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Kabbalistic Jews believe that God was shattered by the act of Creation, and that His attributes lay as "holy sparks" imbedded in Creation which must be picked up in order for Him to be restored to oneness (known as the act of tikkun). The kabbalist therefore believes that the Jewsish Messiah will never arrive and thus Mankind will never be liberated until God is restored to oneness. The way to do this, according to the kabbalists, is to engage in acts of holiness and meditation in order to retrieve the sparks of God.

The Sabbatean and Frankist heresies seemed to disappear by the start of the 19th century. However, there was still an active Frankist stronghold in Frankfurt, Germany during that time. These Frankists were known to be affiliated with the Freemasonic lodges that existed around the city. One such Freemason was a man by the name of Franz Joseph Molitor. He was a known satanist and alchemist who took a strong interest in the Kabbalah, even going so far as to synthesize Kabbalah with a perverted form of "Christianity." This is what lead him to picking up Sabbatean-Frankist ideology. In order to promote his sick and twisted views, he wrote a four-volume set of books promoting a bastardized understanding of "Judaism" written from a kabbalist and Sabbatean perspective.

These books of Molitor's would later be picked up in the early 20th century by two young Jewish scholars from Berlin: Gershom Scholem, who later became a famed Jewish theologian, and his best friend, literature critic Walter Benjamin. Scholem and Benjamin were kabbalists and occultists who became obsessed with the antinomian Sabbateanism and all of its evil. Benjamin would even go so far as to claim a "close affinity" with Jacob Frank, which isn't surprising given how Benjamin was also very influenced by the satanic writings of Friedrich Nietzsche. He and Scholem were also heavily influenced by the writings of other known Jewish esotericists of the time: Franz Kafka, Franz Rosenzweig, Martin Buber (who would later become good friends with both of them and openly admitted to holding Sabbatean views), Leo Strauss (who would become the NeoCon go and Ernst Bloch. Bloch wrote a book called Spirit of Utopia in which he linked communist revolution to Jewish Messianism. In a few years down the line, Benjamin would become a Marxist after living in the Soviet Union and meeting with Georg Lukacs, the notable Marxist philosopher who saw Western culture (Christianity in particular) as being the main obstacle to communist revolution. Lukacs was one of the key people behind the creation of the Frankfurt School. In no time at all, Benjamin would join the Frankfurt School, and become one of the key intellectuals behind Critical Theory alongside Theodor Adorno (his close friend) and Max Horkheimer (who became the "School's" director, shifting its focus from economics to culture).

Benjamin was arguably the worst of the Frankfurt School. In every conversation about Cultural Marxism he is often overlooked, but this is a mistake. Benjamin loaded his writings on literature and culture full of concepts and terminology from the kabbalah and the occult. In an early piece, The Task of the Translator, he, while making a clear reference to the kabbalistic "shattering of the vessels," claims that all modern languages are incomplete and can never give a completely accurate description of anything on the surface until society and language become "whole." It is important to note, because the ideas expressed in this very text would go on to become the backbone of deconstructionism, the very technique used by cultural Marxists to prove that words can mean anything (given that all existing languages are incomplete) and all things are social constructs. The satanic anarchist writer and pedophile Peter Lamborn Wilson contends that Benjamin sought to "re-paganize" Judaism, which was exactly the goal of the Sabbateans and Frankists. He died young by his own hands while running from Nazi persecution (let it be said, suicide is strictly forbidden in authentic Judaism), but right before doing so he wrote a short essay which combined Marxist "historical materialism" with kabbalist mysticism. Keeping with the semi-Gnostic kabbalist narrative of the broken God that inflicts His suffering onto Mankind, Benjamin claimed all of human history was a history of suffering and that all of human culture was barbaric. To him, the only way to obtain Mankind's liberation is to identify with the Marxist "class struggle" as it has occurred throughout history and to cast aside the notion of progress which has "blinded" the working classes to not fight. To him, those who are labeled as "oppressed" classes need to remember their pain and suffering so that their hearts will be full of hate, thus giving them the drive to go beyond good and evil, rise up and destroy capitalism and Western Civilization. He says: "Hatred and [the] spirit of sacrifice...are nourished by the image of enslaved ancestors rather than that of liberated grandchildren." This spontaneous act will bring about communist revolution, which will bring about a mass redemption of humanity. This is exactly analogous to the Sabbatean idea that the Messianic Era will only arrive once everyone is evil. Furthermore, in this "redemption," Mankind will become "whole" due to the act of the Messiah, something which is mentioned in the Zohar (the primary kabbalist text). This means Mankind will no longer be divided according to class, gender, race, nation or any other identity marker. This very fact should have parallels with the Cultural Marxist agenda of diminishing the distinctions between races, nations and genders, among other things. It is also important to note that this text was written right after Stalin made a pact with Hitler, and Soviet Marxism seemed to have lost its redemptive qualities, and combining Marxism with Jewish mysticism was supposed to bring back the alleged redemptive nature of communism.

There is also reason to believe that the book Dialectic of Enlightenment by Horkheimer and Adorno uses many of the same themes as Benjamin's essay: human history is a history of suffering and that all attempts of liberating Mankind have only enslaved Mankind even more. Of course, they leave out the Messianism at the end and the religious overtones, as they were critical of all religion. Instead, they say nature must be "liberated" from Mankind's domination before a concept of reason that isn't self-destructing can be formed. However, not only is this a precursor to the anti-human ecology movement we see today, it also relies on the same kabbalist concept of looking backwards. In the book, Horkheimer and Adorno glorified the sexual orgies of primitive peoples, claiming that Christian ethics towards sexuality have "pacified" the "authentic" sexualities of people. This is striking, considering how Sabbateans were constantly engaging in so-called "holy" sex orgies. It's also important to note that Adorno repeated his semi-Gnostic view of the world in Negative Dialectics. In fact, Scholem referred to Adorno's book as an "innocent defense of metaphysics" and even suspected Adorno of holding an affinity with the Sabbatean heresy himself.

Erich Fromm is another figure from the Frankfurt School who was heavily influenced by those same Jewish esotericists and was a frequent guest to the Frankfurter Lehrhaus set up by Rosenzweig and Buber. Fromm wrote heavily about Marx's theory of "alienation" which seems to possess heavy Gnostic overtones. In his book The Art of Loving, he frequently made the claim that capitalism causes people not to love each other, and argued that human relationships would be stronger under socialism(!). He also claimed that all sexual differences between men and women were socially constructed and rejected gender as something innate. His works were certainly a precursor to the feminism we see today.

As far as the most notorious of the Frankfurt School, Herbert Marcuse, is concerned, there is no question he, too, was influenced by this ideology. Eros and Civilization takes Freud's views on sexuality - which were absolutely Sabbatean, as Freud admitted to holding the Kabbalah in high regard - to an even more extreme level. In fact, much of what Marcuse promotes in that awful book is directly akin to the things the Sabbateans and Frankists practiced and promoted. He, too, claimed capitalism and Christian morals distorted "authentic" sexuality and openly called for a society where the most sinful of sexual acts are considered normal. He also said perverted sexualities can help bring down capitalism and Christianity. His book is highly significant, because it played a huge role in the development of the American New Left, which gave us abortion on demand, feminism and normalized homosexuality. Marcuse's other book, One Dimensional Man, was heavily influenced by the thought of Martin Heidegger, another pagan Nazi philosopher.

It's clear that Cultural Marxism was heavily influenced by a demonic form of Jewish mysticism. Sabbateanism seeks to bring the Messianic Era by interpreting Jewish Law in reverse so that all sins become holy. Critical Theory, likewise, seeks to bring communism by interpreting Western culture and its values in reverse, so that the things Western culture considers moral and good (such as religious morality, the family, and free markets) become evil and vice-versa. The Sabbatean-Frankist influence is the main reason why Critical Theory pushes for abortion, homosexuality, the breakdown of the family, feminism, degenerate art, and total communism. It is why Adorno condemned the so-called "fascistic nature" of the "authoritarian personality" as one who holds to traditional Western values, contrasting it with the "liberal personality" who was unable to live up to the standards of traditional Western values. It is also why Benjamin promoted disgusting art and literature all while celebrating the death of traditional Western art. Marcuse's concept of "repressive tolerance" also follows this model, as it promotes the censorship of those who wish to promote religious morality and traditional values but holds the speech of Leftists in the highest regard. Critical Theory is indeed a form of black magic. The reoccurring theme in all of this is the tikkun, or the restoration of everything to a state of oneness. According to the Zohar, the Jewish messiah destroys the differences between genders, nations, religions and everything else. It is communism in its purest form

The Zohar, is usually divided under two heads: the Exegetical applied to the interpretation of the occult meaning of holy scripture, and the Thaumaturgic, comprising rules and methods for producing certain preternatural results in the cure of diseases and the exercise of Magical rites and practices.

Exegetical Kabbalah is founded on the assumption that Moses received from the Lord on Mount Sinai not only the words of the law, but also the key to unlock and reveal the mysteries enwrapped and hidden in each section, verse, letter, point, and accent of the Pentateuch, and that this key has been handed down through wise men who had qualified themselves for its reception.

Thaumaturgic Kabbalah is founded on the assumption that a certain virtue or energy is inherent in the words and letters of the Scriptures, which on the pronunciation of them with a specific and steadfast purpose will communicate itself to spiritual or heavenly powers, of which those names, words, and letters, are the symbols, producing effects which to those who have no knowledge of the occult power of vibrations would be altogether deemed incredible.

Chorus: B'nai B'rith networks will have a devastating impact on the culture of the twentieth century. Sigmund Freud,
the founder of psychoanalysis, will be a leading member of
the B'nai B'rith lodge in Vienna, Austria, during the twilight
of the Hapsburg Empire. Freud later will cordially thank the
members of that lodge for their support during his arduous
early years in psychoanalysis. Indeed, several members of
the lodge will provide the initiating cadre who along with
Freud will found the quackery of psychoanalysis. This Freud
will be a charlatan and a cabbalist. The anti-Semitism of
Freud and of B' nai B' rith as an organization of British intelligence at the expense of Jews will be perhaps most clearly
documented in Freud's last major work Moses and Monotheism. His hatred for creativity and the human mind will be
documented in his essay on Leonardo da Vinci, in which he
will assert, on the basis of no evidence whatsoever, that
Leonardo was a homosexual.
Later, the Franlifurt Institute for Social Research will be
founded with the program of merging Marx with Freud. One
of the pillars of the Franlifurt School will be Max Horkheimer. After the Second World War, Horkheimer will be instrumental in re-founding and reorganizing B'nai B'rith in
Franlifurt. The Franlifurt School will provide the matrix for
the youth culture and counterculture of the postwar decades
in the same way that Mazzini, the high priest of romanticism,
has used his youth cults to shape the first half of the nineteenth
[Note to the reader: The author wishes to point out that in his
conference presentation, transcribed below, he was acting
out a caricature of a session with a Frankfurt School-trained
psychoanalyst, and that the views he expresses are therefore
by no means his own. The author also pointed out, during a
later question-and-answer period, that there are many other
forms of psychological aid which are of great therapeutic
So, tell me: About how long have you been feeling
depressed? ...
Okay, we can come back to that later. If you are going to
undergo psychoanalysis with me, perhaps it might be better
if 1 started, and told you how 1 go about things. I'm not really
a strict Freudian psychoanalyst, you know-almost nobody
is a strict Freudian these days. But, that is not to say that the
old boy doesn't have his influence. It's amazing, you know:
Sigmund Freud's scientific credibility was nearly destroyed,
but right after World War II, his ideas became the most
widely discussed topic in America. Do you know why he
became so popular? Because he said that it was okay to be a
pessimist; he proved that if you were unhappy, it was okay,
and it wasn't your fault.
And, 1 can't help noticing that you, personally, don't
appear very pessimistic; as a matter of fact, you look rather
optimistic. Too much optimism is how a lot of people get
depressed: They think they can solve the problems of the
whole world; all they have to do is get people to act rationally.
If you put too much faith in the power of reason, you are
going to fail, and you are just going to make yourself depressed. Sigmund Freud understood that-that down deep,
people aren't reasonable. That is why my oid teacher Erich
Fromm back in 1970 said that psychoanalysis was really "the
science of human irrationality. "
Anyway, this optimism stuff is 130 years out of date. Let
me see if 1 can remember that poem:
Ah, love, let us be true
To one another! for the world, which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams,
So various, so beautiful, so new,
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
Where ignorant armies clash by night.
Now, that is pessimism: Matthew Arnold, "Dover
Beach, " 1859. And you know, wople didn't generally write
poetry that pessimistic before 1!859. That, by the way, is
the same year that Charles Darwin published The Origin of
Species, the book that really got people to look at the human
race realistically. Most people think that Darwin's book is
devoted to evolution. Not really; as a matter of fact, Darwin
didn't even use the word "evolution " in that first edition. The
full title tells it all: On the Origin of Species by Means of
Natural Selection; or, the Preservation of Favored Races in
the Struggle for Life. Darwin got people to realize that life is
not progress or development, but an endless struggle; you
can't be optimistic, because how things tum out is not a
question of morality, or a divine plan; it's a question of
biology--over which you and 1 Qave very little control.
Thomas Huxley, Darwin's good friend, said it best: "I
know of no study which is so utterly saddening as that of the
evolution of humanity. Man emerges with the marks of his
lowly origin strong upon him. He:is a brute, only more intelligent than other brutes, a blind prey to impulses . . . a victim
to endless illusions, which make his mental existence a burden, and fill his life with barren toil and battle. "
This stuff changed the world back in the 1860s and '70s;
everybody had to explain the universe in terms of Darwin.
Even Hermann Helmholtz, the mechanist physicist, told his
colleagues that the "struggle for existence" was "the highest
principle of explanation, in the face of which not even the
molecules ... and the stars in heaven are safe." And Sigmund Freud said that the two most important influences on
him were Charles Darwin and Hermann Helmholtz. He even
tried to study with Huxley in London and with Helmholtz in
Below-the-belt identity
You see, what Freud did, was take the blind, mechanical
forces of biology described by Darwin, and show that they
operated on the mind. For instance, some people get the idea
that they can help the whole human race; but, Freud told
everybody that this was an illusion, like religion. Freud realized that, if you get the idea that you can help all humanity
survive and grow, that this idea is actually your own desire to
survive and reproduce-your own individual sexual urgeschanneled (what we call "sublimated") into a more socially
acceptable form.
Look at Freud's case history of Leonardo da Vincimaybe the greatest combination of artist and scientist of all
time. You think Leonardo was moved by some higher purpose? No way-it's sex! It's always sex. Freud said: Sex
starts even before you're born; right from the start, you are
biologically impelled to explore the physical world; that's
where you get your ideas, from groping around in the world
of the senses.
For centuries people thought that this erotic groping
around was a bad thing. Freud helped us understand that this
was natural-that you have these erotic instinctual drives,
these irrational little demons inside you, and you can't do
that much about it. For most people, this eroticism becomes
totally inhibited by religion, or by some other cultural problem; or it gets repressed by childhood experiences and transfort)1ed into various kinds of neuroses.
But Freud said that the reason why Leonardo was such a
genius, was that he was one of those rare individuals whose
erotic drives became perfectly sublimated; according to
Freud, Leonardo effectively never grew up (somewhat like
Michael Jackson); and scientific and artistic investigation
became Leonardo's substitute for sexual activity. As old Sigmund said, Leonardo became a complete narcissist, "the
ideal homosexual type."
Homosexual? No, psychoanalysis understands that homosexuality is not really a perversion; it is just one of the
healthy ways of dealing with the irrational drives within us
all. Anyway, Freud said that all human beings are naturally
I see that you are somewhat afraid of this subject; perhaps
you have never dealt with your own homosexual urges. Don't
worry: We can deal with that problem later on in your
You have got to be realistic. It is absurd to worry about
universal truths; the only universals are these mechanical
forces in your brain and in your pants. And, each person

comes up with his or her own, more or less successful way
of reconciling these forces with the experiences that you
receive in the course of growing up. Why, the whole history
of social science-from Freud and almost every psychologist, plus almost all of sociology, and almost all of anthropology-is one great effort to prove that you can't judge a truth
in terms of all mankind; truth is all relative to the individual.
And what is more, you have to accept that your mind is not
truly free: Biology means that you can never completely
control those erotic little demons inside you. So, don't set
your sights unrealistically high: The only thing you can hope
to discover-with the help of professionals like me-is how
to be well-adjusted.
Origins of the Frankfurt School
Well, of course, I can't prove it!
Psychoanalysis cannot clinically prove that the unconscious, the id, dream analysis, the Oedipus complex, or any
important Freudian concept really exists. Freud said that psychoanalysis is like a religion: You can't prove it, but you
accept it on faith. As a matter of fact, Carl Jung once wrote
Freud a letter, suggesting that psychoanalysis start acting as
a formal religion; Freud thought that was a bit too premature.
Actually, I think it was this religious aspect which attracted the Frankfurt School to Freud in the 1930s. I probably
should tell you that, like many psychoanalysts today, I came
to Freud by way of the Frankfurt School-you know: Erich
Fromm, Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno.
A Hungarian fellow named Georg Lukacs founded the
Frankfurt School because he was trying to determine how
to cause massive social changes. Lukacs was specifically
interested in developing Bolshevism, but the technique
works for any ideology. Lukacs said that you had to make
people completely pessimistic; you had to make them believe
that they lived in "a world abandoned by God, " as he put it.
At the same time, the new social movement that you were
trying to create had to have certain key similarities to a religion-but, of course, without a concept of a Supreme Being.
In fact, Lukacs seriously investigated the Baal Shem cult, a
Jewish cabbalistic sect, as well as several medieval Christian
heresies, in order to find what he called the "messianic " ideas
which could be incorporated into Bolshevik organizing.
Freudian theory fit this bill precisely; it was just like
going back to the Gnostic cults of the Middle Ages: The
demons were back, the evil was being generated in your own
mind, and you needed a new priesthood to save you. The
Frankfurt School's extension of Freud was the major reason
why psychoanalysis became so influential in American life
after World War II. The Frankfurt School helped us all to
discover how bad our mental health really was-how we had
to liberate ourselves from the authoritarian constraints that
made us neurotic; that we must resist the imposition of universal values, and embrace a healthy personal hedonism.
Fixing up Freud
Now, as your psychoanalyst, I hate to admit it, but, even
though he had a great model for the individual mind, Freud's
social psychology was a disaster. But, the Frankfurt School
solved that. Freud had said that the individual human identity
was based on the interaction of biology-that is, the instinctual drives embedded in man's hereditary structure-with
the experiences of growing to maturity within the structure
of the family. Freud thought all people were more or less the
same, because the instinctual drives were the same, and the
family structures were more or less the same. The Frankfurt
School corrected this by emphasizing that each culture, each
people, each race, have important differences in their psychologies, because their differing family structures transmit
the ideas of authority, value, morality, in different ways.
So, if you want to liberate your eros and become healthy,
the most important thing is to find what separates one culture,
one people, one race, from the other ones. The differences
don't have to be in the genes-I mean, today, very few
people will admit publicly that black people are biologically
different from white people. But, the Frankfurt School emphasized what Freud only hinted at: Cultural differences
transmitted through the family can be as rigid and as powerful
as biological differences, and thus they proved that black
people are fundamentally different from white people be
cause their cultures are different.
And a lot of people in thi$ country supported and sponsored the Frankfurt School, because they were able to use
Freud's psychoanalytic theory to demonstrate scientifically
that all values must be relative. And this is why, today,
everybody-everybody except for a few extremists and religious fanatics-understands that universal values are really
authoritarian, and that the family structure has to be
changed-maybe even destroyed-to stop imposing these
obsolete values on the young ..
The' Jewish identity' project
Anyway, in the modern world, in the post-industrial society, we can no longer afford this authoritarian sense of power
over nature which the patriarchal family transmits; today, the
most important aspect of menlal health is giving people an
identity that will make them happy and erotically satisfied.
This was the great original contribution of the Frankfurt
School after World War II, when they worked with several
Jewish organizations to create a new identity for American
Jews. The Frankfurt School isaid that henceforth, Jewish
identity would be defined, notiby religious belief, not by the
ideas through which Jews contributed to the rest of humanity ,
but by the Holocaust: Jews would be trained to see themselves
primarily as victims of genocide. This has worked fantastically; even today, Jews who think that the B'nai B'rith are a
bunch of crooks still give money to that organization because
they have been trained to believe that they are profoundly
different from everybody else, and that anti-Semites are
ready to start a new Holocaust at any moment.
The Jewish identity project:worked so well that we Frankfurt School Freudians asked t()) do the same thing for black
people. In the 1960s, many black people were successfully
re-trained to believe that what really defined their identity
was how their African ancestots had been enslaved by white
people. We did the same thing for women: The feminist
movement used Frankfurt School theory and Freud to help
millions of women realize that what really defined their identity was male chauvinism.
You see how successful we have been? Today, we give
everybody the identity they need. We even teach it in the
schools-it's called multiculturalism. Everybody gets an
identity based on who raped whom: The Latin Americans
understand that the most impotttant thing is to get back at the
Spanish colonialists; the Native Americans understand that
the most important thing is to get back at the whites-everyone separated from everyone else. Fear? hatred? revenge?
Sure! We give them that-but we also give them an identity,
and they are happy.
But, we have spent too much time talking about what I
think. We should be talking about what you think. But, I see
that our time is about up. I th!ink that I can fit you in next
week; shall we say Tuesday? A short session is usually $75;
you can pay as you leave.


 Polish Frankists provided another, more dramatic occasion in which former or dissenting Jews would step forward to attest to the “truth” of the charge that Jews used Christian blood for ritual purposes. In the aftermath of the Kamieniec–Podolski disputation of 1757, Sołtyk sought to exploit the propagandistic potential of the Frankists, styled “Contra-Talmudists.” He instigated another public disputation, which took place in Lwów in September 1759, in which the Frankists asserted that the Talmud teaches that Jews require Christian blood and that whoever believes in the Talmud is bound to follow this teaching

World Socialist Web
> "The decision to go forward with this project, and to promote so emphatically, is bound up with the immense social changes taking place in the US and around the world. Young people are moving to the left. They are more politically engaged, less patriotic, and increasingly identifying as socialists. This radicalization is taking place alongside a massive growth of the class struggle internationally. These initial struggles have terrified the ruling classes of every country. It is in this context that the 1619 Project must be understood. This is the response of the ruling class to the growth of the class struggle. They are working to systematically push racialist politics in order to divide and disorient the working class."
> The New York Times? 1619 Project promoted in schools across the US
> By Genevieve Leigh
> 10 January 2020
> A recent lesson plan released by the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, in collaboration with the New York Times, asks students to choose a historical document that interests them and to read through it. Next, the assignment instructs them to erase parts of the document that they do not like or believe in.
> The lesson plan, ?Erasure Poetry: Highlighting Inequities, Envisioning Liberation,? explains that ?erasure poems? can be ?a way of reclaiming and reshaping historical documents; they can lay bare the real purpose of the document or transform it into something wholly new. How will you highlight inequity?or envision liberation?through your erasure poem??
> The Declaration of Independence as well as the 13th Amendment are among the documents suggested by the Pulitzer Center for the exercise, marked as appropriate for students of all grades. The lesson plan is one of dozens provided by the Pulitzer Center to promote a major initiative launched by the Times on August 16, ?The 1619 Project.? The aim, according to the Times, is to fundamentally change the way American history is understood and taught.
> The authors of the project concentrate their arguments on the premise that all problems can only be understood through the prism of ?white America? and ?black America,? seeing racial division, rather than class conflict, as the fundamental and abiding conflict in US history and in the present.
> The World Socialist Web Site has taken the lead in rebutting the historical falsifications of the Times? project. The WSWS coverage has included a series of in-depth historical analyses, interviews with leading historians of the American Revolution and Civil War, and a comprehensive reply to the Times? defense of the project.
> Poisoning the Well: Schools across the US adopt the NYT 1619 Project
> Despite the criticisms directed at the Times from historians, major efforts are underway to establish the 1619 Project as the official narrative of American history in schools and academic institutions. Chicago Public Schools was among the first districts to announce that the 1619 Project would be provided as a supplemental resource at every one of the system?s high schools. ?Thanks to our partners at the Pulitzer Center, every CPS high school will receive 200?400 copies of the New York Times? The 1619 Project this week as a resource to help reframe the institution of slavery, and how we?re still influenced by it today?from the workforce management system created to harness enslaved labor and the incredible wealth that came from its unsparing efficiency to the music that you may very well be listening to now,? Chicago Public School CEO Janice Jackson announced in September.
> So far, five additional districts have committed to rewriting their curriculum around the project, including Washington, D.C.; Buffalo, New York; and Newark, New Jersey. Some districts have gone a step further by developing special programs wholly dedicated to a study of the project. The Carroll School in Brooklyn, NY, which serves K?5 students, is working to secure a federal Title 3 grant to fund the creation of an ?after-school enrichment program? based on the project. The immense effort being made to ensure that copies of the project are distributed to school children should raise serious red flags. Many of these school systems are among the most poorly funded in the country. Just last fall, Chicago educators went on strike to demand increases in wages, funding to fix and repair decrepit and decaying school buildings, lower class sizes and the hiring of desperately needed support staff?none of which was realized. However, the dissemination of the 1619 Project is fully funded.
> In addition to the material resources provided to the schools, the project?s creator and leading author, Nikole Hannah-Jones, has been dispatched on a speaking tour, attending university and college campuses throughout the country. The effort has been funded in part by the Pulitzer Center. However, some major corporations have also been involved, including Shell Oil, which sponsored a recent appearance of Hannah-Jones in Houston, Texas.
> The 1619 Project will also be the basis for a series of books for readers of all ages. The series of books will include an expanded version of the magazine issue, including fiction essays and poetry as well as a graphic novel, and four ?1619 Project? publications for young people. The publication of the books is being overseen by Hannah-Jones and by Jake Silverstein, editor-in-chief of The New York Times Magazine.
> What is being taught in the NYT 1619 School Curriculum?
> The foundational lesson plan presented by the Pulitzer Center, ?Exploring ?the idea of America?, by Nikole Hannah Jones? is designed to introduce Hannah-Jones? essay and the 1619 Project to students. Hannah-Jones? essay, along with all the other 1619 material, is presented to teachers and students not as one ?narrative? among many, but as verified fact. Indeed, the material doubles down on many of the widely discredited historical assertions made in the project. One set of questions, for example, asks students to support the claim that the country was founded as a slavocracy: ?What examples of hypocrisy in the founding of the U.S. does Hannah-Jones supply? What evidence can you see for how ?some might argue that this nation was founded not as a democracy but as a slavocracy???
> Another set of reading questions from the same lesson plan prompts students to expand on the project?s portrayal of the leaders of the American revolution and Civil War as racists: ?What picture does Hannah-Jones paint of major figures in classical U.S. history, such as Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln? Did you learn new information about them from her essay? If so, why do you think this information wasn?t included in other resources from which you have learned about U.S. history??
> Present throughout the Pulitzer Center material is the insistence on the fundamental division of the country along racial lines. In one exercise, students are instructed to investigate the contributions of ?Black America?; In another, students are asked to carefully consider a quote from the essay: ?Out of our unique isolation, both from our native cultures and from white America, we forged this nation?s most significant original culture.?; Yet another asks, ?How does Hannah-Jones expand on this quote from sociologist Glenn Bracey: ?Out of the ashes of white denigration, we gave birth to ourselves???
> Other lesson plans include ?Mapping Your Community?s Connection to Slavery,? in which students are to pick an article from the project and use it to develop a pitch ?for a news story about how this topic intersects with race in your community.?
> The curriculum is designed to inculcate in a new generation of workers a divisive racialist historical, and by extension political, worldview. All problems are to be explained by an ?endemic? conflict between the races that ?we still cannot purge from this nation to this day,? as Hannah-Jones puts it. The resources for the project?s nation-wide mass marketing and distribution effort have come from its co-sponsor, the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, a Washington D.C. based non-profit founded in 2006 to support ?journalists, stories, and workplaces that represent and illuminate diversity and inclusion in all forms.? The function of the Pulitzer Center has been to legitimize the dissemination of the project as a credible historical work throughout the US education system.
> Funding for the Pulitzer Center comes from a wide range of sources. A number of billionaire philanthropic foundations, such as The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, and the Carnegie Foundation of New York, appear on its donor list, as well as other well connected companies such as BDT Capital Partners, a long-standing partner of Goldman Sachs, which handles the finances of the rich.
> With the help of the Pulitzer Center, the 1619 Project was launched in September with a fully developed school curriculum based on the project?s initial 18 essays. The school curriculum was immediately made available for public use from the Pulitzer Center website. The extensive set of materials are designed for children of all ages, from elementary school through college. Throughout the Times articles and the subsequent media blitz that accompanied the project, teachers and educational staff around the country were encouraged to adopt the project and use the material, presented as authoritative historical journalism, in their classrooms.
> The New York Times has taken it upon themselves to re-write school curriculum, without any oversight or input from leading historians who have spent their entire careers dedicated to the study of such history. They ignore decades of historiography of the Revolution and Civil War, which have been subject to intense and rigorous scholarly debate.
> The decision to go forward with this project, and to promote so emphatically, is bound up with the immense social changes taking place in the US and around the world. Young people are moving to the left. They are more politically engaged, less patriotic, and increasingly identifying as socialists. This radicalization is taking place alongside a massive growth of the class struggle internationally. These initial struggles have terrified the ruling classes of every country. It is in this context that the 1619 Project must be understood. This is the response of the ruling class to the growth of the class struggle. They are working to systematically push racialist politics in order to divide and disorient the working class.


The Frankfurt School
The Origins of The Frankfurt School*
Set up in 1923 to study the social characteristics and contradictions of modern capitalist societies, with a particular focus on the role of ideological systems on reproducing these societies. ¢ Key Figures: Adorno, Horkheimer, Lowenthal, Marcuse, Habermas, Benjamin.
*Dominic Strinati (1995)
The Rise of Fascism
Hitler‟s rise to power in Germany forced the members of the School to flee. ¢ Adorno, Horkheimer, and Lowenthal landed in America, living in Los Angeles and New York. ¢ Most returned to Germany in the late 1940s. Marcuse remained in the USA.
The Dialectic of the Enlightenment (1944)
First, some definitions…
What is “the Enlightenment” anyway?
The Enlightenment
The Enlightenment is the name given to the philosophical, scientific, and social movements of the 18th century.
These movements (the Scientific Revolution, the Age of Reason, etc.) sought to liberate humanity from the tyranny of myth, religion, and superstition.
The Enlightenment: Instrumental Rationality
The scholars of the Enlightenment sought to replace these myths and repressive institutions (the King, the Church, etc.) with the rule of reason.
The Enlightenment
Science vs. Myth: Science and rationality would replace religion in explaining the natural and social world. Man vs. Nature: Technological progress would dominate nature. Nature would serve humanity. Freedom vs. Tyranny: The application of reason to politics would create political systems that liberate individuals and subject state policy to the process of reasoned debate and argument.
But then, something went very, very wrong…
The tools of instrumental rationality, originally intended to liberate humanity from myth and nature were quickly turned on humanity itself.
The Frankfurt School‟s Critique of the Enlightenment
“The promise of the Enlightenment, the belief in scientific and technical progress and the extension of human freedom, had turned into a nightmare, the use of science and rationality to stamp out human freedom” (Strinati, 1995, p. 54).
The Critique of The Enlightenment
Technological and scientific advances enhance the ability of established power to exert social control over individuals.
The tools of the Enlightenment—reason, science, technology—become powerful tools of bureaucracy, administration, and centralized control.
The Triumph of Total Administration
The use of instrumental rationality to subdue and control nature is used by elites to subdue, control, and administer human life.
Political Life ¢ Economic Life ¢ Cultural Life
The Result: Fascism
The endpoint of the Enlightenment— the total, rationalized, inhuman regimentation of everyday life.
All social life, cultural life, political life efficiently but ruthlessly administered by central state bureaucracy.
The Frankfurt School: It isn‟t just Fascism, folks
Horkheimer and Adorno saw a similar process of total administration occurring in the ostensibly “free” societies of the capitalist West.
The Triumph of Total Administration: Modern Capitalism
The lives of individuals in capitalism are administered and controlled almost as completely as those in Fascist societies.
The Promise of the Enlightenment: Politics
The State would be subject to the consent of the governed. ¢ State policies would be debated by a vigorous and rational public, whose opinion would be informed by an independent press. ¢ Representatives would be subject to the force of this rational-critical public opinion.
The Reality of Total Administration: Political Life
Public opinion is profoundly by established (pro-capitalist) powers and their allies in the private (corporate-controlled) media. Consent to the status quo is manufactured through the political media. The “choice” of voters is a false choice. No real alternatives to the current system are ever allowed into the process.
The Promise of the Enlightenment: Economics
An economy run by the “natural laws of the market” would generate freedom and increase wealth in the society. Private property and the pursuit of selfinterest would spur producers to best meet the needs of consumers. The force of competition would make sure that producers would continually innovate and would prevent them from exploiting either their consumers or their workers.
Total Administration: Economic Life
Both workers and capitalist are chained to an economic system— capitalism—that has escaped their control and, in turn, has enslaved them.
Economic Life: The Workers
ost people, separated from the means of production by rules of private property, are forced to sell their labor to survive. Their labor—their human energies and time—is turned into a commodity that is bought and sold. They cannot but do this, their survival depends on selling their labor.
Economic Life: The Workers and Alienation
Their labor becomes alienated—what should be a source of creativity becomes a source of pain and misery. They become mere extensions of the machines to which they are chained.
Another day in paradise…
Economic Life: The Capitalists
The capitalists are enslaved by the market system as well. ¢ The force of coercive competition compels the capitalist to forever innovate, invest, improve, restructure. ¢ To rest for a moment is to court disaster, and a plunge back into the ranks of the dispossessed.
Total Administration: Cultural and Social Life
For the Frankfurt School, the realms of culture (high art and “folk” art) are being progressively colonized by the logic of the marketplace. “Culture” becomes the “culture industry”
In the process, the intellectual challenge of high art, and the primal, rebellious release of folk art are lost in the easy, light distractions of mass culture.
The Culture Industry
Mass Culture extends the reach of administration and control into our “leisure time.” Our leisure time is spent consuming commodities we don‟t need, and immersing ourselves in light entertainment that both blunts our capacity to think and affirms the legitimacy of the system. All of this serves to perpetuate the system that enslaves us.
The Culture Industry: False versus True Needs
Capitalist society cultivates “false” needs and easily satisfies them, thereby distracting individuals from realizing the inability of the system to meet their “true” needs. False needs include diversion, escape, sensation, status.
Cultural Industry: False vs. True Needs
True Needs: ¢ Justice ¢ Self-determination ¢ Creative work ¢ Independent thought
Coca-Cola: “I’d like to teach the world to sing…”
Total Administration and the Affluent Society
When the living standards of the masses rise to the point where they can gain access to the “false needs” of consumer society, the possibility of social change (revolution) recedes.
Distracted by the easy but false pleasures of mass culture and consumer society, the proletariat consents to a life of quiet toil and political manipulation.
The Result: One-Dimensional Society
Individuals increasingly identify their interests and their consciousness with the preservation of the system that dominates them (but which also delivers the goods).
One-Dimensional Society
There is no critical distance between individuals and the system. Every waking hour feeds back in to the preservation of the system.
The advertisements we see, the movies we watch, the novels we read: they all either distract us from the reality of our dispossession or they actively legitimate the status quo (representing it as “free” and “progressive”).
One-Dimensional Society
The result is a society where dissent, critique, and hope for social change recede into the horizon, due to the society‟s material affluence and the exclusion of alternatives from the media and political systems.
Our ability to imagine utopia—a society that can meet our true and vital needs— evaporates.
Horkheimer & Adorno: The Critique of the Culture Industry
1. Mass Culture is Formulaic and Repetitive:
“Every detail is so firmly stamped with sameness that nothing can appear which is not marked at birth or does not meet with approval at first sight.” In this, culture becomes a commodity like any other— pre-fabbed, standardized, mass produced.
The Critique of the Culture Industry
2. There are endless surface variations, but the underlying formulae are the same.
The Critique of the Culture Industry
3. Mass Culture “does the work for us.” It cues our response. It blunts our ability to think for ourselves.
The Music Swells…
The Culture Industry and “Regressive” Consciousness
The ability of mass culture to perpetuate the status quo lies in its “promotion and exploitation of the egoweakness to which the powerless members of contemporary society, with its concentration of power, are condemned. Their consciousness is further developed retrogressively. It is no coincidence that cynical American film producers are heard to say that their pictures must take into consideration the level of eleven year-olds. In doing so they would very much like to make adults into eleven-year olds.” --Theodor Adorno, 1991.
The Critique of The Culture Industry
4. The content of the culture industry is “affirmative”—that is, it never directly challenges the status quo and takes the current system of social relations as an unquestioned “given.”
E-ring, NBC
The Affirmative Character of the Culture Industry
IT'S A LOOK INSIDE THE WORLD'S MOST POWERFUL BUILDING - THE PENTAGON - When an American "asset" in China sends out a call for help, Major Jim (J.T.) Tinewski (Benjamin Bratt) must take on the responsibility of convincing not only his superior, Colonel Bob McNulty (Dennis Hopper), but the Joint Chiefs of Staff and their advisors that the United States should risk a potential war with China and come to her rescue. It's a hub of highly explosive conflicts between decorated and experienced American military heroes and the civilians to whom they report.
The Affirmative Character of the Culture Industry
“There is the agreement—or at least the determination—of all executive authorities not to produce or sanction anything that in any way differs from their own rules, their own ideas about consumers, and above all themselves.”
--Horkheimer & Adorno, 1944
“The concepts of order that it [the culture industry] hammers into human beings are always that of the status quo”
--Adorno, 1975
Doesn‟t the Culture Industry Just Give Us What We Want?
No. The Desires of Consumers are Conditioned by the Industry
“Capitalist production so confines them [the consumers], body and soul, that they fall helpless victim to what is offered them…Immovably they insist on the very ideology which enslaves them” (H & A, 1944). “The attitude of the public, which ostensibly and actually favors the system of the culture industry, is part of the system and not an excuse for it.” (H & A, 1994)
Consumer Sovereignty or Mass Deception?
Media firms cannot predict the success of their offerings in advance. ¢ This leads them to be conservative, to reduce risks, to copy what has been successful in the past. ¢ This has led to the development of a handful of commercially successful genres with formulaic characters and plots.
Consumer Sovereignty or Mass Deception?
Over time, this supply of formulaic culture creates its own demand. ¢ Rarely exposed to alternatives, we become accustomed to these formulae. We come to demand them.
Consumer Sovereignty or Mass Deception?
“The argument…becomes circular. People consume from a relatively narrow range of what media firms find most lucrative to produce; then when consumers select from these options, the firms say, „see, we must be giving you what you want.‟” (McChesney, 2004, p. 199).
The Picture of the Audience?
Passive ¢ Beaten down ¢ Duped ¢ Manipulated ¢ Their imagination confined within the horizon of the media system—unable to imagine alternatives.


*Tavistock became known as the focal point in Britain for psychoanalysis and the psychodynamic theories of Sigmund Freud and his followers.

*The Tavistock Institute’s projects were a follow-up on the work of the The school’s main figures sought to learn from and synthesize the works of such varied thinkers as Kant, Hegel, Marx, Freud, Weber and Lukacs, and focusing on the study and criticism of culture developed from the thought of Freud.

*Nietzsche also criticized "mass man" and conformity, and was one of the first critics of the role of journalism in creating mass opinion. The Frankfurt School agreed with Nietzsche that a lot of the common cultural forms repressed natural instincts, and therefore tried to develop a Godless philosophy that would lead to the supposed emancipation of the human being in society but instead bring Hell on Earth.

*The Frankfurt School recognized that modern consumer society was the new form of capitalism, creating novel forms of social institutions that integrated the working class into advanced capitalist systems. Important, therefore, was their attempt to update traditional Marxist interpretation by analyzing the role of what they recognized as state and monopoly capitalism.

*The members of the Frankfurt School were, for the most part, from assimilated Jewish families. And it would seem, due to their secularism, despite retaining a Jewish identity, as well as their cohesiveness and theories promoting a reinterpretation of traditional morality, particularly sexual morality, that they must have been of Sabbatean Frankist origin.

*Jurgen Habermas has recently argued that a striking resemblance exists between certain strains in the Jewish cultural tradition and in that of German Idealism, whose roots have often been seen in Protestant Pietism. One important similarity, which is especially crucial for an understanding of Critical Theory, is the old cabalistic idea that speech rather than pictures was the only way to approach God.

*The distance between Hebrew, the sacred language, and the profane speech of the Diaspora made its impact on the Jews who were distrustful of the current universe of discourse. This, so Habermas has argued, parallels the idealist critique of empirical reality, which reached its height in Hegelian dialectics… The same might be argued for its [the Frankfurt School’s] ready acceptance of [Freudian] psychoanalysis, which proved especially congenial to assimilated Jewish intellectuals.[6]

*Habermas cites the example of the Minima Moralia of Theodor Adorno who, despite his apparent secularism, explains that all truth must be measured with reference to the Redemption, meaning the fulfillment of Zionist prophecy and the advent of the Messiah. ... Philosophy, in the only way it is to be responsive in the face of despair, would be the attempt to treat all things as they would be displayed from the standpoint of redemption. Knowledge has no light but what shines on the world from the redemption; everything else is exhausted in reconstruction and remains a piece of technique. Perspectives would have to be produced in which the world is similarly displaced, estranged, reveals its tears and blemishes the way they once lay bare as needy and distorted in the messianic light.[7]

*David Bakan, in Sigmund Freud and The Jewish Mystical Tradition, has shown that Freud too was a “crypto-Sabbatean,” which would exlain his extensive interest in the occult and the Kabbalah. As shown in “The Consolation of Theosophy II,” an article by Frederick C. Crews for The New York Review of Books, several scholars have established that Freud was among the key figures who developed therapy through the retrieval of forgotten trauma, through a debt to Franz Anton Mesmer.[8]

*Freud is Propaganda
Few Americans realize that the principal tool of targeting America - like Russia and China - for destruction and Communist penetration in the United States is the pseudo science of psychotherapy.
Not only have many people who opposed Communist subversion been imprisoned for life without trial, tortured by Electroshocks, Dummed down by drugs, or the Horror of Pre-Frontal Lobotomy - Ice pick in the Brain - like Jack Nicholson in, "One Flew over the Cuckoos nest" or Zack Snyder's, "Sucker Punch".

*Many have been rendered helpless, their fortunes seized, and their exposures of Communist treachery discredited by the accusation of “mental illness”.
In 1848, Karl Marx issued his Communist Manifesto, detailing the Jewish plans for subduing the gentile, but it was not until 1896 that the most workable system to achieve this goal, “psychoanalysis”, was unveiled by his fellow-Jew Sigmund Freud.
No one suspected at the time that Freud (pronounced Fraud) had invented the indispensable tool for the biological parasite in his quest to gain absolute control over the life of the gentile host. Psychoanalysis became the instrument which the Jew used to probe the deepest recesses of the mind of the host, thereby learning his best secrets, as well as the hidden fears and doubts which could be exploited by a clever enemy in order to become his master.

*For several years, Freud experimented with “cocaine therapy” or, as a policeman might put it, drug peddling.
The only outcome of this was that he himself became a convert, and continued to use cocaine throughout his life. The drug of the oligarchs and elites.

*Freud...from cocaine to hypnosis to talking... Thomas Szasz, the famed critic of this pseudo-science, revealed in his book, THE MYTH OF PSYCHOTHERAPY, “Psychotherapy is merely talking.”... Just like confession in the Catholic Church, Freudian Psychotherapy is used to obtain secrets.

*Freud’s reputation as the great inventor of an entire new science rests solely on his discovery that he could get his patients to talk about themselves without the use of hypnosis ... saved from the fate of charlatans like Mesmer...

*pa is pseudo hypnosis ... psychotherapy is merely talk.

*He devised a “system” based upon incorrect and often obscene theories, using these theories to attack the basis of all family life by such developments as the “Oedipus complex”. Not only has an “Oedipus complex” never existed, but Freud either completely misunderstood or more likely, purposely misrepresented, the entire basis of this “complex”. He based it upon an ancient Greek myth, the story of Oedipus. Although he first advanced the theory of the Oedipus complex in 1910, it was not until 1920 that he published three essays which purported to establish the foundations for this theory, the projection of “infantile sexuality”.

*Despite these inconsistencies, Freud claimed that much of the neurosis of the twentieth century was caused by the Oedipus complex. The frustration of the infant, being unable either to kill the father or to have sex with the mother, became “repressed”, and was thus mentally affected for the rest of his life. This tissue of distortions, falsities, and perversions became the cornerstone of Freud’s entire “science” of psychotherapy. Freud’s reputation as “the father of psychoanalysis” rests upon the Oedipus complex.

*Flimsy though this basis was, it became the cornerstone of Freud’s theory of universal repressed homosexuality among men. Unfortunately, as Freud’s disciples have desperately sought to conceal for many years, Thomas Szasz reveals that Freud’s entire theory was wrong because of his defective scholarship. He had based his theory on a German text in which the translator had incorrectly translated Leonardo’s word for “toy kite” as a “vulture”.

The tail of a toy kite had dragged across Leonardo’s cradle and brushed him. Freud, relying upon the wrong translation of the kite as a vulture, devised a complicated sexual theory by which Leonardo’s memory of the bird’s tail touching his mouth had been the conscious fulfillment of his subconscious homosexual desires!

From a wrong understanding, Freud now erected a vast superstructure of Leonardo’s entire art and, subsequently, the art of the Western nations being created from his homosexual nature. In so doing, Freud unleashed a terrible weapon against Western civilization.

*David Bakan writes of Freud’s Jewishness: “Freud believed that anti-Semitism was practically ubiquitous in either latent or manifest form; the broad masses of England were anti-Semitic ‘as everywhere’; he refused to accept royalties of Hebrew and Yiddish translations of his works; he was sympathetic to Zionism from the first days of the movement and was acquainted with and respected Herzl. (Editor’s note: Herzl died of syphilis, his entire dream of a Jewish empire in Palestine being the product of the decaying brain of a Jew in the last and most violent stages of paresis).

Freud’s son was a member of the Kadimah, a Zionist organization, and Freud himself was an honorary member of it.” Szasz further notes: “In addition, Freud displayed his devotion to Judaism in the letters he wrote, the friends and enemies he made, and, last but not least, in his anti-gentilism. His interpretations of Western civilization, Oedipus was not a king, but a complex; Leonardo was not a heroic painter but a homosexual pervert.” The final statement of Szasz on Freud’s racial bias is the most important (p.146). “One of Freud’s most powerful motives in his life was the desire to inflict vengeance on Christ.”

At last we get to the meat of the matter!

Psychoanalysis is the creation of a hate-filled Jew whose life was devoted to vengeance against Christ. Could any more definitive analysis of the origins of “the science of psychotherapy” be made?

* macdonald


A successor organization, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, was then founded in 1946 under a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation when it separated from the Tavistock Clinic.

According to John Coleman, a former British Intelligence agent, it was Tavistock-designed methods that got the US into World War II and which, under the guidance of Dr. Kurt Lewin, established the OSS and then the Deep State Kennedy Assassination CIA.

Tavistock became known as the focal point in Britain for psychoanalysis and the psychodynamic theories of Sigmund Freud and his followers.

Tavistock is ostensibly a British charity concerned with group behavior and organizational behavior. Tavistock engages in educational, research and consultancy work in the social sciences and applied psychology. Its clients are chiefly public sector organizations, including the European Union, several British government departments, and some private clients.

Its network now extends from the University of Sussex to the US through the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), Esalen Institute, MIT, Hudson Institute, Brookings Institution, Aspen Institute, Heritage Foundation, the Center of Strategic and International Studies at Jesuit Georgetown, US Air Force Intelligence, and the RAND Corporation.[3]
Marx was an Agent of the British elite controlled by Ambassador Urquhart who wrote the notes for Marx to write "Das Capital" in his office in the British National Library in London. Marxism, later

Communism and Socialism was used to split society in Russia and China, take over society via fake green revolutions and thus create Totalitarian Societies like Soviet Russia and Communist China with no middle - bourgeois - class, only Trillionaires and Slaves.

After the Czar of Russia freed the serfs or Russian slaves, the Trillionaire Oligarchs of Britain and USA saw a fantastic opportunity to take over Russia and strip it of all it's wealth thus the Marx Communist takeover of Russia by Lenin and then by Stalin, both puppets put in charge by the British and Americans. The death toll to maintain control was 60 millions of people tortured, sent to death camps and murdered.

After the removal of Japan from Manchuria after the second world war everyone expected Sun Yat Sen to be put in charge of China. Instead the trillionaire oligarchs who control the CIA poisoned Sun Yat Sen, threw out Chiang Kai Chek into Formosa and put in charge Mao Tse Tung a Yale trained 33rd degree freemason puppet of the oligarchs. The death toll to maintain control was 100 millions of people tortured, sent to death camps and murdered. And counting..

Currently there are two million Muslim Uigurs in death Camps in China. Death Camps too for Christians, Buddhists and Falun Gong. All prisoners are genotyped and their organs put on the Wordwide market for Sale. When some rich old man oligarch wants a new heart, liver or kidney they kill and eviscerate the prisoner in one of ten execution vans they have in every city of China - all of them working full time - and send the organ to Japan for insertion.

Both "Communist Societies" Soviet and current China were and are Kleptocracies where a corrupt elite steal all the money and launder it out of the country into British, "Pirate of the Caribbean" Banks or Switzerland, whilst the rest of the people are slaves.

On the path of a totalitarian, "New World Order" International Companies moving to China to make use of their low cost slave population have hollowed out industry and Wealth in the USA on the path of a coup to take over the USA and use internet social scoring to take away Travel, bank accounts and free speech in order to create the Chinese Totalitarian system in USA and Europe.
These revolutions were similar to the 4th generation warfare revolutions around Europe in the 1990's. Coups similar to CIA Coups in every country in the World.

The Tavistock Institute’s projects were a follow-up on the work of the Frankfurt School, a predominantly Jewish group of philosophers and Marxist theorists who fled Germany when Hitler shut down their Institut für Sozialforschung, “Institute for Social Research,” at the University of Frankfurt. The school’s main figures sought to learn from and synthesize the works of such varied thinkers as Kant, Hegel, Marx, Freud, Weber and Lukacs, and focusing on the study and criticism of culture developed from the thought of Freud.

From Marx they derived a sense of the importance of material forces in history and the role of economics in human and social life. They were also heavily influenced by Nietzsche, particularly his critiques of mass culture, society, morality and the state, which in Thus Spake Zarathustra, he had denounced the new idol, a new object of worship.

Nietzsche also criticized "mass man" and conformity, and was one of the first critics of the role of journalism in creating mass opinion. The Frankfurt School agreed with Nietzsche that a lot of the common cultural forms repressed natural instincts, and therefore tried to develop a Godless philosophy that would lead to the supposed emancipation of the human being in society but instead bring Hell on Earth.

The Frankfurt School recognized that modern consumer society was the new form of capitalism, creating novel forms of social institutions that integrated the working class into advanced capitalist systems. Important, therefore, was their attempt to update traditional Marxist interpretation by analyzing the role of what they recognized as state and monopoly capitalism.

While, beginning in the late nineteenth century, a new era of monopoly capitalism had arrived, additionally, with the Great Depression the state began to play a much more important role in managing the economy, resulting in the new model of state capitalism exemplified by the New Deal.

There were two forms of state monopoly capitalism: there was the fascist and authoritarian state capitalism of Nazi Germany and the democratic state capitalism of the United States. In both of these forms of state capitalism, new types of administration, bureaucracy and methods of social domination emerged that contributed, they believed, to a curtailing of individual freedom and democracy, giving rise to conformity and massification.

In particularly, the Frankfurt School explored the role of the mass media. Where control of mass media was overt in Nazi Germany, and similarly in the Soviet Union, the Frankfurt School saw that the instruments of mass culture and communication were playing an equally important role in marketing capitalism, democracy and the American way of life.

The members of the Frankfurt School were, for the most part, from assimilated Jewish families. And it would seem, due to their secularism, despite retaining a Jewish identity, as well as their cohesiveness and theories promoting a reinterpretation of traditional morality, particularly sexual morality, that they must have been of Sabbatean Frankist origin.

Sexual Excess as a Religion

We are told "free love" is "progressive and modern." In fact, like Satanism the Sabbatean sect has indulged in Sexual Rituals including wife sharing, sex orgies, adultery and incest - increasing sexual addiction leading on to homosexuality, torture, drugs, pedophilia, bestiality, and pornography for more than 350 years.

Pimping and blackmailing Epstein as well as donating to Harvard and MIT eugenic, mind control, scientists for, on behalf of, transhumanist Eugenicists Bill Gates and the "usual suspect" family foundations was a blackmailer, "they owe me favours" of many elite people - heads of Google, Microsoft and Facebook - as well as Bill Gates.

Karl Marx was a British Agent and the Communist takeovers of Russia by the Bolshevics and British Agents Lenin and Stalin and China by the Red Guards and 33rd Degree Freemason, Yale Educated Mao.. ally killed 160 million people in the 20th century..

AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 2 - The inspiration for the fascist state comes from Plato, the male supremacist and apologist for pederasty. Plato is revered as the preeminent classical philosopher, although his apparent advocacy of man/boy sex is not commonly known. A prototypical statement by the philosopher is recorded in George Grant’s Legislating Immorality: “Through the nightly loving of boys, a man, on arising, begins to see the authentic nature of true beauty” (Grant, 1993:24).

Plato’s Republic is his best known work.

The following is a summary of the Republic from W.K.C. Guthrie’s A History of Greek Philosophy:
The Republic (c.370 BC) advances many of Plato’s principal ideas, notably those concerned with government and justice. Composed as a debate between Socrates and five other speakers, The Republic is best known for its description of the ideal state (based on Sparta), which Plato argues should be ruled by Totalitarian Dictator philosopher-kings (Guthrie in Grolier).

As we have noted, the Spartan society was dominated by a pederastic warrior cult that featured mandatory induction of twelve-year-old boys into homosexual partnerships with adult men. Like all such cults, the Spartan military was rigidly hierarchical and elitist. Plato’s concept of the “philosopher-king” is that of an autocratic dictator leader appropriate to such a society. The Totalitarian Dictator Philosopher-King rules over a kind of fascist utopia. Interestingly, Plato’s idealized society in the Republic includes the elimination of the family as a social unit and the elimination of private property.

READ - AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 2 - The Foundations of Western Philosophy by Pedophile Eugenocidalist Plato's Republic - "The Concealment of Wickedness and Human Sacrifice" and No-Soul Aristotle.
Click Below..

AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 3 - Satanism is gradually being instituted as the New World Religion defined by Ritual.

72 Empires have been recorded and every one of them has failed in the same way. The facts have been recorded that a totalitarian and elite infil-traitored and took over all these Empires and that 72 once free, flourishing and rich republics were destroyed from within by Ritual.

Infil-traition of Satanism is the methodology as slowly every Government Ministry and Societal function is taken over. Eventually a Satanist becomes King Emperor President. The Satanist Pillars of Homosexuality, Pederasty, Drugs and Ritual Sex - both Hetero and Homosexual - are introduced overtly. Christianity and Judaism - the bulwarks Against Satanism - are destroyed and then society fucked through the fear of Ritual Human Sacrifice.

The Ancient Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Left and Right Politics, Dynastic Families, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, International Companies, Eugenics -

This means Pedophilia Sex Rituals and a means of Totalitarian Fear Control of Human Sacrifice.

As presently occurs in Totalitarian No-Soul Communist China. Christians, Buddhists and Falun Gong are executed in special organ harvesting vans - Human Sacrifice.

They have ten of these vans in every city and they work all day long taking fresh organs to the airport for implantation in Japan. The organs harvested and sold to Rich Oligarchs Worldwide

After that he allied with Islam because Islam promotes a warrior Spartan Pedophilia and Sex Slavery of Women - "Women for breeding, boys for love" See, Thousands of child prostitutes in every city of Britain - Rochdale child sex abuse ring


The Frankfurt School
When they treated religious topics, as in the case of Walter Benjamin, it was of a decidedly mystical orientation. Benjamin was highly influenced by his close friend Gershom Scholem, the renowned twentieth-century expert on the Kabbalah, regarded as having founded the academic study of the subject. Scholem, by tracing to the origins of Jewish mysticism from its beginnings in Merkabah and all the way forward to its final culmination in the messianic movement of Sabbatai Zevi, rehabilitated perceptions of the Kabbalah as not a negative example of irrationality or heresy but as supposedly vital to the development of Judaism as a religious and national tradition.[4]

According to Scholem’s “dialectical” theory of history, Judaism passed through three stages. The first is a primitive or “naïve” stage that lasted to the destruction of the second Temple. The second is Talmudic, while the final is a mystical stage which recaptures the lost essence of the first naïve stage, but reinvigorated through a highly abstract and even esoteric set of categories.

Frankfurt School historian Martin Jay concedes that a certain degree of Jewish identity nurtured the Frankfurt School’s perspectives. Having attempted to live assimilated lives in Weimar Germany with dubious success, he says, must have had an impact. “The sense of role-playing that the Jew eager to forget his origins must have experienced,” says Jay, “could only have left a residue of bitterness, which might easily feed a radical critique of the society as a whole.”[5] Jay additionally concedes that the Kabbalah would have had some influence as well, as noted by one of its own members, Jurgen Habermas. Jay summarizes:

Jurgen Habermas has recently argued that a striking resemblance exists between certain strains in the Jewish cultural tradition and in that of German Idealism, whose roots have often been seen in Protestant Pietism. One important similarity, which is especially crucial for an understanding of Critical Theory, is the old cabalistic idea that speech rather than pictures was the only way to approach God.

The distance between Hebrew, the sacred language, and the profane speech of the Diaspora made its impact on the Jews who were distrustful of the current universe of discourse. This, so Habermas has argued, parallels the idealist critique of empirical reality, which reached its height in Hegelian dialectics… The same might be argued for its [the Frankfurt School’s] ready acceptance of [Freudian] psychoanalysis, which proved especially congenial to assimilated Jewish intellectuals.[6]

Habermas cites the example of the Minima Moralia of Theodor Adorno who, despite his apparent secularism, explains that all truth must be measured with reference to the Redemption, meaning the fulfillment of Zionist prophecy and the advent of the Messiah.

Philosophy, in the only way it is to be responsive in the face of despair, would be the attempt to treat all things as they would be displayed from the standpoint of redemption. Knowledge has no light but what shines on the world from the redemption; everything else is exhausted in reconstruction and remains a piece of technique. Perspectives would have to be produced in which the world is similarly displaced, estranged, reveals its tears and blemishes the way they once lay bare as needy and distorted in the messianic light.[7]

David Bakan, in Sigmund Freud and The Jewish Mystical Tradition, has shown that Freud too was a “crypto-Sabbatean,” which would exlain his extensive interest in the occult and the Kabbalah. As shown in “The Consolation of Theosophy II,” an article by Frederick C. Crews for The New York Review of Books, several scholars have established that Freud was among the key figures who developed therapy through the retrieval of forgotten trauma, through a debt to Franz Anton Mesmer.[8]



Freud is Propaganda
Few Americans realize that the principal tool of targeting America - like Russia and China - for destruction and Communist penetration in the United States is the pseudo science of psychotherapy.
Not only have many people who opposed Communist subversion been imprisoned for life without trial, tortured by Electroshocks, Dummed down by drugs, or the Horror of Pre-Frontal Lobotomy - Ice pick in the Brain - like Jack Nicholson in, "One Flew over the Cuckoos nest" or Zack Snyder's, "Sucker Punch".

Many have been rendered helpless, their fortunes seized, and their exposures of Communist treachery discredited by the accusation of “mental illness”.
In 1848, Karl Marx issued his Communist Manifesto, detailing the Jewish plans for subduing the gentile, but it was not until 1896 that the most workable system to achieve this goal, “psychoanalysis”, was unveiled by his fellow-Jew Sigmund Freud.
No one suspected at the time that Freud (pronounced Fraud) had invented the indispensable tool for the biological parasite in his quest to gain absolute control over the life of the gentile host. Psychoanalysis became the instrument which the Jew used to probe the deepest recesses of the mind of the host, thereby learning his best secrets, as well as the hidden fears and doubts which could be exploited by a clever enemy in order to become his master.

Beginning his career as a medical student, Freud concentrated on the study of the nervous system, obtaining a degree in neuropathology. Up to this point, his education had been strictly scientific, conducted according to methodical Teutonic principles of study in the Vienna Medical School. He now abandoned these principles. For the rest of his life, he would be the typical Jewish adventurer, seeking one path after the other until he hit upon the one which would lead him to fame, riches and, more important than either of these to the Jew, power over the gentile host.

For several years, Freud experimented with “cocaine therapy” or, as a policeman might put it, drug peddling.

The only outcome of this was that he himself became a convert, and continued to use cocaine throughout his life.

Even today, cocaine is the favored drug of the wealthy and influential Oligarchs in New York and Hollywood who control the minds of the American people through television and the news media. They are loyal to cocaine solely because it was the drug of their master, Sigmund Freud.

After Freud discovered that putting his patients on cocaine brought him no sudden wealth or prominence, he began to cast about for some quicker road to fortune. He seemed to have found it when he began to practice hypnosis on his patients. For more than a century, hypnosis had been the favorite practice of Europe’s most notorious charlatans, Mesmer, Cagliostro, and Charcot.

Freud now became the legitimate heir of these mountebanks. But how did he escape being branded by their well deserved reputations as necromancers and frauds? Early in his use of hypnosis, he made the fortunate discovery that it was no longer necessary to put his patients “under”, or to subject them to hypnosis in order to get them to reveal their innermost secrets. He had only to establish a suitable atmosphere of confidence and trust, and they would begin to talk about themselves. As Thomas Szasz, the famed critic of this pseudo-science, revealed in his book, THE MYTH OF PSYCHOTHERAPY, “Psychotherapy is merely talking.”

Just like confession in the Catholic Church, Freudian Psychotherapy is used to obtain secrets.

Freud’s reputation as the great inventor of an entire new science rests solely on his discovery that he could get his patients to talk about themselves without the use of hypnosis. Nevertheless, much of the mumbo jumbo of psychotherapy was invented in order to create a hypnotic atmosphere. Freud’s discovery freed him from the stigma of the charlatans of hypnosis, and put a great distance between him and his discredited predecessors such as Mesmer, the father of Mesmerism.

Nevertheless, the practice of psychoanalysis depends heavily on creating and maintaining a pseudo-hypnotic atmosphere in the psychiatrist’s office. The patient must be persuaded to relax, to place himself completely in the power of the psychiatrist, and to reveal his innermost self. Thus the pseudoscience of psychotherapy functions only because it is pseudo hypnosis. No wonder that Freud is pronounced Fraud!

Once he had broken away from the unsavory reputation of his predecessors, and had put the stigma of charlatanism behind him, Fraud began to build an elaborate facade of intellectual supports for his new “science” of psychotherapy. This proved to be a difficult task, for, as Szasz has pointed out, psychotherapy is merely talk.

It would not be easy to erect a vast superstructure of scientific procedures around the basic principle of a patient lying on a couch and chatting about himself to a listening doctor. Nevertheless, Freud, exhibiting all of the talent of his race for bewildering and misleading the gentile host, proceeded to do just that. He devised a “system” based upon incorrect and often obscene theories, using these theories to attack the basis of all family life by such developments as the “Oedipus complex”.

Not only has an “Oedipus complex” never existed, but Freud either completely misunderstood or more likely, purposely misrepresented, the entire basis of this “complex”. He based it upon an ancient Greek myth, the story of Oedipus. Although he first advanced the theory of the Oedipus complex in 1910, it was not until 1920 that he published three essays which purported to establish the foundations for this theory, the projection of “infantile sexuality”.

It has been said that the Oedipus complex is the nuclear complex of the neuroses and constitutes the most important part of their content, because this complex, appearing early in life, is the basis for all later neuroses. It represents the peak of infantile sexuality, which Freud claims appears in the first year of infancy, and forever after molds the nervous structure of the adult. In fact, there is not the slightest evidence that “infantile sexuality” reaches its peak in the first year of life, or that there is even such a phenomenon as infantile sexuality. Of course, this did not bother Freud. If there were no such thing as infantile sexuality, he would invent it.

He built the Oedipus complex by tacking his pet sexual obsessions onto the myth of an ancient Greek King, Laius of Thebes. When Laius consulted the Delphic Oracle to divine his future, he was told that a child born to him and his wife Jocasta would become his murderer. A son, Oedipus, was born to him, and he had the child set out to die on Mt. Cithaeron. Years later, Oedipus, who had been rescued and brought up by a kindly shepherd who found him lying there, met Laius on a narrow path. After a quarrel as to who had the right of way, they fought, and Oedipus killed him. He continued on to the city of Thebes, where he met Laius’ widow, Jocasta, who was also his mother, and married her. The shepherd then appeared, and revealed the true origin of Oedipus, who was overcome by remorse. He blinded himself, while Jocasta hanged herself. This legend, typical of its overtones of traditional Greek tragedy, had deep implications that we must become aware of our identity if we are to lead satisfactory lives, but Freud showed no understanding of this.

Instead, he completely distorted the legend by claiming that every male child, even in the first year of infancy, as it writhes in torments of infantile sexuality, is bedeviled by jealousy of the father, whom the child wants to kill so that he can have sex with his mother. Only a Jew could bring to a traditional myth such perversion and such distortion.

As Szasz points out, the Freudian elements, jealousy of the father and the desire to have intercourse with the mother, are completely lacking in the original myth.

Donald Wormell, writing in the Encyclopedia Britannica, notes that the Freudian interpretation has no similarity to the classical Greek story, because Oedipus as an infant had no jealousy of his father, whom he did not know, or any desire to have intercourse with his mother, whom he did not know.

Despite these inconsistencies, Freud claimed that much of the neurosis of the twentieth century was caused by the Oedipus complex. The frustration of the infant, being unable either to kill the father or to have sex with the mother, became “repressed”, and was thus mentally affected for the rest of his life. This tissue of distortions, falsities, and perversions became the cornerstone of Freud’s entire “science” of psychotherapy. Freud’s reputation as “the father of psychoanalysis” rests upon the Oedipus complex.

The second foundation of the Freudian system is Freud’s “theory of repressed homosexuality”. Early in the course of his hypnotic treatment of patients, Freud had encountered a number of wealthy and dissolute aristocrats who, wearying of the usual vices of drug addiction, gambling and alcoholism, had taken up the practice of sexual perversion. After “treating” a number of these Sabbatean Frankist perverts, where incest is mantated, whose real problem was not so much their “homosexuality” as their boredom and their ability to spend as much money as they wished to purchase partners for their perverted acts, Freud decided that “homosexual impulses” were universal among men. Why, then, did not most men engage in homosexual acts? Freud had a ready answer for this: They “repressed” their homosexual impulses.

Now that he had created the problem, Freud had only to erect a “scientific” foundation for it. This proved to be a simple task for one of his racial duplicity and lack of morals. He appropriated the greatest figure of Western culture, Leonardo da Vinci, to carry the banner of his new theory. Freud decided that Leonardo da Vinci must have been a homosexual. Da Vinci had once been brought before a court on a charge of homosexuality, and had been acquitted. No other evidence existed that he had been a homosexual, and it had been several centuries since anyone had been around who could testify about it one way or the other. But Freud, the Jewish mountebank, found this important in order to denigrate da Vinci because he was a great non-Jewish artist.



After a notable lack of success in his efforts to find any basis for his theory that da Vinci had been a homosexual, Freud finally came upon a rather dubious recording of a faint childhood memory, in which Leonardo da Vinci wrote that a vulture came down to his cradle and struck him in the mouth with his tail. Eureka! Freud had found what he had been looking for. He immediately interpreted this childhood memory, or dream, as an illustration of Leonardo’s “passive homosexuality”.

Flimsy though this basis was, it became the cornerstone of Freud’s theory of universal repressed homosexuality among men. Unfortunately, as Freud’s disciples have desperately sought to conceal for many years, Thomas Szasz reveals that Freud’s entire theory was wrong because of his defective scholarship. He had based his theory on a German text in which the translator had incorrectly translated Leonardo’s word for “toy kite” as a “vulture”.

The tail of a toy kite had dragged across Leonardo’s cradle and brushed him. Freud, relying upon the wrong translation of the kite as a vulture, devised a complicated sexual theory by which Leonardo’s memory of the bird’s tail touching his mouth had been the conscious fulfillment of his subconscious homosexual desires!

From a wrong understanding, Freud now erected a vast superstructure of Leonardo’s entire art and, subsequently, the art of the Western nations being created from his homosexual nature. In so doing, Freud unleashed a terrible weapon against Western civilization.

Single-handedly, he created the enormous problem of the “gay” communities which plague America today. By identifying the greatest artist of Western culture as a homosexual, Freud gave an aura of respectability to a sexual deviation.

By his claim that all men have “repressed” homosexual desires, he unleashed a torrent of sexual acts and a great blow against established family life. Young men who not only are searching for a career but who also have doubts about their sexual identity have only to abandon themselves to Freud’s theories, and they can, simultaneously release all their “sexual repressions”, thus avoiding the danger of terrible neuroses, but they can become great artists as well.

Only a Jew could have unleashed such a poisonous theory on the gentile community to further confuse and destroy it. This is the basis of the LGBTP movement funded by Oligarchs - it's aim is the destruction of the family and of society in an America Targetted for Destruction.

Despite Freud’s theories, scientists today have begun to doubt that there really is such a thing as a “homosexual impulse”. Instead, they lean to the finding that there are sexual impulses which, in the absence of a member of the opposite sex, tend to turn to a member of the same sex, as in prison, the army or private schools.

Such a finding, of course, is devastating to the “gay” community, which has sought to turn perverse impulses into a modern religion. We could be accused of over simplification if we sought to condemn the entire “science” of psychotherapy because its two principal foundations, Freud’s theory of repressed homosexuality and the Oedipus complex, have been shown to be little more than the products of his cocaine-stimulated imagination.

Realizing from the outset that Freud’s theories might be subject to serious challenge, later Oligarchically funded practitioners of psychotherapy have sought to erect an even more complex superstructure of psychological theories to bolster their basic technique of “talk”. In this campaign, they have produced millions of words, but not a single workable theory.

As Thomas Szasz points out: “Psychotherapy is secular ethics. It is the religion of the formally irreligious—with its language which is not Latin but medical jargon; with its codes of conduct, which are not ethical but legalistic; and with its theology, which is not Christianity, but positivism.” For several years, before fixing upon his theories of psychotherapy, Freud had experimented with various other “treatments”, such as electrotherapy, baths and massages.

The German Dr. Wilhelm Erb (1840-1921), in his Handbuch der Elektrotherapie, described his technique for applying electric shock to the genitals, which later became a favorite form of torture in Latin America. Erb “assumed” that the victims on whom he practiced this technique had “neurosis”. During World War I, the most notorious practitioner of electric shocks was Dr. Julius Wagner-Jauregg, professor of psychiatry at the Vienna Medical School and a former teacher of Freud. Wagner-Jauregg was fond of using heavy doses of electric shock on soldiers who suffered nervous breakdowns during artillery barrages in combat zones. Despite heavy criticism, Wagner-Jauregg continued to use electric shock on soldiers throughout the war.

Freud defended him against his critics, calling the soldiers “malingerers”. In 1920, the Austrian War Ministry, in response to the public outcry against Wagner-Jauregg, conducted a lengthy investigation of his mistreatment of soldier patients. Freud wrote a long memorandum defending Wagner-Jauregg’s torture technique of electrotherapy. “I know,” wrote Freud in Wagner-Jauregg’s defense, “that the motivating force in his treatment of patients is his humaneness”. This was a typical Jew view of humaneness. Electrotherapy was later replaced by chemotherapy, although Freud continued to use some electrotherapy on his patients.

He explained it as “pretense treatment”, which he used to “keep in touch” with his patients.

Film star Frances Farmer became a whistleblower - like Assange and Snowden - and because of that they sent her to an Insane Asylum.

Frances Farmer

For six years, Frances Farmer was forced to endure horrors which, even without the drugs and shock treatments which she was given on a daily basis, would have destroyed anyone’s mind.

After a few days in a California mental hospital, she was transferred to a state mental hospital, Steilacoom, near Seattle, Washington, ostensibly so that her mother could visit her, but actually to remove her from any contact with anyone in Hollywood. Many years later, a reporter, William Arnold, spent five years tracing the record of Frances Farmer during her years in Steilacoom.

He discovered that the orderlies at Steilacoom were mostly convict trusties from McNeill Island Penitentiary on the other side of Puget Sound. He also discovered that Steilacoom was known as “the brothel of Ft. Lewis”. Each evening, drunken soldiers from Ft. Lewis paid the convicts five dollars each and were admitted to certain wards.

Here the convicts held down the women chosen by the soldiers, who then took their will. Arnold found inmates who could recall seeing Frances Farmer, easily the most beautiful and desirable of the inmates, being held down by the convicts while she was being gang-raped by the drunken soldiers.

To nullify any complaints from Frances Farmer, the orderlies regularly gave her bad reports, claiming that she was “uncooperative”. Since she was being forcibly held down during these outrages, her cooperation or lack of it does not seem to have presented any problem, but the Jewish doctors were eager to get this diagnosis.

The entry of “uncooperative” by the name of any patient in a mental institution means that any and every possible form of drugs, “treatment” and other punishment is necessary.

Frances Farmer was given massive doses of electric shock treatment every week.

She was forced to endure medieval form of hydrotherapy by which she was thrown into a tub of ice water for periods of six to eight hours. During the agony of these ordeals, she chewed her lips to pieces. After four months of “treatment”, her spirit had been broken.

She appeared before the psychiatrists and agreed to “cooperate”. A careful Dr. Nicholson immediately held a press conference to display his latest triumph. In a typical example of Communist “self criticism” and “confession”, Frances Farmer gave her performance. “I was rude and disrespectful,” she told the reporters. “I was very, very sick.”

“I think this case demonstrates how successfully antisocial behavior can be modified,” stated Dr. Nicholson.

“Three months ago, this woman was mentally unresponsive, and today she is being returned to her family completely cured. This marks a significant victory for the mental hygiene movement in Washington.” Because of her fame as a movie star, Frances Farmer was chosen to be publicly exhibited as an example of the triumph of Freudian theories.

No sooner had Dr. Nicholson released Frances Farmer than he received anxious messages. The news that their victim was no longer imprisoned terrified the Hollywood Communists. Dr. Nicholson was instructed to seize her and return her to Steilacoom.

Her freedom had lasted less than two weeks. She was now to endure six years of concentrated treatment intended for only one purpose: To destroy her mind so that she would never be able to identify the Hollywood Communists.

She was immediately put back on the weekly schedule of shock treatments. This medical boon to mankind came about when two Italians watched the convulsions of a pig after it had been accidentally electrocuted. At first they were merely amused; but they suddenly realized it would be great sport to try this technique on human beings, and electroconvulsive shock treatment was born.

The technique called for sending 70 to 130 volts of electricity through the temples of the victim for a tenth of a second. This destroys large numbers of brain cells, and causes years of headaches, permanent loss of memory, and other unpleasant side effects. The benefits of this treatment, as years of experimentation on many thousands of patients has proved beyond all question, are non-existent.

For this reason, electric shock treatments have been outlawed in most European countries for many years. The United States is the only developed nation which still practices this form of barbarism.

Besides enduring the weekly shock treatments, Frances Farmer, who had been consigned back to Steilacoom at a court hearing at which she was not even present, now became the victim of a new operation, the CIA LSD experiments. It was recently revealed that she was the first person chosen to receive the LSD dosages.

For more than a year, Frances Farmer received daily doses of LSD, as well as the weekly shock treatments. Despite this cruel regimen, her tormentors were dismayed to find that her brain had not been destroyed.

There remained one final horror for her, a treatment which was guaranteed to destroy the brain of anyone. This was prefrontal lobotomy, which in every case had totally destroyed the rational capacity of its victims.

A Portuguese doctor, Edgar Muniz, developed this technique for “curing mental illness” in1935. For this contribution to human well-being, he received the Nobel Prize in 1949. Hundreds of thousands of lobotomies were performed in Europe and the United States. Dr. Walter Freeman, head of the Dept. of Neurology at Georgetown University, became an enthusiastic advocate of prefrontal lobotomy after studying with Muniz. He refined Muniz’ technique by inserting an ice-pick type of instrument under the eyelid into the brain, and severing the nerve from the cortex to the thalamus which directed rational thought. This turned the human victim into a vegetable.

Presto! No more anger, no more protest. Instead, there was meek compliance with any order. Deciding it might be more prudent to practice his technique away from Washington, Dr. Freeman went to Spencer State Hospital at Spencer, W. Va. The Jewish doctors at this institution lined up thirty-five women patients, and in a brilliant display of virtuosity, he lobotomized them one after the other.

Learning of this triumph, the CIA asked him to go to Steilacoom to lobotomize Frances Farmer. As a cover, he first lobotomized twelve other women patients. Frances Farmer was then brought in, and told that the doctor wished to examine her. To attendants seized her by the arms, and Dr. Freeman quickly inserted the ice pick into her brain. Two seconds later, Frances Farmer had become a human vegetable, her memory destroyed and her brain barely functioning, she was no longer a threat to the Hollywood Communist conspirators.

A few months later, satisfied that her memory was gone, the CIA authorized Dr. Nicholson to release Frances Farmer. Her years of horror were over. On March 23, 1950, she left Steilacoom. She was only thirty-six years old. Despite her ordeal, some traces of her former beauty remained, but when she tried to resume her acting career, she found she could not remember lines or follow directions.

She died alone and in poverty in Indianapolis a few years later. Yet, even today, those who ordered her torture and destruction still fear the mention of her name. Not only does the blackout of her films remain in effect, but William Arnold found no one in Hollywood willing to be quoted about her fate.

We know the fate of Frank Olson and Frances Farmer only because those dedicated to their memories spent years fighting to uncover their tragic stories. We do not know the fate of many thousands of other victims of the Jewish pseudo-science of psychotherapy, because no one mourns them or remembers their names. They, too, were done to death by drug overdoses, shock treatments, or the Freeman ice-pick treatment.



SHADOWLAND; THE SEARCH FOR FRANCES FARMER—by William Arnold, McGraw Hill, NewYork City, N.Y. 1978.

“SEX, DRUGS, AND THE CIA”, Saturday Review, Feb. 3, 1979.




Throughout his career, Freud was obsessed by sexual imaginings, which ranged from the ludicrous to the obscene. In one of his letters to Ludwig Binswanger, he wrote: “I have always lived on the ground floor in the basement of the building... I already found one for religion when I stumbled on the category ‘neurosis of mankind’.”

One of his last writings (July 12, 1938) contained this “gem”: “As a substitute for penis envy, identification with the clitoris; neatest expression of inferiority, source of all inhibitions.” During the erecting of his psychotherapy empire, Freud was on the lookout for a suitable heir apparent. Atone time he had selected a young non-Jewish doctor, Jung, after quarreling with his Jewish disciples. Jung spent much time with him, but found himself unable to accept Freud’s wild theories, and he finally dismissed Freud’s work as “too Jewish”.

IN MEMORIES, DREAMS AND REFLECTIONS, Jung wrote (p.149):“Above all, Freud’s attitude towards the spirit seems to me highly questionable. Wherever in a person or in a work of art, an expression of spirituality (in the intellectual, not the supernatural senses) came to light, he suspected it, and insinuated that it was repressed sexuality.” It took Jung several years to realize that the earthbound Jew was unable to comprehend anything spiritual, having to interpret it in the grossest physical sense, and he finally parted company with him.It was Thomas Szasz, in THE MYTH OF PSYCHOTHERAPY, who writes most revealingly of Freud’s creation of “the science of psychotherapy” as an instrument of the Jew to be used to gain power over the gentiles.

Szasz titled his chapter, “Sigmund Freud, the Jewish Avenger”. (editor’s note: Mr. Mullins uses the word “gentile” meaning all non-Jews, not just Christians). Freud himself was born a Jew, was given the Jewish name of Schlomo after his grandfather, a rabbi, and remained a Jew. Szasz further comments: “The inconsistency between Freud’s passionate anti-religious tirades and his profound commitment to Jewishness significantly highlights an important aspect of Freud’s personality and predilections, namely, his anti-gentilism.

The popular image of Freud as an enlightened, emancipated irreligious person who, with the aid of psychoanalysis, ‘discovered’ that religion is a mental illness is pure fiction.” Szasz then defines the Freudian psyche permanently by writing: “Freud was throughout his life, a proud, chauvinistic, even vengeful Jew.” Thus Freud’s famed “irreligiousness” was merely his anti-Christian, anti gentile bias.

In his “science” of psychoanalysis, Freud focused the hatred of centuries which the biological parasite had cultivated against the host, a hatred irreconcilably rooted in the biological situation of the parasite that must live off the host, and that can have no existence without this relationship. Certainly the State of Israel typifies this relationship, as the entire budget of Israel is built on “loans”, “grants”, “gifts”, and the sale of worthless Israeli bonds.

David Bakan writes of Freud’s Jewishness: “Freud believed that anti-Semitism was practically ubiquitous in either latent or manifest form; the broad masses of England were anti-Semitic ‘as everywhere’; he refused to accept royalties of Hebrew and Yiddish translations of his works; he was sympathetic to Zionism from the first days of the movement and was acquainted with and respected Herzl. (Editor’s note: Herzl died of syphilis, his entire dream of a Jewish empire in Palestine being the product of the decaying brain of a Jew in the last and most violent stages of paresis).

Freud’s son was a member of the Kadimah, a Zionist organization, and Freud himself was an honorary member of it.” Szasz further notes: “In addition, Freud displayed his devotion to Judaism in the letters he wrote, the friends and enemies he made, and, last but not least, in his anti-gentilism. His interpretations of Western civilization, Oedipus was not a king, but a complex; Leonardo was not a heroic painter but a homosexual pervert.” The final statement of Szasz on Freud’s racial bias is the most important (p.146). “One of Freud’s most powerful motives in his life was the desire to inflict vengeance on Christ.”

At last we get to the meat of the matter!

Psychoanalysis is the creation of a hate-filled Jew whose life was devoted to vengeance against Christ. Could any more definitive analysis of the origins of “the science of psychotherapy” be made?

The sick theories of this modern anti-Christ did not long remain theories. They were quickly put to use by the Jews, not only in treating the “mentally ill”, but in the techniques of attaining and holding political power. The psychiatrists, interviewing the patients, most of them from wealthy and influential gentile families, learned trade secrets and political information invaluable to the Jewish dreams of enslaving the gentiles. These secrets were quickly turned to advantage in their war against the Christians. They spawned a host of “psychiatrists” that rapidly infested all of the gentile nations, and then turned up as the directors of mental institutions.

The hapless patient who revealed an attitude critical of the Jews, or who was even suspected of such thoughts, was treated mercilessly. The mental institutions provided the Jews with the ideal laboratory for their wildest dreams of power over the non Jews. They now had an endless supply of victims, completely helpless, whose screams would never be heard by the outside world.

What tortures, what murders, have gone on in these institutions in the fifty years since the Freudians took over their operations can only be imagined. Most of the victims will never talk—they are dead. The survivors are “insane”; their stories of their sufferings at the hands of the Jews are merely the products of disordered minds.

Nevertheless, we do know that not even the highest government officials have been immune from Freudian “correction” when they strayed from Jewish programs. We have only to remember that when our first Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal, hesitated to commit our entire military power to the support of the State of Israel, within a few hours he suffered a “breakdown”.

He was taken to Bethesda Naval Hospital and soon went out the window to his death.

In April 1936, Congressman Marion Zioncheck, denounced J. Edgar Hoover on the floor of Congress. Already known as a “maverick”, Zioncheck had gone too far. Soon afterwards, he was taken under mysterious circumstances to a Washington, D.C., mental hospital, St. Elizabeth’s (where Ezra Pound was held as a political prisoner for thirteen years without trial, and then released because of pressure from his friends).

Zioncheck was kept incommunicado at St. Elizabeth’s, and treated by several of the nation’s leading psychiatrists. After several attempts to escape, he was released in what his friends described as a “drugged, zombie-like condition”.

He returned to Seattle, and soon fell to his death from the fifth floor of the Arctic Building.

The verdict was suicide, but most people interviewed in Seattle believed he had been pushed. He was succeeded by Warren G. Magnuson, who enjoyed a long political career in Washington, and who was very careful not to offend the Jews.

Shortly after the Crash of 1929, when many had been impoverished by money manipulation, the psychiatrists began to show their hands as the new masters. In May, 1930, an International Congress on Mental Hygiene was held in Washington, D.C. Four thousand psychiatrists from fifty-three countries were welcomed by the President of the United States, Herbert Hoover. The new masters drafted a charter stating that they alone had the knowledge to “understand and control human behavior... Psychiatry must now decide what is to be the immediate future of the human race.”

The new pronouncement also boasted that “Psychiatrists alone possess the superior intelligence and knowledge to alter materially and permanently human behaviors.” Many of the bureaucrats got the message, and promptly signed up for lengthy series of “analysis”.

Soon afterwards, a number of Communist cells were established in the government bureaus, chief among them the Harold Ware cell. Ware was merely the office boy for Felix Frankfurter, who masterminded this Communist group, placing Communist agents high in the official levels of every government department in Washington. One of the principal speakers at the Washington Congress of Psychiatrists was Dr. Donald A. Nicholson, a psychiatrist from Seattle who was the president of the Washington State Medical Assn. Nicholson was later to examine Congressman Zioncheck shortly before his “suicide”. He committed thousands of Americans to mental hospitals, all of them on his unsupported testimony that they were “insane”. Few of them ever saw freedom again.

No one suspected at the time that Freud (pronounced Fraud) had invented the indispensable tool for the biological parasite in his quest to gain absolute control over the life of the gentile host. Psychoanalysis became the instrument which the Jew used to probe the deepest recesses of the mind of the host, thereby learning his best secrets, as well as the hidden fears and doubts which could be exploited by a clever enemy in order to become his master.

Beginning his career as a medical student, Freud concentrated on the study of the nervous system, obtaining a degree in neuropathology. Up to this point, his education had been strictly scientific, conducted according to methodical Teutonic principles of study in the Vienna Medical School. He now abandoned these principles. For the rest of his life, he would be the typical Jewish adventurer, seeking one path after the other until he hit upon the one which would lead him to fame, riches and, more important than either of these to the Jew, power over the gentile host.

Adam Crabtree’s From Mesmer to Freud: Magnetic Sleep and the Roots of Psychological Healing traces Mesmer’s use of artificially induced trance-states to uncover the influence of unconscious mental activity as the source of unaccountable thoughts or impulses. Jonathan Miller traced the steps by which psychologists gradually stripped Mesmerism of its occult associations, reducing it to mere hypnosis and thus paving the way for recognition of non-conscious mental functioning.[9]

Hypnotism is nothing new. It is merely what had been known as putting someone under a spell, and practiced for thousands of years by witchdoctors, spirit mediums, shamans, Buddhists, and yogis. Freud himself was renowned in Vienna as a suggestive healer, his practice relying heavily on the use of hypnosis, a method he characterized as essentially "mystical."[10]

Freud engaged in magical propitiatory acts and tested the power of soothsayers. He confided to his biographer Ernest Jones his belief in "clairvoyant visions of episodes at a distance" and "visitations from departed spirits."[11]

He even arranged a séance with his family members and three other analysts. He also practiced numerology and believed in telepathy. In Dreams and Occultism, he declared, "It would seem to me that psycho-analysis, by inserting the unconscious between what is physical and what was previously called 'psychical,' has paved the way for the assumption of such processes as telepathy."[12]

Freud, when he was made aware of the Lurianic Kabbalah apparently exclaimed, “This is gold!” and asked why these ideas had never previously been brought to his attention.[13] Carl Jung, who had worked with Freud, commented approvingly on the Jewish mystical origins of Freudian psychoanalysis, stating that in order to comprehend the origin of Freud’s theories:

…one would have to take a deep plunge into the history of the Jewish mind. This would carry us beyond Jewish Orthodoxy into the subterranean workings of Hasidism...and then into the intricacies of the Kabbalah, which still remains unexplored psychologically.[14]

Freud’s theories were excessively concerned with sex and even incest, which is reflected in Sabbatean antinomianism. As Gershom Scholem noted, the Sabbateans were particularly obsessed with degenerating humanity by upturning prohibitions against sexuality, particularly those against incest, as the Torah lists thirty-six prohibitions that are punishable by "extirpation of the soul,” half of them against incest and by degenerating society through the message of free love - Free homosexuality, free Incest, free pederasty, free bestiality and free transexuality and also free drugs - Heroin, Cocaine, alcohol, crack cocaine, fentanyl, Oxycontin, DMT, Ayahuasca, Peyote, Mescalin, Mushrooms, LSD and Weed, Marijuana and mind numbing, 20x stronger genetically modified Marijuana or Soma and more...

