thought Abebooks web Were Unable to obtenir reliable information was subject as vital to peace as the issue of Israel's efforts in the nuclear field. " [SOURCE: JFK letter to Ben-Gurion's successor ] Kennedy left no doubt as to what the US response Would Be if "We Were Unable to obtenir reliable information" about the intent of the Dimona project [ie Israel's nuclear program], a Threat That selon l'une conspiracy theory lead to Israel's role in Kennedy's assassination.
From the JFK assassination to solicitor-client privilege
JIM LAWRENCE GUYENOT- MARRS What Is the Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy? Amidst the cacophony from the repetitive-controlled media echoed Even in the "alternative" media-that Lyndon Johnson Was the mastermind behind the murder of John F. Kennedy, A Growing number of independent voices Otherwise Dared to say. They Openly endorsed the thesis-first put forth in this author's out-of-print book, Final Judgment, first published in 1994-that Israel Was a frontline player Alongside the CIA in the JFK assassination conspiracy as a consequence of JFK's Determined efforts to prevent prevention Israel from building nuclear weapons, The Strategic cornerstone of the Jewish state's national security policy. ALTHOUGH media giant Alex Jones-sponsored by Sirius, a Jewish-controlled satellite conglomerate-continuous radio to insisted LBJwas behind JFK's assassination, Even endorsing the work of author BarrMcClellanwhomakes the ridiculous, long-discredited claim That JFK assassination patsy Lee Harvey Oswald Was one of the gunmen were firing Kennedy from the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas-none-Jones keeps under wraps a lot of significant people believe are differently. For example, popular commentator Dr. Kevin Barrett, an American academic, in a piece published on Iran's English-language website, "PressTV," wrote That Final Judgment "Makes a strong case Israel That Was a leading forces behind the assassination of JFK. " Barrett 'cited French scholar and longstanding JFK assassination researcher, Dr. Laurent Guyenot, Who has endorsed the thesis of Final Judgment. Guyenot admis That he HAD, until, Recently, refrained from reading Final Judgment, Having been, in His words , "Warned Against the book's bad reputation Among MOST JFK Researchers." Purpose Guyenot now says Final Judgment is "a book qui est in a category by itself "in all of the vast literature on the topic and The One That presents" really the 'unspeakable' "piece of the JFK assassination puzzle. Another independent analyst, Don Fox-writing via Dr. Jim Fetzer's column at the website' cited Final Judgment and critiqued JFK writer James DiEugenio who, Fox Pointed out , "never mentions Israel or the Mossad're Having a motive to kill Kennedy. " In fact, DiEugenio HAS Often vigorously Denounced the book's thesis. Purpose now even "mainstream" media are being white Elements forced to acknowledge That There does exist a theory implicating Israel in the assassination. On Nov. 16, The Dallas Morning News listed "ten popular conspiracy theories" about the assassination, Including: "The Israelis theory: JFK About did not supporting Israel's drive to build nuclear weapons. The Israelis Believed Joe Kennedy, the president's father, anti-Semitic and Was wielded influences over His Son. LBJ reversed US policy on Israeli nuclear arms once he est devenu president. " Adding to the mix Was the publication of the first-ever book of JFK's correspondence, The Letters of John F. Kennedy , edited by Martin W. Sandler respecté historian. Featuring contentious correspondence entre JFK and Israeli leader David Ben-Gurion over Israel's nuclear weapons program, Sandler referenced Final Judgment (the only book on the assassination hementions) and ASSERTS of ict thesis That "of all the conspiracy theories, it Remains one of the MOST intriguing. " For daring to air the thesis, Sandler has-been attacked This by pro-Israel voices in the United States Such As National Review and The Washington Free Beacon , edited by the son-in-law of Zionist power broker William Kristol. And in Britain, Jewish historian Simon Schama, reviewing Sandler's book for London's Financial Times, complained que la book "bizarrely Gives space to the notion that [the] Mossadmight HAD-have a hand in the death" of JFK. Then, in a presentation on Nov. 16 at the John F. Kennedy Hyannis Museum in, Mass. ( broadcast on CSPAN-2 ), Sandler Noted There Were Saying voices now, in Sandler's words: "Forget Lyndon Johnson. Forget the CIA. Forget Fidel Castro. Mossad killed Kennedy Because They were so upset over what he About did to Ben-Gurion. " Responding to the surprise Obvious de son hearing Sandler commented That There Were "a few little bombshells we throw in [the book]" - Adding They Were "not proven," a remark program prompting the moderator to laugh and say, "I hear you. " Even Jim Marrs, author of Crossfire -once called Expired "the big daddy of the conspiracy books on the JFK assassination" -was forced Into Including a passing reference (just one sentence) to the thesis of Final Judgment (goal notmentioning the book) in the revised edition de son book, noting, "There is the argument aussi That Was Kennedy Opposed to Israel's development of nuclearweapons andwas Demanding inspections of Israel's Dimona nuclear plant , has alienated That position Powerful Zionists. " Marrs About did mention Final Judgment in the revised bibliography of Crossfire , ALTHOUGH That Was bibliography published only on the Internet-not in the book-in order, selon Marrs, "to save space." In recent years Marrs HAD-been under fire from critics Who Revealed he HAD received Some $ 200,000 from Israeli arms dealer Arnon Milchan (a key player in Israel's nuclear weapons program) for the rights to Crossfire When Milchan bankrolled Oliver Stone's film "JFK," which Avoided mentioning JFK's secret war with Israel over nuclear weapons and the parts of multiple Alleged JFK conspirators to Israel and Its nuclear agenda Preferring to suggest the events in Dallas Were an "inside job." No, the JFK assassination, just like 9-11 and the Oklahoma City bombing (and the attack on the USS Liberty) -was an "outside job." It's time to forget about extinct dinosaurs Those like LBJ and focus on the real monster, qui Has Its tentacles wrapped around the planet today. JFK Assassination: Israel taboo suspect A few months before his assassination, Kennedy sent a stern letter to David Ben-Gurion, Israel's prime minister to ask for explanations about its nuclear program.
The media never speak of Israel as a possible suspect even possible culprit in the light of all these elements. |
Bloomfield .... Ardent Canadian zionist. Joined the British military and served in Palestine as an Intelligence Officer under general Charles Wingate. Involved in training the Jewish army in Haganah from 1936 to 1939. Worked for the British SOE (competitor of MI6; role taken over by the SAS). Recruited in the OSS in 1942, and was given the rank of major. The OSS became the CIA in 1947, and Bloomfield continued doing contract work for the new organization. Member of the FBI's Division Five. Regularly visited Israel and met with David Ben-Gurion in 1949. Member Sonneborn "institute", part of the post-WWII Haganah network (Abe Feinberg was involved). November 29, 1951, New York Times, '[Louis Bloomfield] Elected as President Of Credit Suisse Unit'. President of Heineken's Brewers, Ltd. Successful lawyer with Phillips and Vineberg in Montreal. Personal consultant and good friend to FBI head J. Edgar Hoover and has been considered the same to the Bronfmans. Bloomfield and J. Edgar Hoover have both been described as homosexuals. Knight of St. John of Jerusalem and a member of the 1001 Club. Incorporated Permindex in 1958, became a major stockholder, and was president of Permindex's Canadian department. Permindex counted numerous controversial people on its board. Garrison suspected that Permindex coordinated the 1963 Kennedy assassination. The company was also suspected of coordinating the failed assassinations on Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970). Permindex was the parent company of Centro Mondiale Commerciale, the world trade center in Rome, which was exposed as a CIA front. CMC apparently funded various political parties and right wing groups and that's the reason Permindex was expelled from Italy. LOUIS' BROTHER BERNARD: September 1, 1984, The Globe and Mail (Canada), 'Bernard Bloomfield Jewish philanthropist, Montreal businessman': "A prominent member of Montreal's Jewish community, who was also president and director of the Canadian Manufacturers Sales Co. Ltd. and the Israel Continental Oil Co., has died. ... Mr. Bloomfield led a Canadian trade mission to Israel in 1962 and was a delegate to the prime minister's economic conference in Israel in 1968. He also served with the Eldee Foundation, a charitable organization, the Jewish National Fund of Canada, the Canada-Israel Chamber of Commerce in Israel, the United Israel Appeal, the Jewish People's Schools and the State of Israel Bonds Association. While visiting Israel in the late 1940s and the early 1950s, he wrote letters to his wife, Neri, about his impressions of the conditions in Israel. They were later published under the title Israel Diary. Mr. Bloomfield was born in Montreal and attended McGill University, graduating with a bachelor of commerce degree in 1927. He later attended the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. ... Mrs. Bloomfield is president of the Canadian Zionist Federation. Mr. Bloomfield received numerous honorary degrees and the Queen Elizabeth Medal and Grand Commander of the Star of Africa. He was honored by the Queen with the Order of the Knight of Justice and the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem." BERNARD'S SON, HARRY: October 9, 2002, national Post (Canada), 'Leading Montreal lawyer facing fraud charges: Harry Bloomfield: Accused of aiding in US$17M 'pump and dump' scheme': "A prominent Montreal lawyer and philanthropist, who served on the board of the Business Development Bank of Canada, is on trial in New York on 22 counts of criminal conspiracy. Authorities in the United States allege Harry Bloomfield, 58, helped organize a complex international stock fraud that used dummy offshore companies to bilk unsuspecting investors out of US$17 million. Mr. Bloomfield's trial in the Supreme Court of the state of New York began last week, and is scheduled to continue to the middle of this month. If convicted, he faces up to 15 years in jail. ... He holds many titles, including Knight of Justice of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem and Queen's Counsel. He is also the former national vice-president of B'nai B'rith Canada, and Canada's current consul general to Liberia, a position formerly held by his late uncle, Louis Mortimer Bloomfield." October 26, 2002, National Post (Canada), 'The trouble with Harry: Bloomfield in the dock: Montreal society lawyer on trial in N.Y. over alleged part in giant swindle':"The son of a legendary Montreal lawyer and philanthropist, Bloomfield is an intimate of the Bronfmans and the Mulroneys [of Power Corp. and J. P. Morgan Chase; close to Desmarais family]. A few years ago, the former prime minister and his wife attended the bar mitzvah of Bloomfield's youngest son. It was Brian Mulroney who appointed Bloomfield to the Business Development Bank of Canada; Bloomfield eventually became chairman of the bank's audit committee. He is also the former vice-president of B'nai B'rith Canada, a Queen's Counsel and a Knight in the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem." ADDITIONAL: March 24, 2009, New York Post, 'Missing Roy' (friends remember Roy Cohn): "POWERFUL lawyer Roy Cohn died in 1986, but his tentacles still reach deep. Looking around the Four Seasons restaurant the other day, one wag observed, "Wouldn't Roy be astonished that his childhood pal, Barbara Walters, is still on national TV?" A tablemate responded, "Roy might be even more shocked that Robert Morgenthau [who disbarred Cohn] is still district attorney." Both were lunching in the Bar Room along with Jack Rudin, Edgar Bronfman Sr.... " -- Sharon toured the United States in 1980, lining up financing for a massive real estate grab. But first, Sharon launched a campaign of terror against the Palestinians in the West Bank, to literally scare them into leaving their land. In the Spring of 1982, Sharon hosted a planning meeting at his Negev desert ranch, which had been purchased for him by Riklis. Riklis, Henry Kissinger, Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, Rafi Eytan, General Ze'evi, Arieh Genger, Herbert Brin, and Eli Landau attended the session, according to an eyewitness account. Within days of the meeting, Gush Emunim and JDL terrorists began attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank. "Landscam" was under way. |
