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Daily News Briefing not the views of African National Congress.
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colonialists, Golden Age calligraphy, astrology, mathematics in
Timbuktu, Andalusian music, trans-Saharan trade routes, text will
force the West to accept Africa has an intellectual history as old as
its own,
to Page
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The Middle East North Africa Financial Network, Inc.
- Operation Timbuktu, ancient texts reveal
Africa's academic past. search terms: written history as old as
European Renaissance, manuscripts from 13th century buried in the sand to
hide them from Moroccan invaders, European explorers and French
colonialists, Golden Age calligraphy, astrology, mathematics in Timbuktu, Ahmed
Baba Institute, Andalusian music, trans-Saharan trade routes, text
will force the West to accept Africa has an intellectual history as old as
its own,
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of Valencia, English Rafael Pla-Lopez page, Africa, Zaire.
- United Nations
- Notes: Wayne Madsen Reports: "April 16, 2006 --
Hypocrisy at Foggy Bottom. No sooner had Chad's President Idriss Deby
threatened to cut off the flow of oil to the West via the Exxon-Mobil
Chad-Cameroon pipeline, rebels from neighboring Sudan launched an attack on
Chad's capital, N'Djamena. All along, Deby has been an ally of the Bush
administration in the battle against pan-Sahelian rebels who were linked to
the so-called "Al Qaeda" global terrorist bogeyman. Not only did
Deby receive military assistance from Washington, but U.S. advisers have
helped train his troops. However, when Deby got into a tiff with the
Wolfowitz-run World Bank over oil revenues, he found himself facing armed
rebels massed on the outskirts of his capital. Wolfowitz cut off oil
revenues to Chad after Deby said he wanted to money to fight the rebels.
France, which is opposed to growing U.S. hegemony in Africa, sent fighters
to bomb the rebel encampments. In a display of pure Bush-Cheney hypocrisy,
it was discovered that the U.S.-supported Chadian "rebels," called
the "United Front for Change," were supported by Sudan and its
genocidal paramilitary forces in Darfur. This, after statement after
statement by the State Department that it condemned the genocide by Sudan in
Darfur. The Chad-Sudan situation demonstrates how the neo-cons intend to use
the World Bank to suppress the poorest people in the world in order to
enrich the coffers of the wealthiest."
- Adam Smith
International international development
- Adar-Yale oilfields
- On January 19, 2008, members of the
United Daughters of the Confederacy, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Military
Order of the Stars and Bars, Children of the Confederacy, and other invited
guests gathered in Statuary Hall on the House of Representatives side of the
US Capitol to pay homage to the anniversary of Gen. Robert E. Lee's birthday
and the placing of Lee's statue in the ornate chamber on January 19,
1910. WMR
- Africast portal
to global Africa.
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Crisis Africa's premier Alternative news
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Resources Network Mbendi
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water, privatization scheme.
- BunkerWorld
marine fuels services resource
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Operation Blessing International
Kissinger, Cohen
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Today worldwide expansion of political and
economic freedom
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France controls
Gabon uranium
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Council on Africa enhance trade
and investment ties, codewords
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energy, finance, telecom, water
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Chad Esso
Exploration & Production Chad, Inc.
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Information Administration info
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Development Corporation of South Africa Mbendi
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Strategic & Political Studies and Hebrew site
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Hebrew site, west Africa
- Jamobweb,
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Hopkins Bloomberg, School of Public Health projects, faith based
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Institution Advisory Commission
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Society Initiative for Southern Africa
ISS funder, supporter..
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World Organization for Animal Health
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Rights International, genocide watch
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Sudan, English homepage,
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business, travel...
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Offshore, oil services
- World Health Organization
- World Nuclear
Global nuclear energy industry rep
- ZWNews,
World's leading website on Zimbabwe
WMR October
18-19, 2011 -- UPDATE. Uganda opposition to Museveni responds to Obama's
troop deployment ... The Ugandan opposition to
that nation's long-serving U.S.-supported dictator Yoweri Museveni have
pointed out that President Barack Obama, Jr.'s intervention in Uganda's
long-running civil war against Museveni has exposed Obama's willingness to
use his African tribal connections to Kenya's Luo tribe to commit U.S.
forces to an inter-African conflict. With large Ugandan oil reserves now
being discovered, it was easy for Obama's oil industry financiers to
convince the half-Kenyan Luo tribesman in the White House to back Museveni's
forces against the Lord's Resistance Army of Joseph Kony. Our Ugandan
sources point out that Kony ceased being a factor in the anti-Museveni
movement in northern Uganda some years ago. Kony first went into opposition
against Museveni in 1987, a year after Museveni came to power.