.. by taking the heart of society, depressing, and making gloomy through Jacobin, Bolshevik and Feminist Equality, and Fraternity Masonry, Socialism, Communism, Frankfurt School, Freudian Psychoanalysis, Social Justice Warriors, .... and "Music, Movies and Architecture to Suicide By" - Adorno.

This may be the "plague" that Freud brought to the New World: degradation of humanity through "uninhibited thinking" or thinking without Morality, Heart or Soul...

The epigram that Freud chose for The Interpretation of Dreams—a line from Virgil—has not lost its appeal: "If I cannot bend the higher powers, I shall stir up hell."
Faustus, "If you can't rule in Heaven, better to rule in Hell"

Baruchiah Russo (Osman Baba), who in about the year 1700 was the leader of the most radical wing of the Sabbateans in Salonika and who directly influenced Jacob Frank, not only declared these prohibitions abrogated but went so far as to transform their contents into commandments of the new “Messianic Torah.”

Orgiastic rituals were preserved for a long time among Sabbatean groups and among the Dönmeh until about 1900. As late as the seventeenth century a festival was introduced called Purim, celebrated at the beginning of spring, which reached its climax in the "extinguishing of the lights" and in an orgiastic exchange of wives.[15]

As Bakan indicated, in his book Moses and Monotheism, Freud makes clear that, as in the case of the Pharaohs of Egypt, incest confers god-like status on its perpetrators.

In the same book, Freud argued that Moses had been a priest of Aten instituted by Akhenaten, the Pharaoh revered by Rosicrucian tradition, after whose death Moses was forced to leave Egypt with his followers. Freud also claims that Moses was an Egyptian, in an attempt to discredit the origin of the Law conferred by him. Commenting on these passages, Bakan claims that his attack on Moses was an attempt to abolish the law in the same way that Sabbatai Zevi did.

The Sabbatean Frankist Creed

Thus, Freud disguised a Sabbatean Frankist creed with psychological jargon, proposing that conventional morality is an unnatural repression of the sexual urges imposed during childhood.

Freud instead posited that we are driven by subconscious impulses, primarily the sex drive. In Totem and Taboo, published in 1913, which caused quite a scandal.

The Destruction of Freudian Psychoanalysis - no wonder it don't work

Freud, having stumbled upon the widespread reality of incest child abuse among his mostly Sabbatean Frankist Jewish clientele, totally covered it up with the theory that all little girls desire their fathers’ penis and all little boys dream of screwing their mothers — and named his theory The Oedipus and Electra Complex.
Freud theorized about incest through the Greek myth of Oedipus, in which Oedipus unknowingly killed his father and married his mother, and incest and reincarnation rituals practiced in ancient Egypt. He used the Oedipus conflict to point out how much he believed that people desire incest and must repress that desire.

Freud also read Nietzsche as a student and analogies between their work were pointed out almost as soon as he developed a following. Freud and Nietzsche had a common acquaintance in Lou Andreas-Salomé, a Russian-born psychoanalyst and author. Her diverse intellectual interests led to friendships and affairs with a broad array of well-known western intellectuals, giving her a reputation of somewhat of a femme fatale.

These included Richard Wagner and Rainer Maria Rilke, considered one of the most significant poets in the German language, and who was a friend to Gurdjieff’s collaborator, Thomas de Hartmann.

Salomé claimed that Nietzsche was desperately in love with her and that she refused his proposal of marriage to her. During her lifetime she achieved some fame with her controversial biography of Nietzsche, the first major study of his life.

Salomé was a pupil of Freud and became his associate in the creation of psychoanalysis. She was one of the first female psychoanalysts and one of the first women to write psychoanalytically on female sexuality. She developed Freud's ideas from his 1914 essay On Narcissism, and argued that love and sex are a reunion of the self with its lost half.

She was eventually attacked by the Nazis as a "Finnish Jewess,” though her parents were supposedly of French Huguenot and Northern German descent. A few days before her death the Gestapo confiscated her library, because she was a colleague of Freud, practiced "Jewish science" and had many books by Jewish authors.

The fact that Salomé would have secretly been Jewish despite professing a Christian heritage would suggest that her family were Sabbateans. We may suppose that their deviant sexual practices might have contributed to a trauma that gave rise to her inability to develop normal relationships with other men, and in turn to her unconventional theories.

We may speculate that, sadly, the origin of Salomé’s dysfunctions were possibly incestuous relationships with her father and five older brothers.

In fact, Salomé would claim to see a brother hidden in every man she met. Lou married linguistics scholar Friedrich Carl Andreas, and despite the marriage never being consummated, they remained together from 1887 until his death in 1930. Nevertheless, Salomé maintained sexual relationships outside marriage and visited regularly a gathering place for gay men and lesbians.

Freud considered Salomé’s article on anal eroticism from 1916 one of the best things she wrote. This led him to his own theories about anal retentiveness, where prohibition against pleasure from anal activity “and its products,” is the first occasion during which a child experiences hostility to his supposedly instinctual impulses.[16]

Essentially, by rejecting that man could be driven by a higher moral inclination, indeed that a higher morality did not exist, Freud believed all that was left was man’s animal nature, particularly what he called the libido, a belief that was reflective of his association with the traditions of occult thought and its veneration of the act of sex as the only true vital impulse.

Freud believed that the libido developed in individuals by changing its object of desire, a process codified by the concept of “sublimation.” He argued that humans are born “polymorphously perverse,” meaning that any number of objects could be a source of pleasure, designed to control humanity away from their evolutionary potential by degenerating society through the message of free love - Free homosexuality, free Incest, free pederasty, free bestiality and free transexuality and free drugs.

He further argued that as humans develop they become fixated on different and specific objects through their stages of development. The first is the oral stage, exemplified by an infant’s pleasure in nursing, then in the anal stage marked by a child’s “pleasure” in evacuating his or her bowels, and finally in the phallic stage.

In the phallic stage, Freud contended, male infants become fixated on the mother as a sexual object, referred to as the Oedipus Complex, a phase brought to an end by threats of castration, resulting in the castration complex, the severest trauma in Jewish man’s young life.

Through Freud’s influence, the “incest taboo” would become an issue of fundamental concern to the Frankfurt School.

For example, Claude Levi-Strauss (1908 – 2009), a French anthropologist and one of the central figures in the structuralist school of thought, considered the universal taboo against incest as the cornerstone of human society.

Incest, he believed, was not naturally repugnant, but became prohibited through culture.

Lévi-Strauss’ theory was based on an analysis of the work of Marcel Mauss who believed that the basis of society is the need for the exchange of gifts.

Because fathers and brothers would be unwilling to share their wives and daughters, a shortage of women would arise that would threaten the proliferation of a society.

Thus was developed the “Alliance theory,” creating the universal prohibition of incest to enforce exogamy. The alliance theory, in which one’s daughter or sister is offered to someone outside a family circle starts a circle of exchange of women: in return, the giver is entitled to a woman from the other’s intimate kinship group.

This supposedly global phenomenon takes the form of a “circulation of women” which links together the various social groups in single whole to form society.

Rather than scientific breeding where father/daughter/brother pairings are avoided because it creates create idiots and psychopathic genius, practice and that of Sabbatean Frankism is to promote incest by culling the idiots and promoting the psychopathic geniuses. This can be seen in the crowned heads of Europe where incest created hemophiliac, "bleeders" idiots, and the psychopathic geniuses who created both World Wars.


Sir Clement Freud, grandson of Sigmund Freud, British MP, pedophile, rapist, and suspected murderer of a three-year-old girl, Sabbatean Frankist

Every minute of every day, your body is physically reacting, literally changing, in response to the thoughts that run through your mind.

It's been shown over and over again that just thinking about something can cause your brain to release neurotransmitters, chemical messengers that allow it to communicate with parts of itself and your nervous system. Neurotransmitters control virtually all of your body's functions, from hormones to digestion to feeling happy, sad, or stressed.

Studies have shown that thoughts alone can improve vision, fitness, and strength. The placebo effect, as observed with fake operations and sham drugs, for example, works because of the power of thought. Expectancies and learned associations have been shown to change brain chemistry and circuitry which results in real physiological and cognitive outcomes, such as less fatigue, lower immune system reaction, elevated hormone levels, and reduced anxiety.

In The Intention Experiment: Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life and the World, Lynne McTaggart writes:

A sizable body of research exploring the nature of consciousness, carried on for more than thirty years in prestigious scientific institutions around the world, shows that thoughts are capable of affecting everything from the simplest machines to the most complex living beings. This evidence suggests that human thoughts and intentions are an actual physical "something" with astonishing power to change our world. Every thought we have is tangible energy with the power to transform. A thought is not only a thing; a thought is a thing that influences other things.

Your Thoughts Sculpt Your Brain

Every thought you have causes neurochemical changes, some temporary and some lasting. For instance, when people consciously practice gratitude, they get a surge of rewarding neurotransmitters, like dopamine, and experience a general alerting and brightening of the mind, probably correlated with more of the neurochemical norepinephrine.

Epigenetics - It used to be thought that we were born with a fixed genetic blueprint that determined our traits, behaviors, and health. Now, discoveries in the field of epigenetics have radically rebooted this theory by demonstrating that our DNA is more of a switchboard than a blueprint. Epigenetics is the study of how external forces, such as your environment and life experiences, trigger on-off mechanisms on the genetic switchboard. Epigenetic scientists are examining the mechanisms by which genes become expressed or silenced with the goal of understanding how we can influence their activity and change our genetic health outcomes.

So the thoughtforms created by The Tavistock Institute and it's projects of MKULTRA, Freud and Psychoanalysis, and the Frankfurt school have a definite impact on genes and breeding which can be seen as the fruits of their actions, their Families, their Tribes - the Modern World.
Thoughtforms and their Fruits
Rather than scientific breeding where father/daughter/brother pairings are avoided because it creates create idiots and psychopathic genius, practice and that of Sabbatean Frankism is to promote incest and Ritual by culling the idiots and promoting the psychopathic geniuses. This can be seen in the crowned heads of Europe where incest created hemophiliac, "bleeders" idiots, and the psychopathic geniuses who created both World Wars.
These Crowned Heads of Europe and their Scion are the Cardinals which comprise the Board of Directors of the 1000 year International Drug Running, Banking, Vatican Company of which the Pope is the Managing Director. The 500 Trillion Dollar Vatican Bank owns 70% of all International Companies, 70% of all Central Banks, and is run by the Rothschilds in Europe and the Rockefellers in USA.


The increase in negative thoughtforms leads to psychopathy - people with no morality or Heart or Soul - and an increase in the race of the People of Cain from whence came the word CainAbel or Cannibal which is an essential part of Ritual, the Ourobouros Dragon eating itself, Wars, Corporate raiding, and profit in the management of Destruction and Decay. The Oligarchic Trillionaire Principle of Poverty.
The continuous 10,000 year Control of this Planet by the continuous degeneration of Human Evolution through Projects like Tavistock.

[1] "The Aquarian Conspiracy"; Konstandinos Kalimtgis David Goldman and Jeffrey Steinberg, Dope Inc.: Britain's Opium War Against the U.S, (New York, The New Benjamin Franklin House, 1978), Part IV.

[2] (Unwin Paperbacks, 1976) p. 41.

[3] Eustace Mullins, The World Order.

[4] Steven B. Smith. “Gershom Scholem and Leo Strauss: Notes toward a German-Jewish Dialogue.” Modern Judaism, Vol 13, No. 3 (Oxford University Press, Oct., 1993).

[5] Martin Jay, The Dialectical Imagination: A History of the Frankfurt School and the Institute for Social Research, 1923-1950, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996) p. 34.

[6] Ibid.

[7] Jurgen Habermas. “The German Idealism of the Jewish Philosophers” (Essays on Reason, God, and Modernity).

[8] See, e.g., Henri F. Ellenberger, The Discovery of the Unconscious: The History and Evolution of Dynamic Psychiatry (Basic Books, 1970); Malcolm Macmillan, Freud Evaluated: The Completed Arc (North-Holland, 1991; second edition forthcoming from MIT Press, 1997); and Adam Crabtree, From Mesmer to Freud: Magnetic Sleep and the Roots of Psychological Healing (Yale University Press, 1993).

[9] Jonathan Miller, “Going Unconscious,” in Hidden Histories of Science, edited by Robert B. Silvers (New York Review Books, 1995), pp. 1-35; cited in Frederick C. Crews, “The Consolation of Theosophy II” The New York Review of Books Vol. 43, No. 15 (October 3, 1996).

[10] The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, 24 volumes, translated by James Strachey (Hogarth Press, 1953-1974), Volume 11, p. 22.

[11] Ernest Jones, The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud, (Basic Books, 1957), Volume 3, p. 381.

[12] The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Volume 22, p. 55.

[13] Sanford Drob, “This is Gold”: Freud, Psychotherapy and the Lurianic Kabbalah.” []

[14] Carl. G. Jung, Letters (Gerhard Adler, Aniela Jaffe, and R.F.C. Hull, Eds.). (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973), Vol. 2, pp. 358–9.

[15] Gershom Scholem, “Redeption Through Sin,” The Messianic Idea in Judaism: And Other Essays on Jewish Spirituality, (New York: Schocken, 1971).

[16] Sigmund Freud, Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, S.E. Vol. 7, p. 187

by David Livingstone improved by Satchidanand
This was an excerpt from "Black Terror White Soldiers"

The Frankfurt School "Dums" Down Civilisation






CLICK HERE FOR FREE BOOK - AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 3 - Satanism is defined by Rituals..






















AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 6 version 2 -The History of the World Part 2 Published May 2019


Infiltrating Bloodline Phoenician/Jewish aristocratic Families - based on Human Sacrifice Rituals - have existed for over 5000 years before the Birth of Christ.

Using emotional rhetorical religious concepts to control, they worship all the Pagan Gods, including Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Bel, Molech, Ashtoreth, Cybele and Attis.

In this book we find that over thousands of years, Spook, Bloodline Phoenician/Jewish aristocratic Families infiltrated every country, every Empire, taking over or infiltrating every ruling aristocracy and aristocratic, bloodline family, in Europe, Britain, America, India, China and in every other country in the World.
Click Below..














The Frankfurt School "Dums" Down Civilisation

The striving and search for the soul.

Hitchcock was brought to the United States in 1939 by David O. Selznick to direct Rebecca, with Laurence Olivier starring, and screenplay adaptations by Robert Sherwood and Thornton Wilder, both of whom would head the U.S. Office of War Information within a couple of years.

Hitchcock stayed in the United States owing to the lavish funding he could get for his projects, including his psycho-active films like Spellbound, with a screenplay by Ben Hecht, collaborating with leading U. S. psychoanalysts, and set designs by surrealist Salvador Dali. Spellbound was the first U. S. film to have Satan cult imagery, something not seen since the heyday of the German Expressionists.




Satanism is a Myth created by a ruling elite, who know it is a created myth but just use it to control the upper levels of society who actually believe in it, - IT IS WRITTEN - whose aim is to continue their thousands of years long rule through their dumbing down of society through policies like "The Principle of Poverty" which reduces the ability of society to detect them and their actions and then to do anything about them, thus continuing the rule of the ruling elite for all time

Like the Mafia created by British Agent Mazzini - Mazzini Autorizante Fuego I Assassinacion - under Lord Palmerston to control the global drug trade, now worth two trillion dollars per year, to join these secret organisations first you must, "make your bones"

On the Mafia you must assassinate someone but societies require the human sacrifice of young children, Their Rape, torture, murder, drink their blood, eat their flesh.

The procurement of young children for murder and torture is a worldwide industry for Renfields, people like Jimmy Savile involving orphanages, care homes and - the Old Word - Kid-napping.



Under Trump. 10,000 pedophiles, their sex slaves and children in cages, children in the process of being tortured, with dead children waiting to be dissolved in acid are being prosecuted.

Such is the worldwide control of the courts and mainstream media that none of this is being reported, none of the top level vampires have been caught as yet.

Luciferian Black Magic is just another Myth like Perverted Religion, Imaginary Theories of Economics, Dummed down Science, false myths and War which the real controllers of humanity use to manage their livestock.

The field of Luciferian Black Magic includes Drugs, Sex, Rock and Roll also perversion of sex, ritual sex and human and animal sacrifice.

Luciferian Black Magic has always been the myth of choice for thousands of years, to control oligarchs, the rich, the powerful, the politicians, the economists, the scientists, the educators, the Secret Societies, the Foundations.

But that suggests that there is another narrative behind Black Magic, a higher level of Initiate who uses the Black Magician Oligarchs as their field of Prey as the Oligarchs use all humanity as their field of prey.

In the same way Black Magicians create energy blockages to pervert and block the innate human empathy and conscience so the higher level Initiate implants all lower Black Magicians with Implant Addiction Blockages which vampirise the victim of his Spiritual Energy and addict him to Sex, Sex Parties, Sex Ritual, Blood, Drugs and Rock and Roll.

The real Black Magicians create Immortality for themselves by cutting themselves off from the eternal Spiritual Energies of God by energy blockages above the head they become psychopaths who need vampirised Spiritual Energy to live forever.

As previous civilisations have always failed. We have historical records of seventy three previous civilisations. Like the fall of the Roman Empire, all civilisations fail due to corruption from within.

The other side of the failure is a failure of humanity itself, as well as the civilisation to attain its soul possibility, its promise. The old oligarchic, "Principle of Poverty" barefoot and back on the plantation leading to perversion and corruption for all humanity as a means of control by the real owners who propagate but do not subscribe to any Myth - "The Ten Myths which control the World"




The end phase of corruption of the civilisation comes as the previously hidden rituals are externalised as in the Externalisation of the Hierarchy. So the end of civilisation comes with externalised corruption of the Rituals becoming performed in public. BDSM, Fifty Shades of Grey, Piercing and Tattoos as pain and torture become externalised. Sex as recreation and hedonism. Pederasty and homosexuality taught in schools. More and more pharmaceutical and illegal drugs. The dumming down of education. Surgical mutilation and Human sacrifices as premature deaths due to raging cancer and heart disease because of Luciferian Black Magic eugenics poisoning of nuclear air testing, vaccines, air, water and food.

Satan has no sex. Cybele and Attis - the State Religion of the Roman Empire - cut off the male and female genitals and breasts in Ritual.

The Frankfurt School creation of Postmodernism was fabricated to facilitate Sexless Satanism and Eugenics to reduce the population.

Former SEAL: 3000 Elite Pedophiles Arrested - Media Silent - Your ... › News
Apr 30, 2017 - Former Navy SEAL Craig Sawyer says that 3000 pedophiles belonging to an ... This article suggests that there are many arrests going down.
Former Navy SEAL Exposes Over 3,000 High Level Elite Pedophiles ... › Activism

May 15, 2017 - "Until now, pedophiles have enjoyed a counter-productive level of privacy ... Navy SEAL Exposes Over 3,000 High Level ElitePedophiles, Media Silent .... Next articleJohn Kerry Admits: “WTC 7 on 9/11 was Brought Down in a ...




The field of Black Magic which comes out into the open includes the country being invaded by Drugs, Sex, Rock and Roll also perversion of sex, ritual sex and human and animal sacrifice.

The Frankfurt School Dumbs Down Civilisation is just one more operation to reduce opposition to the rule of the elite. Other operations include the one trillion dollar drug trade, Adam Smith False Economics based on Mandevile's "private vices lead to Public Benefit" - Yes, economics us based on this principle - leading to the rule of Bankers like the Rothschilds and the implementation of "the principle of poverty" austerity, for the human animal livestock, the dumming down of science and the lack of investment in Free Fusion Power for fifty years.

The people of North America and Western Europe now accept a level of ugliness in their daily lives which is almost without precedent in the history of Western civilization.

Most of us have become so inured, that the death of millions from starvation and disease draws from us no more than a sigh, or a murmur of protest. Our own city streets, home to legions of the homeless, are ruled by illegal Drugs, the largest industry in the world, and on those streets Americans now murder each other at a rate not seen since the Dark Ages.

At the same time, a thousand smaller horrors are so commonplace as to go unnoticed. Our children spend as much time sitting in front of television sets as they do in school, watching with glee, scenes of torture and death which might have shocked an audience in the Roman Coliseum. Music is everywhere, almost unavoidable--but it does not uplift, nor even tranquilize--it claws at the ears, sometimes spitting out an obscenity. Our plastic arts are ugly, our architecture is ugly, our clothes are ugly.

There have certainly been periods in history where mankind has lived through similar kinds of brutishness, but our time is crucially different. Our post-World War II era is the first in history in which these horrors are completely avoidable. Our time is the first to have the technology and resources to feed, house, educate, and humanely employ every person on earth, no matter what the growth of population. Yet, when shown the ideas and proven technologies that can solve the most horrendous problems, most people retreat into implacable passivity. We have become not only bestial, ugly, but also impotent.

Nonetheless, there is no reason why our current moral-cultural situation had to lawfully or naturally turn out as it has; and there is no reason why this tyranny of ugliness should continue one instant longer.

Consider the situation just one hundred years ago, in the early 1890's. In music, Claude Debussy was completing his, "Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun," and Arnold Schoenberg was beginning to experiment with atonalism; at the same time, Dvorak was working on his Ninth Symphony, while Brahms and Verdi still lived. Edvard Munch was showing "The Scream," and Paul Gauguin his "Self- Portrait with Halo," but in America, Thomas Eakins was still painting and teaching. Mechanists like Helmholtz and Mach held major university chairs of science, alongside the students of Riemann and Cantor. Pope Leo XIII's "De Rerum Novarum" was being promulgated, even as sections of the Socialist Second International were turning terrorist, and preparing for class war.

The optimistic belief that one could compose music like Beethoven, paint like Rembrandt, study the universe like Plato and Nicolaus of Cusa, and change world society without violence, was alive in the 1890's--admittedly, it was weak, and under siege, but it was hardly dead. Yet, within twenty short years, these Classical traditions of human civilization had been all but swept away, and the West had committed itself to a series of wars of inconceivable carnage.

What started about a hundred years ago, was a counter-Renaissance.

The Renaissance of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries was a religious celebration of the human soul and mankind's potential for growth. Beauty in art could not be conceived of as anything less than the expression of the most-advanced scientific principles, as demonstrated by the geometry upon which Leonardo's perspective and Brunelleschi's great Dome of Florence Cathedral are based. The finest minds of the day turned their thoughts to the heavens and the mighty waters, and mapped the solar system and the route to the New World, planning great projects to turn the course of rivers for the betterment of mankind.

About a hundred years ago, it was as though a long checklist had been drawn up, with all of the wonderful achievements of the Renaissance itemized-- each to be reversed. As part of this " New Age" movement, as it was then called, the concept of the human soul was undermined by the most vociferous intellectual campaign in history; art was forcibly separated from science, and science itself was made the object of deep suspicion. Art was made ugly because, it was said, life had become ugly.

The cultural shift away from the Renaissance ideas that built the modern world, was due to a kind of freemasonry of ugliness. In the beginning, it was a formal political conspiracy to popularize theories that were specifically designed to weaken the soul of Judeo-Christian civilization in such a way as to make people believe that creativity was not possible, that adherence to universal truth was evidence of authoritarianism, and that reason itself was suspect. This conspiracy was decisive in planning and developing, as means of social manipulation, the vast new sister industries of radio, television, film, recorded music, advertising, and public opinion polling. The pervasive psychological hold of the media was purposely fostered to create the passivity and pessimism which afflict our populations today.

So successful was this conspiracy, that it has become embedded in our culture; it no longer needs to be a " conspiracy," for it has taken on a life of its own. Its successes are not debatable--you need only turn on the radio or television. Even the nomination of a Supreme Court Justice is deformed into an erotic soap opera, with the audience rooting from the sidelines for their favorite character.

Our universities, the cradle of our technological and intellectual future, have become overwhelmed by -style New Age "Political Correctness." With the collapse of the Soviet Union, our campuses now represent the largest concentration of Marxist Collectivist dogma in the world. The irrational adolescent outbursts of the 1960's have become institutionalized into a "permanent revolution." Our professors glance over their shoulders, hoping the current mode will blow over before a student's denunciation obliterates a life's work; some audio-tape their lectures, fearing accusations of "insensitivity" by some enraged "Red Guard." Students at the University of Virginia recently petitioned successfully to drop the requirement to read Homer, Chaucer, and other DEMS ("Dead European Males") because such writings are considered ethnocentric, phallocentric, and generally inferior to the "more relevant" Third World, female, or homosexual authors.

This is not the academy of a republic; this is Hitler's Gestapo and Stalin's NKVD rooting out "deviationists," and banning books--the only thing missing is the public bonfire.

We will have to face the fact that the ugliness we see around us has been consciously fostered and organized in such a way, that a majority of the population is losing the cognitive ability to transmit to the next generation, the ideas and methods upon which our civilization was built. The loss of that ability is the primary indicator of a Dark Age. And, a new Dark Age is exactly what we are in. In such situations, the record of history is unequivocal: either we create a Renaissance--a rebirth of the fundamental principles upon which civilization originated--or, our civilization dies.

I. The Frankfurt School and Postmodernism


Cultural Marxism - A Gramsci infiltration collectivist application of Marxist class warfare along a far broader spectrum of identities, such as race, gender, and sexuality, as opposed to solely along class lines; intersectionality.

First, Marxism only spoke to the oppression of the proletariat by the bourgeoisie, but now men oppress women, whites oppress blacks, heterosexuals oppress homosexuals, the able-bodied oppress the disabled, & cisgendered folk oppress trans folk; WHO you are is irrelevant, all that matters now is WHAT you are, which groups you are a member of, your personhood reduced to your arbitrary characteristics, to that of an object; this is Cultural Marxism - societal fragmentation. This is identity politics based on superficial differences, not, "based on character" - Dr Martin Luther King..

"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Now the whole World is Racist towards, "Angry White Men"

The single, most important organizational component of this conspiracy was a Communist thinktank called the Institute for Social Research (I.S.R.), but popularly known as the Frankfurt School, funded by the KGB of the Soviet Union who spent 75% of their budget on infiltration subversion in order to destroy their enemies.

In reality the Trillionaire Oligarchs supported the KGB in their efforts to subvert Western Civilisation as they have done to 21 rich and proud civilisations (Toynbee) conquered from within - thus Human trafficking, the White Slave Trade human sex and pedo trafficking, the Human Organ murder trafficking, the importation of illegal drugs and the promulgation of pornography and Sado Masochism as foundations of their fortunes and means of their destruction of Wealth and Western Civilisation.

Satanism is gradually being instituted as the New World Religion defined by Ritual.

21 Empires have been recorded and every one of them has failed in the same way. The facts have been recorded that a totalitarian and elite infil-traitored and took over all these Empires and that 21 once free, flourishing and rich republics were destroyed from within by Ritual - read Toynbee.

Infil-traition of Satanism is the methodology as slowly every Government Ministry and Societal function is taken over. Eventually a Satanist becomes King Emperor President. LGBTP - The Satanist Ritual Pillars of Homosexuality, Pederasty, Drugs and Ritual Sex - both Hetero and Homosexual - are introduced overtly as a prelude to Ritual Human Sacrifice. Christianity and Judaism - the bulwarks Against Satanism - are destroyed and then society destroyed through the fear of mandatory Ritual Human Sacrifice.

The Ancient Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Left and Right Politics, Dynastic Families, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, International Companies, Eugenics -

All of them Censoring Worldwide, Advanced Meditation techniques - Alchemical VITRIOL, the Kundalini Key and Energy Blockage Removal from every Meditation Program.. EXCEPT ENERGY ENHANCEMENT!!













Energy Blockages are , and it is this we see directly when we remove the blockages with the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course..

In order to remove blockages using the Level 2 Seven Step Process, Internally, we teach you how to Ground every trace of Energy which makes sick, which perverts, which degenerates!

Externally we see the effect of Energy Blockages and their creators, on the World..

Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, dedicated to Lucifer, is the practical handbook of Frankfurt School Subversion. Hillary Clinton did her University Dissertation on that book. Barrack Hussein Obama was an Allinsky ACORN Community Organiser in Chicago.

The Social Justice Warrior, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Acorn, is the outcome of Frankfurt School subversion. The SJW has infected All Universities, All Schools, All International Companies, destroying their efficiency and thus their ability to compete - Examples Tim Cook of Apple and Sundar Pichai of Google.

VOX DAY - DEI - SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police

VOX DAY - DEI - SJWs Always Double Down: Anticipating the Thought Police (The Laws of Social Justice)

All members of the Frankfurt School were satanists run by organisations. The list of their names and their actions to pervert society is related below.

Their intent, their aim was to pervert society by separating humanity from its soul thus dumming down the intellect and creating despair.

In the heady days immediately after the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, it was widely believed that proletarian revolution would momentarily sweep out of the Urals into Europe and, ultimately, North America. It did not; the only two attempts at workers' government in the West-- in Munich and Budapest--lasted only months. The Communist International therefore began several operations to determine why this was so. One such was headed by ""Georg Lukacs, "" a Hungarian aristocrat, son of one of the Hapsburg Empire's leading bankers.

Trained in Germany and already an important literary theorist, Lukacs became a Satanist during World War I, writing as he joined the party, "Who will save us from Western civilization?" Lukacs was well-suited to the task: he had been one of the Commissars of Culture during the short-lived Hungarian Soviet in Budapest in 1919; in fact, modern historians link the shortness of the Budapest experiment to Lukacs' orders mandating sex education in the schools, easy access to contraception, and the loosening of divorce laws--all of which revulsed Hungary's Roman Catholic population.

Fleeing to the Soviet Union after the counter-revolution, Lukacs was secreted into Germany in 1922, where he chaired a meeting of -oriented sociologists and intellectuals. This meeting founded the Institute for Social Research. Over the next decade, the Institute worked out what was to become the Satanists most successful psychological warfare operation against the capitalist West.

Lukacs identified that any political movement capable of bringing Satanism to the West would have to be, in his words, "demonic"; it would have to "possess the religious power which is capable of filling the entire soul; a power that characterized primitive Christianity."

However, Lukacs suggested, such a "" political movement could only succeed when the individual believes that his or her actions are determined by "not a personal destiny, but the destiny of the community" in a world ""that has been abandoned by God".

Satanism worked in Russia because that nation was dominated by a peculiar gnostic form of Christianty typified by the writings of Fyodor Dostoyevsky. "The model for the new man is Alyosha Karamazov," said Lukacs, referring to the Dostoyevsky character who willingly gave over his personal identity to a holy man, and thus ceased to be "unique, pure, and therefore abstract."

This abandonment of the soul's uniqueness also solves the problem of "the diabolic forces lurking in all violence" which must be unleashed in order to create a revolution.

In this context, Lukacs cited the Grand Inquisitor section of Dostoyevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov," noting that the Inquisitor who is interrogating Jesus, has resolved the issue of good and evil: once man has understood his alienation from God, then any act in the service of the "destiny of the community" is justified; such an act can be "neither crime nor madness.... For crime and madness are objectifications of transcendental homelessness."

According to an eyewitness, during meetings of the Hungarian Soviet leadership in 1919 to draw up lists for the firing squad, Lukacs would often quote the Grand Inquisitor: "And we who, for their happiness, have taken their sins upon ourselves, we stand before you and say, `Judge us if you can and if you dare.'|"

The Problem of Genesis
What differentiated the West from Russia, Lukacs identified, was a Judeo- Christian cultural matrix which emphasized exactly the uniqueness and sacredness of the individual which a Lukacs abjured.

At its core, the dominant Western ideology maintained that the individual, through the exercise of his or her reason, could discern the Divine Will in an unmediated relationship.

What was worse, from Lukacs' standpoint: this reasonable relationship necessarily implied that the individual could and should change the physical universe in pursuit of the Good; that Man should have dominion over Nature, as stated in the Biblical injunction in Genesis.

The problem was, that as long as the individual had the belief--or even the hope of the belief--that his or her divine spark of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation which Lukacs recognized as the necessary prerequisite for revolution.

The task of the Frankfurt School, then, was first, to undermine the Judeo- Christian legacy through an "abolition of culture" ("Aufhebung der Kultur" in Lukacs' German); and, second, to determine new cultural forms which would " increase the alienation of the population," thus creating a "new barbarism."



To this task, there gathered in and around the Frankfurt School an incredible assortment of not only Satanists, but also non-party socialists, radical phenomenologists, Zionists, renegade Freudians, and at least a few members of a self-identified , "cult of Astarte."

The variegated membership reflected, to a certain extent, the sponsorship: although the Institute for Social Research started with support, over the next three decades its sources of funds included various German and American universities, the Rockefeller Foundation, Columbia Broadcasting System, the American Jewish Committee, several American intelligence services, the Office of the U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, the International Labour Organization, and the Hacker Institute, a posh psychiatric clinic in Beverly Hills.

Similarly, the Frankfurt Institute's political allegiances: although top personnel maintained what might be called a sentimental relationship to the Soviet Union (and there is evidence that some of them worked for Soviet intelligence into the 1960's), the Institute saw its goals as higher than that of just Russian foreign policy but that of World Satanism.

Stalin, who was horrified at the undisciplined, "cosmopolitan" operation set up by his predecessors, cut the Institute off in the late 1920's, forcing Lukacs into "self-criticism," and briefly jailing him as a German sympathizer during World War II.

Lukacs survived to briefly take up his old post as Minister of Culture during the anti-Stalinist Imre Nagy regime in Hungary.

Of the other top Frankfurt Institute figures, all Satanists run by organisations, the political perambulations of ""Herbert Marcuse"" are typical.

He started as a Communist; became a protege of philosopher Martin Heidegger even as the latter was joining the Nazi Party; coming to America, he worked for the World War II Office of Strategic Services (OSS), and later became the U.S. State Department's top analyst of Soviet policy during the height of the McCarthy period; in the 1960's, he turned again, to become the most important guru of the New Left; and he ended his days helping to found the environmentalist extremist Green Party - Green is another operation to make people accept poverty - in West Germany.

In all this seeming incoherence of shifting positions and contradictory funding, there is no ideological conflict. The invariant is the desire of all parties to answer Lukacs' original question: "Who will save us Satanists from Western civilization?"

Theodor Adorno and Walter Benjamin

Perhaps the most important, if least-known, of the Frankfurt School's successes was the shaping of the electronic media of radio and television into the powerful instruments of social control which they represent today. This grew out of the work originally done by two men who came to the Institute in the late 1920's, ""Theodor Adorno"" and ""Walter Benjamin.""

After completing studies at the University of Frankfurt, Walter Benjamin planned to emigrate to Palestine in 1924 with his friend ""Gershom Scholem"" (who later became one of Israel's most famous philosophers, as well as Judaism's leading gnostic), but was prevented by a love affair with ""Asja Lacis,"" a Latvian actress and stringer - important people are often the aim of sexual agents, witches.

Lacis whisked him off to the Italian island of Capri, a cult center from the time of the Emperor Tiberius who gave the order to kill the Christ, then used as a training base; the heretofore apolitical Benjamin wrote Scholem from Capri, that he had found "an existential liberation and an intensive insight into the actuality of radical communism."

Lacis later took Benjamin to Moscow for further indoctrination, where he met playwright ""Bertolt Brecht,"" with whom he would begin a long collaboration; soon thereafter, while working on the first German translation of the drug- enthusiast French poet Baudelaire, Benjamin began serious experimentation with hallucinogens - often used in mind control.

In 1927, he was in Berlin as part of a group led by Adorno, studying the works of Lukacs; other members of the study group included Brecht and his homosexual composer-partner ""Kurt Weill;""

""Hans Eisler,"" another composer who would later become a Hollywood film score composer and co-author with Adorno of the textbook "Composition for the Film"; the avant-garde photographer ""Imre Moholy-Nagy""; and the conductor ""Otto Klemperer.""

From 1928 to 1932, Adorno and Benjamin had an intensive collaboration, at the end of which they began publishing articles in the Institute's journal, the "Zeitschrift faaur Sozialforschung."

Benjamin was kept on the margins of the Institute, largely due to Adorno, who would later appropriate much of his work.

As Hitler came to power, the Institute's staff fled, but, whereas most were quickly spirited away to new deployments in the U.S. and England, there were no job offers for Benjamin, probably due to the animus of Adorno. He went to France, and, after the German invasion, fled to the Spanish border; expecting momentary arrest by the Gestapo, he despaired and died in a dingy hotel room of self-administered drug overdose.

Benjamin's work remained almost completely unknown until 1955, when Scholem and Adorno published an edition of his material in Germany.
The full revival occurred in 1968, when ""Hannah Arendt,"" Heidegger's former mistress and a collaborator of the Frankfurt Institute in America, published a major article on Benjamin in the "New Yorker" magazine, followed in the same year by the first English translations of his work. Today, every university bookstore in the country boasts a full shelf devoted to translations of every scrap Benjamin wrote, plus exegesis, all with 1980's copyright dates.

Adorno was younger than Benjamin, and as aggressive as the older man was passive. Born Teodoro Wiesengrund-Adorno to a Corsican family, he was taught the piano at an early age by an aunt who lived with the family and had been the concert accompanist to the international opera star Adelina Patti. It was generally thought that Theodor would become a professional musician, and he studied with Bernard Sekles, Paul Hindemith's teacher.

However, in 1918, while still a "gymnasium" student, Adorno met ""Siegfried Kracauer."" Kracauer was part of a Kantian-Zionist salon which met at the house of ""Rabbi Nehemiah Nobel"" in Frankfurt; other members of the Nobel circle included philosopher "" Martin Buber,"" writer ""Franz Rosenzweig,"" and two students, ""Leo Lowenthal" " and "Erich Fromm."

Kracauer, Lowenthal, and Fromm would join the I.S.R. two decades later. Adorno engaged Kracauer to tutor him in the philosophy of Kant; Kracauer also introduced him to the writings of Lukacs and to Walter Benjamin, who was around the Nobel clique.

In 1924, Adorno moved to Vienna, to study with the atonalist composers "" Alban Berg"" and ""Arnold Schoenberg,"" and became connected to the avant- garde and occult circle around the old Marxist ""Karl Kraus."" Here, he not only met his future collaborator, Hans Eisler, but also came into contact with the theories of Freudian extremist ""Otto Gross."" Gross, a long-time cocaine addict, had died in a Berlin gutter in 1920, while on his way to help the revolution in Budapest; he had developed the theory that mental health could only be achieved through the revival of the ancient sex cult of Astarte, which would sweep away monotheism and the "bourgeois family."

Saving Marxist Aesthetics

By 1928, Adorno and Benjamin had satisfied their intellectual wanderlust, and settled down at the I.S.R. in Germany to do some work. As subject, they chose an aspect of the problem posed by Lukacs: how to give aesthetics a firmly materialistic basis. It was a question of some importance, at the time. Official Soviet discussions of art and culture, with their wild gyrations into "socialist realism" and "proletkult," were idiotic, and only served to discredit Marxism's claim to philosophy among intellectuals. Karl Marx's own writings on the subject were sketchy and banal, at best.

In essence, Adorno and Benjamin's problem was Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, Leibniz had once again obliterated the centuries-old gnostic dualism dividing mind and body, by demonstrating that matter does not think.

A creative act in art or science apprehends the truth of the physical universe, but it is not determined by that physical universe. By self-consciously concentrating the past in the present to effect the future, the creative act, properly defined, is as immortal as the soul which envisions the act. This has fatal philosophical implications for Marxism, which rests entirely on the hypothesis that mental activity is determined by the social relations excreted by mankind's production of its physical existence.

Marx sidestepped the problem of Leibniz, as did Adorno and Benjamin, although the latter did it with a lot more panache.

It is wrong, said Benjamin in his first articles on the subject, to start with the reasonable, hypothesizing mind as the basis of the development of civilization; this is an unfortunate legacy of Socrates.

As an alternative, Benjamin posed an Aristotelian fable (Aristotle the "Poisoner" because he poisoned Alexander the Great, was an Agent of the Babylonian Secret Services) in interpretation of Genesis: Assume that Eden were given to Adam as the primordial physical state.

The origin of science and philosophy does not lie in the investigation and mastery of nature, says Aristotle, but in the "naming" of the objects of nature; in the primordial state, to name a thing was to say all there was to say about that thing.

In support of this, Benjamin cynically recalled the opening lines of the Gospel according to St. John, carefully avoiding the philosophically-broader Greek, and preferring the Vulgate (so that, in the phrase "In the beginning was the Word," the connotations of the original Greek word "logos"--speech, reason, ratiocination, translated as "Word"--are replaced by the narrower meaning of the Latin word "verbum").

After the expulsion from Eden and God's requirement that Adam eat his bread earned by the sweat of his face (Benjamin's Marxist metaphor for the development of economies), and God's further curse of Babel on Nimrod (that is, the development of nation-states with distinct languages, which Benjamin and Marx viewed as a negative process away from the "primitive communism" of Eden), humanity became "estranged" from the physical world.

Thus, Benjamin continued, objects still give off an "aura" of their primordial form, but the truth is now hopelessly elusive. In fact, speech, written language, art, creativity itself--that by which we master physicality-- merely furthers the estrangement by attempting, in Marxist jargon, to incorporate objects of nature into the social relations determined by the class structure dominant at that point in history.

The theory therefore is that the creative artist or scientist, therefore, is a vessel, like Ion the rhapsode as he described himself to Socrates, or like a modern "chaos theory" advocate: the creative act springs out of the hodgepodge of culture as if by magic. The more that bourgeois man tries to convey what he intends about an object, the less truthful he becomes; or, in one of Benjamin's most oft-quoted statements, "Truth is the death of intention."

Yes there is no need to intend when you know, when you have the truth. But if you don't have the truth then intention is the only way you will get it!!

This philosophical sleight-of-hand allows one to do several destructive things. By making creativity historically-specific, you rob it of both immortality and morality.

One cannot hypothesize universal truth, or natural law, for truth is completely relative to historical development. By discarding the idea of truth and error, you also may throw out the "obsolete" concept of good and evil; you are, in the words of Friedrich Nietzsche, "beyond good and evil."

Benjamin is able, for instance, to defend what he calls the "Satanism" of the French Symbolists and their Surrealist successors, for at the core of this Satanism "one finds the cult of evil as a political device .. . to disinfect and isolate against all moralizing dilettantism" of the bourgeoisie.

Thus, we are told by these satanists that to condemn the Satanism of Rimbaud as evil, is as incorrect as to extol a Beethoven quartet or a Schiller poem as good; for both judgments are blind to the historical forces working "unconsciously" on the artist.

Thus, we are told by these satanists that the late Beethoven's chord structure was striving to be atonal, but Beethoven could not bring himself "consciously" to break with the structured world of Congress of Vienna Europe (Adorno's thesis); similarly, Schiller really wanted to state that creativity was the liberation of the erotic, but as a true child of the Enlightenment and Immanuel Kant, he could not make the requisite renunciation of reason (Marcuse's thesis).

Thus, we are told by these satanists that Epistemology becomes a poor relation of public opinion, since the artist does not consciously create works in order to uplift society, but instead unconsciously transmits the ideological assumptions of the culture into which he was born. The issue is no longer what is universally true, but what can be plausibly interpreted by the self-appointed guardians of the "Zeitgeist".

"The Bad New Days"

Thus, for the Frankfurt School, the goal of a cultural elite in the modern, "capitalist" era must be to strip away the belief that art derives from the self-conscious emulation of God the Creator; "religious illumination," says Benjamin, must be shown to "reside in a profane illumination, a materialistic, anthropological inspiration, to which hashish, opium, or whatever else can give an introductory lesson."

At the same time, "new cultural forms must be found to increase the alienation of the population," in order for it to understand how truly alienated it is to live without satanism. "Do not build on the good old days, but on the bad new ones," said Benjamin.

Thus, we are told by these satanists that the proper direction in painting, therefore, is that taken by the late Van Gogh, who began to paint objects in disintegration, with the equivalent of a hashish-smoker's eye that "loosens and entices things out of their familiar world."

Thus, we are told by these satanists that in music, "it is not suggested that one can compose better today" than Mozart or Beethoven, said Adorno, but one must compose atonally, for atonalism is sick, and "the sickness, dialectically, is at the same time the cure....The extraordinarily violent reaction protest which such music confronts in the present society ... appears nonetheless to suggest that the dialectical function of this music can already be felt ... negatively, as destruction.'|"

Thus, we are told by these satanists that the purpose of modern art, literature, and music must be to destroy the uplifting--therefore, bourgeois -- potential of art, literature, and music, so that man, "bereft of his connection to the divine," sees his only creative option to be political revolt. " The creation of terrorists, atheistic agentur, those who can kill without turning a hair, psychopaths.."

Thus, we are told by these satanists that to organize pessimism means nothing other than to expel the moral metaphor from politics and to discover in political action a sphere reserved one hundred percent for images."

Thus, Benjamin collaborated with Brecht to work these theories into practical form, and their joint effort culminated in the "Verfremdungseffekt" ("estrangement effect"), Brecht's attempt to write his plays so as to make the audience leave the theatre demoralized and aimlessly angry.

Political Correctness

The Adorno-Benjamin analysis represents almost the entire theoretical basis of all the politically correct aesthetic trends which now plague our universities.

The Poststructuralism of ""Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault,"" and ""Jacques Derrida,"" the Semiotics of ""Umberto Eco,"" the Deconstructionism of ""Paul DeMan,"" all openly cite Benjamin as the source of their work.

The Italian terrorist Eco's best-selling novel, "The Name of the Rose," is little more than a paean to Benjamin; DeMan, the former Nazi collaborator in Belgium who became a prestigious Yale professor, began his career translating Benjamin; Barthes' infamous 1968 statement that "[t]he author is dead," like Nietzche's "God is Dead" it means one has turned into, "That which is Cut Off from God" - a Satanist, and is meant as an elaboration of Benjamin's dictum on intention.

Benjamin has actually been called the heir of Leibniz and of Wilhelm von Humboldt, the philologist collaborator of Schiller whose educational reforms engendered the tremendous development of Germany in the nineteenth century, creating the university atmosphere which allowed true scientists like Einstein and Riemann to flourish, and which therefore had to be destroyed in World War Two.

But even though Benjamin is really their opposite, as recently as September 1991, the "Washington Post" referred to Benjamin as "the finest German literary theorist of the century (and many would have left off that qualifying German)."

Readers have undoubtedly heard one or another horror story about how an African-American Studies Department has procured a ban on "Othello", because it is "racist," or how a radical feminist professor lectured a Modern Language Association meeting on the witches as the "true heroines" of "Macbeth". These atrocities occur because the perpetrators are able to plausibly demonstrate, in the tradition of Benjamin and Adorno, that Shakespeare's intent is irrelevant; what is important, is the racist or phallocentric "subtext" of which Shakespeare was unconscious when he wrote.

When the local Women's Studies or Third World Studies Department organizes students to abandon classics in favor of modern Black and feminist authors, the reasons given are pure Benjamin. It is not that these modern writers are better, but they are somehow more truthful because their alienated prose reflects the modern social problems of which the older authors were ignorant! Students are being taught that language itself is, as Benjamin said, merely a conglomeration of false "names" foisted upon society by its oppressors, and are warned against "logocentrism," the bourgeois over-reliance on words.

Here we have a ly created rebellion against false chains in order to create the new real "Dummed Down" chains around the mind.

If these campus antics appear "retarded" (in the words of Adorno), that is because they are designed to be. The Frankfurt School's most important breakthrough consists in the realization that their monstrous theories could become dominant in the culture, as a result of the changes in society brought about by what Benjamin called "the age of mechanical reproduction of art."

II. The Establishment Goes : "Entertainment" Replaces Art

Before the twentieth century, the distinction between art and "entertainment" was much more pronounced. One could be entertained by art, certainly, but the experience was active, not passive.

On the first level, one had to make a conscious choice to go to a concert, to view a certain art exhibit, to buy a book or piece of sheet music. It was unlikely that any more than an infinitesimal fraction of the population would have the opportunity to see "King Lear" or hear Beethoven's Ninth Symphony more than once or twice in a lifetime.

Art demanded that one bring one's full powers of concentration and knowledge of the subject to bear on each experience, or else the experience were considered wasted. These were the days when memorization of poetry and whole plays, and the gathering of friends and family for a "parlor concert," were the norm, even in rural households. These were also the days before "music appreciation"; when one studied music, as many did, they learned to play it, not appreciate it.

However, the new technologies of radio, film, and recorded music represented, to use the appropriate buzz-word, a dialectical potential. On the one hand, these technologies held out the possibility of bringing the greatest works of art to millions of people who would otherwise not have access to them.

On the other, the fact that the experience was infinitely reproducible could be ally managed to tend to disengage the audience's mind, making the experience less sacred, thus increasing alienation.

Adorno called this process, "demythologizing." This new passivity, Adorno hypothesized in a crucial article published in 1938, could fracture a musical composition into the "entertaining" parts which would be "fetishized" in the memory of the listener, and the difficult parts, which would be forgotten.

Adorno continues the "dumming" down..

"The counterpart to the fetishism is a regression of listening. This does not mean a relapse of the individual listener into an earlier phase of his own development, nor a decline in the collective general level, since the millions who are reached musically for the first time by today's mass communications cannot be compared with the audiences of the past.

Rather, it is the contemporary listening which has regressed, arrested at the infantile stage. Not only do the listening subjects lose, along with the freedom of choice and responsibility, the capacity for the conscious perception of music .... [t]hey fluctuate between comprehensive forgetting and sudden dives into recognition.

They listen atomistically and dissociate what they hear, but precisely in this dissociation they develop certain capacities which accord less with the traditional concepts of aesthetics than with those of football or motoring. They are not childlike ... but they are childish; their primitivism is not that of the undeveloped, but that of the "forcibly retarded."

This conceptual retardation and preconditioning caused by listening, suggested that programming could determine preference. The very act of putting, say, a Benny Goodman number next to a Mozart sonata on the radio, would tend to amalgamate both into entertaining "music-on-the-radio" in the mind of the listener. This meant that even new and unpalatable ideas could become popular by "re-naming" them through the universal homogenizer of the culture industry."

As Benjamin puts it,

"Mechanical reproduction of art changes the reaction of the masses toward art. The reactionary attitude toward a Picasso painting changes into a progressive reaction toward a Chaplin movie. The progressive reaction is characterized by the direct, intimate fusion of visual and emotional enjoyment with the orientation of the expert.... With regard to the screen, the critical and receptive attitudes of the public coincide. The decisive reason for this is that the individual reactions are predetermined by the mass audience response they are about to produce, and this is nowhere more pronounced than in the film.

At the same time, the magic power of the media could be used to re-define previous ideas. "Shakespeare, Rembrandt, Beethoven will all make films," concluded Benjamin, quoting the French film pioneer ""Abel Gance,"" "... all legends, all mythologies, all myths, all founders of religions, and the very religions themselves ... await their exposed resurrection."

Social Control: The "Radio Project"

Here, then, were some potent theories of social control. The great possibilities of this Frankfurt School media work were probably the major contributing factor in the support given the I.S.R. by the bastions of the Establishment, after the Institute transferred its operations to America in 1934.

In 1937, the Rockefeller Foundation began funding research into the social effects of new forms of mass media, particularly radio. Before World War I, radio had been a hobbyist's toy, with only 125,000 receiving sets in the entire U.S.; twenty years later, it had become the primary mode of entertainment in the country; out of 32 million American families in 1937, 27.5 million had radios-- a larger percentage than had telephones, automobiles, plumbing, or electricity! Yet, almost no systematic research had been done up to this point. The Rockefeller Foundation enlisted several universities, and headquartered this network at the School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University. Named the Office of Radio Research, it was popularly known as "the Radio Project."

The director of the Project was ""Paul Lazersfeld,"" the foster son of Austrian Marxist economist Rudolph Hilferding, and a long-time collaborator of the I.S.R. from the early 1930's. Under Lazersfeld was ""Frank Stanton,"" a recent Ph.D. in industrial psychology from Ohio State, who had just been made research director of Columbia Broadcasting System--a grand title but a lowly position. After World War II, Stanton became president of the CBS News Division, and ultimately president of CBS at the height of the TV network's power; he also became Chairman of the Board of the RAND Corporation, and a member of President Lyndon Johnson's "kitchen cabinet." Among the Project's researchers were ""Herta Herzog,"" who married Lazersfeld and became the first director of research for the Voice of America; and ""Hazel Gaudet,"" who became one of the nation's leading political pollsters. Theodor Adorno was named chief of the Project's music section.

Despite the official gloss, the activities of the Radio Project make it clear that its purpose was to test empirically the Adorno-Benjamin thesis that the net effect of the mass media could be to atomize and increase lability-- what people would later call "brainwashing."

Soap Operas and the Invasion from Mars

The first studies were promising. Herta Herzog produced "On Borrowed Experiences," the first comprehensive research on soap operas. The "serial radio drama" format was first used in 1929, on the inspiration of the old, cliff-hanger "Perils of Pauline" film serial. Because these little radio plays were highly melodramatic, they became popularly identified with Italian grand opera; because they were often sponsored by soap manufacturers, they ended up with the generic name, "soap opera."

Until Herzog's work, it was thought that the immense popularity of this format was largely with women of the lowest socioeconomic status who, in the restricted circumstances of their lives, needed a helpful escape to exotic places and romantic situations. A typical article from that period by two University of Chicago psychologists, "The Radio Day-Time Serial: Symbol Analysis" published in the "Genetic Psychology Monographs", solemnly emphasized the positive, claiming that the soaps "function very much like the folk tale, expressing the hopes and fears of its female audience, and on the whole contribute to the integration of their lives into the world in which they live."

Herzog found that there was, in fact, no correlation to socioeconomic status. What is more, there was surprisingly little correlation to content. The key factor

-- as Adorno and Benjamin's theories suggested it would be

-- was the "form" itself of the serial; women were

being effectively addicted to the format, not so much to be entertained or to escape, but to "find out what happens next week." In fact, Herzog found, you could almost double the listenership of a radio play by dividing it into segments.

Modern readers will immediately recognize that this was not a lesson lost on the entertainment industry. Nowadays, the serial format has spread to children's programming and high-budget prime time shows. The most widely watched shows in the history of television, remain the "Who Killed JR?" installment of "Dallas", and the final episode of "M*A*S*H", both of which were premised on a "what happens next?" format. Even feature films, like the "Star Wars" and "Back to the Future" trilogies, are now produced as serials, in order to lock in a viewership for the later installments. The humble daytime soap also retains its addictive qualities in the current age: 70% of all American women over eighteen now watch at least two of these shows each day, and there is a fast-growing viewership among men and college students of both sexes.

The Radio Project's next major study was an investigation into the effects of ""Orson Welles'"" Halloween 1938 radioplay based on H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds." Six million people heard the broadcast realistically describing a Martian invasion force landing in rural New Jersey. Despite repeated and clear statements that the show was fictional, approximately 25% of the listeners thought it was real, some panicking outright. The Radio Project researchers found that a majority of the people who panicked did not think that men from Mars had invaded; they actually thought that "the Germans" had invaded.

It happened this way. The listeners had been psychologically pre-conditioned by radio reports from the Munich crisis earlier that year. During that crisis, CBS's man in Europe, ""Edward R. Murrow,"" hit upon the idea of breaking into regular programming to present short news bulletins. For the first time in broadcasting, news was presented not in longer analytical pieces, but in short clips--what we now call "audio bites." At the height of the crisis, these flashes got so numerous, that, in the words of Murrow's producer ""Fred Friendly,"" "news bulletins were interrupting news bulletins." As the listeners thought that the world was moving to the brink of war, CBS ratings rose dramatically. When Welles did his fictional broadcast later, after the crisis had receded, he used this news bulletin technique to give things verisimilitude: he started the broadcast by faking a standard dance-music program, which kept getting interrupted by increasingly terrifying "on the scene reports" from New Jersey. Listeners who panicked, reacted not to content, but to format; they heard "We interrupt this program for an emergency bulletin," and "invasion," and immediately concluded that Hitler had invaded. The soap opera technique, transposed to the news, had worked on a vast and unexpected scale.

Little Annie and the "Wagnerian Dream" of TV

In 1939, one of the numbers of the quarterly "Journal of Applied Psychology" was handed over to Adorno and the Radio Project to publish some of their findings. Their conclusion was that Americans had, over the last twenty years, become "radio-minded," and that their listening had become so fragmented that repetition of format was the key to popularity. The play list determined the "hits"--a truth well known to organized crime, both then and now--and repetition could make any form of music or any performer, even a classical music performer, a "star." As long as a familiar form or context was retained, almost any content would become acceptable. "Not only are hit songs, stars, and soap operas cyclically recurrent and rigidly invariable types," said Adorno, summarizing this material a few years later, "but the specific content of the entertainment itself is derived from them and only appears to change. The details are interchangeable."

The crowning achievement of the Radio Project was "Little Annie," officially titled the Stanton-Lazersfeld Program Analyzer. Radio Project research had shown that all previous methods of preview polling were ineffectual. Up to that point, a preview audience listened to a show or watched a film, and then was asked general questions: did you like the show? what did you think of so-and-so's performance? The Radio Project realized that this method did not take into account the test audience's atomized perception of the subject, and demanded that they make a rational analysis of what was intended to be an irrational experience. So, the Project created a device in which each test audience member was supplied with a type of rheostat on which he could register the intensity of his likes or dislikes on a moment-to-moment basis. By comparing the individual graphs produced by the device, the operators could determine, not if the audience liked the whole show -- which was irrelevant--but, which situations or characters produced a positive, if momentary, feeling state.

Little Annie transformed radio, film, and ultimately television programming. CBS still maintains program analyzer facilities in Hollywood and New York; it is said that results correlate 85% to ratings. Other networks and film studios have similar operations. This kind of analysis is responsible for the uncanny feeling you get when, seeing a new film or TV show, you think you have seen it all before. You have, many times. If a program analyzer indicates that, for instance, audiences were particularly titilated by a short scene in a World War II drama showing a certain type of actor kissing a certain type of actress, then that scene format will be worked into dozens of screenplays--transposed to the Middle Ages, to outer space, etc., etc.

The Radio Project also realized that television had the potential to intensify all of the effects that they had studied. TV technology had been around for some years, and had been exhibited at the 1936 World's Fair in New York, but the only person to attempt serious utilization of the medium had been Adolf Hitler. The Nazis broadcast events from the 1936 Olympic Games "live" to communal viewing rooms around Germany; they were trying to expand on their great success in using radio to Nazify all aspects of German culture. Further plans for German TV development were sidetracked by war preparations. Adorno understood this potential perfectly, writing in 1944:

Television aims at the synthesis of radio and film, and is held up only because the interested parties have not yet reached agreement, but its consequences will be quite enormous and promise to intensify the impoverishment of aesthetic matter so drastically, that by tomorrow the thinly veiled identity of all industrial culture products can come triumphantly out in the open, derisively fulfilling the Wagnerian dream of the "Gesamtkunstwerk"--the fusion of all the arts in one work.

The obvious point is this: the profoundly irrational forms of modern entertainment--the stupid and eroticized content of most TV and films, the fact that your local Classical music radio station programs Stravinsky next to Mozart--don't have to be that way. They were designed to be that way. The design was so successful, that today, no one even questions the reasons or the origins.

III. The Thought Police Creating "Public Opinion": The "Authoritarian Personality" Bogeyman and the OSS

The efforts of the Radio Project conspirators to manipulate the population, spawned the modern pseudoscience of public opinion polling, in order to gain greater control over the methods they were developing.

Opinion Polls are merely opinion, they have no whole total truth behind them. They are only a partial truth, therefore they are a lie.

Their purpose is to put some popularity behind opinions designed to denigrate humanity, to bestialise humanity as having no consciousness, no soul, no God - as a beast in the field, an animal.

It is a axiom that the Soul does not exist; thus God does not exist.

That same humanity of "Imago Dei", controlled by the Soul, "Not my Will but Thy Will be Done!!" under the leadership of God!!

Today, public opinion polls, like the television news, have been completely integrated into our society. A "scientific survey" of what people are said to think about an issue can be produced in less than twenty-four hours. Some campaigns for high political office are completely shaped by polls; in fact, many poll-iticians try to create issues which are themselves meaningless, but which they know will look good in the polls, purely for the purpose of enhancing their image as "popular." Important policy decisions are made, even before the actual vote of the citizenry or the legislature, by poll results. Newspapers will occasionally write pious editorials calling on people to think for themselves, even as the newspaper's business agent sends a check to the local polling organization.

The idea of "public opinion" is not new, of course. Plato spoke against it in his "Republic" over two millenia ago; Alexis de Tocqueville wrote at length of its influence over America in the early nineteenth century. But, nobody thought to "measure" public opinion before the twentieth century, and nobody before the 1930's thought to use those measurements for decision-making.

It is useful to pause and reflect on the whole concept. The belief that public opinion can be a determinant of truth is philosophically insane.

Eat shit, ten billion flies can't be wrong!!

It precludes the idea of the rational individual mind. Every individual mind contains the divine spark of reason, and is thus capable of scientific discovery, and understanding the discoveries of others. The individual mind is one of the few things that cannot, therefore, be "averaged."

Consider: at the moment of creative discovery, it is possible, if not probable, that the scientist making the discovery is the "only" person to hold that opinion about nature. He is right. He has proved it right. And everyone else has a different opinion, or no opinion.

One can only imagine what a "scientifically-conducted survey" on Kepler's model of the solar system would have been, shortly after he published the "Harmony of the World:" 2% for, 48% against, 50% no opinion.

The Lower sub-personalities within the human mind like the Authoritarian are usually under the control of the Soul. If it isn't, it's a bad Authoritarian. There is a good, Soul controlled Authoritarian!! By ally focussing on the lower and ignoring the Soul the lower bad sub-personalities are promoted and a society is revealed.

In Adorno's Theory the Authoritarian Personalities of Jesus and Plato was just as bad as the Authoritarian Personality of Hitler, - But obviously they are not!! What separates them is the good intention or bad intention of the Soul or of Satan!!

Because good people using the good Authoritarian personality to fight against tyranny are defined as bad by a Stalin or Hitler, then these authoritarians must Gulagged, killed and incinerated.

We can see this when the bad Emperor killed all the Jedi in, "The Revenge of the Sith" using the above as an excuse.

These psychoanalytic survey techniques became standard, not only for the Frankfurt School, but also throughout American social science departments, particularly after the I.S.R. arrived in the United States. The methodology was the basis of the research piece for which the Frankfurt School is most well known, the "authoritarian personality" project.

In 1942, I.S.R. director "" Max Horkheimer"" made contact with the American Jewish Committee, which asked him to set up a Department of Scientific Research within its organization. The American Jewish Committee also provided a large grant to study anti-Semitism in the American population. "Our aim," wrote Horkheimer in the introduction to the study, "is not merely to describe prejudice, but to explain it in order to help in its eradication.... Eradication means reeducation scientifically planned on the basis of understanding scientifically arrived at."

If the re-education of the errant humanity fails through Gulags, FEMA Camps, torture, and Mind Control, - trauma based, using drugs, hypnosis and chips in the brain then errant humanity must be eradicated probably through zyklon poison gas, mass graves, and incineration.

The A-S "Authoritarian Personality" Scale

Ultimately, five volumes were produced for this study over the course of the late 1940's; the most important was the last, "The Authoritarian Personality," by Adorno, with the help of three Berkeley, California social psychologists.

In the 1930's Erich Fromm had devised a questionnaire to be used to analyze German workers pychoanalytically as "authoritarian," "revolutionary" or "ambivalent." The heart of Adorno's study was, once again, Fromm's psychoanalytic scale, but with the positive end changed from a "revolutionary personality," to a "democratic personality," in order to make things more palatable for a postwar audience.

Nine lower personality traits were tested and measured, including:

1. ""authoritarian aggression""--the tendency to be on the look-out for, to condemn, reject and punish, people who violate conventional values
2. ""projectivity""--the disposition to believe that wild and dangerous things go on in the world
3. ""sex""--exaggerated concern with sexual goings-on.
4. ""conventionalism""--rigid adherence to conventional, middle-class values..

From these measurements were constructed several scales:
1. the E Scale (ethnocentrism),
2. the PEC Scale (poltical and economic conservatism),
3. the A-S Scale (anti-Semitism),
4. the F Scale (fascism).

Using Rensis Lickerts's methodology of weighting results, the authors were able to tease together an empirical definition of what Adorno called "a new anthropological type," the authoritarian personality.

The legerdemain here, as in all psychoanalytic survey work, is the assumption of a lower Weberian "type." There is no looking for, measurement, naming of the higher type. Once the type has been statistically determined, all behavior can be explained; if an anti-Semitic personality does not act in an anti-Semitic way, then he or she has an ulterior motive for the act, or is being discontinuous.

It is a axiom that the Soul does not exist; thus God does not exist.

By not naming and measuring the higher organising Soul, from "the Truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth;" the whole truth is ignored and what remains is a lie.

The idea that a human mind is capable of transformation through the organising ruling efect of the Soul, is ignored.

The results of this very study can be interpreted in diametrically different ways. One could say that the study proved that the population of the U.S. was generally conservative, did not want to abandon a capitalist economy, believed in a strong family and that sexual promiscuity should be punished, thought that the postwar world was a dangerous place, and was still suspicious of Jews (and Blacks, Roman Catholics, Orientals, etc. -- unfortunately true, but correctable in a social context of economic growth and cultural optimism).

On the other hand, one could take the same results and prove that anti-Jewish pogroms and Nuremburg rallies were simmering just under the surface, waiting for a new Hitler to ignite them. Which of the two interpretations you accept is a political, not a scientific, decision.

Horkheimer and Adorno firmly believed that all religions, Judaism included, were "the opiate of the masses."

Their goal was not the protection of Jews from prejudice, but the creation of a definition of authoritarianism and anti-Semitism which could be exploited to force the "scientifically planned reeducation" of Americans and Europeans away from the principles of Judeo-Christian civilization, which the Frankfurt School despised.

In their theoretical writings of this period, Horkheimer and Adorno pushed the thesis to its most paranoid: just as capitalism was inherently fascistic, the philosophy of Christianity itself is the source of anti-Semitism. As Horkheimer and Adorno jointly wrote in their 1947 "Elements of Anti-Semitism":

The Authoritarian Christ, the spirit become flesh, is the deified sorcerer. Man's self- reflection in the absolute, the humanization of God by Christ, is the "proton pseudos" [the original falsehood].

Progress beyond Judaism is coupled with the assumption that the man Jesus has become God.
The reflective aspect of Christianity, the intellectualization of magic, is the root of evil.

At the same time, Horkheimer could write in a more-popularized article titled "Anti-Semitism: A Social Disease," that "at present, the only country where there does not seem to be any kind of anti-Semitism is Russia"[!].

This self-serving attempt to maximize paranoia was further aided by Hannah Arendt, who popularized the authoritarian personality research in her widely- read "Origins of Totalitarianism". Arendt also added the famous rhetorical flourish about the "banality of evil" in her later "Eichmann in Jerusalem:" even a simple, shopkeeper-type like Eichmann can turn into a Nazi beast under the right psychological circumstances--every Gentile is suspect, psychoanalytically.

It is Arendt's extreme version of the authoritarian personality thesis which is the operant philosophy of today's Cult Awareness Network (CAN), a group which works with the U.S. Justice Department and the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith, among others. Using standard Frankfurt School method, CAN identifies political and religious groups which are its political enemies, then re-labels them as a "cult," in order to justify operations against them.

The Public Opinion Explosion

Despite its central thesis of these lower "psychoanalytic types," not under the leadership of but without the leadership of the Soul and God, the interpretive survey methodology of the Frankfurt School became dominant in the social sciences, and essentially remains so today.

In fact, the adoption of these new, supposedly scientific techniques in the 1930's brought about an explosion of "opinion" in public-opinion survey use, much of it funded by Madison Avenue. The major pollsters of today--""A.C. Neilsen, George Gallup, Elmo Roper""-- started in the mid-1930's, and began using the I.S.R. methods, especially given the success of the Stanton-Lazersfeld Program Analyzer. By 1936, polling activity had become sufficiently widespread to justify a trade association, the American Academy of Public Opinion Research at Princeton, headed by Lazersfeld; at the same time, the University of Chicago created the National Opinion Research Center. In 1940, the Office of Radio Research was turned into the Bureau of Applied Social Research, a division of Columbia University, with the indefatigable Lazersfeld as director.

After World War II, Lazersfeld especially pioneered the use of surveys to psychoanalyze American voting behavior, and by the 1952 Presidential election, Madison Avenue advertising agencies were firmly in control of Dwight Eisenhower's campaign, utilizing Lazersfeld's work. Nineteen fifty-two was also the first election under the influence of television, which, as Adorno had predicted eight years earlier, had grown to incredible influence in a very short time. Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborne -- the fabled "BBD&O" ad agency--designed Ike's campaign appearances entirely for the TV cameras, and as carefully as Hitler's Nuremberg rallies; one-minute "spot" advertisements were pioneered to cater to the survey-determined needs of the voters.

This snowball has not stopped rolling since. The entire development of television and advertising in the 1950's and 1960's was pioneered by men and women who were trained in the Frankfurt School's techniques of mass alienation from the Soul and God.

Frank Stanton went directly from the Radio Project to become the single most- important leader of modern television. Stanton's chief rival in the formative period of TV was NBC's ""Sylvester "Pat" Weaver""; after a Ph.D. in "listening behavior," Weaver worked with the Program Analyzer in the late 1930's, before becoming a Young & Rubicam vice-president, then NBC's director of programming, and ultimately the network's president. Stanton and Weaver's stories are typical.

Today, the men and women who run the networks, the ad agencies, and the polling organizations, even if they have never heard of Theodor Adorno, firmly believe in Adorno's theory that the media can, and should, turn all they touch into "football" and leave out anything which could take people higher, the dumming down of society. Coverage of the 1991 Gulf War should make that clear.

The dumming down technique concentrating on the "lower" and ignoring the "higher" in mass media and advertising developed by the Frankfurt School now effectively controls American political campaigning.

Campaigns are no longer based on political programs, but actually on alienation. Petty gripes and irrational fears are identified by psychoanalytic survey, to be transmogrified into "issues" to be catered to; the "Willy Horton" ads of the 1988 Presidential campaign, and the "flag-burning amendment," are but two recent examples. Issues that will determine the future of our civilization, are scrupulously reduced to photo opportunities and audio bites--like Ed Murrow's original 1930's radio reports--where the dramatic effect is maximized, and the idea content is zero.

The authoritarian personality Hoax: Who Is the Enemy?


Part of the influence of the authoritarian personality hoax in our own day also derives from the fact that, incredibly, the Frankfurt School and its theories were officially accepted by the U.S. government during World War II, and these Satanists were responsible for determining who were America's wartime, "and postwar," enemies.

Opinions which served Operation Paperclip where psychopathic Nazi Scientists like Mengele were recruited by the USA for programs including Mind Kontrol MKULTRA and the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Fusion Bomb technology.

In 1942, the Office of Strategic Services, America's hastily-constructed espionage and covert operations unit, asked former Harvard president James Baxter to form a Research and Analysis (R&A) Branch under the group's Intelligence Division. By 1944, the R&A Branch had collected such a large and prestigeous group of emigre scholars that H. Stuart Hughes, then a young Ph. D., said that working for it was "a second graduate education" at government expense.

The Central European Section - all Satanists - was headed by historian ""Carl Schorske;" " under him, in the all-important Germany/Austria Section, was ""Franz Neumann, "" as section chief, with ""Herbert Marcuse, Paul Baran,"" and ""Otto Kirchheimer,"" all I.S.R. veterans. ""Leo Lowenthal"" headed the German- language section of the Office of War Information; ""Sophie Marcuse,"" Marcuse's wife, worked at the Office of Naval Intelligence.

Also at the R&A Branch were: ""Siegfried Kracauer,"" Adorno's old Kant instructor, now a film theorist; ""Norman O. Brown,"" who would become famous in the 1960's by combining Marcuse's hedonism theory with ""Wilhelm Reich's"" orgone therapy to popularize "polymorphous sexual perversity"; ""Barrington Moore, Jr.,"" later a philosophy professor who would co-author a book with Marcuse; ""Gregory Bateson,"" the husband of anthropologist ""Dame Margaret Mead"" (who wrote for the Frankfurt School's journal), and ""Arthur Schlesinger,"" the historian who joined the Kennedy Administration.

Marcuse's first assignment was to head a team to identify both those who would be tried as war criminals after the war, those who could be recruited by America, and also those who were potential leaders of postwar Germany.

In 1944, Marcuse, Neumann, and Kirchheimer wrote the "Denazification Guide", which was later issued to officers of the U.S. Armed Forces occupying Germany, to help them identify and suppress pro-Nazi behaviors. After the armistice, the R&A Branch sent representatives to work as intelligence liaisons with the various occupying powers; Marcuse was assigned the U.S. Zone, Kirchheimer the French, and Barrington Moore the Soviet. In the summer of 1945, Neumann left to become chief of research for the Nuremburg Tribunal.

Marcuse remained in and around U. S. intelligence into the early 1950's, rising to the chief of the Central European Branch of the State Department's Office of Intelligence Research, an office formally charged with "planning and implementing a program of positive- intelligence research ... to meet the intelligence requirements of the Central Intelligence Agency and other authorized agencies."

During his tenure as a U.S. government official, Marcuse supported the division of Germany into East and West, noting that this would prevent an alliance between the newly liberated left-wing parties and the old, conservative industrial and business layers. In 1949, he produced a 532-page report, "The Potentials of World Communism" (declassified only in 1978), which suggested that the Marshall Plan economic stabilization of Europe would limit the recruitment potential of Western Europe's Communist Parties to acceptable levels, causing a period of hostile co-existence with the Soviet Union, marked by confrontation only in faraway places like Latin America and Indochina--in all, a surprisingly accurate forecast. Marcuse left the State Department with a Rockefeller Foundation grant to work with the various Soviet Studies departments which were set up at many of America's top universities after the war, largely by R&A Branch veterans.

At the same time, Max Horkheimer was doing even greater damage. As part of the denazification of Germany suggested by the R&A Branch, U.S. High Commissioner for Germany John J. McCloy, using personal discretionary funds, brought Horkheimer back to Germany to reform the German university system. In fact, McCloy asked President Truman and Congress to pass a bill granting Horkheimer, who had become a naturalized American, dual citizenship; thus, for a brief period, Horkheimer was the only person in the world to hold both German and U.S. citizenship. In Germany, Horkheimer began the spadework for the full- blown revival of the Frankfurt School in that nation in the late 1950's, including the training of a whole new generation of anti-Western civilization scholars like ""Hans-Georg Gadamer"" and ""Juurgen Habermas,"" who would have such destructive influence in 1960's Germany.

In a period of American history when some individuals were being hounded into unemployment and suicide for the faintest aroma of leftism, Frankfurt School veterans--all with superb credentials -- led what can only be called charmed lives. America had, to an incredible extent, handed the determination of who were the nation's enemies, over to the nation's own worst enemies.

IV. The Aristotelian "Eros": Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll

Marcuse and the CIA's Drug Counterculture
In 1989, Hans-Georg Gadamer, a protege of Martin Heidegger and the last of the original Frankfurt School generation, was asked to provide an appreciation of his own work for the German newspaper, "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung." He wrote,

One has to conceive of Aristotle's ethics as a true fulfillment of the Socratic challenge, which Plato had placed at the center of his dialogues on the Socratic question of the good.... Plato described the idea of the good ... as the ultimate and highest idea, which is supposedly the highest principle of being for the universe, the state, and the human soul. Against this Aristotle opposed a decisive critique, under the famous formula, "Plato is my friend, but the truth is my friend even more." He denied that one could consider the idea of the good as a universal principle of being, which is supposed to hold in the same way for theoretical knowledge as for practical knowledge and human activity.?

Rembrandt - Aristotle in Darkness as he touches the Enlightened Golden Head of Plato

I have written previously how Aristotle, "the poisoner" was a secret agent for the Babylonians, who was sent to tutor Alexander the Great when his father was working for the Babylonians to develop an army to take over Europe. When Alexander reneged on the deal and instead attacked and took over Babylon, the revenge was that Alexander died of the Borgia cup, the poisoned chalice. His next given task was to pervert the work of Plato and Socrates and thus ally pervert the minds of all who read him.

This statement not only succinctly states the underlying philosophy of the Frankfurt School, it also suggests an inflection point around which we can order much of the philosophical combat of the last two millenia. In the simplest terms, the Aristotelian correction of Plato sunders physics from metaphysics, relegating the Good to a mere object of speculation about which "our knowledge remains only a hypothesis," in the words of Wilhelm Dilthey, the Frankfurt School's favorite philosopher. Our knowledge of the "real world, " as Dilthey, Nietzsche, and other precursors of the Frankfurt School were wont to emphasize, becomes "erotic," in the broadest sense of that term, as object fixation.

The universe becomes a collection of things which each operate on the basis of their own natures (that is, genetically), and through interaction between themselves (that is, mechanistically). Science becomes the deduction of the appropriate categories of these natures and interactions. Since the human mind is merely a sensorium, waiting for the Newtonian apple to jar it into deduction, humanity's relationship to the world (and vice versa) becomes an erotic attachment to objects. The comprehension of the universal--the mind's seeking to be the living image of the living God--is therefore illusory. That universal either does not exist, or it exists incomprehensibly as a "deus ex machina;" that is, the Divine exists as a superaddition to the physical universe

-- God is really Zeus, flinging thunderbolts into the world from some outside location. (Or, perhaps more appropriately: God is really Cupid, letting loose golden arrows to make objects attract, and leaden arrows to make objects repel.)

The key to the entire Frankfurt School program, from originator Lukacs on, is the "liberation" of Aristotelian "eros," to make individual feeling states psychologically primary - the hypersexualisation of humanity.

When the I.S.R. leaders arrived in the United States in the mid-1930's, they exulted that here was a place which had no adequate philosophical defenses against their brand of "Kulturpessimismus" [cultural pessimism].

However, although the Frankfurt School made major inroads in American intellectual life before World War II, that influence was largely confined to academia and to radio; and radio, although important, did not yet have the overwhelming influence on social life that it would acquire during the war. Furthermore, America's mobilization for the war, and the victory against fascism, sidetracked the Frankfurt School schedule; America in 1945 was almost sublimely optimistic, with a population firmly convinced that a mobilized republic, backed by science and technology, could do just about anything.

The fifteen years after the war, however, saw the domination of family life by the radio and television shaped by the Frankfurt School, in a period of political erosion in which the great positive potential of America degenerated to a purely negative posture against the real and, oftentimes manipulated, threat of the Soviet Union. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of the young generation--the so-called baby boomers--were entering college and being exposed to the Frankfurt School's poison, either directly or indirectly. It is illustrative, that by 1960, sociology had become the most popular course of study in American universities.

Indeed, when one looks at the first stirrings of the student rebellion at the beginning of the 1960's, like the speeches of the Berkeley Free Speech Movement or the Port Huron Statement which founded the Students for a Democratic Society, one is struck with how devoid of actual content these discussions were. There is much anxiety about being made to conform to the system--"I am a human being; do not fold, spindle, or mutilate" went an early Berkeley slogan--but it is clear that the "problems" cited derive much more from the partial, "truth" of required sociology textbooks, than from the real needs of the society.

The CIA's Psychedelic Revolution
The simmering unrest on campus in 1960 might well too have passed or had a positive outcome, were it not for the traumatic decapitation of the nation through the Kennedy assassination, plus the simultaneous introduction of widespread drug use. Drugs have always been the method of choice to Dumb down and thus control societies because it brings incredible black profits to fund programs.

Drugs had always been an "analytical tool" of the nineteenth century Romantics, like the French Symbolists, and were popular among the European and American Bohemian fringe well into the post-World War II period. But, in the second half of the 1950's, the CIA and allied intelligence services began extensive experimentation with the hallucinogen LSD to investigate its potential for social control.

It has now been documented that millions of doses of the chemical were produced and disseminated under the aegis of the CIA's Operation MK-Ultra. LSD became the drug of choice within the agency itself, and was passed out freely to friends of the family, including a substantial number of OSS veterans. For instance, it was OSS Research and Analysis Branch veteran Gregory Bateson who "turned on" the Beat poet ""Allen Ginsberg"" to a U.S. Navy LSD experiment in Palo Alto, California.

Not only Ginsberg, but novelist ""Ken Kesey"" and the original members of the Grateful Dead rock group opened the doors of perception courtesy of the Navy. The guru of the "psychedelic revolution," ""Timothy Leary,"" first heard about hallucinogens in 1957 from "Life" magazine (whose publisher, ""Henry Luce,"" was often given government acid, like many other opinion shapers), and began his career as a CIA contract employee; at a 1977 "reunion" of acid pioneers, Leary openly admitted, "everything I am, I owe to the foresight of the CIA."


Dali - sleep


Hallucinogens have the singular effect of making the victim asocial, totally self-centered, and concerned with objects. Even the most banal objects take on the "aura" which Benjamin had talked about, and become timeless and delusionarily profound. In other words, hallucinogens instantaneously achieve a state of mind identical to that prescribed by the Frankfurt School theories. And, the popularization of these chemicals created a vast psychological lability for bringing those theories into practice.

Thus, the situation at the beginning of the 1960's represented a brilliant re-entry point for the Frankfurt School, and it was fully exploited. One of the crowning ironies of the "Now Generation" of 1964 on, is that, for all its protestations of utter modernity, none of its ideas or artifacts was less than thirty years old. The political theory came completely from the Frankfurt School; ""Lucien Goldmann,"" a French radical who was a visiting professor at Columbia in 1968, was absolutely correct when he said of Herbert Marcuse in 1969 that "the student movements ... found in his works and ultimately "in his works alone" the theoretical formulation of their problems and aspirations."

The long hair and sandals, the free love communes, the macrobiotic food, the liberated lifestyles, had been designed at the turn of the century, and thoroughly field-tested by various, Frankfurt School-connected New Age social experiments like the Ascona commune before 1920. Even Tom Hayden's defiant "Never trust anyone over thirty," was merely a less-urbane version of Rupert Brooke's 1905, "Nobody over thirty is worth talking to." The social planners who shaped the 1960's simply relied on already-available materials.

The Frankfurt School's original 1930's survey work, including the "authoritarian personality," was based on psychoanalytic categories developed by Erich Fromm. Fromm derived these categories from the theories of J.J. Bachofen, a collaborator of Nietzsche and Richard Wagner, who claimed that human civilization was originally "matriarchal." This primoridial period of "gynocratic democracy" and dominance of the Magna Mater (Great Mother) cult, said Bachofen, was submerged by the development of rational, authoritarian "patriarchism," including monotheistic religion. Later, Fromm utilized this theory to claim that support for the nuclear family was evidence of authoritarian tendencies.

In 1970, forty years after he first proclaimed the importance of Bachofen's theory, the Frankfurt School's Erich Fromm surveyed how far things had developed. He listed seven "social-psychological changes" which indicated the advance of matriarchism over patriarchism:

1. "The failure of the patriarchal-authoritarian system to fulfill its function," including the prevention of pollution

2. "Democratic revolutions" which operate on the basis of "manipulated consent"

3. "The women's revolution"

4. "Children's and adolescents' revolution," based on the work of Benjamin Spock and others, allowing children new, and more-adequate ways to express rebellion

5. The rise of the radical youth movement, which fully embraces Bachofen, in its emphasis on group sex, loose family structure, and unisex clothing and behaviors

6. The increasing use of Bachofen by professionals to correct Freud's overly- sexual analysis of the mother-son relationship--this would make Freudianism less threatening and more palatable to the general population

7. "The vision of the consumer paradise.... In this vision, technique assumes the characteristics of the Great Mother, a technical instead of a natural one, who nurses her children and pacifies them with a never-ceasing lullaby in the form of radio and television. In the process, man becomes emotionally an infant, feeling secure in the hope that mother's breasts will always supply abundant milk, and that decisions need no longer be made by the individual."

An overwhelming amount of the philosophy and artifacts of the American counterculture of the 1960's, plus the New Age nonsense of today, derives from a large-scale social experiment sited in Ascona, Switzerland from about 1910 to 1935.

Originally a resort area for members of Luciferian ""Helena Blavatsky's"" Theosophy cult, the little Swiss village became the haven for every occult, leftist and racialist sect of the original New Age movement of the early twentieth century. By the end of World War I, Ascona was indistinguishable from what Haight- Ashbury would later become, filled with health food shops, occult book stores hawking the "I Ching", and "Naturmenschen", "Mr. Naturals" who would walk about in long hair, beads, sandals, and robes in order to "get back to nature. ."

The dominant influence in the area came from Dr. Otto Gross, a student of Freud and friend of Carl Jung, who had been part of Max Weber's circle when Frankfurt School founder Lukacs was also a member. Gross took Bachofen to its logical extremes, and, in the words of a biographer, "is said to have adopted Babylon as his civilization, in opposition to that of Judeo-Christian Europe... . if Jezebel had not been defeated by Elijah, world history would have been different and better. Jezebel was Babylon, love religion of Astarte and Ashtoreth; by killing her, Jewish monotheistic moralism drove pleasure from the world."



Gross's solution was to recreate the cult of Astarte in order to start a sexual revolution and destroy the bourgeois, patriarchal family. Among the members of his cult were: ""Frieda and D.H. Lawrence""; ""Franz Kafka""; "" Franz Werfel,"" the novelist who later came to Hollywood and wrote "The Song of Bernadette;" philosopher ""Martin Buber""; ""Alma Mahler,"" the wife of composer Gustave Mahler, and later the liaison of Walter Gropius, Oskar Kokoschka, and Franz Werfel; among others. The Ordo Templis Orientalis (OTO), the occult fraternity set up by Satanist Sex Addict and Drug Addict, ""Aleister Crowley,"" had its only female lodge at Ascona.



It is sobering to realize the number of intellectuals now worshipped as cultural heroes who were influenced by the New Age madness in Ascona--including almost all the authors who enjoyed a major revival in America in the 1960's and 1970's. The place and its philosophy figures highly in the works of not only Lawrence, Kafka and Werfel, but also Nobel Prize winners ""Gerhardt Hauptmann"" and ""Hermann Hesse, head of British Secret services H.G. Wells, Max Brod, Stefan George,"" and the poets "" Rainer Maria Rilke"" and ""Gustav Landauer."" In 1935 Ascona became the headquarters for Carl Jung's annual Eranos Conference to popularize gnosticism.

Ascona was also the place of creation for most of what we now call modern dance. It was headquarters to ""Rudolf von Laban,"" inventor of the most popular form of dance notation, and ""Mary Wigman. Isadora Duncan"" was a frequent visitor. Laban and Wigman, like Duncan, sought to replace the formal geometries of classical ballet with re-creations of cult dances which would be capable of ritualistically dredging up the primordial racial memories of the audience. When the Nazis came to power, Laban became the highest dance official in the Reich, and he and Wigman created the ritual dance program for the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin--which was filmed by Hitler's personal director ""Leni Reifenstahl,"" a former student of Wigman.