Final Judgment a book by Michael Collins Piper Wolfe Press, 1995, paperback
Final Judgment documents how Israel's leaders, the Mossad, the Meyer Lansky-run organized crime syndicate, and a pro-Zionist faction of the CIA colluded to assassinate President ,John F. Kennedy. The general pattern of the JFK covert operation, to include the skillful use of "limited hang-outs," "patsies," and "false flags," has very likely been repeated in various later forms such as in the assassination of Bobby Kennedy, the murder of Martin Luther King, the mysterious death of former CIA Director William Colby, the very suspicious Oklahoma City bombing, and the Mossad-linked "controlled demolition" of World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001. More recently, we have seen how the "High Priests of War" have flexed raw Israeli-lobby power by pushing American interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq and by promoting saber-rattling at Iran and Syria. The Kennedy brothers definitely made enemies who had not only the resources to carry out an assassination, but also had the web of allies in the controlled national media necessary to sustain a long term cover up. JFK entered office as a liberal playboy and ended up martyring himself in resonance with the ancient Celtic tune The Minstrel Boy. Final Judgment suggests that behind the scenes, JFK fought for the American national interest and lived up to the heroic imagery contained in his book Profiles in Courage and in the 1963 movie PT 109 about his WWII exploits. For most Americans, Final Judgment is a high drama in another way. It is like Hamlet seeing the ghost. It addresses all the right "hard questions" about what has been done to America that are rarely addressed in so-called "mainstream" conservative literature. This is our final judgment: the government of Israel, through its secret spy agency, the Mossad, orchestrated the conspiracy that ended the life of John F. Kennedy. Through its own vast resources and through its international contacts in the intelligence community and in organized crime, Israel had the means, it had the motive, and it had the opportunity to carry out the crime of the century - and did. pxix THE UNSPOKEN TRUTH: ISRAEL'S CENTRAL ROLE IN THE JFK ASSASSINATION Where in the world could anyone come up with the idea that Israel's Mossad had a hand in the assassination of John F. Kennedy? Well, there's more to the story than meets the eye. All of the information which, taken together, proves this contention has already been committed to print. This book, Final Judgment, brings all of these facts together for the first time in a frightening scenario that makes sense. Considering all of the theories about the assassination of John F. Kennedy that have been circulating for years, how could anyone ever suggest that Israel's Mossad was involved? This was the reaction of more than a few people when apprised of the thesis presented in the pages of this book. Yet, I believe, that when you read this volume you will reach the same conclusion: that Israel and its spy agency, the Mossad, did indeed play a critical role in the JFK assassination conspiracy and its cover-up. The evidence, you shall see, is there. It was several years ago that I first stumbled upon a hint that this was indeed the case. I came across a strange reference in the pages of a controversial work about the JFK assassination which alleged that rogue CIA operatives had been behind the president's murder, A. J. Weberman and Michael Canfield's Coup d'Etat in America, first published in 1975. The reference, simple as it was, appearing on page 41, read as follows: "After the assassination, an informer for the Secret Service and the FBI who had infiltrated a Cuban exile group and was in the process of selling them machine guns, reported that on November 21, 1963 he was told, 'We now have plenty of money-our new backers are the Jews-as soon as they take care of JFK.' This man had furnished reliable information in the past." I barely noticed the reference, but it did intrigue me. Who did this source mean when he referred to "the Jews"? This was the question I needed to answer. My immediate conclusion was this: the source meant Jewish gangsters-such as Meyer Lansky-who had a stake in reviving their Cuban gambling interests that they lost when Fidel Castro came to power. This was the logical answer. Frankly, I laid the reference aside. It was just one lone remark out of perhaps millions of words written about the JFK assassination. It was nearly a year that went by before I came across the quotation again-while re-reading the same book. I pondered the quote for a moment, thinking, "This is interesting." However, I once again cast those thoughts aside. I had already reached my own conclusions about the JFK assassination long before: The CIA was primarily responsible, working hand-in-hand with certain elements in "the Mafia" and also in the anti-Castro Cuban movement. However, in the subsequent year that followed, I began to stumble across some interesting information. In David Scheim's book, Contract on America, which contends that "the Mafia" was solely responsible for the JFK assassination, I saw a variation of the same quote referenced in the Weberman and Canfield book. However, Scheim's rendition of the quote had deleted the reference to the alleged Jewish backers of the Cuban plotters. I began to think that there might be something more to the story after all, whatever the accuracy of the story allegedly told to the federal authorities. THE LANSKY CONNECTION It was around this time that I learned that a new biography of organized crime figure Meyer Lansky had been released. It was entitled Little Man: Meyer Lansky and the Gangster Life. The book-prepared in cooperation with Lansky's family-was little more than a puff piece for the deceased thug. Gossipy, full of inside information, and even entertaining at times, the book still somehow seemed to be missing a lot. It was then that I returned to my library and pulled a book off the shelf that I hadn't re-read in perhaps fifteen years. It was Hank Messick's biography of Lansky. Re-reading this important book I began to see that Meyer Lansky was not just another gangster. He was "the chairman of the board" of organized crime. All of the Mafia figures that had been repeatedly implicated in the JFK assassination were, in fact, Lansky's front-men-his subordinates, his underlings. In short, if "the Mafia" had a hand in the killing of JFK, then Lansky had to have been one of the key players. Yet, as I quickly began to see in reviewing many of the works which allege that "The Mafia Killed JFK," Lansky's preeminent role was being ignored or otherwise under-played. I was aware of Lansky's close ties to Israel. After all, Lansky fled to Israel when the heat was on in the United States. But how deeply did the Lansky-Israeli connection go? My research into that question began to turn up some interesting facts relating to an Israeli connection to the assassination 2f John F. Kennedy. THE ISRAELI CONNECTION Why would Israel have an interest in participating in the JFK assassination conspiracy? That was the burning question. It was just about the time that I had begun to take a second look at the Lansky connection to the Kennedy assassination that several new works about the covert relationship between the United States and Israel were released providing never-before revealed information. These books, cited extensively in Final Judgment, made it all too clear that John F. Kennedy-before his death-was in a pitched battle with Israel. In fact, Kennedy was at war. This was something that long-time JFK assassination researchers had no reason to know about. Much of the material had long been classified. It was a secret-a deep, dark secret. Some of JFK's communications with then-Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion are still classified. Not even top-level intelligence officials with special security clearance have been allowed access to these potentially explosive documents. This discovery made me realize that there was a lot more to the Kennedy relationship with Israel and a lot more about the JFK assassination than we had ever been told. ISRAEL, LANSKY & THE CIA The long and close relationship between Israel and JFK's foes at the CIA is something which is becoming more and more known to the general public. JFK's own war with the CIA is common knowledge. At the time of the president's assassination, however, the depth and breadth of the CIA's relationship with Israel's Mossad, however, was not so commonly known. What's more, as I began to discover, Israel's allies in the Lansky Syndicate had much deeper relations with the CIA than most researchers have realized. And while the stories of CIA-Organized Crime assassination plots against Castro have been told time and again, the evidence I began to discover told an even bigger story. The pieces of the puzzle were all there. They simply needed to be put together. As the research continued, I repeatedly found myself stumbling upon new facts and information that continued to verify what was initially in my mind just a theory, but which I now believe to be the truth. THE PERMINDEX CONNECTION It is the little-discussed Permindex connection to the JFK assassination which is the tie that binds-the final proof that Israel's Mossad was at the center of the assassination conspiracy. In the Permindex connection we find all of the critical elements which tie Israel's Mossad, the CIA and organized crime together in close-knit intrigue linked directly to the murder of President Kennedy. Although researchers, over the years, have devoted much time and energy to pursuing a wide variety of questions relating to the JFK assassination controversy (focusing on controversies that will never be resolved) they have steered clear of the Permindex connection. Those who have made any reference to Permindex have described it as some sort of "neo-Nazi" entity-even a remnant of Hitler's SS-but, as we shall see, nothing could be further from the truth. To understand the forces behind the Permindex connection, which we examine in detail in this volume, is to understand the answer to the biggest mystery of this century: the question of who killed John F. Kennedy. INSIDERS AGREE Just before I began the book I mentioned my theory to a rather well-known former United States congressman. He surprised me when he said, "I think you are on to something. I've believed for years that the Mossad was involved in the Kennedy assassination, but I never really took the time to look into it. I'm glad you're doing it, though. It will be an important book. It's a book I would have liked to have written myself." Then, just after I finished the book, I sent a copy of the manuscript to another former U.S. congressman, thinking that he might have some interest in the subject. His response was perhaps a bit astonishing. After the former congressman received the manuscript he wrote me a surprising letter in which he said, "I will tell you this. A retired Western European diplomat and intelligence officer with whom I've been in correspondence (and who has had disastrous experiences with Israel and the Mossad) has been urging me for the last four years to write the book that you have written." He passed the manuscript on to the Frenchman who in turn wrote me a fascinating letter providing further information confirming my thesis. ONE COMPLETE PICTURE The fruits of my labor appear in this book. I owe so much to all of those JFK assassination researchers who made this book possible. Their pioneering efforts laid the foundation for the construction of a framework which I firmly believe proves Mossad complicity in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. All of those who sought the truth-and sometimes risked their reputations (and even perhaps their lives) doing it-cleared the way for a final judgment: Israel was the driving force behind the conspiracy that resulted in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. It is the Israeli connection that pulls all of the pieces of the puzzle together into one complete picture. The role of 'j Israel in the JFK assassination is, indeed, the until-now "missing link."