... Museveni has been in power so long, the first American
president he dealt with was Ronald Reagan. ...
Obama, in supporting Museveni, has also lined up with Kenyan Prime Minister
Raila Odinga, whose father, Oginga Odinga, was a cousin of Obama's Kenyan
Luo father, Barack H. Obama, Sr. Ugandan opposition sources point out that
African tribal politics have now entered the Oval Office of the White House
with Obama's commitment of armed U.S. troops to a country that lies just
across the shore of Lake Victoria from his Luo tribal homeland in
northwestern Kenya. The Luo have an ethnic affinity with many of the Ugandan
tribes. ... Obama is attempting to secure
Uganda's vast oil, natural gas, and gold reserves for the United States,
according to WMR's sources in Uganda and Kenya. The introduction of Kenyan
military troops in Somalia, the stationing of a U.S. Air Force bomber
squadron in Ethiopia for Somalia operations, and the agreement with the
NATO-installed Libyan government to permit the U.S. to establish an airbase
in Libya, near the border with Sudan, is all part of a major military move
by the United States into oil-rich areas of Africa. ...
In addition, these plans have been on the drawing board for years. In the
early 1990s, Maurice Tempelsman and his corporate colleagues at the
Corporate Council on Africa expressed a desire for former Ugandan President
Godfrey Binaisa to succeed Museveni as president of Uganda. However, Binaisa
was required to approve a long list of concessions to U.S. and western oil
and mining companies. Binaisa refused, so the western corporations remained
allied with Museveni and support him to this day, now with U.S. combat
troops and a build-up of additional U.S. military forces in Ethiopia,
Djibouti, South Sudan, and Kenya. ... Raila
Odinga, Obama's distant cousin, who believes homosexuals should be jailed,
has managed to obtain International Criminal Court indictments against his
political opposition, including the son of Kenya's founder Jomo Kenyatta, a
Kikuyu who discriminated against the Luos, including Odinga, Sr., Obama,
Sr., and Obama Sr.'s mentor, Tom Mboya. Raila Odinga's anti-homosexual
stance is supported by Museveni in Uganda and one bill introduced in
Uganda's rubber stamp parliament would put gays to death.
... Obama's commitment of U.S. troops to settle scores in a
wider inter-tribal conflict in his ancestral has called into question his
abuse of his authority as commander-in-chief. ...
Odinga, whose George Soros-funded Orange Democratic Movement was installed
after a rift with President Mwai Kibaki, has managed to see to it that two
prospective presidential opponents, Uhuru Kenyatta, the founder of Kenya's
son, and William Ruto, stand indicted before the ICC in The Hague. ICC
prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo, a stooge of Soros and the United States, has
carried thw West's water when it comes to selective prosecutions of those
who oppose U.S. hegemonic designs in Africa. Museveni's guerrilla opponent,
Joseph Kony, now targeted by U.S. troops, also stands indicted by the ICC,
along with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir and ousted Libyan leader
Muammar Qaddafi. The fact that U.S. clients like Museveni, Odinga, Rwanda's
Paul Kagame, and Ethiopia's Meles Zenawi have gone unindicted by the ICC,
provides an example at the bias of the court and its political nature.
... The actual goal of the U.S. troops now streaming into Uganda
and the U.S. Air Force bombers now stationed in Ethiopia is to bring about
the division of the remainder of Sudan into four states, ripe for plunder by
the United States and the West. U.S. ambassador to the UN Susan Rice, who
has had a pathological hatred for the regime in Khartoum ever since her days
in the Clinton administration, has championed the break-up of Sudan, which
began in July with independence for South Sudan as a virtual vassal state of
the United States, Israel, and Uganda. There are currently plans to build an
oil pipeline from South Sudan through Kenya to the port of Mombasa. The
introduction of Kenyan troops into Somalia is intended to protect the
Somali-Kenyan border, and the pipeline route, from Islamist guerrilla
activity. Rice is expected by many to follow the path of her god-mother
Madeleine Albright and ascend from the UN ambassadorship to the Secretary of
State position in a second Obama administration. According to Kenyan,
Ugandan, and Tanzanian sources, it is the plan of Rice and others to further
divide Sudan into four independent states: Abyei, the Nuba Mountain State,
Darfur, and the remainder of Sudan with its capital in Khartoum. The
division of Sudan into five parts from its original status would enable the
West to easily control the nation's vast oil and mineral resources and deny
the resources to China.