The peculiar occult psychoanalysis popular in Ascona was also decisive in the development of much of modern art. The Dada movement originated in nearby Zurich, but all its early figures were Asconans in mind or body, especially "" Guillaume Apollinaire,"" who was a particular fan of Otto Gross. When "Berlin Dada" announced its creation in 1920, its opening manifesto was published in a magazine founded by Gross.

The primary document of Surrealism also came from Ascona. Dr. ""Hans Prinzhorn,"" a Heidelberg psychiatrist, commuted to Ascona, where he was the lover of Mary Wigman. In 1922, he published a book, "The Artwork of the Mentally Ill," based on paintings by his psychotic patients, accompanied by an analysis claiming that the creative process shown in this art was actually more ally "liberated" than that of the Old Masters. Prinzhorn's book was widely read by the modern artists of the time, and a recent historian has called it, "the Bible of the Surrealists."

"Eros and Civilization"


The founding document of the 1960's counterculture, and that which brought the Frankfurt School's "revolutionary messianism" of the 1920's into the 1960's, was Marcuse's "Eros and Civilization," originally published in 1955 and funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. The document masterfully sums up the Frankfurt School ideology of "Kulturpessimismus" Despair, in the concept of "dimensionality." This idea was to enslave, addict, society to sex, the hypersexualisation of society, the Addiction to sex and thus as with drug Addiction, the vampirisation of spiritual energy, the perversion of aim, the perversion and corruption of Soul Path for society and the individual.

In one of the most bizarre perversions of philosophy, Marcuse claims to derive this concept from Friedrich Schiller. Schiller, whom Marcuse purposefully misidentifies as the heir of Immanuel Kant, discerned two dimensions in humanity: a sensuous instinct and an impulse toward form. Schiller advocated the harmonization, the synthesis of these two instincts in man in the form of a creative play instinct under the controlling influence of the Soul.

The “Poet of Freedom,” Friedrich Schiller, addressed this in his essay, On the Pathetic. He began it by stating:

Representation of suffering—as mere suffering—is never the end of art, but, as a means to its end, it is extremely important to the same. The ultimate end of art is the representation of the super-sensuous, and the tragic art in particular effects this thereby, that it makes sensuous our moral independence of the laws of nature in a state of emotion. Only the resistance, which it expresses to the power of the emotions, makes the free principle in us recognizable; the resistance, however, can be estimated only according to the strength of the attack. Therefore, shall the intelligence in man reveal itself as a force independent of nature, so must nature have first demonstrated its entire might before our eyes. The sensuous being must profoundly and violently suffer. There must be pathos, therewith the being of reason may be able to give notice of his independence and be actively represented.

One can never know whether self-composure is an effect of one's moral force if one has not become convinced, that it is not the effect of insensitivity. It is not art, to become master of feelings which only lightly and fleetingly sweep the surface of the soul; but to retain one's mental freedom in a storm, which arouses all of sensuous nature; thereto belongs a capacity of resisting that is, above all natural power, infinitely sublime. Therefore, one attains to moral freedom only through the most lively representation of suffering nature, and the tragic hero must first have legitimized himself to us as a feeling being, before we pay homage to him as a being of reason, and believe in the strength of his soul.

Schiller describes in this essay, how suffering can be deployed in art to portray the higher notion of humanity, the sublime nature of man to transcend the physical nature located in the sensuous being; the ability of man to act on a truthful, moral principle, which can only come from a general sense of agape, the love of humanity. This is acting for the General Welfare, which is why leadership must understand the distinction between man and beast, and that Beauty and Truth are one and the same.

This notion of man can never be located in man's sensual nature—just as an empiricist, someone who believes all truth is limited to what you can see, hear, smell, touch, and taste, can never discover the principle of change that lies outside the domain of the senses. The portrayal of suffering is never an end in itself; it is never for the sake of pleasure in pain. Seeing man as a sensuous being will never generate the higher love of agape, transcendent of erotic love, which is necessary for development of effective leadership that is willing to die for a mission that will advance the cause of humanity.

Romantic art indulges, while Classical art overcomes!

It is in this ability to embrace immortality—in the sense that an individual can devote their life to this cause, and that that choice produces an immortal effect on the world—that Schiller locates true freedom. And it is in this conception of man that we find the source of the true happiness, as reflected in the Declaration of Independence.

For Marcuse, on the other hand, the only hope to escape the one- dimensionality of modern industrial society was to liberate the erotic side of man, the sensuous instinct, in rebellion against "technological rationality." The Hypersexualising of society through implant addiction blockages to divert the attention and vampirise the spiritual energies.

As Marcuse would say later (1964) in his "One-Dimensional Man," "A comfortable, smooth, reasonable, democratic unfreedom prevails in advanced industrial civilization, a token of technical progress."

This erotic liberation he misidentifies with Schiller's "play instinct," which, rather than being erotic, is an expression of charity, the higher concept of love associated with true soul creativity.

Marcuse's contrary theory of erotic liberation is something implicit in ""Sigmund Freud,"" but not explicitly emphasized, except for some Freudian renegades like ""Wilhelm Reich" " and, to a certain extent, ""Carl Jung."" Every aspect of culture in the West, including reason itself, says Marcuse, acts to repress this: "The totalitarian universe of technological rationality is the latest transmutation of the idea of reason." Or: "Auschwitz continues to haunt, not the memory but the accomplishments of man--the space flights, the rockets and missiles, the pretty electronics plants...."

This erotic liberation should take the form of the "Great Refusal," a total rejection of the "capitalist" monster and all his works, including "technological" reason, and "ritual-authoritarian language." As part of the Great Refusal, mankind should develop an "aesthetic ethos," turning life into an aesthetic ritual, a "life-style" - a nonsense phrase which came into the language in the 1960's under Marcuse's influence, and aiming at the control method of, "The Principle of Poverty".

With Marcuse representing the point of the wedge, the 1960's were filled with obtuse intellectual justifications of contentless adolescent sexual rebellion. "Eros and Civilization" was reissued as an inexpensive paperback in 1961, and ran through several editions; in the preface to the 1966 edition, Marcuse added that the new slogan, "Make Love, Not War," was exactly what he was talking about: "The fight for "eros" is a "political" fight." In 1969, he noted that even the New Left's obsessive use of obscenities in its manifestoes was part of the Great Refusal, calling it "a systematic linguistic rebellion, which smashes the ideological context in which the words are employed and defined."

Marcuse was aided by psychoanalyst Norman O. Brown, his OSS protege, who contributed "Life Against Death" in 1959, and "Love's Body" in 1966--calling for man to shed his reasonable, "armored" ego, and replace it with a "Dionysian body ego," that would embrace the instinctual reality of polymorphous perversity, and bring man back into "union with nature." The books of Reich, who had claimed that Nazism was caused by monogamy, were re- issued. Reich had died in an American prison, jailed for taking money on the claim that cancer could be cured by rechanneling "orgone energy."

Primary education became dominated by Reich's leading follower, ""A.S. Neill,"" a Theosophical cult member of the 1930's and militant atheist, whose educational theories demanded that students be taught to rebel against teachers who are, by nature, authoritarian. Neill's book "Summerhill" sold 24,000 copies in 1960, rising to 100,000 in 1968, and 2 million in 1970; by 1970, it was required reading in 600 university courses, making it one of the most influential education texts of the period, and still a benchmark for recent writers on the subject.

Marcuse led the way for the complete revival of the rest of the Frankfurt School theorists, re-introducing the long-forgotten Lukacs to America. Marcuse himself became the lightning rod for attacks on the counterculture, and was regularly attacked by such sources as the Soviet daily "Pravda," and then- California Governor Ronald Reagan.

The only critique of any merit at the time, however, was one by Pope Paul VI, who in 1969 named Marcuse (an extraordinary step, as the Vatican usually refrains from formal denunciations of living individuals), along with Freud, for their justification of "disgusting and unbridled expressions of eroticism"; and called Marcuse's theory of liberation, "the theory which opens the way for license cloaked as liberty ... an aberration of instinct."

The eroticism of the counterculture meant much more than free love and a violent attack on the nuclear family. It also meant the legitimization of philosophical "eros". People were trained to see themselves as objects, determined by their lower "natures" and not the Soul or God.

The importance of the individual as a person gifted with the divine spark of creativity, and capable of acting upon all human civilization, was replaced by the idea that the person is important because he or she is black, or a woman, or feels homosexual impulses.

This explains the deformation of the civil rights movement into a "black power" movement, and the transformation of the legitimate issue of civil rights for women into feminism. Discussion of women's civil rights was forced into being just another "liberation cult," complete with bra-burning and other, sometimes openly Astarte-style, rituals; a review of ""Kate Millet's"" "Sexual Politics" (1970) and ""Germaine Greer's"" "The Female Eunuch" (1971), demonstrates their complete reliance on Marcuse, Fromm, Reich, and other Freudian extremists.

The Bad Trip
This popularization of life as an erotic, pessimistic ritual did not abate, but in fact deepened over the twenty years leading to today; it is the basis of the horror we see around us. The heirs of Marcuse and Adorno completely dominate the universities, teaching their own students to replace reason with "Politically Correct" ritual exercises. There are very few theoretical books on arts, letters, or language published today in the United States or Europe which do not openly acknowledge their debt to the Frankfurt School.

The witchhunt on today's campuses is merely the implementation of Marcuse's concept of "repressive toleration"--"tolerance for movements from the left, but intolerance for movements from the right"--enforced by the students of the Frankfurt School, now become the professors of women's studies and Afro- American studies. The most erudite spokesman for Afro-American studies, for instance, Professor ""Cornell West"" of Princeton, publicly states that his theories are derived from Georg Lukacs.

At the same time, the ugliness so carefully nurtured by the Frankfurt School pessimists, has corrupted our highest cultural endeavors. One can hardly find a performance of a Mozart opera, which has not been utterly deformed by a director who, following Benjamin and the I.S.R., wants to "liberate the erotic subtext." - to choose evil over good.

You cannot ask an orchestra to perform Schoenberg and Beethoven on the same program, and maintain its integrity for the latter. And, when our highest culture becomes impotent, popular culture becomes openly bestial.

One final image: American and European children daily watch films like " Nightmare on Elm Street" and "Total Recall", or television shows comparable to them. A typical scene in one of these will have a figure emerge from a television set; the skin of his face will realistically peel away to reveal a hideously deformed man with razor-blade fingers, fingers which start growing to several feet in length, and--suddenly--the victim is slashed to bloody ribbons.


Nightmare on Elm Street

This is not entertainment. This is the deeply paranoid hallucination of the LSD acid head. The worst of what happened in the 1960's is now daily fare. Owing to the Frankfurt School and its co-conspirators, the West is on a "bad trip" from which it is not being allowed to come down.

The principles through which Western Judeo-Christian civilization was built, are now no longer dominant in our society; they exist only as a kind of underground resistance movement. If that resistance is ultimately submerged, then the civilization will not survive--and, in our era of incurable pandemic disease and nuclear weapons, the collapse of Western civilization will very likely take the rest of the world with it to Hell.

The way out is to create a Renaissance. If that sounds grandiose, it is nonetheless what is needed. A renaissance means, to start again; to discard the evil, and inhuman, and just plain stupid, and to go back, hundreds or thousands of years, to the ideas which allow humanity to grow in freedom and goodness. Once we have identified those core beliefs, we can start to rebuild civilization.

Ultimately, a new Renaissance will rely on meditation, scientists, artists, and composers, but in the first moment, it depends on seemingly ordinary people who will defend the divine spark of reason in themselves, and tolerate no less in others. Given the successes of the Frankfurt School and its New Dark Age sponsors, these ordinary individuals, with their belief in reason and the difference between right and wrong, will be "unpopular." But, no really good idea was ever popular, in the beginning.

The Frankfurt School devised the "authoritarian personality" profile as a weapon to be used against its political enemies.

The fraud rests on the assumption that a person's actions are not important; rather, the issue is the psychological attitude of the actor--as determined by social scientists like those of the Frankfurt School.

The concept is diametrically opposed to the idea of natural law and to the republican legal principles upon which the U.S. was founded; it is, in fact, fascistic, and identical to the idea of "thought crime," as described by George Orwell in his "1984," and to the theory of "volitional crime" developed by Nazi judge Roland Freisler in the early 1930's.

When the Frankfurt School was in its openly pro-Bolshevik phase, its authoritarian personality work was designed to identify people who were not sufficiently revolutionary, so that these people could be "re-educated." When the Frankfurt School expanded its research after World War II at the behest of the American Jewish Committee and the Rockefeller Foundation, its purpose was not to identify anti-Semitism; that was merely a cover story. Its goal was to measure adherence to the core beliefs of Western Judeo-Christian civilization, so that these beliefs could be characterized as "authoritarian," and discredited.

For example, I.F. Stone asserts in one case in his "Trial of Socrates." It is the measure of our own cultural collapse, that this definition of authoritarianism is acceptable to most citizens, and is freely used by political operations like the Anti-Defamation League and the Cult Awareness Network to "demonize" their political enemies.

The Lower sub-personalities within the human mind like the Authoritarian are usually under the control of the Soul. If it isn't, it's a bad Authoritarian. There is a good, Soul controlled Authoritarian!! By ally focussing on the lower and ignoring the Soul the lower bad sub-personalities are promoted and a society is revealed.

In Adorno's Theory the Authoritarian Personalities of Jesus and Plato were just as bad as the Authoritarian Personality of Hitler, - But obviously they are not!!

What separates them is the good intention or bad intention of the Soul or of Satan!!

What about Jesus throwing the Banksters out of the Temple, with a Whip!!

Was this Authoritarian?

Because good people using the good Authoritarian personality to fight against tyranny are defined as bad by a Stalin or Hitler, then these authoritarians must Gulagged, killed and incinerated.

We can see this when the bad Emperor killed all the Jedi in, "The Revenge of the Sith" using the above as an excuse.

For the Frankfurt School conspirators, the worst crime was the belief that each individual was gifted with sovereign reason under the coordination rulership of the Soul, which could enable him to determine what is right and wrong for the whole society; thus, to tell people that you have a reasonable idea to which they should conform, is authoritarian, paternalistic extremism.


THE DEATH OF SOCRATES - DAVID, "Do not look upon my finger, look instead towards the Soul, to which it points!!"
By the standards of The Frankfurt School, the judges were correct in condemning Socrates and Jesus to Death!!



The Right Hand Myth of Devotion through Burne-Jones and the Myth of King Arthur and the Holy Grail - "The Ten Myths which Control the World"


The Rose or any Religious Symbol is always taken in the Two ways of the Left or Right Hand Paths.

Symbols are like a knife - used to kill by an assassin or heal by a surgeon.

All symbols are used for bad or good purposes depending on the intent.

The true path of Bhakti or Devotion functions because it does not involve being Implanted by Sexual Addiction Blockages which always happens in Sexual Tantric Ritual. In any group it takes only one bad person to Implant all the Others.

Indeed the practise of True Devotion removes all Blockages.

Devotion is a White Created Myth which has true Truth at its Heart.

"And the Beast looked upon the Face of Beauty and from that time it was as one Dead" - as King Kong Ego, red in tooth and Claw falls from great height.. The Ego Death of Enlightenment.

"We must Roast, Burn up the Seeds of Desire so that they cannot Germinate" Swami Satchidananda

"When we have overcome desire then we can put our tongue on a heap of sugar, and when we take it away, not one grain sticks to it."

Just tripping over the form of Shiva was enough to change Kali back into a True Lover of God, a True Devotee. And then she married Shiva!! White Hindu Myth

"SHE CHOSE HER HUSBAND!!" - Mira, Rajastan Saint

"The sight of God in a woman is the most beautiful of all" - Al Arabi

But it can be Corrupted, Perverted..



Implant Blockages are programmed to use Energy Connections between people which are naturally formed between every human being in order to drain their energies back to the person who implanted them, either in this lifetime or in any previous lifetime, no matter how far they are away.

We have seen in meditation that the implanters have thousands of energy connections coming to them from the thousands of people whom they vampirise, rather like a telephone exchange.

They manage to get so many connections by implanting people who act as their helpers, their collaborators, their fellow Initiates, to implant people they meet. Any energetic psychic connection between the victim helper and the victim - the sacrifice - is channeled back to the original implanter.

Usually implant is implanted upon implant as many people have already been implanted in previous lifetimes. These people already addicted and are easier to recognise by the helper/collaborator and to implant over the original implant.

There are many young ladies and young men who act as the helper/collaborator of the implanter. These many evolved helpers unconsciously even implant and vampirise their own children, the mothers and fathers sending the energy of their own children back to the original implanter.

The field of the dark side is sex, drugs and rock and roll. Sex and drugs, to addict people to things which will burn their energy more quickly as they send their energy back to the implanter so they can burn out and be discarded early.

Initiates involved in Sexual ritual can steal energy from their ritual partners but because no matter how high their degree if they do not know about Implant Addiction Energy Blockages, How to Create them, How to spread them about, How to gain energy from the victims - then they themselves are the victims!!

These so called high and mighty, "Initiates" are the victims of Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise implant addiction blockages.

These so called high and mighty, "Initiates" are Initiates because they are implanted with Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise implant addiction blockages.

These so called high and mighty, "Initiates" are victims of higher Initiates who are draining them of their life energy, vampirising them like normal humanity because higher Initiates think of these lower Initiates in the same way that they think of normal humanity... as if they were livestock or a slave.

If you have not been informed about implant addiction blockages then you too are a slave.

..a sacrificial slave whose death is the ultimate sacrifice to Satan.


The only way in which a slave can free herself or himself is to first recognize one's bondage.

If you have not been informed about consciously used eugenocidalist chemical brain gelding policies in every country .. then you too are a slave.. a sacrificial slave whose death is the ultimate sacrifice to Satan.

1. Poisoning the air with unfiltered dioxin and xeno-estrogenous fuctory outputs.

2. Poisoning Water with cancerous and mind gelding fluoride.

3. Poisoning Food with cancerous GMO Frankenstein food, Aspartame and pesticides.

4. Poisoning Vaccines with SV40 Cancer viruses and mercury adjuvants..



In general everyone is the victim of these Implant Addiction Energy Blockages.

Every member of humanity has been already implanted from our childhood and youth in the company of the evil in every gathering place, through pornography, traumatic sexual experiences, rapes, school, hospital, university, rituals and also from previous lifetimes by all manner of blockages including Implant Addiction Blockages - Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise etc - This means YOU!


Everyone instinctively knows about Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise implant addiction blockages and the necessity to resist them, in order to have a long, unblackmailed and productive life. Everyone knows of the downward path, the descent into perversion, corruption, disease and an early death.

Now, as well as knowing about this instinctive resistance to addiction desire, Energy Enhancement teaches WHY!! - about the drainage of your life energy by anyone who gives in to an implant addiction energy blockage desire and addiction through the vampiric drainage if the aroused life energy energy back to the implanter.

As I say in my review of the Movie, "Limitless" - All arousal of the system into ravaging its own internal energies in Sex, Drugs, Food or unnecessary Excercise, instead of using Energy Enhancement Level One to connect to an infinite stream of free energy from the Chakras above the head ending with God.

All arousal of the system into ravaging its own internal energies in Sex, Drugs, Food or unnecessary Excercise will result in the, "Burnout of the Binge" as your life energy is sent back to the vampire implanter and you the implanted are stoned, burnt out, anaesthetised, recuperating, ill, cold, influenza, ME, medical intervention, surgical intervention, ghosted, on the verge of death, Dead before your natural time...

By Surrounding all these blockages in Energy Enhancement Protection, Pyramid Protection or Merkaba Protection, it will cut off that energy blockage from its support, from the people who are draining your energy along energetic connections from the energy blockage back to them.

So Psychic Protection stops the vampiric drainage even though the Implant Blockages still remain.


Stopping the vampiric drainage and energetic support of the blockage through the use of Energy Enhancement Psychic Protection which can even help in removing the blockage is a necessary preliminary to the Seven Step Process of Energy Enhancement Level Two - Remove Energy Blockages.

The field of the dark side is also poison and fear and war.

Poison in food, water and air arouses the energy of the body to overcome the poison which is then sent back to the implanter through the Food Implant.

Eventually when the body's energy system cannot overcome the poison, disease is the result, cancer is the result, medicines, operations, death before time, wisdom reduction, pharmaceutical profits, medical profits. There has been a 5000% increase in cancers over the past 50 years.

War and democide killed 280 million people - Sacrifices - in the last century.

Fluoride poison in the water was first put in by Hitler and Stalin, there is a 20 year Harvard study available if you Startpage it which says 20 IQ point reduction and it gives you cancer.

Pesticide poison like Monsatan glyphosate in food and water give cancer.

Pesticides in food. A few drops of vinegar in the water used to scrub and wash vegetables will remove most pesticides.

Reverse osmosis water filters remove fluoride and fluoro-silicic acid at the molecular level. Activated carbon water filters remove pesticides. Air conditioning removes most toxins from the air. Activated carbon air filters remove incinerator, foundry and ceramic factory dioxin toxins from the air.

Eugenicists think that there are too many people, "You are the disease and we are the cure!" Eugenicist Jonas Salk put the SV40 cancer virus in vaccinations given to 100 millions of people by 1970. Mercury and aluminium adjuvants put into all vaccinations chemically lobotomise the young. Autism has risen since 1950 from one in twenty five thousand to one on fifty. Japan bans vaccinations for pregnant mothers and for the young.

Genetically modified Frankenstein food fed to rats sterilises rats totally after the third generation. A two year French study has pictures of rats after being fed GMO food covered in cancerous tumours. Europe bans GMO food. After seeing the rat pictures Putin banned GMO food in Russia. GMO food is banned in India.


Pictures of Cancerous rats from the French Study

Lead pipes for water and lead lined wine bottles where lead poison was consciously used by the Roman Empire for 600 years from 200 BC to 400 AD. Lead pipes and lead paint were used endemically up to the present day. Lead poisoning symptoms include IQ reduction, cancer and rage.

Alcoholic drinks have traditionally been used to poison by the elites in every society. By itself, alcohol will not give a headache. The additional poisons put into the alcohol give the headache. My friend said, "This is a good wine, I can drink three bottles and not get a headache!!" Poison is addictive.


Saturn is the origin of Satan and Moloch which is the origin of human sacrifice - your first born child, usually. Here he is devouring his children - like the elite devour Enron, housing bubbles, pension funds and You - like the other part of the dark side vampirises the energies of their sons and brothers and You through energy blockage implants - mentioned by Dante in the Inferno of the Comedia - painted by Goya.

Implant blockages and the people who implant them congregate any public place where people go - like walking down the street, Malls, supermarkets, plays, concerts and bars, also in clubs, churches and workshops.

Bad people, implanters or their workers congregate in schools as teachers or in children's hospitals as doctors where the helpless are implanted for a life of addiction just by looking or even in rituals at the dead of night. Thus Jimmy Sa vile worked in Broadmoor and children's hospitals.

Implant blockages can be programmed to be implanted from web sites.

Sexual implant blockages from sex sites or pornographic books and magazines and videos, or from Sexual groups or clubs or prostitutes or from any partner who has already been implanted - really from anything in that milieu.


Pornographic videos which spread the sex stimulant implant virus. Sexual congress radiates sexual energy as well as sexual implant blockages. As the actors in these pornographic videos get drained, so they radiate less sexual energy, require more stimulation, more drugs to get the same response. The purveyors know this. They know their product. They know what radiates sexual energy the most. They know who radiates the most. They cut the stimulation parts together to get people wanting more. They cut climaxes together for the connoisseur. They implant, implant, implant!!

Bars and public houses contain alchohol and nicotine implant viruses as well as sexual implant viruses.

The helper/collaborators spreading the sexual implant virus are usually beautiful sexual partners although the suppliers of drugs for drug addiction implants - the man - are also complicit.

As the amount of implants grow, as the need for stimulation due to an inherent lack of energy - because it has all been vampirised - grows, so the subject is coarsened and perverted. There is always more energy in the undrained innocent. As the disease progresses, more and more stimulation is needed to provide the same response. Thus sex, drugs, bondage and sado masochism, homosexuality, pederasty. Vampirism - Chinese sexual tantra teaches how to steal sexual energy from your partners. The drained die easy. Early death.

"If there had been two things like sex, I never would have become Enlightened!" - Gurdjieff



The Sexual Addiction Implant Blockages in Ritual Sex


The "Stealer on the Doorstep" is an Implant Blockage implanted into the Anus and the Coccyx with branches going to the tip of the Penis, the abdomen to create the food implant, the spleen and then into the head to create the blockage which dreams.

Yes, when you dream, unless its a purely spiritual dream, you are sending all that dream energy back to the implanter.

And its the same with sex.

Energy Connections between similarly implanted partners are very strong.

Unless you can remove the, "Stealer on the Doorstep" sexual implant blockage, the energies of Sex, of sexual stimulation, of the orgasm itself, will be sent back to the person who implanted you.

And the "Stealer on the Doorstep" sexual implant blockage, will addict you to sex; depending on your evolution you will..

1. Be a Gourmand who eats himself to death by digging his grave with his teeth.

2. Or you will be a Gourmet who will learn everything about Sexual Tantra.

3. You will be perverted by stimulation as a child. Pederasty is passed on from generation to generation.

4. You will be perverted by Sexual Ritual where everything goes in order to pervert and debase the original soul and you will still send all your energy back to your implanter. Aleister Crowley had ritual sex with his, "Whore of Babylon" every day. Aleister Crowley had ritual sex with his Dog Priest Male partner where he took the submissive role.

And the amount of sex will depend also upon your evolution.

A sensible person will restrain himself.

A person who has much to learn will burn the candle at both ends using drugs to stimulate response. Aleister Crowley remained addicted to Heroin and Cocaine until the end of his days. Here addiction to sex is combined with addiction to drugs because the field of the dark side is Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll!!

But no matter how you react to the "Stealer on the Doorstep" sexual implant blockage, if you have it, and don't remove it with Energy Enhancement, you will still be addicted to sex.

Hyperstimulated by sex.

Totally fucked!!




energy vampires

The Aldobrandini Family

This has got to be one of the most powerful and richest families of the world: The surname literally translates to Satan, after you figure out the riddle. Because Aldebaran is the morning star and falling angel. Why would they have a name like this and be POPES. They are Satanists, PERIOD! I have eaten many dinners in their palace in Frascati, Italy close to Rome in the Castelli Romani hills.

The Aldobranidini's are the distant cousins of the Breakspear's and are married to the Rothschilds - the Rothschilds marrying in to the family.

These people have the big massive orgies. We know that Stanley Kubrick was present at this Castle for many orgies. He got the inspiration of Eyes Wide Shut there. There is a portait of Kubrick inside the main hall with his autograph giving thanks to the Aldobrandini family for supporting his films, although he was assassinated after Eyes Wide Shut.

Aldobrandini = Al Debaran

They have an Egyptian lineage from Ptolemy Egypt. There name is Arabic, which means they are also Moorish converts to Catholicism, but came from Egypt as well they married into the Venetian Este Family

Theres a lodge called Al-dabaran.

It is to put respect to Taurus. Have you ever wondered WHY, Picasso did all of those orgy paintings with Taurus as giving orgies to many women.? It is not only because Picasso was funded by the Aldobrandini's, he had many orgies in Rome.

The Taurus in Picasso's paintings is the POPE!

Picasso is a Jesuit as well. A Co-Adjutor


Energy Enhancement Student experience of Sexual Addiction Implants and the Energy Connections between them
Oh boy! I have gotten what I asked for! I am really struggling to cut the connections with xxx. Today I have felt so much fear come through (some must be mine) and now in the last few minutes I know she has either fallen asleep or smoked a joint and she is over 65 miles away. Yesterday, she did some coke and I was wired all day. I was very high and to begin with thought it was somebody from above giving me light and energy. But for the most part I cant concentrate or stand still - it's too painful to feel all of her stuff all the time. It's like being in perpetual fear. Yes, I might well have bitten off more than I can chew.

The night before I managed to cut the ties with xxx as per my previous email, I dreamt that amidst a whole load of fear experiences, 2-3 crows gathered around my neck and comforted me. Their black feathers rubbed against my face. For some reason I believe that this event was connected to help I was given to release me from ties with xxx last Friday. And maybe now this is why it is not working for me cos I no longer have this help.

The energy connection is so strong between us; I have never experienced anything like this.

Recently xxx took the initiative to redefine our relationship, which meant that none of us were going to "fall" in love. Feeling her break the energy connections with this decision, I felt fear sadness and loss and dreams took me back to prep school when I was home sick all the time missing my mom when i first went there - crying every morning. Until this redefining of our relationship I was not aware of all her stuff, but now I feel it all the time and cant get her out of my mind to do daily tasks easily. I cant find peace. So, I see that I have created the same strong attachments with xxx as existed with my mum, which when broken and denied me, make me feel fear and loss, sadness. On top of this I get her stuff too. Right now I am feeling grounded and comfy cos I know shes stoned or asleep.

Is this because of implants do you think or is it due to simple energy ties?"...

"The only solution is to end the relationship for now. She is linked to a source of bad energy, from which I am suffering. It goes straight out of my solar plexus, leaving me in fear all the time. I work on it most sits, and try to get the connector implants that make it all possible, as you have pointed out"

chakra yoga holistic health life management spiritual psychology
Transmitting and Receiving Communication in a shared and balanced way but also the way of the implanting energy vampire.

What is the intent, to heal or harm?




THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD - PART ONE - The Psychopathic Palmerton, Prime Minister of the British Empire circa 1850 - and his Three Psychopathic British Agents, Mazzini, Urquhart and Napoleon III - as a Continuation of the same Psychopathic Families from Psychopathic Babylon through the Psychopathic Roman Empire, the Psychopathic Venetian Empire to the Psychopathic British Empire to the current Psychopathic Anglo-American Establishment

The Frankfurt School "Dums" Down Civilisation ADORNO, BENJAMIN, MARCUSE, LUKACS, BRECHT, WEILL, ECO, DERRIDA
Satanism, Black Magic, Ordo Templi Orientis OTO, Aleister Crowley, Luciferianism, Wicca









Energy Enhancement and Third Law of Thermodynamics

Energy Blockages tend to move from one person to another according to the Third Law of Thermodynamics - Energy flows from areas of high concentration to low concentration. This means...

1. Positive energy flows from Saints at a high energy level into people of low levels, thus raising them up and making them higher. Another byproduct is that Blockages tend to get thrown out by this raising of energies and in the process making their blockages really upset. Thus the attributes of Kundalini Energy. A feeling of Awe and Fear or Anger. Shaking and heat and cold in the presence of the Enlightened.

2. The Blockages of the unenlightened flow into the enlightened - and into YOU!!! Negative energy flows from High concentrations to low concentrations. So, if you hang around people with blockages, they will percolate into you!!

"Bringing an unformed man into the presence of the wise is like throwing a dead dog into a pool of rosewater." Sufi saying. This has the effect of healing the people who come into the presence of the wise, but unless they are coming to learn, rather than being just curious, the unenlightened will soon come back to their previous state.

Thus, protection is very necessary to prevent Energy Enhancement students from picking up the blockages of others, giving out too much spiritual energy or receiving too much positive energy, except when they want to....




Meditation to Remove Lilith the Energy Vampire

The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course to remove Lilith the Energy Vampire, Succubus and Scarlet Woman Seductor Energy Blockage


Implant Addiction Blockages, which transmit the added energy aroused by the addiction back to the implanter can be stopped by psychic protection put around the blockage.

Every member of humanity has been already implanted from our childhood and youth in the company of the evil in every gathering place, through pornography, traumatic sexual experiences, rapes, school, hospital, university and and also from previous lifetimes by all manner of blockages including Implant Addiction Blockages - Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise etc - This means YOU!


Everyone instinctively knows about Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise implant addiction blockages and the necessity to resist them, in order to have a long, unblackmailed and productive life. Everyone knows of the downward path, the descent into perversion, corruption, disease and an early death.

Now, as well as knowing about this instinctive resistance to addiction desire, Energy Enhancement teaches WHY!! - about the drainage of your life energy by anyone who gives in to an implant addiction energy blockage desire and addiction through the vampiric drainage if the aroused life energy energy back to the implanter.

As I say in my review of the Movie, "Limitless" - All arousal of the system into ravaging its own internal energies in Sex, Drugs, Food or unnecessary Excercise, instead of using Energy Enhancement Level One to connect to an infinite stream of free energy from the Chakras above the head ending with God.

All arousal of the system into ravaging its own internal energies in Sex, Drugs, Food or unnecessary Excercise will result in the, "Burnout of the Binge" as your life energy is sent back to the vampire implanter and you the implanted are stoned, burnt out, anaesthetised, recuperating, ill, cold, influenza, ME, medical intervention, surgical intervention, ghosted, on the verge of death, Dead before your natural time...

By Surrounding all these blockages in Energy Enhancement Protection, Pyramid Protection or Merkaba Protection, it will cut off that energy blockage from its support, from the people who are draining your energy along energetic connections from the energy blockage back to them.

So Psychic Protection stops the vampiric drainage even though the Implant Blockages still remain.


Stopping the vampiric drainage and energetic support of the blockage through the use of Energy Enhancement Psychic Protection which can even help in removing the blockage is a necessary preliminary to the Seven Step Process of Energy Enhancement Level Two - Remove Energy Blockages.



The Lahu and Akha Tribes in Thailand traditionally use silver plates and silver buttons to psychically protect against energy connections and being implanted.

The silver disk plates above are made to protect the chakra they are placed over.

Lahu belt of silver buttons to protect the base sexual chakra and the second, relationship chakra.

Akha Hat with silver buttons to protect against energy connections into the head chakras

Akha Hat with silver buttons to protect against energy connections into the head chakras and the silver chains around the neck to protect vishuddhi chakra



Psychic Protection Armour and the Ego-Death of the Holy Grail






Usually, when there is a strong connection between a mother and her son(s) then the sexual connection chakra is shared and the son has no possibility of another sexual connection with another woman, therefore he only has the possibility of a male sexual connection. One reason for homosexuality. Usually the mother is a helper/collaborator of the implanter

Also, when there is a strong connection between a father and his daughter(s) then the sexual connection chakra is shared and the daughter has no possibility of another sexual connection with another man, therefore she only has the possibility of a female sexual connection. One reason for lesbianism. Usually the father is a helper/collaborator of the implanter.

And if the father, as is usual in these cases of the Dark Side, also sexually abuses his daughter, the daughter also becomes promiscuous, split by DID and MPD and sometimes becomes a drug addict with suicidal tendencies, even a prostitute and becomes another helper/collaborator of the implanter.

"The sins of the Father will be passed unto the Sons unto the 9th Generation" - Bible



Energy Connections between people, between chakras were originally used as a means of energetic support.

This energetic support is explained by the circle of energy between two people and their chakras which give and receive energy equally; the right side of the chakra giving and the left side of the chakra receiving, thus the energetic support. If one person is using a lot of energy, the connected pair of people and their chakras acts as a reservoir of energy to support the efforts of the active person in the couple. Thus the truism in the sanctioned couple pairs in marriage, “Behind every good man is a good woman”.

Energy blockages on either of these connections stop the giving, making you into an energy vampire or stop the receiving, making you into a person permanently drained. In these circumstances the couple fails as the blockage cuts off the pairing and the lack of energy sharing will destroy the health of the relationship usually making it very unhappy or ending in failure and divorce. People who have many relationships all of which fail, – serially monogamous – are usually people who have these types of energy blockage problems which Energy Enhancement, with its Elimination of Energy Blockages in Level 2 can heal as part of its Mastery of Relationships program taught in Level 4.

Energy Blockages stopping the flow of energy on energy connections are usually formed through pain, caused by abuse or loss. Pain caused by that which should not happen changes, perverts the natural energy of a human being into a dense dark energy which stops the flow of natural energy through it, indeed it forms a major part in the formation of energy blockages. We call it Negative Karmic Mass or NKM. NKM can be grounded into the center of the earth where it can be burnt and purified back into its natural state.

The Sexual Addiction Implant Blockage in Ritual Sex

The "Stealer on the Doorstep" is a Sexual Addiction Implant Blockage which vampirises the implanted and sends the energy of the orgasm back to the implanter. It is implanted into the Anus and the Coccyx with branches going to the tip of the Penis, the abdomen to create the food implant, the spleen and then into the head to create the blockage which dreams.

Yes, when you dream, unless its a purely spiritual dream, you are sending all that dream energy back to the implanter.

And its the same with sex.

Energy Connections between similarly implanted partners are very strong.

Unless you can remove the, "Stealer on the Doorstep" sexual addiction implant blockage, the energies of Sex, of sexual stimulation, of the orgasm itself, will be sent back to the person who implanted you.

And the "Stealer on the Doorstep" sexual addiction implant blockage, will addict you to sex; depending on your evolution you will..

1. Be a Gourmand who eats himself to death by digging his grave with his teeth.

2. Or you will be a Gourmet who will learn everything about Sexual Tantra.

3. You will be perverted by stimulation as a child. Pederasty is passed on from generation to generation.

4. You will be perverted by Sexual Ritual where everything goes in order to pervert and debase the original soul and you will still send all your energy back to your implanter. Aleister Crowley had ritual sex with his, "Whore of Babylon" every day. Aleister Crowley had ritual sex with his Dog Priest Male partner where he took the submissive role.

And the amount of sex will depend also upon your evolution.

A sensible person will restrain himself.

A person who has much to learn will burn the candle at both ends using drugs to stimulate response. Aleister Crowley remained addicted to Heroin and Cocaine until the end of his days. Here addiction to sex is combined with addiction to drugs because the field of the dark side is Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll!!

But no matter how you react to the "Stealer on the Doorstep" sexual implant blockage, if you have it, and don't remove it with Energy Enhancement, you will still be addicted to sex.

Hyperstimulated by sex.

Totally fucked!!






Hermeneutics is the art of interpreting, although it began as a legal and theological methodology governing the application of civil law, or canon law.

Derived from a Greek word connected with the name of the god Hermes, the reputed messenger and interpreter of the gods. So here we have a possible or Godly intent behind the interpretation.



As Father Bede Griffiths said to me, "It is all in the interpretation" Thus the hermeneutics of Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice" the Use of the interpretation of the Law by the Venetians and their chosen one, Pomponazzi, who wrote at length on the imaginary nature of the Soul, at the Venetian Aristotelian University at Padua, - Portia studied at Padua and referenced Padua in the interpretation of the Law with reference to Shylock, - in order to Control society, Portia, using interpretation in order to Control her easy to control husband - Portia chose from the Gold Prince, the Silver Duke and Lead, her very Venetian Lead Gay husband!! The Venetian ability to Control. Thus CONTROL!!

Slightly different from Meera, the Rajastan Saint who chose God, "She chose her husband!!"

I have written previously how Aristotle, "the poisoner" was a secret agent for the Babylonians, who was sent to tutor Alexander the Great when his father was working for the Babylonians to develop an army to take over Europe. When Alexander renaged on the deal and instead attacked and took over Babylon, the revenge was that Alexander died of the Borgia cup, the poisoned chalice.

So The University of Padua under Pompo Nazi was the place chosen for the tutoring of the Venetian nobility after the Seige of Cambrai in 1507 when Venice was almost destroyed by a coalition. The Venetian secret services took up likely lads from Padua University, tutored by Pomponazi like Cardinal Contarini who created the Jesuits who eventually took over the papacy and who employed Martin Luther thus creating a protestant opposition to the Catholic Church.

See * below for more detail on Venetian/Babylonian/Roman Empire Secret Agents during the time of Henry VIIIth

As with historiography, the upper level is why a historical event was interpreted in that way, and not in another, and the or Godly intent behind the interpretation..

In a nutshell, historiography is the history of history. Rather than subjecting actual events - say, Hitler's annexation of Austria - to historical analysis, the subject of historiography is the history of the history of the event: the many ways it has been written, the the different spins and objectives pursued by those writing on it over time, and the way in which such factors shape our understanding of the actual event at stake, and our understanding who is behind history itself.

"The Victors write the History books" Stalin

"History is bunk" - Henry Ford

Questions of historiography include the following: who writes history, with what agenda in mind, and towards what ends?

It is interesting to note that all Professors - like Professor Pomponazzi - and Intellectuals and Scientists (Global Warming, the Flat Earth Theory, Polls as a substitute for reality) for all history have been chosen by one side or another for the particular spin they will impart within their writings.

Yet to me the important point is why? which must be addressed!! with what agenda in mind, and towards what ends? And it is these ends which can be assessed much more easily than the facts.

Damn the original intent of the text. What did they make of it? What was the point?

And this is the nub of Gramsci's, "philosophy of praxis"; of divine discontent..

"what defines the realization of “hegemony” (Hegemony - Domination, influence, or authority over another, especially by one political group over a society or by one nation over others) is the dominance of one form of praxis against others. Processually, this means that contests for hegemony are, by definition, struggles between historically situated praxes. Hence, the importance that Gramsci affords the intellectual as a sort of social “amplifier” in the production of a hegemonic praxis, or one aspiring to be such." -

Swap praxis or Myth - see "The Ten Myths which Control the World" in the paragraph above for the words "conspiracy theory" and we get...

"What defines the realization of “hegemony” is the dominance of one form of conspiracy theory against others. Processually, this means that contests for hegemony are, by definition, struggles between historically situated conspiracy theories (like those which created the Wahabists and the Salafist armies for the use of the Secret services). Hence, the importance that Gramsci affords the intellectual as a sort of social “amplifier” in the production of a hegemonic conspiracy theory, or one aspiring to be such."

Therefore we are also talking about the cultural mind control of nations through a conspiracy theory point of view or Praxes or Myths.

The point is, who was responsible for the fall of the Two Towers in New York in 2003? was it an attack on American Imperialism by twenty-four guys with box cutters or was it the Government wanting a causus belli to institute an internal Orwellian Big Brother "1984" authoritarian state in order to go to War and to overcome the projected effects of a sixty year process of City of London/Wall Street created World Poverty and Economic Depression and thus what was the aim of all the other identified False Flags throughout history?

Answer, The Babylon , "Principle of Poverty". War destroys culture, infrastructure and creates more poverty.

Eugenic Population Reduction "Death solves all problems - no man, no problem" - Joseph Stalin.

Agent Smith: "Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet, you are a plague, and we are the cure".


Who, is responsible and WHY?

Why are we at this point in history? What or who put us here? And what is preventing us from getting where we want to go?

Economic progress through Liebnizian power increase of flux density from wood to coal to oil to nuclear to fusion to matter/antimatter power generation. Increase in infrastructure through economists Carey and List credit system. Human Evolution, Richness, no pollution, free electric power, houses, good food, Education, "Going where no man has gone before", Star Trek exploration of the Universe in matter/antimatter powered Star Ships, happiness and goodness for all.

Who writes history, with what agenda in mind, and towards what ends?

And this is the point of all Conspiracy theories.

What is the real reality behind history?

And here, meditation and the reality of psychic phenomena point to a different direction than all conspiracy theories

Once we have the reality, then all questions of historiography and hermeneutics become obvious.

Yet that, "reality" is the whole point of the many interpretations available. All religions are like this - different understandings of the one reality.

But if we have not the reality, then all the historiography and hermeneutics in the world can not give us that reality. In fact historiography and hermeneutics then become the problem, the prepared conspiracy theories, the multitudinous religions - The SPIN which is used to control society.

For example the British Secret Service founded the Morsi Muslim Brotherhood in 1920 and their aim of a North African Caliphate and the British Secret Service founded Saudi Arabian Salafist and Wahabist interpretations of Islam whose members are the majority of the Al Quaeda guerillas - an army used to attack, destabilise, destroy infrastructure, create poverty and take over Libya and Syria, Iraq, Tunisia and Yemen, thus aiming at a North African Caliphate.

Thus Pomponazzi believes that we do not have a Soul, Scientists believe in Global Warming, Scientists prove that the Earth is flat, and people pay attention to what others believe in Polls or not proven Computer Weather Models or not proven Computer Economic Models of discredited Economic philosophies or in corrupt polling machine elections.

If Meditation and specifically Energy Enhancement Meditation can give us an amazing experience and knowledge of the Soul then why should we believe in any Venetian, in the line of Babylon and Nimrod, Philosopher with no experience but merely playing with ideas and proofs like, "a child playing with toys" - Pomponazzi.

But Swami Sivananda said, "I do not believe in belief!!" I believe in Knowledge and experience as a foundation for Wisdom.

And knowing through experience of the Soul, of Negative Karmic Mass, of Alchemic VITRIOL which burns up all negative energy in the psychic body, of the seven Step Process to remove Energy Blockages which cut us off from our Souls, which create all disease, which cut us off from our emotions and intellect, which create negative emotions like manicism, fear, depression, anger and seeking attention, which create the Poor Me, the Black Star and the Violator, which ensure the return of Karma and Bad Luck. Removal of "All That" through Energy Enhancement is what creates Enlightenment!!


It is only that Energy Enhancement Meditational Experience which can give us the True Knowledge which can reveal the truth out of all these conflicting theories, which can lead us out of, "All this".



Thus mathematician Cantor and his different levels of understanding, Transfinites as developed by Cantor, in the sense of chakras above the head increasing in energy flux density and complexity as they go higher. Like increasing generations of intel microprocessors the chakras above the head increase in the number of transistors, the fineness of the wires and thus in frequency.. The higher level transfinites explains all the lower levels, but it is impossible to get from the lower levels to the higher levels by mere intellectual striving. Language, spin, historiography and hermeneutics are not going to get you there...

..Instead a projection of energy is necessary, a quantum leap of understanding, like that of Enlightenment. The necessary Energy to get there can best come from Energy Enhancement Meditation.

See The Scientific Secrets of Cantor and Reimann and the Chakras above the Head





Venetian/Babylonian/Roman Empire Secret Agents during the time of Henry VIIIth

*Half of warfare is the Principle of poverty in ones enemies through myth creation and spin - taking the attention from wealth creation and science - and focusing only on Rent Seeking Parasitism and a totalitarian state and it was to this that Aristotle next bent his mind, in joining the school of genuine genius Plato and then spinning Platos lectures later in order deflect from Plato's aim.

The Venetian deployment into England around Henry III's divorce reveals the nature of the cultural warfare directed from Venice against the influence of the Golden Renaissance. From every nook and cranny popped out-and-out Venetian agents, ready to assist Henry. Another likely lad was Pompo Nazi Padua trained Abbe Giorgi who became the advisor to Henry VIII on how to remove Queen Catherine of Aragorn as his wife. Right behind--in a classic display of the Venetian maneuver known as "playing both sides against the middle"--followed Venice's candidates to enter the lists on the side of Queen Catherine.

And with them came everything bad Venice wished to impose on humanity: Aristotelianism, occultism, gnosticism, and other forms of mysticism and irrationalism. In short order, this invading force was to deal a mortal blow to English humanist circles led by Thomas More and Erasmus, which had struggled to build institutions to uplift society to the level befitting each individual human being's identity as man made in the image of God. England, a strong outpost of the Renaissance Christian cultural tradition in Europe, was to be turned into a new Venice of the north.

Venetian Agents Abbe Giorgi and Agrippa were two sides of the same coin. They were both political-intelligence agents.... They were also agents of cultural warfare, propagating the Venetian currency of antiscientific irrationalism.

De occulta philosophia delved at length into the so-called Jewish Cabala. Cabalists like Agrippa asserted that God revealed his law in a literal form for the masses, but in an elaborated form for the inner elite. To this was added the study of other ancient secret knowledge, passed from the Egyptians, through the Greece of Plato and transmitted to the West during the middle of the fourteenth century with the Greek texts brought to Florence by Gemisthos Plethon. Among these texts were those attributed to Hermes Trigmegistus, the probably fictional Egyptian high priest whose writings are known as hermeticism. With this Giorgi started the first Freemasons straight from the playbook of the Venetian/Babylonian Secret Service.

Like the Wahabists and the Salafists, Freemasonry was used to destabilise and take over France during the French Revolution and the speeches of Robespierre were written from London by Jeremy Bentham, "M" of the British secret services at the behest of Lord Shelburne prime minister of England previously head of the slave trading, drug running East India Company.

Henry VIII had thrown open the door for the cultural, political, and financial takeover of England by agents of the city-state of Venice. By the middle of the 1530s, Henry's government was in the hands of Venetian agents, and being shaped into a model of police-state political terror. By the end of Henry's reign, Venetian bankers were in control of a burgeoning English foreign debt, and dictating terms to the English throne. Within slightly over a century following Henry's death, England had been transformed into the usurious, ship owning, slave-trading, drug running imperial power of Great Britain, under the dictatorship of a Venetian party, which had been transplanted directly from the lagoons of Venice.

Under the influence of Venetian agent Thomas Cromwell's Aristotelian "might makes right" philosophy of government, and the occultism spewed by such as Giorgi and Agrippa, it is no wonder that Henrican England descended toward a new dark age, both culturally and economically, after Thomas More's death in 1535. The country which, on the occasion of Henry VIII's coronation in 1509, Erasmus had hailed as a new opportunity to develop a society based on the dignity of man, was set on the downward path toward slave-trading, drug-dealing, British Empire imperialist conquest. So today, those same Venetian energies are striving to take over the world.

Afghanistan now provides 90% of the world's heroin for the American/British Establishment and the money is laundered by HSBC and Wells Fargo Banks. When taken to Court for this HSBC and Wells Fargo Banks were fined 1% of their profits and no-one went the jail. Too big to fail!! Too big to jail!!



The Meaning and Significance of Frankenstein
MORE ON Frankenstein (1994) - Prometheus Unbound and its Relationship to Paganism and Luciferian Satanism
For more See..

Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is a novel written by Mary Shelley about eccentric scientist Victor Frankenstein, who creates a Monster in an unorthodox scientific experiment.

Human beings have been created as the image of god - Imago Dei - with knowledge of both good and evil. In the Bible, if you know a person then you have merged with them, had sex with them.

All Humanity has partaken of good energy talents and evil energy blockages.
We have absorbed good energy talents and evil energy blockages into our psychic bodies over many lifetimes of evolution.

The evil energy blockages have created All Humanity as Monsters.
The ability to transmute evil energy Blockages (through Viveka - from The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali) by the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process within these Monsters creates Enlightenment.
A made man, an Enlightened man, has transmuted all of his Energy Blockages.

A Monster is a person who is not yet whole, who still has energy blockages, who in some way is ugly, not beautiful. Unmade men can be intelligent, courageous, witty, funny but they can turn in an instant and shoot to kill or torture. The , Slave trading, Banking, Homosexual, existential, Venetians in the line of Babylon, the Roman Empire and the current British and American Establishment, could tell you jokes as they slid the knife into your back.

Something is missing in an, "Unmade Man". Whether that missing part or talent is lower does not matter, the important part is the higher parts of empathy and conscience and real Genius are blocked off, are missing.
"A made man only has the ability to do the right thing"

When we see the Marvel Comics Superheroes onscreen we marvel at their Superpowers showing and preordaining the New Man. Yet all of them lack the higher parts of empathy and conscience and real Genius.
They all have the ability to kill.

This is the, "Unmade Man".
Unmade Men are humanity who have not yet fused with their Soul in Enlightenment
with a clear unblocked column of energy above the head to God.

Those who have fused with their Soul in Enlightenment with a clear unblocked column of energy above the head to God are the real, "Made Men".

The Left (Sinister) Hand Path of Initiation. Satan or Lucifer is the father of lies. Satan lies when he says that a, "Made Man" is one who has, "earned his bones" by killing another human being in for example a Ritual Sacrifice of a human being which all the Pagan Religions before Judaism, Christianity and Sufi Islamism contained as part of their religion.

The Black Magician, Aleister Crowley, Secret Agent of British Intelligence MI6, friend of Winston Churchill, took on the Avatar of, "Alastor of the Waste" and like The Frankenstein Monster, existed after all his evil deeds in a Wastland of ice and snow - cocaine and heroin.

Alastor of the waste, or The Spirit of Solitude strangely, because Frankenstein written by his wife and by him, is the first major poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley.

Crowley, Satanist, Magus of Masonry, Egyptian Religion and all the Pagan Religions did Rituals every day where he sacrificed the unborn baby - Sperm - to his partner, "The Whore of Babylon" because Pagan Religions have Temple Prostitutes who partake of every Ritual.

Crowley, Satanist, Magus of Masonry, Egyptian Religion and all the Pagan Religions did Rituals every day where he sacrificed the unborn baby - Sperm - as a passive homosexual partner, because Pagan Religions have Egyptian, "Dog (Anubis) Priests" who act as the passive homosexual partners in Rituals.
A person who has much to learn will burn the candle at both ends using drugs to stimulate response. Aleister Crowley remained addicted to Heroin and Cocaine until the end of his days. Here addiction to sex is combined with addiction to drugs because the field of the dark side is Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll!!

The field of the dark side is sex, drugs and rock and roll. Sex and drugs, to addict people to things which will burn their energy more quickly as they send their energy back to the implanter so they can burn out and be discarded early.

Initiates involved in Sexual ritual can steal energy from their ritual partners but because no matter how high their degree if they do not know about Implant Addiction Energy Blockages, How to Create them, How to spread them about, How to gain energy from the victims - then they themselves are the victims!!

These so called high and mighty, "Initiates" are the victims of Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise implant addiction blockages.

These so called high and mighty, "Initiates" are Initiates because they are implanted with Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise implant addiction blockages.

These so called high and mighty, "Initiates" are victims of higher Initiates who are draining them of their life energy, vampirising them like normal humanity because higher Initiates think of these lower Initiates in the same way that they think of normal humanity... as if they were livestock or a slave.

If you have not been informed about implant addiction blockages then you too are a slave.

No matter how you react to the "Stealer on the Doorstep" sexual implant blockage, if you have it, and don't remove it with Energy Enhancement, you will still be addicted to sex.

Hyperstimulated by sex.

Totally fucked!!


Every year since 1873, the Global Elite Has Held Secret Meetings in the Ancient Redwood Forest of Northern California. Members of the so-called Bohemian Club include Former Presidents Hoover, Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan.

Moloch, the God of a Pagan Religion, is well written about as a burning idol where babies were sacrificed to the fire. The Bible asserts that children were sacrificed at a place called the Tophet ("roasting place") to the god Moloch - represented by the Owl of Bohemian Grove...

The Bush Family Maintains a Strong Involvement at Bohemian Grove. Each Year at Bohemian Grove, Members of This All-Male Club Don Red, Black and Silver Robes and Conduct an Occult Ritual. Alex Jones took this photograph and took videos when he entered into Bohemian Grove in California where every year Presidents and the banking elite worship at the Ritual, "The Cremation of Care" - designed to extinguish empathy and conscience and create psychopaths - ENERGY BLOCKAGES IMPLANTED INTO THE HEART - EMPATHY - AND ABOVE THE HEAD - CONSCIENCE - as a child is sacrificed to the Fire in front of a carved 40ft Owl representing Moloch and thousands of the elite watching, worshipping.

You have to be invited to get in.. and out..

For an example of Human Sacrifice in Pagan Religions from 8000 years ago - from Babylon itself, in the Book of Ruth in the Bible we have Ruth who as a Moabite has participated in Human Sacrifice. As she forswears this evil Moabite religion and cleaves to Judaism, she is allowed to marry Boaz, ancestor of King David.

Leviticus 18:21
And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD.

Leviticus 20:2
Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones.

Leviticus 20:3
And I will set my face against that man, and will cut him off from among his people; because he hath given of his seed unto Molech, to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name.

Leviticus 20:4
And if the people of the land do any ways hide their eyes from the man, when he giveth of his seed unto Molech, and kill him not:

Leviticus 20:5
Then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off, and all that go a whoring after him, to commit whoredom with Molech, from among their people.

1 Kings 11:7
Then did Solomon build an high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the children of Ammon.

2 Kings 23:10
And he defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the children of Hinnom, that no man might make his son or his daughter to pass through the fire to Molech.

Jeremiah 32:35
And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.




Breakfast at Owls Nest Camp, Bohemian Grove, July 23, 1967. Around the table, left to right: Preston Hotchkis, California Governor Ronald W. Reagan, Harvey Hancock (standing), Vice President Richard M. Nixon, Glenn Seaborg, Jack Sparks, (unidentified individual), (unidentified individual), and Edwin Pauley. Courtesy of Edward W. Carter (deceased).


Lawrence Berkeley reporting on the Manhattan Project to create the Atomic bomb, lunching with future president Eisenhower and past president Hoover at Bohemian Grove, July 23, 1950.

Satan, the father of lies, says a Made Man is an associate of the mafia or another organized crime group who kills a person, thus graduating to "made man" or "soldier" status. Only by killing under the orders of a ranking mob officer can the prospect become a "made man". "I just drove up and knocked him off, one in the body and two in the head to make sure he was dead. The boss will be pleased. I'm a made man now."
The purpose of the movie Baby Boy (2001) Director and writer John Singleton, is to say that you will remain a child, a baby until you have killed another human being, this being the initiation into adult life.

Elmore Leonard has created characters who exemplify the Existensialist Psychopath - see..
Existentialism and Kubrick's Psychopaths in the Films of Stanley Kubrick.

Where Psychopath Don Juan is made into the Nietzschian Superman. Movies made from his books include, Get Shorty (1995) with John Travolta, Jackie Brown (1997) by Quentin Tarantino, and Out of Sight (1998) with George Clooney and Jennifer Lopez.

Satan, the father of lies creates perverted Rituals of Initiation where the only person who can pass these initiations, the , "Made Man", the Luciferian Illuminist, is a Psychopath, a person without the higher parts of empathy and conscience and real Genius... who just doesn't care - because they have a screw loose!!
And of course the purpose of all these illuminati Initiations is to create another Psychopathic Black Magician...

Psychopath Directory



Existentialism and Kubrick's Psychopaths in the Films of Stanley Kubrick.

George Lucas, Star Wars, the Revenge of the Sith, and Psychopaths

ENERGY ENHANCEMENT AND Trauma, Pain, Relationships, Divorce, Piercings, Tattoos, BDSM, Sex, Sex Addiction, Tantra, Gambling, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Drugs and Addiction, Bad backs, Heart Disease, and Cancer.

The Energy Enhancement Commentary on the Baghavad Gita Chapter 16 - THE QUALITIES OF THE SELFISH COMPETITIVE PSYCHOPATHIC EGO....

The Psychopath and the Buddhist Icchantika


The higher the chakra the higher the power or energy. Lucifer, the "Light Bringer" creates Illumination only from the Star Sirius, cut off from God above, from the, "Black Lodge of Sirius", alas a light cut off from God by implant blockages implanted in the Antahkarana above Sirius thus cutting himself off from conscience. This is symbolised by Gods or statues of Gods at the top of a column without any higher connection - the Enochian Watchtowers of Doctor Dee, Secret Agent of Queen Elizabeth the First, code name 007.

The Antahkarana, the Watchtowers of Dr Dee's (Dr Dee was the Elizabethan British Secret Service Agent codename 007 - really!!) Enochian Keys and the Chakras above the Head - The Perverted Kundalini Key



The Star Sirius and the Watchtowers upon which the "Gods" or Black Magicians live without any connection with the higher energies of the one true God like statues live on top of Antahkarana columns - disonnected by implant blockages above the head. Fallen angels are disconnected from God together with their Master, Satan.

The Dee Watchtower System necessitates the creation of more restriction through the creation of Addiction - through Drugs and Sex - where you absorb Implant energy blockages - implanted into the bodies of all humanity for thousands of years - which steal energy from everyone and sends that energy back to the implanter since Watchtower students, having blockages above the head, cannot absorb the energy of God. The hypersexualisation of humanity, pornography, perversion, homosexuality, paedophilia raises tremendous energy for vampiric false Gods who steal that energy from their livestock slave sacrifices.


There also exists a, "White Lodge of Sirius" connected to the chakras higher than Sirius and to God and this also has the Path of Illumination, of Enlightenment - Initiations which create trusted Initiates, permanently fused with their Souls, Conscience, Intuition, Goodness and Mercy.. and God..

So, we have a World filled with human, "Monsters" or "Unmade Men" and it is against their egos to tell them that. That they need perhaps one hundred lifetimes of experience of entering into every type of evil, and its judicial return, Karma, before they can freely choose to fuse with their Souls and God and become Enlightened.

A person who is just not ready to become enlightened is like a wolf cub brought up by humans.
The wolf cub can only grow up to become a wolf.
"How can the leopard change his spots?" the spots being Energy Blockages - and as you know, only Enlightened Masters can remove Energy Blockages.

Such a person can only complain at the return of his Karma.

Like Coppola's Dracula (1992) he can complain to God about the suicide of his wife and then, "How could you do this to me?" "Now I am against you" and he turns into a Vampire Black Magician Psychopath to suck the blood out of God's creation, "The blood is the life!" However the story shows that even a Black Magician Psychopath can be Redeemed by Love.

Like Salieri in Amadeus (1984) he can complain about not being given by God the Genius of Mozart, "I will harm, I will hinder, I will Kill, your incarnation" as he burns the statue of Christ in the Hearth.

"One complaint and Heaven and Earth are set infinitely apart" - From the Third Zen Patriarch Sosan, from, "The Enlightened Mind of Sosan"

Yet the Sufis say,
"When a Parrot and a Black Crow are put into the same cage, do you think it a only an accident when the Parrot escapes" - Idries Shah
The Parrot is you, the Crow is the Black Magician Psychopath, the escape is Enlightenment.
This is the plan of God on this Planet.

There are 200 billions of Souls attached to this planet and every one requires one hundred lifetimes before the can be fully made.

You can weep. You can wail. But you cannot change your spots quickly unless you choose Energy Enhancement, NOW!!
You can speed up your process to Enlightenment..






For more Movie Reviews by Satchidanand See..


Here is the experience of one of our energy enhancement students in the grounding of these negative energies, Negative Karmic mass, NKM,

“This is a sincere request. I am fully aware that all my problems are my own energy blockages. I don’t feel like victim particularly but I am a bit confounded by the overwhelming force with which my own blockages appear to be deterring me. I’m sure your emails are standard and sent out to everyone in general but the last two made me laugh out loud:

"You Know, Removing all your Energy Blockages is a Really Good Thing" – Satchidanand

India Meditation Course - Pain is the Problem.. Ground It!!




Truer words were never spoken! .... “

“What I mean is, I believe I mentioned the searing back pain that came on suddenly a couple weeks ago. Well, I thought it was subsiding but it appears instead to be getting worse. I believe there is some connection with the XXXX group that I am a bit leery of that ties into my experiences with YYYYY —none of which I’m saying to blame them because I know this is my own crap but the similarities seem to be the catalyst for my energy blockages to have a field day.

Pain I’m pretty good at handling. But this pain is preventing me from doing my work by which I need to earn my living (fortunately my boss is understanding and not angry with me) and it also prevents me to from doing my spiritual work once I get home. I am embarrassed to admit but have to tell you that I am sleeping more than any normal human being should. I go to work, come home, watch a bit of your video, go to bed and read a bit of your EE book that I got from Amazon, fall asleep easily by 9:00 p.m. and don’t wake up until 6:30 the next morning! Then, for the last two days, I left work about 11:00 a.m., fell asleep by 1:00 then slept till 5:30 or so, went back to sleep at 8:00 and slept through again until 6:30! This is insane! My energy blockages are everything you mention—pain, sleep and too much negative emotion….”

And after giving our student a pre Energy Enhancement method of Grounding Negative energies….

“As for my painful back, I did my best with the counterclockwise movement of my body as I understood it from Devi Dhyani and it was fascinating. I went out to my rental house’s little backyard (which unfortunately is mostly concrete) and found a patch of dirt to stand on barefoot. As I moved my body counterclockwise I felt the magnetism of Mother Earth drawing out the negativity—like a whirlpool (or a flushing toilet!). I pretty much let my body move the way it wanted to and a couple of times it stopped and went into spontaneous Tadasana pose which felt like all the negativity was shooting down to the center of the Earth where it could be instantaneously transmuted by the Fire. There was corresponding relief to the physical pain in my lower back/right hip as well. Such a blessing!

The next day the pain seemed to return, although not as strong so I tried the counterclockwise movements again, this time inside on my hardwood floor because it was raining and cold outside. I was surprised that the effect was the same—very powerful. Afterwards I had that “spongy” feeling (don’t know how to describe it) like I’d been meditating or in a high process for some time. I did a long soak in a tub of hot water with sea salt, baking soda and white vinegar that also seemed to calm the energy and alkalize the physical body, removing just about all the pain. The difference in my mental state without the constant fierce pain is remarkable. I want to learn how to do this grounding the proper way because I can see it will be a lifelong practice”




There is an evil class of Energy Blockage which can be created by another human being called an Implant Energy Blockage.

White magicians exist. There are Ancient White Spiritual Sciences were passed on generation to generation by word of mouth using chanting techniques which pre – date even Raja Yoga, written down after thousands of years as an oral tradition as the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali which itself contains the Science of Samadhi and Illumination, Enlightenment.

There is also an Ancient Dark Spiritual Sciences also pre – dating even our written history of ten thousand years.

As Henry Ford said, “History is Bunk!”

As Stalin said, “It is the victors who write the History Books”, and who also destroy them.

These Ancient Dark Spiritual Sciences - The Dark Side - come from before the first written history from before the 6000 years old Old Religion Pagan Babylonian civilization - Have you ever wondered why recorded history only goes back 6000 Years? - stretching back more than 40,000 years to the time of the Cave Paintings, Toltec Sorcerers and the Dream Time Shamen Aborigines of Australia.


This science which stretches back more than 40,000 years through dark individuals and Secret Societies gives the methodology of creating Implant Energy Blockages which if implanted in previous lifetimes will remain with you to the present day (unless removed by Energy Enhancement Techniques like the “Seven Step Process” of Energy Enhancement Level 2), thus setting the stage for societal control over thousands of years. As Implant Blockages form part of the mind, so by using them we have a form of almost perfect, "Mind Control"

Implant Energy Blockages can be programmed to control the minds of the people in whom they are implanted in many different ways and intensities of control - usually programming the pessimism of the intellect - you can't do that!! The higher intensities of control being reserved for the more intelligent and even more for the intelligent people publicly controlling society, the original controllers and their families remaining anonymous.

The methods of Control by different types of Energy Blockage involve control over the emotions and the will - control over The Optimism of the Will!! by blocking soul contact - thus making intellect impotent. Thus making them unaware that they are being vampirised, lifetime after lifetime, over thousands of years.

Only those people, one in a million, if that, who are ready after many lifetimes of experience and energy body growth, are able to break the bonds of their Implant Blockages can choose a Spiritual Path which works - there are many, run by the elite which don't - "Traditional meditations are designed to fail!!"

Usually, but not always, they require the help of, "One who has walked the path"

Buddha himself said that he was only there for the Souls who were ready, who were just on the verge of Enlightenment.

The only reply to the sound of one hand clapping and the Hossu striking, and this is not intellectual, is to have sufficient evolutionary forgiveness to turn the other cheek.

The Evolution of people is towards goodness. But some people are not sufficiently good for them to be able to take a genuine path. People are made up of a Council of Implant Dark Angels and White Angels and they are always voting.

Really, there is no reason to answer and give all of the above spoon feeding.

The essential thing I can tell you is that people are not stupid.

In alignment with Sosan, the Third Zen Patriarch I can say with full knowledge, "They Know!"

And if they say they do not know it is because their dark energy implant blockages are too great for them at this time.

That in this lifetime they themselves are allowing the Energy Blockages to win because they themselves are complicit with them and the dark Forces which control them..

Their Blockages have already prompted them to make their decision. They have already made their decision - Like Neo - and by complaining about anything - They are not taking the cookie from the Oracle this time.

Remember, "One Complaint and Heaven and Earth are set Infinitely apart" - Sosan - From "Hsin Hsin Ming: The Book of Nothing" - The Enlightened Mind of Sosan, which can be found by anyone in touch with their Soul, On this site..

The above is another Open Secret.

There are many paths and the most popular are those which can not work and are even controlled by the Dark Side. And the people know this. And that is why, prompted by their Implant Control Blockages, they choose these paths.

Christianity, Buddhism, Zen, Sufism - all the current religions as they currently are, are popular because they can not work other than as a foundation for the people who choose them.

But for those who seek the true path, the path which works, the path which will lead them to Enlightenment, Illumination, Integration, Atman, - They know that only The One who has successfully walked the path can really bring them to that which they seek.

People are searching all over the planet for a Genuine Master, but me, I have been searching all my life for a Genuine Student.

And it is in their choice of Master that the Evolutionary Heart of the Student is known…


The Buddhafield of the Master is Death to the Energy Blockage Demons.
On your left shoulder is a black evil angel whispering into your left ear.

On your right shoulder is a sparkly white pure angel whispering into your right ear.

And inside you is a congregation of dark and white angels and they are holding a Parliament, a Congress and they are voting on what you will do next.

The Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process of Level Two's purpose is to purify the dark angels of their Negative Karmic Mass by Grounding it into the nuclear fires in the center of this Planet by an Alchemical Process, known for thousands of years, called VITRIOL and burning it up, Purifying the dark angel and re-forming it as a white pure angel. This process is the purification of your Psychic Body of all negativity, of All Dark, Negative, Evil, Angels.

The evil angels are voting to go from the Buddhafield of the Master - "Don't walk, RUN!!.

Because the Buddhafield of the Master is Death to the Energy Blockage Demons.

"The Center of the Cyclone" A Tornado of Circulating Energies Spiral around a Master of Wisdom, purifying the bad and shining out the Good into the Rod of the Antahkarana, connecting with the external chakras, the chakras above the head and the sweeping the negative to be burnt up in the Nuclear Fires in the chakras below the base - Kundalini Chakra in the Center of the Earth.

The pure white angels are voting to stay and learn Energy Enhancement.

And this dialogue between the two sides is fulminating inside every prospective student of Energy Enhancement.

The Dark, Evil, Angels will use any excuse to go.

The White, Pure Sparkly Angels will sit and perceive the Truth in complete Faith.

Because I am in alignment with the Third Zen Patriarch, Sosan, who said, "They Know!!"

Yes, everybody knows this.. EVERYBODY KNOWS!!

And the Evil Angels don't care!!

If your guys can vote to stick around then do not expect the evil angels to stop until with energy enhancement, you stop them, remove them with the 7steps..

Your evil angels are on the look out for any problem to bring to your attention, to make you go!!

But if you can stick around the results can be spectacular..

The Results are Enlightenment - When all the dark angels are purified, the result is Enlightenment.

The Results are Happiness, Joy like a twenty-Four hour Orgasm.

The Results are the Removal of your negative karma - the removal of your Bad Luck.

The results are Soul Contact, the ability to follow the path of your Soul.

The ability to ignore the Pessimism of the Intellect and the re-enforcement of the Optimism of the Will.

Thy Rod and thy Staff Art with you.

And you can dwell in the House of the Lord, Forever!!

Here is the perception of a prospective Energy Enhancement Student which exemplifies this dialogue between good and evil..
I wanted to email you again because this time I want to be REALLY honest with you. I want you to see the real me (or more likely...the various fragments of admiration and fear which comprise my many ego's!)

So let me attempt to be honest! I will try my best. You deserve my respect.

I stumbled across your websites, the one (there is also an one) by chance (if there really is such a thing as chance? Hell no!).

some years ago I prayed, I prayed an awful lot for several things. Slowly life started to give me these things. I prayed for a speed up in spiritual development. I prayed for the most 'powerful' energy training methods and to get them and practice them.

I gradually got drawn intuitively towards tai chi, then qigong, then taoist alchemy's orbit practice. I was able to raise my kundalini. I have used EFT, reiki, all very good method for removing some energy blockages. They help me to remove emotional energy blockages. I am now in process of removing the unconscious negative belief structures inside me.

I was then drawn to higher level yogic methods, such as master choa kok sui and shengong practice (ricardo b serrano). These are helping speed up my soul evolution and awareness. They work and they work Well! But alas, working towards enlightenment is a challenging goal, not for the faint of heart.

I have emailed you recently as you know, but after more thoughts , I realise that it is reasonable.

You asked me what part of me was avoiding it (or something similar) such as my lower ego.

...It is my deepest heart goal to keep working, doing my inner work until I reach the enlightenment. This is an unquestionable truth within me.

I was drawn to the work of jon peniel, who explains in his book the children of the law of one - how he felt about his master Zain. Zain caused a mixture of awe, attraction but also repulsion and fear in jon. Zain's buddhafield was so powerful it was pulling out blockages and attacking jon's lower selfish ego which made his ego feel very threatened. (I could 'feel' the soft, compassionate shen energy flowing out of the pages of the book so I know it's the real deal). (the past months I really 'feel' and 'sense' the aura and energy of masters in videos and text online. So it's easier to see who is the 'real deal'.)

THIS is the exact effect YOU have on me. Your energy I can feel from your website...and videos on youtube. I also checked the video on youtube of your master - he emits the same, unbelievably high frequency...soft, wonderful energy! You guys have the most marvelous, high frequency, soft, aura's.

The energy field doesn't lie. I am fortunate I can detect this stuff.

I feel a mixture of extreme awe, rapture and...fear...when dealing with you.

You make something inside me squirm, wriggle and do ANYTHING to avoid you. Another part of me...thinks about you every day. I know. I know that every day I will be reminded of you and your energy, because it's what I need.

I thought about it. After thinking about it, it is Well Worth It. I believe it's better than anything else that can be gotten, faster and better, if one is prepared to put in the hard work.

Honestly? I live with my parents. I do not have a full time job, I am in and out of part time work. ....this whole situation makes me very uncomfortable, torn.

I will get a full time job :) I am going to get one 'somehow. somewhere'. and when I do. I will earn enough money, and buy your courses. I want to practice the higher level methods.

I feel in my heart, that you can change my life.

I know you can change my life.

The energy which flows out of you is incredible. More soft, loving, and intense than any energy I have felt from any other master's material online so far. I believe you are not only the 'real deal', but of the highest frequency. Top quality!

But enough with my compliments. It would be easy to throw compliments while casually 'avoiding doing the course at all costs', what a wonderful ego trick.

Like I said, and this may well be my ego's excuse, I struggle Right now.

I do not 'have' and I don't feel at all comfortable about this.
I WILL get in future, for the sake of my dream. This is just what I want to do.

But the Universe won't let me forget you. I'm going to be reminded of you each and every day until I can safely get the courses and it's my own spending. Do people really think I'm going to try to buy a car, or some kind of electrical appliance first? I won't.

What the heck???

I care so deeply and profoundly about my inner work. About my enlightenment and about helping others when I am ready to do so.

I have been doing my current meditations many hours per day for several years. I feel that from what you said (and I understand and agree with what you said about energy blockages - it all fits with my experience, it all makes sense), YOUR methods I believe are more powerful.

Certain things which I believe are very potent, such as the content in level 2 and level what I am attracted to the most. Removal and grounding of karmic energy blockages, resolving 'inner children' issues. This is what I need so very badly.

They allow you to more directly and quickly connect to higher frequency love energies, which are capable of dissolving or removing blockages right? The soul infusion of higher chakra's PARTICULARLY interests me. I want to connect to this incredibly high frequency energy and speed up my soul evolution. I WANT to remove these inner children or fragmented selfish ego's (and boy, are they fighting inside telling me to AVOID the heck out of you).

I'm going through a serious inner-battle with this!
Does everyone go through this? I'm assuming they do.

So why do I send this message? Especially since I am NOT buying your course right now?

I don't know. I send it to let you know what's going on with me.
I send it to say 'expect me soon...' and when I get a full time job I'll tell my parents

'look I have researched this site a lot for many months, I earn my own money...I will spend it how I like', and they'll agree..if not maybe I just do it anyway. I'll just do it because it's my money which I earnt and I don't care, I'll do it.

WOW do I want to remove those energy blockages inside me? EFT, Reiki and meditation so far are MY LIFE.
It is the most important thing ever for me. Your methods I believe are Better, Faster.

I want to be like you,

I want to have an energy field like you.

I want to destroy my pathetic selfish, confused ego's and just submit to the higher universe.

Your site says that, it's submission to the higher plans of the universe. This is what I am going for. I'm looking to get to the highest possible frequency and level I can obtain in my current human incarnation. Despite a bit of ego-wobble and self-doubt, I can't forget you and I know already that I'm going to do this.

I want to submit to that unconditional love and reach the higher levels THEN when I am very, very extremely high in frequency, or just after I remove karmic blockages and finally get enlightened and 'hooked up' to god's love. I'll do anything.

I'll perform the role that is expected of me by the Universe.

I want to help people. I want to remove those pesky alien implant blockages. I want to Help people. I want to teach them...(but only if I am qualified). I just want to spread the most intense love that I am able to.........!

This is my powerful wish. I mean it.

I will do your course, but I need some preparation time to gather the funds. When the money comes in, there will be nowhere left for me to hide. No excuses, I'll do it, one foot in front of the other.

Now do you start to get an idea of my journey? I love you, but I also hate you (am afraid of're scary, your energy field is incredible, my ego is afraid...)

Sorry if this is a bit haphazard email. I'm not in the clear state of mind. But I try to blast you with some truth of my inner you can see how it is.

The summary is;

-your energy/you is incredible.....

-I can't stop thinking about you and what you can do for me, every day now, think it's trying to tell me something?

-my ego squirms and wriggles to try to escape you. I feel it now!

-I can't afford the course right now...but before long I feel like I WILL be able to!

-later in my future I wish to teach this type of stuff and help others. Help them to remove energy blockages and do some serious inner work.

I want to channel love to people. I got told I am going to be able to do this in future, by unity. It told me I was to act as a wide open channel for 'divine frequencies'.

I had several intense unity/enlightenment experiences already the past one of them it tells me with soft love surrounding from all directions... 'it is in the plans for you to succeed in meditation', and that the world is currently transforming energetically from 'mostly dark' to 'balanced and harmony between light and dark' wants me to experience ego loss and joyfully serve and submit to the overall plans. Upon doing so I will be a very happy bunny. I know I will.

OKAY this is all for now. I say this so you can know more about who I really am, and some of my inner conflict.

As soon as I get the finances there will be no excuses left for me to run from, it's become my ....almost like my 'life plan' or mission, or follow your energetic methods to reach the highest level. I don't care how long it takes, if it's the best I want to do it! And I want to do it fast and intense, I want to sort through this murky internal junk over and over until I'm done. I want to do it in this lifetime.

Thankyou for putting your courses up...

PS: I wrote in to what I think was one of your blogs because I thought it was a student of yours...I was actually hoping to get free/cheap stuff, doh. Honestly how I feel now is? I can't look you in the eye (speak to you on email?) unless I proudly pay you the full amount which you deserve.

Okay. This is my spilling out of feelings about all this. RIght now I feel the squirming inside my stomach, it's similar to the feeling of about to jump off a cliff into the sea. Butterflies, nervous feelings. Intimidation. (I bet you get that reaction a lot from people, they either love you or hate you...or a bit of both? Such is probably the life of an enlightened...).

Anyway I am following you in my heart.
The universe will not let me forget about you.
Even if my ego does. It's not going to win in the end.

My little ego's got so scared I would repeatedly remove your websites from my favorites, and I deleted your last email because i was scared of it in my inbox!

But then I get drawn back to you. What a weird scenario? No one on earth has EVER got me so worked me feeling so intense....Wow.

You are important.


Best wishes!

Your future student.

Please Understand that you, the people reading this article Right Now!! are all the same as our prospective student above.
You perceive the Energy of the Buddhafield.

And your Angels are voting right now..


Now we are in Goa in a beautiful Apartment with swimming pool for a few months - waiting for more students - get in Touch!! and also waiting for the start of our All India Tour with One Level of Energy Enhancement Free!! and concentrating on the Energy Enhancement Course with our Student from Haridwar and Rishikesh - Removing, Healing, Purifying, Bringing back to their purified and blockageless state - Nirodha, all the Vrittis - Energy Blockages and samskaras on the Path of Yoga Integration, Enlightenment.


Speed up Your Process with Energy Enhancement..

Get Experienced - as do all Energy Enhancement Students and this indeed is the only answer to the intellectual Mind which knows not and can never know Anything!! Only Direct Spiritual Experience is the answer.

And here we are with our Student, Graham, in Rishikesh. He came to see us in 2002 for an Energiser and again in 2007 in Palamos in Spain where he and his wife were given Initiations in Level 1 and level 2.

His wife at that time who is a complete natural at meditation and has been dragged on Zen retreats with Zen Masters by her husband and also other Meditation Courses and comes from Siberia where shamanism and BMs are a part of Normal life, had a Grandfather who was a great healer and spiritual force in that area. She said that, "Devi Dhyani and Satchidanand are two of the most Spiritual People I have ever met"

To become Enlightened all she needs is a little more of, "After All That" which is from the first Sutra of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. The bit where is says that you have to have, "Done That, Been There and Got the T Shirt" You must have seen through the Hollywood dreams which say you will be happy with Children, Fulfilling Job, Wife and Husband, Money, Power, Big Houses, Rolls Royces and a Hareem. Of course this can never be true. She needs to know that only Enlightenment will suffice in Eternity. That Only Enlightenment can assuage her need for Complete and Utter Fulfillment in this moment, Now!! When she can "Dwell in the House of the Lord for Ever"

And here is our student again with us in Goa, India for more Ego Blockage Busting!!


All those people who know of us in England, America, Australia - everywhere in the World - They are the Outpatients. And our Student here with us now - He is the impatient Inpatient. For the Operation of the Egodectomy!!

And this is what he wants having had experience of our power previously.

And Energy Enhancement gives the Meditative Tools, the Seven Step Process, The Kundalini Kriyas, The Supra- Galactic Orbit - Ancient Techniques from 5000 years of Effective Spiritual technology to allow this to happen.

So, we set him clearing out his Antahkarana and Sutrama. Clearing out all the blockages in the chakras of the body and the Chakras below the Body and the Chakras above the body.

The Chakras above the Crown contain many control implants from the Dark Side cutting him off from the Light of the Soul, creating Despair and Cynicism which are truly great weapons of the Dark Side. And when he finds them and Grounds these controls he always finds that they are connected with the net of blockages inside his body which he must Ground also.

The Chakras below the base are usually Blocked with Implant Blockages in our students having been De-Feeted in previous spiritual encounters in lifetimes long ago. These blockages below the base create the slave mentality of having wonderful thoughts and ideas, "You're living in a Dream World, Neo" but having no Base Chakra Power to implement Any of them.

But these blockages are simple and the work includes using the simple exercises to find the deeper Blockages called Sub- Personalities so, "Ask and ye shall receive" Our student found one. He found the Big Fish, the Selfish!! A part of the selfish competitive ego.

According to our student he saw his sub-personality, more accurately described as an Alter-Ego. We have many of these Alter-Egos and they are sometimes created by bad events like your mother dying when you were three. You can imagine the pain of the unprotected child at this time, and when this happens, shit happens, sometimes an inner child alter-ego is formed with the pain of the event as its power. the alter-ego is sometimes called an, "Inner Child" and its function is always to, 'Get Attention"

It is only the Soul Infused personality which can notice these Alter Egos because they are usually limited in their selfish little aims and they do not act in a logical manner. Only the Soul Infused Personality can heal these Inner Children by Grounding all of their Trauma Formed Negative Karmic Mass and then by integrating the purified parts of the sub-personality into the Soul Chakra. A Process called Resurrection by Alice Bailey in the "Rays and the Initiations"

As The "Complete Instructions on Enlightenment", The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, say in Book Four, Sutra 6.. TATRA DHYANAJAM ANASAYAM - "Only the Alter Ego minds, grounded and resurrected, born of meditation, are free from Karmic Impressions or Energy Implants".

He Saw this Sub-Personality he called the "Resistor", the Intellectual, the guy who decides what to do, the guy who manages and directs everything. The guy who, subtly violatorish, rejects everything and insists on his own path. The guy who rejected the life his parents wanted for him, a Doctor like his father or a lawyer. The one who wanted to know the truth, the one who rejected many paths because he wanted to know it for himself. The one who went for the philosophy course at University and eventually became a Doctor of Philosophy.

This Alter-Ego had many ideas of what might work but always came to the Soul Infused Personality for decisions and the Soul Infused Personality always knew, Yes or No!!

And the Soul Infused Personality found it very easy to allow this Alter-Ego to manage his life because he was doing, in General, a good job but now he saw in the Energy Enhancement meditations that the Alter-Ego was based in pain and thus resists too much, is afraid and in General is now too much of a drag!!

The Resistor Alter-Ego is seen needing to be purified and Integrated into the Soul Infused Personality - The One, "There can only be One" And Energy Enhancement gives the Meditative Tools, the Seven Step Process, to allow this to happen.

Many people, Psychologists like Eric Berne who wrote million seller and now standard work, "The Games People Play" have seen these Alter Ego Inner Children but have no way of resolving them except by talking about them. Using the Intellect to dwell on their Illogicalities.

The Alter-Ego Inner Children and Strategies spit on these methods. They have no effect on them because these Inner Children have been built and Programmed by YOU to only GET ATTENTION!! They are only doing their job. And they do not care what happens to you.

The Poor Me Alcoholic can die in the process of getting attention. I think it was the Star Footballer George Best who said, "I spent nearly all of my money on Booze and Beautiful Women, the rest I wasted!" He died from drinking alcohol after his Liver transplant.

I think it was one psychologist who admitted to his colleague, "You know and I know that working with Alcoholics is like chipping ice from the Antarctic!" Only Energy Enhancement has the tools to provide real inner change in All Humanity!

"The Technique of the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process is the only Enlightenment process outside of expensive Scientology which can dissolve Energy Blockages. Without it Buddhism, Hinduism, Ramana Maharshism, Ekhard Tollism, Sri Niscardattaism, any Enlightenment process other than Energy Enhancement depends on the Master to remove the energy blockages" - Satchidanand

So our student Grounded and Resurrected the "Resistor" Sub-Personality and when he absorbed it into his Soul he noticed that he felt more Solid. His Antahkarana instead of being thin with no Base expanded and became a, "Fat Pipe" able to channel more energy from the Soul to all his projects on this planet.

Because he noticed that the "Resistor" Alter was based on anger to fuel its resistance we decided to focus on the "Violator" Strategy and to Ground all the Anger Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic Mass which was powering it.

After a lot of hard work he finally grounded all the Violator, and in the process of resurrecting all of its parts he noticed that it split into many bits, some bigger than others.

The small bits went into the Soul Chakra, but the big bits went higher into the Monad or the Logos or the Sirius Chakras. He presumed the bigger bits were more evolved Function Angel Colonies which could help crystallise the functions of those higher chakras.

We need bigger and more complex chakras to help channel the increased energies of the Higher Chakras we will need to channel, in order to do our spiritual work in future. We can use the spare parts of the Angel Colonies from the blockages we heal to add to our Spiritual Bodies.

In a way it is another use of the, "Black Gold" "Texas tea" I talk about in my Youtube Video on VITRIOL on how to Ground all negative energies for purification in Kundalini Chakra in the Center of the Earth

You can see the Video here..