pxxiii While the following selection of names in this special "who's who" is by no means complete, it does provide the reader of Final Judgment with a brief overview of the facts relating to the involvement of the individuals in question with the circumstances surrounding not only the JFK assassination itself, but also the efforts to not only uncover the truth about the assassination-and also to bury it. Following each name and description are references to the particular chapters in Final Judgment where details about that individual appear in pertinent part. The inclusion of any name in particular is by no means intended to suggest that the individual-unless specifically stated-had foreknowledge that the murder of President Kennedy was being planned. As we note in these pages, there were many people who were brought into the JFK assassination conspiracy and the subsequent cover-up who had no idea of the actual role that they were playing. The following "who's who"-if read in this context-provides the reader a quick glance at the key individuals who ultimately prove central to a complete understanding of the entirety of the conspiracy that resulted in the assassination of President Kennedy. AT PERMINDEX Clay Shaw - If New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison had been permitted to carry out an unimpeded investigation and prosecution of Shaw, a CIA contract operative and a former director of the International Trade Mart in New Orleans implicated in involvement with Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie, Guy Banister and other figures central to the JFK assassination conspiracy, Garrison would have divined Shaw's connections - through a shadowy corporation known as Permindex - to not only the Israeli Mossad, but also the international crime syndicate of Israeli loyalist Meyer Lansky. Louis M. Bloomfield - Based in Montreal, Bloomfield was a long-time intelligence operative and a front man for the powerful Bronfman family interests. The Bronfmans were not only key international backers of Israel but also long-time figures in the Lansky crime syndicate. Bloomfield, one of the foremost figures in the Israeli lobby in Canada and one of Israel's leading international operatives, not only served as the chief shareholder in the Permindex Corporation on whose board of directors Clay Shaw served, but also had intimate ties to American intelligence. Tibor Rosenbaum - One of the "godfathers" of the state of Israel and the first director for finance and supply for Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, Rosenbaum was a prime financial angel behind the Permindex corporation. His Swiss banking concern, the Banque De Credit International, also served as the chief European money laundry or the global crime syndicate of Miami-based crime chief Meyer Lansky. John King - A close business associate of Tibor Rosenbaum's protégé and sometime front man, Bernard Cornfeld, King showed up in New Orleans in the early stages of Jim Garrison's investigation-before Clay Shaw's name had come up-and sought to persuade Garrison (through a bribery attempt) to give up the inquiry. Fortunately he failed in his scheme. THE MOSSAD CONNECTION David Ben-Gurion - Prime Minister of Israel; resigned his post in disgust with JFK's stance toward Israel. in April of 1963; Said JFK's position threatened Israel's very survival. Yitzhak Shamir - A long-time Mossad officer (based largely at the Mossad's chief European office in Paris), Shamir headed the Mossad's assassination squad at the time of the JFK assassination. A former French intelligence officer has charged that Shamir himself arranged the hiring of JFK's actual assassins through a close ally in French intelligence. Menachem Begin - In 1963, Begin (later prime minister of Israel) was a roving Israeli diplomat; prior to JFK's assassination he was overheard conspiring with Meyer Lansky's California henchman, Mickey Cohen, in a conversation that suggested hostile intentions by Israel against the American president. Luis Kutner - Although known largely as a "mob lawyer," (who was long and closely associated with Jack Ruby, a sometime-client) Kutner also doubled as an international intelligence operative and functioned as an advisor to an ad hoc pro-Israel lobby group in the United States. A. L. Botnick - Head of the New Orleans office of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith, an intelligence and propaganda arm for Israel's Mossad; a close associate of New Orleans-based CIA contract operative Guy Banister who helped create Lee Harvey Oswald's preassassination profile as a "pro-Castro" agitator. Evidence suggests that Banister's manipulation of Oswald may have been carried out under the guise of an ADL "fact-finding" operation. Arnon Milchan - Israel's biggest arms dealer, Milchan was "executive producer" (i.e. chief financial angel) of Oliver Stone's Hollywood fantasy about the JFK assassination-a fact which may explain Stone's aversion to exploring the Israeli connection to the affair. Maurice Tempeisman - The international diamond merchant and Mossad operative who became the lover of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and used his connections to double-perhaps triple-her substantial fortune, thereby co-opting the Kennedy family forever. THE CIA CONNECTION Rudolph Hecht - An owner of the CIA-linked Standard Fruit concern, Hecht was a prominent figure in the New Orleans Jewish community and as chairman of the board of directors of the International Trade Mart was Permindex board member Clay Shaw's primary sponsor. James Jesus Angleton - Angleton, the CIA's long-time chief of counterintelligence, was the CIA's primary high-level conspirator in the murder of President Kennedy and the subsequent cover-up. Angleton, who had been co-opted by and was totally loyal to the Israeli Mossad, played a major role in the effort to frame Lee Harvey Oswald. Final Judgment is the first JFK assassination study to delve into Angleton's role in the conspiracy. David Atlee Phillips - A long-time high-level CIA official, Phillips was the CIA station chief in Mexico City at the time a strange effort was underway to implicate Lee Harvey Oswald as a Soviet KGB collaborator. If anyone in the CIA knew the truth about Oswald, it was Phillips. He confessed publicly that the story about Oswald being in Mexico City was not precisely what the CIA had long claimed. E. Howard Hunt - Long-time CIA officer and liaison to the anti-Castro Cuban exiles. Testimony by ex-CIA contract operative Marita Lorenz placed Hunt in Dallas, Texas the day before the president's assassination. The full truth about Hunt's actual involvement in the affair may never be known, but there is no question that Hunt was deeply involved in the intrigue surrounding the president's murder. Evidence does indeed indicate that there was a conscious effort to frame Hunt for involvement in the crime. Guy Banister -The former FBI agent-turned-CIA contract operative whose New Orleans office was a central point for international intrigue involving the CIA, the anti-Castro Cuban exiles and the anti-DeGaulle forces in the French Secret Army Organization (OAS). Under Banister's direction, Lee Harvey Oswald established a public profile for himself as a "pro-Castro" agitator in the streets of New Orleans. David Ferrie - An enigmatic adventurer and CIA contract operative, Ferrie was closely involved with Lee Harvey Oswald during Oswald's stay in New Orleans in the summer of 1963, working alongside Oswald out of Banister's headquarters. The investigation of Ferrie by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison ultimately led to Garrison's discovery of Permindex board member Clay Shaw's ties to both Ferrie and Oswald. Marita Lorenz - A former CIA contract operative, she testified under oath that one day prior to the assassination of President Kennedy she arrived in Dallas in an armed caravan of CIA-backed Cuban exiles who were met by not only Jack Ruby, who later killed Lee Harvey Oswald, but also CIA official E. Howard Hunt. Guillermo & Ignacio Novo - Two brothers, veterans of the CIA-backed Cuban exile wars against Fidel Castro. According to Marita Lorenz, the Novo brothers were part of the armed caravan that arrived in Dallas one day before the assassination of President Kennedy. Many years after Dallas, the Novos were later convicted of participating in the murder of a Chilean dissident in collaboration with international adventurer Michael Townley who himself had ties to high-level figures implicated in the JFK conspiracy. John Tower - In 1963 Tower was a newly-elected Republican U.S. Senator from Texas with close ties to the CIA. Shortly after the assassination he told associates of his own inside knowledge of the bizarre story of what really happened in Dealey Plaza. The story told by Tower suggests strongly that there were many unseen forces at work, manipulating many of the key players in the JFK assassination conspiracy. It was not until the release of Final Judgment that Tower's name was ever connected to the mystery surrounding the JFK assassination. Victor Marchetti - A high-ranking CIA official who left the agency in disgust, Marchetti later made a career writing about the CIA. In a 1978 article he charged that the CIA was about to frame its long-time operative, E. Howard Hunt, with involvement in the JFK assassination. A libel suit resulting as a consequence of Marchetti's article resulted in a climactic finding by a jury that the CIA had been involved in the assassination of the president. Robin Moore - A journalist with long-standing close ties to the CIA, Moore co-authored former CIA man Hugh McDonald's book, LBJ and the JFK Conspiracy which promoted James Jesus Angleton's false claim that the KGB was behind the president's murder-another of the disinformation stories that emerged following the assassination. THE LANSKY SYNDICATE Meyer Lansky - Chief executive officer and de facto "treasurer" of the international crime syndicate; active in gun-running on behalf of the Israeli underground; collaborated closely with American intelligence on a number of fronts; later settled in Israel. Researchers who have claimed that "the Mafia Killed JFK" have pointedly refused to acknowledge Lansky's preeminent positioning in the underworld. Carlos Marcello - The head of the Mafia in New Orleans, Marcello owed his status to Meyer Lansky who was his chief sponsor in the crime syndicate. Marcello could not have orchestrated the JFK assassination-as some suggest-without Lansky's explicit approval. Seymour Weiss - Meyer Lansky's chief bagman and liaison with the political establishment in Louisiana, he later served as a director of the CIA-linked Standard Fruit company and may actually have been a high-ranking CIA contract operative in New Orleans at the time of the JFK assassination. Sam Giancana - The Mafia boss of Chicago, Giancana was a player in the CIA-Mafia plots against Castro; later murdered, probably at the behest of Santo Trafficante, Jr. His family says that Giancana admitted having been involved in the planning of the JFK assassination. Santo Trafficante, Jr. - Although best known as the head of the Mafia in Tampa, Trafficante actually functioned as Meyer Lansky's chief lieutenant in the crime syndicate and as Lansky's liaison with the CIA in the Castro assassination plots. Johnny Rosselli - A roving "ambassador" for the Mafia, Rosselli was the primary conduit between the CIA and the mob in the plots against Fidel Castro; may have arranged the murder of Sam Giancana for Trafficante and was later murdered himself. Mickey Cohen - Meyer Lansky's West Coast henchman; Jack Ruby's