September 9-11, 2011 -- U.S. ambassador to Syria in charge of recruiting
Arab/Muslim death squads ... WMR has been informed by
reliable sources that the U.S. ambassador to Syria, Robert S. Ford, is the
key State Department official who has been responsible for recruiting Arab
"death squads" from Al Qaeda-affiliated units in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen,
and Chechnya to fight against Syrian military and police forces in embattled
Syria. Ford served as the Political Officer at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad
from 2004 to 2006 under Ambassador John Negroponte, the U.S. ambassador to
Honduras from 1981 to 1985. Negroponte was a key figure in the covert U.S.
program to arm the Nicaraguan contras and his support for vicious
paramilitary units in El Salvador and Honduras earned him the nickname of
"Mr. Death Squad." ... Negroponte tasked Ford
with implementing the "El Salvador option" in Iraq, the use of Iraqi Shi'a
irregulars and Kurdish Pesh Merga paramilitary forces to target for
assassination and kidnapping/torture Iraqi insurgency leaders in Iraq and
across the border in Syria. The operation was named for Negroponte's death
squad operation in Central America in the 1980s. ...
Ford has become the point man in the recruitment of Arabs and Muslims from
the Middle East and beyond to battle against the security forces loyal to
Syrian President Bashar Assad. The U.S.-backed terrorists have not only
carried out attacks on Syrian security forces but have also massacred
civilians in "false flag" operations later blamed on Syrian government
forces. WMR has been informed that Ford's operations in Syria are being
carried out with the assistance of Israel's Mossad. ...
The "El Salvador" option has also been used in Libya, where Al Qaeda
irregulars, drawn from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen, have been carrying out
murders of Libyan civilians, especially black Libyans and African guest
workers, on behalf of the Libyan rebel government. Some of the murders of
civilians have been blamed on pro-Muammar Qaddafi forces but they have, in
fact, been carried out by Al Qaeda units fighting with the rebels and which
are being directed by CIA and MI-6 advisers. Ford has been providing advice
to the Libyan rebels on how to carry out their death squad attacks.
... From 2006 to 2008, Ford served as U.S. ambassador to
Algeria, a nation that opposes the Libyan rebel government and a nation that
has begun to see a re-surgence of "Al Qaeda" terrorist attacks against
Algerian government targets. In fact, Algeria is viewed as the next domino
to fall as the U.S. seeks to establish total military and political hegemony
over North Africa. ... WMR has learned from a
source who was recently in Libya that the Libyan rebel transitional
government has agreed to allow the U.S. to establish permanent military
bases in Libya, including on the Algerian border. The rebels have also
agreed to permit an American to serve as the chief political officer for the
planned Libyan transitional advisory body due to be organized by NATO and
the United Nations. The body will be modeled on the Coalition Provisional
Authority in Iraq.
Madsen Report "Mugabe's secretive relations
with Israel publication date: Apr 28, 2008 Previous | April 28, 2008 --
Mugabe's secretive relations with Israel. Ask a member of Zimbabwe's
political opposition what country is blamed the most for supporting
Zimbabwe's autocratic president, Robert Mugabe, and you would hear an
interesting response. While China has recently been criticized for trying
unsuccessfully to off-load arms for Mugabe from a Chinese ship that was
turned away in southern African ports, it is Israel that has maintained a
close security relationship with Mugabe over the years. ... Mugabe's
relations with Israel have grown close even though Mugabe has favorably
compared himself to Adolf Hitler and has been a strong supporter of the
Palestinians. ... According to U.S. Defense Department sources, the Zimbabwe
opposition blames Israel more than China for propping up Mugabe with
security assistance and military equipment. ... In 2002, prior to contested
elections, Israel sold riot control vehicles to Zimbabwe. These vehicles
assisted in putting down opposition demonstrations against what was then
called a fraudulent election rigged by Mugabe. Israeli security firms also
provide assistance to Mugabe." more search terms: opposition, Movement
for Democratic Change, (MDC), software, Mossad, voter registration lists,
rigged elections, Cogniview, Ezer, Tsvangirai, Canada, Ari Ben-Menashe,
entrap Tsvangirai, Democratic Republic of Congo, gold, diamonds, platinum,
protected my Zimbawe military, Democratic Alliance South African Jews, Tony
Leon, Helen Zille,
June 20, 2011 -- The blackmail used to inch Germany into the Libya campaign