Or Here

Kundalini Chakra VITRIOL - Visita Interiore Chakra 1 to 5
Kundalini Chakra Parts 1 to 5 VITRIOL - Visita Interiore Chakra - Swami Satchidanand on Kundalini Chakra giving the Five Parts sequence of talks about Kundalini Chakra Energy Enhancement about Kundalini Chakra. Kundalini Chakra is in the Center of the Earth. A mass of Uranium 5 Kilometers in Diameter! which has heated this earth for 4 billion years!! Energy Enhancement Meditation VITRIOL - Visita Interiore Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultem Lapidem - A guided meditation from the alchemists and the alchemical taoists of China to transmute Trauma, Negative Energies, - Visit the Center of the earth, there you will find the hidden Stone, the Philosophers Stone which transmutes Base metal or Negative karmic mass or Negative energies in Energy Blockages, into pure positive Spiritual Gold Energy. More Videos like this about the Kundalini Chakra in the center of the earth, Heart Sutra - All sages and saints live from the Highest Heart, Prajna Paramita from the chakras, like the Soul chakra, above the head, Search youtube for tag.. Swamisatchidanand If you like to watch the whole talk Kundalini Chakra VITRIOL - Visita Interiore Terrae- five parts in One! go to: < /TheGroundingOfNegativeEnergies/flv6.html> Search youtube for tag.. swamisatchidanand for more information on the Advanced Techniques of Energy Enhancement Meditation.. Increase Energy, Remove Energy Blockages, Clean Karma, Master Fantastic Relationships, Improve IQ. 1. The Energy Enhancement Chakras above the head.. How man connects with the Center of the Universe through the Soul Chakra, Monad Chakra, Logos Chakra and the Kundalini Chakra. 2. The Energy Enhancement Antahkarana Tower, rainbow bridge, A Column of Energy which stretches from the center of the earth through every human being through all the chakras and upwards through chakras outside the body into the Center of the Universe. A Connection between heaven and Earth. 3. The Energy Enhancement Energy Blockage Removal Process and Karma Cleaning Process. Psychic Energy Blockages which block your connections between your chakras and between you and other people. Psychic Energy Blockages create disease in the Body, Negative Emotions and bad thoughts which this energy enhancement meditation removes. The Advanced Techniques of Energy Enhancement Meditation,

After the Violator and its Anger I said, "Just check" and when he checked he found another Alter Ego, an Implant Blockage which was just filled with Anger. More Anger. Free Anger. And he tried to Ground it. Tried to Contain it. It was almost too much!!

As he meditated on it over the next day I thought I would give him a hand without saying anything about it, because he looked a little overwhelmed. And when your whelm is overed!!

So I connected him to my hundreds of helpers in the Avatar of Synthesis whose job is to help with the process of World Integration and to an Ascended Master much higher than that and I started to use the techniques of the seven step process on the Anger Blockage.

He complained to me bitterly before the course that I would not use as he called them, "Visual Techniques" on his Energy Enhancement course because all he could do was "Feel" what was happening.


Of course, since then my student had spent a day or two clearing out his Antahkarana which is the first thing we always do in Level 2 of Energy Enhancement. This opens the channels to the higher chakras and enables vast amounts of energy to power the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and psychic bodies.

Energy Enhancement connects you up with higher energies. It removes your blockages to the flow of energies. The psychic machinery exists perfectly, within everyone. The problem is it is connected to the little Five Volt Battery of the Chakras where what it really needs is to be connected in to the, as Gurdjieff called it, "The Big Generator!" or the energy of the Soul and Kundalini Chakras.

When given more energy from Advanced Energy Enhancement Initiations, all Energy Enhancement students gain the ability to, "See" what is going on as their Psychic Powers reach fruition. Of Course the Psychic Machinery is not just, "Psychic Vision. It also includes, "Intuition" and "Wisdom" where without any intellectual functioning, we just, "Know".

My student of course, made sensitive by the Energy Enhancement processes was now able to garner much experience and information from this occurrence of the opening of his psychic vision.

He, "Saw" the blockage react to the energy I sent to it and how it resisted the Seven Step process and just how strong it was, what it was and what was its function. He said he had never seen so much energy. he did not know that it was possible to channel so much energy. He did not know that it was possible for Blockages to be so strong.

He, "Saw" that this blockage was a strong Implant Blockage input into his system many lifetimes ago to Vampirise his energy system. These strong types of Implants have the ability to control your intellectual thoughts and lower types of Alters like the "Resistor" we had already grounded.

The Resistor Alter was a Front for the Implant Blockage to distract attention from its presence. The major weapon of these implants is invisibility, because as soon as we know of their existence in Energy Enhancement, they are on the way out!!

Seeing its strength. Seeing how it had resisted my initial blast of energy towards it, my student became afraid that he would remain implanted for all of his life and future lifetimes. Usually, the purpose of such a strong blockage is to act as a Vampire to channel the Psychic Energies of the Client to the Implanters. To keep its client distracted so that it can never regain its psychic powers. And especially, never to allow the client to become Enlightened.

Over many years these sophisticated yet programmed Implant Blockages become a part of the emotional and intellectual mind of the client. They actually gain the ability to affect the emotions of the client and even to "talk" to the client and the words appear in the mind of the client as their own thoughts!! (SEE "REVOLVER" BY GUY RITCHIE)

So, having been discovered this Powerful Implant Blockage went into overdrive to increase its major power, Despair. They are all the same these Big Blockages. They say, "You Can't get rid of me. I am more powerful than you" and time after time we say nothing and we do the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process and they fall; they go; and their spare parts, "Coat our Higher Being Bodies" Gurdjieff - at least they are that much use.

"The ability to ignore the Pessimism of the Intellect and to re-enforce the Optimism of the Will" - Gramsci

They do the same in the World creating all cynicism and despair, as most human beings, 99%, are implanted in this way, "Look upon my works Ye People and Despair!" Yet this world is performing its function, perfectly, as a factory for the production of Enlightened Beings as it provides different races and different evolutions of people in order for us to make our mistakes on the path of learning, "That we only have the Free Will to do the Right Thing"

The wrong thing always brings Its Own Karma, "I was down when I began to crawl. If I didn't have Bad luck, I wouldn't have No luck at All!"

The Buddha was Right, "Right Mind, Right Job, Right Meditation" as he says in the Dhammapada.

The end result of Doing the Right thing is to be in Perfect Alignment with the Purpose of God on this Planet, Enlightenment.

Overnight the blockage talked to our client and in the morning he was in despair. I said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself", and he thought that we could not remove the blockage because it was so strong. "I saw your energy hit the Blockage", he said, "And I saw how strongly it reacted to protect itself"

I said that I had only blasted it a little while and that, "No protection can ever hold" It can only give us a little time to react and remove the attacker. "We will remove the Blockage. No Blockage can stand against us because we are connected to the higher frequencies of the Light, to a source of infinite power, whereas the energies of the dark side are necessarily connected to the source of their prey at very much lower frequencies, you!! What chance do they have"

Positivity is a major weapon we all need to work with and to enhance.

So we sat together and Devi Dhyani and I helped and at the end of the meditation the Blockage was gone and its spare parts were coating the Higher Being Bodies of our Student, "Pain Gone! Blockage Gone!!"

There were more blockages like this as we proceeded further on the course, one was found in the middle of a Reiki Mastery Initiation given by Devi Dhyani, yet the process is the same. "Seek and Ye shall find" and when found, the blockage goes and all its bad luck goes with it. These blockages are control blockages designed to distract you and take your attention away from spiritual success. With these blockages in the system The Initiation of Enlightenment is impossible because how can the Ascended Masters of Initiation trust you as you will always be taking your advice from the control blockages. Always you can fall...

As we removed all the blockages so our student had the vision of a sail being unfurled. The mast of the sail stretched up through the antahkarana to infinity and as the sail unfurled he felt the movement forward, with a good wind, in his evolution. At this point he saw a group of Masters including my Master, Swami Satchidananda, taking an interest in him. When all the blockages are gone, then at this point these group of Masters will become the group of Initiating masters for the Initiation of Enlightenment.

And just as we got to the airport on his way home from India I felt another control blockage!! I felt the negative energy triggered by our conversation and I saw at the back of Graham's neck the edge of the control blockage and I said, "meditate on it!" because these control blockages will distract you, distract you from your path, and plug you back into the Matrix. And what did our student say at this moment? "Not now, later"

This is one of the reasons of coming to visit an Enlightened Master. The blockages will distract you, distract you from your path and happily plug you back into the Matrix. Only a Master can stay centered sufficiently to stay still and say, "Meditate on this!" despite all the protestations of the student. Because it is not the student who is talking, it is the Implant Control Blockage which is talking.

Implant control blockages are implanted into the body in this lifetime and also in past lifetimes and it is these Implants which are more dense, more heavy, more controlling because they were implanted in rituals where you helped the process because you wanted to enter into the Dark Side. As these Implant control blockages are removed one by one, know that they can never come back. And every one of these ancient control blockages removed is another degree of freedom for you and for your life..


On the path of Illumination, Enlightenment with Energy Enhancement where Enlightenment is Not Enough! because we Facilitate the Higher Cosmic Initiations above Enlightenment. We provide the Techniques to Speed Up the Path of Enlightenment for Every Path extant on this World as All the religions and Spiritual Paths on this planet come together through the use of the Most Advanced and Effective Energy Enhancement Techniques to Create Evolution, Enlightenment and World Peace.


Like the Black Star, Poor Me and the Violator, the Connector sub-personality exists in everyone. The Connector Sub-Personality exists to connect and has the power of connection and vampirism over everyone.

The Connector Sub-Personality connects to form a relationship. To have sex. To get married. Usually it is a little childish and falls for the biggest idiots.

And then the childish Connector Sub-Personality gets upset at the least offense and stops the connection. And we then cannot form any sexual connection ever again and the relationship breaks up in acrimony and divorce.

The cherished little old lady who exists at the heart of many families until she dies has learnt to connect and take her tithe of energy from every member of the family, over many lifetimes.

The solution of course is to learn that we do not need to take energy ever again from the people around us by connecting with a source of energy from the chakras above our heads which can never fail every day in meditation using Energy Enhancement Initiation Four.

But even this is not enough. To take back our power of connection, we need to purify the Connector Sub-Personality and then integrate the Connector with our Soul as taught in Energy Enhancement Level 3, the Purification of Talents.

Only then can we regain the power of connection so that we can decide to connect and to disconnect, when we want to. The Connector Sub-Personality can never decide for us again.

Who is in charge?


The survival of the species demands a revival of the "secret knowledge" of the Neoplatonic elite. That knowledge must not only be revived, but as we do here, must be situated within and updated by appropriate terms of modern scientific knowledge.

The issue is as follows:
The essence of Christianity, and of Mosaic Judaism, is identified historically first, by Philo of Alexandria in his commentary on the first chapter of Genesis, that is, the account of Creation given by Moses. The point to be emphasized, is that man is defined in the image of God, Imago Viva Dei: not by virtue of any outward physical attributes of form, but rather by the fact that man, unlike all animals, contains that spark of creativity which places the human species apart from and above the animals in general.
That spark is the crucial thing...


It is inherent in the Purpose of God as exemplified in the Nature of Humanity that Humanity Evolve, become

My point is, that the purpose of breeding human individuals, and, indeed, the very essence of the true purpose
for the existence of those persons, is the role of mankind, as distinct from all lower expressions of life, in
the creation of the kind of future which can come into being only as the means of creating the purpose for the
existence of mankind in this universe.

The expression of that intended mission, is to be read from the evidence of the specific distinction of all
persons from all other presently known forms of life. That is to say, that the distinction of mankind is the
creative powers of the human individual which exist in no other known species of living creature. This
distinction is also expressed by the fact of the efficient immortality inherent in those qualities of
discovered ideas which live on, efficiently uplifting the human potential of society, even long after the
author of the discovery is deceased.

The fact of history is, that whereas the other living species reproduce their own biological likeness, the
human mind's standard function is the production of discoveries of efficient universal principles, which
successively discover and use higher and greater flux densities of energy both physically and Spiritually.
From the energy of fire discovered by Prometheus to the greater and more intense fires of Nuclear Fission and

From the Prometheus Fire burning of food within the body to the access to Kundalini Electric Fire which is
similar to Fission and the access to the Central Spiritual Sun which is like Solar Fusion.

Principles of the type whose embedded intention is typified Physically by man's leap from Earth to the extended
development in nearby space and Spiritually through access through spiritual projection to the chakras outside
the body of the Antahkarana. All progress in physical science, spiritual science and in great Classical
artistic compositions attests to this fact.

We breed people because their development is a key to the intention of that universe which we inhabit.

So, the human sexual act's ultimate implication is the perpetuation and advancement of an intention whose
assigned consequence is the production of new people, whose existence will perpetuate the specific work of the
human species, which is the work of qualitative progress of mankind's condition and progress, and, thus, the
advancement of the specifically unique creative-mental powers of the human individual's ability to serve a
yearning intention consistent with mankind's leap from the bounds of our Earth, to colonize within our Solar
System and betond, to play a part in the giving and receiving of higher and higher levels of spiritual energy
which embodies the evolution of the Universe.

It is not the relevant sexual act which is the purpose, but only an essential means. It is an act which is
sustained by the commitment of persons to joy in the fulfillment of that embedded intention of our species.

Once that much is stated, a further point of insight should have overtaken us.

The customary depravity which dominated most of the human cultures with which we are familiar from known
history, is the tendency for "zero growth" in most European, and also other cultures known to us from the past from Babylon to Ancient China - all ruled by the Dark Side.

This feature of such depraved sorts of cultures, is commonly expressed consciously as the assertion that the
universe is entropic or that it cannot evolve, at least implicitly so, and that man has no special powers of
creation, but rather must be content to live, as the fabled Olympian Zeus of Aeschylus' drama of Prometheus,
or, the notorious Aristotle who forbade God Himself to continue to create, once the initial act of creating a
universe were done.

To make this point clearer, take the case of a frankly belief in "zero technological growth," as
illustrated by the image of the Satan-like Olympian Zeus of Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound, who bans the use of
"fire" by mankind, in order to ensure mankind's degradation to the likeness of those who are condemned to live
as like creatures, created to be vampirised, without actually manifest human souls, who remain committed to do
as their fathers and grandfathers before them.

Contrary to what are thus defined as the pro- devotions of the so-called "environmentalists," the
existence of mankind is locked up within the notion of mankind as a species distinguished, in nature, by a
creative impulse mustered to fulfilment of future missions for improvement of our existence in our universe.
Whether expressed directly, or by relevant contributions to that ultimate effect, the life of the individual
has an inherently implicit mission, to fulfill the mission of development of the universe.

Thus, all types of moral depravity expressed by societies, have their root in the avoidance of the obligation
of a creativity which is eternally hostile to a policy of zero growth. It is the acceptance of the practice of
that evil which is the worship of the notion of anti-evolutionary perpetual entropy, which is the essential
root of evil within societies and their cultures in known history of the world thus far.

Thus a lack of creativity. The failure to promote economic growth. The Elite, "Principle of Poverty". Rockefeller promoted Austrian Economics Austerity. It is that depravity of such a public policy which engenders evil in the practice of mankind, and thus turns the intention of man's
destiny into a force of depravity in such included ways as the the promotion of the Paganism of the, "Old Religion" including Sexual Rituals, Whore Priestesses, Homosexual "Dog" Priests, Human Sacrifice to Moloch, sexual abuse of children.

For thousands of years there has been a scientific battle between the reductionist modelers who plagiarise and
debase, in order to stifle progress, the work of the original scientists whose aim is human progress and

The real scientists know that this planet can support more human beings only through advanced science which
exponentially increases, through desalination of water the food and industrial capability of humanity and through fusion plasma physics the ability to transmute elements into metallic and elemental commodities necessary to produce technology allowing humanity to live and evolve in plenty and not in poverty and need, on this planet.

The most convenient illustration of this sort of method, modeling without any physical basis, consciously
debasing science, is the comparable case of the use of that fraud by Dark Side Agent of the Persian Oligarchy -
who poisoned Alexander the Great - Aristotle, and his follower Euclid, in crafting what the great Bernhard
Riemann exposed, from the outset of his 1854 habilitation dissertation, as a physically fraudulent tradition in
the popular teaching of mathematics. Such was the ancient origin of modern positivism.

Similarly, it was intended to use mere mathematics as an alternative to actual physical science, as used by
modern, anti-science, mathematical positivists, which has, in strict truth, no intrinsic competence for
defining the principles of physical science, a corrupt notion of physical science which has been elevated to
the reputation of science's being considered as merely a matter of mathematics, as has been done by, among
others, positivists in the train of Ernst Mach, David Hilbert, and the unspeakably evil Lord Bertrand Russell and
his tribe.

How Lord Bertrand Russell Became an Evil Man

The positivists have modeled using mere mathematical and comparable formulas, which contain no actual
principle, but only mathematical descriptions, as a substitute for physical science, as the case of Agent
Bertrand Russell and his present followers typifies such an intentionally deceitful practice most luridly.

The Venetian Oligarchy secret agent Sarpi's fraudulent prank of modelling without any phyisical basis is the
root of all currently leading trans-Atlantic, systemically moral corruption in the matters of science, and
social policy more broadly. At its bottom, positivism has been a method of corrupting social control of
targeted species of entire societies, such as that first installed in England under King James I

(See Anonymous by Emmerich and the Venetian bought Cecil family).

That King James was, ironically, the emblematic, if essentially half-witting figure of an official royal,
empiricist theology, a theology of sorts which has administered the corrupting tradition of those high priests
such as the hoaxster Galileo Galilei. After the swindler Galileo, and his follower, the swindler Descartes,
there was a "perfected" succession of expressions of the alleged "principles" underlying imperial theology, a
body of evidence supplied by such cases as that of the science-hating, Venetian Oligarchic Agent hoaxster Abbé
Antonio S. Conti. In hindsight, this Conti is to be regarded, otherwise, according to rare copies of portraits,
as the ugliest face known to contemporaries of his apprentice, Oligarchic Agent Voltaire.

Depraved creatures such as Oligarchic Agents philosophers and economists John Locke, Adam Smith, and Head of Intelligence under Lord Shelbourne, Jeremy Bentham, are typical of the kindred human refuse to be listed in the same collection.

The common, a-prioristic commitment of the crude materialists, the Aristoteleans, and the modern mathematical
positivists, for example, is that they deny the existence of the universe itself, demonstrating that fact by
the means of substituting actual or merely fancied appearances, such as mere sense-certainties, for the reality
of the universe, thus excluding the existence of any actually universal principles.

The discovery of the geometry of Bernhard Riemann, for example, led to the recognition of the systemic nature
of the fraud expressed by any attempted separation of space, time, and matter into separate, fixed dimensions,
That discovery led to the recognition of a modern physical science premised on the experimentally validated
notion of physical chemistry, rather than mere physics, and to the notion of physical space-time developed by
the circles of Genius Albert Einstein.

For example: the notion of Euclidean geometry premised on Aristotelean a-priorism, had always been an anti-
scientific hoax, as had been the same hoax represented by such frauds as Newton who plagiarised and debased the
Integral Calculus of Liebniz, and the post-Leibniz frauds of de Moivre, D'Alembert, Leonhard Euler, Euler's
dupe Lagrange, Laplace, and the caught-out plagiarist of a crucial discovery by Niels Abel, Augustin Cauchy.

Truth is what both the implicit and actual positivists, such as the Aristoteleans, the "materialists"
generally, and the modern positivists, prohibit.

A materialist's world-view, like that of any Aristotelean or modern positivists, is the denial of a higher
purpose for mankind's existence, the process of generation of an achievement of a higher goal than had existed
in practice earlier. The effort of the individual for the purpose of achieving that contribution to the
universe we experience, is the one and only proof of a true human morality. Essentially, nothing truly an
achievement of an individual life lived is accomplished in any different way.

Mathematics without any physical basis, sheer imagination, is the fantasy of Computer modelling of real systems
of the world which because the model cannot be accurate, and indeed is designed not to be accurate, as it makes
false predictions which are designed to fool and steal from humanity.

The areas of recent fantasy Computer Modeling which have been proven to be intentionally falsified are:

1. The Oligarchic Agents "Global Warming" and "Climate Change" models supported by,"Peer Reviewed" false science whose almost achieved aim is to reduce, in a sort of Genocide, the technology of humanity so that the world can support less people. Where terawatts of Nuclear Electricity are needed to de-salinate water, grow food in the deserts, and through air conditioning and heating allow humanity to live and work in the tropics as well as in Siberia.
Instead we have the aim of the elite to Zero Population Growth and a constant world population of 2 Millions -
the population to be reduced by starvation, false flag rent-a-mob terrorism, rent-a-mob politics, war, and
laboratory grown diseases.

2. The Computer Modeling of the intentionally created false science of Economics, whose aim is the stealing of
wealth from ordinary humanity, thus stopping their evolution and reducing their level to the forelock tugging
"Yes Sir" of the feudal serf or slave.

Where the false use of money in the Gambling Casino of wall Street and service industries - calling the money
made in these industries as profit, instead of the real profit of the physical production of food and useful
technology to enhance the lives and purpose of all humanity.

The false tenets of the "Science of Monetary Economics" and its consequent Modelling in the Computers of every
Government in the world - certified by the believed fantasy of peer reviewed professors of Keynsianism and
Monetarism, as well as Rockefeller funded Austrian Austerity Economics as David Rockefeller paid the bills of Von Mises and Von Hayek as well as the Lew Rockwell Ludwig von Mises Institute as well as Ron Paul Austerity who wants to genocidally cut food stamps - relied upon by 50 million Americans to live on by 65%. Austrianism where where economic crash comes before the rise of the economy as specified by the Austrian Rockefellers which has never happened in all human history!! These knaves have allowed the intentional corruption of stealing of trillions of dollars from the worlds economies through the clever corrupt trick of Bubbles, which are Ponzi Schemes which since the South Sea Bubble of 1720 have been a regular yearly event culminating in the recent housing derivatives bubble of 2006 - 2007.

Some families and individuals in control of the economy, through having the power to remove the Glass-Steagal Act, this time have stolen 50 trillions of dollars out of the economy through as always, knowing when to invest and when to get out of the mortgage industry, boosted and bubbled by toxic derivatives. The bubbles are due to continue because nothing has been done to remove the intentionally corrupt banking industry through the normal method of bankruptcy as the aim is to continue to steal everything.

I want to define "psychopath": a person who manifests amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of the ability to love, extreme egocentricity, & failure to learn from experience. If that don't define our central banking criminals, words cannot.

In the end, you have to ask the News outlet, the person propagandising, what is the solution?

Which solutions to the problem is that News Outlet person propagandising; intellectually discern through his solutions whether he is a good person or Corporation Whore or Secret service Controlled Opposition, because that informs you of whether the problems are being propagandised in a good or bad way.

The New World Order rules only through fear and the propagation of fear.

Solutions which do not solve the problem or which make the problem worse, are what the The New World Order wants.

Discern the good solutions of Glass Steagall, of Economic Growth through taxing Wall Street as main street is taxed. The nationalisation of the central banks like the Fed to create Trillions in investment in infrastructure, irrigation, Agriculture. The production of 30 millions of well paid new jobs. Freedom, education, human evolution, good morality - "There are too few friends and good people on this Planet!!" Lets have more!!

Rather than protection against economic collapse - guns, gold, and food storage.


Saturn devouring his children - like the elite devour Enron, housing bubbles and pension funds and rent seeking - nothing new created, no growth, only the vampirisation of that which already exists - like the other part of the dark side vampirises the energies of their sons and brothers through energy blockage implants - mentioned by Dante in the Inferno of the Comedia about Count Ugolino eating his sons.

The real intention of human existence, as distinct from other living species, is the continuity of progress of man's development and work on behalf of works which partake of a notion akin to "the greater glory of God." It is a glory which depends in large degree, in particular, on men and women who have grown old, but also specially matured in their creative powers through Energy Enhancement. It is the production of the development of the intellectual and Spiritual powers of creativity in the human individual which is the mission which expresses the purpose of the conception of the birth and development of the new human individual.

The psychopath and the Buddhist icchantika

I want to define "psychopath": a person who manifests amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of the ability to love, extreme egocentricity, & failure to learn from experience. If that don't define our central banking criminals, words cannot.

In Energy Enhancement we see that Psychopaths have blockages of the Heart creating a lack of empathy and blockages above the head creating a lack of conscience as the blockage cuts off the intuitional energy from the Soul Chakra or as it is called in buddhism, Dharma - these people have no souls. They are soulless Golems.

Usually these types of energy blockage are Implanted during previous lifetimes and sometimes in this lifetime in certain dark rituals. That is, in previous lifetimes we actually wanted to join the dark side!!

Removing the blockages of the heart and above the head are major steps forward on the path of Energy Enhancement - the Karma Clearing Process.

"In the Mahaparinirvana Sutra the "icchantikas" (i.e., a species of being who can never attain Buddhahood) are deeply evil. They don't believe that all beings have the Buddha-nature. They wish to harm others. They take pride in their twisted views, and live lives contrary to the Buddhist precepts. Especially, the icchantikas conceal the evils they have done some of which are grave in nature. Nor are they capable of repenting their sins. As far as their spiritual capacity is concerned, they have "no capacity for saddharma" (true Dharma). The Buddha refers to icchantikas as "the incurable ones." In fact, the Buddha it could be said regards them as the spiritual dead. In this respect, killing an icchantika is of no karmic consequence according to the Buddha.

"For example, such actions as digging the ground, mowing the grass, felling trees, cutting up corpses, ill-speaking, and lashing do not call forth karmic returns. Killing an icchantika comes within the same category. No karmic results ensue" (T. vol. 12, p. 460b,11.17–19).

As far as Bodhisattvas are concerned, they still have great compassion for all beings, including even the antihuman like icchantikas. In this context, the great compassion the Bodhisattvas demonstrates is intended to remove the non-beneficial character of sentient beings which prevents them from actualizing their Buddha-nature. In fact, a Bodhisattva might even resolve to be reborn in hell, where icchantikas are being tortured, perchance they should repent in which case the Bodhisattva will be there to preach various dharmas to them “so that there may arise in them a moment of good roots”! As we can see, despite the noble resolve of the Bodhisattvas to even go to hell to save them, icchantikas prove to be tough nuts to crack. By and large, they are incurable.

Turning our attention to the modern world, it is not difficult to lump the icchantika up with the psychopath and sociopath who lacks any measure of conscience and empathy—a person whom we might characterize as being “cold and calculating”. One troubling aspect of a psychopath is that they seem to be quite sane. But in reality they are anything but sane. They have an insatiable appetite to be in positions of power in order to control others and psychically harm them. Virtually, every hierarchical system is riddled with psychopaths. Probably, the first recorded evidence of psychopathy came at the beginning of the 19th century.

"Pinel (1801) described the case of a young, spoiled adolescent who, in a fit of rage, threw a maid into a pit. In the subsequent court case, Pinel made the plea that although the young man had no symptoms of a mental disorder, his behavior was so purposeless that he had to be considered insane. Pinel uses two terms to describe this kind of insanity: manie sans delire and folise raisonante, which could be translated into modern English as "mental disease without symptoms of mental disease" and "sane insanity." Cleckley (1941) reached the same conclusions: the behavior of psychopaths is so maladaptive that it can only be the manifestation of a hidden insanity” (Thomas A. Widiger, Dimensional models of personality disorders: refining the research agenda for DSM-V).

Today, more and more attention is being given to the dangers of psychopathy where in the world of business and politics, CEOs and political leaders are often discovered to be psychopaths. A psychopath, in fact, can destroy a business or ruin a nation. But they can also infect others with their psychopathy leading them to perdition, so to speak. Being seduced, for example, by a rationalization for a preemptive military strike that will undoubtedly kill thousands of innocent people or the need to suspend civil liberties in the wake of a terrorist attack, is to have fallen under the spell of a psychopath or an “interspecies predator energy blockage” as Dr. Robert Hare, who specializes in the study of psychopathy, defines them.

Sociopaths having no care or conscience are easily persuaded to join the Old Roligion of Sexual Rituals and human sacrifice. They love Eugenics, sterilisation and soft kill of fluoride, vaccinations, frankenstein food, fuctory fumes, aspartame and putting baby flavoring into Pepsi. Also the idea that some genes, sociopathic genes, his genes, are better than your genes and born to rule.

How the psychopath gains power over those with a conscience is perhaps more disturbing. One of the most troubling of modern ironies is that those who believe they have a conscience often permit themselves to be undermined and ruled by psychopaths who have no conscience. This, it could be argued, is the main cause of every form of modern injustice and abuse culminating in the holocaust during the second World War.

From a Buddhist perspective, those who believe they have a conscience might be slowly and imperceptibly transforming into icchantikas, that is, psychopaths. They are collaborators. Like someone driving the getaway car for a gangster who, while never actually committing the bank robbery, was nevertheless an important element in the success of the robbery. The Buddha in the Mahaparinirvana Sutra lays out how the non-icchantika becomes an icchantika.

“[O]riginally worshipped the three jewels and various gods, but has changed since then, and now worships his own desires [instead]. He loved to give alms in the past but has now become miserly. He was by nature moderate in his diet, but has now turned gluttonous. He had an ingrained aversion for evils, but now looks on them with sympathy. He was born filial and esteemed his parents, but now he has no thought of respect for his father and mother.”

Unlike the time of the Buddha, the modern age has learned diverse ways to turn the average non-icchantika into a committed icchantika/psychopath, but only because psychopaths are in positions of authority—and only because they’ve made the system that will insure the dominance of the psychopathic character.

In spite of this, it has to be kept in mind that a psychopath’s greatest fear is the fear of being found out. This especially occurs when the psychopath can no longer manipulate the information that insures his dominance; which reveals him to be an interspecies predator energy blockage."

I took this from another source but can not believe that the Buddha would condone killing people, you would have to be a psychopath to approve the killing of people.

But it is interesting that psychopaths are called icchantika, just as in the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna calls these types of people "Demons"

Energy Enhancement Client 6.
Well our client said that she, her sister and brother had been sexually abused by her mother, father and grandfather when they were children. Her brother and sister were heroin drug addicts and had tried to commit suicide. She had been attracted to psychology and psychiatry at university and was now a Senior Psychiatrist in charge of an Institution working with abused children. Her psychiatry had obviously saved her life but not sufficiently and thus she came to Energy Enhancement.

Obviously she had absorbed a lot of trauma and pain which needed to be grounded but interestingly she found when she started the Energy Enhancement Karma Clearing Process an explanation of the reasons as to why she had been given parents like this.

It is good for the ego to admit that in many previous lifetimes we have done bad things. We are all like this, but in this lifetime we have decided we want to do better.

Hitler can be forgiven. The prodigal son is welcomed back onto the path of light. Yet all these bad things we have done we have to learn how to forgive ourselves. Thus the Energy Enhancement Karma Clearing and Forgiveness process.

Only when we have forgiven ourselves, can we learn how to forgive others. We do this by learning how to ground all these negative karmic energies so that we do not have to live through this karma physically. We can remove it energetically using the Energy Enhancement Techniques before it manifests into your life as pain and traumatic experiences.

It says in the Hindu Bible, a conversation between God or Krishna, and Arjuna or the good part of you, in the Baghavad Gita Chapter 16


Persons of demonic or psychopathic nature do not know what to do and what not to do. They neither have purity nor good conduct nor truthfulness. (16.07)
Psychopaths say that the world is unreal, without a substance, without a God, and without an order. The world is caused by lust (or Kaama) alone and nothing else. (16.08)
Adhering to this view these psychopathic lost souls, with small intellect and cruel deeds, are born as enemies for the destruction of the world. (16.09)
Filled with insatiable desires, hypocrisy, pride, and arrogance; holding wrong views due to delusion; psychopaths act with impure motives. (16.10)
Obsessed with great anxiety until death, considering sense gratification as their highest aim, convinced that this (sense pleasure) is everything, (16.11)
Bound by hundreds of ties of desire and enslaved by lust and anger; they strive to obtain wealth by unlawful means for the fulfillment of desires. Psychopaths think: (16.12)
This has been gained by me today, I shall fulfill this desire, this is mine and this wealth also shall be mine in the future; (16.13)
That enemy has been slain by me, and I shall slay others also. I am the Lord. I am the enjoyer. I am successful, a powerful siddha or black magician, and happy; (16.14)
I am rich and born in a noble family. I am the greatest. I shall perform sacrifice, I shall give charity to show off, and I shall rejoice. Thus deluded by ignorance; (16.15)
Bewildered by many fancies; entangled in the net of delusion; addicted to the enjoyment of sensual pleasures; psychopaths fall into a foul hell. (16.16)
Self-conceited, stubborn, filled with pride and intoxication of wealth; they perform Yajna, religious sacrifice, only in name, for show, and not according to scriptural injunction. (16.17)
Clinging to egoism, power, arrogance, lust, and anger; these psychopathic malicious people hate Me (who dwells) in their own body and others' bodies. (16.18)
I hurl these psychopathic haters, cruel, sinful, and mean people of the world, into the wombs of other demons or psychopaths again and again. (16.19)
O Arjuna, entering the wombs of demons or psychopaths birth after birth, the deluded ones sink to the lowest hell without ever attaining Me. (16.20)
Lust, anger, and greed are the three gates of hell leading to the downfall (or bondage) of THE Jeeva personality. Therefore, one must (learn to) give up these three. (16.21)

Look at 16.19 and 20 again.

I hurl these haters, cruel, sinful, and mean people of the world, into the wombs of demons or psychopaths again and again. (16.19)

O Arjuna, entering the wombs of demons or psychopaths birth after birth, the deluded ones sink to the lowest hell without ever attaining Me. (16.20)

See it here..

MEDITATION ENERGY ENHANCEMENT AND Trauma, Pain, Relationships, Divorce, Piercings, Tattoos, BDSM, Sex, Sex Addiction, Tantra, Gambling, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Drugs and Addiction, Bad backs, Heart Disease, and Cancer.

And in the Energy Enhancement Karma Clearing Process, without any prompting by me, this is what client 6 said...

Black Magic, Sex and Sado Masochism Couple Tantra heart.1500 years ago she was a beautiful lady healer with long blond hair who was on the path of righteousness. A bad guy saw her and through implanting her with a sexual implant blockage was able to make her fall in love with him. This bad guy turned her onto the dark side of the force and for 10 lifetimes this guy led her into bad paths of black magic, sex and sado-masochism, abusing many different people. Then, as happens to all on the dark side she was defeated (LITERALLY DE-FEETED, her base chakra was broken and implanted by another bad guy) And she entered into 100 lifetimes of sexual abuse, serving as a sex slave and as a spiritual battery for the bad guy who implanted her.

She was learning why she had been given these experiences. Karma, the law of consequences, says we have been given the free will to learn the consequences of taking the wrong path. In reality we are only allowed the freedom of making the right choice. Everything which has a beginning has an end.

And further, with Energy Enhancement, how to totally heal the entire stuation, how to dissolve the negative karmic energies which were throwing her into these hells time and time again. How to remove all the implants which were turning her into a batttery and not allowing her to generate the energy necessary to get her out of this black hole pit she was in. How to cut off all connections with the Dark Side, "seal the door which evil dwells" so that they could not attract her into bad ways again and become independant and free of all negative influences. How to gain infinite positive energy from the side of Light and goodness and purpose and will. She was learning how necessary it is to stay away from evil and to cleave to the good.

If you desire anything on this planet remember, you cannot take anything with you when you die except your evolution. So please evolve through the kindness of those sent to this planet to help you. They are here in every generation, just for you. This is the promise of the Baghavad Gita.

Satchidananda Meditation LionMy teacher, Swami Satchidananda said that when he was young he could touch people and take away their cancer, he could touch people and take away their heart disease yet after three years he noticed that these same people were coming back with the same problems. He realised that unless they changed their minds also, it was not possible to heal them permanently. They had to learn to do it for themselves. So he started a program for yoga and meditation and if the people were good, perhaps a little bit of healing could enter from the side.

Once a Swede came to Swami Satchidananda with a grave abdominal problem. Swami said, come to the Ashram for 6 months and learn Yoga and meditation and practise every day and your problem will be solved. So after 6 months the guy came to swami and said, the problem has not gone away. Swami asked if he had done everything, the yoga, the meditation and had practised every day and the guy said yes. So Swami moved his hand close to the abdomen and made a catching and pulling motion with his right hand as though he was pulling something out of him. He then asked him how he felt and the guy said the pain had gone. It never returned.

Roshi Hogen Daido YamahataI remember Zen Master Hogen when I was with him in The Greek island of Lesbos acting as his general factotem and dogsbody. We lived together in the same house for two weeks and one night I had a dream. I was lying on a stone slab as a dead King like we see Aragorn lying dead on the Stone Slab in the, "Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King".

Hogen came to me and leant over my body from the hips and sucked out my right eye. He cleaned it with his mouth, took it out, polished it playfully and then put it back into his mouth, leaned over me again and spat it back into my eye.

The next day I found out that Hogen had done something very stupid. He had put some strong eucalyptus oil, Olbas Oil, on his finger and put it into his right eye. So, the students cleaned it out with water and he wore an eye patch, like a pirate, for the rest of the time there. It must have been very painful for him yet these things are done for the benefit of the students. Thus the Master from time immemorial has absorbed the Karma of the Students.

I asked Zen Master Hogen what he had done in past lifetimes and he said he had been a Guiness (Karma) maker. Now in this lifetime he was drinking all the Guiness. He was absorbing and transmuting all the karma. And this was the symbolism of his students giving him a can of Guiness every time They met him.

Swami Satchidananda told me that Yoga was the gaining of Psychic Vision and when necessary the blockages of the students are removed.

Energy Enhancement SatchidanandThere are many examples gleaned from many experiences and books from the age of 14 when I started to practise Yoga. From the age of 21 when I started to read spiritual books and train with the National Federation of Spiritual Healers of Great Britain and then later to become a Yoga teacher and teach those with Multiple Sclerosis in my local class and at Ickwell Bury a Yoga Foundation run by Howard Kent near London. I had to stop the class after a while, they all got well.

And last but not least my training and experiences with Zen Master Hogen Daido Yamahata and Swami Satchidananda - two enlightened saints and Siddhas whose whole lives have been devoted towards the benefit of everyone who met them. Swami Satchidananda has now passed on at the age of 89 in 2002 but you can meet Hogen, student of the famous Zen Master Tangen Harada Roshi, in Japan at his Zen Temple on the slopes of Mount Fuji or at his Ashram in Australia.

In Energy Enhancement we teach you how to do it for yourself. We provide a field of positive energy to help the process called the Buddhafield and from time to time, if you need a little help, we give it. But we are merely midwives or guides, and it is you who must walk every step of the way by yourselves and when you have done it you must also know that you have been carried every step by goodness and mercy.

What makes you think that you have done anything? Only the Ego. And yet it is true, with the collaboration of infinity, you have done everything by yourself.



Hello Satchidanand,

I have encountered all kinds of teachers of enlightenment. But, all seem to be aging and dying themselves.

Do you know of anyone personally who has been able to stop or reverse their death and aging process?

I've done tons of processes and have lots of experiences, but I don't think that really matters if I'm just gonna die.

Unless I'm doing my practices on behalf of my future self, so they won't have as hard a life as me, which I feel is a compassionate and worthy aspiration since the me I know now will be dead in that future.

Thus the Policies of Famine, Disease, War and periodic Pogroms or Genocide which have been endemic over the last 6000 years of recorded history.

The recent history of the Oligarchic Families from the lie of the Usury Debt Creating Banksters of Babylon to the Usury Debt Monetarist Slave Maintained Roman Empire though the Usury Debt Monetarist Slave maintained Venetian Republic which then took over the House of Orange in Holland and then took over London and the UK through William Of Orange where they created the Usury Debt Monetarist Slave Maintained British Empire connected with the American Oligarchic Elites which are currently taking over the World through the UN and NATO - is available through Webster Tarpley's book "Against Oligarchy" which you can view here for free ..

The Baron Phillippe de Rothschilde's Inter Alpha Group currently controls seventy percent of the Worlds banks and the Imaginary debts of 1000 Quadrillion Dollars wielded through Elite Leverage Controlled Hedge Funds like the Soros Quantum Fund is sufficient to destabilize any economy, any sovereign country, where real assets can then be bought at pennies on the dollar and the whole system maintained by the male energy naked aggression of NATO and the US Military.

These Banks are also maintained by Oil and Petroleum which must be sold in US Dollars which then creates the leveraged debt. Oil and Petroleum system through Israel Control - the Arc of Crisis - and the US Military Control of Arabian Countries whose leaders and Satraps - like the Rajas of India and now all the World's Politicians educated in British and USA Universities - bought and paid for in advance - are maintained in power by the CIA, MI6 and the USA Militaries.

Also the female energy Monetary Warfare of the 1920's British Banks repudiation of Debt and leaving the Gold Standard created a depression to create the foundations of WW2 (see Webster Tarpley's "Surviving the Cataclysm") also Germany's WW1 Debt created Depression and the Prescott Bush funded Hitler. The current 2008 et al world depression is for a similar reason.

Then CIA MI6 Secret Services False flags, created terrorism, Assassinations and created rent a mob colour revolutions. See the Recent histories of MI6 created French Revolution, MI6 terrorist agent Massini, MI6 Urquhart controlled Engels and Marx, Russian Revolution, British Edward Seventh created WW1, WW2 then recently still playing out Iraq, Afganistan, Pakistan, Libya, Poisoned Milosovich's Serbia, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and then on to Russia and China - Google the names in the 40 years of archives at

And elite methodologies to create minion mind controlled slaves for special jobs using abuse, torture, drugs, energy blockage implants and hypnotism - see the Manchurian Candidate - to split the mind into many sub-personalities - divide and conquer - which has been done for thousands of years but vastly improved recently.

Further Research - please do not just accept my thesis - Google Swami Satchidananda, Fritz Springmeier, David Icke, Lyndon Larouche, Webster Tarpley and many, many more..


The second method is to develop the spiritual body which is immortal to maintain the consciousness through the death process

The spiritual body is created by those who are monadically infused.

Normally enlightenment is Soul Infusion but more is needed in order to become an Ascended Master. After Enlightenment these Initiations appear very quickly.

When I viewed all my past lifetimes I saw a matrix of thousands of personalities from past lifetimes, all mad, all egoistic. These mad personalities must be transcended through a process of evolution.

Media successes like male energy reputation destroyed and assassinated Jesus Christ, Buddha, and Mohammed, are leavened by many female energy Masters appearing secretly, unannounced, unrecorded and unknown in every age, in every time period.

These Masters can only be truly realised by people who have developed an inner life, a soul, intuition, conscience, inner voice which leads them to the spiritual process they need to further evolve.

This is the reason for, "Unless I'm doing my practices on behalf of my future self, so they won't have as hard a life as me, which I feel is a compassionate and worthy aspiration since the me I know now will be dead in that future"

It is possible to attain the Level of full development of the Spiritual Body only with Yoga and the help of a Spiritual Master in only one lifetime.

Currently Energy Enhancement is the fastest methodology in this time period.

Master Satchidanand - "A walking point of crisis and the necessary spiritual tension" - will provide the Spiritual Energy and Energy Enhancement will provide the advanced techniques of the full Alchemical Kundalini Kriyas and the Blockage Elimination Seven Step Process.

Further Research -

Tamil Siddar Bhogar

Tamil Siddar Bhogar
Siddar Alchemy is Taoist Alchemy
Bhogar Transmigrated - moved from Body to Body - into Lao Tsu
Babaji, Creator of Kundalini Kriyas Student of tamil Siddar Bhogar
Swami Satchidananda, Master of satchidanand, was a Tamil Siddha
Satchidananda and Satchidanand at Palani Hill Temple - Bhogars temple - in 1995
Siddha Poetry with Commentary by Satchidanand
Patanjali was a Tamil Siddar!!



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The quotes below from David John Oates mentions that originally all humanity was powered by the energy of God through the crown chakra. However, due to absorbing energy blockages into and above the crown chakra, all humanity became cut off from God and could only survive by stealing energy from the rest of humanity. All humanity became Energy Vampires.



Some families passed on this information to their family generation to generation and began to look upon the rest of Humanity, "Fresh Meat" as their cattle, Animals who could be slaughtered for their energy. All the ills of Humanity spring from this knowledge. These families over thousands of years have created the perfect power of Oligarchicly controlled societies to continue this vampirisation process.

The Dumming Down of humanity via pollution, The Oligarchic Policy of Pollution means that energy is put into health instead of evolution and throwing off the chains of slavery. People die many years before their time and are unable to become wise. For humanity to grow, we need a pure environment free from Fuctories which have been designed from the start only to produce pollution in every town and city in the World.

Every ache and pain is caused by pollution of the environment of Air, Water, pesticides, irradiation of food including microwaves which destroy high energy food components, also Frankenstein Food which in every experiment has killed every rat within three months. Now, 50% die from Heart disease, 30% die from Cancer.

We don't need more pills from Elite created Big Pharma. We need to stop the cause of the aches, pains and disease. We need to stop pollution!!

Oates gives his personal experience with polluted Egoic Energy Blockage Implants becoming purified talents through the process of evolution in the Psychic Body, "Whirlwind".

You may remember a book, "The Center of the Cyclone" This is the psychic Body, The Antahkarana which streches from the center of the Earth through our seven chakra bodies out into the Central Spiritual Sun in the Center of the Universe, God. The One God with 10,000 names.



These unpurified talent blockages can be absorbed, can be passed on, virus like, from person to person, psychic body to psychic body.

Together with Energy Connections chakra to chakra these aspects of Energy Blockage and Energy Connection are the hidden aspects of every relationship and to Master Relationships, you need to learn, with Energy Enhancement Level Four, how to Master Energy Blockage absorbtion and Transmutation and Energy Connections in every Relationship.

The Blockages we absorb from others in every interaction in every relationship can be unpurified or Evil, or Purified Angelic Energy Blockage Talents and these two types of energy spring from evolved people of the evil demonic kind or the enlightened good kind. So, you have to judge your company and the company you keep. "Stay away from evil" - Jesus.

The Oates Unconscious metaphors are Energy Blockages residing in the whirlwind psychic body. These Energy Blockage metaphors are either egoic and unpurified or are purified angelic talents. Usually unpurified energy blockage talents have to be purified through the Energy Enhancement seven step process or must wait for Karma, the action of these energy blockages on Karmic Relatiionships so that the Lie of the blockage can be seen through its evil action.

Quotes From The Light of Collective Creation By David John Oates (Additions by Satchidanand)

"A primarily central theme in these metaphors is the operation and function of "The Whirlwind." ... an energy field which surrounds the body. This energy field interacts with a larger field that permeates our physical world. In its simplest form, The Whirlwind operates as a giant communications link. This link relays our unconscious messages to the larger Whirlwind which then travels out and connects with other people’s own personal Whirlwinds. This attracts and creates those situations which our unconscious had learned that we need to operate. ...


"… humans were fighting for dominance and control of the Whirlwind within and its interaction with the Whirlwind without. It described this process as the exchange and theft of Sex (Energy) in the form of emotional transfers. Humans were constantly having psychic Sex with each other. Life situations provided the necessary sexual energy to enable the psyche to continue functioning. Psychic Sex could be healthy and uplifting, making love; it could superficial, screwing or fucking; or it could be totally damaging, farting, shitting, etc.

...there was an ultimate source for this psychic sexual energy and this source came from God. However, we had lost contact with God eons ago and now sourced each other and life situations instead. (All are energy vampires)



Separate from these personal interactions, a higher collective intelligence was also operating. This intelligence used the operations of the Whirlwind to structure the process of human evolution and historical events so that a higher consciousness could evolve. At times, it seemed to structure life events so that people operating common reversed metaphors (Talents created through Karma and later purified into Angelic Thoughtforms) would find each other. ..similar unconscious metaphors attracted each other through interactions in the Whirlwind. When these people met, they would exchange further personal metaphors (Talent Chakras, Psychic presents) that would unconsciously combine with other metaphors during the process of conversation and energy exchange. (Note these exchanged presents can be unpurified demonic energy blockages or purified Angelic talents)

The result would be a strengthened metaphoric structure, (A psychic Body increased in size, function and talent) and another piece of consciousness would be etched onto the psyche. In effect, some metaphors were evolving, approaching maturity like grapes on the vine. The pictures of the movie collectively and individually continued to unravel and grow"

Unconscious metaphors are Energy Blockages residing in the whirlwind psychic body. These Energy Blockage metaphors are either egoic and unpurified or are purified talents. Usually unpurified energy blockage talents have to be purified through the Energy Enhancement seven step process or must wait for Karma, through interaction in Relationships. The action of these energy blockages on Karmic Relationships so that the Lie of the blockage can be seen through its evil action.

There is a constant absorption and transmutation of energy going on in every meeting, every energy interaction, every bad person, every relationship, as the easy energy blockages are broken down and purified or stored in the psychic body to affect, waiting for an increase in evolution to enable the transmutation of the present untransmutable energy blockages..

"Separate from these personal interactions, a higher collective intelligence was also operating. This intelligence used the operations of the Whirlwind to structure the process of human evolution and historical events so that a higher consciousness could evolve. At times, it seemed to structure life events so that people operating common reversed metaphors would find each other.

Through the process of Oral Tradition, similar unconscious metaphors attracted each other through interactions in the Whirlwind. When these people met, they would exchange further personal metaphors that would unconsciously combine with other metaphors during the process of conversation and energy exchange.

The result would be a strengthened metaphoric structure, and another piece of consciousness would be etched onto the psyche. In effect, some metaphors were evolving, approaching maturity like grapes on the vine. The pictures of the movie collectively and individually continued to unravel and grow.

...the secrets of the universe and evolution were in the pictures (These are visions created by energy blockages) and they were now coming together, reaching critical mass. It was how we thought and acted and created, and it was how we evolved. The new pictures became new scenes, and new behavior became the new life plots. Collective knowledge continued to grow, collective intelligence expanded and, according to the hidden small voice of the spirit that I heard everyday, human consciousness was about to explode.

This process of evolution seemed to be leading mankind towards an inevitable and unshakable confrontation with itself....The unconscious mind was rising to consciousness and was calling for a unification of the whole. It was leading us back to ourselves, to the Light that lay within, and eventually humanity would begin to discover the source of energy that was contained within this Light.

From .. my Christian upbringing, I understood this energy to be the Light of God that came from the deepest recesses of the mind, from an area even deeper than the collective unconscious in the timeless void beyond the Mist .. called Heaven.

The Light began in the Holy of Holies in the very center of Heaven or the most sacred area of consciousness. It was the source of metaphor or the image that created all other images. It was a single conscious intelligence of Love that filled all and connected all. It was the energy that bound all together that resided within and without. .. the Light was, is and always will be, perfect Sex, or the power of connection and creation.

We were all designed to have Sex with God, (this is the perfect energy exchange of enlightenment - The twenty four hour a day orgasm) but had forgotten how to do so. We worshipped the images of beasts and demons in the unconscious instead. We had allowed these images to create our world of dysfunction and disharmony. Because they were not the Light, we were now required to source Sex externally rather than internally. Even the Christ metaphor, forever resident in total consciousness, that enabled us to bypass the beasts had been ignored. The only way we could now have Sex was to exchange personal resources with those around. This allowed the dysfunctional metaphors to have even more control and dominance in the world as the pictures within created the pictures without.


With the arrogance of conscious blindness, we had given demons permission to reside in the Whirlwind that the light of collective intelligence had used to reflect Himself upon the world. And so the Light of collective intelligence was restructuring the historical events of human history through the pictures in the wind so the demons of the mind could be exposed.

What was once unconscious would begin to be seen by the conscious. Then humanity would be forced to face the demons. Many would scream in pain, shielding their eyes from the torment that fell upon them. Some would stand firm though. If they could banish the demons from the winds of the mind, then the Light could be completely reflected out and physical reality would literally shift to one of harmony and paradise as the picture within created the picture without.

.. the ultimate purpose of human history was to manifest the Light onto the world once more. As it had been in the beginning in the Garden before the great unconsciousness came, so would it become again. The alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, the forwards and the backwards…."

Quotes From The Light of Collective Creation By David John Oates (Additions by Satchidanand)


Evolution is the creation of a bigger and bigger and more pure and purified psychic body. Metaphors are the talents and the energy blockages. There is a constant absorption of energy in each interaction, in each relationship. Afterwards Karma is the result of this absorption and later still purification of that which has been absorbed.

There is a constant process of energy blockage absorbance, transmutation by Energy Enhancement or you get the action of karma if you don't use Energy Enhancement Transmutative Techniques, experience and the creation of a bigger, more talented Psychic body.

Those who cannot transmute the evil energy blockages become more evil and psychopathic. There is a continuous battle between good and evil, a continuous Armageddon!!

Energy Presents absorbed from the enlightened are pure and are seed gifts for your benefit. The Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process is a technique where all the energy we have ever absorbed over many thousands of lifetimes can be transmuted without the necessity of going through the evil karma. Where we can purify our whole Energy Body to the level of Illumination, The Creation of the Vajra Diamond body, fast!! In this lifetime.

You need to gain talent evolution and energy to be enabled to transmute the deepest energy blockages.

That is why people come to meet the Enlightened to be healed of that which they cannot transmute.

That is why people come to stay with Enlightened masters to learn the techniques of transmutation. To be helped to transmute that which as yet, they cannot transmute.

To create a bigger more talented and purified energy body. To become enlightened.




These words cover a building technique or a process of energy manipulation which brings into being a rapport between the Monad and a human being who is aspiring towards full liberation and is treading the Path of Discipleship and Initiation; it can create a channel of light and life between the higher and the lower divine aspects and can produce a bridge between the world of spiritual life and the world of daily physical plane living. It is a technique for producing the highest form of dualism and of eliminating the threefold expression of divinity, thereby intensifying the divine expression and bringing man nearer to his ultimate goal. Disciples must always remember that soul consciousness is an intermediate stage. It is also a process whereby - from the angle of the subhuman kingdoms in nature - humanity itself becomes the divine intermediary and the transmitter of spiritual energy to those lives whose stages of consciousness are below that of self-consciousness. Humanity becomes to these lives - in their totality - what the Hierarchy is to humanity. This service only becomes possible when a sufficient number of the human race are distinguished by the knowledge of the higher duality and are increasingly soul-conscious and not just self-conscious. They can then make this transmission possible, and it is done by means of the antahkarana.

1. Intention. By this is not meant a mental decision, wish or determination. The idea is more literally the focusing of energy upon the mental plane at the point of greatest possible tension. It signifies the bringing about of a condition in the disciple's consciousness which is analogous to that of the Logos when - on His much vaster scale - He concentrated within a ring-pass-not (defining His desired [487] sphere of influence) the energy-substance needed to carry out His purpose in manifesting. This the disciple must also do, gathering his forces (to use a common expression) into the highest point of his mental consciousness and holding them there in a state of absolute tension. You can now see the purpose lying behind some of the meditation processes and techniques as embodied in the words so often used in the meditation outlines: "raise the consciousness to the head center"; "hold the consciousness at the highest possible point"; "endeavor to hold the mind steady in the light"; and many similar phrases. They are all concerned with the task of bringing the disciple to the point where he can achieve the desired point of tension and of energy-focusing. This will enable him to begin the conscious task of constructing the antahkarana. It is this thought which really lies unrecognized behind the word "intention," used so often by Roman Catholics and Anglo-Catholics when preparing candidates for communion. They indicate a different direction, however, for the orientation they desire is not that towards the Monad or spirit, but towards the soul, in an effort to bring about better character equipment in the personality and an intensification of the mystical approach.

In the "intention" of the disciple who is consciously occupied with the rainbow bridge, the first necessary steps are:

The achievement of right orientation; and this must take place in two stages: first, towards the soul as one aspect of the building energy, and second, towards the Triad.

A mental understanding of the task to be carried out. This involves the use of the mind in two ways: responsiveness to buddhic or intuitional impression and an act of the creative imagination.
A process of energy gathering or of force absorption, in order that the needed energies are confined within a mental ring-pass-not, prior to the later process of visualization and projection. [488]
A period of clear thinking anent process and intention, so that the dedicated bridge-builder may clearly perceive what is being done.
The steady preservation of tension without undue physical strain upon the brain cells.

When this has been accomplished there will be found to be present a focal point of mental energy which previously had been non-existent; the mind will be held steady in the light, and there will also be the alignment of a receptive attentive personality and a soul oriented towards the personality and in a state of constant, directed perception. I would remind you that the soul (as it lives its own life on its own level of awareness) is not always constantly aware of its shadow, the personality, in the three worlds. When the antahkarana is being built, this awareness must be present alongside the intention of the personality.


2. Visualization. Up to this point the activity has been of a mental nature. The creative imagination has been relatively quiescent; the disciple has been occupied within the mind and upon mental levels, and has "looked neither up nor down." But now the right point of tension has been reached; the reservoir or pool of needed energy has been restrained within the carefully delimited ring-pass-not, and the bridge-builder is ready for the next step. He therefore proceeds at this point to construct the blue print of the work to be done, by drawing upon the imagination and its faculties as they are to be found upon the highest level of his astral, or sensitive vehicle. This does not relate to the emotions. Imagination is, as you know, the lowest aspect of the intuition, and this fact must be remembered at all times. Sensitivity, as an expression of the astral body, is the opposite pole to buddhic sensitivity. The disciple has purified and refined his imaginative faculties so that they are now responsive to the impression of the buddhic principle or of the intuitive perception - perception, apart from sight or any recorded possible vision. According to the responsiveness of the astral vehicle to the [489] buddhic impression, so will be the accuracy of the "plans" laid for the building of the antahkarana and the visualizing of the bridge of light in all its beauty and completeness.
The creative imagination has to be stepped up in its vibratory nature so that it can affect the "pool of energy" or the energy-substance which has been gathered for the building of the bridge. The creative activity of the imagination is the first organizing influence which works upon and within the ring-pass-not of accumulated energies, held in a state of tension by the "intention" of the disciple. Ponder upon this occult and significant statement.

The creative imagination is in the nature of an active energy, drawn up into relationship with the point of tension; it there and then produces effects in mental substance. The tension is thereby increased, and the more potent and the clearer the visualization process, the more beautiful and strong will be the bridge. Visualization is the process whereby the creative imagination is rendered active and becomes responsive to and attracted by the point of tension upon the mental plane.

At this stage the disciple is occupied with two energies: one, quiescent and held within a ring-pass-not, but at a point of extreme tension, and the other active, picture-forming, outgoing and responsive to the mind of the bridge-builder. In this connection it should be remembered that the second aspect of the divine Trinity is the form-building aspect, and thus, under the Law of Analogy, it is the second aspect of the personality and the second aspect of the Spiritual Triad which are becoming creatively active. The disciple is now proceeding with the second stage of his building work, and so the numerical significance will become apparent to you. He must work slowly at this point, picturing what he wants to do, why he has to do it, what are the stages of his work, what will be the resultant effects of his planned activity, and what are the materials with which he has to work. He endeavors to visualize the entire process, and by this means sets up a definite rapport (if successful) between the buddhic intuition and the creative imagination [490] of the astral body. Consequently, you will have at this point:

The buddhic activity of impression.
The tension of the mental vehicle, as it holds the needed energy-substance at the point of projection.


The imaginative processes of the astral body.
When the disciple has trained himself to be consciously aware of the simultaneity of this threefold work, then it goes forward successfully and almost automatically. This he does through the power of visualization. A current of force is set up between these pairs of opposites (astral-buddhic) and - as it passes through the reservoir of force upon the mental plane - it produces an interior activity and an organization of the substance present. There then supervenes a steadily mounting potency, until the third stage is reached and the work passes out of the phase of subjectivity into that of objective reality - objective from the standpoint of the spiritual man.


3. Projection. The task of the disciple has now reached a most critical point. Many aspirants reach this particular stage and - having developed a real capacity to visualize, and having therefore constructed by its means the desired form, and organized the substance which is to be employed in this later phase of the building process - find themselves unable to proceed any further. What then is the matter? Primarily, an inability to use the Will in the process of projection. This process is a combination of will, further and continued visualization, and the use of the ray Word of Power. Up to the present stage in the process, the method for all the seven rays is identical; but at this point there comes a change. Each disciple, having successfully organized the bridge substance, having brought into activity the will aspect, and being consciously aware of process and performance, proceeds now to move the organized substance forward, so that from the center of force which he has succeeded in accumulating there appears a line of light-substance or projection. This is sent forward upon a [491] Word of Power, as in the logoic creative process. This is in reality a reversal of the process of the Monad when It sent forth the thread of life which finally anchored itself in the soul. The soul, in reality, came into being through the means of this anchoring; then came the later process, when the soul in its turn sent forth a dual thread which finally found anchorage in the head and the heart of the lower threefold man, the personality. The disciple is focused in the center which he has constructed upon the mental plane, and is drawing all his resources (those of the threefold personality and the soul combined) into activity; he now projects a line towards the Monad.

It is along this line that the final withdrawal of the forces takes place, the forces which - upon the downward way or the involutionary path - focused themselves in the personality and the soul. The antahkarana per se, completed by the bridge built by the disciple, is the final medium of abstraction or of the great withdrawal. It is with the antahkarana that the initiate is concerned in the fourth initiation, called sometimes the Great Renunciation - the renunciation or the withdrawal from form life, both personal and egoic. After this initiation neither of these aspects can hold the Monad any more. The "veil of the Temple" is rent in twain from the top to the bottom - that veil which separated the Outer Court (the personality life) from the Holy Place (the soul) and from the Holy of Holies (the Monad) in the Temple at Jerusalem. The implications and the analogies will necessarily be clear to you.

In order, therefore, to bring about the needed projection of the accumulated energies, organized by the creative imagination and brought to a point of excessive tension by the focusing of the mental impulse (an aspect of the will), the disciple then calls upon the resources of his soul, stored up in what is technically called "the jewel in the lotus." This is the anchorage of the Monad - a point which must not be forgotten. The aspects of the soul which we call knowledge, love and sacrifice, and which are expressions of the causal body, are only effects of this monadic radiation. [492]

Therefore, before the bridge can be truly built and "projected on the upward way, providing safe travelling for the pilgrim's weary feet" (as the Old Commentary puts it), the disciple must begin to react in response to the closed lotus bud or jewel at the center of the opened lotus. This he does when the sacrifice petals of the egoic lotus are assuming control in his life, when his knowledge is being transmuted into wisdom, and his love for the whole is growing; to these is being added the "power to renounce." These three egoic qualities - when functioning with a measure of potency - produce an increased activity at the very center of soul life, the heart of the lotus. It should be remembered that the correspondences in the egoic lotus to the three planetary centers are as follows:

Shamballa - The jewel in the lotus.
Hierarchy - The three groups of petals.
Humanity - The three permanent atoms within the aura of the lotus.

Students should also bear in mind that they need to rid themselves of the usual idea of sacrifice as a process of giving-up, or renunciation of all that makes life worth living. Sacrifice is, technically speaking, the achievement of a state of bliss and of ecstasy because it is the realization of another divine aspect, hidden hitherto by both the soul and the personality. It is understanding and recognition of the will-to-good which made creation possible and inevitable, and which was the true cause of manifestation. Ponder on this, for it is very different in its significance to the usual concepts anent sacrifice.



When the disciple has gained the fruit of experience which is knowledge and is learning to transmute it into wisdom, when his objective is to live truly and in reality, and when the will-to-good is the crowning goal of his daily life, then he can begin to evoke the Will. This will make the link between the lower and the higher minds, between spirit and matter and between Monad and personality a definite and existent fact. Duality then supervenes upon [493] triplicity, and the potency of the central nucleus in the egoic vehicle destroys - at the fourth initiation - the three surrounding expressions. They disappear, and then the so-called destruction of the causal body has taken place. This is the true "second death" - death to form altogether.

This is practically all that I can tell you anent the process of projection. It is a living process, growing out of the conscious daily experience and dependent upon the expression of the divine aspects in the life upon the physical plane, as far as is possible. Where there is an attempt to approximate the personality life to the demands of the soul and to use the intellect on behalf of humanity, love is beginning to control; and then the significance of the "divine sacrifice" is increasingly understood and becomes a natural, spontaneous expression of individual intention. Then it becomes possible to project the bridge. The vibration is then set up on lower levels of divine manifestation and becomes strong enough to produce response from the higher. Then, when the Word of Power is known and rightly used, the bridge is rapidly built.

Students need feel in no way discouraged by this picture. Much can happen on the inner planes where there is right intention, as well as occult intention (purpose and tension combined), and the bridge reaches stages of definite outline and structure long before the disciple is aware of it.



Student experience of sexual Implants
"Satchidanand seems to be talking of a reality once written about by many Sages of the past but now forgotten in the West!"




"Miracles, Miracles and yet more Miracles!!"

"Miracles, Miracles and yet more Miracles!! Every day was a Miracle on my Course as my Ego Blockages bit the dust! I remember one day just after removing one of the most difficult Implant Control Blockages I ended up prostrating at the feet of Satchidanand in Tears of Gratitude.

The Power of Satchidanand when focused on the Blockage was beyond my comprehension, and yet the blockage was resisting. With steady application from Satchidanand even that blockage was dissolved and Grounded. No-One Else could have removed that blockage as it was too strong!! And yet up to that point Satchidanand allowed me remove every other blockage we found by myself. He only entered into the fray when it was absolutely necessary and this built up a steady body of Confidence that I could handle everything which the course threw at me!!

From a guy who could barely feel the energy blockages at the start of the course, I have grown into a Healer who not only can "See" every Energy Blockage, but my Intuition has grown to the extent that I "Know" every what why and wherefore about them.

Satchi uses Spiritual Movies to teach and he channels energy to emphasise the spiritual points being made. One night, we were watching the movie, "Constantine" where Keanu Reaves is playing the Cynical Wizard who curses the "Gift" of Psychic Vision he has been given and who is using the Poor me/Violator Strategy of committing slow suicide through smoking 30 a day for 15 years in revenge to God. Satchi felt the energy of one of my blockages and he held it for me whilst I felt into it and healed it by myself.

The blockage was one where I complained bitterly to God for everything which happened which I did not like - which was almost everything. The blockage was powered by the most bitter hatred such that everything in my life felt like shit and this Hate filled Blockage was just confirming that my life was Shit!! Satchi said, "everything on this course has happened perfectly, and joked, "I am the Hand of God on this Planet" and indeed everything on the course did happen perfectly and just at the right time.

Directly after watching this film, I had a powerful healing-teaching experience: I realised that the blockage Satchi was holding for me was a powerful energy-blockage within me which thinks it knows best all the time. This blockage caused great anger and frustration in my life. I experienced a wondeful healing and teaching when I understood the nature of this blockage and released it back to God. This teaching was all about letting go of all the selfish expectations in my life and being more appreciative and grateful for the life which is given to me.

Thank you Swamis Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani for your perfect care and blessings. Miracles and yet more Miracles!!" -

Graham Smith on his Energy Enhancement Course in Goa, India November 2009


The eleven books of Carlos Castaneda record his apprenticeship with a Yaqui Indian, Don Juan Matus, who plays Socratic mentor to Castaneda’s skeptical anthropologist.

Over more than twenty years, Castaneda learned the theory and practice of a new discipline proposed by his mischievous and demanding teacher. The art of the “new seers” involves revising ancient secrets of Toltec sorcery transmitted to Don Juan through a late lineage dating from the 18th century.

“Sorcery” in this case means a path of magical experience that stands apart from the experiential habits of humanity (French sortir, “to leave, depart”).

Through a long process of trial and error, Castaneda manages to alter the parameters of perception and explore other worlds. In the process of his adventures, he encounters certain alien inorganic beings who present an obstacle or test for the shaman. In Magical Passes, Castaneda wrote:

“Human beings are on a journey of awareness, which has momentarily been interrupted by extraneous forces.”

Mud Shadows

In Castaneda’s final book, The Active Side of Infinity (1998), Don Juan challenges Castaneda to reconcile man’s intelligence, demonstrated in so many achievements, with “the stupidity of his systems of beliefs... the stupidity of his contradictory behaviour.” Don Juan relates this blatant contradiction in human intelligence to what he calls “the topic of topics,” “the most serious topic in sorcery.” This topic is predation.

To the horrified astonishment of his apprentice, the elder sorcerer explains how the human mind has been infiltrated by an alien intelligence:

We have a predator energy blockage that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator energy blockage is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so...

Sorcerers believe that the predator energy blockages have given us our systems of beliefs, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores. They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed and cowardice. It is the predator energy blockages who make us complacent, routinary and egomaniacal.

According to Don Juan, the sorcerers of ancient Mexico called the predator energy blockage, the flyer,

“because it leaps through the air... It is a big shadow, impenetrably black, a black shadow that jumps through the air.”

This description matches thousands of accounts of the bizarre jumping movements, sometimes sideways, executed by shadows who accost people at random. Fleeting black shadows are less often reported, but they play the major role in the long and detailed report of alien activity by John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies.

Gnostic writings contain descriptions of alien predator energy blockages called Archon energy blockage, Arkontai in Greek. The texts from Nag Hammadi describe them as heavy, elusive, shadowy creatures. The most common name for them is “beings of the likeness, shadow-creatures.” Could the Archon energy blockage be compared to the “mud shadows” described by Don Juan?

This question raises the general issue of parallels between Don Juan’s Central American Toltec shamanism and the shamanism of the Mystery Schools of ancient Europe. Let’s consider some of these parallels.

First, there is the matter of the influence of the predator energy blockages or flyers on humanity. In The Active Side of Infinity, Don Juan tells Castaneda that “the predator energy blockages give us their mind, which becomes our mind.” This alarming statement suggests an immediate parallel to Gnostic teachings. Gnostics, who directed the Mystery Schools of the Near East in antiquity, taught that the true mind of human beings, nous authenticos, is part of the cosmic intelligence that pervades nature, but due to the intrusion of the Archon energy blockage, this “native mind” or "native genius" can be subverted and even occupied by another mind. This is the Implant Energy Blockage.

They warned that the Archon energy blockages invade the human psyche, they intrude mentally and psychologically, although they may also confront us physically as well. Their main impact, however, is in our mental syntax, in our paradigms and beliefs, exactly as Don Juan says of the flyers.

Don Juan tells Castaneda that the predator energy blockage’s mind is “a cheap model: economy strength, one size fits all.” This description fits the hive-mentality of the Archon energy blockage. Sorcerers call this uniform alien mind “the foreign installation, which exists in you and in every other human being.”

The foreign installation pulls us out of our syntax. It deranges our indigenous abilities to organize the world according to the language proper to our species. The role of correct syntax in the sorcerer’s mastery of intent is one of the central factors in the later teachings of Don Juan. The sorcerer’s concern for deviation of syntax, and consequent derouting of intent, parallels the importance of language and correct definition emphasized in Gnostic teaching.

Don Juan makes a number of statements pertinent to strategies against alien intrusion. He says that the sorcerers of ancient times “found out that if they taxed the flyers’ mind with inner silence, the foreign installation would flee, giving to any one of the practitioners involved in this maneouver the total certainty of the mind’s foreign origin.” In other words, the realization that another mind can operate in our minds only becomes fully clear and certain when the foreign mind has been exposed and expelled.

Only then do we understand how “the real mind that belongs to us, the sum total of our experience, after a lifetime of domination has been rendered shy, insecure and shifty.” The “real mind” of Castaneda can be equated to the nous authenticos of the Gnostics. The main effect of the flyers upon our mind is seen in mental conditioning, brainwashing.

This is also the main effect of Archontic intrusion and Implant Energy Blockages.


Psychic Self-Defence

Gnostic texts describe direct, physical confrontations with Archon energy blockages of two kinds, an embryonic or foetal type—hence, the Greys of modern UFO lore—and a reptilian type. The usual tactic of the Greys is first to stun and then infiltrate the mind of the human subject. In the First Apocalypse of James, the Gnostic master instructs a student in how to confront the Archon energy blockage.

These predator energy blockage entities are said to “abduct souls by night,” a precise description of modern ET abductions. The adept in the Mysteries learns to repel the Archon energy blockage with magical formulas (mantras) and magical passes or gestures of power (mudras) as in Energy Enhancement Level 2 - the elimination of energy blockages. In some texts, the encounter with the Archon energy blockage is structured according to the system of “planetary spheres.”

The adept who practices astral projection, lucid dreaming or “manipulations of the double” (as in Castaneda) is said to face the Archon energy blockage in a kind of computer-game maze of seven levels, corresponding to the seven planets or chakras. At each level, the adept is unable to continue unless he confronts the “gatekeeper energy blockages,” using magical passes and words.

For more on confronting Archon energy blockage, see A Gnostic Catechism.

The archetypal format of the “journey through the planetary spheres” was well-known in antiquity, particularly in schools of Hermetics and Kaballa. In Tantra Vidya, O. M. Hinze compares the Gnostic ascent through the seven spheres with the raising of kundalini through the seven chakras in Indian yogic traditions. Don Juan does not use the seven-level scheme, but his description of the flyers can be fitted into that scheme. "The Eagle" represents the Central Spiritual Sun in the Center of the Universe which all Sorcerers are afraid of as it represents the sleep of lethe where we forget when we die. Instead the Sorcerer prefers to inhabit the astral plane in the space between the Crown Chakra and the Soul Chakra, the first chakra above the head, through projection out of the body, or to take over the Body of one of his family, usually the first son as he will inherit, so the family remains rich and becomes even richer for thousands of years..

Don Juan's "Inorganic Beings' represent the energy of kundalini chakra in the center of the earth. The correlation works especially well if we equate the “serpent worship” of certain Gnostic cults with Kundalini yoga practice, which may in turn be equated with "the fire from within” and the Plumed Serpent in several Castaneda books.

In short, the Toltec sorcerers would also have been adepts of Kundalini yoga, cultivating “the fire from within.” Their encounters with the flyers might not have been formalized into a seven-level test-game, but the same experiences are indicated in all three instances: Toltec, Yogic Energy Enhancement, and Gnostic.

Gnostics believed that the force of Kundalini, or the ambient field generated by that force, served as protection from the Archon energy blockage.

On the use of Kundalini to repel alien intrusion, see Kundalini and the Alien Force.

The human character-traits attributed by Don Juan to deviation by the foreign installation are identical to those ascribed to the Archon energy blockage in Gnostic writings: psychopathy - envy (covetousness) and arrogance (egomania) are said to be their primary features, while their behaviour demonstrates that they are mindless drones (routinary), greedy for power over us and too cowardly to come out in the open and reveal themselves.

It would be misleading to make Don Juan’s revelations comply in a strict and literal way with Gnostic teachings, but these initial parallels are striking, and there is much more. Here is an outstanding instance where indigenous wisdom from the Americas tallies with the esoteric teachings of a long-lost spiritual tradition in the Near East. The Toltec-Gnostic parallel may seem remote and improbable at first sight.

But if we assume that shamanic experience is consistent and empirical (i.e., it can be tested by experience), it would not be surprising to find consistent reports in widely separate traditions.


The Foreign Installation

The idea of a foreign installation is extremely instructive. It immediately recalls metallic or crystalline implants said to be used by Aliens (and their human accomplices) to track human subjects. In another, less technological sense, it suggests an ideological energy blockage virus implanted in our minds by non-human entities. According to the Gnostic critique of Christianity, salvationist ideology in its Judeo-Christian form (i.e., belief in a divine redeemer and a final apocalypse) is just such a virus. It is something implanted in the human mind by alien forces.

From Sumerian and Babylonian times agents of the dark side have invented religions with which to enslave the minds of humanity. The Gnostic emphasis on Judeo-Christianity (which can now be extended to Islam) gives a strategic advantage in the detection of alien influences, because the patriarchal religions have dominated the historical narrative on our planet. This dominance is symptomatic of Archontic deviance, Gnostics said, whereas the Appolonian Saviour God available to anyone who meditates - one who gives his life for others, opposes that dark trend .

The alien mind penetrates into our story-telling activity, the narrative power so crucial for humanity to make its way in the cosmos. This is one of the ways, or the most effective way, that we are deviated from our proper course of evolution. For the human species, the capacity to achieve intent depends on developing plots, stories, narratives that can guide us from initial conception to final goal.

Human Purpose is manifold, and so the manner in which we are being deviated from that Purpose is likely to be multifarious. In the immense complexity of intrusion, clarity and concentration are indispensable assets. In a startling remark, Don Juan asserts that “the flyers’ mind has no concentration whatsoever.”

This remark recalls the Gnostic assertion that the Archon energy blockages direct a person to have no ennoia, no will of their own, no intentionality so they become distracted slaves. The Concentration of blockageless Enlightenment might be defined as the coordination of attention and intention. To concentrate is to bring a certain depth of attention (Bythos) to intent (Ennoia).

In Gnostic teachings, Bythos and Ennoia are cosmic deities or principles of the Pleroma, the Wholeness, and they are also attributes of the human mind. They are symbolized as two spheres. The Concentration of blockageless Enlightenment is to bring the two spheres together at a single, unifying point, a common center. We do this constantly when we focus our attention upon a certain intention or goal - the Purpose of the Will, but the Archon energy blockage direct us to be incapable of anything like this because they distract us to have, “no concentration whatsoever.”

They Implant us to have no concentrating power, no innate faculty that would unite intention with attention. Human resistance to their intrusion depends on inner composure and mental discipline, the sobriety of the warrior - the access to energy enhancement techniques.

Don Juan’s counsels on the warrior’s tests with the flyers seem to present a Toltec version of Gnostic strategies for resisting the Archon energy blockage.


Common Points

Upon close examination, the teachings of Don Juan, developed in nine books by Carlos Castaneda from 1968 to 1998, contain numerous distinct parallels with Gnostic instruction. The White Magic new sorcery introduced by Castaneda under the tutelage of the enlightened sage Don Juan is an extension and make-over of traditional knowledge of the Black Magic of the “old seers” of the Toltec tradition of ancient Mexico. It differs from the old sorcery largely in its lack of concern for intricate power-games, feuds, sinister pacts with non-human powers, and control over others. Its aim is freedom for the spiritual warrior, rather than control over anyone or anything.

Both in Toltec and Gnostic terms, the ultimate liberation for humanity may come through facing the alien predator energy blockages. They are not here to advance or assist us, but in confronting and overcoming them we may gain a vital boost toward another level of consciousness - using access to energy enhancement techniques. .

Some points of commonality between Gnosticism and the Toltec-derived neo-shamanism of Castaneda are:

the Toltec exposure of an Implant Energy Blockage, alien mind or foreign installation that makes us less and other than we humanly are: comparable to the Gnostic idea of a dehumanizing ideological energy blockage virus implanted in our minds by the Alien/Archon energy blockage.

the importance for the sorcerer of mastering intent: comparable to Gnostic emphasis on ennoia, intentionality, which aligns us with the Energy of God and elevates us above the Archon energy blockage.

Castaneda’s emphasis on syntax (correct attributions, and the use of mental command signals for directing intent): comparable to Gnostic teaching on ennoia, mental clarity, and correct attribution (right use of definitions).

the Toltec assertion that predation is “the topic of topics”: comparable to the Gnostic emphasis on the intrusion of the Archon energy blockage. Facing intrusion of Implant Energy Blockages is essential, because if we cannot see how we are deviated, we cannot find our true path in the cosmos.

the work with lucid dreaming, the projection of astral travel, projection of the double, in Gnostic circles and the Mystery Schools: comparable to many episodes in Castaneda.

the Toltec model of great bands of emanations that pervade the universe: comparable to the emanations or streamings from the Pleroma described in Mystery School revelation texts, comparable to the Chakras above the Head and below the base chakra.

the Toltec distinction between organic and inorganic beings: comparable to the distinction between humans and Archon energy blockages in Gnostic cosmology.

the Toltec exploration of other worlds and dimensions through the practice of non-ordinary awareness of Meditation: comparable to age-old shamanic practices of the Mystery Schools.

Don Juan’s description of the “luminous egg”: comparable to the oval of clear light in Gnostic revelation texts and the augoeides or "auric egg" of the Mysteries.

the Toltec figure of the Eagle in the center of the universe along the Antahkarana, a primary metaphor in Castaneda: comparable to the same figure in the Nag Hammadi Codices where the instructing voice of sacred mind, perhaps equivalent to Castaneda’s “voice of seeing,” states: “I appeared in the form of an Eagle on the Tree of Knowledge, the primal knowing that arises in the pure light, that I might teach them and awaken them out of the depth of sleep” (The Apocryphon of John, 23.25-30).

the organization of the sorcerer’s party into eight pairs of male and female sorcerers: comparable to the organization of the Mystery cells into sixteen members, eight of each sex. (Artifactual evidence: Orphic Serpent bowl, and Pietroasa bowl.)

the cultivation of the fire from within, Kundalini, or the Plumed Serpent of the Toltecs: comparable to the Winged Serpent and divine Instructor of the Gnostics.

the mechanism of the assemblage point.

It would take an entire book to develop these parallels at length. Three factors out of the ten are of particular importance. These factors are the luminous egg of the auric field, the great bands of emanations of the chakras above the head, and the role of certain inorganic beings as allies.


The Assemblage Point

Among the many strange features in the teachings of Don Juan, the matter of the assemblage point is certainly one of the most interesting. In several books we are told that the luminous egg surrounding a human being is attached to the physical body by an odd mechanism called the assemblage point. The location of the point is high behind the right shoulder.

Apparently, at that point in the body, the luminous egg exerts a kind of pressure, forming a dimple or depression. As long as the force of the egg stays in the dimple, the assemblage point is stable and the human being perceives reality in a predetermined way. By shifting the assemblage point in Meditation, sorcerers are able to change their perception of reality, or actually deconstruct and reconstruct reality at will.

Don Juan’s instructions regarding the assemblage point are as baffling as they are fascinating, and far from clear. The dynamics of sliding or shifting the mechanism are difficult to understand, and even harder to visualize. Moreover, it seems that the assemblage point is a weird item, not comparable to anything found in any other sources.

There is, however, a rare piece of testimony from the Mysteries that describes the assemblage point in exactly the manner found in Castaneda.

In The Subtle Body in Western Alchemical Tradition which brought us VITRIOL, Gnostic scholar G. R. S. Mead cites the lost writings of Isadorus, the husband of Hypatia and one of the last Gnostics who taught at the Mystery School (the Museum) in Alexandria. Isadorus’ original work is lost, but it was paraphrased by another writer, Damascius, so a few faint indications of his teachings can be surmised. Isadorus is said to have described the augoeides, “golden aura,” comparable to the luminous egg of Castaneda.

The nature and operation of the augoiedes, also called the auric egg, was one of the deepest secrets of the Mysteries. Apparently, a lost treatise of Isadorus stated that the augoeides surrounds the human being like an oval membrane, in such a way that the physical body floats in the oval. This is precisely how Castaneda describes the luminous egg. The Gnostic teacher also said that the luminous oval is connected or locked into the physical body at a point in the back, high up on the right shoulder blade.

Thus, one of the weirdest details in Castaneda’s writings is confirmed by a teacher of the Mysteries who lived in Alexandria the 5th century CE.

The removal of Implant Energy Blockages from the Aura as well as the chakras is one of the most important removals of control.


A Cosmic Test

In the classical scheme of the planetary system, there are seven planets, not including the Earth: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. (The sun is not of course a planet, but a star, the central body of the planetary system, and the moon is a satellite of the earth. In some ancient systems, these two bodies are excluded from the seven and replaced by the lunar nodes.)

This situation recalls Castaneda’s description of the organic and inorganic structure of the "great bands of emanation” that compose the universe.

It corresponds to the Antahkarana of ancient India and of Alice Bailey and Djwan Khul where the seven chakras of the body connect with chakras above the head and chakras like the Kundalini Chakra in the center of the earth in the center of the earth.

If we set the earth apart from the other planets, the “seven inorganic bands” could well be correlated to the “seven planets,” known to be realms that do not support organic life as the Earth does. Gnostics taught that the earth does not belong to the planetary system, but is merely captured in it. They called the planetary system apart from earth the Hebdomad , the Sevenfold. This terminology may be compared to the Gnostic description of the realm of the Archon energy blockages, who are inorganic beings. The “seven inorganic bands” in Castaneda’s scheme may be different language for the same model.

Gnostic seers located the habitat of the predator energy blockage and Archon energy blockage in the planetary system, outside of the Earth. The Archontic realm would then be assembled from the seven inorganic bands. Within the domain so assembled, the Archon energy blockage would be on their own “turf.” Their presence in the world assembled around us, the biosphere ruled by the laws of organic chemistry, would be an intrusion. Nowhere does Castaneda indicate that the predator energy blockage entities come from these seven bands, but the conclusion is obvious. He does say explicitly that the flyers are inorganic beings, so the conclusion is not only obvious but consistent with his syntax, his system of description.

Don Juan specifies that sorcerers can and usually do initiate contact with inorganic beings. They do this by shifting the assemblage point and crossing into the unknown territory of other bands in the chakras above the head, or sliding into unknown regions of our own band in the chakras below the base chakra.

A great deal of the activity described in Castaneda’s work consists of forays into the other worlds contingent to ours - the chakras above the head.

“Once the barrier is broken, inorganic beings change and become what seers call allies.”

In the Old Sorcerer Black magic tradition these allies can be deviating or even deadly, but mastering them by removing them is one of the primary tasks of the White Magician. There are numerous allies in the cosmos at large. The dark, shadowy predator energy blockage would seem to be a unique category of inorganic beings who is perhaps not an ally at all, or else a particularly difficult ally to master because it comes from the chakras above the head from the Dark Lodge on Sirius and connects with and controls agents of the dark side and all their implants on this planet.

According to many indigenous traditions of White Magic, earth is visited by many kinds of other-dimensional beings like the Ascended Masters and the Avatar of Synthesis, who serve as allies and guides to humanity against the dark side.

Don Juan stressed the need to confront this inorganic being to experience “the total certainty of the mind’s foreign origin.” The “predator energy blockage that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives” may certainly be equated to the Archon energy blockage of Gnostic teachings. Don Juan describes Alien intrusion and its main consequence, behavioral modification, in a most vivid manner.

The old sorcerer also makes a striking comment on what might be gained from our encounter with these entities.

“The flyers are an essential part of the universe… and they must be taken as what they really are — awesome, monstrous. They are the means by which the universe tests us.”

The parallels between Gnostic materials and the new Toltec sorcery of Carlos Castaneda are striking and present sobering insights on the human condition, if nothing else.

What can we do about the topic of topics, predation by energy blockage implants?

“All we can do is discipline ourselves to the point where they will not touch us,” Don Juan advises. Energy Enhancement is that discipline.

Significantly, he says will not, not can not. He also says that the alien predator energy blockages are the way the universe tests us, as just noted.

It follows that the intent to arrange our minds and lives so that the flyers/Archon energy blockage are not willing to intrude on us is the capital exercise, the primary test in progress for humanity which is taught in Energy Enhancement.

"Miracles, Miracles and yet more Miracles!!" - Graham Smith on his Energy Enhancement Course in India November 2009

"DO IT!" M.S. - HR Director PepsiCo Europe/Asia

The Real History of Satanism


Black Magic is just another Myth like Perverted Religion, Imaginary Theories of Economics, Dummed down Science, false myths and War which the real controllers of humanity use to manage their livestock.

The field of Black Magic includes Drugs, Sex, Rock and Roll also perversion of sex, ritual sex and human and animal sacrifice.

It has always been the myth of choice for thousands of years, to control oligarchs, the rich, the powerful, the politicians, the economists, the scientists, the educators, the Secret Societies, the Foundations.

But that suggests that there is another narrative behind Black Magic, a higher level of Initiate who uses the Black Magician Oligarchs as their field of Prey as the Oligarchs use all humanity as their field of prey.

In the same way Black Magicians create energy blockages to pervert and block the innate human empathy and conscience so the higher level Initiate implants all lower Black Magicians with Implant Addiction Blockages which vampirise the victim of his Spiritual Energy and addict him to Sex, Sex Parties, Sex Ritual, Blood, Drugs and Rock and Roll.

The real Black Magicians create Immortality for themselves by cutting themselves off from the eternal Spiritual Energies of God by energy blockages above the head they become psychopaths who need vampirised Spiritual Energy to live forever.

As previous civilisations have always failed. We have historical records of seventy three previous civilisations. Like the fall of the Roman Empire, all civilisations fail due to corruption from within.

The other side of the failure is a failure of humanity itself, as well as the civilisation to attain its soul possibility. The old oligarchic, "Principle of Poverty" barefoot and back on the plantation leading to perversion and corruption for all humanity as a means of control by the real owners who propagate but do not subscribe to any Myth - "The Ten Myths which control the World"

The end phase of corruption of the civilisation comes as the previously hidden rituals are externalised as in the Externalisation of the Hierarchy. So the end of civilisation comes with externalised corruption of the Rituals becoming performed in public. BDSM, Piercing and Tattoos as pain and torture become externalised. Sex as recreation and hedonism. Pederasty and homosexuality taught in schools. More and more pharmaceutical and illegal drugs. The dumming down of education. Surgical mutilation and Human sacrifices as premature deaths due to raging cancer and heart disease because of eugenics poisoning of nuclear air testing, vaccines, air, water and food.