role model and a gun-runner for the Israeli underground, Cohen collaborated closely with Israeli diplomat Menachem Begin prior to the JFK assassination;. Cohen arranged for John F. Kennedy to meet actress Marilyn Monroe who was assigned the task of finding out JFK's private views and intentions toward Israel. Jack Ruby - A long-time functionary for the Lansky syndicate, Ruby was the Lansky connection man in Dallas and also engaged in CIA-linked gunrunning to the anti-Castro Cuban exiles. Evidence suggests there is more to Ruby's sudden "death" than meets the eye. Jim Braden - A veteran personal courier for Meyer Lansky, Braden was almost assuredly in contact in Dallas with Jack Ruby prior to the JFK assassination. He was briefly detained in Dealey Plaza minutes after the president's murder, but those JFK assassination researchers who have mentioned Braden prefer to cast him as a "Mafia" figure rather than as Lansky's man on the scene in Dallas. Al Gruber - A henchman of Meyer Lansky's West Coast operative, Mickey Cohen, Gruber and Ruby spoke by telephone just shortly before Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald. It is believed that Gruber gave Ruby the contract on Oswald on behalf of his superiors. THE FRENCH CONNECTION Charles DeGaulle - Repeatedly targeted for assassination by Israeli-allied forces in French intelligence and in the Secret Army Organization (OAS) who were angry that DeGaulle had granted independence to Arab Algeria. The Mossad-sponsored Permindex operation that also had a hand in the murder of JFK, laundered money used in the assassination attempts on DeGaulle. Georges deLannurien - High ranking official in the SDECE, the French intelligence agency; pinpointed by a former French intelligence officer as the individual who (at the best of Mossad assassinations chief Yitzhak Shamir) contracted the hit team who killed JFK in Dallas. Michael Mertz - A former French SDECE officer and the Paris connection for the Lansky-Trafficante heroin syndicate; alleged to have been one of the actual gunmen in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Said by some to be the legendary CIA contract killer, QJ/WIN. Jean Soutre - A liaison for the French OAS with the CIA's E. Howard Hunt, Soutre maintained contact with Guy Banister's CIA- and mob-linked gun-running headquarters in New Orleans. Soutre may have been in Dallas at the time of the JFK assassination. There is evidence linking Soutre to James Jesus Angleton's intrigue inside the CIA that affected French intelligence in a dramatic way. Thomas Eli Davis III - A world-traveling mercenary with apparent links to both Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald, Davis was taken into custody by the Algerian government for his subversive activities alongside Israeli agents in supplying weapons to the French OAS just prior to the JFK assassination. It is said that CIA operative QJJWIN (possibly Michael Mertz, one of the reputed assassins of President Kennedy) helped secure Davis's release from prison. Geoffrey Bocca - A former propagandist for the OAS, Bocca later co-authored former CIA contract agent Hugh McDonald's book, Appointment in Dallas, which pointed the blame for the JFK assassination away from those who were actually responsible-the first of two suspect books put out by McDonald. Christian David - A French Corsican criminal associated with reputed JFK assassin Michael Mertz, David has claimed knowledge of a French hit team involved in the JFK assassination. David himself was the chief suspect in the murder of a Moroccan dissident, Mehdi Ben-Barka, whose killing was orchestrated by the Israeli Mossad through anti-DeGaulle forces in French intelligence. TRUTH SEEKERS Mark Lane - Retained by Lee Harvey Oswald's mother to represent her son's interests before the Warren Commission, Lane's book Rush to Judgment was the first major critique of the Warren Commission Report. In a libel suit filed against The Spotlight newspaper by former CIA operative E. Howard Hunt, Lane proved to the satisfaction of a jury that the CIA had indeed been involved in the JFK assassination. His best-selling book Plausible Denial outlined the circumstances of that libel suit and its ultimate conclusion. Gary Wean - A former detective on the Hollywood beat of the Los Angeles Police Department, Wean discovered how Meyer Lansky's West Coast henchman, Mickey Cohen, was conspiring against John F. Kennedy on behalf of the Israelis. In a meeting with the former sheriff of Dallas County, Bill Decker, Wean learned a portion of the truth about what really happened in Dallas. NEWS TWISTERS Edgar & Edith Stern - Close friends of Clay Shaw, major financial backers of the pro-Israel Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith, and owners of the WDSU media empire in New Orleans that not only played a major role in giving vast publicity to Lee Harvey Oswald's preassassination profile as a "pro-Castro agitator" but later sought to undermine Jim Garrison's investigation of Clay Shaw. Johann Rush - As a young WDSU cameraman, Rush was on the scene to record Oswald's "pro-Castro" activities. He emerged-many years later-as the brains behind a "computer-enhanced" version of the famous Zapruder film of the JFK assassination that author Gerald Posner cited as "proof' that Oswald acted alone in the president's murder. Drew Pearson - Accused by his own mother-in-law of being a "mouthpiece" for the pro-Israel ADL, Pearson had close ties to not only the Israeli lobby, but also the CIA and to President Lyndon Johnson and his cronies. It was Pearson who floated an unlikely story that Fidel Castro was behind the JFK assassination and who also played a major influence in shaping Earl Warren's perceptions of the tragedy. Jack Anderson - As protégé of Drew Pearson, Jack Anderson likewise had strange connections that might have biased his own reportage on the JFK affair. Since 1963 Anderson has promoted a number of conflicting versions about "who really killed JFK" ranging from "the Mafia" to Fidel Castro or a combination of both. Jack Newfield - A liberal columnist and some-time JFK assassination buff, Newfield has been a likewise long-standing devotee of Israel. He made a big splash with a highly fantastic story that missing Teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa had "ordered" two Mafia figures to arrange the killing of President Kennedy. Not surprisingly, Newfield's ridiculous story was given wide play in the Establishment media. THEORISTS AND/OR PROPAGANDISTS? Oliver Stone - His Hollywood extravaganza, JFK, gave the public a fullblown, full-color, gory-in-every-detail conspiracy theory on the JFK assassination. Yet, Stone's presentation of the conspiracy was far from complete and failed to reach any firm conclusions. He deliberately suppressed the "French connection" which, in turn, was the long-hidden Israeli connection. Not only was Stone's chief financial backer Israel's leading arms dealer but also his film distribution company had its origins in the Lansky crime syndicate. What's more, one of the chief shareholders in the film company was none other than Bernard Cornfeld, long-time associate of Permindex figure Tibor Rosenbaum Frank Mankiewicz - This former publicist for the Israeli Mossad-linked Anti-Defamation League had a peculiar part in the events that took place prior to the murder of Robert F. Kennedy. Then when Oliver Stone began promoting his film JFK, Mankiewicz popped up as his key public relations man. Anthony Summers - Author of one book hinting that the Kennedy family were responsible for the death-maybe the murder-of actress Marilyn Monroe, Summers wrote another book on the JFK conspiracy. In neither book did Summers reveal explosive information (of which he was aware) that could have helped point the direction of those same forces which played a part in both crimes. Robert Morrow - A former CIA contract operative who played a major role in activities on the periphery of the JFK assassination conspiracy, Morrow's book on his experiences is rife with detail, yet suspect in the eyes of many who had looked into his claims. Morrow's book absolves the key CIA conspirator, James J. Angleton, of involvement in the JFK conspiracy and portrays him as being "out of the loop" when, in fact, precisely the opposite was true. Is it a coincidence that Morrow's book publisher is an American affiliate of an Israeli publishing company? G. Robert Blakey - An unlikely choice to serve as director of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, Blakey had, just two years previously, served as a character witness for a long-time close associate of crime boss Meyer Lansky. When it came time to point the blame in the JFK assassination, Blakey targeted Lansky's protégé, New Orleans Mafia boss, Carlos Marcello, but looked no further. Blakey, likewise, found no role by the CIA-or any other intelligence agency-in the JFK assassination. David Scheim - The author of a book that pins the murder of President Kennedy on "the Mafia," Scheim refuses to acknowledge Permindex board member Clay Shaw's intelligence connections and paints Israeli loyalist Meyer Lansky as a low-level syndicate figure with no influence of substance. Scheim's book was published by the American front for an Israeli publishing company. Richard Billings - A journalist with close ties to the CIA, Billings played a major role in the media's campaign to undermine New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison's investigation of Clay Shaw. Billings emerged as the prime promoter of the outlandish theory that Garrison was a Mafia front man trying to take the focus off the Mafia and direct the attention toward the intelligence community. James DiEugenio - Although a deep admirer of both John F. Kennedy and New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, DiEugenio has tread lightly when inquiring into the ties between Clay Shaw and the Permindex operation with its multiple links to the Israeli Mossad and the crime syndicate. Peter Dale Scott - His years of in-depth research on the JFK assassination have led him directly to the doorstep of the CIA, the Mossad and the Lansky Crime Syndicate, yet he has never been prepared to name names or point in the direction of those very forces, preferring to sidestep the issue. |
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“After a criminal odyssey that began on Wall Street, Mr. Vesco fled the United States in 1971, along the way repeatedly demonstrating the power of money to overcome any ideology. His associates and protectors included democratically elected presidents in Costa Rica, the left-wing Sandinistas in Nicaragua, the cocaine barons of Colombia, the terrorism-tainted government in Libya, and, finally, the Communist government of Fidel Castro…” This link stitches together relationships of Permindex, Rosenbaum, BCI, Mossad, Cornfeld, Rothschilds, Bronfmans and others in the context of planning the JFK assassination:, but curiously, Dr. Paul himself is a prominent cohort in the circles of Agora Inc. Paul’s Texas district includes the former Freeport Sulphur Co. (Freeport-McMoRan), world’s largest goldmining outfit (Kissinger was on the board) and its longtime executive and chairman Benno Schmidt was a leading “war on cancer” philanthropist. So, who prepares Ron Paul’s War Room research –Agora? By association, is Soros involved in that too? –seems like they share an interest in currency-proof gold, a market controlled by whom? Rothschilds? |
Excerpts from the Final Judgement Michael Collins Piper |