... For decades, the CIA has been in possession of documents
proving that Libya's chemical weapons program benefitted from the assistance
of West German firms. Germany abstained on UN Security Council Resolution
1973, which authorized "any means" necessary to prevent the death of
civilians in Libya's civil war, which the U.S. and NATO quickly adopted as a
green light for regime change in Libya through the assassination of its
leader Muammar Qaddafi. ... To counter German
resistance to UN and NATO action against Libya, German Chancellor Angela
Merkel was told by President Obama that she and her country would be
embarrassed if some of the details of Germany's involvement in Libya's nerve
and mustard gas weapons program were "leaked" to the media. WMR learned in
Libya that the blackmail of Germany by the U.S. and NATO worked and that
Germany decided to step up its role in the Libyan war effort, although not
to the extent desired by Washington, London, or Paris. In fact, the Germans
want nothing reported about the continued presence in Libya of chemical
weapons stocks turned over by Libya to the UN and U.S. but still await
disposal. Libyan troops were placed in charge of the security for the
chemical weapons stocks after Libya's 2003 agreement with the U.S. and UN to
turn over its stockpiles. However, since NATO began bombing Libyan military
bases, some of which are adjacent to the chemical weapons warehouses, there
is a fear that the weapons could fall into the hands of Libyan rebels, some
of whom are "Al Qaeda" and "mujaheddin" veterans of wars in Afghanistan and
Iraq. Germany fears that its role in providing the chemical weapons
technology to Libya might be revealed if the rebels gain control of the
warehouses. ... Libyan chemical weapons
production was centered at the "Pharma 150" plant at Rabta, construction of
which began in 1984. One of the primary firms involved in Rabta's
construction was Imhausen-Chemie of Lahr/Schwarzwald, Germany. Assisting
Inhausen were some thirty other West German firms, in addition to Belgian,
Singapore, South African, and French companies, the Schweizerischen
Kreditanstalt Bank of Zurich, and Liechtenstein, Hong Kong, and Switzerland
subsidiaries of Imhausen. Assisting Imhaussen at Rabta was Japanese Steel
Works and Marubeni of Japan, both of which masked chemical weapons
production equipment sent to Rabta as desalinization plant materials. Some
200 construction workers from Thailand were also involved in the building of
the Rabta complex. ... Among the other West
German firms supplying Libya's chemical weapons plant at Rabta were Abacus,
Alfred Teves GmbH, Bischoff, Deutsche Bank, Drebs und Kiefer, Merck,
Gesellschaft fur Automation, Heberger Bau, Hunnebeck, J. Sartorius, Kone,
Krebs and Kefier, Linde, Pawling and Harnishchfeger, Preussag, Raab Karcher,
Rhenus, Rose GmbH, Salzgitter Indistriebau GmbH, Siemens, Thyssen, Webac,
and Zink. ... Imhausen partnered with a
Frankfurt-based firm, IIhsan Barbouti International (IBI), headed by Ihsan
Barbouti, a native of Iraq and resident of London who was supplying chemical
weapons to Saddam Hussein's government in Iraq. ...
A Danish firm, DISA, supplied the foundry for Rabta's chemical bomb making
capability, which may explain why Denmark's fanatically pro-business
government has joined the NATO bombing campaign in Libya. The destruction of
evidence pointing to how NATO and other European nations helped Libya
develop chemical weapons may explain the involvement of a raft of NATO
countries in the Libya military campaign and the reticence of European
nations to discuss the present security problems with NATO's bombing of
Libyan military bases that have the added responsibility of providing
security for the adjacent warehouses containing chemical weapons and
pre-cursor materials. ... Belgium's Flaekt
Company provided Rabta a cooling tower, while De Dietrich, a French company,
provided glass lined cauldrons. Ironbridge, J.G. Trading, and Tosalex
Trading of the United Kingdom were involved in shipping and contracting for
Rabta. ... Phillips Petroleum of Bartlesville,
Oklahoma, supplied thiodiglycol, a mustard gas precursor chemical.
Energoinvest of Yugoslavia supplied Rabta's power station, East Germany's
VEB provided Rabta's steel production capabilities, and Lampart of Hungary
and Peterlee of Italy also supplied materials to Rabta.
... There are Western intelligence elements in Tripoli that wish
to see the roles of NATO nations at Rabta consigned to the ash heap of
history. They made their intentions and interests quite clear during a
conference in Tripoli at which the security dangers of Libyan rebels, many
of whom are radical Islamist Salafists, pose to the warehoused chemicals
being protected by central Libyan government military forces under the 2003
agreement with the United States and UN.