The field of Black Magic which comes out into the open includes the country being invaded by Drugs, Sex, Rock and Roll also perversion of sex, ritual sex and human and animal sacrifice.



Previously the Ottoman Empire had the best genetics. By breeding the Sultan with a Harem of many intelligent wives, then educating the progeny and choosing the best to be the next Sultan the Ottoman Empire defeated the rest for hundreds of years. However by infiltrating the Harem with Female Agents, Europe perverted the original breeding rules, degenerated the Sultanate, assassinated the Ottoman leaders like Enver Pasha and put a Sabbatean Satanist on the throne who was responsible for the Armenian Genocide.

Eugenics using Human Sacrifice was created by the British families, Huxley, Wedgewood, Galton and Darwin who interbred using the genetic axiom that incestial interbreeding (Spice is nice, but incest is best) will create a mixture of high intelligence monsters and cretinous idiots. By culling the idiots and promoting the monsters one can create a ruling elite which can outcompete all other ruling classes.

The Eugenic and psychopathic idea of culling the Sacrificial, "Useless Eaters" - Henry Kissinger, was propagated by Hitler who was the first to poison the population with fluoride. The Eugenic Fascist Rockefeller funded Kaiser Willhelm Institute Mengele did much research in concentration camps.

Eugenic German Hitler Doctors culled 250,000 people of below 100 IQ and six million not fit to live Jews, Gypsies, Communists, homosexuals.

Eugenics now promotes abortion as a primary method of birth control.

Eugenicists are promoting the culling of babies under the age of three, "Babies are Mackerel"

Eugenicists are aiming for a 99% reduction in human population from 7 billions to 100 millions.

Prince Philip and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands were Fascist Nazi SS.


THE ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS (OTO): This is today's best-known of the hard-core, British-based Satanist cults. Like the Lucis Trust, the OTO is a direct off-shoot of the work of Britain's leading twentieth-century Satanist, Theosophy leader Aleister Crowley.

OTO enthusiasts claim this organization is an offshoot of Templar freemasonry, and hint at very influential protection from among Templars very high in British Freemasonry.

THE WICCA CULT: The WICCA cult came to the surface early during the post-war period, as a legalized association for the promotion of witchcraft. It is the leading publicly known international association of witches in the world today.

In the United States, WICCA's outstanding sponsor is the New York Anglican (Episcopal) diocese, under Bishop Paul Moore. Officially, New York's Anglican Cathedral of St. John the Divine has promoted the spread of WICCA witchery through its Lindisfarne center.

The late Gregory Bateson conducted such an operation out of the Lindisfarne center during the 1970s.

No later than the 1970s, and perhaps still today, the crypt of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, is the headquarters for solemn ceremonies of the British (Venerable) Order of Malta. Key figures, such as Gregory Bateson's former spouse, Dame Margaret Mead, associated with that British order, have been associated with projects in support of the Satanist "Age of Aquarius" cause.

For obvious reasons, U.S. witches have chosen Salem, Massachusetts, as their national center. One of the most important operations of these witches is their coordination of the hardcore of U.S. astrology rackets.



The "Age of Aquarius," or "New Age," is the generic name adopted by the modern Satanist movement. The best-publicized among the founders of the Age of Aquarius movement include Fyodor Dostoevsky, Friedrich Nietzsche, Alex Muenthe (of Capri notoriety), and Aleister Crowley. Most Aquarians trace the origins of modern Satanism to Nietzsche and Crowley.

Anti-Christ cultist Nietzsche announced that the twentieth century would see the end of the Age of Pisces, which Aquarians associate with the figures of Socrates and Christ; Nietzsche prophesied that the New Age would be the Age of Aquarius, which he identified with the figure Dionysos.

Crowley announced himself publicly a devotee of Nietzsche's New Age cult in his Vienna Theosophy magazine, near the beginning of this century, and indicated as his preferred choice of name for Satan.

Among hard-core insiders, the New Age models its dogma on the Magis' cult of Mithra, as Nietzsche did. The cult has notable affinities to the Bulgarian-Cathar Bogomil cult from which the slang term "buggery" is derived.

Aleister Crowley, Adolf Hitler and Hermann Goering were among the notable figures who followed this cult.

Buggery is common in all Pagan Religions where male passive homosexual Dog Priests and female, "Whores of Babylon" have ritual sex.

The New Age's most celebrated historical figure, its choice for the original "incarnation" of the Anti-Christ, is the Roman Emperor Tiberius who ordered the execution of Christ. Some Roman emperors, most notably Nero and Caligula, became possessed by being initiated without being suitably prepared.

The best-known coordinating-center for the Age of Aquarius project in the U.S.A. today is Palo Alto, California's Stanford Reasearch Institute, whose Willis Harman is the relevant leading personality. See Harman disciple Marilyn Feruguson's 1980 Aquarian Conspiracy for a popular exposition of Harman's views and program for subversion of the United States. Ferguson is accurate when she reports that the Fabian Society's H.G. Wells (World War I boss of British intelligence) is a key figure of the Aquarian Conspiracy. Also key are Wells' ally, Lord Bertrand Russell, and such Russell cronies as Robert M. Hutchins (Chicago University, Ford Foundation, Fund for the Republic, Aspen Institute, and the project).

Both Margaret Mead and her husband Gregory Bateson were close collaborators of Lord Russell and Hutchins from no later than 1938. The brothers, Aldous (Hollywood) and Julian (UNO) Huxley were collaborators of H. G. Wells, and were recruited to Crowley's Satanist cult during the late 1920s.

Russell was one of the 300 families in the USA and the 100 families in England who were on the Board of the British Drug running, Slave Trading, East India Company - see Coleman - "The Committee of 300" and "Dope Inc."

The Russell Trust funded the Skull and Bones Society at Yale University where Alumni perform Homosexual Rituals in faeces; the Bushes and Kerry are members.




Since the launching of the Beatles as an international project, via TV's , in 1963, "rock" has been the most influential recruiter to Drugs and Satanism and was intentionally pushed by the British East India Company Committee of 300 creating the new western market after the Two Hundred Years Project - China and its Opium Wars - supplied by the Tea Clippers from India and Afganistan had become saturated.

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is LSD but Cocaine and Heroin have always been the drugs of choice. Brown Sugar by their Majesties.

All bands of the 1960's had to profess to be drug takers before they were promoted. Like the drug infiltration of China for 200 years, America was taken over in the 1960s forming a one trillion dollars per year illegal drug business and the Banks are founded to launder and invest the money in businesses which have no customers but high profits.

Theodore Adorno of the Frankfurt School was recruited to infect America, creating, "Music to Suicide by".

In Satanist Theodore Adorno's Philosophy of Modern Music, elaborated on how modern music—which, to him, meant Stravinsky and Schönberg—had a role in destroying society. The destruction of modern society, according to Adorno, was necessary because it was a hotbed of evil. So, the solution was to drive the population insane: “It is not that schizophrenia is directly expressed therein; but the music imprints upon itself - through energy blockage implants - an attitude similar to that of the mentally ill. The individual brings about his own disintegration.... He imagines the fulfillment of the promise through magic, but nonetheless within the realm of immediate actuality.... Its concern is to dominate schizophrenic traits through the aesthetic consciousness. In so doing, it would hope to vindicate insanity as true health.”

Rap has now become, "Music to Suicide by"

With externalisation comes legal drugs which 35% of humanity take regularly. Lots of pharmaceuticals contain 10% heroin.

Clubs and Dionisian Dance Rock venues are primarily places to sell drugs. Rock selling illegal drugs was created, and is still coordinated by Crowley's followers and by the OTO network, in cooperation with WICCA. It is, not so incidentally, also the Satanist's Secret Services biggest money-maker, and believed to provide the chief logistical black money support for deployments and other activities of the OTO-WICCA-Secret-Services efforts world-wide.

There is nothing spontaneous or accidental about "rock." It is a product of classical studies of the ancient Phrygian terrorist cult of Satan-Dionysos, the model for the Roman Bacchic cults of similar characteristics. Crowley's control of the "rock industry" has been documented by a team of [private] investigators, who have also noted, that in addition to the Satanist lyrics, Satanist messages embedded sublimally in rock recordings are a key feature of this subversive operation.

The "rock rythm" itself is copied from the old Dionysian-Bacchic cults. Even without the drugs and sexual orgies which are characteristic features of hard-core rock affairs, repeated,frequent, hours-long exposure to constant repetition of "rock rythms" produces lasting, drug-like effects on the mind of the victim.

Reducing sexual practices to the level of bestiality, is a crucial feature of Satanism in all historical periods studied, from Phrygian Cybele-Dionysos cult-period onward.

From western continental Europe, among the threats to the U.S. from this quarter, the two leading open centers for hard-core Satanism today, are Turin, Italy (where actress Elizabeth Taylor's "Live AIDS" project attempted to sponsor an aborted Satan-rock festival), and Lausanne, Switzerland.




The Satanist Mind Satanists already have numerous victims. Most of the sexual and related atrocities perpetrated upon "disappeared" infants and other children, are done as part of the rituals outlined in manuals of Satanist organizations. A leading police association has received expert estimate, that of all known murders, one in five is a ritual murder, like the ritual London assassination of Italy's Roberto Calvi, perpetrated by members of Satanist cults. The "Son of Sam" murders in New York, and the Cobb County-based cult operations in the so-called "Atlanta child-murders," fit into this pattern.

Satanism is not "just another nutty occult fad." It has been the, "Old Religion" since the beginning of time.

The mind of the Satanist is pure evil; the Satanist is a former person who has been transformed into something no longer human. It begins like drug-addiction; the prospective recruit to Satanism "gets into something" on a playful impulse, but then finds himself or herself gripped by compulsions - through psychic implantation of addiction energy blockages - which he or she can no longer control.

Drugs and other special circumstances may be significant collateral features of the initiation, but not necessarily. The key is "letting oneself go," into the depths of acting-out impulses which combine sexual impulses and rage as a unity, and expressing this form of "pleasure" in the form of an act which violates an important precept of one's own conscience.

This perversion through acts which violate an important precept of one's own conscience, from sex parties to ritual sex to homosexual ritual to torture to pederasty to animal then human sacrifice, this corruption occurs through the implantation of energy blockages into the heart center to remove empathy and blockages above the head to remove energy flowing in from God from the chakras above the head to remove conscience - the definition of a psychopath..

The removal of empathy. There is a Ritual where 12 psychic daggers - psychic created energy blockages - are implanted around the heart center. A sacrifice is performed and the heart removed from the sacrifice and put into a canopic jar. The energy of the heart removed from the dagger implanted heart and put into the canopic jar together with the heart removed from the sacrifice. The canopic jar is then placed in the earth in a Heart Site, somewhere in the country.

Similarly with the child sacrifice at the Bohemian Grove Ritual, "The Cremation of Care" burning up of empathy.

In the same way that British Secret Service controlled Saudi Arabian Wahabist and Salfist Sects create armies to attack and destabilise (911, Libya, Syria), Black Magic is also a created myth, a methodology for the creation of a psychopathic army to rule and then destroy civilisation at the behest of the Real Rulers.

Nietzsche's writings, especially toward the last period of life preceding his mental breakdown, address these special sorts of emotions, and refer implicitly to terrible obscene acts as the prospective fulfilment of such impulses. Nietzsche recognized these impulses as --Dionysiac-- in quality. Dionysiac activity, or wild abandon, by itself leads to non-demonic possession. Becoming demonically possessed requires killing, torturing, or tormenting someone with a neutral or positive attitude.

Ordinarily we think of the criminal mind as representing a person whose goals are based on "normal human impulses," but whose choice of means is immoral. Doing something illegal is not necessarily immoral; the useful definition of the criminal mind, is the person inclined to prefer immoral means as short-cuts to some goal usually not inconsistent with normal human impulses. In the case of the Satanist, we touch upon something way beyond such a mere criminal mind into the psychopathic criminal mind.

Imagine a criminal mind which has undergone a curious transformation. Perhaps, formerly, this fellow was an habitual thief, even of that sort of twisted mind which delighted in occasions he might have imagined he had pretext to exert the power of life or death over some chance victim on the scene of his crime. Yet, up to that point, robbery or kindred results were always the prompting of his criminal activity.

Now, he has changed. Crime is no longer motivated by the impulse to employ cruel means for personal gain. Instead, the pleasure of the sense of power realized in employing viciously cruel means, becomes an end in itself. This form of criminal pleasure becomes a blend of rage and sexuality. Jaded appetites create the mental state in that man, that he must do something more monstrous than he has done before, to realize the desired level of orgiastic pleasure from the evil deed. Evil for the purpose of doing evil, has become for him, a goal in and of itself. This man has become a beast, a virtual Satanist.

That is the state of mind which Satanism seeks to develop in it's initiates. It might begin with an ordinary sexual act performed under the influence of an ugly state of mind. Soon, something much more degraded becomes a need for the prospective initiate's rapidly jaded appetites.

In contrast to the healthy mind, which seeks always to become better in what is being mastered, for the initiate to Satanism, a sense of need develops, to seek to muster oneself to do something much worse than one has ever done before. cults organize that degraded scene process of self-degeneration from normal sex to BDSM to homosexuality to sex with children to human sacrifice and drinking or bathing in blood (see Bathory).

The potential for endemic incidence of individual bestiality within society, is transformed into an organized, institutionalized form of social behaviour.

The tradition of the "Black Mass," points to the mechanisms of Satanism as such. Nietzsche's instruction is much to the point. Perform some really monstrous act of blasphemy, and associate that blasphemous doing with some sort of degraded, orgiastic pleasure.

Go back to ancient Mesopotamia, whence Satanism was transmitted to western Europe. The relevant figure of Satanism is not a male, but a female figure. The male figure --Satan, Baal, Lucifer, and so on--is a subordinate figure; the female principle of evil is pre-dominant. Hence, Satan's mother, the "Whore of Babylon," known otherwise as the Chaldean Ishtar, the Caananite Astarte, Isis, Venus, or the Phrygian Cybele.

The ritual of the priestesses of Ishtar was an obscene "religious service" which concluded with the priestesses' fornicating with the congregation. Hence, "Whore of Babylon," and the associated position of Ishtar, Athtar, Astarte, Isis, and Venus as the patron goddess of prostitution.

This cult-practice was introduced to Mesopotamia from pre-Aryan India which was Inanna/Ishtar's assigned domain - see Sitchin's Wars of Gods and Men.

The so-called "Harrappan" culture, featuring the Earth-Mother and fertility goddess Shakti and her male figure Siva, established a set of colonies in the Middle East. The Sumer established as a colony by what the local semites named "the black-headed people" (Dravidians), was a Harrapan colony. There, among the semites, Shakti became known as Ishtar. In the Harrapan colony of Sheba-Ethiopia, Shakti became known as Athtar.

In the Caananite ("Phoenician") offshoot of Harrapan colonizing, she became known as Astarte. The Hellenic cults of Isis and Osiris, were offshoots of the Harrapan cult of Shakti-Siva, by this route.

When the same cult spread to an Indo-European people, the Phrygians, Shakti-Siva assumed the Indo-european forms of Cybele and Dionysos (day-night). Apollo and Lucifer are variants of the name for Satan-Osiris-Dionysos. [Ishtar was ambitious.]

Among the Caananites, for example, Satanism expressed itself in such forms as the worship of Moloch, with the included custom of making a human sacrifice of the first-born of each marriage.

Notably, that Caananite tradition is featured in the modern Satanists' ritual sexual and homicidal rituals upon infants and children used as human sacrifices.

By combining the means by which men and women are degraded into potentially forms of beasts, as rituals associated with Satanism practised as an "anti-religion," large-scale movements are developed through systematic proselytzing.

The result of this initiation, as we have already stressed, is no human being, but a former human being transformed into something which is not human, lacking empathy and conscience; Sociopathic, Psychopathic.

In the same way that British Secret Service controlled Saudi Arabian Wahabist and Salfist Sects create armies to attack and destabilise (911, Libya, Syria), Black Magic is also a created myth, a methodology for the creation of a psychopathic army to rule and then destroy civilisation at the behest of the Real Rulers.

Modern liberals and others frown on reports of savage witch-hunts from earlier centuries. Usually, the special British COINTELPRO operation, run in Salem Massachusetts as a covert operation against the independence of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, is commonly referenced. A better comparison is the proliferating of Satanist movements during the fourteenth century; these witches were actually sub-human, Satanist beasts, who represented that sort of mass threat to the population of that period. So, the population, as its only defense against a genuine force of that sort, hunted them down and sought to wipe them out. Not for nothing, does the Old Testament warn, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."

The witches of the old Middle East and fourteenth-century Europe were very real, very evil witches, no longer human, but murderous beasts.


Modern Witchcraft and Satanism The modern spread of witchcraft in English-speaking nations, began during the sixteenth century, in the setting of imported cabalist and rosicrucan cults built up around Oxford and Cambridge.

Francis Bacon and his secretary Thomas Hobbes were part of this movement.

The endemic inculcation in Satanism which this prompted in seventeenth-century England, exploded after the accession of King George I, in the form of the Hell-fire Clubs which proliferated among degenerate English nobility during the long Liberal prime ministry of Hugh Walpole.

During the Stuart Restoration period, the pro- rosicrucean and cabalist cultism around the Stuart court siezed upon the case of Robert Bruce to reorganize the cult in a newform.

Robert Bruce had been the leader of a group of Satan-worshipping (Baphomet) Templars, who had fled to Scotland, away from the angered justice of the Papacy and the King of France.

What they brought with them, was the Templars' exploitation of the Cathar (Bogomil Buggery) tradition in the region of Toulouse and Albi, to build up the syncretic sort of worship the Templars had acquired in the Middle East.

The Papacy had enough of this, and the King of France acted to shut down Templars by the means customary in those times. A group of Templars under Bruce fled to Scotland, and after some initial difficulties, made themselves the lords of the place.

The character of the Stuart court is illustrated by the characterization of one Stuart government of that period as the "Cabal." In his history, Macauley offers an amiable description of the affair.

During this century, when the chest of Isaac Newton's laboratory papers was opened and examined, the content of Newton's actual "scientific work" turned out to be a selection of lurid and rather insane experiments in "black magic."

The circles around Francis Bacon and Hobbes were, as we say today, "a prize collection of real kooks."

So, the Templar mish-mash of Bogomil Gnosticism blended into Hashishin Satanism, caused Bruce's Templar credentials to be viewed as suitable myth-building material for the taste of the Stuart kooks of the period.

The Liberal aristocracy of Britain became a principal concentration of this filthy stuff.

When the Liberals came to full power, under Walpole, this Liberal stuff came out in such form as the proliferating Hell-Fire Clubs. That tradition was cultivated under Petty, the Second Earl of Shelbourne's puppet prime minister, William Pitt the Younger, with figures such as the head of the Secret Services, powerful Jeremy Bentham - who was responsible for the French Revolution and wrote the speeches of Robespierre from London - who when he died was stuffed with his head under his arm and exhibited in his favourite tavern - in the fore.

Satanism gained new ground under the protection of Liberalism and Romanticism during the nineteenth century. In England,the more virulent new forms surfaced around Oxford University's John Ruskin and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.

Out of this came theosophy, British "guild" socialism, the Fabian Society, Bertrand Russell, H. G. Wells, and Aleister Crowley -- Satanists all.

This spilled over into the United States, notably in the circles of putative "Great Awakening" evangelist Johnathan Edwards, and his protege, Princeton Hell-Fire Club activist and British Agent, Aaron Burr.

During the late nineteenth century, the sort of spoon-bending kookery associated with such figures as Oliver Lodge and A. Conan Doyle spilled generously among the wealthy anglophile liberals of the United States.

In the same way that British Secret Service controlled Saudi Arabian Wahabist and Salfist Sects create armies to attack and destabilise (911, Libya, Syria), Black Magic is also a created myth, a methodology for the creation of a psychopathic army to rule and then destroy civilisation at the behest of the Real Rulers.

In short, this sort of witchery has been endemic over the centuries. The difference is, that what was endemic has now become epidemic.

The best-organized Satanist forces operating presently include the following prominent organizations:

THE LUCIS LUCIFER TRUST: This is the leading, putatively respectable Britain-based Satan cult (it worships Lucifer). The Lucis Trust, which runs the only religious chapel at the New York United Nations headquarters, The Temple of Understanding, was originally founded as the Lucifer Trust, in London, in 1923. The Lucis Trust associated with the UNO is the New York affiliate of the British organization.

The name was changed from Lucifer Trust, to Lucis Trust in 1935 to make the nature of the organization less conspicuous.

33rd Degree Freemason infil-traitor, LUCIFERIAN, General Albert Pike..


The Lucifer Trust's leading sponsors include the following prominent figures:

Henry Clausen, Supreme Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, Southern District Scottish Rite Freemasons Norman Cousins John D. Rockefeller IV Julian Huxley The Rockefeller Foundation The Marshall Field family Robert McNamara Thomas Watson (IBM, former US Ambassador to Moscow) The United Lodge of Theosophists of New York City U. Alexis Johnson, former Undersecretary of State Rabbi Marc Tannenbaum, American Jewish Committee Prominent front-organizations sponsored by the Lucis Trust, include the following: The Theosophical Order of Service (founded by Annie Besant in1908) The Theosophical Society (founded by Helena P. Blavatsky in 1875) The United Nations Association The World Wildlife Fund UK The Findhorn Foundation Greenpeace International Greenpeace USA Amnesty International The Nicholas Roerich Society (chief connection to Russian mysticism, spirituality) The Anthroposophs of Rudolf Steiner The Rudolf Steiner School [these could not be genuine followers of Steiner] UNESCO UNICEF The American Friends Service Committee

The Frankfurt School "Dums" Down Civilisation

The striving and search for the soul.

Hitchcock was brought to the United States in 1939 by David O. Selznick to direct Rebecca, with Laurence Olivier starring, and screenplay adaptations by Robert Sherwood and Thornton Wilder, both of whom would head the U.S. Office of War Information within a couple of years. Hitchcock stayed in the United States owing to the lavish funding he could get for his projects, including his psycho-active films like Spellbound, with a screenplay by Ben Hecht, collaborating with leading U. S. psychoanalysts, and set designs by surrealist Salvador Dali. Spellbound was the first U. S. film to have Satan cult imagery, something not seen since the heyday of the German Expressionists.




Satanism is a Myth created by a ruling elite, who know it is a created myth but just use it to control the upper levels of society who actually believe in it, whose aim is to continue their thousands of years long rule through their dumbing down of society through policies like "The Principle of Poverty" which reduces the ability of society to detect them and their actions and then to do anything about them, thus continuing the rule of the ruling elite for all time.

Luciferian Black Magic is just another Myth like Perverted Religion, Imaginary Theories of Economics, Dummed down Science, false myths and War which the real controllers of humanity use to manage their livestock.

The field of Luciferian Black Magic includes Drugs, Sex, Rock and Roll also perversion of sex, ritual sex and human and animal sacrifice.

Luciferian Black Magic has always been the myth of choice for thousands of years, to control oligarchs, the rich, the powerful, the politicians, the economists, the scientists, the educators, the Secret Societies, the Foundations.

But that suggests that there is another narrative behind Black Magic, a higher level of Initiate who uses the Black Magician Oligarchs as their field of Prey as the Oligarchs use all humanity as their field of prey.

In the same way Black Magicians create energy blockages to pervert and block the innate human empathy and conscience so the higher level Initiate implants all lower Black Magicians with Implant Addiction Blockages which vampirise the victim of his Spiritual Energy and addict him to Sex, Sex Parties, Sex Ritual, Blood, Drugs and Rock and Roll.

The real Black Magicians create Immortality for themselves by cutting themselves off from the eternal Spiritual Energies of God by energy blockages above the head they become psychopaths who need vampirised Spiritual Energy to live forever.

As previous civilisations have always failed. We have historical records of seventy three previous civilisations. Like the fall of the Roman Empire, all civilisations fail due to corruption from within.

The other side of the failure is a failure of humanity itself, as well as the civilisation to attain its soul possibility, its promise. The old oligarchic, "Principle of Poverty" barefoot and back on the plantation leading to perversion and corruption for all humanity as a means of control by the real owners who propagate but do not subscribe to any Myth - "The Ten Myths which control the World"

The end phase of corruption of the civilisation comes as the previously hidden rituals are externalised as in the Externalisation of the Hierarchy. So the end of civilisation comes with externalised corruption of the Rituals becoming performed in public. BDSM, Piercing and Tattoos as pain and torture become externalised. Sex as recreation and hedonism. Pederasty and homosexuality taught in schools. More and more pharmaceutical and illegal drugs. The dumming down of education. Surgical mutilation and Human sacrifices as premature deaths due to raging cancer and heart disease because of Luciferian Black Magic eugenics poisoning of nuclear air testing, vaccines, air, water and food.




The field of Black Magic which comes out into the open includes the country being invaded by Drugs, Sex, Rock and Roll also perversion of sex, ritual sex and human and animal sacrifice.

The Frankfurt School Dumbs Down Civilisation is just one more operation to reduce opposition to the rule of the elite. Other operations include the one trillion dollar drug trade, Adam Smith False Economics leading to the rule of Bankers like the Rothschilds and the implementation of "the principle of poverty" austerity, for the human animal livestock, the dumming down of science and the lack of investment in Free Fusion Power for fifty years.

The people of North America and Western Europe now accept a level of ugliness in their daily lives which is almost without precedent in the history of Western civilization.

Most of us have become so inured, that the death of millions from starvation and disease draws from us no more than a sigh, or a murmur of protest. Our own city streets, home to legions of the homeless, are ruled by illegal Drugs, the largest industry in the world, and on those streets Americans now murder each other at a rate not seen since the Dark Ages.

At the same time, a thousand smaller horrors are so commonplace as to go unnoticed. Our children spend as much time sitting in front of television sets as they do in school, watching with glee, scenes of torture and death which might have shocked an audience in the Roman Coliseum. Music is everywhere, almost unavoidable--but it does not uplift, nor even tranquilize--it claws at the ears, sometimes spitting out an obscenity. Our plastic arts are ugly, our architecture is ugly, our clothes are ugly.

There have certainly been periods in history where mankind has lived through similar kinds of brutishness, but our time is crucially different. Our post-World War II era is the first in history in which these horrors are completely avoidable. Our time is the first to have the technology and resources to feed, house, educate, and humanely employ every person on earth, no matter what the growth of population. Yet, when shown the ideas and proven technologies that can solve the most horrendous problems, most people retreat into implacable passivity. We have become not only bestial, ugly, but also impotent.

Nonetheless, there is no reason why our current moral-cultural situation had to lawfully or naturally turn out as it has; and there is no reason why this tyranny of ugliness should continue one instant longer.

Consider the situation just one hundred years ago, in the early 1890's. In music, Claude Debussy was completing his, "Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun," and Arnold Schoenberg was beginning to experiment with atonalism; at the same time, Dvorak was working on his Ninth Symphony, while Brahms and Verdi still lived. Edvard Munch was showing "The Scream," and Paul Gauguin his "Self- Portrait with Halo," but in America, Thomas Eakins was still painting and teaching. Mechanists like Helmholtz and Mach held major university chairs of science, alongside the students of Riemann and Cantor. Pope Leo XIII's "De Rerum Novarum" was being promulgated, even as sections of the Socialist Second International were turning terrorist, and preparing for class war.

The optimistic belief that one could compose music like Beethoven, paint like Rembrandt, study the universe like Plato and Nicolaus of Cusa, and change world society without violence, was alive in the 1890's--admittedly, it was weak, and under siege, but it was hardly dead. Yet, within twenty short years, these Classical traditions of human civilization had been all but swept away, and the West had committed itself to a series of wars of inconceivable carnage.

What started about a hundred years ago, was a counter-Renaissance.

The Renaissance of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries was a religious celebration of the human soul and mankind's potential for growth. Beauty in art could not be conceived of as anything less than the expression of the most-advanced scientific principles, as demonstrated by the geometry upon which Leonardo's perspective and Brunelleschi's great Dome of Florence Cathedral are based. The finest minds of the day turned their thoughts to the heavens and the mighty waters, and mapped the solar system and the route to the New World, planning great projects to turn the course of rivers for the betterment of mankind.

About a hundred years ago, it was as though a long checklist had been drawn up, with all of the wonderful achievements of the Renaissance itemized-- each to be reversed. As part of this " New Age" movement, as it was then called, the concept of the human soul was undermined by the most vociferous intellectual campaign in history; art was forcibly separated from science, and science itself was made the object of deep suspicion. Art was made ugly because, it was said, life had become ugly.

The cultural shift away from the Renaissance ideas that built the modern world, was due to a kind of freemasonry of ugliness. In the beginning, it was a formal political conspiracy to popularize theories that were specifically designed to weaken the soul of Judeo-Christian civilization in such a way as to make people believe that creativity was not possible, that adherence to universal truth was evidence of authoritarianism, and that reason itself was suspect. This conspiracy was decisive in planning and developing, as means of social manipulation, the vast new sister industries of radio, television, film, recorded music, advertising, and public opinion polling. The pervasive psychological hold of the media was purposely fostered to create the passivity and pessimism which afflict our populations today.

So successful was this conspiracy, that it has become embedded in our culture; it no longer needs to be a " conspiracy," for it has taken on a life of its own. Its successes are not debatable--you need only turn on the radio or television. Even the nomination of a Supreme Court Justice is deformed into an erotic soap opera, with the audience rooting from the sidelines for their favorite character.

Our universities, the cradle of our technological and intellectual future, have become overwhelmed by -style New Age "Political Correctness." With the collapse of the Soviet Union, our campuses now represent the largest concentration of Marxist Collectivist dogma in the world. The irrational adolescent outbursts of the 1960's have become institutionalized into a "permanent revolution." Our professors glance over their shoulders, hoping the current mode will blow over before a student's denunciation obliterates a life's work; some audio-tape their lectures, fearing accusations of "insensitivity" by some enraged "Red Guard." Students at the University of Virginia recently petitioned successfully to drop the requirement to read Homer, Chaucer, and other DEMS ("Dead European Males") because such writings are considered ethnocentric, phallocentric, and generally inferior to the "more relevant" Third World, female, or homosexual authors.

This is not the academy of a republic; this is Hitler's Gestapo and Stalin's NKVD rooting out "deviationists," and banning books--the only thing missing is the public bonfire.

We will have to face the fact that the ugliness we see around us has been consciously fostered and organized in such a way, that a majority of the population is losing the cognitive ability to transmit to the next generation, the ideas and methods upon which our civilization was built. The loss of that ability is the primary indicator of a Dark Age. And, a new Dark Age is exactly what we are in. In such situations, the record of history is unequivocal: either we create a Renaissance--a rebirth of the fundamental principles upon which civilization originated--or, our civilization dies.

I. The Frankfurt School

The single, most important organizational component of this conspiracy was a Communist thinktank called the Institute for Social Research (I.S.R.), but popularly known as the Frankfurt School.

All members of the Frankfurt School were satanists run by organisations. The list of their names and their actions to pervert society is related below.

Their intent, their aim was to pervert society by separating humanity from its soul thus dumming down the intellect and creating despair.

In the heady days immediately after the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, it was widely believed that proletarian revolution would momentarily sweep out of the Urals into Europe and, ultimately, North America. It did not; the only two attempts at workers' government in the West-- in Munich and Budapest--lasted only months. The Communist International therefore began several operations to determine why this was so. One such was headed by ""Georg Lukacs, "" a Hungarian aristocrat, son of one of the Hapsburg Empire's leading bankers.

Trained in Germany and already an important literary theorist, Lukacs became a Satanist during World War I, writing as he joined the party, "Who will save us from Western civilization?" Lukacs was well-suited to the task: he had been one of the Commissars of Culture during the short-lived Hungarian Soviet in Budapest in 1919; in fact, modern historians link the shortness of the Budapest experiment to Lukacs' orders mandating sex education in the schools, easy access to contraception, and the loosening of divorce laws--all of which revulsed Hungary's Roman Catholic population.

Fleeing to the Soviet Union after the counter-revolution, Lukacs was secreted into Germany in 1922, where he chaired a meeting of -oriented sociologists and intellectuals. This meeting founded the Institute for Social Research. Over the next decade, the Institute worked out what was to become the Satanists most successful psychological warfare operation against the capitalist West.

Lukacs identified that any political movement capable of bringing Satanism to the West would have to be, in his words, "demonic"; it would have to "possess the religious power which is capable of filling the entire soul; a power that characterized primitive Christianity."

However, Lukacs suggested, such a "" political movement could only succeed when the individual believes that his or her actions are determined by "not a personal destiny, but the destiny of the community" in a world ""that has been abandoned by God".

Satanism worked in Russia because that nation was dominated by a peculiar gnostic form of Christianty typified by the writings of Fyodor Dostoyevsky. "The model for the new man is Alyosha Karamazov," said Lukacs, referring to the Dostoyevsky character who willingly gave over his personal identity to a holy man, and thus ceased to be "unique, pure, and therefore abstract."

This abandonment of the soul's uniqueness also solves the problem of "the diabolic forces lurking in all violence" which must be unleashed in order to create a revolution.

In this context, Lukacs cited the Grand Inquisitor section of Dostoyevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov," noting that the Inquisitor who is interrogating Jesus, has resolved the issue of good and evil: once man has understood his alienation from God, then any act in the service of the "destiny of the community" is justified; such an act can be "neither crime nor madness.... For crime and madness are objectifications of transcendental homelessness."

According to an eyewitness, during meetings of the Hungarian Soviet leadership in 1919 to draw up lists for the firing squad, Lukacs would often quote the Grand Inquisitor: "And we who, for their happiness, have taken their sins upon ourselves, we stand before you and say, `Judge us if you can and if you dare.'|"

The Problem of Genesis What differentiated the West from Russia, Lukacs identified, was a Judeo- Christian cultural matrix which emphasized exactly the uniqueness and sacredness of the individual which a Lukacs abjured.

At its core, the dominant Western ideology maintained that the individual, through the exercise of his or her reason, could discern the Divine Will in an unmediated relationship.

What was worse, from Lukacs' standpoint: this reasonable relationship necessarily implied that the individual could and should change the physical universe in pursuit of the Good; that Man should have dominion over Nature, as stated in the Biblical injunction in Genesis.

The problem was, that as long as the individual had the belief--or even the hope of the belief--that his or her divine spark of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation which Lukacs recognized as the necessary prerequisite for revolution.

The task of the Frankfurt School, then, was first, to undermine the Judeo- Christian legacy through an "abolition of culture" ("Aufhebung der Kultur" in Lukacs' German); and, second, to determine new cultural forms which would " increase the alienation of the population," thus creating a "new barbarism."



To this task, there gathered in and around the Frankfurt School an incredible assortment of not only Satanists, but also non-party socialists, radical phenomenologists, Zionists, renegade Freudians, and at least a few members of a self-identified "cult of Astarte."

The variegated membership reflected, to a certain extent, the sponsorship: although the Institute for Social Research started with support, over the next three decades its sources of funds included various German and American universities, the Rockefeller Foundation, Columbia Broadcasting System, the American Jewish Committee, several American intelligence services, the Office of the U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, the International Labour Organization, and the Hacker Institute, a posh psychiatric clinic in Beverly Hills.

Similarly, the Frankfurt Institute's political allegiances: although top personnel maintained what might be called a sentimental relationship to the Soviet Union (and there is evidence that some of them worked for Soviet intelligence into the 1960's), the Institute saw its goals as higher than that of just Russian foreign policy but that of World Satanism.

Stalin, who was horrified at the undisciplined, "cosmopolitan" operation set up by his predecessors, cut the Institute off in the late 1920's, forcing Lukacs into "self-criticism," and briefly jailing him as a German sympathizer during World War II.

Lukacs survived to briefly take up his old post as Minister of Culture during the anti-Stalinist Imre Nagy regime in Hungary.

Of the other top Frankfurt Institute figures, all Satanists run by organisations, the political perambulations of ""Herbert Marcuse"" are typical.

He started as a Communist; became a protege of philosopher Martin Heidegger even as the latter was joining the Nazi Party; coming to America, he worked for the World War II Office of Strategic Services (OSS), and later became the U.S. State Department's top analyst of Soviet policy during the height of the McCarthy period; in the 1960's, he turned again, to become the most important guru of the New Left; and he ended his days helping to found the environmentalist extremist Green Party - Green is another operation to make people accept poverty - in West Germany.

In all this seeming incoherence of shifting positions and contradictory funding, there is no ideological conflict. The invariant is the desire of all parties to answer Lukacs' original question: "Who will save us Satanists from Western civilization?"

Theodor Adorno and Walter Benjamin

Perhaps the most important, if least-known, of the Frankfurt School's successes was the shaping of the electronic media of radio and television into the powerful instruments of social control which they represent today. This grew out of the work originally done by two men who came to the Institute in the late 1920's, ""Theodor Adorno"" and ""Walter Benjamin.""

After completing studies at the University of Frankfurt, Walter Benjamin planned to emigrate to Palestine in 1924 with his friend ""Gershom Scholem"" (who later became one of Israel's most famous philosophers, as well as Judaism's leading gnostic), but was prevented by a love affair with ""Asja Lacis,"" a Latvian actress and stringer - important people are often the aim of sexual agents, witches.

Lacis whisked him off to the Italian island of Capri, a cult center from the time of the Emperor Tiberius who gave the order to kill the Christ, then used as a training base; the heretofore apolitical Benjamin wrote Scholem from Capri, that he had found "an existential liberation and an intensive insight into the actuality of radical communism."

Lacis later took Benjamin to Moscow for further indoctrination, where he met playwright ""Bertolt Brecht,"" with whom he would begin a long collaboration; soon thereafter, while working on the first German translation of the drug- enthusiast French poet Baudelaire, Benjamin began serious experimentation with hallucinogens - often used in mind control.

In 1927, he was in Berlin as part of a group led by Adorno, studying the works of Lukacs; other members of the study group included Brecht and his homosexual composer-partner ""Kurt Weill;""

""Hans Eisler,"" another composer who would later become a Hollywood film score composer and co-author with Adorno of the textbook "Composition for the Film"; the avant-garde photographer ""Imre Moholy-Nagy""; and the conductor ""Otto Klemperer.""

From 1928 to 1932, Adorno and Benjamin had an intensive collaboration, at the end of which they began publishing articles in the Institute's journal, the "Zeitschrift faaur Sozialforschung."

Benjamin was kept on the margins of the Institute, largely due to Adorno, who would later appropriate much of his work.

As Hitler came to power, the Institute's staff fled, but, whereas most were quickly spirited away to new deployments in the U.S. and England, there were no job offers for Benjamin, probably due to the animus of Adorno. He went to France, and, after the German invasion, fled to the Spanish border; expecting momentary arrest by the Gestapo, he despaired and died in a dingy hotel room of self-administered drug overdose.

Benjamin's work remained almost completely unknown until 1955, when Scholem and Adorno published an edition of his material in Germany. The full revival occurred in 1968, when ""Hannah Arendt,"" Heidegger's former mistress and a collaborator of the Frankfurt Institute in America, published a major article on Benjamin in the "New Yorker" magazine, followed in the same year by the first English translations of his work. Today, every university bookstore in the country boasts a full shelf devoted to translations of every scrap Benjamin wrote, plus exegesis, all with 1980's copyright dates.

Adorno was younger than Benjamin, and as aggressive as the older man was passive. Born Teodoro Wiesengrund-Adorno to a Corsican family, he was taught the piano at an early age by an aunt who lived with the family and had been the concert accompanist to the international opera star Adelina Patti. It was generally thought that Theodor would become a professional musician, and he studied with Bernard Sekles, Paul Hindemith's teacher.

However, in 1918, while still a "gymnasium" student, Adorno met ""Siegfried Kracauer."" Kracauer was part of a Kantian-Zionist salon which met at the house of ""Rabbi Nehemiah Nobel"" in Frankfurt; other members of the Nobel circle included philosopher "" Martin Buber,"" writer ""Franz Rosenzweig,"" and two students, ""Leo Lowenthal" " and "Erich Fromm."

Kracauer, Lowenthal, and Fromm would join the I.S.R. two decades later. Adorno engaged Kracauer to tutor him in the philosophy of Kant; Kracauer also introduced him to the writings of Lukacs and to Walter Benjamin, who was around the Nobel clique.

In 1924, Adorno moved to Vienna, to study with the atonalist composers "" Alban Berg"" and ""Arnold Schoenberg,"" and became connected to the avant- garde and occult circle around the old Marxist ""Karl Kraus."" Here, he not only met his future collaborator, Hans Eisler, but also came into contact with the theories of Freudian extremist ""Otto Gross."" Gross, a long-time cocaine addict, had died in a Berlin gutter in 1920, while on his way to help the revolution in Budapest; he had developed the theory that mental health could only be achieved through the revival of the ancient sex cult of Astarte, which would sweep away monotheism and the "bourgeois family."

Saving Marxist Aesthetics

By 1928, Adorno and Benjamin had satisfied their intellectual wanderlust, and settled down at the I.S.R. in Germany to do some work. As subject, they chose an aspect of the problem posed by Lukacs: how to give aesthetics a firmly materialistic basis. It was a question of some importance, at the time. Official Soviet discussions of art and culture, with their wild gyrations into "socialist realism" and "proletkult," were idiotic, and only served to discredit Marxism's claim to philosophy among intellectuals. Karl Marx's own writings on the subject were sketchy and banal, at best.

In essence, Adorno and Benjamin's problem was Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, Leibniz had once again obliterated the centuries-old gnostic dualism dividing mind and body, by demonstrating that matter does not think.

A creative act in art or science apprehends the truth of the physical universe, but it is not determined by that physical universe. By self-consciously concentrating the past in the present to effect the future, the creative act, properly defined, is as immortal as the soul which envisions the act. This has fatal philosophical implications for Marxism, which rests entirely on the hypothesis that mental activity is determined by the social relations excreted by mankind's production of its physical existence.

Marx sidestepped the problem of Leibniz, as did Adorno and Benjamin, although the latter did it with a lot more panache.

It is wrong, said Benjamin in his first articles on the subject, to start with the reasonable, hypothesizing mind as the basis of the development of civilization; this is an unfortunate legacy of Socrates.

As an alternative, Benjamin posed an Aristotelian fable (Aristotle the "Poisoner" because he poisoned Alexander the Great, was an Agent of the Babylonian Secret Services) in interpretation of Genesis: Assume that Eden were given to Adam as the primordial physical state.

The origin of science and philosophy does not lie in the investigation and mastery of nature, says Aristotle, but in the "naming" of the objects of nature; in the primordial state, to name a thing was to say all there was to say about that thing.

In support of this, Benjamin cynically recalled the opening lines of the Gospel according to St. John, carefully avoiding the philosophically-broader Greek, and preferring the Vulgate (so that, in the phrase "In the beginning was the Word," the connotations of the original Greek word "logos"--speech, reason, ratiocination, translated as "Word"--are replaced by the narrower meaning of the Latin word "verbum").

After the expulsion from Eden and God's requirement that Adam eat his bread earned by the sweat of his face (Benjamin's Marxist metaphor for the development of economies), and God's further curse of Babel on Nimrod (that is, the development of nation-states with distinct languages, which Benjamin and Marx viewed as a negative process away from the "primitive communism" of Eden), humanity became "estranged" from the physical world.

Thus, Benjamin continued, objects still give off an "aura" of their primordial form, but the truth is now hopelessly elusive. In fact, speech, written language, art, creativity itself--that by which we master physicality-- merely furthers the estrangement by attempting, in Marxist jargon, to incorporate objects of nature into the social relations determined by the class structure dominant at that point in history.

The theory therefore is that the creative artist or scientist, therefore, is a vessel, like Ion the rhapsode as he described himself to Socrates, or like a modern "chaos theory" advocate: the creative act springs out of the hodgepodge of culture as if by magic. The more that bourgeois man tries to convey what he intends about an object, the less truthful he becomes; or, in one of Benjamin's most oft-quoted statements, "Truth is the death of intention."

Yes there is no need to intend when you know, when you have the truth. But if you don't have the truth then intention is the only way you will get it!!

This philosophical sleight-of-hand allows one to do several destructive things. By making creativity historically-specific, you rob it of both immortality and morality.

One cannot hypothesize universal truth, or natural law, for truth is completely relative to historical development. By discarding the idea of truth and error, you also may throw out the "obsolete" concept of good and evil; you are, in the words of Friedrich Nietzsche, "beyond good and evil."

Benjamin is able, for instance, to defend what he calls the "Satanism" of the French Symbolists and their Surrealist successors, for at the core of this Satanism "one finds the cult of evil as a political device .. . to disinfect and isolate against all moralizing dilettantism" of the bourgeoisie.

Thus, we are told by these satanists that to condemn the Satanism of Rimbaud as evil, is as incorrect as to extol a Beethoven quartet or a Schiller poem as good; for both judgments are blind to the historical forces working "unconsciously" on the artist.

Thus, we are told by these satanists that the late Beethoven's chord structure was striving to be atonal, but Beethoven could not bring himself "consciously" to break with the structured world of Congress of Vienna Europe (Adorno's thesis); similarly, Schiller really wanted to state that creativity was the liberation of the erotic, but as a true child of the Enlightenment and Immanuel Kant, he could not make the requisite renunciation of reason (Marcuse's thesis).

Thus, we are told by these satanists that Epistemology becomes a poor relation of public opinion, since the artist does not consciously create works in order to uplift society, but instead unconsciously transmits the ideological assumptions of the culture into which he was born. The issue is no longer what is universally true, but what can be plausibly interpreted by the self-appointed guardians of the "Zeitgeist".

"The Bad New Days"

Thus, for the Frankfurt School, the goal of a cultural elite in the modern, "capitalist" era must be to strip away the belief that art derives from the self-conscious emulation of God the Creator; "religious illumination," says Benjamin, must be shown to "reside in a profane illumination, a materialistic, anthropological inspiration, to which hashish, opium, or whatever else can give an introductory lesson."

At the same time, "new cultural forms must be found to increase the alienation of the population," in order for it to understand how truly alienated it is to live without satanism. "Do not build on the good old days, but on the bad new ones," said Benjamin.

Thus, we are told by these satanists that the proper direction in painting, therefore, is that taken by the late Van Gogh, who began to paint objects in disintegration, with the equivalent of a hashish-smoker's eye that "loosens and entices things out of their familiar world."

Thus, we are told by these satanists that in music, "it is not suggested that one can compose better today" than Mozart or Beethoven, said Adorno, but one must compose atonally, for atonalism is sick, and "the sickness, dialectically, is at the same time the cure....The extraordinarily violent reaction protest which such music confronts in the present society ... appears nonetheless to suggest that the dialectical function of this music can already be felt ... negatively, as `destruction.'|"

Thus, we are told by these satanists that the purpose of modern art, literature, and music must be to destroy the uplifting--therefore, bourgeois -- potential of art, literature, and music, so that man, "bereft of his connection to the divine," sees his only creative option to be political revolt. "

Thus, we are told by these satanists that to organize pessimism means nothing other than to expel the moral metaphor from politics and to discover in political action a sphere reserved one hundred percent for images."

Thus, Benjamin collaborated with Brecht to work these theories into practical form, and their joint effort culminated in the "Verfremdungseffekt" ("estrangement effect"), Brecht's attempt to write his plays so as to make the audience leave the theatre demoralized and aimlessly angry.

Political Correctness

The Adorno-Benjamin analysis represents almost the entire theoretical basis of all the politically correct aesthetic trends which now plague our universities.

The Poststructuralism of ""Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault,"" and ""Jacques Derrida,"" the Semiotics of ""Umberto Eco,"" the Deconstructionism of ""Paul DeMan,"" all openly cite Benjamin as the source of their work.

The Italian terrorist Eco's best-selling novel, "The Name of the Rose," is little more than a paean to Benjamin; DeMan, the former Nazi collaborator in Belgium who became a prestigious Yale professor, began his career translating Benjamin; Barthes' infamous 1968 statement that "[t]he author is dead," is meant as an elaboration of Benjamin's dictum on intention.

Benjamin has actually been called the heir of Leibniz and of Wilhelm von Humboldt, the philologist collaborator of Schiller whose educational reforms engendered the tremendous development of Germany in the nineteenth century. Even as recently as September 1991, the "Washington Post" referred to Benjamin as "the finest German literary theorist of the century (and many would have left off that qualifying German)."

Readers have undoubtedly heard one or another horror story about how an African-American Studies Department has procured a ban on "Othello", because it is "racist," or how a radical feminist professor lectured a Modern Language Association meeting on the witches as the "true heroines" of "Macbeth". These atrocities occur because the perpetrators are able to plausibly demonstrate, in the tradition of Benjamin and Adorno, that Shakespeare's intent is irrelevant; what is important, is the racist or phallocentric "subtext" of which Shakespeare was unconscious when he wrote.

When the local Women's Studies or Third World Studies Department organizes students to abandon classics in favor of modern Black and feminist authors, the reasons given are pure Benjamin. It is not that these modern writers are better, but they are somehow more truthful because their alienated prose reflects the modern social problems of which the older authors were ignorant! Students are being taught that language itself is, as Benjamin said, merely a conglomeration of false "names" foisted upon society by its oppressors, and are warned against "logocentrism," the bourgeois over-reliance on words.

If these campus antics appear "retarded" (in the words of Adorno), that is because they are designed to be. The Frankfurt School's most important breakthrough consists in the realization that their monstrous theories could become dominant in the culture, as a result of the changes in society brought about by what Benjamin called "the age of mechanical reproduction of art."

II. The Establishment Goes : "Entertainment" Replaces Art

Before the twentieth century, the distinction between art and "entertainment" was much more pronounced. One could be entertained by art, certainly, but the experience was active, not passive.

On the first level, one had to make a conscious choice to go to a concert, to view a certain art exhibit, to buy a book or piece of sheet music. It was unlikely that any more than an infinitesimal fraction of the population would have the opportunity to see "King Lear" or hear Beethoven's Ninth Symphony more than once or twice in a lifetime. Art demanded that one bring one's full powers of concentration and knowledge of the subject to bear on each experience, or else the experience were considered wasted. These were the days when memorization of poetry and whole plays, and the gathering of friends and family for a "parlor concert," were the norm, even in rural households. These were also the days before "music appreciation"; when one studied music, as many did, they learned to play it, not appreciate it.

However, the new technologies of radio, film, and recorded music represented, to use the appropriate buzz-word, a dialectical potential. On the one hand, these technologies held out the possibility of bringing the greatest works of art to millions of people who would otherwise not have access to them.

On the other, the fact that the experience was infinitely reproducible could be ally managed to tend to disengage the audience's mind, making the experience less sacred, thus increasing alienation.

Adorno called this process, "demythologizing." This new passivity, Adorno hypothesized in a crucial article published in 1938, could fracture a musical composition into the "entertaining" parts which would be "fetishized" in the memory of the listener, and the difficult parts, which would be forgotten.

Adorno continues the "dumming" down..

"The counterpart to the fetishism is a regression of listening. This does not mean a relapse of the individual listener into an earlier phase of his own development, nor a decline in the collective general level, since the millions who are reached musically for the first time by today's mass communications cannot be compared with the audiences of the past.

Rather, it is the contemporary listening which has regressed, arrested at the infantile stage. Not only do the listening subjects lose, along with the freedom of choice and responsibility, the capacity for the conscious perception of music .... [t]hey fluctuate between comprehensive forgetting and sudden dives into recognition.

They listen atomistically and dissociate what they hear, but precisely in this dissociation they develop certain capacities which accord less with the traditional concepts of aesthetics than with those of football or motoring. They are not childlike ... but they are childish; their primitivism is not that of the undeveloped, but that of the "forcibly retarded."

This conceptual retardation and preconditioning caused by listening, suggested that programming could determine preference. The very act of putting, say, a Benny Goodman number next to a Mozart sonata on the radio, would tend to amalgamate both into entertaining "music-on-the-radio" in the mind of the listener. This meant that even new and unpalatable ideas could become popular by "re-naming" them through the universal homogenizer of the culture industry."

As Benjamin puts it,

"Mechanical reproduction of art changes the reaction of the masses toward art. The reactionary attitude toward a Picasso painting changes into a progressive reaction toward a Chaplin movie. The progressive reaction is characterized by the direct, intimate fusion of visual and emotional enjoyment with the orientation of the expert.... With regard to the screen, the critical and receptive attitudes of the public coincide. The decisive reason for this is that the individual reactions are predetermined by the mass audience response they are about to produce, and this is nowhere more pronounced than in the film.

At the same time, the magic power of the media could be used to re-define previous ideas. "Shakespeare, Rembrandt, Beethoven will all make films," concluded Benjamin, quoting the French film pioneer ""Abel Gance,"" "... all legends, all mythologies, all myths, all founders of religions, and the very religions themselves ... await their exposed resurrection."

Social Control: The "Radio Project"

Here, then, were some potent theories of social control. The great possibilities of this Frankfurt School media work were probably the major contributing factor in the support given the I.S.R. by the bastions of the Establishment, after the Institute transferred its operations to America in 1934.

In 1937, the Rockefeller Foundation began funding research into the social effects of new forms of mass media, particularly radio. Before World War I, radio had been a hobbyist's toy, with only 125,000 receiving sets in the entire U.S.; twenty years later, it had become the primary mode of entertainment in the country; out of 32 million American families in 1937, 27.5 million had radios-- a larger percentage than had telephones, automobiles,plumbing, or electricity! Yet, almost no systematic research had been done upto this point. The Rockefeller Foundation enlisted several universities, and headquartered this network at the School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University. Named the Office of Radio Research, it was popularly known as "the Radio Project."

The director of the Project was ""Paul Lazersfeld,"" the foster son of Austrian Marxist economist Rudolph Hilferding, and a long-time collaborator of the I.S.R. from the early 1930's. Under Lazersfeld was ""Frank Stanton,"" a recent Ph.D. in industrial psychology from Ohio State, who had just been made research director of Columbia Broadcasting System--a grand title but a lowly position. After World War II, Stanton became president of the CBS News Division, and ultimately president of CBS at the height of the TV network's power; he also became Chairman of the Board of the RAND Corporation, and a member of President Lyndon Johnson's "kitchen cabinet." Among the Project's researchers were ""Herta Herzog,"" who married Lazersfeld and became the first director of research for the Voice of America; and ""Hazel Gaudet,"" who became one of the nation's leading political pollsters. Theodor Adorno was named chief of the Project's music section.

Despite the official gloss, the activities of the Radio Project make it clear that its purpose was to test empirically the Adorno-Benjamin thesis that the net effect of the mass media could be to atomize and increase lability-- what people would later call "brainwashing."

Soap Operas and the Invasion from Mars

The first studies were promising. Herta Herzog produced "On Borrowed Experiences," the first comprehensive research on soap operas. The "serial radio drama" format was first used in 1929, on the inspiration of the old, cliff-hanger "Perils of Pauline" film serial. Because these little radio plays were highly melodramatic, they became popularly identified with Italian grand opera; because they were often sponsored by soap manufacturers, they ended up with the generic name, "soap opera."

Until Herzog's work, it was thought that the immense popularity of this format was largely with women of the lowest socioeconomic status who, in the restricted circumstances of their lives, needed a helpful escape to exotic places and romantic situations. A typical article from that period by two University of Chicago psychologists, "The Radio Day-Time Serial: Symbol Analysis" published in the "Genetic Psychology Monographs", solemnly emphasized the positive, claiming that the soaps "function very much like the folk tale, expressing the hopes and fears of its female audience, and on the whole contribute to the integration of their lives into the world in which they live."

Herzog found that there was, in fact, no correlation to socioeconomic status. What is more, there was surprisingly little correlation to content. The key factor

-- as Adorno and Benjamin's theories suggested it would be

-- was the "form" itself of the serial; women were

being effectively addicted to the format, not so much to be entertained or to escape, but to "find out what happens next week." In fact, Herzog found, you could almost double the listenership of a radio play by dividing it into segments.

Modern readers will immediately recognize that this was not a lesson lost on the entertainment industry. Nowadays, the serial format has spread to children's programming and high-budget prime time shows. The most widely watched shows in the history of television, remain the "Who Killed JR?" installment of "Dallas", and the final episode of "M*A*S*H", both of which were premised on a "what happens next?" format. Even feature films, like the "Star Wars" and "Back to the Future" trilogies, are now produced as serials, in order to lock in a viewership for the later installments. The humble daytime soap also retains its addictive qualities in the current age: 70% of all American women over eighteen now watch at least two of these shows each day, and there is a fast-growing viewership among men and college students of both sexes.

The Radio Project's next major study was an investigation into the effects of ""Orson Welles'"" Halloween 1938 radioplay based on H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds." Six million people heard the broadcast realistically describing a Martian invasion force landing in rural New Jersey. Despite repeated and clear statements that the show was fictional, approximately 25% of the listeners thought it was real, some panicking outright. The Radio Project researchers found that a majority of the people who panicked did not think that men from Mars had invaded; they actually thought that "the Germans" had invaded.

It happened this way. The listeners had been psychologically pre-conditioned by radio reports from the Munich crisis earlier that year. During that crisis, CBS's man in Europe, ""Edward R. Murrow,"" hit upon the idea of breaking into regular programming to present short news bulletins. For the first time in broadcasting, news was presented not in longer analytical pieces, but in short clips--what we now call "audio bites." At the height of the crisis, these flashes got so numerous, that, in the words of Murrow's producer ""Fred Friendly,"" "news bulletins were interrupting news bulletins." As the listeners thought that the world was moving to the brink of war, CBS ratings rose dramatically. When Welles did his fictional broadcast later, after the crisis had receded, he used this news bulletin technique to give things verisimilitude: he started the broadcast by faking a standard dance-music program, which kept getting interrupted by increasingly terrifying "on the scene reports" from New Jersey. Listeners who panicked, reacted not to content, but to format; they heard "We interrupt this program for an emergency bulletin," and "invasion," and immediately concluded that Hitler had invaded. The soap opera technique, transposed to the news, had worked on a vast and unexpected scale.

Little Annie and the "Wagnerian Dream" of TV

In 1939, one of the numbers of the quarterly "Journal of Applied Psychology" was handed over to Adorno and the Radio Project to publish some of their findings. Their conclusion was that Americans had, over the last twenty years, become "radio-minded," and that their listening had become so fragmented that repetition of format was the key to popularity. The play list determined the "hits"--a truth well known to organized crime, both then and now--and repetition could make any form of music or any performer, even a classical music performer, a "star." As long as a familiar form or context was retained, almost any content would become acceptable. "Not only are hit songs, stars, and soap operas cyclically recurrent and rigidly invariable types," said Adorno, summarizing this material a few years later, "but the specific content of the entertainment itself is derived from them and only appears to change. The details are interchangeable."

The crowning achievement of the Radio Project was "Little Annie," officially titled the Stanton-Lazersfeld Program Analyzer. Radio Project research had shown that all previous methods of preview polling were ineffectual. Up to that point, a preview audience listened to a show or watched a film, and then was asked general questions: did you like the show? what did you think of so-and-so's performance? The Radio Project realized that this method did not take into account the test audience's atomized perception of the subject, and demanded that they make a rational analysis of what was intended to be an irrational experience. So, the Project created a device in which each test audience member was supplied with a type of rheostat on which he could register the intensity of his likes or dislikes on a moment-to-moment basis. By comparing the individual graphs produced by the device, the operators could determine, not if the audience liked the whole show -- which was irrelevant--but, which situations or characters produced a positive, if momentary, feeling state.

Little Annie transformed radio, film, and ultimately television programming. CBS still maintains program analyzer facilities in Hollywood and New York; it is said that results correlate 85% to ratings. Other networks and film studios have similar operations. This kind of analysis is responsible for the uncanny feeling you get when, seeing a new film or TV show, you think you have seen it all before. You have, many times. If a program analyzer indicates that, for instance, audiences were particularly titilated by a short scene in a World War II drama showing a certain type of actor kissing a certain type of actress, then that scene format will be worked into dozens of screenplays--transposed to the Middle Ages, to outer space, etc., etc.

The Radio Project also realized that television had the potential to intensify all of the effects that they had studied. TV technology had been around for some years, and had been exhibited at the 1936 World's Fair in New York, but the only person to attempt serious utilization of the medium had been Adolf Hitler. The Nazis broadcast events from the 1936 Olympic Games "live" to communal viewing rooms around Germany; they were trying to expand on their great success in using radio to Nazify all aspects of German culture. Further plans for German TV development were sidetracked by war preparations. Adorno understood this potential perfectly, writing in 1944:

Television aims at the synthesis of radio and film, and is held up only because the interested parties have not yet reached agreement, but its consequences will be quite enormous and promise to intensify the impoverishment of aesthetic matter so drastically, that by tomorrow the thinly veiled identity of all industrial culture products can come triumphantly out in the open, derisively fulfilling the Wagnerian dream of the "Gesamtkunstwerk"--the fusion of all the arts in one work.

The obvious point is this: the profoundly irrational forms of modern entertainment--the stupid and eroticized content of most TV and films, the fact that your local Classical music radio station programs Stravinsky next to Mozart--don't have to be that way. They were designed to be that way. The design was so successful, that today, no one even questions the reasons or the origins.

III. The Thought Police Creating "Public Opinion": The "Authoritarian Personality" Bogeyman and the OSS

The efforts of the Radio Project conspirators to manipulate the population, spawned the modern pseudoscience of public opinion polling, in order to gain greater control over the methods they were developing.

Opinion Polls are merely opinion, they have no whole total truth behind them. They are only a partial truth, therefore they are a lie.

Their purpose is to put some popularity behind opinions designed to denigrate humanity, to bestialise humanity as having no consciousness, no soul, no God - as a beast in the field, an animal.

That same humanity of "Imago Dei", controlled by the Soul, "Not my Will but Thy Will be Done!!" under the leadership of God!!

Today, public opinion polls, like the television news, have been completely integrated into our society. A "scientific survey" of what people are said to think about an issue can be produced in less than twenty-four hours. Some campaigns for high political office are completely shaped by polls; in fact, many poll-iticians try to create issues which are themselves meaningless, but which they know will look good in the polls, purely for the purpose of enhancing their image as "popular." Important policy decisions are made, even before the actual vote of the citizenry or the legislature, by poll results. Newspapers will occasionally write pious editorials calling on people to think for themselves, even as the newspaper's business agent sends a check to the local polling organization.

The idea of "public opinion" is not new, of course. Plato spoke against it in his "Republic" over two millenia ago; Alexis de Tocqueville wrote at length of its influence over America in the early nineteenth century. But, nobody thought to "measure" public opinion before the twentieth century, and nobody before the 1930's thought to use those measurements for decision-making.

It is useful to pause and reflect on the whole concept. The belief that public opinion can be a determinant of truth is philosophically insane.

Eat shit, ten billion flies can't be wrong!!

It precludes the idea of the rational individual mind. Every individual mind contains the divine spark of reason, and is thus capable of scientific discovery, and understanding the discoveries of others. The individual mind is one of the few things that cannot, therefore, be "averaged."

Consider: at the moment of creative discovery, it is possible, if not probable, that the scientist making the discovery is the "only" person to hold that opinion about nature. He is right. He has proved it right. And everyone else has a different opinion, or no opinion.

One can only imagine what a "scientifically-conducted survey" on Kepler's model of the solar system would have been, shortly after he published the "Harmony of the World:" 2% for, 48% against, 50% no opinion.

The Lower sub-personalities within the human mind like the Authoritarian are usually under the control of the Soul. If it isn't, it's a bad Authoritarian. There is a good, Soul controlled Authoritarian!! By ally focussing on the lower and ignoring the Soul the lower bad sub-personalities are promoted and a society is revealed.

These psychoanalytic survey techniques became standard, not only for the Frankfurt School, but also throughout American social science departments, particularly after the I.S.R. arrived in the United States. The methodology was the basis of the research piece for which the Frankfurt School is most well known, the "authoritarian personality" project.

In 1942, I.S.R. director "" Max Horkheimer"" made contact with the American Jewish Committee, which asked him to set up a Department of Scientific Research within its organization. The American Jewish Committee also provided a large grant to study anti-Semitism in the American population. "Our aim," wrote Horkheimer in the introduction to the study, "is not merely to describe prejudice, but to explain it in order to help in its eradication.... Eradication means reeducation scientifically planned on the basis of understanding scientifically arrived at."

If the re-education of the errant humanity fails through Gulags, FEMA Camps, torture, and Mind Control, - trauma based, using drugs, hypnosis and chips in the brain then errant humanity must be eradicated probably through zyklon poison gas, mass graves, and incineration.

The A-S "Authoritarian Personality" Scale

Ultimately, five volumes were produced for this study over the course of the late 1940's; the most important was the last, "The Authoritarian Personality," by Adorno, with the help of three Berkeley, California social psychologists.

In the 1930's Erich Fromm had devised a questionnaire to be used to analyze German workers pychoanalytically as "authoritarian," "revolutionary" or "ambivalent." The heart of Adorno's study was, once again, Fromm's psychoanalytic scale, but with the positive end changed from a "revolutionary personality," to a "democratic personality," in order to make things more palatable for a postwar audience.

Nine lower personality traits were tested and measured, including:

1. ""authoritarian aggression""--the tendency to be on the look-out for, to condemn, reject and punish, people who violate conventional values 2. ""projectivity""--the disposition to believe that wild and dangerous things go on in the world 3. ""sex""--exaggerated concern with sexual goings-on. 4. ""conventionalism""--rigid adherence to conventional, middle-class values..

From these measurements were constructed several scales: 1. the E Scale (ethnocentrism), 2. the PEC Scale (poltical and economic conservatism), 3. the A-S Scale (anti-Semitism), 4. the F Scale (fascism).

Using Rensis Lickerts's methodology of weighting results, the authors were able to tease together an empirical definition of what Adorno called "a new anthropological type," the authoritarian personality.

The legerdemain here, as in all psychoanalytic survey work, is the assumption of a lower Weberian "type." There is no looking for, measurement, naming of the higher type. Once the type has been statistically determined, all behavior can be explained; if an anti-Semitic personality does not act in an anti-Semitic way, then he or she has an ulterior motive for the act, or is being discontinuous.

It is a axiom that the Soul does not exist; thus God does not exist.

By not naming and measuring the higher organising Soul, from "the Truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth;" the whole truth is ignored and what remains is a lie.

The idea that a human mind is capable of transformation through the organising ruling efect of the Soul, is ignored.

The results of this very study can be interpreted in diametrically different ways. One could say that the study proved that the population of the U.S. was generally conservative, did not want to abandon a capitalist economy, believed in a strong family and that sexual promiscuity should be punished, thought that the postwar world was a dangerous place, and was still suspicious of Jews (and Blacks, Roman Catholics, Orientals, etc. -- unfortunately true, but correctable in a social context of economic growth and cultural optimism).

On the other hand, one could take the same results and prove that anti-Jewish pogroms and Nuremburg rallies were simmering just under the surface, waiting for a new Hitler to ignite them. Which of the two interpretations you accept is a political, not a scientific, decision.

Horkheimer and Adorno firmly believed that all religions, Judaism included, were "the opiate of the masses."

Their goal was not the protection of Jews from prejudice, but the creation of a definition of authoritarianism and anti-Semitism which could be exploited to force the "scientifically planned reeducation" of Americans and Europeans away from the principles of Judeo-Christian civilization, which the Frankfurt School despised.

In their theoretical writings of this period, Horkheimer and Adorno pushed the thesis to its most paranoid: just as capitalism was inherently fascistic, the philosophy of Christianity itself is the source of anti-Semitism. As Horkheimer and Adorno jointly wrote in their 1947 "Elements of Anti-Semitism":

Christ, the spirit become flesh, is the deified sorcerer. Man's self- reflection in the absolute, the humanization of God by Christ, is the "proton pseudos" [the original falsehood].

Progress beyond Judaism is coupled with the assumption that the man Jesus has become God. The reflective aspect of Christianity, the intellectualization of magic, is the root of evil.

At the same time, Horkheimer could write in a more-popularized article titled "Anti-Semitism: A Social Disease," that "at present, the only country where there does not seem to be any kind of anti-Semitism is Russia"[!].

This self-serving attempt to maximize paranoia was further aided by Hannah Arendt, who popularized the authoritarian personality research in her widely- read "Origins of Totalitarianism". Arendt also added the famous rhetorical flourish about the "banality of evil" in her later "Eichmann in Jerusalem:" even a simple, shopkeeper-type like Eichmann can turn into a Nazi beast under the right psychological circumstances--every Gentile is suspect, psychoanalytically.

It is Arendt's extreme version of the authoritarian personality thesis which is the operant philosophy of today's Cult Awareness Network (CAN), a group which works with the U.S. Justice Department and the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith, among others. Using standard Frankfurt School method, CAN identifies political and religious groups which are its political enemies, then re-labels them as a "cult," in order to justify operations against them.

The Public Opinion Explosion

Despite its central thesis of these lower "psychoanalytic types," not under the leadership of but without the leadership of the Soul and God, the interpretive survey methodology of the Frankfurt School became dominant in the social sciences, and essentially remains so today.

In fact, the adoption of these new, supposedly scientific techniques in the 1930's brought about an explosion of "opinion" in public-opinion survey use, much of it funded by Madison Avenue. The major pollsters of today--""A.C. Neilsen, George Gallup, Elmo Roper""-- started in the mid-1930's, and began using the I.S.R. methods, especially given the success of the Stanton-Lazersfeld Program Analyzer. By 1936, polling activity had become sufficiently widespread to justify a trade association, the American Academy of Public Opinion Research at Princeton, headed by Lazersfeld; at the same time, the University of Chicago created the National Opinion Research Center. In 1940, the Office of Radio Research was turned into the Bureau of Applied Social Research, a division of Columbia University, with the indefatigable Lazersfeld as director.

After World War II, Lazersfeld especially pioneered the use of surveys to psychoanalyze American voting behavior, and by the 1952 Presidential election, Madison Avenue advertising agencies were firmly in control of Dwight Eisenhower's campaign, utilizing Lazersfeld's work. Nineteen fifty-two was also the first election under the influence of television, which, as Adorno had predicted eight years earlier, had grown to incredible influence in a very short time. Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborne -- the fabled "BBD&O" ad agency--designed Ike's campaign appearances entirely for the TV cameras, and as carefully as Hitler's Nuremberg rallies; one-minute "spot" advertisements were pioneered to cater to the survey-determined needs of the voters.

This snowball has not stopped rolling since. The entire development of television and advertising in the 1950's and 1960's was pioneered by men and women who were trained in the Frankfurt School's techniques of mass alienation from the Soul and God.

Frank Stanton went directly from the Radio Project to become the single most- important leader of modern television. Stanton's chief rival in the formative period of TV was NBC's ""Sylvester "Pat" Weaver""; after a Ph.D. in "listening behavior," Weaver worked with the Program Analyzer in the late 1930's, before becoming a Young & Rubicam vice-president, then NBC's director of programming, and ultimately the network's president. Stanton and Weaver's stories are typical.

Today, the men and women who run the networks, the ad agencies, and the polling organizations, even if they have never heard of Theodor Adorno, firmly believe in Adorno's theory that the media can, and should, turn all they touch into "football" and leave out anything which could take people higher, the dumming down of society. Coverage of the 1991 Gulf War should make that clear.

The dumming down technique concentrating on the "lower" and ignoring the "higher" in mass media and advertising developed by the Frankfurt School now effectively controls American political campaigning.

Campaigns are no longer based on political programs, but actually on alienation. Petty gripes and irrational fears are identified by psychoanalytic survey, to be transmogrified into "issues" to be catered to; the "Willy Horton" ads of the 1988 Presidential campaign, and the "flag-burning amendment," are but two recent examples. Issues that will determine the future of our civilization, are scrupulously reduced to photo opportunities and audio bites--like Ed Murrow's original 1930's radio reports--where the dramatic effect is maximized, and the idea content is zero.

The authoritarian personality Hoax: Who Is the Enemy?


Part of the influence of the authoritarian personality hoax in our own day also derives from the fact that, incredibly, the Frankfurt School and its theories were officially accepted by the U.S. government during World War II, and these Satanists were responsible for determining who were America's wartime, "and postwar," enemies.

Opinions which served Operation Paperclip where psychopathic Nazi Scientists like Mengele were recruited by the USA for programs including Mind Kontrol MKULTRA and the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Fusion Bomb technology.

In 1942, the Office of Strategic Services, America's hastily-constructed espionage and covert operations unit, asked former Harvard president James Baxter to form a Research and Analysis (R&A) Branch under the group's Intelligence Division. By 1944, the R&A Branch had collected such a large and prestigeous group of emigre scholars that H. Stuart Hughes, then a young Ph. D., said that working for it was "a second graduate education" at government expense.

The Central European Section - all Satanists - was headed by historian ""Carl Schorske;" " under him, in the all-important Germany/Austria Section, was ""Franz Neumann, "" as section chief, with ""Herbert Marcuse, Paul Baran,"" and ""Otto Kirchheimer,"" all I.S.R. veterans. ""Leo Lowenthal"" headed the German- language section of the Office of War Information; ""Sophie Marcuse,"" Marcuse's wife, worked at the Office of Naval Intelligence.

Also at the R&A Branch were: ""Siegfried Kracauer,"" Adorno's old Kant instructor, now a film theorist; ""Norman O. Brown,"" who would become famous in the 1960's by combining Marcuse's hedonism theory with ""Wilhelm Reich's"" orgone therapy to popularize "polymorphous sexual perversity"; ""Barrington Moore, Jr.,"" later a philosophy professor who would co-author a book with Marcuse; ""Gregory Bateson,"" the husband of anthropologist ""Dame Margaret Mead"" (who wrote for the Frankfurt School's journal), and ""Arthur Schlesinger,"" the historian who joined the Kennedy Administration.

Marcuse's first assignment was to head a team to identify both those who would be tried as war criminals after the war, those who could be recruited by America, and also those who were potential leaders of postwar Germany.

In 1944, Marcuse, Neumann, and Kirchheimer wrote the "Denazification Guide", which was later issued to officers of the U.S. Armed Forces occupying Germany, to help them identify and suppress pro-Nazi behaviors. After the armistice, the R&A Branch sent representatives to work as intelligence liaisons with the various occupying powers; Marcuse was assigned the U.S. Zone, Kirchheimer the French, and Barrington Moore the Soviet. In the summer of 1945, Neumann left to become chief of research for the Nuremburg Tribunal. Marcuse remained in and around U. S. intelligence into the early 1950's, rising to the chief of the Central European Branch of the State Department's Office of Intelligence Research, an office formally charged with "planning and implementing a program of positive- intelligence research ... to meet the intelligence requirements of the Central Intelligence Agency and other authorized agencies."

During his tenure as a U.S. government official, Marcuse supported the division of Germany into East and West, noting that this would prevent an alliance between the newly liberated left-wing parties and the old, conservative industrial and business layers. In 1949, he produced a 532-page report, "The Potentials of World Communism" (declassified only in 1978), which suggested that the Marshall Plan economic stabilization of Europe would limit the recruitment potential of Western Europe's Communist Parties to acceptable levels, causing a period of hostile co-existence with the Soviet Union, marked by confrontation only in faraway places like Latin America and Indochina--in all, a surprisingly accurate forecast. Marcuse left the State Department with a Rockefeller Foundation grant to work with the various Soviet Studies departments which were set up at many of America's top universities after the war, largely by R&A Branch veterans.

At the same time, Max Horkheimer was doing even greater damage. As part of the denazification of Germany suggested by the R&A Branch, U.S. High Commissioner for Germany John J. McCloy, using personal discretionary funds, brought Horkheimer back to Germany to reform the German university system. In fact, McCloy asked President Truman and Congress to pass a bill granting Horkheimer, who had become a naturalized American, dual citizenship; thus, for a brief period, Horkheimer was the only person in the world to hold both German and U.S. citizenship. In Germany, Horkheimer began the spadework for the full- blown revival of the Frankfurt School in that nation in the late 1950's, including the training of a whole new generation of anti-Western civilization scholars like ""Hans-Georg Gadamer"" and ""Juurgen Habermas,"" who would have such destructive influence in 1960's Germany.

In a period of American history when some individuals were being hounded into unemployment and suicide for the faintest aroma of leftism, Frankfurt School veterans--all with superb credentials -- led what can only be called charmed lives. America had, to an incredible extent, handed the determination of who were the nation's enemies, over to the nation's own worst enemies.

IV. The Aristotelian "Eros": Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll

Marcuse and the CIA's Drug Counterculture In 1989, Hans-Georg Gadamer, a protege of Martin Heidegger and the last of the original Frankfurt School generation, was asked to provide an appreciation of his own work for the German newspaper, " Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung." He wrote,

One has to conceive of Aristotle's ethics as a true fulfillment of the Socratic challenge, which Plato had placed at the center of his dialogues on the Socratic question of the good.... Plato described the idea of the good ... as the ultimate and highest idea, which is supposedly the highest principle of being for the universe, the state, and the human soul. Against this Aristotle opposed a decisive critique, under the famous formula, "Plato is my friend, but the truth is my friend even more." He denied that one could consider the idea of the good as a universal principle of being, which is supposed to hold in the same way for theoretical knowledge as for practical knowledge and human activity.?


Rembrandt - Aristotle in Darkness as he touches the Enlightened Golden Head of Plato


I have written previously how Aristotle, "the poisoner" was a secret agent for the Babylonians, who was sent to tutor Alexander the Great when his father was working for the Babylonians to develop an army to take over Europe. When Alexander reneged on the deal and instead attacked and took over Babylon, the revenge was that Alexander died of the Borgia cup, the poisoned chalice. His next given task was to pervert the work of Plato and Socrates and thus ally pervert the minds of all who read him.

This statement not only succinctly states the underlying philosophy of the Frankfurt School, it also suggests an inflection point around which we can order much of the philosophical combat of the last two millenia. In the simplest terms, the Aristotelian correction of Plato sunders physics from metaphysics, relegating the Good to a mere object of speculation about which "our knowledge remains only a hypothesis," in the words of Wilhelm Dilthey, the Frankfurt School's favorite philosopher. Our knowledge of the "real world, " as Dilthey, Nietzsche, and other precursors of the Frankfurt School were wont to emphasize, becomes "erotic," in the broadest sense of that term, as object fixation.

The universe becomes a collection of things which each operate on the basis of their own natures (that is, genetically), and through interaction between themselves (that is, mechanistically). Science becomes the deduction of the appropriate categories of these natures and interactions. Since the human mind is merely a sensorium, waiting for the Newtonian apple to jar it into deduction, humanity's relationship to the world (and vice versa) becomes an erotic attachment to objects. The comprehension of the universal--the mind's seeking to be the living image of the living God--is therefore illusory. That universal either does not exist, or it exists incomprehensibly as a "deus ex machina;" that is, the Divine exists as a superaddition to the physical universe

-- God is really Zeus, flinging thunderbolts into the world from some outside location. (Or, perhaps more appropriately: God is really Cupid, letting loose golden arrows to make objects attract, and leaden arrows to make objects repel.)

The key to the entire Frankfurt School program, from originator Lukacs on, is the "liberation" of Aristotelian "eros," to make individual feeling states psychologically primary - the hypersexualisation of humanity.

When the I.S.R. leaders arrived in the United States in the mid-1930's, they exulted that here was a place which had no adequate philosophical defenses against their brand of "Kulturpessimismus" [cultural pessimism].

However, although the Frankfurt School made major inroads in American intellectual life before World War II, that influence was largely confined to academia and to radio; and radio, although important, did not yet have the overwhelming influence on social life that it would acquire during the war. Furthermore, America's mobilization for the war, and the victory against fascism, sidetracked the Frankfurt School schedule; America in 1945 was almost sublimely optimistic, with a population firmly convinced that a mobilized republic, backed by science and technology, could do just about anything.

The fifteen years after the war, however, saw the domination of family life by the radio and television shaped by the Frankfurt School, in a period of political erosion in which the great positive potential of America degenerated to a purely negative posture against the real and, oftentimes manipulated, threat of the Soviet Union. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of the young generation--the so-called baby boomers--were entering college and being exposed to the Frankfurt School's poison, either directly or indirectly. It is illustrative, that by 1960, sociology had become the most popular course of study in American universities.

Indeed, when one looks at the first stirrings of the student rebellion at the beginning of the 1960's, like the speeches of the Berkeley Free Speech Movement or the Port Huron Statement which founded the Students for a Democratic Society, one is struck with how devoid of actual content these discussions were. There is much anxiety about being made to conform to the system--"I am a human being; do not fold, spindle, or mutilate" went an early Berkeley slogan--but it is clear that the "problems" cited derive much more from the partial, "truth" of required sociology textbooks, than from the real needs of the society.

The CIA's Psychedelic Revolution The simmering unrest on campus in 1960 might well too have passed or had a positive outcome, were it not for the traumatic decapitation of the nation through the Kennedy assassination, plus the simultaneous introduction of widespread drug use. Drugs have always been the method of choice to Dumb down and thus control societies because it brings incredible black profits to fund programs.

Drugs had always been an "analytical tool" of the nineteenth century Romantics, like the French Symbolists, and were popular among the European and American Bohemian fringe well into the post-World War II period. But, in the second half of the 1950's, the CIA and allied intelligence services began extensive experimentation with the hallucinogen LSD to investigate its potential for social control.

It has now been documented that millions of doses of the chemical were produced and disseminated under the aegis of the CIA's Operation MK-Ultra. LSD became the drug of choice within the agency itself, and was passed out freely to friends of the family, including a substantial number of OSS veterans. For instance, it was OSS Research and Analysis Branch veteran Gregory Bateson who "turned on" the Beat poet ""Allen Ginsberg"" to a U.S. Navy LSD experiment in Palo Alto, California.

Not only Ginsberg, but novelist ""Ken Kesey"" and the original members of the Grateful Dead rock group opened the doors of perception courtesy of the Navy. The guru of the "psychedelic revolution," ""Timothy Leary,"" first heard about hallucinogens in 1957 from "Life" magazine (whose publisher, ""Henry Luce,"" was often given government acid, like many other opinion shapers), and began his career as a CIA contract employee; at a 1977 "reunion" of acid pioneers, Leary openly admitted, "everything I am, I owe to the foresight of the CIA."


Dali - sleep


Hallucinogens have the singular effect of making the victim asocial, totally self-centered, and concerned with objects. Even the most banal objects take on the "aura" which Benjamin had talked about, and become timeless and delusionarily profound. In other words, hallucinogens instantaneously achieve a state of mind identical to that prescribed by the Frankfurt School theories. And, the popularization of these chemicals created a vast psychological lability for bringing those theories into practice.

Thus, the situation at the beginning of the 1960's represented a brilliant re-entry point for the Frankfurt School, and it was fully exploited. One of the crowning ironies of the "Now Generation" of 1964 on, is that, for all its protestations of utter modernity, none of its ideas or artifacts was less than thirty years old. The political theory came completely from the Frankfurt School; ""Lucien Goldmann,"" a French radical who was a visiting professor at Columbia in 1968, was absolutely correct when he said of Herbert Marcuse in 1969 that "the student movements ... found in his works and ultimately "in his works alone" the theoretical formulation of their problems and aspirations."

The long hair and sandals, the free love communes, the macrobiotic food, the liberated lifestyles, had been designed at the turn of the century, and thoroughly field-tested by various, Frankfurt School-connected New Age social experiments like the Ascona commune before 1920. Even Tom Hayden's defiant "Never trust anyone over thirty," was merely a less-urbane version of Rupert Brooke's 1905, "Nobody over thirty is worth talking to." The social planners who shaped the 1960's simply relied on already-available materials.

The Frankfurt School's original 1930's survey work, including the "authoritarian personality," was based on psychoanalytic categories developed by Erich Fromm. Fromm derived these categories from the theories of J.J. Bachofen, a collaborator of Nietzsche and Richard Wagner, who claimed that human civilization was originally "matriarchal." This primoridial period of "gynocratic democracy" and dominance of the Magna Mater (Great Mother) cult, said Bachofen, was submerged by the development of rational, authoritarian "patriarchism," including monotheistic religion. Later, Fromm utilized this theory to claim that support for the nuclear family was evidence of authoritarian tendencies.

In 1970, forty years after he first proclaimed the importance of Bachofen's theory, the Frankfurt School's Erich Fromm surveyed how far things had developed. He listed seven "social-psychological changes" which indicated the advance of matriarchism over patriarchism:

1. "The failure of the patriarchal-authoritarian system to fulfill its function," including the prevention of pollution

2. "Democratic revolutions" which operate on the basis of "manipulated consent"

3. "The women's revolution"

4. "Children's and adolescents' revolution," based on the work of Benjamin Spock and others, allowing children new, and more-adequate ways to express rebellion

5. The rise of the radical youth movement, which fully embraces Bachofen, in its emphasis on group sex, loose family structure, and unisex clothing and behaviors

6. The increasing use of Bachofen by professionals to correct Freud's overly- sexual analysis of the mother-son relationship--this would make Freudianism less threatening and more palatable to the general population

7. "The vision of the consumer paradise.... In this vision, technique assumes the characteristics of the Great Mother, a technical instead of a natural one, who nurses her children and pacifies them with a never-ceasing lullaby in the form of radio and television. In the process, man becomes emotionally an infant, feeling secure in the hope that mother's breasts will always supply abundant milk, and that decisions need no longer be made by the individual."

An overwhelming amount of the philosophy and artifacts of the American counterculture of the 1960's, plus the New Age nonsense of today, derives from a large-scale social experiment sited in Ascona, Switzerland from about 1910 to 1935.

Originally a resort area for members of Luciferian ""Helena Blavatsky's"" Theosophy cult, the little Swiss village became the haven for every occult, leftist and racialist sect of the original New Age movement of the early twentieth century. By the end of World War I, Ascona was indistinguishable from what Haight- Ashbury would later become, filled with health food shops, occult book stores hawking the "I Ching", and "Naturmenschen", "Mr. Naturals" who would walk about in long hair, beads, sandals, and robes in order to "get back to nature. ."

The dominant influence in the area came from Dr. Otto Gross, a student of Freud and friend of Carl Jung, who had been part of Max Weber's circle when Frankfurt School founder Lukacs was also a member. Gross took Bachofen to its logical extremes, and, in the words of a biographer, "is said to have adopted Babylon as his civilization, in opposition to that of Judeo-Christian Europe... . if Jezebel had not been defeated by Elijah, world history would have been different and better. Jezebel was Babylon, love religion of Astarte and Ashtoreth; by killing her, Jewish monotheistic moralism drove pleasure from the world."



Gross's solution was to recreate the cult of Astarte in order to start a sexual revolution and destroy the bourgeois, patriarchal family. Among the members of his cult were: ""Frieda and D.H. Lawrence""; ""Franz Kafka""; "" Franz Werfel,"" the novelist who later came to Hollywood and wrote "The Song of Bernadette;" philosopher ""Martin Buber""; ""Alma Mahler,"" the wife of composer Gustave Mahler, and later the liaison of Walter Gropius, Oskar Kokoschka, and Franz Werfel; among others. The Ordo Templis Orientalis (OTO), the occult fraternity set up by Satanist Sex Addict and Drug Addict, ""Aleister Crowley,"" had its only female lodge at Ascona.



It is sobering to realize the number of intellectuals now worshipped as cultural heroes who were influenced by the New Age madness in Ascona--including almost all the authors who enjoyed a major revival in America in the 1960's and 1970's. The place and its philosophy figures highly in the works of not only Lawrence, Kafka and Werfel, but also Nobel Prize winners ""Gerhardt Hauptmann"" and ""Hermann Hesse, head of British Secret services H.G. Wells, Max Brod, Stefan George,"" and the poets "" Rainer Maria Rilke"" and ""Gustav Landauer."" In 1935 Ascona became the headquarters for Carl Jung's annual Eranos Conference to popularize gnosticism.