THE LANSKY CONNECTIONIt was around this time that I learned that a new biography of organized crime figure Meyer Lansky had been released. It was entitled Little Man:Meyer Lansky and the Gangster Life. The book-prepared in cooperation with Lansky's family-was little more than a puff piece for the deceased thug. Gossipy, full of inside information, and even entertaining at times, the book still somehow seemed to be missing a lot.It was then that I returned to my library and pulled a book off the shelf that I hadn't re-read in perhaps fifteen years. It was Hank Messick's biography of Lansky. Re-reading this important book I began to see that Meyer Lansky was not just another gangster. He was "the chairman of the board" of organized crime.All of the Mafia figures that had been repeatedly implicated in the JFK assassination were, in fact, Lansky's front-men-his subordinates, his underlings. In short, if "the Mafia" had a hand in the killing of JFK, then Lansky had to have been one of the key players.Yet, as I quickly began to see in reviewing many of the works which allege that "The Mafia Killed JFK," Lansky's preeminent role was being ignored or otherwise under-played.I was aware of Lansky's close ties to Israel. After all, Lansky fled to Israel when the heat was on in the United States. But how deeply did the Lansky-Israeli connection go?My research into that question began to turn up some interesting facts relating to an Israeli connection to the assassination 2f John F. Kennedy.THE ISRAELI CONNECTIONWhy would Israel have an interest in participating in the JFK assassination conspiracy? That was the burning question.It was just about the time that I had begun to take a second look at the Lansky connection to the Kennedy assassination that several new works about the covert relationship between the United States and Israel were released providing never-before revealed information.These books, cited extensively in Final Judgment, made it all too clear that John F. Kennedy-before his death-was in a pitched battle with Israel. In fact, Kennedy was at war.This was something that long-time JFK assassination researchers had no reason to know about. Much of the material had long been classified. It was a secret-a deep, dark secret.Some of JFK's communications with then-Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion are still classified. Not even top-level intelligence officials with special security clearance have been allowed access to these potentially explosive documents.This discovery made me realize that there was a lot more to the Kennedy relationship with Israel and a lot more about the JFK assassination than we had ever been told.ISRAEL, LANSKY & THE CIAThe long and close relationship between Israel and JFK's foes at the CIA is something which is becoming more and more known to the general public. JFK's own war with the CIA is common knowledge.At the time of the president's assassination, however, the depth and breadth of the CIA's relationship with Israel's Mossad, however, was not so commonly known.What's more, as I began to discover, Israel's allies in the Lansky Syndicate had much deeper relations with the CIA than most researchers have realized.And while the stories of CIA-Organized Crime assassination plots against Castro have been told time and again, the evidence I began to discover told an even bigger story.The pieces of the puzzle were all there. They simply needed to be put together. As the research continued, I repeatedly found myself stumbling upon new facts and information that continued to verify what was initially in my mind just a theory, but which I now believe to be the truth.THE PERMINDEX CONNECTIONIt is the little-discussed Permindex connection to the JFK assassination which is the tie that binds-the final proof that Israel's Mossad was at the center of the assassination conspiracy.In the Permindex connection we find all of the critical elements which tie Israel's Mossad, the CIA and organized crime together in close-knit intrigue linked directly to the murder of President Kennedy.Although researchers, over the years, have devoted much time and energy to pursuing a wide variety of questions relating to the JFK assassination controversy (focusing on controversies that will never be resolved) they have steered clear of the Permindex connection.Those who have made any reference to Permindex have described it as some sort of "neo-Nazi" entity-even a remnant of Hitler's SS-but, as we shall see, nothing could be further from the truth.To understand the forces behind the Permindex connection, which we examine in detail in this volume, is to understand the answer to the biggest mystery of this century: the question of who killed John F. Kennedy.INSIDERS AGREEJust before I began the book I mentioned my theory to a rather well-known former United States congressman. He surprised me when he said, "I think you are on to something. I've believed for years that the Mossad was involved in the Kennedy assassination, but I never really took the time to look into it. I'm glad you're doing it, though. It will be an important book. It's a book I would have liked to have written myself."Then, just after I finished the book, I sent a copy of the manuscript to another former U.S. congressman, thinking that he might have some interest in the subject. His response was perhaps a bit astonishing.After the former congressman received the manuscript he wrote me a surprising letter in which he said, "I will tell you this. A retired Western European diplomat and intelligence officer with whom I've been in correspondence (and who has had disastrous experiences with Israel and the Mossad) has been urging me for the last four years to write the book that you have written."He passed the manuscript on to the Frenchman who in turn wrote me a fascinating letter providing further information confirming my thesis.ONE COMPLETE PICTUREThe fruits of my labor appear in this book. I owe so much to all of those JFK assassination researchers who made this book possible. Their pioneering efforts laid the foundation for the construction of a framework which I firmly believe proves Mossad complicity in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.All of those who sought the truth-and sometimes risked their reputations (and even perhaps their lives) doing it-cleared the way for a final judgment:Israel was the driving force behind the conspiracy that resulted in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. It is the Israeli connection that pulls all of the pieces of the puzzle together into one complete picture. The role of 'j Israel in the JFK assassination is, indeed, the until-now "missing link."pxxiii
Mossad ran 9/11 Arab “hijacker” terrorist operationBy Wayne Madsen on December 23, 2011 Wayne Madsen – via Opinion Maker January 27, 2011British intelligence reported in February 2002 that the Israeli Mossad ran the Arab hijacker cells that were later blamed by the U.S. government’s 9/11 Commission for carrying out the aerial attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. WMR has received details of the British intelligence report which was suppressed by the government of then-Prime Minister Tony Blair.A Mossad unit consisting of six Egyptian- and Yemeni-born Jews infiltrated “Al Qaeda” cells in Hamburg (the Atta-Mamoun Darkanzali cell), south Florida, and Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates in the months before 9/11. The Mossad not only infiltrated cells but began to run them and give them specific orders that would eventually culminate in their being on board four regularly-scheduled flights originating in Boston, Washington Dulles, and Newark, New Jersey on 9/11.The Mossad infiltration team comprised six Israelis, comprising two cells of three agents, who all received special training at a Mossad base in the Negev Desert in their future control and handling of the “Al Qaeda” cells. One Mossad cell traveled to Amsterdam where they submitted to the operational control of the Mossad’s Europe Station, which operates from the El Al complex at Schiphol International Airport. The three-man Mossad unit then traveled to Hamburg where it made contact with Mohammed Atta, who believed they were sent by Osama Bin Laden. In fact, they were sent by Ephraim Halevy, the chief of Mossad.The second three-man Mossad team flew to New York and then to southern Florida where they began to direct the “Al Qaeda” cells operating from Hollywood, Miami, Vero Beach, Delray Beach, and West Palm Beach. Israeli “art students,” already under investigation by the Drug Enforcement Administration for casing the offices and homes of federal law enforcement officers, had been living among and conducting surveillance of the activities, including flight school training, of the future Arab “hijacker” cells, particularly in Hollywood and Vero Beach.In August 2001, the first Mossad team flew with Atta and other Hamburg “Al Qaeda” members to Boston. Logan International Airport’s security was contracted to Huntleigh USA, a firm owned by an Israeli airport security firm closely connected to Mossad — International Consultants on Targeted Security – ICTS. ICTS’s owners were politically connected to the Likud Party, particularly the Netanyahu faction and then-Jerusalem mayor and future Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. It was Olmert who personally interceded with New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani to have released from prison five Urban Moving Systems employees, identified by the CIA and FBI agents as Mossad agents. The Israelis were the only suspects arrested anywhere in the United States on 9/11 who were thought to have been involved in the 9/11 attacks.The two Mossad teams sent regular coded reports on the progress of the 9/11 operation to Tel Aviv via the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC. WMR has learned from a Pentagon source that leading Americans tied to the media effort to pin 9/11 on Arab hijackers, Osama Bin Laden, and the Taliban were present in the Israeli embassy on September 10, 2001, to coordinate their media blitz for the subsequent days and weeks following the attacks. It is more than likely that FBI counter-intelligence agents who conduct surveillance of the Israeli embassy have proof on the presence of the Americans present at the embassy on September 10. Some of the Americans are well-known to U.S. cable news television audiences.In mid-August, the Mossad team running the Hamburg cell in Boston reported to Tel Aviv that the final plans for 9/11 were set. The Florida-based Mossad cell reported that the documented “presence” of the Arab cell members at Florida flight schools had been established.The two Mossad cells studiously avoided any mention of the World Trade Center or targets in Washington, DC in their coded messages to Tel Aviv. Halevy covered his tracks by reporting to the CIA of a “general threat” by an attack by Arab terrorists on a nuclear plant somewhere on the East Coast of the United States. CIA director George Tenet dismissed the Halevy warning as “too non-specific.” The FBI, under soon-to-be-departed director Louis Freeh, received the “non-specific” warning about an attack on a nuclear power plant and sent out the information in its routine bulletins to field agents but no high alert was ordered.The lack of a paper trail pointing to “Al Qaeda” as the masterminds on 9/11, which could then be linked to Al Qaeda’s Mossad handlers, threw off the FBI. On April 19, 2002, FBI director Robert Mueller, in a speech to San Francisco’s Commonwealth Club, stated: “In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper — either here in the United States, or in the treasure trove of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere — that mentioned any aspect of the September 11 plot.”The two Mossad “Al Qaeda” infiltration and control teams had also helped set up safe houses for the quick exfiltration of Mossad agents from the United States. Last March, WMR reported: “WMR has learned from two El Al sources who worked for the Israeli airline at New York’s John F. Kennedy airport that on 9/11, hours after the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grounded all civilian domestic and international incoming and outgoing flights to and from the United States, a full El Al Boeing 747 took off from JFK bound for Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion International Airport. The two El Al employee sources are not Israeli nationals but legal immigrants from Ecuador who were working in the United States for the airline. The flight departed JFK at 4:11 pm and its departure was, according to the El Al sources, authorized by the direct intervention of the U.S. Department of Defense. U.S. military officials were on the scene at JFK and were personally involved with the airport and air traffic control authorities to clear the flight for take-off. According to the 9/11 Commission report, Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta ordered all civilian flights to be grounded at 9:45 am on September 11.” WMR has learned from British intelligence sources that the six-man Mossad team was listed on the El Al flight manifest as El Al employeesWMR previously reported that the Mossad cell operating in the Jersey City-Weehawken area of New Jersey through Urban Moving Systems was suspected by some in the FBI and CIA of being involved in moving explosives into the World Trade Center as well as staging “false flag” demonstrations at least two locations in north Jersey: Liberty State Park and an apartment complex in Jersey City as the first plane hit the World Trade Center’s North Tower. One team of Urban Moving Systems Mossad agents was arrested later on September 11 and jailed for five months at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn. Some of their names turned up in a joint CIA-FBI database as known Mossad agents, along with the owner of Urban Moving Systems, Dominik Suter, whose name also appeared on a “Law Enforcement Sensitive” FBI 9/11 suspects list, along with the names of key “hijackers,” including Mohammed Atta and Hani Hanjour, as well as the so-called “20th hijacker,” Zacarias Moussaoui.Suter was allowed to escape the United States after the FBI made initial contact with him at the Urban Moving Systems warehouse in Weehawken, New Jersey, following the 9/11 attacks. Suter was later permitted to return to the United States where he was involved in the aircraft parts supply business in southern Florida, according to an informe3d source who contacted WMR. Suter later filed for bankruptcy in Florida for Urban Moving Systems and other businesses he operated: Suburban Moving & Storage Inc.; Max Movers, Inc.; Invsupport; Woodflooring Warehouse Corp.; One Stop Cleaning LLC; and City Carpet Upholstery, Inc. At the time of the bankruptcy filing in Florida, Suter listed his address as 1867 Fox Court, Wellington, FL 33414, with a phone number of 561 204-2359.From the list of creditors it can be determined that Suter had been operating in the United States since 1993, the year of the first attack on the World Trade Center. In 1993, Suter began racking up American Express credit card charges totaling $21,913.97. Suter also maintained credit card accounts with HSBC Bank and Orchard Bank c/o HSBC Card Services of Salinas, California, among other banks. Suter also did business with the Jewish Community Center of Greater Palm Beach in Florida and Ryder Trucks in Miami. Miami and southern Florida were major operating areas for cells of Israeli Mossad agents masquerading as “art students,” who were living and working near some of the identified future Arab “hijackers” in the months preceding 9/11.ABC’s 20/20 correspondent John Miller ensured that the Israeli connection to “Al Qaeda’s” Arab hijackers was buried in an “investigation” of the movers’ activities on 9/11. Anchor Barbara Walters helped Miller in putting a lid on the story about the movers and Suter aired on June 21, 2002. Miller then went on to become the FBI public affairs spokesman to ensure that Mueller and other FBI officials kept to the “Al Qaeda” script as determined by the Bush administration and the future 9/11 Commission. But former CIA chief of counter-terrorism Vince Cannistraro let slip to ABC an important clue to the operations of the Mossad movers in New Jersey when he stated that the Mossad agents “set up or exploited for the purpose of launching an intelligence operation against radical Islamists in the area, particularly in the New Jersey-New York area.” The “intelligence operation” turned out to have been the actual 9/11 attacks. And it was no coincidence that it was ABC’s John Miller who conducted a May 1998 rare interview of Osama Bin Laden at his camp in Afghanistan. Bin Laden played his part well for future scenes in the fictional “made-for-TV” drama known as 9/11.WMR has also learned from Italian intelligence sources that Mossad’s running of “Al Qaeda” operatives did not end with running the “hijacking” teams in the United States and Hamburg. Other Arab “Al Qaeda” operatives, run by Mossad, were infiltrated into Syria but arrested by Syrian intelligence. Syria was unsuccessful in turning them to participate in intelligence operations in Lebanon. Detailed information on Bin Laden’s support team was offered to the Bush administration, up to days prior to 9/11, by Gutbi al-Mahdi, the head of the Sudanese Mukhabarat intelligence service. The intelligence was rejected by the Biush White House. It was later reported that Sudanese members of “Al Qaeda’s” support network were double agents for Mossad who had also established close contacts with Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh and operated in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Eritrea, as well as Sudan. The Mossad connection to Al Qaeda in Sudan was likely known by the Sudanese Mukhabarat, a reason for the rejection of its intelligence on “Al Qaeda” by the thoroughly-Mossad penetrated Bush White House. Yemen had also identified “Al Qaeda” members who were also Mossad agents. A former chief of Mossad revealed to this editor in 2002 that Yemeni-born Mossad “deep insertion” commandos spotted Bin Laden in the Hadhramaut region of eastern Yemen after his escape from Tora Bora in Afghanistan, following the U.S. invasion.French intelligence determined that other Egyptian- and Yemeni-born Jewish Mossad agents were infiltrated into Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates as radical members of the Muslim Brotherhood. However, the “Muslim Brotherhood” agents actually were involved in providing covert Israeli funding for “Al Qaeda” activities. On February 21, 2006, WMR reported on the U.S. Treasury Secretary’s firing by President Bush over information discovered on the shady “Al Qaeda” accounts in the United Arab Emirates: “Banking insiders in Dubai report that in March 2002, U.S. Secretary of Treasury Paul O’Neill visited Dubai and asked for documents on a $109,500 money transfer from Dubai to a joint account held by hijackers Mohammed Atta and Marwan al Shehhi at Sun Trust Bank in Florida. O’Neill also asked UAE authorities to close down accounts used by Al Qaeda . . . . The UAE complained about O’Neill’s demands to the Bush administration. O’Neill’s pressure on the UAE and Saudis contributed to Bush firing him as Treasury Secretary in December 2002 ” O’Neill may have also stumbled on the “Muslim Brotherhood” Mossad operatives operating in the emirates who were directing funds to “Al Qaeda.”After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise to power of the Taliban in Afghanistan, Sharjah’s ruler, Sultan bin Mohammed al-Qasimi, who survived a palace coup attempt in 1987, opened his potentate to Russian businessmen like Viktor Bout, as well as to financiers of radical Muslim groups, including the Taliban and “Al Qaeda.”Moreover, this Israeli support for “Al Qaeda” was fully known to Saudi intelligence, which approved of it in order to avoid compromising Riyadh. The joint Israeli-Saudi support for “Al Qaeda” was well-known to the Sharjah and Ras al Khaimah-based aviation network of the now-imprisoned Russian, Viktor Bout, jailed in New York on terrorism charges. The presence of Bout in New York, a hotbed of Israeli intelligence control of U.S. federal prosecutors, judges, as well as the news media, is no accident: Bout knows enough about the Mossad activities in Sharjah in support of the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, where Bout also had aviation and logistics contracts, to expose Mossad as the actual mastermind behind 9/11. Bout’s aviation empire also extended to Miami and Dallas, two areas that were nexuses for the Mossad control operations for the “Al Qaeda” flight training operations of the Arab cell members in the months prior to 9/11.Bout’s path also crossed with “Al Qaeda’s” support network at the same bank in Sharjah, HSBC. Mossad’s phony Muslim Brotherhood members from Egypt and Yemen controlled financing for “Al Qaeda” through the HSBC accounts in Sharjah. Mossad’s Dominik Suter also dealt with HSBC in the United States. The FBI’s chief counter-terrorism agent investigating Al Qaeda, John O’Neill, became aware of the “unique” funding mechanisms for Al Qaeda. It was no mistake that O’Neill was given the job as director of security for the World Trade Center on the eve of the attack. O’Neill perished in the collapse of the complex.Mossad uses a number of Jews born in Arab countries to masquerade as Arabs. They often carry forged or stolen passports from Arab countries or nations in Europe that have large Arab immigrant populations, particularly Germany, France, Britain, Denmark, Sweden, and the Netherlands.For Mossad, the successful 9/11 terrorist “false flag” operation was a success beyond expectations. The Bush administration, backed by the Blair government, attacked and occupied Iraq, deposing Saddam Hussein, and turned up pressure on Israel’s other adversaries, including Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Hamas, and Lebanese Hezbollah. The Israelis also saw the U.S., Britain, and the UN begin to crack down on the Lebanese Shi’a diamond business in Democratic Republic of Congo and West Africa, and with it, the logistics support provided by Bout’s aviation companies, which resulted in a free hand for Tel Aviv to move in on Lebanese diamond deals in central and west Africa.Then-Israeli Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu commented on the 9/11 attacks on U.S. television shortly after they occurred. Netanyahu said: “It is very good!” It now appears that Netanyahu, in his zeal, blew Mossad’s cover as the masterminds of 9/11. |