Arms Sales
PROGRESSIVE / Liberal Islam
Female Genital Mutilation top
October 21-23, 2011 -- With end of Qaddafi, AFRICOM readies its
permanent military presence in Africa ...
As the so-called "Christian" leaders of the Western nations continue to
celebrate the brutal execution of Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi at the
hands of Libya's NATO-armed rebels, the bulldozers and other heavy
equipment are building what is expected to become the permanent military
headquarters for the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) in the heart of the
African continent. ... Informed WMR
sources report that construction is now underway for a large U.S. air
base near Bangoka International Airport in Kisangani, Democratic
Republic of Congo. The main contractor being employed is a long-time
Belgian businessman, arms dealer, and mercenary in Congo who once
supported the regime of Mobutu Sese Seko. ...
With Qaddafi's wealth and aid largesse no longer a factor in blocking
the Pentagon's push into Africa, theAFRICOM air base in Kisangani will
serve as the hub for U.S. military operations in Africa, with the
primary mission being the protection of U.S. oil and mining interests
that are tasked, along with AFRICOM, with the securing of African oil,
natural gas, precious metals and gems, and rare earth minerals from
control by China. ... The northern
regional headquarters for AFRICOM is planned for an annex to the new
Tripoli International Airport, a project begun by Qaddafi to turn
Tripoli into the major air hub for Africa. ...
The CIA and its George Soros-funded "democracy manipulators" have gotten
behind Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the only African leader
who has invited AFRICOM to set up its headquarters and main base in her
country. For that reason, the CIA, National Endowment for Democracy, and
Soros's network of election and media manipulators have descended on
Monrovia to ensure that Johnson Sirleaf is elected in the second round
of presidential voting over her opponent Winston Tubman. The Liberian
opposition has already claimed massive vote fraud by Johnson Sirleaf, a
recent winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. AFRICOM is looking at Liberia as
the regional West African headquarters for AFRICOM, with Tripoli
International Airport serving as the North African headquarters, Addis
Ababa as the Horn of Africa headquarters, and Botswana as the southern
African headquarters. ... African nations
that have received large aid grants and subsidies from Qaddafi and which
now stand to suffer economically -- Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Chad
-- are now being offered standard usurious World Bank aid grants with
the provision that they succumb to the dictates of AFRICOM and western
multinational firms. ... The U.S.
base construction activity was tipped off in a leaked State Department
cable, dated February 2, 2010, from the U.S. embassy in Kinshasa to the
Department of State, with copies to the CIA; Defense Intelligence
Agency; US European Command in Vaihingen, Germany; and the Joint
Analysis Center at Royal Air Force Base Molesworth, UK -- a major U.S.
intelligence base. With the subject of "A U.S.-trained Infantry
Battalion: Cornerstone of GDRC National Defense Strategy?" the cable
states: "A USG [U.S. government] effort to construct a training facility
in Kisangani to train a professional light infantry battalion appears to
be a major cornerstone of developing the Kisangani zone. Construction of
the training center continues, with phase II training scheduled to
commence at the facility on February 17. Cooperation with the Kisangani
area military and political officials has been far better than expected.
A local contractor showed poloff the blueprint for a planned new
presidential retreat near Kisangani, an indication that the President [Kabila]
may plan to spend more time in this strategic city."
... The "local contractor" who the U.S. embassy "poloff"
[political officer] met, was, according to our sources, the Belgian
weapons smuggler who previously worked for Mobutu, the dictator
installed by the CIA after the assassination of Congolese nationalist
Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba in 1961. ...
The cable continues: "The USG program, implemented by AFRICOM and
private contractors, called for a multi-phase training regimen beginning
with FARDC [armed forces of the DRC] officer and non-commissioned
officer leadership and staff training followed by battalion maneuvers
integrating junior soldiers." ... The
cable then proceeds the describe what was billed as a training facility
but what, in fact, will become a massive military air base and AFRICOM's
continental headquarters: "(C) The training installation, currently
referred to as Camp Base, is situated 10 kilometers northeast of
Kisangani city center along the main road leading from the Kisangani
International Airport. The site is approximately two kilometers from the
main road, connected by a hard-packed red dirt road at the intersection
of which is a squad-sized 10-person canvas tent with cots for FARDC
military police who maintain internal security. Local contractors with
FARDC engineer support constructed the road, which is capable of two-way
traffic at speeds of between 60-80 kilometers per hour and remains
passable even during heavy rains. Camp Base is a rudimentary site with
ongoing renovations and new construction projects. Engineers razed
approximately eight buildings in various KINSHASA 00000031 002 OF 003
stages of disrepair in addition to leveling terrain for bivouac sites.