Ascona was also the place of creation for most of what we now call modern dance. It was headquarters to ""Rudolf von Laban,"" inventor of the most popular form of dance notation, and ""Mary Wigman. Isadora Duncan"" was a frequent visitor. Laban and Wigman, like Duncan, sought to replace the formal geometries of classical ballet with re-creations of cult dances which would be capable of ritualistically dredging up the primordial racial memories of the audience. When the Nazis came to power, Laban became the highest dance official in the Reich, and he and Wigman created the ritual dance program for the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin--which was filmed by Hitler's personal director ""Leni Reifenstahl,"" a former student of Wigman.

The peculiar occult psychoanalysis popular in Ascona was also decisive in the development of much of modern art. The Dada movement originated in nearby Zurich, but all its early figures were Asconans in mind or body, especially "" Guillaume Apollinaire,"" who was a particular fan of Otto Gross. When "Berlin Dada" announced its creation in 1920, its opening manifesto was published in a magazine founded by Gross.

The primary document of Surrealism also came from Ascona. Dr. ""Hans Prinzhorn,"" a Heidelberg psychiatrist, commuted to Ascona, where he was the lover of Mary Wigman. In 1922, he published a book, "The Artwork of the Mentally Ill," based on paintings by his psychotic patients, accompanied by an analysis claiming that the creative process shown in this art was actually more ally "liberated" than that of the Old Masters. Prinzhorn's book was widely read by the modern artists of the time, and a recent historian has called it, "the Bible of the Surrealists."

"Eros and Civilization"


The founding document of the 1960's counterculture, and that which brought the Frankfurt School's "revolutionary messianism" of the 1920's into the 1960's, was Marcuse's "Eros and Civilization," originally published in 1955 and funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. The document masterfully sums up the Frankfurt School ideology of "Kulturpessimismus" Despair, in the concept of "dimensionality." This idea was to enslave, addict, society to sex, the hypersexualisation of society, the Addiction to sex and thus as with drug Addiction, the vampirisation of spiritual energy, the perversion of aim, the perversion and corruption of Soul Path for society and the individual.

In one of the most bizarre perversions of philosophy, Marcuse claims to derive this concept from Friedrich Schiller. Schiller, whom Marcuse purposefully misidentifies as the heir of Immanuel Kant, discerned two dimensions in humanity: a sensuous instinct and an impulse toward form. Schiller advocated the harmonization, the synthesis of these two instincts in man in the form of a creative play instinct under the controlling influence of the Soul.

For Marcuse, on the other hand, the only hope to escape the one- dimensionality of modern industrial society was to liberate the erotic side of man, the sensuous instinct, in rebellion against "technological rationality." The Hypersexualising of society through implant addiction blockages to divert the attention and vampirise the spiritual energies.

As Marcuse would say later (1964) in his "One-Dimensional Man," "A comfortable, smooth, reasonable, democratic unfreedom prevails in advanced industrial civilization, a token of technical progress."

This erotic liberation he misidentifies with Schiller's "play instinct," which, rather than being erotic, is an expression of charity, the higher concept of love associated with true soul creativity.

Marcuse's contrary theory of erotic liberation is something implicit in ""Sigmund Freud,"" but not explicitly emphasized, except for some Freudian renegades like ""Wilhelm Reich" " and, to a certain extent, ""Carl Jung."" Every aspect of culture in the West, including reason itself, says Marcuse, acts to repress this: "The totalitarian universe of technological rationality is the latest transmutation of the idea of reason." Or: "Auschwitz continues to haunt, not the memory but the accomplishments of man--the space flights, the rockets and missiles, the pretty electronics plants...."

This erotic liberation should take the form of the "Great Refusal," a total rejection of the "capitalist" monster and all his works, including "technological" reason, and "ritual-authoritarian language." As part of the Great Refusal, mankind should develop an "aesthetic ethos," turning life into an aesthetic ritual, a "life-style" - a nonsense phrase which came into the language in the 1960's under Marcuse's influence, and aiming at the control method of, "The Principle of Poverty".

With Marcuse representing the point of the wedge, the 1960's were filled with obtuse intellectual justifications of contentless adolescent sexual rebellion. "Eros and Civilization" was reissued as an inexpensive paperback in 1961, and ran through several editions; in the preface to the 1966 edition, Marcuse added that the new slogan, "Make Love, Not War," was exactly what he was talking about: "The fight for "eros" is a "political" fight." In 1969, he noted that even the New Left's obsessive use of obscenities in its manifestoes was part of the Great Refusal, calling it "a systematic linguistic rebellion, which smashes the ideological context in which the words are employed and defined."

Marcuse was aided by psychoanalyst Norman O. Brown, his OSS protege, who contributed "Life Against Death" in 1959, and "Love's Body" in 1966--calling for man to shed his reasonable, "armored" ego, and replace it with a "Dionysian body ego," that would embrace the instinctual reality of polymorphous perversity, and bring man back into "union with nature." The books of Reich, who had claimed that Nazism was caused by monogamy, were re- issued. Reich had died in an American prison, jailed for taking money on the claim that cancer could be cured by rechanneling "orgone energy."

Primary education became dominated by Reich's leading follower, ""A.S. Neill,"" a Theosophical cult member of the 1930's and militant atheist, whose educational theories demanded that students be taught to rebel against teachers who are, by nature, authoritarian. Neill's book "Summerhill" sold 24,000 copies in 1960, rising to 100,000 in 1968, and 2 million in 1970; by 1970, it was required reading in 600 university courses, making it one of the most influential education texts of the period, and still a benchmark for recent writers on the subject.

Marcuse led the way for the complete revival of the rest of the Frankfurt School theorists, re-introducing the long-forgotten Lukacs to America. Marcuse himself became the lightning rod for attacks on the counterculture, and was regularly attacked by such sources as the Soviet daily "Pravda," and then- California Governor Ronald Reagan.

The only critique of any merit at the time, however, was one by Pope Paul VI, who in 1969 named Marcuse (an extraordinary step, as the Vatican usually refrains from formal denunciations of living individuals), along with Freud, for their justification of "disgusting and unbridled expressions of eroticism"; and called Marcuse's theory of liberation, "the theory which opens the way for license cloaked as liberty ... an aberration of instinct."

The eroticism of the counterculture meant much more than free love and a violent attack on the nuclear family. It also meant the legitimization of philosophical "eros". People were trained to see themselves as objects, determined by their lower "natures" and not the Soul or God.

The importance of the individual as a person gifted with the divine spark of creativity, and capable of acting upon all human civilization, was replaced by the idea that the person is important because he or she is black, or a woman, or feels homosexual impulses.

This explains the deformation of the civil rights movement into a "black power" movement, and the transformation of the legitimate issue of civil rights for women into feminism. Discussion of women's civil rights was forced into being just another "liberation cult," complete with bra-burning and other, sometimes openly Astarte-style, rituals; a review of ""Kate Millet's"" "Sexual Politics" (1970) and ""Germaine Greer's"" "The Female Eunuch" (1971), demonstrates their complete reliance on Marcuse, Fromm, Reich, and other Freudian extremists.

The Bad Trip This popularization of life as an erotic, pessimistic ritual did not abate, but in fact deepened over the twenty years leading to today; it is the basis of the horror we see around us. The heirs of Marcuse and Adorno completely dominate the universities, teaching their own students to replace reason with "Politically Correct" ritual exercises. There are very few theoretical books on arts, letters, or language published today in the United States or Europe which do not openly acknowledge their debt to the Frankfurt School.

The witchhunt on today's campuses is merely the implementation of Marcuse's concept of "repressive toleration"--"tolerance for movements from the left, but intolerance for movements from the right"--enforced by the students of the Frankfurt School, now become the professors of women's studies and Afro- American studies. The most erudite spokesman for Afro-American studies, for instance, Professor ""Cornell West"" of Princeton, publicly states that his theories are derived from Georg Lukacs. ......................... The Frankfurt School devised the "authoritarian personality" profile as a weapon to be used against its political enemies.

The fraud rests on the assumption that a person's actions are not important; rather, the issue is the psychological attitude of the actor--as determined by social scientists like those of the Frankfurt School.

The concept is diametrically opposed to the idea of natural law and to the republican legal principles upon which the U.S. was founded; it is, in fact, fascistic, and identical to the idea of "thought crime," as described by George Orwell in his "1984," and to the theory of "volitional crime" developed by Nazi judge Roland Freisler in the early 1930's.

When the Frankfurt School was in its openly pro-Bolshevik phase, its authoritarian personality work was designed to identify people who were not sufficiently revolutionary, so that these people could be "re-educated." When the Frankfurt School expanded its research after World War II at the behest of the American Jewish Committee and the Rockefeller Foundation, its purpose was not to identify anti-Semitism; that was merely a cover story. Its goal was to measure adherence to the core beliefs of Western Judeo-Christian civilization, so that these beliefs could be characterized as "authoritarian," and discredited.

For example, I.F. Stone asserts in one case in his "Trial of Socrates." It is the measure of our own cultural collapse, that this definition of authoritarianism is acceptable to most citizens, and is freely used by political operations like the Anti-Defamation League and the Cult Awareness Network to "demonize" their political enemies.


For the Frankfurt School conspirators, the worst crime was the belief that each individual was gifted with sovereign reason under the coordination rulership of the Soul, which could enable him to determine what is right and wrong for the whole society; thus, to tell people that you have a reasonable idea to which they should conform, is authoritarian, paternalistic extremism.

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Freudo-Marxian Deconstruction

Deconstruction – Part 1 27th August 2019 6 Comments Series: Freudo-Marxian Deconstruction 1.Freudo-Marxian Deconstruction – Part 1 2.Freudo-Marxian Deconstruction – Part 2 3.Freudo-Marxian Deconstruction – Part 3 Eric Fromm and the Frankfurt School began their work by attacking ‘primary ties’, family and organic connections between human beings.

Eric Fromm, a leading figure of the Frankfurt Institute for Critical Theory, a guru of Generation ’68 and hence a father of the ideology of the modern era, proclaimed the emergance of the individual ‘liberated’ from what he called the ‘primary ties’. However, this ‘freedom’ presented a problem that he and others of the Freudo-Marxian clique sought to resolve: The individual, cut off from the security and sense of place that was provided by traditional societies, which Fromm called ‘pre-individualistic’, so far from creating the freedom for what humanistic psychologists call ‘self-actualisation’, resulted in loss of meaning. Fromm, in preparing the ground for deconstruction, wrote of modern man and the new society that he and others were preparing ideologically:

This isolation is unbearable and the alternatives he is confronted with are either to escape from the burden of this freedom into new dependencies and submission, or to advance to the full realization of positive freedom which is based upon the uniqueness and individuality of man.1

Fromm and his colleagues were refugees from Hitlerism. Fascism was analysed through a combination of Marx and Freud, as these intellectuals objected that Fascism sought to return man to his pre-modernist state of organic community, where the individual finds meaning in service to the greater whole. Such bonds were regarded by Fromm et al. as ‘tyranny’. The central question was

that man, the more he gains freedom in the sense of emerging from the original oneness with man and nature and the more he becomes an ‘individual’, has no choice but to unite himself with the world in the spontaneity of love and productive work or else to seek a kind of security by such ties with the world as destroy his freedom and the integrity of his individual self.2

Contents Organic ‘Freedom’ vs. Rootless ‘Freedom’ Individuation The Individual and ‘Collective Norms’ The Danger of ‘Freedom’ Mother, Child, Fascism The Critical Theorists, having arisen from the chaotic milieu of the Weimar Republic, presaged the New Left and what is today called ‘identity politics’. They replaced classic Marxian class struggle with a Freudian Oedipal conflict as the basis of a new historical dialectic, in which alienated individuals and minorities would become a revolutionary vanguard where the proletariat had failed to respond. Organic bonds would be deconstructed as historically passé and the alienated individuals and minorities would be reconstructed with new identities while simultaneously allowing the individual to pursue self-actualisation through ‘spontaneity’ and ‘love for humanity’; ‘democracy’ would be built under the guardianship of a technocratic and intellectual elite, and democratic debate would not be confused by the intrusion of contrary opinions.

The neo-Marxist Freudians of the Frankfurt School become masters of Orwellian double-speak. Their dialectics, promoted by the very Establishment they claimed to be resisting, became the ideological, moral and social foundation of the modern world; they were so successful, and the confusion that they caused so great, that even those who are considered ‘conservatives’ adopt positions that were seeded by the Critical Theorists and think that left is right, and right is left.

In their abhorrence of all collective identities as supposedly inherently ‘Leftist’, neo-Whigs like Jordan Peterson do not see the difference between the organic bonds that the actual traditional-Right aims to restore. Even those such as Jordan Peterson now regard ‘primary ties’ as intrusive on the sovereignty of the individual, and condemn ‘Identitarianism’ as being related to ‘Left-wing’ ‘Identity politics’ because Identitarians eschew the supremacy of the detached individual in favour of a collective identity. Of this Peterson stated, like a true Whig:

I have irrefutable evidence that I’ve pulled thousands of young men away from the attractions of the ‘alt-right’. Part of the core information that I’ve been purveying is that identity politics is a sick game. You don’t play racial, ethnic and gender identity games. The left plays them on behalf of the oppressed, let’s say, and the right tends to play them on behalf of nationalism and ethnic pride. I think they’re equally dangerous. The correct game, as far as I’m concerned, is one where you focus on your individual life and try to take responsibility for your actions.3

In the abhorrence of all collective identities as supposedly inherently ‘Leftist’, the neo-Whigs do not see the difference between the organic bonds that the actual traditional-Right aims to restore on the one hand, and the Leftist aim of creating new identities by the destruction of those organic bonds, in the dialectical pursuit of creating a nebulous ‘humanity’ and one-world system, on the other.

In Generation Identity, aptly subtitled ‘a declaration of war against the ‘68ers’, Marcus Willinger lists a new generation’s grievances with the ‘modern world’ that has pushed them to a genuine revolt:

You’ve thrown us into this world, uprooted and disoriented, without telling us where to go, or where our path lies. You’ve destroyed every means for us to orient ourselves. You’ve reduced the Church to rubble…. You’ve devalued the state… You’ve split the family… You’ve subjected love to a reductionist deconstruction… You’ve ruined the economy, so we inherit mountains of debt. You’ve questioned and criticised everything, so now we believe in nothing and no one. You’ve left us no values…4

There is no identity between Identitarianism and Identity politics. The first is an actualisation of the perennial, the latter a by-product of the age of decay. In this essay the aim is to examine the key elements of Critical Theory, their contradictions and superficiality. Juxtaposed are the views particularly of Carl Jung as the leading heretic from the Freudian school, who provides a comprehensive critique of the Freudian-Marxian synthesis, and who could be far more utilised in Rightist analyses.

Organic ‘Freedom’ vs. Rootless ‘Freedom’ To be ‘free’ in the traditional sense means to dwell in peace (Friede = peace), at a place, free from harm and danger, suitable for dwelling.5 Dwelling’ is ‘the basic character of Being’,6 which is an uncovering of what one is. Martin Heidegger predicated freedom on place and Being. While the Critical Theorists and humanistic psychologists sought ‘self-actualisation’ in the destruction of ‘primary ties’, for Heidegger ‘freedom now reveals itself as letting beings be’7, whereby freedom is not a capricious inclination to one direction or another,8 but requires a memory of what the essence of things are. Heidegger contrasted this with the modernist impulsion to conceal the nature of Being by forgetfulness, where ‘historical-man is left to his own resources’, taking his own standards while ‘forgetting being as a whole’, continually supplying himself with ‘new standards, yet without considering either the ground for taking up standards or the essence of what gives the standard’.9 This forgetfulness is a ‘constant erring’.10 Modernism demands forgetfulness as the path to ‘self-actualisation’, and the destruction of all that binds; firstly of the family, which implies continuity and stability.

The problems of alienation and lack of meaning in industrial society that Fromm sought to address, the danger of modern man wanting to ‘escape from freedom’ and from his ‘awareness and conception of himself as an independent and separate being’,11 have been addressed by Heidegger. He considered modern man to be ‘enframed’, to have been engulfed by an outlook that prevents the revealing of who he is. This ‘enframing’ existed prior to industrial society, but technology and industry block the path to Being.

Fromm adapted the dialectical approach to history from Marx: The historical process had been one of widening individualism from the time of the Reformation. Many sought ‘escape from freedom’, and the insecurity it entails, by embracing the paternal authority of Fascism, which had once been provided by the Church and the feudal order. Here Fromm writes of ‘modern history’ (sic). Like Marx and other social theorists typical of the 19th century and after, he sees humanity in a ‘progressive’, lineal ascent from ‘primitive to modern’. From the time of the Reformation, which did represent the birth of the ‘modern’ epoch within the context of Western Civilisation, Fromm sees the start of the process whereby the individual becomes aware of himself and detached from communal ties, as a child matures to become detached from biological dependence on the mother.12 Hence, the mission of the ‘modern’ epoch is to continue the process of cutting the individual from the organic identity that existed prior to the Reformation, where the individual found meaning in guild, village, family, and Church. It is here that could be found the actual ‘freedom’ referred to by Heidegger in its primordial meaning.

This organic sense of purpose is a primitive trait that needs replacing by the ‘modern’: that is the meaning of modernist ‘freedom’. This is the ego-driven ‘freedom’ that became the battle cry of Generation ’68: the ‘freedom’ that fractured society from the time of the Reformation, heralding the individualism of the bourgeois and the rise of an oligarchy. But for Fromm, as for Marx, this was a necessary part of history:

To the degree to which the individual, figuratively speaking, has not yet completely severed the umbilical cord which fastens him to the outside world, he lacks freedom; but these ties give him security and a feeling of belonging and of being rooted somewhere. I wish to call these ties that exist before the process of individuation has resulted in the complete emergence of an individual, ‘primary ties’.13

Here Fromm introduces his concept of ‘primary ties’. This is the most important concept, because it is here that Fromm and the Critical Theorists sought to destroy Western Civilisation. Fromm explicitly calls these ‘primary ties’ ‘organic’, and that is an essential factor in Rightist analyses: the foundations of traditional society, and the traditional view of history are ‘organic’; it is the ‘organic’ that the Right upholds, defends, and restores, while the ‘progressive’ aims to obliterate the organic.

‘Primary ties’ is the most important concept, because it is here that Fromm and the Critical Theorists sought to destroy Western Civilisation. Fromm saw in the child a temporary phase from which to be liberated and in which self-actualisation would progress beyond organic bonds. The mind is a blank slate on which anything can be written, and the individual once conscious of his Self can write anything he desires so as to self-actualise. He – like Adam and Eve biting the apple, an analogy that Fromm uses in The Fear of Freedom – is not bound to anything; not constrained by anything once he comes to self-consciousness. He does not come from anywhere. He proceeds to wherever he so chooses.

Fromm states of these ‘primary ties’ that they are the barrier to the next stage in human ‘evolution’.

They are organic in the sense that they are a part of normal human development; they imply a lack of individuality, but they also give security and orientation to the individual. They are the ties that connect the child with its mother, the member of a primitive community with his clan and nature, or the medieval man with the Church and his social caste. Once the stage of complete individuation is reached and the individual is free from these primary ties, he is confronted with a new task: to orient and root himself in the world and to find security in other ways than those which were characteristic of his preindividualistic existence. Freedom then has a different meaning.i

Individuation While Fromm refers to ‘individuation’, the concept was explained in a contrary manner by Carl Jung, founder of analytical psychology. Jungian Individuation proceeds from what is inborn, rather than being cut off from it. Individuation is ‘inherited possibilities’, as Jung wrote (see below). Where for the Critical Theorists self-actualisation requires revolt, both individually against one’s family and collectively against ‘society’, Jung countered that Individuation is a process that unfolds organically; the organic bonds provide the sustenance for individual growth, not its suppression: ‘Insofar as this process [of Individuation], as a rule, runs its course unconsciously as it has from time immemorial, it means no more than that the acorn becomes an oak, the calf a cow, and the child an adult’.14 It is a conception that accords with Heidegger’s unfolding of ‘Being’, ‘to let be’.

A certain few consciously strive after Individuation in the sense of Nietzsche’s self-overcoming and the sublimation of instincts, or psychisation as Jung called it, but for most it is an organic unfolding of life; one does not need to be in existential crisis against one’s parents or homeland. ‘Individuation is just ordinary life and what you are made conscious of’, said Jung.15 Jung wrote of this innate creativity:

It is in my view a great mistake to suppose that the psyche of a new-born child is a tabula rasa in the sense that there is absolutely nothing in it. In so far as the child is born with a differentiated brain that is predetermined by heredity and therefore individualized, it meets sensory stimuli coming from outside not with any aptitudes, but with specific ones, and this necessarily results in a particular, individual choice and pattern of apperception. These aptitudes can be shown to be inherited instincts and preformed patterns, the latter being the a priori and formal conditions of apperception that are based on instinct. Their presence gives the world of the child and the dreamer its anthropomorphic stamp. They are the archetypes, which direct all fantasy activity into its appointed paths and in this way produce, in the fantasy-images of children’s dreams as well as in the delusions of schizophrenia, astonishing mythological parallels such as can also be found, though in lesser degree, in the dreams of normal persons and neurotics. It is not, therefore, a question of inherited ideas but of inherited possibilities of ideas.16

Where Fromm saw the ‘primary ties’ as the continuation of an infantile dependency of the individual, Jung saw in the infant the presence of all the instincts and experiences of his ancestors over millennia, from where potentialities arise. This is not something from which to be dissociated, but to be integrated into the total personality; the process of Individuation in the Jungian sense. Here is the difference between Jung’s concept of Individuation, and that of the Critical Theorists. The first means integration, the second means fracture. The whole meaning of Critical Theory is to facture: the individual and society. Of the beginnings of this individuating process from childhood, Jung stated:

Childhood is important not only because various warpings of instinct have their origin there, but because this is the time when, terrifying or encouraging, those far-seeing dreams and images appear before the soul of the child, shaping his whole destiny, as well as those retrospective intuitions which reach back far beyond the range of childhood experience into the life of our ancestors.17

This is what the modernist zealots for the autonomous individual seek to break in the name of ‘freedom’ and ‘self-actualisation’ according to their preconceptions of such abstractions, ‘blinded’ by what Jung called ‘the garish conceits of enlightenment’.18 Jung warned that in breaking the bonds and instincts conveyed through untold generations, ‘Disalliance with the unconscious is synonymous with loss of instinct and rootlessness’.19

The Individual and ‘Collective Norms’ The progressive states that ‘individuation’ or ‘self-actualisation’ can only be gained by breaking ‘free’ from ties that restrict the ego. Jung to the contrary, said that Individuation must flower from one’s primordial rootedness: ‘Individuation is only possible with people, through people. You must realise that you are a link in a chain, that you are not an electron suspended somewhere in space or aimlessly drifting through the cosmos’.20 The path to Individuation, to authentic self-actualisation, to the uncovering of one’s Being, is through a consciousness of the self as part of something greater. In Jung’s analysis, where Fromm and the ‘progressives’ can see only restriction: ‘Individuation is not that you become an ego – you would then become an individualist. You know, an individualist is a man who did not succeed in individuating; he is a philosophically distilled egotist’.21 Individuation is not ‘individualisation’, ‘but a conscious realisation of everything the existence of an individual implies: his needs, his tasks, his duties, his responsibilities, etc.’22 ‘Individuation does not isolate, it connects’.23

It is the offensive against family, homeland, and people that resulted in the relocation of the Frankfurt Institute to the USA, where they took over American social sciences. While Fromm talked of the detached individual somehow recombining with the entirety of humanity through a new social consciousness, Jung did not proceed from the notion that the individual must be first detached from bonds, but rather that he grew out of such bonds: ‘You see as the individual is not just a single, separate being, but by his very existence presupposes a collective relationship, it follows that the process of individuation must lead to more intense relationships and not to isolation’.24 Jung refers to the necessity of identification with ‘collective norms’ as a prerequisite for Individuation: ‘Before [Individuation] can be taken as a goal, the educational aim of adaptation to the necessary minimum of collective norms must first be attained. If a plant is to unfold its specific nature to the full, it must first be able to grow in the soil in which it is planted’.25

The Danger of ‘Freedom’ The Critical Theorists saw resistance to what they regard as an historical, progressive, dialectic, as ‘Fascism’; in his day Marx condemned it as ‘reactionism’.26 The process of destruction and disintegration must proceed before the world can be reconstituted according to Marx’s or Fromm’s utopianism. But Fromm warns that it is a dangerous course because ‘freedom’ can only be gained by cutting loose from all that is familiar and by leaping into an abyss where self-destruction rather than utopia might await. Yet if one reaches the other side what awaits in a world of unbounded universal freedom to live ‘spontaneously’.

There is only one possible, productive solution for the relationship of individualized man with the world: his active solidarity with all men and his spontaneous activity, love and work, which unite him again with the world, not by primary ties but as a free and independent individual. However, if the economic, social and political conditions on which the whole process of human individuation depends, do not offer a basis for the realization of individuality in the sense just mentioned, while at the same time people have lost those ties which gave them security, this lag makes freedom an unbearable burden. It then becomes identical with doubt, with a kind of life which lacks meaning and direction. Powerful tendencies arise to escape from this kind of freedom into submission or some kind of relationship to man and the world which promises relief from uncertainty, even if it deprives the individual of his freedom.27

Fromm is warning that ‘freedom’ can only be had if society is revolutionised by destroying the ‘primary ties’. A falling into the abyss can result in madness. Fromm and his colleagues stated that if the aspirant fails and madness ensues it is the fault of society. The masses are therefore prone to flee from freedom, and return to what is ordered and secure, which for Critical Theorists is the meaning of ‘Fascism’.

Mother, Child, Fascism Fromm alludes to the child increasingly seeking independence from the mother as part of the education process, until the mother is considered ‘a hostile and dangerous person’. This ‘antagonism’ sharpens the distinction between the ‘I’ and the ‘thou’.

This process entails a number of frustrations and prohibitions, which change the role of the mother into that of a person with different aims which conflict with the child’s wishes, and often into that of a hostile and dangerous person. This antagonism, which is one part of the educational process though by no means the whole, is an important factor in sharpening the distinction between the ‘I’ and the ‘thou’.28

The antagonism towards the mother, the father, and the traditional family, becomes a matter of political ideology, in which the family as the incubator of ‘Fascism’ has to be eliminated. Through a series of surveys of Americans, published as The Authoritarian Personality, Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno and their team of Critical Theorists sought to empirically ‘prove’ that the more one maintained a love of parents the more one possessed an authoritarian personality and scored high on an ‘F scale’.29

The Authoritarian Personality states of the family, comparing it to other hierarchical and authoritarian elements of society: ‘The conception of the ideal family situation for the child is similar: uncritical obedience to the father and elders, pressures directed unilaterally from above to below, prohibition of spontaneity and emphasis on conformity to externally imposed values’.30 Even in 1950 Max Horkheimer, editor of The Authoritarian Personality, referring to the psychiatry of Freud, stated that there had been a social revolution in the relations between parents and children:

The permeation of the social consciousness at large with the scientifically acquired experience that the events of early childhood are of prime importance for the happiness and work-potential of the adult has brought about a revolution in the relation between parents and children which would have been deemed impossible a hundred years ago.31

It is notable that Horkheimer, director of the Institute of Social Research, could refer – even in 1950 – to the ‘permeation of the social consciousness’ with psychiatric theories which had already brought about a ‘revolution’, and that this had a primary impact on ‘work-potential’. These themes are those that had been expressed by Fromm in his 1942 book Fear of Freedom, and had percolated among this Freudo-Marxian cabal in Weimar Germany amidst the wholesale social and moral breakdown following World War I. It is this offensive against family, homeland, and people that resulted in the relocation of the Frankfurt Institute to the USA, where they took over American social sciences. It is here that we see the groundwork for what became the ‘youth revolt’, and its development into ‘identity politics’.

The primary factor in the surveys of The Authoritarian Personality was the relationship of the respondent to the family:

Family Figures: Personal Aspects. After the inquiry into the sociological aspects of the family background, the personal conception of the family figures by the subject was recorded. The subject’s conception of the parent figures could reveal, among other things, whether the picture was dominated by the authoritarian aspects of the parent-child relationship or by a more democratic type of relationship. In this connection the attention of the interviewer was further focused on the ability of the subject to appraise his parents objectively – whether on the more critical or on the more loving side – as contrasted with an inclination to put the parents on a very high plane, exaggerating their strength and virtuousness.32

The power-relationship between the parents, the domination of the subject’s family by the father or by the mother, and their relative dominance in specific areas of life also seemed of importance for our problem. The sources within the family of satisfactions and tensions in general were also explored.33

It is notable that the primary factor in the New Left ‘rebellion’ was that of a revolt against parents, and the State as a substitute parental authority figure. Like Fromm, the Critical Theorists working on The Authoritarian Personality are unequivocal in stating that ‘rebellion’ against any remnants of traditional society is healthy, and that continuing adherence to such traditions ranks one high on the ‘F scale’ of latent ‘Fascism’ and potentially genocidal tendencies.

It is notable that the primary factor in the New Left ‘rebellion’ was that of a revolt against parents, and the State as a substitute parental authority figure. On the other hand, Jewish psychohistorians Stanley Rothman and S. R. Lichter, in their surveys found that the New Left was activated by Jewish nerds attempting to prove their ‘manhood’ by rebelling against the well-known stereotype of the overbearing Jewish mother,34 while non-Jewish New Leftists were rebelling against both parents.35

Another interpretation of the antics of the New Left and its present heirs is that of ‘Immature Personality Disorder’, where the demand is for instant gratification, which surely describes the widespread mentality of the modern world. Where instant gratification is not had it is regarded as suppression among ostensible adults, while as children they had cried ‘it’s not fair’, ‘I want…’ In Critical Theory it is ‘spontaneous creativity’, and in ‘identity politics’ denial of instant gratification becomes part of a narrative of ‘underprivilege’. The Critical Theorists provided an ideological rationalisation for the infantile disorder of the New Left and subsequent generations of ‘rebel youth’, in claiming that ‘rebellion’ against one’s parents is a healthy response to childhood suppression by the family.

Of the relationship with the father, Adorno et al. stated:

The inquiry regarding early memories, wishes, fears, dreams, and so forth had the purpose of getting material which stood out for the subject in connection with his childhood and seemed relevant as a basis for inference. Among the underlying questions, the structure of the emotional attachment to the parents seemed of paramount importance. Here we were specifically interested in the parents as objects of cathexis as well as of identification. In the case of a man, it was important to learn whether there was at any time an explicit rebellion against the father, and against what sort of father, or whether there was only passive submission. The assumption behind this question, later proved correct, was that the pattern developed in the relationship to the father tends to be transferred to other authorities and thus becomes crucial in forming social and political beliefs in men. In this connection it is of importance to know not only about rebellion against the father but also how far such rebellion is conscious and accepted as such. Rebellion against, or submission to, the father is only one part of the picture. Another part deals with the question of identification, or the lack of identification, with the father, and thus with the masculine role in general.36

Interestingly there is a difference in relationship with the father between those on the Far Left, and those who are ethnic-nationalist separatists. Leftists have a dysfunctional relationship with the father, while ethnic separatists see their rebellion as being in honour of the father; that is of the forefathers. Unlike those of the extreme Left, the ethnic separatist nationalists were found to be well-adjusted within their communities and with family support.37

On the relationship with the mother the Critical Theorists wrote:

The establishment of masculinity in the boy is, of course, also closely connected with the boy’s attitude toward the mother. To what degree was there love for the mother and to what degree identification with the mother? Was such an identification, in its turn, sublimated and accepted by the ego, or was it rejected on the conscious level because the mother symbolized not only something ‘admirable’ but at the same time something weak and therefore contemptible? How did the boy defend himself against the rejected and feared passivity? A compensatory display of ‘toughness’ and ruthless- ness is, according to findings from the F scale, correlated with antidemocratic social and political beliefs.38

Yet such motives were precisely those found among the New Left two decades later. The relationship especially of the Jewish radical to his mother was a significant factor in his ‘rebellion’. The nerdy Jewish kid was trying to prove his masculinity to a mother who had, he felt, emasculated him. With Abbie Hoffman, among the most notable of the New Left extremists, his call to ‘kill parents’ was a struggle against his ‘overbearing father’.39 To questions about his own wealthy family background, Bill Ayres, co-leader of the Weather Underground, the most violent of the New Left organisations, responded, ‘Bring the war home, kill your parents’, although the family wealth was useful in his legal predicaments.40 Another of the Weather Underground leaders, Mark Rudd, reminisced on his fear of fights and contact sports as a child, and how Leftist terrorism allowed those such as himself to ‘take back their manhood through violence’. 41 When feminism appeared on the New Left scene, female assertiveness brought back feelings of inadequacy among those such as Rudd.42 It seems that Rudd and perhaps most other male activists in the New Left would have scored high on the ‘F scale’ had they taken the survey, and it might explain why the Left, such as the pseudo-macho posturing of Antifa, adopt an exaggerated show of violence, like apes pounding their chests, towards those of conflicting views, onto whom they project their own authoritarian personality. Adorno, et al. continued:

Since the way in which the parents transmit social values to the child, and the punishment and rewards with which they reinforce them, are decisive for the establishment of the superego, we are led from highly personal problems back to problems of social conscience. The effects are mirrored in interpersonal relationships, on a smaller scale in one’s private life and on a larger scale in one’s public function as a citizen. A person with a mature, integrated, and internalized conscience will certainly take a different stand on moral and social issues than a person with an underdeveloped, defective or over punitive superego, or a person who still, as in childhood, clings to a set of rules and values only as they are reinforced by an external authority, be it public opinion or be it a leader.43

Fromm had previously written that ‘Fascist’ tendencies would persist so long as the incipient ‘Fascism’ of the parents in the traditional family remained. It sounds very ‘modern’ as the attack on the family has accelerated. Fromm wrote of the ‘suppressive’ character of the family: ‘It is the thwarting of expansiveness, the breaking of the attempt to assert himself, the hostility radiating from parents – in short, the atmosphere of suppression – which create in the child the feeling of powerlessness and the hostility springing from it’.44


1Eric Fromm, The Fear of Freedom (1942), Foreword, IX. Also named Escape from Freedom (1941).

2Fromm (1942), ibid., p. 18.

3‘Jordan Peterson Talks Gun Control, Angry Men & Why so Few Women Lead Companies’, Time, 7 March 2018.

4Markus Willinger, Generation Identity, (London: Arktos Media Ltd., 2013), pp. 16-18.

5Martin Heidegger, ‘Building Dwelling Thinking’, in Martin Heidegger: Basic Writings (SanFrancisco: Harper, 1993).


7Martin Heidegger, ‘The Essence of Truth’: ‘(4) The Essence of Freedom’, ibid.


9Ibid., ‘(6) Untruth as Concealing’.

10Ibid., ‘(7) Untruth as Errancy’. 11Fromm (1942) , op. cit. p. 19.

12Ibid., p. 20.


14Carl Jung, ‘Answer to Job’, Collected Works (Princeton University Press, 2010), Vol. 11, para. 755.

15Carl Jung, Letters (Princeton University Press, 1973), Vol. 1, p. 442.

16Carl Jung, CW 9, para. 136.

17Ibid., 8, para. 98.

18Ibid., 8, para. 528.

19Ibid., 7, para. 195.

20Carl Jung, Nietzsche’s Zarathustra: Notes of the Seminar (New York: Routledge, 1989), Vol. II, Part I, p. 103.

21Carl Jung, The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga: Notes of the Seminar 1932 (Princeton University Press, 1996), p. 39.

22Carl Jung, Letters, Vol. 1, pp. 503-505.

23Carl Jung, Letters, ibid.

24Carl Jung; CW Vol. 6; p. 448; para. 758.

25Carl Jung; ‘Definitions’, CW Vol. 6, para. 761.

26 Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto ([1848] Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1975), p. 57.

27Erich Fromm, op. cit., pp. 30-31.

28Fromm, ibid., p. 21.

29M. Horkheimer (ed.), T. W. Adorno et al, The Authoritarian Personality (American Jewish Committee, 1950), passim. How ironic, but not unique, that an organisation dedicated to the preservation of Jewish ethnic identity sponsored such a study. Only White Christian Americans seem to have been the subjects of the surveys. This follows a theme from the beginning of psychoanalysis. The B’nai B’rith Lodge in Vienna delighted in hearing Freud lecture on the neuroses of Western Civilisation, according to Jewish historian Howard Sachar, The Course of Modern Jewish History (Vintage Books 1991), pp. 400-401. The synthesis of Marx with Freud is the perfect formulae for the deconstruction of Western Civilisation.

30Horkheimer, Adorno et al, ibid., p. 150.

31Max Horkheimer, ibid. Preface, X. (Emphasis added).

32Ibid., p. 313. Emphasis added.

33Ibid., p. 314.

34Stanley Rothman, ‘Group Fantasies and Jewish Radicalism: A Psychodynamic Interpretation’, The Journal of Psychohistory, Fall 1978, pp. 211-240.

35Stanley Rothman and S. R. Lichter, Roots of Radicalism: Jews, Christians and the New Left (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982), p. 227

36Horkheimer, Adorno et al, op. cit., p. 315. Emphasis added.

37J. M. Post, ‘Notes on a Psychodynamic Theory of Terrorist Behavior’, in Terrorism: An International Journal, Vol. 7, no. 3, 1984, p. 243.

38Horkheimer, Adorno et al, op. cit., pp. 315-316.

39See: K. R. Bolton, The Psychotic Left (London: Black House Publishing, 2013), p. 168.

40Ibid., p. 181.

41Ibid., p. 183.

42Ibid., p. 185.

43Horkheimer, Adorno et al, The Authoritarian Personality, op. cit., p. 317.

44Fromm (1942), op. cit., p. 21.

........................................................ Part II Part 2 Freudo-Marxian Deconstruction – Part 2 28th August 2019 3 Comments Series: Freudo-Marxian Deconstruction 1.Freudo-Marxian Deconstruction – Part 1 2.Freudo-Marxian Deconstruction – Part 2 3.Freudo-Marxian Deconstruction – Part 3 Where the Freudo-Marxian modernist sees repression of individual ‘self-actualisation’ the organic thinker sees perennial foundations for all that truly self-actualises.

‘Identity Politics’ Here in this ‘feeling of hostility’ of the child towards the parents is the basis of what became a cliché of the time: the ‘generation gap’. Fromm applied Freud’s Oedipal theories to historical processes in place of Marx’s class conflict. Others such as Herbert Marcuse attempted to combine class war and Oedipus, and there was an awkward dichotomy maintained in the New Left over the question of whether the battle was primarily that of the self-actualised individual, or that of a generation, race, class, gender, or combinations threreof. As noted, feminism caused renewed feelings of inadequacy among males in the New Left. Now there is further fracturing between more ‘traditional feminists’ and transgendered males,1 – while the ultra-conservatism of certain migrant groups causes problems for multiculturalism and their victimhood status.

Contents ‘Identity Politics’ Perennial Character of Primary Ties The Therapeutic State Dialectics of the Critical Theorists Critical Theorists in the USA developed well-funded studies that provided the ideological basis for the fracturing of society in what is now called ‘identity politics’. In this ideology the tyranny inherent in parental authority towards children is substituted by ‘The Establishment’, ‘patriarchy’, and ‘white privilege’.

According to Fromm, once the individual becomes aware of his isolation, when freed from the organic bonds that gave both security and meaning, he feels alone. New attachments must be sought. Attempts to restore the old securities and bonds ‘assume the character of submission’ (‘Fascism’), which leads to resentment and rebelliousness.2 Fromm has the answer to this predicament:

However, submission is not the only way of avoiding aloneness and anxiety. The other way, the only one which is productive and does not end in an insoluble conflict, is that of spontaneous relationship to man and nature, a relationship that connects the individual with the world without eliminating his individuality. This kind of relationship – the foremost expressions of which are love and productive work – are rooted in the integration and strength of the total personality and are therefore subject to the very limits that exist for the growth of the self.3

Fromm’s theory of new forms of identity via love with ‘the world’ has the same meaning, albeit less cogency, as that great philosopher, stripper and auto thief, Susan Atkins, who summarised the 60s ideology from one of the iconic gurus of the era, Charles Manson: ‘Love is everything; everything is nothing’.4

Carl Jung stated that man is by no means above instinct, nor past eras of history; that they are layered upon his unconscious and are ignored or repressed at peril. Fromm accurately states that the Medieval ethos that abjured the profit-motive was destroyed by the rise of the money-ethos, and the triumph of individualism during the Renaissance era. The problem remained how the mass of individuals could proceed on the path of ‘freedom’ without retreating back into the security and meaning provided by the ‘primary ties’. What requires eliminating are those social and moral restrictions that interfere with ‘individuation’. This is ‘growth’:

If every step in the direction of separation and individuation were matched by corresponding growth of the self, the development of the child would be harmonious. This does not occur, however. While the process of individuation takes place automatically, the growth of the self is hampered for a number of individual and social reasons. The lag between these two trends results in an unbearable feeling of isolation and powerlessness, and this in its turn leads to psychic mechanisms, which later on are described as mechanisms of escape.5

Other factors in determining the measure of freedom were the evolutionary overcoming of hereditary instincts. Fully human society is to be measured by the extent to which instinct has been eliminated.

Human existence begins when the lack of fixation of action by instincts exceeds a certain point; when the adaptation to nature loses its coercive character; when the way to act is no longer fixed by hereditarily given mechanisms. In other words, human existence and freedom are from the beginning inseparable. Freedom is here used not in its positive sense of ‘freedom to’ but in its negative sense of ‘freedom from’, namely freedom from instinctual determination of his actions.6

Jung wrote of those social theorists who attempt to destroy the genuine character of Being in the name of a rootless ‘freedom’ that

The danger that faces us today is that the whole of reality will be replaced by words. This accounts for that terrible lack of instinct in modern man, particularly the city-dweller. He lacks all contact with life and the breath of nature. He knows a rabbit or a cow only from the illustrated paper, the dictionary, or the movies, and thinks he knows what it is really like – and is then amazed that cowsheds ‘smell’, because the dictionary didn’t say so.7

The ‘primary ties’ that must be eliminated are stubborn in their removal. As Fromm laments, when these primary ties are eliminated the instinct is for new organic bonds to be formed, in an ongoing ‘escape from freedom’. The perpetual resistance to ‘freedom’ tends to be answered by the ideologues who demand that man be ‘free’ against his ‘instinct’ with the use of the hangman’s rope, axe, guillotine, firing squad, and concentration camp, where the outcome is often one of ‘be free or die’, in the name of ‘no Pope here’; ‘liberty, equality, fraternity’; ‘all power to the Soviets’; ‘fight Fascism’; ‘end racism’… , and as will be seen the Critical Theorists had to concede that coercion would be required to impose their ‘freedom’.

Perennial Character of Primary Ties Carl Jung stated that man is by no means above instinct, nor past eras of history; that they are layered upon his unconscious and are ignored or repressed at peril. Jung sought not the elimination of instinct, but a balance. That was his concept of Individuation; the integration of the self as a total being. Instincts are part of the unconscious along with archetypes, and these manifest as myths and religion in the collective unconscious of a people, as they do among individuals. They are essential for the psychic well-being of the individual and the group. They manifest as the ‘primary ties’ that Fromm and the Critical Theorists sought to eliminate as a primitive and childish barrier to the ‘progress’ of mankind towards the fully autonomous self.

Jung said of the ‘laws man created’ that they reflect an innate imperative that is necessary to manifest, not eliminate. The creative expression of these instincts Jung called psychisation – Nietzsche’s sublimation. This will-to-order is the foundation of creativity, not, as Fromm contended, a suppression of it:

Moral law is nothing other than an outward manifestation of man’s innate urge to dominate and control himself. This impulse to domestication and civilization is lost in the dim, unfathomable depths of man’s evolutionary history and can never be conceived as the consequence of laws imposed from without, Man himself, obeying his instincts, created his laws.8

Morality was not brought down on tables of stone from Sinai and imposed on the people, but is a function of the human soul, as old as humanity itself. Morality is not imposed from outside; we have it in ourselves from the start – not the law, but our moral nature without which the collective life of human society would be impossible.9

This innate ‘moral nature’ is the basis of what is ‘organic’, and of the unfolding of one’s being, individually and collectively. Laws are a manifestation of it, not its origin. The Left seeks to replace this innate ‘moral nature’, which to them does not exist but is only the reflection of the laws of social production. It is the difference between the organic social community (Gemeinschaft) which the Critical Theorists condemn as being based on ‘repressive’ ‘primary ties’, and civil society (Gesselschaft) that can be created at will by laws imposed from without; or what Rousseau and other Liberal ideologues saw as a ‘social contract’.

Spirituality is also an innate imperative that the Freudians and Marxians consider as passé superstition.

The spiritual principle does not, strictly speaking, conflict with instinct as such but only with blind instinctuality, which really amounts to an unjustified preponderance of the instinctual nature over the spiritual. The spiritual appears in the psyche also as an instinct, indeed as a real passion, a ‘consuming fire’, as Nietzsche once expressed it. It is not derived from any other instinct, as the psychologists of instinct would have us believe, but is a principle siti generis, a specific and necessary form of instinctual power.10

The myth of the ‘noble savage’, of man supposedly in his natural state, unspoiled by civilisation, is an ideal that had inspired the dreams of the intelligentsia since the Age of the Enlightenment, and served as an ideological basis for the deconstruction of civilisation. On the basis of an imagined natural innocence utopians from Rousseau to Marx to Fromm have imagined they can recreate man in that primal image that has never actually existed, and that man can be ‘free’ and ‘spontaneous’. Although the Hippies came close to the ideal in wallowing in their own filth and disease, Jung had no such illusions.

Man living in the state of nature is in no sense merely ‘natural’ like an animal, but sees, believes, fears, worships things whose meaning is not at all discoverable from the conditions of his natural environment. Their underlying meaning leads us in fact far away from all that is natural, obvious, and easily intelligible, and quite often contrasts most sharply with the natural instincts.11

Myth, and what Jung called the ‘religious instinct’, is an essential part of the development of man and the expression of his place in the universe; not ‘the opiate of the masses’, a weapon of the ruling class to maintain a servile population, or a childish superstition that is holding the individual back from unbounded spontaneous creativity. All peoples throughout all of history have had an inner impulsion to create religion and a conception of the Godhead – not a compulsion from without, but ‘the strongest inner compulsion, which can only be explained by the irrational force of instinct’. ‘One could almost say that if all the world’s traditions were cut off at a single blow, the whole of mythology and the whole history of religion would start all over again with the next generation’.12 Rationalism is a severing of the primordial well-spring of thinking, art and religion. Jung stated that, ‘My whole endeavour has been to show that myth is something very real because it connects us with the instinctive bases of our existence’.13

Instinct is not an isolated thing, nor can it be isolated in practice. It always brings in its train archetypal contents of a spiritual nature, which are at once its foundation and its limitation. In other words, an instinct is always and inevitably coupled with something like a philosophy of life, however archaic, unclear, and hazy this may be. Instinct stimulates thought, and if a man does not think of his own free will, then you get compulsive thinking, for the two poles of the psyche, the physiological and the mental, are indissolubly connected. For this reason instinct cannot be freed without freeing the mind, just as mind divorced from instinct is condemned to futility.14

Even in the softly-softly approach of the modern world, where secularism is promoted and religion disdained, the great yearning arises for a myth that can replace the gods that have been killed, albeit this yearning is distorted into a fascination especially for the myths and religions of cultures not of one’s own. Jung warned of the injurious character of fetishizing the foreign, writing that because of the primordial differentiation among races psychologically, ‘we cannot transplant the spirit of a foreign race in globo into our own mentality without sensible injury to the latter’, a fact which does not deter those of ‘feeble instinct’ from attempting to do so.15

In a repudiation of the notion of a universal humanity other than at the most primal level of existence, and the modernist dogma that races can adopt en masse the lessons and outlooks of others, Jung stated:

We are in reality unable to borrow or absorb anything from outside, from the world, or from history. What is essential to us can only grow out of ourselves. When the white man is true to his instincts, he reacts defensively against any advice that one might give him. What he has already swallowed he is forced to reject again as if it were a foreign body, for his blood refuses to assimilate anything sprung from foreign soil.16

This is an unequivocal statement warning of multiculturalism and notions of ‘cultural enrichment’, by the conscious or unconscious, voluntary or imposed, adoption of ‘foreign bodies’ into the culture-organism.

Where the Freudo-Marxian modernist sees repression of individual ‘freedom’ and the blocking of the road to ‘self-actualisation’ the organic thinker sees perennial foundations for all that truly self-actualises. Fromm, in aiming to sever these ‘ties’, sought to create new ones. Where is the anchorage in such a severance? It transpires that the new ties that bind will be those of ‘humanity’, ‘we are all one’, or as Charles Manson and his acolytes said in terms typical of LSD induced ‘enlightenment’, ‘love is everything; everything is nothing’,17 a piece of nebulous nonsense that remains nonetheless clearer than a multitude of books by Fromm or Marcuse.

Culture epochs do not arise as sudden and clearly delineated eras, any more than a human’s old age, middle age and youth can be precisely demarcated; but there are signs. Jung perceived that The West’s modern epoch has been centuries in the making. Culture epochs do not arise as sudden and clearly delineated eras, any more than a human’s old age, middle age and youth can be precisely demarcated; but there are signs. Jung saw that these modern doctrines had arisen in prior centuries, and pointed to the ‘Age of Reason’ specifically, and to ‘American psychologists’ as a product of this epoch: ‘Most of your [American] psychologists, as it looks to me, are still in the 18th century inasmuch as they believe that the human psyche is tabula rasa at birth, while all somewhat differentiated animals are born with specific instincts’.18

The citizen’s instinct of self-preservation should be safeguarded at all costs, for, once a man is cut off from the nourishing roots of instinct, he becomes the shuttlecock of every wind that blows. He is then no better than a sick animal, demoralized and degenerate, and nothing short of a catastrophe can bring him back to health.19

Cutting off from ‘the nourishing roots of instinct’ is precisely the aim of modernist doctrines. What are these ‘nourishing roots’ if not the ‘primary ties’ condemned as regressive by the Critical Theorists’, and scoring high on the ‘F scale’? Further: ‘As no animal is born without its instinctual patterns, there is no reason whatever to believe that man should be born without his specific forms of physiological and psychological reactions’.20 But for Fromm et al. what one is ‘born with’ is something that is to be eliminated with the conception of man as tabula rasa, not sublimated in the Nietzschean sense21; not integrated in the Jungian sense, but purged.

For Fromm and the Critical Theorists, once the ‘primary ties’ were broken they could never be restored; the danger was that man would not choose this ‘freedom’ to become ‘spontaneous’ through ‘love’ but would run back to the security of authority, or ‘Fascism’.

Fromm denounced Jung as a ‘reactionary’. Defence of the ‘primary ties’ showed ‘Jung’s lack of commitment to authenticity’, according to Fromm, with Jung’s ‘blend of outmoded superstition, indeterminate heathen idol worship, and vague talk about God, and with the allegation that he is building a bridge between religion and psychology…’22 Fromm’s denunciation of Jung as an ‘opportunistic pro-Nazi’, when the Germans were winning the war, is predictable.

The Therapeutic State If the ‘primary ties’ were not eliminated humans would revert to authority, or what Jung identified as the instinctive. The purpose of the ‘F scale’ was to determine the extent of latent ‘Fascism’ among a population, so that it could be purged from humanity.

However, what has the only ability to eliminate these dangerous ‘primary ties’ if not the State? This necessitates coercive bureaucracy of counsellors, social workers, psychiatrists, psychologists, sociologists… In the name of ‘freedom’ the outcome is the Therapeutic State, a term coined in 1963 by Dr. Thomas Szasz, a notable professor of psychiatry.

Szasz extensively critiqued the uses of ‘Institutional Psychiatry’ for political purposes. He saw social scientists such as Fromm, whom he cites as an example, as props for the political Establishment, rather than as genuine heretics. Szasz compared the use of psychiatry with the Inquisition, and the finding of witches. In Manufacture of Madness, Szasz states that ‘Institutional Psychiatry’ provides a ritualistic affirmation for society’s ‘dominant ethic’. This serves to ‘tranquilize’ a society that has too many choices because of its plurality; that is ‘excessively heterogeneous’. Szasz states that this serves Capitalist and Communist societies ‘equally well’, ‘so long as they all adhere to a “scientific” view of human life’, that enables both to define opposition as a mental disorder. 23 As will be shown below, Professor Hebert Marcuse, iconic patron of the New Left, insisted that what is ideologically ‘right and wrong’ can be empirically proven, and that those doctrines that are ‘proven’ to be ‘wrong’ would need to be suppressed for the sake of universal happiness.

Fromm was indeed looking for a ‘tranquiliser’ with his Freudo-Marxian doctrine, in his fear that excessive democracy would lead not to ‘spontaneous’ freedom but to ‘Fascism’. The insecurities might be assuaged by the therapeutic state, albeit resulting from further pervasive intrusions on the individual. Why else did his colleagues need to categorise average White Gentile Americans with an ‘F scale’, if not to erect a coercive Therapeutic State as a necessary transition to the utopia of universal love and spontaneity?

What is regarded as ‘normal’ in a traditional sense, became pathological, especially after ‘Fascism’ provided the Establishment with a boogeyman. Szasz was questioning the creation of the Therapeutic State when the U.S. Administration was confining dissidents such as General Edwin Walker24 and Frederick Seelig25 to prison psychiatric wards and asylums. Szasz stated that, ‘organized American psychiatry was becoming overtly political, seeking the existential invalidation and psychiatric destruction of individuals who do not share the psychiatric establishment’s left-liberal “progressive” views’…26 This was also the time of the CIA’s MKULTRA project with LSD and other mind-control experiments, for which the Hippie movement served a purpose.

What is regarded as ‘normal’ in a traditional sense, became pathological, especially after ‘Fascism’ provided the Establishment with a boogeyman which, according to Fromm and Adorno, was an endemic condition that required mass therapy by way of social revolution. Fromm referred to the ‘pathology of normalcy’, writing:

The ‘pathology of normalcy’ rarely deteriorates to graver forms of mental illness because society produces the antidote against such deterioration. When pathological processes become socially patterned, they lose their individual character. On the contrary, the sick individual finds himself at home with all other similarly sick individuals. The whole culture is geared to this kind of pathology and arranges the means to give satisfactions which fit the pathology. The result is that the average individual does not experience the separateness and isolation the fully schizophrenic person feels. He feels at ease among those who suffer from the same deformation; in fact, it is the fully sane person who feels isolated in the insane society – and he may suffer so much from the incapacity to communicate that it is he who may become psychotic.27

Fromm saw the ‘neurotic’ as the individual who has not compromised his individuality for the sake of functionality in society.28 Hence the new ‘normal’ is he who rejects society, because modern society has itself become abnormal:

From a standpoint of human values, however, a society could be called neurotic in the sense that its members are crippled in the growth of their personality. Since the term neurotic is so often used to denote lack of social functioning, we would prefer not to speak of a society in terms of its being neurotic, but rather in terms of its being adverse to human happiness and self-realization.29

To the Freudo-Marxists ‘society is sick’ and sickness becomes the norm, so that the genuinely healthy individual is looked on by society as ‘sick’. It is society that needs changing, to realise that what was normal is sick, and what is regarded as sick must become the real normal. Yet such a precept only applies to those who are in accord with Freudo-Marxist politics. A ‘right-wing dissident’ remains very much part of a ‘lunatic fringe’, according to Critical Theory, which these intellectuals argue was ‘proven’ by their ‘F scale’ survey. Even Senator Barry Goldwater, the anti-Establishment candidate running against Nelson Rockefeller in the Republican presidential selection, was diagnosed as mentally unfit by a clique of psychiatrists, solely due to his conservative views.

Dialectics of the Critical Theorists Critical Theory took from Marx the dialectical method. Social development was based on historical laws in which opposites clash, and out of the conflict a synthesis emerges, proceeded by a new clash of opposites: the equation of thesis + antithesis = synthesis…, also expressed as the thesis containing the seeds of its own destruction. This was a lineal ‘march of history’, that was and remains the basis of ‘progressive’ ideologies. Marx believed messianically that out of the clash of bourgeoisie and proletariat would emerge a socialist and finally a Communist world society, and thereafter history would be completed; there would not be a further dialectic. Why world Communism should be the culmination of history does not seem to have been explained by Marx, but rests on notions typical of the English Zeitgeist under which he wrote. Likewise, the liberal-capitalist theorist Professor Francis Fukuyama stated that once liberal-democratic-capitalism had been established throughout the world that would be what he literally called ‘the end of history’. The 19th-century Darwinian scientists considered their century the culmination of all history, and the Great Exhibition was held in London to prove it.

This is why Marx saw capitalism as an essential part of the dialectical process, without which history could not proceed to the next phase of the dialectic, socialism. The Critical Theorists applied the Marxian dialect to the psychoanalysis of Freud and saw this ‘progressive’ ‘march of history’ in psychological terms. Like Marx, the Critical Theorists stated that capitalism was an essential phase of this dialectic, because capitalism, and the Reformation and Renaissance eras that preceded, ushered in new concepts of freedom by undermining the traditional social order. Fromm wrote of capitalism in this psycho-social dialectic, similar to Marx’s comments on capitalism in regard to class struggle:

Any critical evaluation of the effect which the industrial system had on this kind of inner freedom must start with the full understanding of the enormous progress which capitalism has meant for the development of human personality. As a matter of fact, any critical appraisal of modern society which neglects this side of the picture must prove to be rooted in an irrational romanticism and is suspect of criticizing capitalism, not for the sake of progress, but for the sake of the destruction of the most important achievements of man in modern history.

What Protestantism had started to do in freeing man spiritually, capitalism continued to do mentally, socially, and politically. Economic freedom was the basis of this development, the middle class was its champion. The individual was no longer bound by a fixed social system, based on tradition and with a comparatively small margin for personal advancement beyond the traditional limits. He was allowed and expected to succeed in personal economic gains as far as his diligence, intelligence, courage, thrift, or luck would lead him. His was the chance of success, his was the risk to lose and to be one of those killed or wounded in the fierce economic battle in which each one fought against everybody else. Under the feudal system the limits of his life expansion had been laid out before he was born; but under the capitalistic system the individual, particularly the member of the middle class, had a chance – in spite of many limitations – to succeed on the basis of his own merits and actions. He saw a goal before his eyes towards which he could strive and which he often had a good chance to attain. He learned to rely on himself; to make responsible decisions, to give up both soothing and terrifying superstitions, Man became increasingly free from the bondage of nature; he mastered natural forces to a degree unheard and undreamed of in previous history. Men became equal; differences of caste and religion, which once had been natural boundaries blocking the unification of the human race, disappeared, and men learned to recognize each other as human beings. The world became increasingly free from mystifying elements; man began to see himself objectively and with fewer and fewer illusions. Politically freedom grew too. On the strength of its economic position the rising middle class could conquer political power and the newly won political power created increased possibilities for economic progress.30

Fromm unintentionally summarises the objection the traditional-Right has to capitalism, and the role of the bourgeoisie. Marx likewise wrote in The Communist Manifesto of the levelling, universalistic and cosmopolitan effects of capitalism, and the revolutionary role of the bourgeoisie. Fromm stated that the oligarchic and bourgeoisie revolutions in the name of ‘the people’ had continued the process: ‘The great revolutions in England [Cromwell] and France and the fight for American independence are the milestones marking this development’.31

For the Critical Theorists the next stage of the psycho-sociological-historical dialectic must be to correct the alienation resulting from the breaking of the ‘primary ties’ by inventing new forms of identity.

The way to the utopia of self-actualisation requires a revolution. Capitalism had freed man from the personal quality, the calling, of his craft and profession. All that is left is commodity, and none more so than the commodification of one’s work. Fromm explained:

The attitude towards work has the quality of instrumentality; in contrast to a medieval artisan the modern manufacturer is not primarily interested in what he produces; he produces essentially in order to make a profit from his capital investment, and what he produces depends essentially on the market which promises that the investment of capital in a certain branch will prove to be profitable. Not only the economic, but also the personal relations between men have this character of alienation; instead of relations between human beings, they assume the character of relations between things. But perhaps the most important and the most devastating instance of this spirit of instrumentality and alienation is the individual’s relationship to his own self. Man does not only sell commodities, he sells himself and feels himself to be a commodity. The manual labourer sells his physical energy; the business man, the physician, the clerical employee, sell their ‘personality’. They have to have a ‘personality’ if they are to sell their products or services.32

Here the traditional-Right is in agreement, as it is with a similar assessment by Marx. But while Marx condemned the ‘reactionists’ (sic) who sought a return to the Gothic ethos, and while the Critical Theorists have their ‘F scale’, the traditional-Rightist questions the wisdom of rejecting the past in order to cross an Abyss towards a future whose only selling point is in the name of a self-defined ‘progress’. Fromm refers to the philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution as heralds of the future, where the Self is the total meaning of existence, grouping Nietzsche with Diderot, Rousseau, and Marx along the way. Like Marx, Fromm condemns the ‘reactionaries’ for wanting to restore what capitalism has destroyed.

The philosophers of the period of the French Revolution, and in the nineteenth century, Feuerbach, Marx, Stirner, and Nietzsche, have again in an uncompromising way expressed the idea that the individual should not be subject to any purposes external to his own growth or happiness. The reactionary philosophers of the same century, however, explicitly postulated the subordination of the individual under spiritual and secular authority. The second half of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth show the trend for human freedom in its positive sense at its peak. Not only did the middle class participate in it, but also the working class became an active and free agent, fighting for its own economic aims and at the same time for the broader aims of humanity.33

Fromm, in alluding to the ‘working class’ as being part of the same revolutionary process as the bourgeoisie, also unwittingly indicates what Spengler more clearly saw, that ‘there is no proletarian, not even a communist, movement that has not operated in the interest of money’.34 What has occurred, instead of what was supposedly, according to Fromm, the great promise of individual ‘freedom’ occurring during the 19th century, is the domination by monopoly capitalism.35 This is correct, but what else was expected to arise given the destruction, at work for centuries already, of the Gothic ethos, which held the profit-motive to be un-Godly? The critical faculties of modern man are also being dulled by advertising, laments Fromm,36 while here also such activity was regarded as shameful to the Gothic mind. But any talk of a restoration of the Gothic ethos is anathema to Marx and Fromm.

The task rather is one of continuing the revolution to secure ‘human happiness and self-realization’ in a process that was started by Luther, Henry VIII, Calvin, and continued by Cromwell, Robespierre, Franklin, Marx, and Freud. Man cannot ‘go back’ to the traditional life from which he was severed; he can try to ‘escape’ the insecurity of his ‘freedom’ by turning to authoritarianism, but his self-realised future lies in a new-found ‘spontaneity’.37

‘Love’ is the means by which the alienation of the spontaneous individual can find new relationships, but this is not ‘love’ in the sense of any renunciation or sacrifice of oneself for another. That too would result in the repression of spontaneity; sacrifice to an ideal beyond oneself, for example, would, one suspects, be a return to reactionary notions like chivalry and duty. In this ‘love’ there is a ‘polarity’ that ‘springs from the need of overcoming separateness’, leading to ‘oneness – and yet that individuality is not eliminated’.38

If the individual realizes his self by spontaneous activity and thus relates himself to the world, he ceases to be an isolated atom; he and the world become part of one structuralized whole; he has his rightful place, and thereby his doubt concerning himself and the meaning of life disappears.39

Man’s ‘aloneness’ is thus ‘dissolved,’ as the ‘individual embraces the world’. This new way of self-actualising means rejection of property, and ‘mental qualities like emotions or thoughts’, which only hinder the individual’s pursuit of self-actualisation.

Positive freedom also implies the principle that there is no higher power than this unique individual self, that man is the centre and purpose of his life; that the growth and realization of man’s individuality is an end that can never be subordinated to purposes which are supposed to have greater dignity.40

To subject oneself to a ‘higher power’ implies ‘Fascism’, yet one of the few practical measures, albeit vague, that Fromm advocates is a ‘planned economy’41, which he identifies as ‘democratic socialism’. However, Fromm sees the danger in this also, so that ‘planning from the top is blended with active participation from below’,42 lest one end up like the USSR – the socialist dream turned sour. It might be wondered how ‘creative spontaneity’ would work within a ‘planned economy’ if the individual’s notion of ‘love of work’ did not enable planned production schedules to be met? Is this when ‘rational authority’ would be justified, ‘with active participation from below’, enforced say with a bullet to the head?

What else but monopoly capitalism was expected to arise given the destruction of the Gothic ethos, which held the profit-motive to be un-Godly? What matters is the activity, not the result, writes Fromm. By in so doing, activity ceases to become a commodity, and happiness is achieved not by striving for a goal but by experiencing what is in the present.43 That is not to say there should not be ‘ideals’, just that the ‘ideals’44 should not go beyond self-actualization, while remaining at one with the world. Here might be discerned the premises of the various banal dictums that marked the youth revolt: to ‘live in the now’, by becoming part of a ‘new relatedness to the world’, through spontaneity.45

If the whole premise seems too nebulous and contradictory to grasp, Fromm has an explanation: ‘We may not always know what serves this end’, but he assures us that the great question is one that can be answered not metaphysically, but by empirical science; Freudo-Marxian science.46 This science has proven that any ‘ideal’ that is outside of the individual, is not an ‘ideal’ but a ‘pathology’.47 Whatever uncertainties there are in Fromm’s treatise, he returns and concludes with the central target of the Critical Theorists, the family, whose influence on the child must be circumvented by the educational system:

Freud has shown that the early experiences of the child have a decisive influence upon the formation of its character structure. If this is true, how then can we understand that the child, who – at least in our culture – has little contact with the life of society, is moulded by it? The answer is not only that the parents – aside from certain individual variations – apply the educational patterns of the society they live in, but also that in their own personalities they represent the social character of their society or class. They transmit to the child what we may call the psychological atmosphere or the spirit of a society just by being as they are – namely representatives of this very spirit. The family thus may be considered to be the psychological agent of society.48

Fromm stated of the parental relationship that

if hostility develops and is repressed, and if at the same time his father or mother offers affection or care under the condition of surrender, such a constellation leads to an attitude in which active mastery is given up and all his energies are turned in the direction of an outside source from which the fulfilment of all wishes will eventually come. This attitude assumes such a passionate character because it is the only way in which such a person can attempt to realize his wishes.49

Yet how is the family to be totally reshaped unless it is under the imposition of an ‘outside source’?


1While gender ‘fluidity’ has become a recent vogue, this was premised in 1948 by The Kinsey Scale, a survey undertaken by Alfred Kinsey’s sexology institute, which was, like the Critical Theorists, lavishly funded by Rockefeller and other Foundations. At that time however there was only a scale that ran from exclusively heterosexual through to exclusively homosexuality and to ‘x’ for asexual, with intervening gradients.

Now one has the opportunity to identify with over 120 gender categories, such as: ‘Ambonec: identifying as both man and woman, yet neither at the same time’; or ‘Gyragender: having multiple genders but understanding none of them’. It seems to be the ultimate (?) realisation of Fromm’s aim of creating new identities on the ruins of the primary ties, and gives the freedom for one’s ‘spontaneous creativity’, and connecting to new conceptions of universal love. See: Gender Fluid Support.

A feminist movement called ‘TERF’ (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist) objects that transgenderism is a form of ‘female erasure’. Sophie Lewis, ‘How British Feminism Became Anti-Trans’, New York Times, 7 February 2019.

2Fromm (1942), op. cit., p. 24.

3Ibid., pp. 25-26.

4Susan Atkins, quoted by Tom O’Neil, Chaos: Charles Manson, The CIA, & The Secret History of the Sixties (London: Penguin Books, 2019), p. 278.

5Fromm (1942), op. cit., p. 26.

6Ibid., p. 26.

7Carl Jung, CW, op. cit., Vol. 10, p. 882.

8Ibid., Vol. 4, para. 486.

9Ibid., Vol. 7, para. 30.

10Ibid., Vol. 8, para. 108.

11Ibid., Vol. 8, para. 98.

12Ibid., Vol. 4, para. 30.

13Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, p. 468.

14Carl Jung, CW Vol. 16, para. 185.

15Ibid., Vol. 7, p. 149, n. 8.

16Ibid., Vol. 7, para. 31.

17Susan Atkins, quoted by Tom O’Neil, op. cit., p. 278. 18Carl Jung, Letters, Vol. II, p. 150.

19Carl Jung, CW Vol. 10, para. 413.

20Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, p. 152.

21For a discussion on Nietzsche’s opposition to Darwinism see: Bolton, ‘Nietzsche Contra Darwin: An Examination of the Nietzschean-Darwinian Pseudosynthesis’, in Troy Southgate (ed.), Nietzsche: Thoughts & Perspectives, Vol. III (London: Black Front, 2011), pp. 5-19.

22Fromm cited by Frank McLynn, Carl Gustav Jung: A Biography (London: Bantam Press, 1997), p. 434.

23Thomas Szasz, The Manufacture of Madness: A Comparative Study of The Inquisition & the Mental Health Movement , (Syracuse University Press, 1970), p. 59.

24Szasz advised the Defence in the Walker case. See: ‘The Shame of Medicine: The Case of General Edwin Walker’, 2009.

25Frederick Seelig, Destroy the Accuser (1967).

26Szasz, ‘The Shame of Medicine’, op. cit.

27Eric Fromm, The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1973), p. 356.

28Fromm, Fear of Freedom, op. cit., p. 120.

29Ibid., p. 120.

30Ibid., p. 92.

31Ibid., p. 92.

32Ibid., p. 103.

33Ibid., p. 106.

34Oswald Spengler, The Decline of the West, (London: Allen & Unwin, 1972), Vol. II, p. 402.

35Fromm, Fear of Freedom, p. 106.

36Ibid., p. 110.

37Ibid., p. 121.

38Ibid., p. 225.

39Ibid., p. 226.

40Ibid., p. 228.

41Ibid., p. 235.

42Ibid., p. 236.

43Ibid., p. 226.

44Ibid., p. 229.

45Ibid., p. 226.

46Ibid., p. 229.

47Ibid., p. 230.

48Ibid., pp. 246-247.

49Ibid., p. 250.

.................................. part III part 3

Freudo-Marxian Deconstruction – Part 3 29th August 2019 4 Comments Series: Freudo-Marxian Deconstruction 1.Freudo-Marxian Deconstruction – Part 1 2.Freudo-Marxian Deconstruction – Part 2 3.Freudo-Marxian Deconstruction – Part 3 The ’68 Generation, as ‘useful idiots’, paved the way for the Establishment to proceed with its radical restructuring of society.

Fromm’s Bastards Where was all of this leading? In place of the redundant class conflict, what emerged during the 1960s was the conflict of multiple identities, starting with Blacks and with privileged youth alienated from their ‘authoritarian’ parents. These ‘rebels’ were following the scenario prepared decades previously. Well-funded studies legitimised doctrines that permeated society from the academy.

Contents Fromm’s Bastards Herbert Marcuse Globalisation Tyranny Means ‘Freedom’ New Conceptions of Family Bonding Fromm saw the tumult at his university, Columbia, in 1968 as the birth of the revolution for which he and his colleagues had prepared since their days in Weimar Germany. Speaking at Columbia1 as an honoured guest to the ‘counter-commencement ceremony’ that had been organised as a protest against the university Administration by the Students for a Restructured University,2 Fromm stated that the student protest was ‘a revolution of life’ ‘in a society of zombies’, and that ‘anyone who does not lose his mind does not have a mind to lose’.3

It was the ‘youth revolt’ that was co-opted by the System, while it was precisely the proletariat that remained among the most conservative elements of society. It had been Columbia University where the Frankfurt Institute exiles had gained their initial academic employment. Among the most important contributions by this cabal at Columbia was the five-year, two volume study initiated by Fromm in Germany on the family as the incubator of authoritarian attitudes, and edited by Horkheimer, entitled Studien über Autorität und Familie. One of the contributors was Herbert Marcuse, who would become the primary ideologue of the New Left.

Rebellion against parents was healthy and would usher Fromm’s utopia of ‘spontaneity in love and work’. Youngsters, aligned with Blacks, were the wave of the future, and would redeem the inherent racism and ‘white privilege’ of their parents.

Could it be that Fromm was projecting his own dysfunctional parental relationships? As mentioned previously, there was much about the New Left that was merely a temper tantrum against parents. In France, this took a murderous form when celebrated neo-Marxian philosopher Louis Althusser killed his wife/mother-figure, suffering a total psychotic collapse, which was after all precisely the formulae being articulated in the USA by Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, and the Weather Underground about killing one’s parents.

Fromm’s family background fits a stereotypical pattern, and is appropriate for one of the fathers of the New Left.4 In 1912 Fromm’s father Naphtali employed Oswald Sussman in his wine business. Sussman lived in the Fromm household, introduced Erich to the writings of Marx and Engels, and became Erich’s father figure. Erich said of Sussman that he was the first adult to take a real interest in him as an individual.5 Of his father Erich stated that he was ‘very neurotic’ and ‘obsessive’. Erich stated he ‘suffered under the influence of a pathologically anxious father who overwhelmed me with his anxiety, at the same time not giving me any guidelines and having no positive influence on my education’.6 The Fromm marriage was not happy, and Erich described his father as distant and his mother as overprotective.7

In 1923 Fromm opened a psychiatric clinic with Freudian analyst Frieda Reichmann to treat specifically Jewish patients by making them aware of their Jewish tradition and identity.8 Fromm had been raised in an Orthodox household and had immersed himself in Talmudic studies as a youth. It is notable that while he was zealous in his mission to detach individuals from tradition, this did not apply to Jewish individuals, whose anxieties could be treated by a reattachment to their heritage.

Herbert Marcuse It was Herbert Marcuse, another Critical Theorist brought to the USA courtesy of Rockefeller and the State Department, who defined the ‘New Left’ in 1967 and called for the necessity of student organisations to unite across the world. This they had been doing under the leadership of the National Student Association, with CIA sponsorship, as part of a Cold-War agenda to thwart Soviet influence among youth.9 Marcuse’s own early career in the USA was as part of the Cold War apparatus.

Marcuse saw the 1960s as the time to create a strategy of tension across the world. The New Left was ‘neo-Marxist’ rather than ‘Marxist’, and was influenced by Maoism, Third World revolutionary movements, and ‘neo-anarchism’.10 Marcuse defined the Left in something other than the old class terms, and here the notion of ‘identity politics’ emerges: ‘The New Left itself cannot be defined in terms of class, consisting as it does of intellectuals, of groups from the civil rights movement, and of youth groups, especially the most radical elements of youth, including those who at first glance do not appear political at all, namely the hippies, to whom I shall return later’.11

Marcuse stated that the revolution would not be made by the proletariat, who were being co-opted by the System, but by disaffected and alienated elements. Ironically, it was the ‘youth revolt’ and other ‘alienated elements’ who were co-opted by the System, while it was precisely the proletariat that had not shown itself amenable to Establishment manipulation, remaining among the most conservative elements of society.12

Marcuse stated that the primary elements in this youth mobilisation included the privileged, who through their education and resources can analyse the situation better than any white-hick pleb. Marcuse stated that the primary elements in this youth mobilisation were both the ghetto underprivileged whose deprivation cannot be met by the Establishment, and the privileged, who through their education and resources can analyse the situation better than any white-hick pleb. This elite have a high state of consciousness that can escape ‘social control’. Here again, the contrary is the case: this educated class were precisely most susceptible to indoctrination by the Establishment’s education system, whose social science programmes, run by those such as Fromm and Marcuse, were lavishly funded by the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations as the means of causing a leftward paradigm shift in society.13 During 1952–54 this grant-making had come under Congressional scrutiny. The research director of the investigation, Norman Dodd, reported to the Congressional committee that the Foundations since the 1930s had brought a revolution to the education system:

[G]rants had been made by Foundations (chiefly by Carnegie and Rockefeller) which were used to further this purpose by: Directing education in the United States toward international view-point and discrediting the traditions to which, it [formerly) had been dedicated.

Training individuals and servicing agencies to render advice to the Executive branch of the Federal Government.

Decreasing the dependency of education upon the resources of the local community and freeing it from many of the natural safeguards inherent in this American tradition.

Changing both school and college curricula to the point where they sometimes denied the principles underlying the American way of life.

Financing experiments designed to determine the most effective means by which education could be pressed into service of a political nature.14

Columbia University was one of a half-dozen institutions favoured by the Foundations in making grants, and it was here that the Rockefeller Foundation had ensconced the Critical Theorists. As the annual reports of the Ford Foundation show during the late 1960s and early 70s the result of the New Left riots on the campuses was to accelerate the Leftward reforms in the education system that had been part of the Foundation agenda.

Marcuse explained the crucial role of Western minority ethnicities and Third World peoples as the ‘new proletariat’:

In the United States the underprivileged are constituted in particular by national and racial minorities, which of course are mainly unorganized politically and often antagonistic among themselves (for example there are considerable conflicts in the large cities between blacks and Puerto Ricans). They are mostly groups that do not occupy a decisive place in the productive process and for this reason cannot be considered potentially revolutionary forces from the viewpoint of Marxian theory – at least not without allies. But in the global framework the underprivileged who must bear the entire weight of the system really are the mass basis of the national liberation struggle against neo-colonialism in the third world and against colonialism in the United States. Here, too, there is no effective association between national and racial minorities in the metropoles of capitalist society and the masses in the neo-colonial world who are already engaged in struggle against this society. These masses can perhaps now be considered the new proletariat and as such they are today a real danger for the world system of capitalism. To what extent the working class in Europe can still or again be counted among these groups of underprivileged is a problem that we must discuss separately; I cannot do so in the framework of what I have to say here today, but I should like to point out a fundamental distinction. What we can say of the American working class is that in their great majority the workers are integrated into the system and do not want a radical transformation, we probably cannot or not yet say that of the European working class.15

Added to this was ‘sexual-moral rebellion’, referring to the ‘fusion of political rebellion and sexual-moral rebellion which is an important factor in the opposition in America’.16 This too had been well prepared by Alfred Kinsey’s ‘sexology’, also lavishly funded by the same sources, with the Rockefeller Foundation stating:

In 1948 Alfred Kinsey published his first research findings on human sexuality. Entitled, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, and funded largely by the Rockefeller Foundation (RF), the work was widely read by academic and popular audiences, and inspired both praise and condemnation. Ultimately, the work transformed American society by challenging American perceptions and attitudes toward sex.17

After being brought to the USA with his comrades from the Frankfurt Institute, Marcuse served first in the Office of Strategic Services (precursor of the CIA) then in the Eastern European Section of the State Department. That is to say, like many anti-Stalinist Leftists, Marcuse served as a Cold Warrior for the USA. Over the decades, Marcuse enjoyed celebrity status as a leading U.S. philosopher. Rioting students in Rome carried the slogan ‘Marx, Mao and Marcuse’, while to the contrary the USSR’s Pravda journalist, Yuri Zhukov, denounced him as a ‘false prophet’. There was nothing Soviet-inspired about the New Left, FBI efforts to find a link notwithstanding; its origins lay to the contrary in the U.S. project to create a Liberal-left Internationale that could both counter the USSR’s appeal among youth and intelligentsia, and offer American Liberalism as the ideology for the post-colonial emerging states. Organisations such as the CIA- and Foundation-sponsored African-American Institute, Peace Corps and USAID, provided the ideology and training for the re-colonisation of Africa in the name of ‘de-colonisation’ and ‘liberation’.

The White working class had become passé as agents for change, and would henceforth increasingly be denounced by the New Left as beneficiaries of ‘white privilege’. Marcuse states that while the working class might still be ‘radicalised’, this could go the other way – towards the ‘Right’ and ‘Fascism’. This is the very deep suspicion harboured by the liberal intelligentsia for the working class, such as that expressed presently towards the Yellow Vests in France by Danny Cohn-Bendit.18

Marcuse’s seminal One-Dimensional Man was published in 1964, and became what The New York Times called ‘the foremost literary symbol of the New Left’. It is a critique of the repressive character of industrial society. Yet among the grantees acknowledged by Marcuse are the seemingly omnipresent Rockefeller Foundation. The Foundation had also subsidised Marcuse’s Reason & Revolution in 1960. In 1959 Marcuse was awarded a scholarship by the Rockefeller Foundation’s Program in Legal & Political Philosophy (LAPP), with the recommendation by Herbert Deane, Columbia University, acting as Consultant to the Foundation for LAPP, stating that Marcuse was ‘probably the most distinguished among the mature men now actively engaged in political philosophy’.19

Globalisation In One-Dimensional Man Marcuse sought to extend the dialectical conflict to include ‘the persecuted colored races, the inmates of prisons and mental institutions’,20 the latter finding political voice in Germany with the Socialist Patients’ Collective, where the insane and their psychiatrists could join in common socialist struggle against a society whose normalcy was the real sickness. Addressing the issues of the Cold War, Marcuse advocates peaceful economic competition between the USA and the Soviet bloc, ‘on a global scale and through global institutions’. Marcuse explains:

This pacification would mean the emergence of a genuine world economy—the demise of the nation state, the national interest, national business together with their international alliances. And this is precisely the possibility against which the present world is mobilized.

The fateful interdependence of the only two ‘sovereign’ social systems in the contemporary world is expressive of the fact that the conflict between progress and politics, between man and his masters has become total. When capitalism meets the challenge of communism, it meets its own capabilities: spectacular development of all productive forces after the subordination of the private interests in profitability which arrest such development. When communism meets the challenge of capitalism, it too meets its own capabilities: spectacular comforts, liberties, and alleviation of the burden of life. Both systems have these capabilities distorted beyond recognition and, in both cases, the reason is in the last analysis the same – the struggle against a form of life which would dissolve the basis for domination.21

Here we might understand precisely why Rockefeller and other oligarchic individuals or foundations were interested in Marcuse et al., and sponsored both the Frankfurt Institute’s relocation to the USA, and the publication of their studies. While in the preceding passages Marcuse seems to be critiquing ‘capitalism’ and ‘communism’, what he is calling for is a synthesis leading to a ‘genuine world economy’ ‘through global institutions’. It should not be misunderstood that Marcuse’s call for the ‘demise of national business’ by such a dialectic is antithetical to the aims of those who employed or sponsored him. What he is proposing is precisely the agenda of global capitalism. What oligarchs such as the Rockefeller dynasty require are fundamental changes in capitalism, and they have long backed supposed ‘radicals’ in the pursuit of this objective.

What oligarchs such as the Rockefeller dynasty require are fundamental changes in capitalism, and they have long backed supposed ‘radicals’ in the pursuit of this objective. It is ironic that Marcuse, and indeed the Left in general, in demanding an international socialist order, are entirely encumbered in their thinking by the Late Western Zeitgeist – as indeed was Marx, in proposing what amounts to globalisation, by whatever ideology it is called. How would this universalism function without the obliteration of the ‘primary ties’ that, while having been destroyed in the Western world, are still alive in other parts of the world, whether in Iran or the Amazonian rain forest? This would necessitate technological and cultural colonisation beyond the comprehension of the old imperialism. We have already seen the triumph of the Late Western economic model in China and even in Vietnam, both of which had served as role models to the New Left. However much Fromm and Marcuse called it ‘socialism’, it remains the bastardous offspring of the Late Western Zeitgeist.

In this regard, after Marcuse states much about the dehumanising impact of technology, not altogether disagreeable from a Rightist viewpoint and betraying vestiges of his old teacher Heidegger, it transpires that it is not the overthrow – the ‘Great Refusal’ as he calls his ‘rebellion’ – of techno-industrial domination that he urges. Rather, the new order ‘depends on the continued existence of the technical base itself’.

I have stressed that this does not mean the revival of ‘values,’ spiritual or other, which are to supplement the scientific and technological transformation of man and nature. On the contrary, the historical achievement of science and technology has rendered possible the translation of values into technical tasks-the materialization of values. Consequently, what is at stake is the redefinition of values in technical terms, as elements in the technological process. The new ends, as technical ends, would then operate in the project and in the construction of the machinery, and not only in its utilization. Moreover, the new ends might assert themselves even in the construction of scientific hypotheses-in pure scientific theory. From the quantification of secondary qualities, science would proceed to the quantification of values.22

To emphasise the soulless character of his doctrine Marcuse furnishes a footnote assuring readers that such questions remain solely technical and cannot be considered as ‘ethical and sometimes religious’.23 It aspires to be the hubristic mastery over nature, the transformation of ‘values into needs’ and of ‘final causes into technical possibilities’. The earthly paradise is finally reached, a paradise which becomes ‘the free development of needs on the basis of satisfaction’, the ultimate condition of Man being ‘Pacified existence’.24 Yet Marcuse warns against making a ‘fetish’ of technology, but relies on a ‘collective effort’ of ‘free individuals’. Should these contradictions seem to lack coherence, they can be rationalised through ‘dialectics’.25

Tyranny Means ‘Freedom’ It has been heard before from Marxist theorists: the withering away of the state and the unfolding of ‘true Communism’ after the transition phase of Socialism, where the laws of social production will usher in a utopia of total freedom. Marcuse’s utopia of ‘pacified existence’, however, has its own transitional phase that, like the path to Communism via Socialism, requires repression. This is more than implicit in what Marcuse states. In his 1965 essay, ‘Repressive Tolerance’, Marcuse condemned the toleration of ideas and actions that are in opposition to his ideology:

The active, official tolerance granted to the Right as well as to the Left, to movements of aggression as well as to movements of peace, to the party of hate as well as to that of humanity, I call this non-partisan tolerance ‘abstract’ or ‘pure’ inasmuch as it refrains from taking sides – but in doing so it actually protects the already established machinery of discrimination….

However, this tolerance cannot be indiscriminate and equal with respect to the contents of expression, neither in word nor in deed; it cannot protect false words and wrong deeds which demonstrate that they contradict and counteract the possibilities of liberation. Such indiscriminate tolerance is justified in harmless debates, in conversation, in academic discussion; it is indispensable in the scientific enterprise, in private religion. But society cannot be indiscriminate where the pacification of existence, where freedom and happiness themselves are at stake: here, certain things cannot be said, certain ideas cannot be expressed, certain policies cannot be proposed, certain behavior cannot be permitted without making tolerance an instrument for the continuation of servitude.26

By demonising others Marcuse enables the Left to declare in the interests of ‘peace and humanity’ that the repression of opposition is necessary. Hence, when today we see liberals and Leftists committing acts of violence against opponents in the name of ‘peace and freedom’, they are being perfectly consistent according to their dialectic. One can more than suspect that what Marcuse is proposing is a dictatorship of technocrats who eliminate any threats to ‘freedom and happiness’ in the manner by which Robespierre and his committee upheld ‘public safety’ in the name of the ‘Declaration of the Rights of Man & the Citizen’. In his 1968 addendum, Marcuse elaborates on how this technocratic ‘elite’ would operate, citing John Stuart Mill: ‘ In any case, John Stuart Mill, not exactly an enemy of liberal and representative government, was not so allergic to the political leadership of the intelligentsia as the contemporary guardians of semi-democracy are. Mill believed that “individual mental superiority” justifies “reckoning one person’s opinion as equivalent to more than one”’.27 But then Marcuse assures readers that this would not be necessary if ‘democracy’ is established through revolution. Perhaps he is being dialectical in giving contrary views out each side of his mouth? This revolution would be made by ‘minorities intolerant, militantly intolerant’, against the ‘majority’, for the sake of the latter’s true happiness.28

Marcuse believed that extremism is justified in the most tolerant democracies, because the opinions of the majority are not legitimately formed. Marcuse considers that an objective criterion can be established to determine what should be tolerated and what should be repressed:

Moreover, in endlessly dragging debates over the media, the stupid opinion is treated with the same respect as the intelligent one, the misinformed may talk as long as the informed, and propaganda rides along with education, truth with falsehood. This pure toleration of sense and nonsense is justified by the democratic argument that nobody, neither group nor individual, is in possession of the truth and capable of defining what is right and wrong, good and bad. Therefore, all contesting opinions must be submitted to ‘the people’ for its deliberation and choice. But I have already suggested that the democratic argument implies a necessary condition, namely, that the people must be capable of deliberating and choosing on the basis of knowledge, that they must have access to authentic information, and that, on this basis, their evaluation must be the result of autonomous thought.29

Again, it would be necessary for a body of guardians to define ‘what is right and wrong, good and bad’, and only then would ‘the people’ be asked for their ‘democratic deliberation’, without the encumbrance of contrary opinions, which would be suppressed on the grounds that such opinions are deemed self-evidently ‘stupid’. At the time the most vocal custodians of the ‘party of peace and happiness’ were such ‘sensible’ types as the Yippies, Hippies and Weathermen, many achieving a superior enlightenment with the aid of LSD and pot.