February 11, 2009 -- Henry Kissinger: Obama's envoy to Moscow was suspected of being a spy for Nazi Germany WMR On February 6, 2009, the Daily Telegraph of the UK featured a story that 85-year old former Nixon and Ford Secretary of State Henry Kissinger served as then-President-elect Barack Obama's special envoy to Moscow in December to secretly discuss mutual nuclear arms reductions. The choice of Kissinger to act as Obama's envoy shocked many in the progressive community who view Kissinger as a war criminal. Even President Ronald Reagan, suspicious of Kissinger's long-time ties to the Rockefellers, studiously kept Kissinger away from his administration. Kissinger withdrew his name from consideration as President George W. Bush's nominee to be chairman of the 9/11 Commission after widespread protests over his conflict-of-interests. The Telegraphalso revealed that Obama forged close ties to Kissinger during the presidential campaign and quotes Kissinger as saying Obama could bring about a "new world order" after the Bush administration. Kissinger seemed to be implying that Obama could repair the damage caused by the neocons who infiltrated the Bush administration, yet it is Kissinger who is the granddaddy of all neocons - an individual whose bloody fingerprints are found throughout the world through his overt and covert support for all sorts of nasty fascists and corrupt and murderous dictators. Kissinger's association with Obama during the presidential campaign is even more troubling considering that Kissinger publicly endorsed John McCain for president. For Obama to choose as his envoy to Moscow an individual who has outstanding bench warrants for his arrest in Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, and France for his role in not only supporting, bit directing "Operation Condor," which saw thousands of leftists and progressives, incluidng U.S. citizens, "disappeared" by fascist regimes in South America during the 1970s is a slap in the face of every decent American who hoped that with the end of the Bush regime would come a change in U.S. relations with the rest of the world. Sadly, Obama, in choosing Kissinger to represent him, is not much better than Bush when it comes to shoving fascism in the face of the American people. Kissinger's bloody past has involved the slaughter of millions in Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, East Pakistan/Bangladesh, East Timor, Cyprus, South America, southern Africa, and elsewhere. Some ten years ago, this editor was contacted by two top investigative journalists for one of Germany's top news magazines who were looking into a story that Henry Kissinger was planted as a refugee by German Abwehr military intelligence in the United States to spy on the German Jewish refugee community that was arriving in increasing numbers in the United States after Adolf Hitler's rise to power. They said documentation was sketchy since it was believed that Reinhard Gehlen, a former German military intelligence Major General, had incriminating evidence against Kissinger either destroyed or hidden after he became the head of the post-war German Federal Intelligence Service, the Bundesnachrichtendienstor BND. Kissinger was very close to one of Gehlen's top agents, Eberhard Blum, who served as the BND's station chief in London for four years and Washington for twelve years. Blum, a Brigadier in Nazi Germany's Abwehr, was recruited personally by Gehlen. I told the two journalists that I had not heard of the story before and was rather floored by the notion that Kissinger, who is Jewish, could have been a spy for the Nazis. Kissinger arrived with his parents from Germany in 1938. His parents, Louis and Paula Stern Kissinger, changed Henry's name from "Heinz" to "Henry" because they felt "Heinz Kissinger" sounded "too German." In 1943, the former Heinz Kissinger was drafted into the U.S. Army and was assigned to the 970th Counterintelligence Corps (CIC) as a German translator earning the rank of Sergeant. Kissinger had access to the Army's most sensitive codes used to encrypt classified military communications. After the war, Kissinger was sent to Germany where he was an instructor at the European Command Intelligence School, a position from which he could re-establish any pre-war and war links with former Nazi intelligence officers who had then working for the Americans. According to America's Secret Army by Ian Sayer and Douglas Botting, Kissinger, a mere Staff Sergeant, managed to evict a German from his villa and supposedly sought out Gestapo and SS officers for arrest. However, the CIC made exceptions, for example, in recruiting "Butcher of Lyons" Klaus Barbie who killed hundreds of French citizens and who was a wanted Nazi war criminal, as an agent for United States intelligence. According to Sayer and Botting, in Germany, Staff Sergeant Kissinger had a German cook, a German housekeeper, a German secretary, and a German girlfriend. And Kissinger drove around in a Mercedes Benz. Kissinger returned to the United States from Germany in 1947. With documentation on Kissinger's alleged Nazi past either destroyed or hidden, there was a seeming dead end to the story of America's most diabolical and dastardly foreign policy official. Until a trip to London's Foyle's bookstore and the discovery of a book titled Hitler's Jewish Spy: The Most Extraordinary True Spy Story of World War II, written in 1985 by Israeli author Michael Bar-Zohar, who also wrote an acclaimed biography of Israel's first Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. The book describes the exploits of decorated World War I veteran Paul Fackenheim, a German Jew who was an old wartime friend of Hermann Goring but who was interned as Prisoner Number 26,336 at the Dachau concentration camp. Fackenheim was ordered released from Dachau by the Abwehr to be trained as a spy for the Nazis and be parachuted into Palestine to learn about British military preparations to stop Field Marshal Erwin Rommel's Afrika Korps from seizing the Suez Canal. The Abwehr gave Fackenheim a new identity -- Paul Koch -- and trained him how to use German military intelligence code books and radio transmitters as a training center in Brussels. After being transported through Sofia, Bulgaria and Athens, Fackenheim/Koch was parachuted into Palestine on October 10, 1941. He was then captured by the British and imprisoned as a German spy in Haifa. Fackenheim was disturbed by the British treatment of Jewish immigrants in Palestine, even equating it to the Nazi treatment of the Jews in Germany. The British intelligence headquarters in Cairo was convinced that Fackenheim was only pretending to be Jewish after he was arrested by the British. The British were convinced that they had captured an SS agent in Lebanon and Syria named Paula Koch. Others within British Staff Intelligence Middle East (SIME) were aware of a German intelligence colonel operating a spy network in Lebanon and Syria. Ironically, his last name was Falkenheim, very close to Fackenheim. The British Information Services circulated pamphlets and other material in the United States claiming that illegal Jewish immigration into Palestine was being run by the Gestapo. Bar-Zohar's book quotes one such British circular: "Many of the German immigrants are disguised Nazis who intend to establish espionage networks in the Middle East." Bar-Zohar, although finding the claim revolting, admits that "Fackenheim seemed to be living proof that it wasn't totally false." In 1940, the British government rounded up 30,000 German Jewish refugees suspected of being German agents and shipped them to an internment camp on the Isle of Man. Many of these were later shipped to Canada and Australia. MI-5 discovered that one German Jewish refugee, Hans Arnheim, was sending intelligence reports to German intelligence agents in the Netherlands. The New Zealand government also believed that many German Jews entering that country as refugees were Nazi spies. The New Zealand Returned Services Association, the chief veterans group, launched a campaign against spies in the ranks of the Jewish refugees from Germany. In wartime South Africa, a number of Jews collaborated with the right-wing National Party, which advocated apartheid. The Nationalists supported the aims of Nazi Germany. After the war, Fackenheim was prosecuted at Nuremberg. Another concentration camp inmate, Josef Jakobs, a Luxemburgish Jew, was freed from his camp, trained as an agent, and parachuted into Huntingdonshire, England in 1941 with espionage gear. Like Fackenheim, Jakobs proclaimed that he was coerced into being a Nazi agent. Jakobs was sentenced to death and shot in the Tower of London in August 1941. Dr. Ivar Lissner, who was half Jewish, was a valued Abwehr agent. Lissner was a correspondent for the German newspaper Vuelkischer Beobachterbut was actually an Abwehr agent who established a Nazi intelligence network in Manchuria from his bases in Shanghai and Harbin. Lissner was made a member of the Nazi Party and he later claimed he was the Gestapo chief in Japanese-occupied Manchukuo. Hans Mosberg was another German of Jewish origin who worked for the Abwehr station in Shanghai. On March 2, 2007, WMR reported on a Kissinger connection to an intelligence agent for the Japanese during World War II: "Israeli multi-billionaire tycoon Shaul Eisenberg began supplying weapons to Cambodia's genocidal Khmer Rouge regime in the 1970s. Eisenberg, a close business partner of China's military, was also an early arms supplier to Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot. Eisenberg was active with Asia's Jewish community during World War II, not as an compatriot of the Allies but as a close intelligence and business partner of Japan's Imperial government, which was allied with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy in the Axis Alliance. Escaping Nazi-controlled Europe, Eisenberg settled in the Far East, making his primary bases of operation Japanese-occupied Shanghai and Japan itself. In Shanghai, Eisenberg, along with Imperial Japanese military intelligence units, formed units of future Jewish terrorist groups -- the Irgun and the Shanghai Betar (Betar was founded in the 1930s by the Polish Zionist Yakob Jabotinsky, a supporter of Italian Fascist leader Benito Mussolini, to battle the British for control of Palestine and the ideological godfather of later neoconservative oracle Leo Strauss). The Japanese taught the Jewish paramilitary forces in Shanghai, including some who escaped from Joseph Stalin's Jewish Autonomous Region creation in the Soviet Far East on the Chinese border, how to disrupt colonial occupiers' logistics and command and control elements, strategies that had been successful against the British, Dutch, French, and American colonial authorities in Asia. The Irgun and Betar gangs would eventually use the knowledge gained from the Japanese in their terror campaign against British and Arab forces in Palestine following World War II. Eventually, Irgun and Betar veterans would form the present-day Likud Party, now headed by Binyamin Netanyahu, a noted extreme right-winger . . . As the United States faced imminent defeat in the Indochina War at the hands of the Vietnamese, Laotian, and Cambodian communist-nationalist forces, Eisenberg wasted no time in cashing in on America's defeat and the new power alignments in Southeast Asia. He began selling weapons from his new business partner - China - to the Cambodian forces of Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot. After the defeat of the U.S.-backed military government of General Lon Nol, installed after Richard Nixon's National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger, a close friend of Eisenberg, ordered the CIA to overthrow Cambodian head of state Prince Norodom Sihanouk, Cambodia fell victim to a bloody civil war between Vietnamese troops backing Pol Pot's one-time ally Hun Sen and the Chinese-backed 'Democratic Kampuchea' government of Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot.It was no mistake that the Gerald Ford administration and Secretary of State Kissinger backed the Khmer Rouge. Kissinger and Ford's long-time Michigan financial backer, industrialist Max Fisher were both financially and ideologically linked to Eisenberg. Ford's supposed "grand moment" -- the repatriation in 1975 of the crew of the U.S. 