Clearing of tall grasses and clumps of trees uncovered colonial roads,
two of which were refurbished for use as interior roads. The physical
plant will eventually consist of a bivouac site with cement floors, an
internal cantonment area for family members accompanying
soldiers-in-training, a firing range, and an administrative building for
instructors. Another portion of the site houses an agricultural project
that will enable the training center to produce their own provisions,
thus removing a potential source of strain between soldiers and the
nearby community." ... The cable also
reveals that the Americans are masking their base construction
operations by using local, for-hire transportation rather than official
military or diplomatic vehicles: "USG visitors and American contractors
use local for-hire vehicles at that remote location"
... No matter how much the U.S. has tried to hide the
massive base construction project from the locals, the cable alsor
reveals that the local residents of Kisangani have not been fooled: "(SBU)
During poloff's visit to Kisangani, Mayor Guy Shilton Baendo Tofuli
Molanga said he welcomed the training site on the outskirts of his city.
There have been no problems with the recently arrived officers and NCOs,
though some in local civil society misperceive (and some, perhaps,
mischievously so) Camp Base as a U.S. military installation."
... The CIA Kinshasa station chief, known in the cables as "poloff,"
believes that it is "mischievous" for the true nature of Camp Base to be
revealed. ... However, the remainder
of the "smoking gun" cable reveals the entire base operation, along with
the name of the Mobutu-era businessman who is building the AFRICOM
headquarters in the jungle. ... "Poloff
noted that the U.S. training program emphasizes citizen skills as well
as soldier skills and suggested the Camp Base flag pole, which naturally
flies the Congolese flag, should be extended to visibly address concerns
of the surrounding population. Orientale Province Governor Medard Autsai
Asenga's assistance resolved a politically sensitive problem: cutting
the grass at the airport. Only one runway met safety specification
standards for takeoff and landing of U.S. military cargo aircraft, but
that runway was overrun with undergrowth. Airport authorities rejected
USG requests to clear the airstrip citing understaffing and competing
priorities. Governor Autsai personally intervened with the
administrators resulting in an airfield able to receive USG planes with
necessary equipment to complete a fully operating base. The full
contingent would also exceed field expedient methods of sanitation,
leading to a local contract for mess and latrine facilities with the
owner of a wide-ranging local enterprise, BEGO-Congo.
... (C) BEGO-Congo is owned by Jean-Marie Bergesio, a
Belgian and life-long resident of the DRC. American contractors and USG
officials stay at his atmospheric hotel in Kisangani. Bergesio is well
connected in provincial politics and has an adopted Congolese son
well-placed in the national police headquarters in Kinshasa contributing
to both police protection and political access. Indeed, an American
contractor in Kisangani showed poloff photos of a site under
construction by Bergesio for President Kabila. Once completed, the
sprawling complex would be a presidential retreat approximately 10-15
kilometers upriver from Kisangani." ...
Known before independence as Stanleyville, Kisangani is an historic city
where the Lingala-speaking and Swahili-speaking regions of the Congo
converge. Until recently it was also the lynchpin of the nation's
economy and served as Kinshasa's main nexus to the eastern provinces
because it is home to the Congo River's last port before the river is no
longer navigable. To be truly effective, the plan requires currently
nonexistent force projection and/or air reconnaissance assets."
... There is one fly in the ointment for the AFRICOM plans.
Apparently, Rwanda's U.S.-installed client-dictator, Paul Kagame, is not
keen on seeing AFRICOM located in the DRC. Kagame has, for well over a
decade, been the Pentagon's point man and contract pass-through (with a
handsome percentage) for U.S. military operations in the DRC. Because of
Kagame's meddling in AFRICOM's plans, the CIA recently decided that it
is time for Kagame to be overthrown in a coup. However, Kagame's use of
the Rwandan genocide to burnish his international public relations and
"human rights" credentials has earned him powerful friends in the
Holocaust arena and the Israel Lobby/Jewish community. For that reason,
the CIA has contracted with a well-known Mossad front company with
offices in the Georgetown area of Washington, DC and close links to the
American Jewish Committee and the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, and the
White House Public Liaison Office to organize the deposing of Kagame
without a push-back from Kagame's influential Jewish friends in
Washington and New York political, financial, and media circles.
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