Marcuse updated his essay in 1968, at the time of the New Left riots, stating that extremism is justified in the most tolerant democracies, because the opinions of the majority are not legitimately formed. Hence only the New Left is the custodian of what is right: ‘this means that the majority is no longer justified in claiming the democratic title of the best guardian of the common interest’.30 Repression would be used against whatever is deemed ‘Right’:

Given this situation, I suggested in ‘Repressive Tolerance’ the practice of discriminating tolerance in an inverse direction, as a means of shifting the balance between Right and Left by restraining the liberty of the Right, thus counteracting the pervasive inequality of freedom (unequal opportunity of access to the means of democratic persuasion) and strengthening the oppressed against the oppressor. Tolerance would be restricted with respect to movements of a demonstrably aggressive or destructive character (destructive of the prospects for peace, justice, and freedom for all). Such discrimination would also be applied to movements opposing the extension of social legislation to the poor, weak, disabled.31

Marcuse’s definition of the ‘Right’ is that of the straw-man argument.

When Julius Evola’s book Revolt Against the Modern World (1934) was republished in 1969, receiving notice amidst the ‘student revolt’, he was at times called the ‘Marcuse of the Right’. Evola pointed out that unlike the Left his was a ‘truly radical “no”’ to the ‘system’, as he examined the roots of modern existence in ways that the Left could not. ‘Neither Marcuse nor any of the “protestors” have done the same: for they have neither the ability nor courage to do so’. ‘In particular, I think that the “sociology” of Marcuse should be completely rejected: it only tends towards a sort of gross form of Freudianism… likewise, the ideal society Marcuse envisages once all this “dissent” has led to the end of the so-called “system” is as squalid and insipid as can be’.32

New Conceptions of Family Bonding Marcuse saw revolutionary potential in the Hippies. They were the fulfilment of Fromm’s ‘creative spontaneity’ and ‘love’ of humanity who could reach the revolutionary nirvana at an accelerated pace via LSD. They were what can be achieved when family bonds are deconstructed, and new bonds formed.

New Left spokesman Jerry Rubin, head of the Yippies, reminisced about a ‘psychic therapy session’ in which participants sought liberation from ‘childhood deprivation’ – pure Fromm, taking on matricidal proportions:

I started shouting at my mother for the specific messages she gave me. ‘Thanks, mommy. You white-skinned, no-good sexless asshole cap-toothed cancerous venom of a snake who destroyed me from birth…. I have your self-righteous right-wrong should-should not programming… with that stupid JUDGE inside me that I got from you. I don’t see people as they are, but as they fit my standards, my self-righteous beliefs…. Oh, it is so liberating for me to tell the truth. MOMMY I AM GLAD THAT YOU DIED. IF YOU HAD NOT DIED OF CANCER, I WOULD HAVE HAD TO KILL YOU… You taught me to compete and compare, to fear and outdo. I became a ferocious achievement-oriented, compulsive obsessive live-in-my-head asshole… Well, fuck you Mommy, fuck you in the ass with a red hot poker.33

Rubin ended up as a Wall Street stock broker, and died a martyr during his final act of rebellion – jaywalking. His closest colleague, Yippie co-founder Abbie Hoffman, whose enduring parental influence was an ‘overbearing father’, similarly pitched his political appeal to destroying the ‘parent culture’, and killing one’s parents. Hoffman committed suicide because he could not endure a life off centre-stage; he was a has-been and failed in his effort to become a stand-up comic,34 whereas once he had been in the world’s spot-light as chief clown of the New Left.

Fromm’s vision of new bonds on the ruins of the traditional was brought to perfection with the formation of an entity of mainly Hippie runaways called ‘The Family’, established in 1968 at Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco. This was the national centre of Hippiedom, and the centre of this was the Haight-Ashbury Free Medical Center, where Hippies could get abortions, treatment for STDs, and as much LSD as they wanted, courtesy of the CIA. This new conception of ‘The Family’ was started by Charles Manson, hitherto a petty recidivist criminal, who suddenly emerged from the Haight-Ashbury clinic as the messianic leader of a Hippie cult, expounding a rudimentary doctrine analogous to Fromm’s. Through his own upbringing, or lack thereof, Manson had ‘a special kind of hatred for women as mothers’.35 Greg Jakobson was especially admired by The Family as ‘angelic’ because he had grown up an orphan and was regarded as having come into the world ‘without parents’.36 Tex Watson recalled that the inhibitions of what the New Left were condemning as the ‘parental culture’ were obliterated through orgies directed by Manson, with the aid of LSD and Manson’s musical compositions. (Bill Ayres, the Weathermen leader, recalls the similar use of orgies as a revolutionary act to obliterate traditional morals.)37 Like cults generally, members of the Manson Family were prohibited from contacting their own families. Manson gave his followers new names in order to completely break them free38 from ‘primary ties’. As Manson’s followers became increasingly under his spell, he stated that they were being freed from the ‘straight world’, where people were programmed like computers. We might recall how Fromm commended the dissident students at Columbia University for their breaking free of a zombified society, by up-ending traditional perceptions of normality.

In August 1969 The Family embarked on the famous Tate-LaBianca murders. The Manson Family members who remained free, toting guns and knives, called for ‘revolution’, and the New Left took them seriously. In 1969 at a ‘war council’ of the Weather Underground led by Bernadine Dohrn, today an esteemed academic, she introduced a three-fingered salute to the Weathermen in honour of the fork that was said to have been used to repeatedly stab the pregnant Sharon Tate. Dohrn declared: ‘Offing those pigs with their own forks and knives, and then eating a meal in the same room, far out! The Weathermen dig Charles Manson!’ Weathermen at the ‘war council’ shouted that ‘all white babies are pigs’, (hence the opfing of Tate’s foetus was no more aberrant than the multitudinous legal abortions that are part of the new ‘normal’ in breaking the ‘primary tie’ of motherhood).

The adulation was widespread. Jerry Rubin and fellow New Left leader Phil Ochs visited Manson in jail. Manson told them how inspired he had been by the court-room antics of the iconic ‘Chicago Seven’. New Left journal Tuesday’s Child featured a crucified Manson on its cover during his trial, and proclaimed him ‘man of the year’.39

The Manson murders are often claimed to have ended the Hippie epoch by exposing the psychotic underside. Haight-Ashbury became a centre not of ‘peace and love’, but of homicides, disease, aborted foetuses and a mass of drugged up imbeciles wallowing in their own excrement. Was it really a failure in terms of shifting the USA, and hence the rest of the Western world, leftward? The riots from Chicago to Prague, drugs, Manson murders, and student strikes, served as a warning of what was to come if changes were not wrought to society. The social sciences of Fromm, Marcuse, Adorno, and Alfred Kinsey, lavishly funded by Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie and others, provided the academic rationalisation, assuring the ‘majority’, looking in askance, that the troubles could be handled if reforms were instituted. What a generation previously would have been regarded as insane and self-destructive, now seemed moderate in comparison to Manson, Weathermen, The Days of Rage, Yippies and Hippies, and calls to ‘bring the war home’. Martin Luther King and the NAACP became the mainstream answer to ghetto riots and Black Panthers; the Peace Corps superseded the SDS, and what was once regarded as ‘revolutionary’ and nihilistic is today seen as ‘centrist’ and even ‘conservative’.

The ’68 Generation, as ‘useful idiots’, enabled the Establishment to proceed with its restructuring of society in ways that seemed moderate by comparison to its own excesses and violence. So far from having been made redundant, that era ushered a pervasive revolution whose ideology persists as a battering ram against whatever vestiges of tradition remain, whether in the West or the remotest corners of the world, in the name of ‘freedom’, ‘democracy’, and ‘love of humanity’.40


1‘Commencement to be held amidst protest’, Columbia Daily Spectator, Vol. CXII, no. 120, 3 June 1968.

2The SRU was funded by the Ford Foundation and other sources. See: Jerry Avorn et al., Up Against the Ivy Wall: A History of the Columbia Crisis (McCleland & Stewart, 1968), p. 283.

3Cited by Dan Berger, Outlaws in American: the Weather Underground and the Politics of Solidarity (Chico, California: AK Press, 2005), p. 65.

4See: Bolton, The Psychotic Left, op. cit., 148-189.

5Lawrence J. Friedman, The Lives of Erich Fromm: Love’s Prophet ( Columbia University Press, 2014) p. 8.

6Rainer Funk, Erich Fromm: His Life and Work (Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd., 2000) p. 17.

7Daniel Burston, The Legacy of Erich Fromm ( Harvard University Press;1991) p. 8.

8Lawrence J. Friedman, op. cit., p. 20.

9See: Louis Menand, ‘A Friend of the Devil’, The New Yorker, 23 March 2015.

10Herbert Marcuse, ‘The Problem of Violence and the Radical Opposition’, Psychoanalyse und Politik; lecture delivered at the Free University of West Berlin, July 1967.

11Herbert Marcuse, The Problem of Violence…, ibid.

12As indicated, for example, by the condemnation of the 1968 student revolt in France by the French Communist party, which saw the movement as a bourgeois phenomenon, and the antagonism that existed between Danny Cohn Bendit and the ‘Stalinist’ working class leadership.

13This can be readily confirmed by reading through the online annual reports of these Foundations during the 1960s and early 70s.

14Norman Dodd, The Dodd Report to the Reece Committee on Foundations, Special Committee of the House of Representatives Investigating Foundations (1954), p. 7.

15Herbert Marcuse, The Problem of Violence…, op. cit.

16Marcuse, ibid.

17‘Kinsey Reports’, Rockefeller Foundation; (Emphasis added).

18Kerry Bolton, ‘The Legacy of Generation ’68: Danny the Red’s True Colours’, Arktos Journal, 30 January 2019.

19Reiko Makeawa, ‘The Rockefeller Foundation & the Intellectual Life of Refugee Scholars During the Cold War’ (2009).

20H. Marcuse, One-Dimensional Man ([1964] Routledge , 2002), pp. 56-57.

21Ibid., p. 58.

22Ibid., p. 236.


24Ibid., p. 239.

25Ibid., p. 240.

26Marcuse, ‘Repressive Tolerance’ (1965), emphasis added.

27Ibid, (1968 addendum).





32Interview with Playmen 2 (February 1970), appended in Julius Evola, The Path of Cinnabar (London: Arktos, 2010), pp. 256-257.

33Jerry Rubin, Growing (Up) At 37 (New York: Warner Books, 1976), pp. 140-142.

34J. Rieder, ‘The Groucho Marxist’, The New York Times, 2 February 1997.

35Tom O’Neil, pp. 28-29. 36Ibid., p. 136.

37Bolton, The Psychotic Left, p. 180.

38Tom O’Neil, op. cit., p. 39.

39Bolton, The Psychotic Left, op. cit., pp. 175-177.

40Refer for example to the funds allotted in particular to feminism and other corrosive ideologies by Soros’ ‘open society’ institutes, and Soros’ enthusiasm for drug ‘decriminalisation’. The oligarchic agenda has not changed

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It is notable that Horkheimer, director of the Institute of Social Research, could refer – even in 1950 – to the ‘permeation of the social consciousness’ with psychiatric theories which had already brought about a ‘revolution’, and that this had a primary impact on ‘work-potential’. These themes are those that had been expressed by Fromm in his 1942 book Fear of Freedom, and had percolated among this Freudo-Marxian cabal in Weimar Germany amidst the wholesale social and moral breakdown following World War I. It is this offensive against family, homeland, and people that resulted in the relocation of the Frankfurt Institute to the USA, where they took over American social sciences. It is here that we see the groundwork for what became the ‘youth revolt’, and its development into ‘identity politics’.

The primary factor in the surveys of The Authoritarian Personality was the relationship of the respondent to the family:

Family Figures: Personal Aspects. After the inquiry into the sociological aspects of the family background, the personal conception of the family figures by the subject was recorded. The subject’s conception of the parent figures could reveal, among other things, whether the picture was dominated by the authoritarian aspects of the parent-child relationship or by a more democratic type of relationship. In this connection the attention of the interviewer was further focused on the ability of the subject to appraise his parents objectively – whether on the more critical or on the more loving side – as contrasted with an inclination to put the parents on a very high plane, exaggerating their strength and virtuousness.32

The power-relationship between the parents, the domination of the subject’s family by the father or by the mother, and their relative dominance in specific areas of life also seemed of importance for our problem. The sources within the family of satisfactions and tensions in general were also explored.33

It is notable that the primary factor in the New Left ‘rebellion’ was that of a revolt against parents, and the State as a substitute parental authority figure. Like Fromm, the Critical Theorists working on The Authoritarian Personality are unequivocal in stating that ‘rebellion’ against any remnants of traditional society is healthy, and that continuing adherence to such traditions ranks one high on the ‘F scale’ of latent ‘Fascism’ and potentially genocidal tendencies. .....................................................

The new mantra of Marxists would be: change the western culture and then the workers would unite. Thus, after Marx there were a group of Marxists who wilily decided that you could bring the collectivists society to nation through culture as well by introducing certain pseudo-values and concepts that would,

for example, break down the family. If family unit is no longer self-sustaining and no longer valued in the society, then its individual members, who formerly could turn to the family for support in times of need, would now be cut loose. They would be without the place to go hence forced to turn to the government and its institutions shaped by the aforementioned "long march" i.e. by sort of gleichschaltung.

....................................................... Freud, who owes his initial rise to the Hapsburg Empire, was a leading member of the B'nai B'rith lodge in Vienna, Austria. Along with colleagues of these institutions, developed the quackery of psychoanalysis that they incorporated in the FS. Horkheimer, also, upon return to Germany after WWII would revive B'nai B'rith in Germany and come to lead the effort to 're-educate' Nazi Germany citizens.

: B'nai B'rith networks will have a devastating impact on the culture of the twentieth century. Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, will be a leading member of the B'nai B'rith lodge in Vienna, Austria, during the twilight of the Hapsburg Empire. Freud later will cordially thank the members of that lodge for their support during his arduous early years in psychoanalysis. Indeed, several members of the lodge will provide the initiating cadre who along with Freud will found the quackery of psychoanalysis. This Freud will be a charlatan and a cabbalist. The anti-Semitism of Freud and of B' nai B' rith as an organization of British intelligence at the expense of Jews will be perhaps most clearly documented in Freud's last major work Moses and Monotheism. His hatred for creativity and the human mind will be documented in his essay on Leonardo da Vinci, in which he will assert, on the basis of no evidence whatsoever, that Leonardo was a homosexual. Later, the Franlifurt Institute for Social Research will be founded with the program of merging Marx with Freud. One of the pillars of the Franlifurt School will be Max Horkheimer. After the Second World War, Horkheimer will be instrumental in re-founding and reorganizing B'nai B'rith in Franlifurt. The Franlifurt School will provide the matrix for the youth culture and counterculture of the postwar decades in the same way that Mazzini, the high priest of romanticism, has used his youth cults to shape the first half of the nineteenth century. 44444444444444444444444444444444444 cvxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx






The spiritual crisis in the West,
seen through 2 heretical messianic
of the 17th and 18th centuries.
Dr. Bruno PAUL,
August 5, 2017
Monastery of Ganagobie
EN-v1.9 CC BY SA 4.0
For the reader and listener
• In the following pages, the text formatted as follows: link has an URL link to an
Internet page, usable if this document is viewed on a computer. These links are
made available for consultation of documentary sources.
• The author of this document is a Christian, confirmed in the faith of the Roman
Catholic Church.
• The original PDF version of this document is available on the following page, with
its MD5 signature:
in French :
Translation in English :
The very notion of spiritual crisis is linked to what exists most deeply within us. This is
why reading the content of some pages can cause some confusion. It is essential to
digest this content at your own pace, ending it if possible with a gentle listening to
classical music or a walk in nature. Meditate and breathe, pray to God.
« The spiritual warfare we have to wage during life is an unceasing struggle between good
and evil....
What we see in our own lives, we see at work on a large scale in the world. How is it that
human history is a long web of wars, violence and injustice?
When it has been stopped in a given place or time, it reappears elsewhere or later? And yet
we are all hungry and thirsty for peace, life and happiness!
We are confronted here with this mysterious presence of Satan, this angel remarkable for
the gifts he has received, but who, out of pride, rebelled against GOD, and who wants to
bring as many men as possible into his revolt. »
Bulletin of the Monastery of Ganagobie, n°31, October-December 1999, p. 2-3.
Preface: Pride and revolt.
Identify and discern the spiritual
crisis in the West
The spiritual crisis in the West
• « There has been a considerable change in recent centuries, much
more serious than any deviations that may have occurred in
earlier times of decadence, since it has even led to a real reversal
in the direction given to human activity; and it was exclusively in
the Western world that this change began. »
• R. Guénon, La Crise du Monde moderne, 1927, Chap. 2, p.21
The spiritual crisis in the West
• The world, and first and foremost the West, is in crisis. A crisis that is at once
financial, monetary, economic, social, geostrategic, political, scientific, energy,
and at the same time sees an erosion of morals and morals as well as an
ecological crisis.
• This great crisis is of a particular character that we call, like others long before
us, the crisis of the mind.
• We must necessarily understand the deep origin of this one in order to
overcome it. A spiritual crisis can only be fully resolved by starting with the
spiritual, that is, metaphysical, level. Guénon, then Evola, have already
explained the main supporters in a masterful way. We are part of this
• We choose to approach the spiritual crisis in the West, studying it here from a
point of view limited to the traces in the history of certain religious movements
since the Renaissance.
Our approach for this study
• Our general approach is first and foremost a bibliographical compilation of
works by world-class specialists, published in FR, EN, DE, whose authors have
followed an academic historiographical approach based on works written in
Hebrew, Aramaic, Polish, Latin, Turkish, French and German, which are the
primary historical references.
– full bibliographical references are provided
• A very large part is deliberately left to quotations from excerpts from these
• My own positions are systematically annotated by [NdA].
• This approach to the history of religions is necessarily complemented in
conclusion by some reflections on the philosophy of human history, and by
elements of metaphysics.
• « The Church itself not only advises, but orders Christian Doctors to call upon
philosophy for help. »
– Pope Leo XIII, Æterni Patris, (1879)
A pendulum between East and West
• « I argued that the inequality so
long observed for the benefit of
Europe should by its own effects
gradually change into inequality
of the opposite direction. This is
what I referred to as the
ambitious fundamental
theorem. »
– Paul Valéry, The Crisis of the Spirit
Where does the spiritual decline of the
West come from?
• ...or if we prefer these equivalent formulations:
• where does the loss of Western traditions come from?
• where does the domination of consumerism, materialism, the reign of quantity
come from?
• why has there been no recovery for at least a century in the West despite
Valéry, Guénon and so many others?
• why such a historical failure of our elites for so long and to this day?
• or again: what are the links between the history of the West, the mechanisms
of evolution of Western societies, and spirituality in the West?
• This conference is a general introduction to these issues, mainly from the
perspective of the history of religions.
Have you ever heard of them?
• Sabbatai Tsevi
• Jakub Lejbowicz
11 Our purpose
• This conference proposes to detail the history itself, the main
aspects of their very particular dogmas as well as the historical
influence on the West that 2 heretical messianic sects still far too
little known had:
– the Sabbatians (of Sabbatai Tsevi) who appeared in the 17th century
– the Frankists (of Jacob Frank) who appeared in the 18th century.
• Officially judged heretics and excommunicated several times in history by the
highest authorities of traditional Judaism, the members of these sects can in
no way be qualified as Jews. These movements are not variants of traditional
Jewish law, they are diametrically opposed to it.
Part 1
Introduction to mysticism
and messianic movements
within Judaism
13 The importance of historical sources
• Only authors who are specialists in these 2 religious movements, academics,
rabbis, priests and/or internationally recognized historians
• 17th century: [Nathan of Gaza] (he), Thomas Coenen (ne)
• 18th century: >12 authors [Hayon, Wehle, Eybeschütz], Jacob Sasportas, Jacob Emden,
Eléasar Fleckeles, Ber of Bolechow, Nicolaus Serra (he, po, it, lat)
• 19th century: >21 works (he, de, po, fr, eng, ru) including Peter Beer (note), Franz
Molitor, Heinrich Gräetz, [Moses Porges], Aleksander Kraushar, Abraham Danon
• 1901-1950: >21 books or articles
– Jewish Encyclopedia, Gershom Scholem, David Philippson, David Kahana, Dr. Rıza Nur, Joseph Kastein, Cecil
Roth, The Encyclopedia of Jewish Knowledge, and others authors’ works in Hebrew
• 1951-2000: >75 books or articles
– Gershom Scholem, Encyclopedia Judaica, Joseph Dan, Abraham Duker, Abbot Francesco Ricossa, Israel Shahak,
Norton Mezvinsky, Moshe Temkin, Dovid Russoff, Jan Doktór, Rachel Elior, Abraham Rabinovich, Chone
Shmeruk, David Ruderman, David Pidcock, Jacob Katz, Magdalena Opalski / Yiśraʼel Barṭal, Marvin Antelman,
Emanuel Feldman, Elisheva Carlebach, Abraham Rabinovich, Paul Arnsberg, Michael Löwy, Arthur Mandel, Meir
Benayahu, Etienne Balibar, Cengiz Sisman, Aubrey Ross, Ilgaz Zorlu, Hillel Levine
• 2001-2017: >41 books or articles
– Jerry Klinger, Ramiz Mammadov, Isaiah Berlin, Charles Novak, Shmuel Feiner, Moshe Idel, Michaël Freund,
Pawel Maciejko, Marc Baer, Frederic Miller / Agnes Vandome / John McBrewster, Sid Zalman Leiman, David
Halperin, Matt Goldish, Christoph Schulte, Eli Shai, Melila Hellner-Eshed, Orly Halpern, The YIVO Encyclopedia
of Jews in Eastern Europe, M. Goldish, R.H. Popkin, Bram Mertens, John Freely, Harris Lenowitz…
• For a complete bibliography, see ; Be careful when researching variations on transliterated names.
14 The importance of historical sources
• Rab. Jacob Ashkenazi "Emden" (1697-1776)
• Edut be-Ya'aḳov, Altona, 1756.
• Shimush, Amsterdam, 1758-62.
• Shevirat Luḥot ha-Aven, Altona, 1759.
• Kitzur Tzitzat Novel Zvi, Altona, n.d.
• Megillat Sefer, biographies of himself and his
father, Warsaw, 1897; first edition in French:
Mémoires de Jacob Emden ou L'anti-Sabbataï
Zewi, Cerf, 1992.
• illustrious rabbinic lineage; recognized as one of
the main rabbinical authorities of the 18th
• famous for his obstinate fight against the cryptoSabbataism of the very famous Rab. Jonathan
Eybeschütz in 1750-60, in Altona/Hamburg. The
great Rab. Landau of Prague threatened in 1752
to excommunicate anyone who accused
Eybeschütz of Sabbatianism. It was Eybeschütz
who was excommunicated in 1756.
• His father "Chacham" (Rav Tsvi Hirsch ben
Yaakov Ashkenazi) (1656-1718) and Moses Hagiz
had fought hard against Nehemiah Hayyun's
crypto-Sabbataism in 1713 in Amsterdam.
• Rab. Jacob ben Aaron
Sasportas (1610-1698)
• Tzitzat Novel Zvi,
Amsterdam, 1737
• Morocco, London,
Hamburg, Livorno,
15 Our main sources for this conference are
Prof. Gershom Scholem (1897-1982) historian
and philosopher
• Die Theologie des Sabbatianismus im
Lichte Abraham Cardozos, 1928
• Majors Trends in Jewish Mysticism, 1941
• The Sabbatian movement in Poland (in 3
articles), 1953 (fr)
• The messianic idea in Judaism and other
essays in Jewish spirituality, including
The Holiness of Sin / Redemption through
Sin, 1971 (he 1937, fr. 1974)
• Sabbatai Sevi: The Mystical Messiah,
1973 (en), 1957 (he), 1983 (fr)
• His immense work has brought the study
of Kabbalah into the academic field of
the humanities.
• Aleksander Kraushar (1843-1931),
• Frank I Frankisci Polscy 1726-1816,
(Frank and the Polish Franks 1726-1816.
A monograph based on archival sources
and manuscripts), Crakow, 1895.
• translated into he, eng, fr.
• A lawyer, historian and science buff, he
advocated the assimilation of the Jewish
population. He was a member of the
Tłomackie synagogue construction
• In 1903, after the death of his parents,
he and his wife converted to
• Decorated Officer of the Order of the
Polish Renaissance on August 5, 1921.
• "Through his exhaustive study of the
history of Jewish mysticism from the 1ST
to the 18th century, Scholem gave us
access to an intellectual universe whose
existence almost nobody knew about.
Dr. Franz Joseph Molitor [1779-1860]
History of the Order of the Brothers
of St John the Evangelist of Asia in
Europe, 1829, Ed. Archè, 1989
* Dr. Abraham Gordon Duker [1907-
1987], Polish Frankism’s Duration:
From Cabbalistic Judaism to Roman
Catholicism and from Jewishness to
Polishness, Jewish Social Studies,
25:4 (1963:Oct.), Pp.287–333. This
major article is excerpted from a
PhD thesis defended at Columbia
University: The Polish 'Great Emigration'
and the Jews. Studies in political and
Intellectual History, publication 1627
* Dr. Harris Lenowitz, The Collection
of the Words of the Lord [Jacob
Frank] from the Polish manuscripts,
University of Utah, 2004
* Dr. Pawel Maciejko, The Mixed
Multitude - Jacob Frank and the
Frankist Movement, 1755–1816;
University of Pennsylvania, 2011
Our main sources for this conference
Dr. Arthur A. Mandel
[~1907 - ~1983], Polish, doctorate in
economics from Berlin in 1932,
emigrated to the USA in 1942, taught
at UCLA and Stanford;
The Militant Messiah or The Flight
from the Ghetto, 1979 ; Ed. Archè, 1989
Charles Novak (~1980-), his book (fr):
Jakob Frank the false messiah.
Deviance of the Kabbalah or
conspiracy theory, 2012, Ed.
L'Harmattan is written from a paper
presented at EHESS, and was the
subject of a conference at the French
Embassy in
Israel and the
Institute of
Israel in 2014.
An intense and exacerbated messianic expectation in the Jewish world
∙12th c.: Moses Maimonides (1135-
1204), Averroes (1126 at Cordoba1198)
∙12th and 13th c.: expulsion of Jews
from France, Silesia, Germany,
England, Wales
∙XIVe s: expulsion from France,
Hungary, Germany, Crimea
∙1391: start of anti-Jewish
persecutions in Spain
∙1478/81: Establishment of the
Spanish Inquisition to investigate
heresies and unmask the Marranos.
(cf Cecil Roth, 1928).
∙1492: ~200,000 Jews are expelled
from Spain
∙XVe s: expulsion from Portugal,
Lithuania, Provence, Sardinia, Sicily,
Austria, Silesia and in the 16th
century from the kingdoms of Tunis,
Naples, Papal States and Germany.
∙1626: Sabbatai Tsevi was born in
socio-cultural influence
∙2d c: Shimon bar Yohaï (Tikunei haZohar)?
∙c.1160/80: Provençal Kabbalah
∙c.1270/80: writing of the Zohar by
Moses of Leo in Avila, in reaction to
Maimonides' Aristotelian Judaism
∙XVIe s: Messianism of Safed: Moses
Cordovero (Pardes Rimonim 1548), Isaac
Louria & Hayim Vital & Israel Sarug
(Etz Hayim 1590/1660)
mystical&esoteric influence
∙1095-1291: Crusades in
the Holy Land
∙1208-29: crusade against
the Cathars
∙1220-1258: Mongol
Empire destroys Persia,
Central Asia and Baghdad
∙1588: Invincible Armada
historical background
A few words about Kabbalah
• "Since 1540 a great Mitzvah (commandment) has been commanded to the
masses for public study [of the Zohar], for old and young... and that it is
because the Messiah will come through this, and not through any other reason.
That is why we must not be negligent."
– Rab. Abraham Ben Mordechai Azulai (1570-1643), Ohr HaChama [Light of the Sun]
• "He humbled you, he made you hungry and fed you with manna, which you did
not know and which your ancestors had not known either, in order to teach you
that man does not live by bread alone, but by all that comes out of the mouth
of the Lord." (Deuteronome 8:3)
– "everything that comes out of the mouth" is the translation of the Hebrew motzah
(mem-vav-tzaddi-aleph) which means expression or emanation, and which has as
gematria 137
– the Hebrew word Kabbalah also has as gematria 137. Sephirots are called
A few words about Kabbalah
• Because the notation of the calculation was done with letters, as later in Greek,
Hebrew letters have multiple meanings: their numerical value is used by gematria
- a very common practice in Kabbalah since the Sefer Yetsirah (Book of Formation)
appeared in the 10th century in the Middle East.
• It is a "yoga" for esoteric meditation (cf. Scholem), already used by Pythagoras of
Samos (6th century BC), and in the Epistle of Barnabas (9.8) at the beginning of
the 2nd century.
• The recipes for hermeneutics in Kabbalistic studies are as follows (in summary,
because multiple sets of rules exist):
– weigh or give a numerical value to letters and words and find words of equivalent value that can
be linked together (gematria allows additions, subtractions, use of multiples, squares);
– transform, with new substitution rules; by this method we obtain new words and meanings
(temura). Thus, if the first letter is replaced by the second, the second by the third, etc., then the
so-called "abgad" rule is applied and according to this rule, for example, the tetragram (y/h/w/h)
becomes the "kuzu" (kh/w/z/w)!
– find anagrams of a word that generate new meanings of the same numerical value and therefore
have a certain affinity (notarikon or tsérouf) or acronyms.
20 A few words about Kabbalah
• In addition, the original manuscript of the Sefer Yetsirah has been lost. There is
only one set of variants: (1) Saadia Gaon's version in 931; (2) Shabbetai
Donnelo's long version of 946; (3) Donash ibn Tamim's short version of 956; (4)
Vilnus Gaon GRA modified version in the 18th century.
– Christopher P. Benton, Sefer Yetzirah, the Cube of Space, and the Emergence of the Tree of Life,
A few words about Kabbalah
• It should be recalled that the original Torah was written in the Palaeo-Hebrew
alphabet, as shown by Ketef Innom's amulet (or in the Aramaic alphabet for the
books of the Guemara).
• The Palaeo-Hebrew alphabet was used to write the Hebrew language from the
10th century BC until its abandonment in the 5th century BC, when it was
replaced by the Aramaic alphabet. These two alphabets are ramifications of the
Phoenician alphabet. The Paleo-Hebrew also gave the Hebrew alphabet, which
later evolved into the modern Hebrew alphabet. All these alphabets have 22
• No study of gematria is based on the original (lost) text of the Torah in PaleoHebrew, but is based on texts translated or written later in the Hebrew or
Aramaic alphabet.
• It is likely that, although their rank in alphabetical order has remained fixed and
all these writings have points in common, the oral or written language used at a
given time, the form of the words used, the rules of grammar and syntax, the
possible correspondence of letters with symbols remains specific to each
language system and each time.
Kabbalism and sophism [NdA]
• Over the centuries, we have observed a hubris, a continuous drift in the excess of gematria,
confusing doctrine and method.
• Some authors will allow themselves to find a meaning when one of these recipes gives a word
that suits them to a letter or a number, knowing that vowels do not count... or use words whose
use was not known at the time the text was written, or which exist only in another idiom, or which
refer to polemical symbols or allegories (ex: the "foot of God").
• All in all, with such a lack of rigour, reasoning and transparency, we can in all probability
make anything and everything say the opposite to any text of a certain length (*), taking
advantage of coincidences.
– (*): the Old Testament used today contains 1,159,705 Hebrew characters.
• One can imagine the use of gematria as a technique automating philosophical speculation.
But it cannot obtain a convincing metaphysical character. At best, it can only lead to an
intuition, which a traditional metaphysical reflection should necessarily develop.
• That is why, in our opinion, Sabbatian or Frankist moral philosophy is the result of a search
for truth through false deductions, from traditional sources, but which ends up being lost in
sophisms and then fully lost.
– We call here traditional sources the use of original sacred texts and symbolism; we call false
deductions the blind abuse of kabbalistic exegesis and hermeneutics which necessarily lead to
conceptions that have only the appearance of metaphysical truth.
• And belief in this appearance of truth will cause terrible disasters...
23 A personal illusion
New edition based on the text of the Leipzig-Brussels-Paris (1826-1838) princeps edition.
Variations of Schütz and Paulin-Rosez editions. Historical and critical comments.
Volume III, Ed. de La Sirène, 1926.
Introduction, pp. xxi and xxvi.
Aparty on meditation [NdA]
• To conclude this part: the appearance of the most profound rational deductions
or intuitions, with the most disconcerting consequences, are cases of
revelations when they rely on an integral scaffolding of previous truths. The
results of gematria recipes are not truths; they are, at best, only clues.
• Such a revelation is an experience of thought that is often compared to an
inner veil that is torn, to a space that emerges where, a moment before, there
was only a blind, confused or unconscious struggle in the mind. At this very
moment, our minds are at the forefront of exploring this new space and
pushing the void a little further.
• This type of revelation is not the one reserved for some contemplative mystics
or saints.
Part 2
The emergence of Sabbatianism,
and its development until 1726
26 The journey of Sabbatai Tsevi
* 1648: end of
the 30-year war
in Europe which
killed millions of
people: Germany
went from 21M
to 13M
Treaties of
* 1648-54: civil
war, terrible
pogroms in
Ukraine, 20 to
100,000 Jews
* 1649:
beheading of
Charles I; return
of the Jews to
∙ 1626: born on Saturday 9 Av (1
August) in Izmir (Smyrna) to a family
of Romanitic Jewish merchants from
Patras, Greece.
∙ manic-depressive since childhood
∙ 1651: excommunicated, he is
banished by the Rabbis of Smyrna
∙ 1651/60: first faithful to
Constantinople, then Thessaloniki;
expelled by the rabbis
∙ 1660/62: Cairo; a rich Jew finances
∙ 1663: Jerusalem and Cairo; its
popularity is growing strongly.
Great divisions within Jewish
communities throughout Europe,
Africa and Asia.
. 1665: Marriage with Sarah, a
prostitute from Livorno
∙ At the heart of the messianic expectation of
the Jews
. only reads the Zohar and Kanah in his
∙ studies the Kabbalah of Luria with the Great
Rabbin of Izmir and the Sephardic JudeoSpanish Marranje community
∙ 1644: Tsevi is recognized as a great Kabbalist
(hakham / sage).
∙ 1648 meaning; messianic time = time of pain
∙ 1648: Tsevi declares himself Machiah
following a wake-up call after news from
∙ 1665: meeting with Nathan from Gaza (1643
in Jerusalem, m.1680 in Skopje, Macedonia), who
announced that 1666 would see the
beginning of the messianic era; received with
enthusiasm by the Jews of Aleppo, then
Smyrna in August. His power over the Jewish
masses became immense. He publicly
declared himself Messiah on 9/09/1665. He
drops off Chief Rabbi Aaron Lapapa. Other
rabbis join Tsevi.
∙ Feb. 1666: departure from Smyrna to
socio-cultural influence mystical & esoteric influence background
The coronation of Sabbatai Tsevi
• Nathan of Gaza, Tiqqun
Qeri'ah le-khol Laylah waYom, Amsterdam (1666)
• The propaganda by the
"prophets" of Sabbatai Tsevi
plays an extremely
important role in quickly
convincing new believers.
28 Kabbalah and Messianism
• "It was Scholem himself who, as soon as he settled in Palestine, had made a connection
between Zionism and Sabbatianism, in which he saw the two political moments in the
history of the Jewish people in modern times. The "historical" character of redemption
in Judaism ([in this material world,] as opposed to the Christian idea of salvation in the
other world), associated with the hope of an end to the persecutions endured in Israel's
exile and slavery, generates a revolutionary ideology that Scholem calls "utopian" and
"apocalyptic". Resulting from an "intense messianic expectation", this ideology
represents the messianic age as the moment of a "final confrontation between Israel
and the Nations", a conflagration endowed with a cosmic meaning whose cataclysms
form the condition for the national rebirth. To this representation (which will be found
in Marxism) of the role of violence in history, identified with the suffering of childbirth,
a particular tradition from Kabbalah adds a specifically antinomic dimension: The
messianic era is not only that of the reunion within the divinity of the parts of the
"broken" world since creation, it is also, in order to "hasten the end", that of an
inversion of the law or its realization through its transgression ("it is by violating the
Torah that it is accomplished"), specific form of "activism [taking] utopia as a lever for
the establishment of the messianic kingdom" - so indecisive, moreover, that the figure of
the messiah himself remains."
• source: E. Balibar ("About Zionism: Messianism and Nationalism" (in french), Agenda of
Contemporary Thought, No. 9, Winter 2007-2008); The quotations it contains are from
Gershom Scholem,"Redemption through Sin", see hereafter.
Tiqqun: the restoration
• Sevi Hirsch Chotsch, Hemdat Sevi, Amsterdam (1706)
• Siddur Sabbatian (Tiqqun), Amsterdam RBR 97:16, exemplaire de The Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New
• The fundamental difference between
Kabbalah and Aristotelian philosophy,
according to Cordovero, lies in "the way of
thinking about the problem of the
relationship between God and the world".
This link, impossible for Aristotelian
philosophers, becomes possible for
Kabbalists, thanks to the structure of the
emanations of God (the sephirots).
30 Kabbalah and Messianism
• Howard Schwartz, Tree of Souls: The Mythology of Judaism, Oxford University
Press (2004), Pp 486
• The « Shattering of the
Vessels »
• « Gathering of the Sparks »
one by one

source: Gershom Scholem, : The messianic idea in Judaism and other essays in Jewish
spirituality, Schocken Books (1971) where the essay on "Redemption through Sin / Holiness
of Sin" appears.
. Original book in hebrew: 1937 ; french tr.: 1974, Calmann Lévy.
• [Note]: Sin means breaking the law (in the singular) which refers to all the civil, religious,
ethical and family laws found in the 5 books of the Pentateuch (the Torah), in particular
the 10 commandments in the book of Exodus.
"Redemption through sin",
Gershom Scholem's essay
• Reproduction published in
Eli Shai`s book, Messiah of
Incest - New and
Uncensored History of the
Sexual Element in Jewish
Mystical Messianism (in
Hebrew), 2002.
Tsevi at Abydos Fort (Gallipoli)
• The Great Vizier had Sabbatai Tsevi imprisoned in the fortress of Abydos as soon as
he approached the Marmara Sea with his followers on 2/6/1666.
Back to the wall
• 1666: Great plague and fire in London
• Thanks to the wealth of some of his followers, Tsevi is well treated in prison, and
his popularity is still growing. News of his life is exaggerated and spread among
Jewish communities in Europe, Asia and Africa. Some Jews began to sell their
possessions and prepare for a new exodus. In almost every synagogue, prayers for
him were printed and said, as well as engravings of him next to that of King David
in the prayer books.
• Only rare Jews did not believe in him.
• Tsevi summoned a prophet from Lwow who had announced the coming of the
Messiah. They met in September 1666. The interview lasts 3 days and ends very
badly. Tsevi's followers seek to assassinate the prophet, who fled to
• He managed to alert the Grand Vizier to the danger posed by Tsevi. The latter
brought Tsevi in, and gave him three possibilities: either he was impaled, or he
underwent a divinity test by receiving a flock of arrows, or he converted to Islam.
• On September 15 or 16, 1666, Tsevi converted in front of Sultan Mehmet IV!
The "necessary" apostasy!
– The Grand Vizier proposed to Tsevi the conversion to Islam to better control the
Jewish and Sabbatian populations. But he never considered a false conversion
that would introduce the wolf into the sheepfold!
• “In summary, the five distinguishing beliefs of "radical" Sabbatianism are:
1) The belief in the necessary apostasy of the Messiah and in the sacramental
nature of the descent into the realm of the kelipot [désirs impurs].
2) The belief that the "believer" must not appear to be as he really is.
3) The belief that the Torah of atzilut must be observed through the violation of
the Torah of beriah.
• 4) The belief that the First Cause and the God of Israel are not the same, the
former being the God of rational philosophy, the latter the God of religion.
5) The belief in three hypostases of the Godhead, all of which have been or will
be incarnated in human form.”
– (G. Scholem, The Holiness of Sin, 1941)
36 After the apostasy of Sabbatai Tsevi
* Immense disappointment in all Jewish communities, but
the messianic expectation does not disappear! The rabbis
are recovering most of their followers....
* « Tsevi secretly continued his intrigues, playing a double
game. At times, he assumed the role of a pious Muslim
who rebelled against Judaism; at other times, he spoke
with the Jews as sharing their own faith.
* March 1668: He announces at the Jewish Passover that
he had been filled with the Holy Spirit and that he had
received a revelation. A mystical book is published,
addressed to the Jews, in which he claims to be the true
Redeemer, despite his conversion, his goal being to bring
thousands of Muslims to Judaism. At the same time he
tells the Sultan that he is trying to convert Jews to Islam,
and can thus preach in the synagogue. »
* 300 families of its followers are (supposedly) converting
to Islam. The Sabbatian worship is practiced in secret.
* Late 1672: Tsevi was discovered participating in Jewish
ceremonies; he was banished by the Great Vizier and
appointed Dizdar (guardian of the fortress) of the most
northern city of the Ottoman Empire.
* 1672-1676: The Ottoman Empire invaded and
devastated Podolia in Poland.
* Tsevi receives a dignitary position at the Sultan's court, and a rich salary
• m.1676: buried in Ulcinj (Dulcigno, Montenegro).
• Nathan from Gaza will be buried ~200 km away.
• Various crypto-Sabbatian groups appeared in 1668 and were structured after
the death of Sabbatai Tsevi.
• called "Dönmeh" (Turkish: apostate) or "Sazanikos" / "Selanikli" / "Sabetayci"
(in Turkish), "Ma'aminim" (Hebrew: "believers'), "Avdeti" (Arabic: "heretics'),
– The first branch was the Ismirli incorporated in Izmir (Smyrna) in Turkey.
– The second and largest, the Jakubi, was founded in Salonika by Jakob Leib Querido
(~1650-1690), brother-in-law of Sabbatai Tsevi, who also claimed to be the Messiah
(300 families "converted" to Islam in 1683).
• his son Baruhya / Barukhiya / Berechiah / Berokia Ruso (1676/77-1720/21),
took over the leadership of the group of Karakaş / Karakashes (in Turkish) /
Konioso / Kuniosos (in Ladino) and in turn announced his messianity in 1716
("Señor Santo"); this group is known to be the faithful of "Othman Baba"
(named after a 15th century Bektashi dervish).) / Osman Ağa / Osman Bevvap.
– and that of the Lechli, of Polish origin.
• The Dönmeh only marry each other. Community members are
mainly found in the cities of Adrianople, Istanbul, Salonika and
The Dönmeh in Turkey (Sabbatians)
Sabbatianism has its roots in Europe
• Various sects formed around the Sabbatians Miguel Abraham Cardoso (1630-
1706), Mordecai Mokia (1650-1729), Löbele Prossnitz (d. 1750).
• (G. Scholem, "The Holiness of Sin", January 1971)
Part 3
The emergence of Frankism,
and its development until 1816
"For he who finds me has found life, he has obtained the favor of the Lord.
On the other hand, he who sins against me harms himself. Everyone who hates me
loves death."
(Book of Proverbs, 8:35-36)
• 1726-1791
• born in Poland; poor social background, illiterate, speaking neither Russian, French,
• he was knighted (baron)
• there is a very unexpected relationship between him and a King of Poland
• he was imprisoned for 13 years in Poland and released from prison by the Russian army
• some believed that Ewa (her daughter) was the hidden daughter of Empress Catherine of
• he lived at the court of the Emperor of Austria in Vienna; he had private interviews with
Empress Maria Theresa and Emperor Franz Josef
• Ewa was Emperor Franz Josef's mistress
• he received the Emperor of Russia Paul I at his home near Vienna
• he maintained 1000 men in arms in Offenbach (Frankfurt) for many years
• he refused his daughter's hand to a rich Polish prince, who had to settle for marrying his
daughter's lady of honor
• his cousin ended his life in the same guillotined cart as Danton
• several years after Jacob Frank's death, Emperor Alexander I of Russia personally came to
visit his daughter Ewa in Offenbach (Frankfurt)
• ... and yet very few people only know his name today... and even fewer, since the 18th
century, have really known what he was!
Jacob Frank on the public side
41 Jacob Frank on the private side - his debut
* Ḥayim Malakh ben Shelomoh
"With Yehudah Ḥasid and Heshel
Tsoref, among others, Malakh
attended the secret council of the
Sabbatian leaders in Nikolsburg
(Moravia) in late 1698 or early 1699.
In 1699, he confronted
the[traditional] rabbis and
Kabbalists in a dispute over the
claim that Sabbatai Tsevi was the
Messiah. The debate took place in
Vienna and, according to some
sources, it ended without
conclusion and, according to others,
it was a total failure on the part of
Malakh's opponents. The main
impact of Malakh has been to
transmit the teachings of the
Turkish Sabbatians (Dönmeh) in
Europe, especially in Podolia. It is
likely that many of Jacob Frank's
first disciples came from the
communities established by
Malakh. " (YivoEnc.)
* Born in Galicia in 1726 in Berczany
* Poor or middle class family, father
tavernier / tenant farmer, Jacob
grows up uneducated
* People come from far away to see
his grandmother "a very competent
astrologer, blessed by the virtues of
the women of the biblical
* Grandfather Rabbi Jeka Tatar
* He spent his first 2 years in
Korolowka then Czernowitz, Smyrna,
Constantinople and Bucharest. He's
a charismatic little gang leader.
* his parents are Sabbatians
* he receives Sabbatian
teaching from Rabbis
Mordecai and Issachar
* Khlystis
* Hasidism (Israel Balshem
Tov, 1698-1760, shares the
same social and geographical
origin as Jacob Frank)
* Dönmeh
* Bektachism?
* Philipovicites?
* Karaism?
socio-cultural influence mystical influence historical background
• 1752: He married Hannah/Hannaluba, a poor Jewish woman of Ashkenazi
origin, whose parents were from Nikopol in Bulgaria. His father-in-law would be
the Sabbatian rabbi Yehudah Levi Tova. At the wedding, 2 dönmeh, faithful to
the Karakashes of Osman Baba, were reportedly used as witnesses.
• Unsuccessful power struggle to take the lead of the Karakashes
• 1754: Jacob Frank converts to Islam and visits Nathan's tomb in Gaza in Skopje
• December 1755: he decides to return to Podolia, posing as a Jew with the
authorities, to preach and enlarge his sect, and leaving his wife and daughter
Ewa (Hawacza / Awatchka / Hawatchunja / Rachel), who has just been born.
Jacob Frank on the front side
Frankism and Hasidism (Besht)
source: Yivo Encyclopedia
44 Jacob Frank's traces in Europe in the 18th
Jacob Frank in Podolia - Ruthenia
Poland Ukraine
From dogma to Frankist doctrine
The instruction of silence
(Massa doyme / burden of silence)
• « The "instruction of silence" is a Kabbalistic concept and was also common
among the Khlystis. They had to swear to keep their faith to themselves and not
to disclose it to anyone, not even to the confession or under torture, "even when
you are taken to be burned alive or cut to pieces". The strength of the faithful is
not shown by revealing, but by hiding. Their Christs also demanded absolute
obedience and self-denial:
• "if you want to follow me, you must renounce yourself, and that means forgetting
all earthly things, reason, memory, knowledge, consciousness, property and all
exercises, practices and rules of virtue. Walk behind me and wherever I send you,
or whatever I order you to do, do it without thinking. Whatever I ask you who
belongs to you, give it without hesitation and do not dare to have your own
will." »
– A. Mandel, The Militant Messiah, (p. 101 of French tr.)
– see also Words of the Lord, 152, 319, 1109
48 A secret cult,
hidden inside another
• “799. Everything I have said to you to the present is only like a drop in the ocean
• compared to that which you will see with your own eyes, that there will come
forth into the world a new thing of which neither your forefathers nor their
forefathers heard. From the beginning of the world none has yet even thought of
that which will come forth into the world. Therefore I say to you that that which
you will see and hear, or which is said to you: that you should shut your mouth,
and say nothing, but only stand by and look on. If they ask you what you see, or
hear, learn to say, I don't know.
• 304. Now I cannot even reveal to you that day of revenge [against Edom, see
Isaiah 34]. I tell you, soon a certain thing will appear to you. What you will see, be
silent about it. Be careful that you do not gather anything from your guesses,
according to your reason, and be on guard that you utter not a word. Keep your
mouth closed.
• 375. Signor Santo said, "Go in great secrecy". Therefore he himself is hidden and
all those who followed him.
• 1027. On October 15, [17]84, the Lord said, "All things that have been revealed to
you, are secret." “
– (in: Words of the Lord)
• 1166. [Frank telling a parable] "Prince! We are men, not demons. We have one mountain
of which the earth is gold. We constantly make pure gold, but we have a great deal in the
world. If you will be faithful and keep the matter secret, nothing evil will happen to you,
and on the contrary you will have a great present from us; but if you reveal [it] to the
emperor or to anyone whoever, then we will kill you no matter where you are. He
promised them and rode off to Vienna. Several years passed; that one endured and kept
the whole matter secret. Then several men in the form of merchants came to him and
brought him as a gift some 15 million. Now see how good silence is.
• 1315. How did you not understand that when one comes to a new place it is necessary to
change all the ways of the first; words as well as deeds and clothes, and so on with all
things, and not to turn one's face back. Just as you, you were Truebelievers [Sabbatians] in
Poland, then you had to alter your deeds, like breaking the fasts and the Laws of Moses;
even though that was in secret, still you had to transform them."
• (in: Words of the Lord)
• see also Mandel, p.122 and Novak, p.91
A secret cult,
hidden inside another
50 "Frankism is a pure anti-nomism" that
depraves the whole human race
• 72. "There has not been a man yet who could tell bad from good. It may be that in that
place which seems to be bad there good is hidden, kept in secret, and likewise the
– in: Words of the Lord
• « The new Messiah proclaims the end of all laws, not just Jewish law: "Only to wipe out all
laws, all religions, did I come to Poland, and it is my desire to bring life forth into this world.
[WoL, 130] / Do not believe that only Jews should be saved, God forbid, the whole human
race should be saved. " All social institutions must be destroyed because they stand in the
way of salvation.
• The work of destruction must be accomplished by man's descent into the lowest depths of
the abomination.
• It was a common belief that the coming of the Messiah would be the signal of the end of
evil and sin: either because there would no longer be any sin committed, or because they
would no longer be considered as sins.
• Frankist propaganda copiously referred to [the description of the "end of times" in the
Talmud] as an era of general depravity, where all houses of prayer will be brothels, where
the science of the learned will stink up to heaven and virtue will be despised; in short, the
world will be turned upside down. »
– A. Mandel, The Militant Messiah, pp. 52-54
"Frankism is a nihilism"
• "I have not come to elevate, I have come to destroy and belittle all things until everything is
swallowed up so deep, that it can no longer descend. / The road to the abyss is terrifying
and frightening. Even our brother Jacob was afraid of it and did not dare to set foot on the
celestial scale./ It consists of two converging parts that meet at the bottom, one part
leading down, the other up, and there is no ascent without prior descent./ So the world had
to wait for another Jacob. "
• "The path leads to the abyss, and everyone must have the heart of a lion and not fear, for I
will walk in the lead. And as I stand before you, ignorant and rude / I have been chosen, for I
am the darkness out of which light emerges! / It has been said: A star came out of Jacob. All
vile and obnoxious things are in his power, and this is the door through which I will lead
you. "
– WoL (including 164, 1116, 1266-67, 1278, 846, 1293) translated by A. Mandel, pp. 52-54.
• Jacob Frank in Skopje around 1754: "The Ran [Rabbi Nathan of Gaza] ordered that after his
death a bag of earth be placed in his coffin, thus giving a sign that he wished to convert the
spiritual world into a world of matter. But I tell you that already in this world, everything
spiritual must be transformed into something similar to our flesh. Then everyone will see,
just as all visible things are seen."
– Polish manuscript referenced by Pawel Maciejko, The Mixed Multitude, p. 16
• This spiritual regression is the perfect antithesis of man's destination in the Tradition.
"Frankism is a nihilism"
• "487. Why did you not wait for the names which the lips of God himself announce, and not give them to
you yourselves? For all names are secret, only, that which is respected, must be degraded and debased.
Therefore you must be degraded, so that God can uplift you from the rubbish. And nobody has that
power, only God himself. That is why you fell.
• 516. That thing to which we are going, no man has experienced anything from that place even though
the world stands more than 500,000 years and since that time it has not been possible to open that
place all at once for the world could not bear it, as I said to you, that being in darkness one cannot look
at the light all at once. […] Only then will it be possible to give you a thing in your hand so you can search
for God and reach him. Without that it is not even possible to mention the name of God and it is not
possible to reach that thing through the [Jewish] Law; and certainly he who wishes to preserve his soul
must withdraw from it.
• 553. Why could you not understand that if I raised you to the degree of Brothers, I could humble you if
you were not silent and not the lowliest of all?
• 555. The whole world is the enemy of the true God.
• 636. For even though you saw me do things which were strange and bitter in your eyes, you know that it
must be bitter at first and thereafter, sweet; and that after the light, darkness comes and then through
the darkness may be seen light. We need to go to the darkness in which is light. The herb of life is hidden
in that of death.
• 2145. The first man Adam, at every place he trod a city was built,1609 but I, wherever I only tread all will
be destroyed. Because I came only for that, so that everything would become spoiled. But then I will
build, so that it will endure forever."
• (in: Words of the Lord) [see also 805]
Frankism and the Great War
• The notion of the great war between European empires is taken up in the Words of the Lord and in
particular in Offenbach's Book of Prophecies:
• 56. [Lord says ca. 1759] " When two dogs bite at each other even if someone comes between them
and beats them with a stick they pay no attention to it and go on fighting; so must it be with the
extraordinary spilling of blood in this world and during this very confusion, only then will we be able to
redeem our loss, which we have been pursuing. Likewise, when the water is troubled then it is a good
time to catch fish; just so when the world is flooded with blood, then shall we be able to catch the
thing, which belongs to us."
• 1169 "[November 24, 1784] Several kings negotiate so that there be peace among the 3 emperors, but
their labor is in vain, for that thing comes straight from the mouth of God himself that war must
absolutely break out and more blood flow than has yet been since the beginning of the world. Of that
he said this verse: I will set people against people, kingdom against kingdom; and all the water will be
turned to blood. [Note: alteration of Isaiah 19:2] I told you of a great many things in Częstochowa, only
you forgot them on account of the confusions which were among you. If I had revealed one word to
you, you would have known everything that happens now and must yet happen. Your joy would have
been unbounded. The whole world will be in anguish and pain, and you will rejoice in great joy.”
• 1229. "All the wars and bloodshed which have been till now, even the raid of Chmielnitsky, what new
thing has been brought to the world? All is hidden as it was before. But now when war and bloodshed
will begin to increase, at the time of that very bloodshed, God will perform in this world, and more and
more and a new thing will come forth to this world."
• (in: Words of the Lord; see also 831, 940, 1003 and A. Mandel, p. 95)

Let's go back to Jacob Frank's life
• On the night of January 27, 1756, Jacob Frank and a group of people were
surprised during an orgiastic ritual in Landskron.
• September 1756: the schism rips the community apart. The "Zoharites" /
"Contra talmudists" / "Antitalmudists" (i.e. frankists) are excommunicated
(herem) by the Synod of Jewish Communities.
• The latter asked the Catholic Church to declare them heretics, which would
have condemned them to the stake. For the record around the same time:
– Kazimierz Łyszczyński, philosopher, beheaded and then burned in Warsaw on March
30, 1689 for heresy (he professed atheism).
– Gabriel Malagrida, strangled and then burned in Lisbon on 21 September 1761 for
Under the crossfire of the Church
and the Synagogue
• The Frankists turned to the Catholic Church for help. Bishop Dembowski of KamenetsPodolsk, a notorious tormentor of Jews, ordered a religious disputation between them
and the rabbis, knowingly exceeding his legal competence (religious freedom for Polish
Jews granted in 1264), despite the rabbis' arguments.
• Bishop Dembowski : “We cannot set you apart and distinct from the whole community
of Israel until you demonstrate that the statements of the Talmud are false and contain
lies. Then you will be released from the [obligations] of the Talmud according to a verdict
we will issue. And if you demonstrate the Talmud’s hostility toward the Christian faith, it
will be possible to condemn it for burning, and you will easily obtain a royal writ of
privileges.” (Maciejko, p. 66)
• First disputation, June 20-28, 1757, on 9 theses, "4 of which are clearly outside Jewish
doctrine; none mention the name of Jesus Christ, and refer only to the Messiah who will
be God himself in human form. " (A. Mandel p. 74)
• Kuryer Polski, the largest Polish newspaper of the time, published reports of each
• Bishop Dembowski passed judgment without regard to the questions; he found the
rabbis guilty of having harmed the Frankists in their persecutions, and ordered the
Talmuds to be burned by burning them to death, which was done for 1000 of them.
Under the crossfire of the Church
and the Synagogue
• « Emden recommended seeking the support of ecclesiastical authorities; he
believed that once the clergy learned of Sabbatianism’s heretical character, they
would “destroy the people of Sabbataï Tsevi’s sect, both the clandestine ones
and the revealed ones.” Accordingly, Emden called upon the priests not to offer
the Sabbatians a safe haven in the Church: his strategy was to prevent Jewish
heretics from escaping rabbinic persecution by converting to Christianity.
• Yavan’s petition to the nuncio represented a radical departure from Emden’s
idea. Since the condemnation of the Sabbatians by the Christians failed to
materialize and the bishop of Kamieniec chose to support them against the
rabbis, Yavan decided to go to the nuncio over the heads of the local clergy and
to force the Frankists to choose between Judaism and Christianity.
• It was [Yavan] the shtadlan of the Council of Four Lands who first suggested—as
early as 1757—that the conversion of Jewish heretics was preferable to their
remaining within Judaism. »
• (Maciejko, The Mixed Multitude, p.133)
Under the crossfire of the Church
and the Synagogue
58 The Bishop of Kamieniec-Podolski, Mikołaj
celebrating the Talmud's auto-da-fé
source: Ya'akov Emden, Sefer shimush,
Amsterdam, 1757 / 1758.
• A few days later, the bishop died
• The rabbis called on the Pope's
nuncio in Warsaw to denounce a
heresy "contrary to the Ten
Commandments, the law of the Old
[Testament], and natural law."
• Rabbinical persecutions against the
Frankists resumed; Frank took refuge
in Turkey.
• The Frankists send a request to the
Pope's nuncio, and attach their
request to the King.
– cf secret archives of the Vatican,
published in French, Italian, Latin (1864).
• On June 11, 1758, King Augustus III of Poland issued a decree granting royal protection to the Zoharite
(Frankist) movement whose men are ready to recognize "the Christian knowledge of God". Frank,
protected, declared himself the reincarnation of Sabbatai Tsevi and Baruchiah Ruso, and the incarnation
of the power of God.
• Great struggle of influence between Protestants and Catholics to decide on the conversion of these
thousands of "Jews"; Frank played the bidding war.
• Second disputation from July 17 to September 19, 1759 on 9 theses; no firm conclusion.
• "Like Sabbatai Zevi before them, they should adopt, but only in appearance, a reluctant creed, in order to
continue their task without being bothered by anyone. Baptism would be the beginning of the end of the
Church and society, and they, the Frankists, were chosen to accomplish destruction from within "like
soldiers storming a city through the sewers". Absolute secrecy and the strictest discipline were now
required, as well as meticulous compliance with the commandments and practices of the Church so as
not to raise suspicion. While serving the Catholic Church in words, they should never lose sight of their
purpose or forget that they were in solidarity. “ (A. Mandel, The Militant Messiah, p. 92)
• Galinsky, ex-Rabbin and ex-Faithful of Frank, quoted him in 1776 in his denunciation: "Sabbatai Zevi had
to pass through the faith of the Ishmaelites... but I, Jacob, the most perfect, must pass through the
Nazarene faith because Jesus of Nazareth was the skin or peel of the fruit and his coming was only
allowed in order to open the way to the true Messiah. We must therefore accept this Nazarene religion
pro forma, and observe it meticulously in order to appear as good Christians as the Christians
themselves... Yet we must not marry any of them or have fun with any of their w... and in no way mix with
other nations. And although we profess Christianity and duly apply all their commandments, we must
never forget in our hearts the 3 pillars of our faith, the Lord Kings Sabbatai Zevi, Berakhya and Jacob
Frank, the most perfect of them. " (idem, p.93)
Under the crossfire of the Church and the Synagogue
• Jacob Frank was baptized on (17 or) 24 September 1759 in Lwów (Lviv). The witnesses were
Count and Countess Franciszek Rzewuski and Anna Brühl.
• His baptism was confirmed with his wife on November 18 in Warsaw by Bishop Zaluski; his
witness is the King of Poland August III. A legend both Frankist and Polish specifies that the
bishop's mitre fell out of his head during the anointing (cf. Kraushar).
• In 1759, other Frankist groups were baptized in Warsaw Cathedral under the patronage of
the great Polish nobility. They changed their name and took the name of their godfather.
• Following a papal bull in 1704, the Polish and Lithuanian nobility sought a way to support
Jews who converted to Christianity. The Third Lithuanian Statute of 1588, erected by the
Lithuanian nobility, is applied. It is based on Spanish legislation: every converted person
automatically receives privileges and is rewarded with an ennoblement. This status was
repealed in 1764.
• Starting 1760, mass "conversions« happened:
– in Lvov from 17 November 1760 to December 1760, conversions would amount to 514, according
to Kraushar (156 men, 119 women, 239 children).
– But throughout Poland, some Frankists have estimated the number of conversions at about ten
thousand people, or even twenty thousand. The converts came not only from Poland, but also
from Hungary and especially from the Balkans (Budapest, Zagreb, Sarajevo, Belgrade, Skopje,
Bitola, Sofia, Berat).
– (see Novak, 2012 for a list of the best-known Frankist family names, including Brzezinski)
Vertical propagation in the social body
• « As we can see, the presence of great Polish aristocrats or notables during conversions
proves the obvious promiscuity between Polish aristocracy and Frankism. This will last
for several generations, since we will see not only an ennoblement of some Frankist
converts, but also a strong activity of Polish nobles, in favour of Frankists: we will see
later on, that the Bilinski, Brühl, Lubomirski, Mniznech families, will play a significant
role. Indeed, these families know the Frankist descendants very well and the marriage
unions between Frankists and nobles worshipping Frank, such as the Brühl and Mnizek
families, or the marriage unions between Frankists and Polish nobles such as a Prince
Lubormirski who will marry Eva Frank's lady of company, were more and more
numerous. »
– (Novak, 2012, p. 73)
• « This was particularly striking in Warsaw, where the vast majority of Frankists settled,
and where their number was estimated in 1780 at about 6,000; ten years later, there
were about 24,000 Frankists throughout the country. »
– (, 2015)
• « In the Polish pamphlets and brochures published in Warsaw in the 1790s, the Frankists
were represented as neither Jews nor Christians and were described as escaping control
by both Jewish and Polish authorities, operating in a legal vacuum with a particular mix
of Judaism and Christianity. »
– source: Yivo Encyclopedia
Vertical propagation in the social body
Ewa Frank's lady of
(source: Duker, 1963)
• 2 groups are formed according to social class, training and knowledge of the sect's secrets:
• Those who convert to Christianity and will live a voluntary Marranism:
- "The aristocracy of Brothers and Sisters", that is, the true initiates (who will be separated
into Magnats and Erudits in 1820 according to Scholem following their social evolution)
- "La Ahané or la Kompania or Chewré", a group of followers or small people.
• Those who remain apparently "Jewish", some becoming great Talmudists,
therefore practice the Torah called Beriah in front of the others, but in private, they
are Frankists
– This mainly concerns Frankist families in Bohemia-Moravia (who emigrated to the United States in
1848), but also from Germany, some of whom embarked on the adventure of Reform Judaism.
• It is quite possible that two brothers, one who remained in the fold of rabbinic Judaism (or
hasid) while the other converted to Catholicism because Frank's follower, maintain a secret
and mystical bond between them.
• Resumption of the practice of the Ottoman "dversime": while one brother became a
Muslim, the other remained Christian or Jewish. The two brothers had family relationships
or one, through his new authority and new social ascension as a convert, protected the
other and his family, who remained in the old religion.
– See Novak, 2012. Domination of the Empire by this division of families with the development of the
Janissary, Dervish, or Bektaschis brotherhoods.
Horizontal propagation in the social body
• As it is claimed, Frank told his disciples: « You know that the Lord Jesus will come from
Heaven for the Last Judgment, and that is true. But you do not understand the
explanation of these words of the Gospel. Who knows? Who knows? Perhaps He is
already incarnate and will reveal Himself after the end of the Antichrist's persecutions. »
• November 1759: Denunciations to the diocese, transmitted to the Pope's nuncio, by 5
Frankists who confessed their Frankist creed and acknowledged that « Frank had taught
the approaching end of the world and claimed to have seen the Antichrist in the city of
Salonika. The Antichrist would soon perform miracles and persecute Christians. The
coming of the Antichrist was a sign that the definitive unification of beliefs in the worlds
had begun and that soon "there will be one flock and one shepherd." »
– (Maciejko, p.164)
• Results of the ecclesiastical investigation:
– "Church authorities conducted an investigation that revealed that the name of Jesus
in copies of the New Testament belonging to Frank's disciples was crossed out and
replaced by the name Jacob." (Maciejko, p. 164)
– Frank believes in metempsychosis; and he was once a Muslim.
• January 7, 1760: Frank's arrest; he is interrogated (examination) in front of a Catholic
consistory in Warsaw.
• Discredited by a significant part of his Polish followers, except in Warsaw; he no longer
claims to be a Messiah.
In " prison ".
• February 24, 1760: Incarceration in the State Prison of
Czestochowa... which adjoins one of the most
important Marian pilgrimage sites in the world!
• ~1760: death of Jacob, son of Jacob Frank and Hannah
• January 5, 1764: Jacob Frank was severely poisoned;
he survived.
• Appropriation of the Marian cult in one's own theology
• September 10, 1764: birth of Roch
• March27, 1767: birth of Joseph
• February 25, 1770: Hannah's death
• Jacob Frank owes his liberation to the Russians who
broke the Polish confederation supported by France
since 1770. Czestochowa fell on August 19, 1772. He
was released by General Bibikov on 21 January 1773.