'merchant' (spy) ship, the SS Mayaguez, from Khmer Rouge forces was a Kissinger- and Eisenberg-designed ruse designed to build up Ford's support in the face of the American military defeat in Southeast Asia. That ruse came at the cost of 41 Marines and countless Cambodian military forces and civilians. Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel's father, Benjamin Emanuel, fought with the Irgun terrorists during the British mandate in Palestine. However, just proving that one of Hitler's spies was Jewish is not proof, in itself, that Kissinger could also have been a Nazi agent. That perception changed, however, when Bryan Mark Rigg, a Marine Corps officer who served in the Israeli army but who is not Jewish, wroteHitler’s Jewish Soldiers,published in 2002. The book describes the history of the "mischlinge," literally translated as "mongrels," 1200 German soldiers of Jewish descent, including two Field Marshals, including Goring's Luftwaffe deputy Erhard Milch, a war criminal, and 15 generals. Hitler, himself, approved special waivers for hundreds of Jewish officers under Germany's racial purity laws by certifying them as "Aryan," to the utter dismay of racial purists like SS chief Heinrich Himmler. Goring defended Jewish officers in his Luftwaffe and once berated the SS, which did not wish to see such a policy, by declaring, "I decide who is a Jew." But even Himmler's SS was not averse to using Jews as their own agents. In 1944, the SS used two Jewish agents, Joel Brand and Bandi Grosz, to cut a deal with the Americans and British to exchange 1 million Jews for 10,000 trucks and other supplies. The negotiationd were condcuted without Hitler's knolwedge. In 1943, Jewish leaders in Slovakia, including Zionists, conducted secret negotiations with Gestapo agent Dieter Wisliceny on exchanging imprisoned Jews for money. Wisliceny was a close friend of Adolf Eichmann, later captured by Israeli agents in Argentina and convicted and hanged in Israel. And there were German Jews who actually supported the Nazi cause, including Max Naumann who led the "Organization of National-German Jews," which welcomed the establishment of Nazi rule in Germany and Arthur Trebitsch, who supported the Austrian Nazis and welcomed the Nazi union of Germany and Austria. With the question now settled that Kissinger's religion would not have barred him from being recruited as an agent for the Third Reich, the nascent investigation by the two German journalists on Kissinger's alleged past espionage activities appears to have had some merit. With that in mind, President Obama had a choice between to very different representatives of the American people as his special envoy to Moscow: Kissinger, who may have been an agent for the Nazis who ravaged Soviet Russia, or former President Jimmy Carter, who best reflects the true policies of America enshrined by our nation's founders. Kissinger is at home in the neocons' "homeland" of America while Carter represents the democratic republic of the United States. Shame on Obama for making the wrong choice. |
EIR ... How WWII started |
So, the larger picture is this: Go back to the 1920s and 1930s. Go back to the time of the heirs that the Versailles Treaty, were on the road to establishing fascism as a system throughout Europe. In the early phases, up through the middle of the 1930s, in particular, Britain was in on it. People like Beaverbrook were a key part of this operation, which was moving toward a British United Kingdom accommodation with the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler. Some of the fellows, such as the head of the Bank of England Montagu Norman, during the relevant period—and his friends in New York City, including Harriman, including du Pont, including Morgan, and so forth—were all in this project, which, from the early 1930s had intended to put Adolf Hitler into power in Germany. And what their master plan was, as some of you, or your parents may recall, at that point the initial plan was, that Hitler would be backed. He was backed, by actually Hjalmar Schacht, who was one of the conspirators in this thing; he was an agent of Montagu Norman. And they initially had the German forces attacking the Soviet Union. At that point, the crowd in London which were backing Hitler, were confident that the attack on the Soviet Union by Hitler would be the start of the war. And once the Hitler forces were deeply engaged in the depths of Russia, at that point, the French and British would attack the Germans at the rear—which is not a sexual act, but it has the same implications. In the middle of the 1930s, it was discovered that Stalin, who at that point was aware of the intention of European and British conspirators of this thing, Stalin made an overture to Hitler; or the Hitler government, which became known as the Hitler-Stalin Pact, at a certain point, otherwise known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Now, as this pact was coming into view, even before it was formally installed, certain elements of the British government and establishment recognized that the original plan, in which they intended to exclude the United States from this little, private war in Eurasia, that this plan wouldn't work. Because Hitler would move against the west first, in which case, the situation in London and in Paris, was rather precarious. And particularly after the case of Chamberlain's MÂf®nchen negotiations with Hitler, it was perfectly clear that this was the situation. So, in this process, the British establishment dumped Edward VIII, who had been, shall we say, too close, to the pro-Hitler side of this earlier plan, and went with a change. Now, many people, including Beaverbrook and Lord Halifax and so forth, up into May of 1940, were still about to cut a deal with Hitler. Churchill, who had been opposed to this for some time, represented a group in the United Kingdom, and particularly in what is called the British Commonwealth today, who were opposed to the idea of the British Empire, or the British Commonwealth, being sucked into the property of Adolf Hitler on the continent of Europe. And so, for that reason, Churchill had been rather opposed to this friendly approach to Hitler from people like Beaverbrook, Halifax and so forth. Notable, remember, that Beaverbrook and Halifax were key figures in World War II during the British alliance with the United States. But they had a rather bad record, prior to that point. So, in the critical point, Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt struck up an agreement, and this agreement frustrated forever, very quickly, the possibility that Adolf Hitler's empire would conquer the world. But, it did not eliminate the problem of a very bad war, which would continue for some time. And that was that war. Now, at the end of the war, the financier interests, after the death of Roosevelt, the financier interests called the Synarchist International, or sometimes the cartel, which had actually been the financial power behind this Nazi operation, was protected. A certain number of the Nazis, who were prominent figures were put on the chopping block, as a matter of politics, a matter of discretion. But, many of the elements of the Nazi system were protected. Including the assets of most of the chief financial conspirators, who were not Germans, essentially, but who actually owned the assets of the Nazi system, such as the Goeringwerke, which was one of the big properties under the Nazis. This was owned by foreigners through various cartel arrangements. And these cartel arrangements were left essentially intact, and exist still today . So, the fellows who put Hitler into power, at the top level, on the financial level, were able to back off , from the Hitler project, before Hitler went down. And as part of the system, under Truman and Churchill and so forth, they were brought into the Western system, the Anglo-American system. At that point, under the pretext of being the best anti-Communists. So, what has happened, is the same apparatus, deeply embedded in the trans-Atlantic financial cartel interests—the same group, including du Pont, Morgan, the former Harriman interests, and so forth—these guys were the backers of the Nazis, and they are backers of this kind of project today. |
Soros Rothschild link |
George Soros has never acted alone in its operations, knowing that his primary interest has always been to hold its own against its sponsors. A decade before launching the Open Society Fund, Soros left his post at Arnhold and S. Blechroeder Inc., who offers him the seed money to create the Quantum Fund NV, an offshore fund that manages in 2001 between 11 and 14 billion. The Quantum Fund and Soros Fund Management are used as sources of funding for international projects cited above. Soros has chosen to create its funds in the Netherlands Antilles, a protectorate of the monarchy of the Netherlands, and to exclude any American Board and bottom of the investments in order to escape the eyes of American authorities, as well as regulations and US taxes. While calling for transparency in others, of course. Soros is so sought to circumvent US laws he does not even sits on the Board of his own, but officially serves as the "Investment Advisor" through the Soros Fund Management, based in New York.By cons, investors and the Quantum Fund Board abound in UK financial, Italy and Switzerland, Queen Elizabeth II holds a special position on the client list. Richard Katz is also on the bank's board of NM Rothschild Sons of London and directs Rothschild Italia SpA. Nils O. Taube is director of St. James Palace, an investment group in London and major Lord Rothschild partner. George Karlweiss just Banca Privata Switzerland Edmond de Rothschild. According to various interviews and publications, Karlweiss contributed also to provide capital for the launch of the Quantum Fund. One member of the Quantum Fund Board, Edgar de Picciotto, a Swiss financier, is involved in the late 80s in attacks against the European organization of Lyndon LaRouche, while he was in transit money through the Swiss Institute of Geo-Pol Laurent Murawiec, currently a member of the neoconservative Hudson Institute. De Picciotto himself is president of Union Bancaire Privée, born of a merger with Trade Development Bank of Edmund Safra, whose name is mentioned several times in the Iran-Contra affair. According to former intelligence officers, familiar with the case Soros Quantum Fund amassed his billions from a "silent investor" as Marc Rich, corrupt businessman, and through Mossad operators like Shaul Eisenberg and Rafi Eytan. Upon the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Marc Rich played a significant role in commodity trade. He convinces corrupt and desperate Russian and Soviet leaders to sell off the country's wealth in world markets. The money is then invested in offshore accounts. Rich, wanted by the US justice since 1984, organized the looting from offices in London, where he helped his Russian contacts sell the goods normally intended for Russian domestic consumption. For 17 years, Rich has taken refuge in London, accused of tax evasion, fraud and conspiracy with the enemy (Iran). If providing protection at the highest level, Rich took as a lawyer, who later became chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney Lewis Libby. In 2001, in the last hours of the presidential term of Bill Clinton, Al Gore convinced the president to grant pardon to Marc Rich. In later testimony before Congress, Lewis Libby admitted having been pardoned in collaboration with the former chief of staff of Al Gore, Jack Quinn. End. By Leandra Bernstein and ML. Mekong |
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