From nihilism to revolution
67 2 empires: Russian and AustroHungarian
• 1773: departure for Brünn (Brno), a city with a strong Sabbatian community and led by
Prossnitz' famous Leib
• Frank went with his daughter to Vienna for hearings with Emperor Joseph II (1741-1790)
on 19 and 21 March 1775 and then on 22 March with the latter and his mother
Archduchess Maria Theresa (1717-1780) to argue the creation of a Frankist state in
Bosnia and Herzegovina.
• Ewa was the Emperor's mistress during a 4-month stay
• 7 Sept. 1776: Jacob Galinski wrote to Empress Maria Theresa to denounce Jacob Frank's
sect, his false conversion and his "immoral behaviour and acts against human nature",
then denounced them to the authorities in Brünn. On October 7, 1776, the answer was a
non-receipt, following the influence of Frank's networks at the Court.
• Emperor Paul I of Russia visited the Frank family in 1783 in Brno.
• It was in 1786 that the Order of the Brothers of St. John the Evangelist of Asia in Europe
was founded. It leaves Vienna and settles in Schleswig-Holstein, then dependent on the
Danish krone.
• 1786/88: departure for Offenbach/Main. Frankfurt has been a centre of the Lurian
Kabbalah since at least 1648 (publication of Emek ha-Melekh - "The King's Valley"),
becoming a Sabbatian, then a Frankist centre.
• In 1788, shortly after his first heart attack:
– "Christ said that he had come to deliver the world from the claws of Satan.
But I tell you, I have come to deliver the world from all laws and
commandments. Everything must be destroyed for the good Lord to
appear." (A. Mandel, p.173)
– 2142. “I tell you: As Christ, as you know, said that he came to free the world
from the hands of Satan, but I came to free it from all laws and statutes
which have been till now, for all that was the work of the hands of Satan,
and by that all fell into his hand. I must destroy all that, and only make that
which is black look utterly white. At that time the good God will reveal
himself.” (The Words of the Lord)
• Frank died on 10/12/1791.
• "The French Revolution had confirmed its predictions of the destruction of the
State and the Church, and he saw in it a new opportunity for the conversion and
establishment of the Jews. " (A. Mandel)
Frank's will
• In 1725, Louis XV, aged 15, was married to Marie Leszczynska, daughter of the deposed
Polish king Stanislas Leszczynski, seven years his senior. Louis tried to help his Polish
father-in-law recover his crown and, after the failure of this attempt, obtained
compensation from the Duchy of Lorraine.
• Stanislas reigned 28 years in the Duchy of Lorraine, which returned to France upon his
death: he created the "Royal Pologne" regiment, which gave France a Marshal aide-decamp of Louis XV (Wojciech Jakubowski, baptized under the name Albert, who was from a
Frankist family, arrived in France in 1732, and who worked at the Secret du Roi. The first
purpose of this service was to influence the French notables to intervene in favour of
• Augustus III of Poland, Jacob Frank's godfather, is, through his daughter Marie-Josèphe,
the grandfather of the kings of France Louis XVI, Louis XVIII and Charles X. In 1747, at the
age of 15, she married Louis-Ferdinand of France, the eldest son of Louis XV.
• The two national heroes La Fayette and Kosciuszko became friends in America, where
they fought together in the War of Independence in 1776. Done in 1792 as a "French
citizen" by the National Assembly, Tadeusz Kosciuszko found refuge in France after the
failure of the Polish insurrection, which he led in 1794.
• Before its restoration in 1918, only Napoleon I allowed Poland to regain its independence
briefly, between 1807 and 1815. These few years of rebirth were largely due to the
Emperor's liaison with Marie Walewska, a Polish countess he had met in Warsaw and
whose natural son he had in 1810: Alexander, Count Colonna-Walewski, who was later
Napoleon III's Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Frankism, from Warsaw to Paris
• Pius VI had to face the events of the French Revolution:
– the nationalization of clergy property,
– the abolition of monastic vows (law of 13 February 1790) and the abolition of regular orders except those
whose activity is education and charitable works, leading to the exclusion of 100,000 religious, or two thirds of
the clergy of the time in France,
– the civil constitution of the clergy (adopted on July 12, 1790), as well as the schism situation it caused
– in 1791, he watched helplessly as Avignon and Comtat Venaissin were annexed.
• On February 19, 1797, Napoleon Bonaparte forced Pius VI to sign the Treaty of Tolentino with France of
the Directory and to cede the pontifical territories.
• Pope Pius VI was forced by the French Republic to renounce its temporal power and be content with its
spiritual power: it was deposited on February 15, 1798, when the Roman Republic was proclaimed. He
was imprisoned by the French in Siena, Florence, Parma and then in Valencia, where he died on 29
August 1799.
• In 1799, anonymous denunciation against the Bohemian Franks sent to the mayor of Prague:
• "the overthrow of the papal throne had given the Frankists’ day-dreams plenty of nourishment. They
said openly, it is the sign of the coming of the Messiah, since their main belief consists of this. Sabbatai
Tsevi was saviour, will always remain the saviour, but always under a different shape. General
Bonaparte's conquests gave nourishment to their superstitious teachings. His conquests in the Orient,
especially the conquest of Palestine, of Jerusalem [NdA: proclamation published on April 20, 1790 for
the imminent creation of a new Jewish state], his appeal to the Israelites is oil on their fire, and here, it
is believed, lies the connection between them and French society."
– source: "The Anonymous B.'s Appeal against the Prague Frankists of 1799,"
reproduced as Appendix 2 to Žáček, "Two Posts," 404. (cité par Maciejko et Duker)
• 9/11/1799: Bonaparte's coup d'état; 13 December: he becomes First Consul
• 10/12/1806: creation of the Grand Sanhedrin of France by Emperor Napoleon
Bonaparte supported by the Frankists
Ewa Frank's house in Offenbach during the visit
of Tsar Alexander I in November 1813.
(Offenbach am Main City Archives)
Death and official disappearance of the
• 1791: departure for Paris of Moses Dobruchka / von Schönfeld / Junius Frey,
Jacob Frank's second cousin, who was to succeed him; 1794: guillotined
• On the orders of Ewa and her brothers, three of Frank's chief lieutenants sent a
multitude of letters in red ink to the Jewish communities of Europe in 1800,
prophesying massacres to come against them, calling on them to revolt and
telling them that their salvation was the "religion of Edom". These letters
frightened the Jews and many letters were intercepted, by the Prussian services
who launched an unsuccessful investigation into the cult, and in France by
Fouché, who was afraid of them. He decided to investigate the sect without
success (cf Duker, 1963) and Napoleon gave up his dream of founding a Jewish
kingdom in Palestine.
• 1803 or 07: death of Josef Frank, son of Jacob Frank and Chana
• 1813 or 16: official death of Roch Frank, son of Jacob Frank and Chana.
• ~July 6, 1816: death of Ewa Frank, daughter of Jacob Frank and Hannah
• Kaplinski, an important member of the cult, organized an official Frankist
congress in Karlsbad in 1823; the local historian Pirazzi gathered the testimony of
the last official Frankist in 1853 in Offenbach.
Part 4
Some echoes of the continuity of
Sabbatianism and Frankism
from 1816 to the present day.
« As for me, I will pray to the Father and he will give you another defender so
that he will stay with you forever:
the Spirit of truth, which the world cannot accept because it does not see it
and does not know it. But you know him, because he stays with you and he
will be in you. »
(John 14:16-17)
• « The really amazing thing is that although several important texts of the Frankist
teachings do exist, not a single attempt has been made to date to analyze their
content. The reason is simple. Graetz and A. Kraushar, two reputable researchers, one
of whom had written a long study on Jacob Frank and his Polish followers, both shared
the view that there was no such thing as a Frankist "creed", and that The Sayings of the
Lord (Slowa Panskie), which had reached them in Polish version only, was an
incoherent fad. »
• « As for lay historians, they have also been led to underestimate the role of
Sabbatianism, but for a different reason. Not only did most of the families that were
part of the Sabbatian movement in Western and Central Europe continue to remain
inside the Jewish fold afterward, but many of their descendants, especially in Austria,
reached important positions during the 19th century: renowned intellectuals, great
financiers or politicians with high connections. It was hardly to be expected that these
personalities would approve of attempts to "unmask" their "loaded" heredity ,
that goes without saying. Because of their position in the Jewish community, it is not
surprising that their wishes were heard. »
• (Gershom Scholem, Jewish Messianism. Essays on the spirituality of Judaism (tr. fr. 1974), Calmann
Lévy, where the essay on "Redemption through Sin" appears, pp. 27-40, original in Hebrew (1937), tr.
in. 1971)
Keep your mouth shut (Motus et
bouche cousue)
Maciejko, p.261 specifies on this subject:
• "Eduard Jellinek's article on the Frankists' continued presence in Warsaw,[...]
caused considerable sensation and was published in several languages."
– [NdA: Eduard Jellinek, Descendants of Frankists in Warsaw, Das jüdische Literaturblatt,
Magdeburg Vol. XI, N.27, July 1882]
• "The grandchildren of the 1759 converts... tried to counter the spread of gossip by
creating an "official" history of the movement. In the case of Aleksander Kraushar,
there is direct evidence that the descendants of the Frankists selected him to
write a censored account of the cult, provided him with manuscripts and
sponsored his research trips to Vienna and Offenbach. Kraushar's mission was
twofold: to establish a clear line between Frank's excesses and his first supporters
and the unfailing conduct of their children and grandchildren; and to ensure that
the history of the movement would be considered over."
Keep your mouth shut
• Moreover, Kraushar’s book [1895, p.31-32] says in its introduction: “The descendants of
the first followers of the ‘Lord’ became true and faithful Christians and citizens of their
country. In the second generation, they had already severed all ties to the tenets
proclaimed by the agitator, and today, after the passing of more than five generations,
their great-grandchildren have nothing in common and wish to have nothing in common
with their historical past.
• The historian of Frankism must not ignore this phenomenon. If he desires to take his
stand on the basis of the objective truth, he must avoid all designs to deal with this
subject in a tendentious manner and not to make attempts at a fruitless complication of
events, already finally closed and finished into the ferment of the present.”
– (quoted by Duker, 1963 and Maciejko, 2011, p.261)
• "Attempts by the cult's leaders in the 1820-30s to collect all the documents and notes of
the faithful were cited as evidence of its liquidation. "
– (Duker, 1963)
• "As for the sources of the Frankists of Bohemia-Moravia, many testimonies of true or
false Frankist repentance, returned to Judaism, have been preserved in the city of Prague.
Unfortunately, at the end of the 19th century, it was the president of the Jewish
community in Prague himself who removed these precious archives and probably
destroyed them for the sake of the families of the notables concerned. "
– (Novak, 2012, p.22)
Move along, there's nothing left to see
• "[Before 1790 in Warsaw], many Frankist families were able to secure their economic
position, their members becoming successful businessmen and factory owners,
effectively dominating several industries, such as breweries, distilleries and the tobacco
• They also played an important role in the reform efforts of Sejm Czteroletni at the time
[in 1788-1792] (Szymanowscy, Orłowscy, Jasińscy), and many of them were Polish
patriots and members of progressive Masonic organizations (Szymanowscy, Krysińscy,
Majewscy, Krzyżanowscy, Lewińscy, Piotrkowscy).
• The Frankists also allegedly dominated Warsaw's legal institutions. According to
Gershom Scholem, the vast majority of lawyers in Warsaw in the 1830s came from
Frankist families. Many of them constituted the growing Polish intelligentsia."
– (, 2015)
• 1846 :
– (Reference 32 quoted above by Abraham G. Duker, Polish Frankism’s Duration, 1963 is: Charles
Frederick Henningsen, Eastern Europe and the Emperor Nicholas, 3e éd. vol. iii, London, 1846,
Pp. 274-75)
In Poland
• Russian Ministry of the Interior, 1847: « His very enemies react with the greatest praise
on the morals of the members of this sect. ...] Is there at the basis of this link with the
Sabbatians a unity of secret dogmas in common, the latter belonging to the dominant
Church, as they do in each country, without this diminishing the independence of the
sect? This is not known, because those who know are committed to preserving their
knowledge in the greatest secrecy towards the ignorant. »
– Quotation taken up by Duker, 1963 from I. Gregoriev, Evreiskiia religioznyia sekty v Rossiyi[Jewish religious
sects in Russia], Ministry of Interior Press, St Petersburg, 1847, p.203
• The great poet Mickiewicz on August 7, 1851 (quotation repeated by Duker, 1963):
• In 1934, Warsaw historians, interviewed by Duker, testified that they had met Frankists:
In Poland
• « The Frankist converts in Poland were large enough to form a socially autonomous group. A high
birth rate and rapid economic growth through the acquisition of Christian status with Frank's
autocratic leadership has allowed the Sect to maintain its cohesion for some time without
marriage outside the group. »
• « The Frankists were also united by less positive aspects, namely the aversion to Jews who forced
them to transform themselves and separate them from their loved ones and the hatred of the
Catholic clergy who participated in this drastic step. Difficult was the ambivalence of the
sectarians, between yesterday's Judaism and the new Messianism to be realized quickly, clinging
to many aspects of the old, while pretending to play the roles of pious Christians. The task of
raising a new generation under such a condition of dual marranism was indeed difficult and
required a lot of cooperation and hard work. Kinship and close social relations have transformed
Frankism to a large extent into a family religion, which has always been strengthened by
marriages and by the economic ties obtained through concentration in certain professions.
In short, it is good to consider Frankist Catholics from a sociological perspective as a wellestablished, autonomous and closely linked group. »
• « Polonization most likely also presented obstacles to unions between the two groups, as
extremist Sabbatians had most likely been concentrated among the "Germans" rather than
among converted Polish sectarians. The common practice of marriage between Wolowski's
cousins and other families may have been due to the decrease in the cohesion of the Sect as well
as the separation between rich and poor. »
– Duker, 1963
In Poland
• Duker, 1963
In Poland
• Olga Tokarczuk.
Księgi Jakubowe
(Jacob's manuscripts),
historical novel,
Oct. 2014, 900 p.,
+70,000 copies sold
• Daas film, by
Adrian Panek, 2011;
3 appointments to
Polish prices
• Zygmunt Krasiński
Nieboska komedia (The
Non-Divine Comedy),
In Poland
“an attempt at writing an unorthodox history of Poland ”
“a skillful politician and a possible religious charlatan”
• Ilgaz Zorlu, Evet, ben Selanikliyim (Yes, I'm a Salonikan), Istanbul: Belgian (1998)
Yes, I am a Thessaloniki
• On Atatûrk's dönmeh orgiastic practices, see Dr. Rıza Nur, Hayat ve Hatıratım,
Paris (1929, 1st edition), Pp.1318-1321 ;
– Other editions: Hayat ve Hatıratım, Altındağ Yayınları, İstanbul (1967) ; Hayat ve
Hatıratım 1-2-3, Haz. Abdurrahman Dilipak, İşaret yayınları (1992), ISBN:9753500203
• The dönmeh were thus very present among the initiators of the genocide of
Armenian Catholics.
– Rabbi J. Prinz, "The Secret Jews", 1973, p.122
• It is possible to envisage a continuity between the secret practices and networks
of the Dönmeh on the one hand, and on the other hand the development of
secret political networks in the 20th century, which the Turkish President and
Prime Minister designated as the Deep State from 1996 onwards.
• Read B. Paul's articles on this subject:
– Deep politics and the deep state, (2014/03);
– The Network-Centric War reveals the era of ultimate and planetary totalitarianism
– The key to modern history (2017/05)
The Dönmeh and the "Young Turks"
• Jacob Emden mentioned in his autobiography (Chapter XII; source) the
extremist Sabbatian militancy of 'Jacob Rothschild', a disciple of Eibeschuetz in
Altona in 1755.
• The Rothschild family of Frankfurt bankers is also mentioned as Ewa Frank's
financier in the memoirs of Moses Porges (1781-1870), second son of Morenu
Raw Gabriel Porges of Prague, written towards the end of his life:
– "In that year [1798], Mr. Salomon Zerkowitz also came to Offenbach. He had been very rich
and he brought with him all the rest of his fortune, which he was ordered to abandon. His
wealth consisted of Austrian government securities that I brought to Frankfurt for old
Rothschild to exchange for money."
• A. Mandel, The Militant Messiah or The Flight from the Ghetto, p. 260
Rothschild and the Franks
(The Words of the Lord) (source: Words of the Lord)
Frankism and the Order of the Brothers of St
John the Evangelist of Asia in Europe
• First created by the Baron brothers von Ecker und Eckhoffen in
1781, with the contributions of
– the Franciscan monk Bischoff, in Vienna, who was allegedly initiated during his
years spent in Jerusalem by Sabbatians
– of Ephraim Hirschfeld
– by von Schönfeld, Frankist, cousin of Jacob Frank
• The Order was only open to personalities who were already Masons and/or
enlightened. He counted as members: the Prince of Liechtenstein, the
Austrian Minister of Justice, the Earl of Westenburg, Count Joachim von
Thun und Taxi, Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick (future "loser" of the Battle of.
Valmy), General Dumouriez (future "winner"), State Councillor Schäffer, the
future King of Prussia Frederick William II, bankers of Jewish origin such as
Isaac Oppenheimer or Eskeles, as well as the Rabbi of Ukraine Barush Ben
Jacob of Skhlov, former Rabbi of Minsk, and the very mystical Prince
Landgrave Charles of Hesse. The role of financier and trusted man of the
latter was held by Rothschild father & son.
– see also Charles Novak, Jacob Frank the false Messiah (2012)
• See Schönfeld's life, from Frankism to Jacobinism as described by Mandel and
Dr. Franz Joseph
History of the
Order of the
Brothers of St John
the Evangelist of
Asia in Europe,
1829, aux
Ed. Archè (1989)
Frankism and Bavarian Enlighted
• On May 1, 1776, Weishaupt founded the Circle of Perfectibilists, a philosophical
club, with students.
• "It was precisely around this time [1777] that an officer named Ecker [Heinrich
von Ecker und Eckhoffen] created a lodge in Burghausen that poured into
alchemy and began to spread strongly. A member of this lodge came to
Ingolstadt to preach and find the best students. Unfortunately, his choice was
based on those I had identified. The idea of having lost such promising young
people in this way, of seeing them also contaminated by the corrupting
epidemic of alchemy [Goldmacheren] and other similar follies, was for me
atrocious and unbearable. I went to take advice from a young man [Baron Franz
Xaver von Zwack] in whom I had placed the greatest trust. He encouraged me to
use my influence on students to counter this scourge as much as possible in an
effective way: the creation of a society. " (A. Weishaupt, Pythagoras..., 1790,
pp. 663-666)
– This passage, which explains the lack of original influence of Frankism towards Enlightenment,
has remained practically ignored by researchers to this day.
– But later on some Frankists also became Illuminated (cf. the entourage of Prince Carl of Hesse,
Schönfeld...). This compatibility is explained because there are similarities in the approach of
the revolutionary social movement.
• Let us travel through the West to the present day.
• In the following pages, brief elements from recent books or press articles are
• The reader is left to judge to what extent these elements are determined by
the spiritual crisis of the West, and in particular by the elements that have just
been presented so far.
Overview of the spiritual crisis
in the news
• Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), one of Germany's greatest poets, a Freemason, a
Jew converted to Protestantism: "Money is the god of our time, and Rothschild
is his prophet. " - Lutetia. Part One, 1854
– 1972. Volume 6, page 378
• The Rothschild dynasty, its links with the Hesse-Kassel dynasty and the
development of the City as an international political and financial centre:
– see : The strange case of the Union Jack and Mr. Hide: the slow decline of London's
financial hegemony (2016/03)
• The links between Hesse-Kassel's family and the courts of Russia, Denmark, and
– see Novak, Jacob Frank the False Messiah (2012), Pp. 130
From Frankfurt to the Royal Courts
In England
• The Fabian stained glass window designed by Shaw,
featuring the Company's founders - HG Wells, Sidney
Webb and Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) himself - who
are helping to build the "new world
– "Reshape it closer to the desires of the heart" /"Pray devoutly,
hammer vigorously"
• The Fabian Society was founded in 1884; its name
comes from the Roman general Fabius, famous for
inventing the attrition war against Hannibal. It has
provided all English Labour Prime Ministers until
2010, as well as the first Heads of State and
Government in India, Pakistan and Singapore.
• The Fabian Society founded the Labour Party and the
London School of Economics and Political Science in
1895 "for the betterment of society", which is now
one of the leading institutions in the world.
• HG Wells : The open conspiracy - Blue Prints for a
World Revolution (1928).
• BBC (2006) summary: "Bernard Shaw was delighted
to subvert the company's standards. ”
The coat of arms of the Fabian Society
• Beware of the so-called prophets! They come to you in sheep's clothing,
but inside they are voracious wolves. (Matthew 7:15)
91 The Balkans :
Nathan of Gaza, Sabbatai Tsevi, Jacob Frank, Daesh
• Can we analyse in depth
the politics of the Balkans
since the 18th century
without taking into
account the Sabbatian
source: Sputnik, 2/3/2017
The Weimar Republic, during the interwar period
• "The defeated Germany gave the impression that on its territory you could do anything
but take yourself seriously. Idols were broken, statues debunked, faith professionals
defrocked, sacred was laughed at and laughter was sacred.... The capital, in constant
turmoil, recalled the sinful cities of the Bible. The Talmudist in me blushed and looked
away. Prostitution, pornography, disturbance of the senses and mind, sexual
perversion and others; the city undressed itself, carded itself, humiliated itself without
embarrassment, displaying its degeneration as an ideology. A few steps from Chez
Blum, in a private club, men and women, or women among themselves, danced naked.
Elsewhere, people took drugs, whipped each other, crawled in the mud, pushed back all
the limits; it reminded me of the Sabbatian mores. Values were reversed, taboos were
lifted. Did people feel the approach of the storm coming? ”
"Berlin seemed to be dominated by Jews... Newspapers and publishing houses, theatres
and banks, department stores and literary salons.... Science, medicine, the arts: it was
the Jew who set the tone, who imposed it. ".
(Elie Wiesel, The Testament of a Murdered Jewish Poet, 1980; Ed. Seuil (Points), 1995,
Pp. 124-126).
Germany, 1969-70
•, 2/12/2016
• Sputnik, 2/12/2016, 7/12/2016,
Sabbatians in Israel
• « 2 men and 2 women from a group qualified by the messianic cult police were
arrested on charges of kidnapping young women. The group controlled young
women with combinations of drugs, alcohol and heavy brainwashing
techniques to convince them to prostitute themselves, often under the
influence of drugs.
• According to the police, attempts were made to persuade these girls that "lying
to non-Jews would hasten the redemption" of the Jewish people and that by
having sex with non-Jews, girls would make them pure and bring their "holy
sparks" back to Israel. The group worked in the streets trying to force young
women to join them and become more religious. He was active throughout the
country. »
– Times of Israel, 7/09/2014
• sources: TheDailyBeast, 01/07/2016; wikipedia
Yisrael is the descendant of
Rabbi Shmuel Abuhatzeira,
disciple of Hayyim ben Joseph
Vital, who was the main disciple
of Isaac Luria
• Jerusalem Post, 24/12/2015
USA: Wehle's will
• Gottlieb Wehle, born in 1802, emigrated in 1849 from Prague, died in 1881 in
New York. In his will, according to Scholem, « far from being ashamed of the
Sabbatians, he enjoins his children not to forget their noble ancestry. »
• His daughter, who died in the 1920s, « still considered Ewa Frank a saint, by the
power of tradition. »
• The rich Frankist families of Bohemia-Moravia, the Bondi, the Brandeis, the
Mauthner, the Dembitz, the Goldmark, the Wehle, the Schwabacher, the
Lichtenberg, the Landsopher, the Petschosch etc. emigrated to the United
States in 1848 / 49.
• Louis Dembitz Brandeis (1856 - 1941) was a judge, a member of the United
States Supreme Court (1916-1939) and a major supporter of the American
Zionist movement. One of the chief economic advisors to Presidents Woodrow
Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, he was involved in the creation of the
U.S. Federal Reserve.
98 US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright
• Born Marie Jana Korbelová on May 15, 1937 in Prague from Jewish parents who
had converted to Catholicism. UN Ambassador 1993-1997. Secretary of State
• Her father Josef, a professor at the University of Denver in international
relations, will have Condoleezza Rice as a student, who was then Secretary of the
Department of State from 2005-2009.
• « I was raised in Catholicism, became a faithful member of the Episcopalian
Anglican Church and later discovered that my family was Jewish. I stand ready to
declare myself a Muslim out of solidarity. »
– Aaretz, 25 January 2017
• - Question: "[Since 1991 and the blockade of Iraq] we know that 500,000 Iraqi
children have died. That's more dead than in Hiroshima. You know... is this price
worth it? »
- Albrights answered: « I think it's a very difficult
choice. But we think the price is worth it. »
– TV interview, May 12, 1996
• SeattleTimes/AssociatedPress, 10/08/2016 and 12/10/2016
The USA hosts Jacob Frank's "spiritual heir"
“Following in the footsteps of the 17th and 18th century Jewish Avatars Sabbataï Zevi and
Jacob Frank, respectively -- as well as the 19th century Hindu Avatar, Sri Ramakrishna
Paramahamsa -- all of whom he seeks to emulate, Reb Yakov Leib HaKohain over the course of
his 71 years has studied, converted to, practiced and spiritually integrated the four major
religions of the world (Judaism, Catholic Christianity, Islam and Hinduism) in order to perform
the Kabbalistic Tikkun of "Repairing the Face of God" -- which means the intentional spiritual
reconciliation, in one's own person, of all religions so that God may again be one and His
Name, one.
For the past thirty years, he has been the acknowledged spiritual leader of the Neo-Sabbatian
Kabbalists of the West and spiritual heir to the legacy of the 17th century Jewish Avatar,
Sabbataï Zevi and his 18th century successor, Avatar Yakov Leib Frank, after whom he is
believed to have been named by his Orthodox Jewish family of hereditary Levitical priests, the
maternal side of which originally came to America from Istanbul, Turkey where the Sabbatian
movement began in the late 17th century.
Reb Yakov Leib haKohain [born Lawrence G. Corey in 1934] founded Donmeh West: A Center
for the Study & Practice of Neo-Sabbatian Kabbalah in 1972 [et son site internet depuis 2004].
For a number of years he was the non-ordained but elected Rebbe ("spiritual leader") of
the South Bay Kehillah, a small congregation of overtly Orthodox but covertly Sabbatian Jews
in Hermosa Beach, California.” (source)
He teachs publicly a « virtual anti-nomism »: he claims that “The purpose of intentionally
committing a sin in the ‘Heart-Mind’ isn't actually to ‘commit’ it, but to transform it [par l’imagination]… I
don't mean to suggest that the only way to redeem evil is by thought.” (source)
• Dr. Rab. Marvin (Moshe)
Shlomo Antelman
Chief Justice of the 13 members of
the Supreme Rabbinical Court of
America, since its inception in
1974; U.S. coordinator of the
Jewish Survival Legion
• To Eliminate the Opiate,
vol1:1974, vol2:2002
• B'chor Satan, 1992, about
Rab. Eybeschütz
• Excerpts from Minister
Kissinger in 1976, Chomsky
and hundreds of members of
the Marxist New Jewish
Agenda in 1982
"Eliminate religions"
• Dr Rabbi Antelman summed up major works on mondialist
elites by Pr. Robison [Proofs of a conspiracy against all the
religions and governments of Europe Carried on in the secret
meetings of Free Masons, Illuminati, and reading societies (1797)],
Pr. Quigley [The Anglo-American Establishment: From Rhodes to
Cliveden (1981)] et Pr. Sutton [Western Technology and Soviet
Economic Development (3 vol. 1968, 1971, 1973) ; Wall Street
and the Bolshevik Revolution (1974) ; Wall Street and the Rise of
Hitler (1976) ; Wall Street and FDR (1976) ; Trilaterals over
Washington (2 tomes: 1979, 1981)] by extending them with
the ideological dimension of Sabbatianism and especially
Frankism resulting from the historical work of Professor
• Its contribution lies in the description of the internal conflict
since the 18th century between Orthodox Jews and other
currents of Judaism influenced by Frankism.
• A month after the release of Volume 1, Antelman began to
face 20-year legal harassment: 18 trials (all won),
particularly against the Jewish Community Council in
102 Tiqqun in France
• Since 1999, a collective called "Comité Invisible/Tiqqun" has been writing
openly nihilistic and neo-frankist articles in French, translated and distributed
in several languages. It was immediately denounced as such: Dominique Caboret,
Philippe Garrone, Avant-garde et Mission - La Tiqqounnerie (published in February 1999), Ed. Chez
l'Auteur, 2000. Alain C. published a commentary on "L'INSURRECTION QUI VIENT" Construction
Identitaire et Alternative Existentielle, (2009).
• However, passages from Tiqqun describe with some relevance the
contemporary socio-political situation (security situation...): see the
presentation made by the philosopher Giorgo Agamben, several of whose
philosophical concepts are explicitly included in Tiqqun.
• This ability to amalgamate disparate doctrines and to defend them all in turn with
conviction is one of the characteristics of Frankism. Anthony Le Cazals testified in 2014
that Julien Coupat knew the Lurian Kabbalah. He studied it in Hebrew in Israel for 6
months in 1998;
• J. Coupat: born June 4, 1974. Since 15 November 2008, he has been suspected of having
formed an "invisible cell" - to use the prosecutor's expression - to which the sabotage of
a TGV line catenary is attributed (Tarnac case; the qualification of terrorism was
annulled by the Court of Cassation on 17/01/2017)
• "To destroy the void"
• see "it is forbidden to prohibit"
The spiritual crisis of the West as seen by Russia
• « Another serious challenge to Russia's identity is related to world events. Here,
a distinction must be made between foreign policy and moral aspects. We can
see how Euro-Atlantic countries are currently rejecting their roots, including
the Christian values that form the basis of Western civilisation. They deny
moral principles and all traditional identities: national, cultural, religious and
even sexual. They implement policies that equate large families with
homosexual relationships, faith in God with belief in Satan.
• The excesses of political correctness have reached the point where people are
seriously talking about allowing political parties whose purpose is to promote
pedophilia. People in many European countries are embarrassed or afraid to
talk about their religious affiliation. Religious holidays are abolished or even
renamed in a different way; their essence is hidden, as is their moral
foundation. And people are trying hard to export this model all over the
world. I am convinced that this opens a direct path to degradation and
primitivism, leading to a deep demographic and moral crisis. »
– Vladimir Putin, 19/9/2013, International Conference at the Valdai Club (video).
The spiritual crisis of the West as seen by Russia
• “In his State of the Nation speech in mid-December [2013], Mr. Putin also
represented Russia as a strong defender of "traditional values" against what he
described as the morally bankrupt West. Social and religious conservatism, the
former KGB officer insisted, is the only way to prevent the world from falling
into "chaotic darkness". “
• Who’s ‘godless’ now? Russia says it’s U.S. ; The Washington Times, 28/01/2014
Western Messianism as seen by Russia
• « According to Lavrov, supporters who claim to "messianically impose their
own ultra-liberal values, change the political systems of sovereign countries,
including through ideologically motivated operations to overthrow unwanted
regimes", have won the upper hand in the West for some time [NdA: see ncw
concept]. "The failure of these attempts is obvious, but they will face the
consequences for a very long time." »
• "We believe that all internal reforms should be carried out in a peaceful and
progressive manner, while their forms and pace should not run counter to
existing traditions. In other words, people should determine their own
destiny. ”
• “Lavrov warns West will have to pay dearly for stoking revolutions in Middle East” (TASS,
• The Sabbatian/Frankist tumor has progressed by historically taking
advantage of several vectors:
– its establishment in Turkey and its branches in Central Europe, then its massive
introduction into the Polish aristocracy following the false "conversions" to
Catholicism accompanied by ennoblement
– its diffusion in the great bourgeoisie and then in the Austrian and Prussian
aristocracy, initially by secret societies and then by marriages with Polish Frankists
– the acceleration of its development (including financial) by the French Revolution and
the Napoleonic Wars
– its spread in the English aristocracy and in most European countries, as well as its
gradual takeover of the United States and Turkey from the 19th century onwards.
• It is no exaggeration to say that the history of the West and the Near and Middle
East, from the 19th century to around 2013, bears the imprint of
Sabbatianism/Frankism to a very large extent.
• ... but since the wind of history began to turn...
Summary of the history of the West
Part 5
Provisional conclusion
« History has a meaning, towards life. »
B. Paul, in 1984.
The fundamental question
• « The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has
the will to survive. Do we trust our values to defend them at all
costs? Do we have the desire and courage to preserve our
civilization from those who subvert and destroy it?
• We may have the largest economies and deadliest weapons on
Earth, but if we do not have strong families and strong values, we
will be weak and we will not survive. »
– Speech by President Donald Trump in Warsaw on 6/07/2017;
Philosophy of History
• According to historian Arnold J. Toynbee (1889-1975), the decline of a
civilization is usually the result of its inability to respond to moral and
religious challenges rather than physical and environmental challenges.
• It is opposed to Spengler's deterministic theory exposed in The Decline of the
West (1918-22), according to which civilizations grow and die according to a
natural cycle. Toynbee says "Civilizations die by suicide or murder, not by
natural causes"
– (Editor's Note in an edition of Toynbee's A Study of History, 1947)
• Toynbee presents the history of each civilization in terms of challenges and
responses. Civilizations are bouncing back in response to some extremely
difficult challenges when "creative minorities" design solutions to reorient the
entire society. When a civilization succeeds in meeting challenges, it grows.
Otherwise it declines.
– "The nature of the decline of civilizations can be summarized in 3 points: a failure of the
creative capacity of the minority, which now becomes a only "dominant" minority, with in
response a decrease in mimetic behaviours on the part of the majority, and consequently a
loss of social unity in society as a whole. »
– (Toynbee, A study of History, Vol. 4 (1948), part B, p. 6)
Philosophy of History
• "Hope for the 20th century lies in the recognition that war and
crisis are man-made and useless creations. They can be avoided in
the future by turning away from the characteristics of the
nineteenth century that we have mentioned (materialism,
selfishness, false values, hypocrisy, and secret vices) and returning
to the other characteristics that our Western society has always
considered virtues: generosity, compassion, cooperation,
rationality and foresight, and by finding an increased role in
human life for love, spirituality, charity, and self-regulation."
• - Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, 1966, Pp. 1310-1311.
Philosophy of History
• « The soldier is convinced that he will be given a certain time limit that can be extended
indefinitely before he is killed, the thief - like the traitor, the corrupt, the murderer - before
he is caught, the statesmen before they are caught by history, the men in general before
they have to die.
• This is the amulet that protects individuals - and sometimes peoples - not from danger but
from fear of danger, in reality from belief in danger, which in some cases allows them to
brave it without having to be brave.
• In all other cases, this is the mark of madness that loses individuals - and sometimes peoples
- and justifies repeating this famous word that Sophocles put in the mouth of the people
2500 years ago:
• The one whom a god pushes to his downfall often takes evil for good, and he is
only guaranteed ruin for a very short time. »
– B. Paul (2015/12), freely inspired by Marcel Proust, In search of lost time.
• Toynbee predicted that "at the end of this century [20th century], the world would be
dominated by the West, but that in the 21st century "India will conquer its conqueror.
– quoted by Swami Prabhavananda, The Spiritual Heritage of India: A Clear Summary of Indian
Philosophy and Religion (1979).
• See 2 of my articles on :
– The inevitable counter-revolution of the American people (2013/03)
– The key to modern history (2017/05)
112 Fortes in fide
« It is the quality of our theological faith that will enable all, abbot and community, to advance together
towards the Kingdom of Heaven.
The abbey motto I chose in 1997, engraved on the ring I wear on my finger, is in Latin: "Fortes in fide".
It is taken from the First Letter of St. Peter: "Brothers, be sober, be vigilant! Your opponent, the demon,
like a roaring lion, comes and goes in search of its prey; resist it with the strength of faith, for you
know that all your brothers throughout the world are facing the same sufferings. "
The period in which the apostle wrote was marked by a climate of paganism that quickly overshadowed
the expansion of the Christian faith and responded with persecution.
The religious persecutions of the 20th century had nothing to envy to those of the Roman Empire.
And throughout the past two millennia, spiritual warfare has remained a constant for every disciple
of Christ, even in the absence of open persecution.
The liturgical time of the Passion and that of Easter remind us of this.
The expressive image of the roaring lion must resonate in us with all the terrifying force it carries for the
people living near the desert where it lives!
The mysterious drama of Satan's rebellion against God, his Creator, hardened him into an inexplicable
jealousy against humans called to adopt God's children despite their weaknesses and miseries!
Let us come a little closer every day to the Lord Jesus, from whom we receive in abundance his Word of
truth and the sacraments of his love and forgiveness!
May her life grow in us, so that it may touch through us a great number of people who are thirsty for
On APRIL 20, 2007, Dom René-Hugues de Lacheisserie, Ganagobie
Metaphysics and History
• « According to ancient traditions, Typhon, an enemy entity of the Solar God, was
the father of the Hebrews; Heronimus, as well as various Gnostic authors,
likewise consider the Hebrew god as a typhoon creature. These are allusions to
this demonic spirit of incessant agitation, obscure contamination, latent revolt of
the lower elements, which acts, in Hebrew substance, much more clearly than in
other peoples, when it returned to the free state, detached itself from the
"Law", from the tradition that had given it a form, moreover using, in a
degraded or inverted manner, certain themes belonging to its more or less
unconscious heritage. Thus was born one of the main sources of forces which, if
only by instinct, often acted in a negative direction during the last phases of the
cycle of the "Iron Age". »
– J. Evola, Revolt against the modern world, 1934, 1972, Chap. 8, Pp. 325
• Evola refers here to the emergence of Christianity from the origins within Judaism (cf.
chapter 10) but it seems to us that these remarks apply infinitely better to Sabbatianism
(mentioned in half words in conclusion). It focuses mainly (chapters 12 and 13) on the
causes from "above" that determined the fall of the last remnants of medieval civilization
in the West. Decadence can be defined by the progressive forgetting of the orientation
towards transcendence.
The spiritual crisis and the fate of the West
• René Guénon: 3 main hypotheses about the fate of the West.
• The first, "the most unfavourable, is the one where nothing would replace this
civilization, and where, as it disappears, the West, left to its own devices, would
find itself plunged into the worst barbarity. "
• The second would be the one where "the Eastern peoples, in order to save the
Western world from this irremediable decline, would assimilate it by will or by
force, supposing that the thing was possible, and that moreover the East agree
to it, in its totality or in one of its component parts...; only, the West would have
to renounce its own characteristics and would be absorbed purely and simply.
• That is why it is necessary to consider a third case as much more favourable from
the point of view of all terrestrial humanity... the effect would be to make the
Western anomaly disappear, by returning to true and normal intellectuality; but
this return, instead of being imposed and constrained, or at most accepted and
suffered from outside, would then be made voluntarily and as spontaneously. "
– René Guénon, General Introduction to the Study of Hindu Doctrines (1921) quoted by Michel Vâlsan, La
fonction de René Guénon et le sort de l'Occident (1951)
• ...[to achieve this third case in all its scope], "it is necessary to be able to rely on
a highly constituted organization, which does not mean that partial results,
already appreciable, cannot be obtained before this point has been reached.
• However defective and incomplete the means at your disposal may be, you
must begin by implementing them as they are, otherwise you will never be
able to acquire more perfect ones; and we would add that the slightest thing
accomplished in harmony with the order of principles virtually carries within
itself possibilities whose expansion is capable of determining the most
prodigious consequences, in all fields, as its repercussions extend to them
according to their hierarchical distribution and by way of indefinite
– René Guénon, Orient et Occident (1924) quoted by Michel Vâlsan, La fonction de René Guénon
et le sort de l'Occident (1951)
The spiritual crisis and the fate of the West
Back in 1939
• « To educate these hearts and minds, to awaken them instead, is
the modest and ambitious task of the independent man. We must
stick to it without looking any further. History will or will not take
these efforts into account. But they will have been made. »
These are the last lines of an article by Albert Camus that was to appear on November
25, 1939 in "Le Soir républicain". It had been censored, and lost. It was found and
published by Le Monde on 18/3/2012.
In the same spirit as Guénon in 1924,
this is the purpose of this study.
• « Knowledge begins with the fear of the Lord. You have to be crazy
to despise wisdom and instruction. »
• « To fear the Lord is to hate evil. Arrogance, pride, the way of evil
and perverse mouth, that's what I hate. »
– Book of Proverbs, 1:7 and 8:13
source: bible Segond 21
Afterword :
To lose your mind is to lose
consciousness, to faint.
• to my family, for their patience and understanding. This work for 10
years is dedicated to them;
• to my late uncle Jean;
• to the community of the Benedictine Monastery of Ganagobie which
welcomes us today.
• Daniel Tollet, La connaissance du judaïsme en Pologne dans l'œuvre de
Gaudencjusz Pikulski "La méchance des Juifs" (Lwow 1760) in M. G. Bartolini, G. B.
Bercoff (Eds.), Kiev e Leopoli: il "testo" culturale, Bibliotheca di Studi slavistici vol.
4, (Firenze University Press 2007), p.37-46.
Annex: “War is a Racket”, Major General
Butler, 1935
• “It is possibly the oldest [racket], easily the
most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is
the only one international in scope. It is the
only one in which the profits are reckoned in
dollars and the losses in lives.
• A racket is best described, I believe, as
something that is not what it seems to the
majority of the people. Only a small "inside"
group knows what it is about. It is conducted
for the benefit of the very few, at the expense
of the very many. Out of war a few people
make huge fortunes.”
– Chap. 1
121 Annex
• Thanks to an American law on the declassification of CIA files, we can now discover a report entitled "France: the defection of
left-wing intellectuals", submitted to the Agency in December 1985. It is said that, "in the post-war period, French intellectuals
contributed significantly to creating international hostility to American politics, both in Europe and in the Third World. From
Beirut to Lisbon and Mexico City, the intellectual elites have listened to and reproduced the thinking and preconceptions in vogue
among coffee experts such as Régis Debray.
• During the 1950s and 1960s, the CIA underhandedly financed the Congress for the Freedom of Culture, a Paris-based
organization that supported intellectual and magazine journals (including the "Paris Review"). "Liberal Conspiracy", as
Australian writer Peter Coleman put it, was based on the idea that the cultural defeat of Marxism would be achieved by
creating a new left rather than by supporting the right.
• The main thesis of the 1985 report is that the French battle has been won. A "new intellectual climate" in Paris, embodied by
Bernard Henri-Lévy, will now work without knowing it for the United States. American spies credit this to a "coterie of young
agitators who, for more than a decade, have converted with great noise in militant circles, attacking the French left, seen as
dangerous and intrinsically totalitarian": the New Philosophers.
• Described as former communists who renounced "the Stalinist sophisms taught at the Ecole Normale Supérieure", led by
Bernard-Henri Lévy and André Glucksmann, they are popular and "compensated for their abstruse prose by becoming
sensational media personalities", thanks to the "television and radio programmes with an intellectual content that the French
• A reason to be pleased: "Lévy became collection director at Grasset - one of the largest publishing houses in France - from where
he was able to ensure that the opinions of the New Philosophers found easy access to the public". According to the Agency, their
growth was made possible by "a general decline in intellectual life in France that undermined the political influence of leftwing thinkers".
• This "new left" should, according to the CIA, accomplish several works: "They will support the moderate socialists who are
struggling to create a broad centre-left alliance", and they will "oppose any effort by extremist socialists to revive the "union of
the left" with the PC". Above all, it "should aggravate disputes between left-wing parties and within the SP, which will probably
increase the defection of socialist and communist voters". Clearly, the CIA prophesies the advent of irreconcilable lefts and
"permanent non-revolution"
• Search for a platform of expression for writers attached to the country's Christian - or even pre-Christian - roots, in "demand for
cultural renewal", convinced that "French culture has been corroded by external influences".
• Le Nouvel Observateur, 01/05/2017
Annex : Videos about Sabbatai Tsevi
• duration 1h :
• duration 7 mn :
Attributions and licences
• This document is under CC BY SA 4.0 license
• Author: Dr Bruno PAUL
• The images belong to their respective authors
– URLs present in the previous pages, as well as :
Conscience Sociale
With science, with humanities, on the path of Tradition.
• as a laboratory of Traditional Studies
• A previous practice of the transdisciplinary approach to c



sabbatean deep state

janvier 14, 2018

Many of the planetary controllers are blood feasting pedophiles, parasitic monsters literally and predatorily feeding off the 8 million children gone missing each year around the world.[1] Global
child sex trafficking networks generate huge profits, run by the world’s most powerful individuals. A 2014 International Labor Organization report estimates that two thirds of the annual profits
from forced labor come from sexual slavery that amounts to $99 billion USD each year.[2] And of that $99 billion, most is produced off the blood, sweat, tears and flesh of helpless underage
child sex slaves caught up in global trafficking rings operated by this same diabolical global elite. At the top of this planet’s rulers are 13 family bloodlines that include the Rothschilds and
Rockefellers as well as European royalty,[3] controlling thousands of compromised, bribed and blackmailed puppet politicians, bankers, judges, CEO’s, military generals, entertainers, top level
spies and police chiefs.

Blackmailed pedophile politicians,[4] [5] many of whom are well known elected representatives occupying critically important positions in virtually every national government, particularly in the
West, have remained insularly protected and immune from investigation and prosecution.[6] Why? Because those running these global child sex networks internationally control both them as
well as law enforcement and the high courts.[7] Pedophiles are disbursed amongst such elitist think tanks as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers as
well as various covert organizations like Yale’s Skull and Bones Society, 33rd degree and higher Freemasonry and the secret Jesuits. The bottom line is too many of these “upstanding”
members lead two distinct lives, one being their public life upholding their respected reputation as so called public servants, and the other being their secret dark life as satanic worshipping,
bloodthirsty child rapists and killers. Pizzagate and the Podestas and Clintons,[8] the Weiners and Jeffrey Epstein are merely the tip of the iceberg[9] to this pedophilic black holed world that’s
ruled over this planet for eons of time.

With last year’s Pizzagate turned this year’s Pedogate scandal exposing these malevolent cockroaches like never before,[10] 2017 finds this diabolical elite frantically heading for the hills,
buying up private islands[11]and submerging underground,[12] while aggressively acting out above ground with false flags every other week[13] and by the day desperately pushing humanity
off doomsday cliff, closer to world war and global economic collapse.[14] Faking staged events has become an unholy racket of government theater.[15] With attention of the public masses
distracted and forced into preoccupation with everyday signs that our world appears to be fast falling apart, desperate monsters fearing loss of control are banking on their sins against our
children being drowned out by the elite’s manufactured storm of earthly chaos, shock and awe noise and escalating terror of ongoing violence, war and ultimate global destruction.[16]

While the pedophilia epidemic currently has us never closer to bringing the hordes of guilty child rapists finally to justice,[17] it’s no accident that we’ve also never been closer to self-
annihilation as a human species.[18] Before the psychopathic criminals who only have contempt for humanity are taken down, they’re determined to first destroy Trump and Putin as well as
the rest of us,[19] drastically reducing the world population by their divide and conquer,[20] fast kill methods[21] of war and violence using their “Russians did it” fabrication as their false
pretense.[22] If the Illuminati controlled deep state cannot break or destroy the proposed allied partnership forged by Trump and Putin to truly fight against globalism, the deep state created
ISIS terrorists and the child rapists and killers as the planetary overlords of chaos and destruction, expect to only see more subterfuge, false flags and destabilizing violence globally inflicted
on humanity through economic collapse and world war. Over their dead bodies, the last thing those ruling this earth want is peace and prosperity for us humans.

This chapter analyzes and exposes through history the very dark, sinister, most egregious atrocities against humanity – the despicably sick, voracious appetite planetary controllers have had
for children’s flesh and blood.[23] Like the demonic vampires they are, the blood of the innocent literally becomes the lifeblood that rejuvenates their own vitality, strength and bloodlust to
demonically and compulsively feast on yet more of their targeted defenseless prey. The elite has long known the veracity of the latest scientific breakthroughs and discoveries confirming the
incredible dividends gained from consuming young people’s healthier blood that restores vitality, aids them reverse the aging process to enhance their quest to live forever. It’s only being
made more public at this time as part of the elite’s deceitful strategy to condition the masses into accepting the controllers’ ancient practice of exploiting children for their flesh, blood and
internal organs,[24]paralleling their quest to normalize and legalize pedophilia as just another variation of this same demonic agenda. The remainder of this chapter focuses on this systematic
child rape, murder and blood sacrifice throughout history from ancient times to the present.

Ancient Practice of Human and Child Sacrifice

Over the centuries many cultures from virtually every corner of the globe have been guilty of the shameful practice of child and/or human sacrifice.[25] Based on recently uncovered evidence,
ancient Greece may be the latest civilization discovered to have conducted child sacrifice.[26] A teenage boy’s remains were found last August in an identified location commonly reserved for
animal sacrifice to Zeus. Other known ancient cultures that regressed into sacrificing fellow humans in the Middle East are the Egyptians, the Mesopotamians, the Babylonians, the
Canaanites, the Ammonites, the Israelites, the Carthaginians in North Africa,[27] in Europe the Etruscans (from Italy’s Tuscany region)[28] and the Celts of the British Isles,[29] in Pacific Asia
the Chinese,[30] the Japanese,[31] the Koreans[32] and Hawaiians,[33] and in Central and South America the Aztecs, the Mayans and the Incas.[34] Indeed child sacrifice may appear to be a
common practice that at times increases during the descending collapse of various civilizations throughout history.

In recent decades undeniable archeological/scientific evidence is emerging that clearly demonstrates that extraterrestrial civilizations from other galaxies migrated to the earth and interbred
with existing human populations over hundreds of thousands and perhaps even millions of years, shattering the status quo myths of both religions and conventional pseudo-science that
falsely insist human origins are limited to just 5,000-10,000 years ago.[35] [36] Other technologically advanced so called intelligent alien species may have retained their earthly presence
through the ages in both physical genetic hybrid form as well as purely supernatural entities that actually possess a parasitic, vampiric, survival need to feed off the adrenalized blood of the
young innocents.[37] Be they powerful Illuminati subhuman types or lowly demonic supernatural forces, both thrive on the flesh and blood of defenseless children. This profoundly disturbing
truth is explored in much deeper analysis in a later chapter.

In addition to the secret satanic practice of Illuminati today preying on the blood sacrifice of children, the ancient custom can also be currently found in places like India and Africa where
children’s purity and innocence are believed to make the perpetrators more potent, younger and healthier,[38] exactly the same pretext that motivates Western Satan worshippers. Coming full
circle, this entire book focuses on evidence that satanic sacrifice of children currently practiced by cults and secret societies throughout Europe and North America and beyond, hidden in plain
sight along with interlocking global child sex trafficking rings, is tragically being carried out all over this planet. And its long history sadly reminds us only that it haetughoutluminati, the
innocents to even survive. This hypothesis will be explored further in lats never stopped.

The Jews’ ancient biblical forebears, the Israelites, burnt children alive at the altar of Moloch. From the Old Testament comes the Israelite warrior Jephthah who proclaims if granted victory
over his enemy, he’ll sacrifice the first “whatsoever” that comes from his house to greet him upon his return.[39] It just so happened to be his virgin daughter and unlike with Abraham, this time
God didn’t intercede and the Semitic child was sacrificed around 1125 BC. The Old Testament fails to mention exactly how she was sacrificed.[40] But according to prescribed methods for
animal sacrifice, Jephthah or the temple priest would slit the daughter’s throat, drain her blood, cut off her arms, legs and head, cut up her torso in sections while smearing blood around the
altar and burning her flesh… pretty gruesome. Additionally, several other Jewish kings in the Old Testament sacrificed their children by burning them alive. Jews in Carthage in 300 BC who
worshipped Baal were also offing their kids. The practice of abducting a non-Jewish stranger, bringing him to their Jerusalem temple, cutting his body up and sacrificing a gentile every seven
years was first documented by Greek philosophers and historians Apion and Democritus in 168 BC, well over a century before Christ.[41]

This next section addresses a little known, abhorrent chapter in Jewish history, exposing incidents involving bloodthirsty religious fanatics, engaging in ritualistic human sacrifice to drain blood
for religious holidays.

Ritualized Jewish Blood Sacrifice (from Middle Ages – 21st Century)

Since the Middle Ages in Europe, traditionally at times of Passover, celebrating Israelites freedom from slavery in Egypt,[42] most frequently led by local rabbis, there have been Jews who
have periodically abducted and ritualistically murdered Christian children. There are literally hundreds of documented cases.[43] In Prague in 1067 six Jews killed a three year old child,
puncturing his body to drain his blood that was then given away to other Jews in another city.[44] Less than 80 years after King William Norman first brought Jews to Great Britain in 1066, in
the year 1144 in Norwich, Jews apprehended their first Christian child named William and crucified him on the eve of the Passover ritual in symbolic replication of killing the king of the
Christians. But the child’s relative was educated monk Thomas of Monmouth who wrote a book about his murdered nephew in an effort to alert all parents.[45] In 1290 in Oxford another Jew
was caught after a ritual murder of a gentile, resulting a month later in England banning all Jews for the next four centuries. Spain later followed banishing all its Jews from its borders in 1492.

Though early on Jews were generally brought into Western Europe as the kings’ tax collectors and considered monarchy property,[46] legally well-represented by the best attorneys money
could buy, the Jewish child murderers were rarely found innocent.[47] The deniers are quick to claim that the Jews found guilty were tortured into confessing their crimes. But by law at a later
time given the opportunity to recant when not under duress, most didn’t, often going to their execution still boasting about what they’d done, proudly viewing themselves as loyal martyrs for
their Jewish faith, rather than feeling remorse or upset over being falsely accused.

Jews accused and brought to trial for murder and found guilty methodically repeated the same ritualistic crime, sequentially circumcising their child victims, then systematically torturing and
crucifying them to drain their blood used in Passover rites ceremony.[48] The Christian blood was as an ingredient mixed with wine for Passover unleavened bread. Blood was also used in
healing potions as well as for cabbalist curses. Rabbis were always present in these murders to ensure the extracted blood and flesh were kosher which permitted it to be bottled and sold as
a black market commodity, not unlike today’s Israelis as the prime movers in control of the international human organ trafficking operations.[49]

The most infamous of these ritualized cases in Europe occurred in Trent, northern Italy in 1475. The murdered boy was Simon of Trent who until a few years ago was a celebrated saint; that
is until the Vatican succumbed to the Jewish thought control PC police. Over twenty of these Jewish murdered children were made saints. Based on historic court records and two sets of
standard operating procedure confessions by the accused Germanic speaking Jews, a recent scholarly review written by Ariel Toaff analyzing all available evidence concludes that Simon was
murdered on the Passover eve for the expressed purpose of religious ritual sacrifice.[50]

Yet the term “blood libel” is the customary Jewish practice and seemingly automatic response that flatly denies that any of these crimes ever once took place, despite even Jewish historians
and scholars admitting that these atrocities did in fact occur.[51] One such brave critic is respected writer-journalist Israel Shamir who astutely makes the valid point that as a matter of state
policy, more innocent Palestinian children have been brutally murdered by Jews in recent years than the sum total of all Christian victims since the Middle Ages.[52] If given the fact that Jews
in cold blood have been methodically murdering non-Jews en masse in recent years, why is it so hard to believe that Jewish extremists over many centuries targeted and killed less children
for being non-Jews? Being a persecuted European minority steeped in rigid Talmudic tradition that degrades non-Jews to lowly animal status, the underlying psychological and historic
dynamics are sufficient to provide motive for the crimes.[53] University of Jerusalem Professor Ehak Spinzak stated that Talmudic extremists “believe that it’s God’s will to commit violence
against goyim” (gentiles).[54] With wholesale denial that ritual murders of Christian children ever took place, the tiresome “anti-Semitic” catch-all label cannot dismiss the mountain of

Talmudic Judaism and Cabbalism Meld into NWO Satanic Practice

The Jews in charge of the temples at the time of Jesus Christ’s ministry were the Pharisees who also wrote Talmudic Law. Seeing how the Jewish leaders were moneychangers exploiting
their own people with usury and corruption,[55] Jesus actually threw a tizzy fit inside their not so holy temple, upending coffers and tables, rightfully calling it a “a robber’s den,”[56] and refers
to fake believers (be they Jews or Christians) practicing their religion in a “synagogue of Satan.”[57] It wasn’t until this dramatic clash that rebel Jesus posed such a serious threat to corrupt
authorities that ultimately sealed his fate.[58] With the Federal Reserve the private central banks run largely by Jews getting richer by printing fiat money out of thin air to charge interest and
collect taxes to payback interests on bankers’ nonstop wars, now $20 trillion in the red,[59] our debtor nation and haplessly bled citizens are still usury slaves. Sadly in 2000 years, times have
not changed at all,[60] and, with humanity on the brink of total self-destruction, conditions in our times have only grown worse.

Between the third and sixth centuries, “learned” rabbis recorded in Hebrew their oral teachings and laws they claim were handed down to them by Moses, calling their finished product the
Talmud, the holy book for people of the Jewish faith that supersedes the Old Testament. Yet the Talmud is extremely hateful and racist, touting blatant Jewish supremacism. Direct quotes from
the Talmud readily tell the story.[61] Jews are ordered to view non-Jews as animals (Yebamoth 98a) and beasts (Baba Mezia 114b).[62] Even the best of the “goyim” should be killed (Soferim
15). Talmudic law encourages Jews to deceive gentiles, any way to take advantage for a Jew’s self-gain at non-Jews’ expense,[63] even resorting to murder and committing adultery if it can
be rationalized as best for the nation of Israel.

Moreover, the Torah, considered Jewish Written Law,[64] apparently embraces pedophilia:

If a grown up man has intercourse with a little girl, it is nothing, for having intercourse with a girl less than three years old is like putting a finger in the eye (Ketubot 11b).[65]

… Intercourse with a boy under nine years old is not considered a significant sexual act… (Ketubot 11b).

A decade ago when Israeli soldiers were on another bloodbath killing spree against Palestinians in Gaza, Sephardi chief rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu wrote a letter to the prime minister
advocating indiscriminate murder of civilian women and children.[66] Unfortunately far too many in the Knesset agree and the ethnic purging as official apartheid policy has been allowed to
drag on year after bloody year with total impunity… despite a growing consensus of disapproval from other nations that never amounts to any real consequence to Israel. Another prominent
rabbi, Ovadia Yosef, the spiritual advisor to the Shas, a religious fundamentalist party and chief coalition partner in the Israeli government,[67] echoed the Talmud dogma, claiming “the sole
purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews.”

Perhaps the most raw, unadulterated account by one brutally honest, reprehensible Jewish American who four decades ago braggingly exposed the ultimate power and arrogance that the
Jewish elite aka mafia wields in America through complete control over the media, banking, entertainment, academia and political bribery business disclosed in one 1976 interview with a 29-
year old congressional aide of New York Senator Jacob Javits. Harold Rosenthal’s gleeful, boastful pride, bitter contempt and hatred toward non-Jews for their dupability and sheer ignorance
permeates his every scathing utterance. Essentially Rosenthal admits that his “chosen people” riding atop the global power pyramid answer to only one god – Lucifer[68]. Because he reveals
far more in-depth truth than his fellow chosen brethren care to have on public record, several months later Rosenthal met an abrupt end as a suspected murder victim of a Mossad hit thinly
veiled as an attempted Israeli airliner hijacking.

Three weeks after Israel and the neocons, with a little help from their Saudi friends, pulled off the bloodiest false flag in history in 2001,[69] boldly out in the open was former Israeli Prime
Minister Ariel Sharonarrogantly declaring:

We, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know.[70]

And just to show how preferential the US is to Israel, the elite think tank responsible for all US wars in the last century – the Council on Foreign Relations, requires every member to be an
American citizen except two, current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.[71]

The Talmudic tradition is Judaic law and Cabbalism is hidden Jewish mysticism practiced for millenniums and forwarded into modernity by the Ashkenazi Jews of central and western Russia
and Eastern Europe [and now Israel], also known as the Khazars.[72] This form of Judaism dates directly back to the warlike Babylonian ruler Nimrod (later renamed Marduk)[73] and his
2,000 year old Temple of Baal or Bel (meaning “lord”) where child sacrifice was common custom, located in the presently recaptured Syrian city of Palmyra, destroyed along with ancient
Roman ruins by ISIS a couple years ago.[74] [75]

The Babylonian deity Baal subsequently evolved into the Greek deity Osiris, representing the birth of ancient pre-Christian pagan religions in the Middle East and Greece. And each of these
deities unmistakably shares underpinnings of the fallen angel Satan. An estimated 97.5% of today’s Jewish State population claiming to be of Hebrew descent,[76] are actually Ashkenazi
Jews descended from the Turkish-Mongol Khazars, reclaiming their “roots” in the Jewish homeland,[77] all share ancestors who never once set foot in the Holy Land of the Middle East. In
fact, the DNA of the native Palestinians being exterminated are the true Semites.[78] So much of the Jewish story as part of the greater human story is built on lies, cover-ups and hoax. A
growing number of researchers and analysts have referred to the Khazarian mafia running the international crime cabal that’s used interchangeably with the Satanic Cult of the All Seeing Eye.
[79] A mix of some evil non-Jews and some evil Jews working together for Satan are in the process of culling the human herd down from 7.5 billion people presently to just a half billion of us
left shortly.[80] Their agenda puts 14 out of 15 of us in their eugenics crosshairs.[81]
A year ago in New York City and later London (and in “1000 other cities” to come) a near five story high replication of the famous Baal arch was constructed as part of the Rockefeller created
United Nations UNESCO’s World Heritage site,[82] also supported by the financially endowed Harvard University Masonic Lodge. The Baal arch as the temple gateway served as a portal to
the worshipping altar of the pagan god that many today believe represents Satan.[83] Paganism as practiced by a plethora of ancient cultures has been defined as a religious system based
on the worship of the fallen angels.

After constructed exhibitions in New York and London, for the third time the Babylonian archway was once again on full prominent display earlier this year for the opening of the fifth annual
World Government Summit held in Dubai, attended by 4000 world leaders from 130 nations.[84] Among the notable globalists paying homage to the satanic fallen angel was UN Secretary
General Antonio Gutteres,[85] IMF Director Christine Lagarde (two months earlier awarded another 5-year term as IMF head despite avoiding a year in prison for her conviction approving a
large taxpayer payoff bogus to French billionaire),[86] and Elon Musk who in Dubai was busily advocating the merger between humans and machines and touting globalist socialism.
Sovereign nation destroyer Obama attended the first of these NWO conferences back in 2013. For three days in mid-February 100 speakers pontificated their one world “utopian” government
and their elitist design to promote globalism, multiculturalism, statism, Big Government, social engineering, and UN Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 sustainability.[87] At these NWO kumbayas
like this one, the Bilderberg meetings and Bohemian Grove soirees, the elite’s busily plotting our demise right before our eyes.

Judaism’s “Dirty” Stepchild: 17th– 18th Century Sabbatean-Frankist Movement

There exists a little known sub-branch of Judaism that the Orthodoxy would prefer to bury in its revisionist, subversively repackaged design on human history. The Jewish establishment of the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries declared the renegade Sabbatean-turned-Frankist movement heresy in back-to-back centuries in order to formally distance itself from the then
flourishing, “embarrassing” Jewish offshoots taking hold.[88] Though the movement’s followers were supposed to have died out shortly after the deaths of their messianic leaders
SabbataiZevi (1626-1676)[89] and Jacob Frank (1726-1791),[90] their ideology, values, beliefs and practices definitely did not, and today they very much remain alive and are in fact thriving.
Our upside down Orwellian world is presently living in an age of deceit,[91] where so called good is actually evil and lies are constantly broadcast as truth.[92] Now posing as the satanic Cult
of the All-seeing Eye, its demonic influence is visible everywhere in today’s world through gradual successful infiltration in recent centuries into all domains of earthly power and control.[93]

Sabbatai Zevi was of Spanish Jewish descent originally from Smyrna, Greece until banned as a false prophet from his hometown at age 25. Zevi promptly found a new residence in nearby
Salonika, rapidly rising to prominence there as an ordained Sephardic rabbi and cabbalist claiming to a receptive audience that he was the long awaited Jewish Messiah.[94] Sabbatai Zevi
generated a devout following that was most active within the Ottoman Empire of modern day Turkey, although his reach spread quickly into much of Europe, at its peak claiming a million
Jewish followers.[95]

At the height of his fame and influence at age 40, ten years prior to his death, the Sultan Mehmed IV gave the imprisoned Zevi the choice, die or convert to Islam.[96] So the charismatic con
man chose to avoid martyrdom by saving his own neck as a Muslim in name only. The sultan then bestowed the title “Keeper of the Gate” on Zevi who began a close working relationship with
the Shia Bektashi Sufis.[97] According to renowned researcher and author Gershom Scholem, the Sabbatean movement was “the largest and most momentous messianic movement in
Jewish History,”[98] captivating over half the world’s Jewry at the time.[99] But on the low, Sabbatai continued practicing his own heretic guru-esque style of hedonistic, orgiastic, ritualized,
“feel good” Judaism.

The year that a Jew named Columbus “discovered” a New World to conquer and colonize for the flag he sailed under – Spain in 1492,[100] was also the same year and nation that kicked out
all its Jews. The subsequent Jewish migration to Ottoman territory that opened its borders to the newcomers,[101] brought a large influx of Jewish immigrants to where Sabbatai Zevi’s family
settled. The prevailing culture and climate a century and a half later that Zevi was born and raised in was steeped in religious oppression and “end of the world” anxiety for Jews during
Europe’s Inquisition. When in 1648 Sabbatai’s doomsday prediction failed, he declared himself the new messiah.[102]

His radical departure from run-of-the-mill Judaic stoicism, promising not only redemption but an alternative lifestyle of secret magic bestowing wisdom and power, the gift of prophecy, direct
communication with God (Zevi himself) and his angels,[103] and a sensual smorgasbord of unbridled sexual liberation and carnal ecstasy.[104] Sabbateanism “freed up” humans from their
inescapable trap of sin-based, guilt-ridden fear and dread of God’s moral judgment and eternal wrath. Zevi preached that as imperfect beings, the way to the divine is following the path of
sinful bliss (i.e., doing the opposite of what is “good” and “righteous”).[105]By 1666, the year the Satan worshipper became a closeted Jew in Muslim clothing also was his second bust at
predicting the end of the world. But just the same, his hedonistic brand of religion caught on bigtime in popularity, spreading through both Europe and the Near East.

Unlike the highly chauvinistic rabbinic Judaism that prohibited women from attaining positions of public stature and religious or state authority,[106] Sabbatai’s runaway rebellious sect
embraced women for full membership and active enlistment in its messianic prophetic ranks, which back in the 16 and 1700’s was unheard of, greatly adding to its popularity and appeal.
Because Zevi’s widespread influence and messianic message extended beyond Turkey and Greece to Eastern Europe especially, his hardcore Sabbatean adherents lasted well into the
19th century, though his diehard faithful gradually dwindled in numbers after his death.[107] Many of his followers also converted with him in name only to Islam (known as Dönmeh), others
returned to conventional rabbinic Judaism. But Sabbatai’s particular brand of anti-Talmudic religion amassed quite an appeal for its time, formally rejecting normative Jewish law, openly
embracing Cabbalistic mysticism with messianic fervor of redemption that many Jews avidly sought through his unorthodox, radicalized approach to Judaism.

But within a few short decades in the vacuum created by his death, the prominence of Sabbateanism was to be resurrected and given new, even more invigorated life by another charismatic
messianic Jewish con man named Jacob Frank, who boldly sold himself as not only the reincarnate of Sabbatai Zevi but the biblical patriarch Jacob as well.[108] Hailing from Podolia, Poland
(now in Ukraine), Jakub Lejbowicz may have been the son of a rabbi and a Zevi devotee,[109] even as a young boy in Poland rejecting the Talmud,[110] and later priding himself on being an
“untutored man.” As a traveling merchant, Jacob Frank lived a good part of his young adult life in Turkey amongst a Sabbatean stronghold where his Polish-Ashkenazi Jewish ethnicity had the
Turkish locals calling him Frank, a name that Jacob willingly allowed to stick. It was at this time that he is believed to have also converted, like his predecessor before him, to Islam Sabbatean-

Frank was everything Zevi was, except he took evil up a notch or two, preaching, “Since we can’t all be saints, let’s all be sinners.”[112] He was a master at reverse psychology, claiming the
best way to imitate God, is to violate every conceivable boundary and taboo under the sun. Ritualized orgy-fests featuring wife swapping, incest and pedophilia were his commandments.
[113] Sabbatean-Frankists practiced witchcraft and animal as well as human sacrifices.

At age 29 he returned to Poland where he gathered quite a following of Sabbateans. The ambitious upstart openly defied all traditional Jewish law, proclaiming himself part of the holy trinity,
posing a direct threat to local conservative Talmudic rabbis who sought to have him and his followers excommunicated.[114] Frank contacted the Roman Catholic bishop that presided over all
religions in Poland,[115] calling for a disputation where the anti-Talmudist leader presented his case as a believer in Jewish Zohar cabbalism that doesn’t conflict with the Christian holy trinity
doctrine. The bishop ruled in Frank’s favor, ordering the burning of all copies of the Talmud in Poland.[116] But a year later, the bishop died and without his ally, the outraged rabbis persecuted
Frank and his tribe with a vengeance, despite Frank obtaining an edict issued by Poland’s Augustus III protecting his growing Sabbatean clan.

In dramatic response to his stiff rabbinic opposition, Jacob Frank declared himself the direct successor of Sabbatai Zevi, assuring his burgeoning flock that he was receiving his revelations
straight from heaven.[117] In line with Frank’s political strategy to align himself behind the power of the Roman Catholic Church as a defensive buffer against his Jewish establishment enemy
and avoid the gallows, he arranged a second disputation with the rabbis again under the auspices of the Catholic Church.[118] But by this time the Christian arbiters had become suspicious of
the antinomian Frankist movement and its purported reputation promoting adultery, incest and pedophilia.[119] Frank had always gone out of his way to be publicly crude and brash, often
boasting of his sexual prowess and debauchery. It appeared his sexual self-aggrandizing had finally caught up with him.

The skeptical Church authorities required more concrete evidence beyond just words that Frank and his devotees were righteously motivated for conversion to Catholicism.[120] So to curry
favor, the renegade zealot ordered mass baptism and in 1759 he and 500 Frankist Jews were baptized. This shrewd move facilitated Polish nobility to becoming his and his baptized converts’
godparents, with Augustus himself agreeing to be Frank’s godfather. Over the next three decades in Poland, the Frankists swayed close to 30,000 Jews to become baptized Christians.[121]

Despite the official holy water bath, the Catholic Church remained unconvinced of Frank’s “spiritual” sincerity due to his strange doctrines, promiscuous deviance and rumored religious orgies,
and in 1760 Jacob Frank was arrested for heresy and imprisoned at a monastery for the next thirteen years.[122]However, becoming a jailed martyr only helped his diabolical cause, for his
popularity only grew and the satanic infiltration of the Catholic Church and European royalty was underway and taking root.
The wide phenomenon of the “crypto Jews” (from Greek word “kryptos” meaning hidden) whereby Jews posing as religious converts,[123] especially during the anti-Jewish Inquisition,
reformation and renaissance periods (from the 15th-17th centuries), crypto Jews infiltrated other religions (i.e., the Sabbateans to Islam and Frankists to Christianity). Yet secretly they retained
their hidden Jewish identity and religious doctrine; also co-related is the Jewish propensity of frequent name changing (albeit partly due to avoiding anti-Semitic persecution).[124] But the
demonic subversion of secret societies permeating top echelons of global power across the diaspora in finance, government, big business, mass media, communication arts and academia by
both crypto Jews and Jewish globalists alike cannot be denied.[125]

Returning to the dangerous Satanist and false messiah Jacob Frank, he saw himself above all previous religious patriarchs, including his own inspiration Sabbatai Zevi, faulting him for an
unsuccessful search for God, much less his shortcoming for failing to actually be God. In Frank’s warped world, all laws supporting the existing order had to be abolished.[126] Frank’s
perverse thinking was that nothing short of overthrowing and destroying society could possibly save humankind. Only anarchy and revolutionary destruction of every religion and positive belief
system would clear the deck for rebuilding life cast in Luciferian “light.” He believed the religious baton had passed from Judaism to Islam and now it was his turn for his “true believers” to
outwardly turn to Catholicism while secretly worshipping him as the true messiah and living God.[127]

Invading Russians eventually freed Frank from prison in 1773,[128] the same year the Satanist Frank met with fellow Satanists – Jesuit trained Adam Weishaupt[129] and banker gangster
Meyer Amschel Rothschild, of the Khazarian-descended,[130] wealthiest Jewish family in the world. Funding would flow to both Weishaupt and Frank once Weishaupt agreed to accept
Frankist doctrine and the satanic grand plan was thus launched by the unholiest trinity ever.[131] Three years later in Bavaria Weishaupt would formally resurrect the ancient Order of
Illuminati that on May 1st this year is 241 years old.[132] The three conspired to secretly and methodically take over the world by subterfuge, deception and devilry. Chief financier would be
Europe’s wealthiest family, corrupter and infiltrator of Freemasonry,[133] the Catholic Church and governments would be the Illuminati Weishaupt and Frank would continue subverting and
conquering the big three religions as well as the political aristocratic domain.[134]

Jacob Frank lived out the last 18 years of his life in opulent luxury, the last few years in a castle in the German city of Offenbach just south of Frankfurt,[135] the benefactor of Frankfurt
resident Rothschild, plus crown support from royal courts of Poland, Russia and Austria, as well as his thousands of loyal followers. Frank took the title Baron, whether legitimately given him
by Austrian archduchess[136] and Queen Maria Theresa or not.[137] Gradually Frank’s daughter Eva took over his powerful sect as his incestuous “holy mistress,” although she too lived
above her means and with her wealth drying up after the Napoleonic Wars, she died in 1816.

But the poisonous die had been cast. The Frankist Cabbalistic secrets were combined with the philosophical ideals of Enlightenment to lay fertile groundwork for conflict, revolution and
bloodshed.[138]Frankist infiltrators populated the Hapsburg dynasty. The Freemasons, Illuminati and Frankists were secret allies in movement through European nobility.[139] Intermarriage
amongst prominent families consolidated power. Frank’s nephew Moses Dobruschka changed his name and entered Hapsburg society as a Freemason.[140] As the Satanists collectively
wheeled and dealed, faithful to their mission to create chaos out of sin, massive revolt, conflict and world upheaval followed. Rothschild-Frankist-Freemason-Jesuit members were actively
behind the American and French Revolutions,[141] Marxism,[142] Zionism,[143] the Bolshevik Revolution,[144] pro-incest Frankist Freud,[145] and the archduke assassination triggering
WWI.[146] Since virtually every war has been ignited by a conspired false flag event, involving secret satanic societies, it would be a safe bet that the Frankist-Freemason-Illuminati-Jesuit-
Rothschild nexus is the All-seeing Eye mastermind.[147]

Slowly but surely over the next couple centuries, their secret plan and vision has come to near full fruition. With Frankist Satanist and other secret society plants saturated in the world of
politics, big business, finance, media and entertainment, they’re now vying for full implementation of their New World Order,[148]complete with one world government,[149] one world
religion[150] and one world army,[151] just a world war and collapsed world economy away.[152]

Many Jewish scholars and writers that only learned of Zevi and Frank from recent books about their life and movement are quick to discard these two messianic cult leaders because, from
their Jewish perspective, each converted to an “enemy” religious camp and thus are viewed as irrelevant footnotes, “black sheep” heretic losers leaving an unwanted, shameful stain on
Jewish history.[153] What these armchair critics dismissively fail to realize is that Zevi and Frank’s “anything goes because I’m your [satanic] god” ideology and subversive perversion that has
co-opted and infiltrated not only three major religions but Freemasonry, and the elite’s power structure is the embodiment of the Illuminati Satanist cult that controls virtually everything on
earth. So writing these two guys off as forgotten nobody’s proves only that ignorance is anything but bliss.

The Rothschilds financed the Sabbatean-Frankist movement and, along with a dozen other family bloodlines, are the New World Order’s gold card members atop Satan’s private club,
controlling all Western governments (and a lesser extent Eastern ones as well) and the entire Western criminal financial enslavement system that’s ready to crash,[154] global child sex
trafficking and human organ trafficking networks worldwide,[155] the globalized mass media empire’s demonic mind control brainwashing as well as the globalized war machine currently
plunging humanity into World War III.[156] So it’s more than foolish to underestimate the powerful impact that these two so called “footnotes” have had on human history.

Talmudic Heresy Traditions Converge with Freemasonry to Deliver Luciferian Bloodlust of Pedophile Sex Rings

Turning to Zevi and Frank’s indispensable NWO ally, the Freemasons’ own encyclopedia makes perfectly clear who the Masons worship:

The promise of life is Osiris. The great doctrine, the great revelation of all the true Mysteries, is that Osiris lives: but he is known by other names. We also, as Masons, look forward to union…
with Osiris…To be united with him forever.[157]

Perhaps the most infamous of the Freemasons – Albert Pike, once said, “Masonry is identical to the ancient Mysteries.”[158] Pike also reveals the plain truth that the light of his lord is not God
but Lucifer himself:

Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable,
blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not![159]

So the light that every Masonic initiate seeks in actuality is Luciferian darkness.[160] The constant theme by which all these pagan satanic cults operate is through deceit, twisting and
inversing everything to obscure truth. Its presence in today’s Orwellian doublespeak world is in our face at every turn.[161]

As Egyptian pagan god Luciferian worshippers, the Masonic Lodge is also obviously a pagan religion, incorporating all the Luciferian and cabbalistic rituals, doctrines, symbols and occult
philosophies rooted in secret Egyptian deity worship.[162] The most well-known Masonic symbol – the square and compass, prominently displayed on Masonic lodges and temples around the
world,[163] is strikingly similar to the highest symbol of the occult, the Jewish six-pointed hexagram star found on both Israel’s national flag and virtually every Jewish synagogue.[164] As if
that’s not glaring enough, the Jewish six-pointed star is also called the Star of Moloch, the satanic god by which children are sacrificed, the same god Hillary’s staff references in an email.[165]

Like the sexual imagery on full display in Egyptian pagan worship and ancient Jewish mythology, Freemasonry is also flooded with phallic imagery in both the obelisk architecture as well as
Masonic hexagrams and triangles.[166] And the finishing piece to this satanic hexagram story is that the only reason it’s on the Israeli flag and has come to symbolize Jews is because Mayer
Amschel Bauer centuries ago decided to change his name to Rothschild and post the hexagram outside his door,[167] later making it his family coat of arms. Why would Jews choose as their
national flag anything even remotely to do with a satanic god that sacrifices children?[168] In keeping with the Frankist chaos and conflict mantra, the Rothschilds,[169]the Zionist founders
and the Rockefeller funded United Nations spearheading the birth of the Jewish State in 1948 were no real friends to the Jews.[170] Their loyalty lies much closer to Satan.[171]

The Old Testament refers to the Canaan god Moloch, but other ancient cultures like the Israelites and Egyptians also worshipped Moloch and practiced child sacrifice,[172] and today it’s still
being worshipped and practiced through secret occult societies and religious sects like Freemasonry, Sabbatean-Frankism, Illuminati and the Jesuit Order that all share the same fallen angel
Lucifer. [173] Such close parallels between Masonry, Talmudic Judaism and Sabbatean-Frankism as offshoots from the same source, the pagan Egyptian Star deity that shares the same
secret occult ties as Skull and Bones and the Illuminati all have one thing in common – they all worship Lucifer and answer to Satan.[174]

Freemasonry and the Jewish State bearing direct homage to Egyptian pagan roots also manifest through shared statues,[175] motifs, art and architecture. Hebrew University and Israel’s
Supreme Court building both feature the Egyptian obelisks and Masonic design.[176] Another illustrative example is the Masonic memorial that includes a large Egyptian pyramid showcased
on a boulevard in the city of Eilat, Israel.[177]Finally, the founder of the modern Illuminati order and Freemason dabbler and infiltrator Adam Weishaupt was bankrolled in the late 1700’s by
Mayer Amschel Rothschild, and much of the occultic Egyptian and Masonic-themed architecture[178] and motifs located throughout Israel and springing up across the planet today,[179] all by
satanic design, have been funded by that wealthiest Jewish banker family synonymous with New World Order Satanism. A look at the physical layout of America’s own capital city Washington
DC is also rife with Freemasonic Luciferian symbols.[180]

Pretty much all the top level Masons who have ever written about their secret organization and its history, near unanimously praise Lucifer.[181] Biblically speaking, Lucifer and Satan
represent the same fallen angel that Freemasons, Frankists, Illuminati, Jesuits, all worship as their god, in contrast relegating Jesus to “inferior god,”[182] “just another man” status.[183] As
we explore Freemasonry and its worship of Lucifer, it’s important to distinguish between the highest levels that do worship Lucifer and Satan (and the 33 degree Masons that run the world),
and the vast majority of lower degree Masons who do not worship Satan nor run the world. Lower degree Masons simply don’t have access to the sinister truth of their superiors. Again, there
are many good Masons like there are many good Jews just like there are good lower level FBI and CIA agents. It’s the ones at the top that are the evildoers.

Understanding Freemasonry symbols and examining Masons’ writings, it becomes more than clear that they do in fact worship Satan.[184] Albert Churchward, another Masonic writer, points
out that the common Masonic symbol of the triangle with the upward pointed apex represents Set, Osiris’ Egyptian pagan god brother as well as one of the infernal names for Satan. This
same satanic triangle on the back of every single US dollar bill,[185] the larger pyramid triangle just below the smaller all-seeing eye triangle is also the earthly triangle symbolizing what 33
degree Masonic author George Steinmetz calls “the perfect or divine man.”[186]

Another singular thread through all these pagan religions maintains that human mortals in these secret clubs that bestow power can become God. Well known twentieth century author-mystic
and 33 degree Mason Manly P. Hall wrote,[187] “Man is a God in the making…” Yet another Masonic writer Joseph Fort Newton proclaims,[188] “… to the profoundest insight of the human
soul – that God becomes man that man may become God.” So the Masonic allegiance is to the pagan Egyptian god Osiris that’s synonymous with the Lucifer/Satan god, certainly not the
monotheistic one God worshipped by every major religion – like the Christians, Torah worshipping Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, Shintoists and on and on.

Like the six-pointed star as a central iconic symbol, the 5-pointed pentagram star is yet another significant link that Freemasonry shares with Satan.[189] The Masons use two 5-pointed stars
– the one with just one point upward representing the “good” Lucifer and the star with the two-points upward the “evil” Satan. All it takes is a 33 degree clockwise or counterclockwise turn to
shift the good one-point star into the evil satanic two pointed pentagram. And with the 33 degree Masons so actively bent on destroying our world, there’s no coincidence in their symbolism.

Touching on the history of Freemasonry, the oldest Masonic lodge dating back to 1599 is located in Edinburgh, Scotland, complete with its 6-pointed star etched into sandstone above its
entrance.[190]Stonemason guilds existed in Scotland and England during the Middle Ages, but the oldest meeting minutes still existing come from Scottish lodges in 1599. The official Grand
Lodge of England began in London in 1717, which is the date formally credited for Freemasonry’s founding.[191]

The famous 1782 Congress of Wilhelmsbad held at Meyer Amschel Rothschild’s German castle was a who’s who amongst Satanists because,[192] per Rothschild’s edict,[193] it invited all the
secret organizations in Europe numbering 3 million members together for the first time. Wilhelmsbad also marked the first occasion where Jews were admitted as Masonic Lodge members
per the Rothschild-Frank-Weishaupt contract drawn several years earlier. After the 1782 conference the Illuminati dominated Freemasonry as it was no longer seen as a competitor but a
conjoined secret partner forging the same sinister schemes. Weishaupt set about using his Illuminati and Jesuit Order to control the Vatican. Assassinations of the king of France and emperor
of Austria were voted on and planned. In March 1792 a Masonic Jew killed the Austrian emperor. That same month Sweden’s king also went down.

Many of America’s founding fathers were Masons, including George Washington, Ben Franklin, Paul Revere, John Hancock, James Monroe and first Chief Justice John Marshall.[194] This list
of great Americans speaks to life’s complexity that one may belong to an evil organization yet still be good. Indeed one third of the US presidents and many of the top European leaders have
been high degree Masons.[195]Back in December 2011 the EU and Freemason honchos got together to plot Europe’s future.[196] No doubt an NWO favorite – multiculturalism – and the
mass migration debacle to come, designed to destroy the continent, must have been high on their agenda.[197] The Freemasonry organization currently boasts over 6 million members

Political instability through subversive cloak and daggery plotting wars, murders, overthrows, blackmails, betrayals, all perpetrated by Satanists, have been plaguing this planet for eons of
time. Regardless which particular brand of Satanism is practiced, the Talmudic, Cabbalistic or Sabbatean-Frankist Jewry, Freemason[199], Malta or Jesuit, Skull and Bones[200] or Illuminati,
[201] CFR[202] or Trilateral Commission,[203] Bilderberger[204] or Club of Rome,[205] all are fast track avenues to the top of the psychopathic food chain, where debauchery like pedophilia
and incest is the required norm, their common denominator being the worship of Satan.[206]

The Rothschilds and Rockefellers and their ilk preside over Satan’s secret societies. A few photos from a 1972 Rothschild Illuminati Ball are quite revealing.[207] Another fitting gesture is
eyewitnesses who have dined at the Rothschild family estate in England insist that a place at the dinner table is ritualistically and faithfully set for their favorite invited guest and god Satan.
[208] Initiates of all the satanic organizations whose members are running the world amok have all taken oaths swearing to never divulge the truth behind their evil deeds and secrets.
[209] Those who’ve gone public or exposed the diabolical truth risk death.

With Satanists reigning full control over all earthly affairs, incisive author and observer Henry Makow succinctly sizes up our present predicament:

Society is totally subverted. Government, education, entertainment and the news media, think tanks, foundations, NGO’s, professional associations and major charities are totally in the hands
of the central banking cartel. Intelligence agencies report to the central bankers. They and Masonic secret societies are a central part of the mechanism of control. Society is helpless to
address its real problem: the untenable concentration of wealth, power and cultural influence in the hands of Cabbala-believing bankers secretly intent on culling or enslaving us. Mankind is
being put into a coma based on sex and money. The last thing the bankers want to do is awaken the cattle from their slumber.[210]

Today’s Satanic Bloodlust: Ritualized Rape, Torture and Murder Involving Blood-Drinking, Flesh-Eating Elitist Pedophiles

As an extension from ancient times, the folklore legend of vampires in Romania and Bulgaria that author Bram Stoker made famous in Dracula (based on the real life of Vlad the Impaler)
stems from sucking the blood of young victims as the elixir to eternal life.[211] In recent years Hollywood’s romanticized obsession over vampirism and zombies is no accident, methodically
promoting a glorified image of consuming human blood as the lifeblood sustenance that leads to eternal life. To notable extent in the same way mainstream media has overtly attempted to
normalize pedophilia, aided by popular culture, vampirism has also been casually presented as if it’s a mere life choice, a cult bonding likeminded fetish aficionados, though the “vampires”
themselves would maintain that their compulsion for sucking and drinking blood is not a volitional act but an actual physical craving and absolute need, just like any other highly addictive
substance.[212] Likewise through the ages, satanic blood drinking and pedophilia have acted as mainliner drugs in the ritualistic blood sacrifice of children.

The fact that actual traumatized victims secrete the stress hormone adrenaline into their bloodstream and body moments leading up to death chemically acts as an addictive drug for the
murdering Luciferian elite that engages in cannibalism and imbibes on blood.[213] [214] Numerous accounts from courageous survivors detailing their horrid satanic abuse have come forth
over the years providing lots of credible, convincing testimony. A woman calling herself Kendall recently appeared on the Dr. Phil Show describing her many years of captivity within a child sex
slavery ring where Illuminati figures raped and forced her to eat body parts of sacrificed children. In 1989 while a guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Vicki Polin disclosed that she was an
incest survivor trapped in a Satanic Jewish cult where ritualized abuse occurred in her synagogue.[215] Her “upstanding” Midwestern family was part of the secret Frankist Movement,
dedicated to following the worst, most depraved Cabbalist traditions while worshipping Satan.

Franklin scandal victim Paul Bonacci testified that on July 24th, 1984,[216] he witnessed a child sacrifice killing of a young boy he was forced at gunpoint to have sex with at the infamous
pedophile summer camp Bohemian Grove,[217] where the elite regularly gather to pay homage to their version of Baal in the 40 foot stone owl statue they call Moloch.[218] Bonacci even
identified bizarre journalist-author Hunter Thompson as an attendee making a snuff film.[219] The night before Gonzo’s “suicide” in early March 2005, Thompson told a friend, “They’re gonna
make it look like suicide. I know how those bastards think.”[220] Hunter was working on a 9/11 story about how the WTC towers really came down. Often those who know too much and want
to reveal what the controllers don’t want people to know, die suddenly in a “suicide” cover-up.

And obviously for blackmail control over the politician puppets, pedophilia, cannibalism and murder are often caught on film.[221] The planetary controllers deploy Mossad and the CIA to
regularly entrap elitist stooges through pedophilia rings. Mossad used convicted child sex offender billionaire Jeffrey Epstein and his Sex Slave Island to get the dirt on scores of powerful
scum still in power in Washington.[222]
With Pizzagate/PedoGate exposing the global child sex trafficking rings that have been operating for many decades,[223] [224] pedophile scandals are being uncovered on a near weekly
basis in the United Kingdom [225]and Europe, [226] Australia, [227] Canada, [228]and America involving a massive interlocking global operation.[229] [230] And raping children, blood
draining and drinking, and murdering child victims have been a permanent fixture since ancient times. This presentation has encapsulated that long horrifying history that has led to this
current epidemic. But we are finally turning the corner now on this despicable human blight, and the momentum is swinging towards growing public awareness and outrage, pushing for
accountability and justice for our children.

The next section documents one eyewitness who was exposed to this satanic pedophile empire, had the conscience and courage to talk about it, and then just recently paid for it with his life.

One Illuminati Whistleblower’s Recent Firsthand Account of Ritualized Child Sacrifice and His Suspicious Death

Dutch entrepreneur Ronald Bernard was interviewed earlier this year based on his extended involvement in the international crime cabal’s darkest domain.[231] He openly disclosed that for
five years he operated at the top levels of power in Iraq and elsewhere, directly involved in currency exchange, money laundering enormous amounts of cash across borders. His work
included interfacing with central banks, national governments, various deep state players like the CIA and Mossad, transnational oil corporations and US-Israeli-Saudi backed terrorist
organizations, all the while maintaining as low a profile as possible to avoid detection. As a money handler employed in illicit global smuggling operations involving drugs, weapons and global
child sex trafficking, up close and personal Bernard encountered the Luciferian world of the globalist crime cabal, at the heart of the US war making Empire machine, witnessing child
pedophilia and children being ritualistically sacrificed.

Mr. Bernard explained how his blind ambition and lust for money led him on a path toward becoming a psychopath, but when he saw little kids being raped, tortured and murdered, his long
buried conscience quickly shot to the surface. He astoundingly realized how the Luciferian worshippers all around him at the top of the predatory food chain detested human beings and in fact
life itself. It sickened Ronald to see how his peers had literally sold their soul to the devil in exchange for all the riches, decadent luxury and sexual depravities big money and power buy. But
like every organized crime syndicate, once you’re in, it’s extremely difficult getting out. After refusing to play the game any longer, and enduring torture on multiple levels, he underwent a
protracted period of living hell, experiencing a total breakdown of both his mental and physical health, ending up in a hospital ICU. An out of body experience and cathartic spiritual
transformation granted him the courage as an Illuminati whistleblower to speak out, revealing his riveting, harrowing story. His account fully exposes the demonic barbarity of the soulless
beast that is the hidden satanic cult currently running this world.

Sadly, after moving to the United States and marrying an American, in late August 2017 Illuminati whistleblower Ronald Bernard was found dead after taking a walk in a rural area of Sebring,
Florida. He called authorities stating he was lost and his life was in danger. Several hours later his body was discovered face down in shallow water.[232] Revealing the dirty laundry of the
planetary controllers rarely comes without grave consequence.

Satanic Snuff Films and Cannibalism

I must warn the reader that the content and imagery evoked from a graphic description of two snuff films seen by an individual who wrote about what he’d viewed years later is extremely
disturbing.[233] For the faint of heart, too disturbing. The films obviously left an indelible imprint that would never be forgotten. It seems like a very real glimpse into the dark world of Illuminati
Satanists caught on film in action, cutting the throats of two toddlers, draining their blood, and then two cooks on camera instructing how to prepare and cook human flesh for dinner guests
wearing masks that cover their eyes. It’s so shocking it seems like a devil’s cooking show from a Fellini movie.

The next scene is at the dining table with assembled guests and host couple. All are Satanists. The host has recently hired a young man for an executive position in his company, and he and
his wife are the special guests. They’re filmed eating the two children. The new employee and his wife are nervous but the ten other diners at the table remain jovial. After the meal comes
dessert and a wine toast followed by the host lecturing his new hire on treating the general public like peasant and cattle, emphasizing how different they the elite are from the “sub-human”
animals that they detest and can barely tolerate. Finally the servants come out with two trays that they take the covers off to expose the toddler’s heads. The young man and his wife convulse
with shock and the husband vomits. They just passed their initiation into the “good life” of the upper crust Illuminates.

The second film is even more disturbing. A young homeless pregnant woman has been taken in by the Illuminati under the pretense of receiving support from a social charity service. She has
been set up in an apartment and provided medical care for her child’s birth. The film features the same host who has invited the young mother to dine with the same satanic friends including
the young couple from the last film. The mother wants to see her baby but the host claims she’s being taken care of by a nurse and wants to get to know her without the child distraction. They
end up serving the mother her own baby’s flesh. The idea amongst these psychopathic monsters is the more evil the act, the more you’ll be rewarded by Satan. When the tray of her child’s
head is displayed, the woman of course begins flipping out uncontrollably. Though the film ends there, the young mother was murdered shortly afterwards.

The reason the two murder scenes were made available for the writer to view is the Illuminati member tasked with making the films showed it to him. Though the filmmaker was a Satanist
himself, he had become upset with the child sacrifices and was trying to get the leadership within the Illuminati committee to be purged. So he’d kept copies of the snuff films and showed
them to people he was unauthorized to give access to. He had renounced his Satanism and become a Christian but when higher ranking members learned he’d let others watch the films, he
too was murdered.

Skeptics can easily scoff that this story could well be fictional, and of course that’s true. But knowing that little children are brutally murdered and filmed, and Satanists do regularly eat
children’s flesh, this account appears both realistic and credible. Take it for what it’s worth. It’s included here at the end of this bloodlust chapter to leave a graphically sober and jarring
impression, so that motivation and determination to halt this heinously insane savagery can build and spread the world over. We must stop the slaughter of our children!


Tavistock FS

From 1930 to 1933, Kurt Lewin (1890-1947) studied psychology and sociology at the University of Frankfurt (aka The Frankfurt School) in Germany and became director of Tavistock Institute in 1932. Drawing on the quackery of Freud, Lasswell, Leonard Doob and others, Lewin examined the psychology and power of suggestion created by stimuli and stimulus situations.

Tavistock’s projects were a followup on the work of the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research, which focused on the study and criticism of culture developed from the thought of Sigmund Freud.

Read “Sigmund Fraud: The Father of Modern Psychoanalysis and Neurotic Charlatan”
Freud (1856-1939) believed that conventional morality is an unnatural repression of the sexual urges imposed during childhood. David Bakan, in “Sigmund Freud and The Jewish Mystical Tradition,” showed that Freud was a “crypto-Sabbatean” [, Livingstone].

Read “The Influence of Sabbatean Frankism on the World”
Lewin came to the U.S. in 1933 as one of Frankfurt school’s “Jewish refugees” — the first of many infiltrators — and set up the Harvard Psychology Clinic that originated the propaganda campaign to turn the American public against Germany and involve the U.S. in World War II.

In the period before the U.S.’ entrance into WWII, Roosevelt sent Gen. William Donovan to London for indoctrination before setting up the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the precursor to the CIA. The entire OSS program, as well as the CIA, has always worked by guidelines set forth by the Tavistock Institute. Levin, then at MIT, partnered with Tavistock. Toward the end of the war, Tavistock personnel took over the World Federation of Mental Health. Other collaborators were the Stanford Research Institute, Rand, and the Institute for Social Relations.

By war’s end, the combined influence of Tavistock and of the former Frankfurt School operatives, had created a cadre of “psychological shock troops” and “cultural warriors” numbering in the several thousands. Today, that network numbers is in the several millions around the world. You should take note that key people are put into influential positions, and a public-private overlay prevails in this system.

Dr. Lewin’s (and Tavistock) pushed the theory of topological psychology, which is to this day the world’s most advanced method of behavior modification: i.e, brainwashing. Psychopath Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) had stated that what was needed was a world populated by “docile,” easily manipulated and demoralized subjects. Russell regarded mankind as being slightly above the level of cattle. Russell said, “The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black.” In doing research on this general topic, it is astonishing just how out in the open these criminals were and are with their schemes.

The precursor to the Tavistock complex was the Cecil Rhodes Trust and its operatives, who were British elite supremacists and warmongers (often homosexuals) who teamed up with the Rothschilds, and later the Rockefellers.

What Lewin and his ilk did was combine their often odd and degenerate notions of social justice and ingrain it into every single academic action that Lewin took. This world view and paradigm was then indoctrinated by every means possible through brainwashing to re-engineer man’s self-image.

Tightly controlled mass media could be used to induce “regressive mental states, atomizing individuals and producing increased lability” [aka brainwashing]. In other words, creating passivity by fostering alienation. This theme is shockingly pervasive in the published works of these Crime Syndicate movers and shakers. Jewish supremacist hack Walter Lippmann (1989- 1974) identified the target in his book “Public Opinion”:

“The mass of absolutely illiterate, of feeble minded, grossly neurotic, undernourished and frustrated individuals is very considerable, much more considerable, there is reason to think, than we generally suppose. Thus a wide popular appeal is circulated among persons who are mentally children or barbarians, whose lives are a morass of entanglements, people whose vitality is exhausted.”

Lippmann concludes that “coordination of public opinion can only be managed by a specialized class which operates through “intelligence bureaus.”

Another Frankfurt School Dr. Evil alum, Theodor Adorno (1903-1969) concurred in 1938, commenting on his Radio Research Project. Adorno wrote that listeners to radio programs “fluctuate between comprehensive forgetting and sudden dives into recognition. They listen atomistically and dissociate what they hear … They are not childlike, but they are childish; their primitivism is not that of the undeveloped, but that of the forcibly retarded.” The project’s findings, published in 1939, backed up Adorno’s thesis of “enforced retardation” and serve as a brainwasher’s handbook.

It was obvious from even the earliest clinical studies of television that viewers, over a relatively short period of time, entered into a trance-like state of semi-awareness, characterized by a fixed stare. The longer one watched, the more pronounced the stare. In such a condition of twilight-like semi-awareness, they were susceptible to messages both contained in the programs themselves and through transference in the advertising. They were being brainwashed.

Fred Emery’s report in 1975 on neurological studies illustrated that repeated television viewing “shuts down the central nervous system of man.”

Adorno found the prospects of television absolutely lizard lip-licking. In 1944, he wrote:

“Television aims at the synthesis of radio and film … but its consequences are enormous and promise to intensify the impoverishment of aesthetic matter, so drastically that by tomorrow, the thinly veiled identity of all industrial culture products can come triumphantly out in the open, derisively fulfilling the Wagnerian dream of Gesamtkunstwerk — the fusion of all arts in one work.”

Lewin’s claim to fame was group think, or group dynamics. He was the inventor of sensitivity training, or attack training. In other words, you gather a group of people, assign a group leader, identify the stronger-willed people in the group and hammer them into silence or submission through ostracism and shaming. Fake guilt is a key driver of these schemes. That is manifested today with the relentless non-stop Around the Web stories that Winter Watch curates [sample] about various “oppressor” scams being run on college campuses.

Tavistockian refreezing and brainwashing in action
The key to a Lewinite brainwashing group is the creation of a controlled environment in which stress is introduced to redo individuals’ belief structures. Using peer pressure from other group members, the individual is “cracked,” and a new personality emerges with new values. The degrading experience causes the person to deny that any change has taken place. In that way, an individual is brainwashed without the victim knowing what has taken place.

This is also called the Gestalt Method. It tries to steamroller over structuralist psychology, which is more about introspection, self-awareness, one’s actual identity, objective truths and drawing on time-tested traditions. The Tavistock and Levin methods are about “unfreezing” or dismantling that existing “mind set.” Defense mechanisms (aka traditional thoughts) have to be bypassed and washed away. It is replaced with moral relativism. Once the subject is suitably confused, there is a transition or refreezing.

A key institution established for this purpose in the U.S. was the National Training Laboratories (NTL), founded in 1947 by members of the Tavistock network in the U.S. Its purpose was the brainwashing of leaders of the government, educational institutions and corporate bureaucracies in the Tavistock Gestalt method, and then using these “leaders” to either themselves run Tavistock group sessions in their organizations or to hire other similarly trained group leaders to do the job.

One of the groups that went through the NTL mill in the 1950s was the leadership of the National Education Association, the largest organization of teachers in the U.S. Thus, the NEA’s outlook was “shaped” by Tavistock through the NTL. In 1964, the NTL Institute became a direct part of the NEA, with the NTL setting up “group sessions” for all its affiliates. With funding from the Department of Education, the NTL Institute drafted the programs for the training of the nation’s primary and secondary school teachers. It has also had a hand in developing the content of educational “reforms.”

Also known as the International Institute for Applied Behavioral Sciences, it’s a brainwashing center in artificial stress training whereby participants suddenly find themselves immersed in defending themselves against vicious accusations.

Daniel Estulin in “Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses” lists just some the refreezing of society goals of this Crime Syndicate mega-campaign:

Youth rebellion against imagined societal wrongs.
The generation gap, implying a changing paradigm.
Experimentation with new family structures. Interpersonal relationships in which homosexuality, lesbianism and transgenderism (the Catlyn Jenner hoax) became “normalized” and “no different from other people acceptable at all levels of society, two lesbian moms.”
The emergence of the fake conservation/ecology movements and women’s liberation movement.
Black consciousness, racial mixing, breaking down taboos against mixed marriages as propounded by anthropologist Margaret Meade and Gregory Bateson of Tavistock.
It was decided at this meeting that an aggressive program would be launched to portray “colored races” as superior to western civilization’s white persons. From this forum came Oprah Winfrey and a host of black persons who were picked up and trained for their roles to portray “mixed races” as superior to whites.
A surge in interest in eastern religious and philosophical perspectives.
A renewed interest in “fundamentalist” Christianity and evangelical Zionism.
An increasing interest in meditation and other spiritual disciplines. The Jewish inspired “Kabala” was to supplant Christian culture and special people were chosen to teach and spread Kabala. Early chosen disciples were Shirley McLean, Roseanne Barr and later, Madonna and Demi Moore.
The increasing importance of “self-realization” processes.
Reinvention of music, “hip-hop” and “rap,” by such musicians as “Ice Cube.”
A new language form in which English is so mutilated as to be unintelligible.
Estulin in his book specifically addresses the importation of gangs for the purpose of weaponized chaos. We addressed this in our recent articles on African mobs in Melbourne and Sweden.

Rockefeller interests also funded the counter-culture “revolution” for the Tavistock Institute. The Rockefellers funded the radical-leftist Students for a Democratic Society to foment instability and pseudo-revolution in the late ’60s. The opportunity for constructive social change was lost thanks to the support of “Rockybucks.” A highly revealing 1979 video has emerged of a reunion of pompous, bragging LSD pseudo-counterculture promoters (including Timothy Leary) and is now available for all to see.

Manufactured boogeyman terror is a key element of the equation. With it, humans can be reduced to a childlike and submissive state in which his powers of reason are clouded and in which emotional response to various situations and stimuli can become predictable — or, in Tavistockian terms, “profitable.” By controlling the levels of anxiety, it’s possible to induce a similar state in large groups of people whose behavior can then be controlled and manipulated by the oligarchical forces for whom Tavistock worked [see].

Alduous Huxley wrote to George Orwell: “Within the next generation I believe that the world’s leaders will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience.”
Related imageMore advanced iterations include: rampant pornography, pedophilia normalization, feminization of males, hedonism, Satanism, speculative modern art requiring “experts,” drug abuse, spiraling into madness identity politics (not tolerating intolerance), the elastic use of the term “hate” for social control purposes, censorship and memory holing material that doesn’t fit the Tavistock narrative, dumbing down, idiocracy and technologically induced shortened attention spans, crisis management programs, and an endless strategy of tension via Gladio events and staged deceptions. Preaching against the nation state as destructive to the progress of mankind is a core tenet of this scam.

Something extremely important at the moment is that this Tavistockian Crime Syndicate is licking its chops for social and economic convulsions on a global-scale, followed by depressions, as a softening-up technique for bigger things to come, namely creating masses of people all over the world who will become its “welfare” recipients and plantation dwellers of the future.

This is a very large subject and onion to peel back, but an outline of the key players and methods is scanned in the following video and is a good starting and reference poin



The Jewish World Order The Jews Are Using Occult Power

Jewish Talmud, Choschen Hamm 388, 15 Happy will be the lost of Israel, whom the Holy One [my note the Jewish Messiah], blessed be He, has chosen from amongst the Goyim, of whom the Scriptures say: "Their work is but vanity, it is an illusion at which we must laugh; they will all perish when God visits them in His wrath." At the moment when the Holy One, blessed be He, will exterminate all the Goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist, even as it is written: "The Lord alone will appear great on that day!... Suffering major set backs in Spain and Poland, the Jews reorganized from their losses under rabbinical leaders who came forth and formed a messianic following the start of this momentum was Rabbi Luria a Kabbalistic teacher who was famous for his Lurian Kabala and believed to be the messiah. Luria never wrote down his teachings as was Jewish tradition, he taught them orally to two types those of initiates and adepts. It was not until after his death his students wrote his teachings down in the Lurian Kabala. Rav Luria One of the later students of the Kabbalistic system of Luria was Sabbatai Zevi. This character travelled to the Levant were he claimed to be the Messiah of the Jewish Race. This period of history is very revealing as this is the one time the Jews came right out in public with their agenda and intentions and Zevi was believed to be the most recorded Jewish person in history of the time by Gentile sources as well. Which is why Jews are scrambling to always confuse this period of history and leader. Rabbi Zevi This also shows the Kabala is the key to Jewish power and power within the Jewish establishment. Zevi spent years in Kabbalistic meditation which included mantra repletion of Kabbalistic formula's such as the fourfold name. And other methods. That are identical to yoga. With mundra's, asana's, breathing techniques, visualizations. The key of kabala is to awaken Shekinah in Malkuth and move it up the other six lower worlds of the first seven to the crown. This knowledge was stolen from Gentiles. However the key of kabala for the individual is based on Shakti energy and moving it up the spine. The Jews stole this from us and damned the Goyim. While keeping it themselves at the top. In the orthodox Rabbinical movements the leader is a Rabbi who is a Saddak. Meaning he has performed verifiable siddhi's in front of his followers numerous times. And these Rabbi's are the leaders of the Jewish race. Zevi as Luria before him, demonstrated Siddhi's in public and other Rabbi's stated to as well from his teachings. They claimed to have dreams and visions of Zevi as the messiah. At the high of Zevi's movement over a million Jews were his disciples. And thousands of Jews travelled to the Levant to follow him. Zevi declared himself Messiah on June 18, 1666, this a Kabbalistic important date. June the 6th month, 18 is the number of life in kabala and made up of three sixes and 1..666. The number of the sun and bringing the spiritual working into the material. Zevi ordered all his followers to practice the Lurian Kabala and taught them how to use the power of the mind for Jewish witchcraft and also openly used sex magic with the wife swapping and orgies. This is in the Kabala, the enemy knows the power of sexual energy they repress it for the Gentiles but use this at the top for themselves. Now this is the revealing part......Zevi crowned his key followers with the crowns of the different European Nations and was preparing for "The Messianic War" in which the Jewish army of Zevi would destroy the nations of Europe and make the Gentiles their slaves. And take Jerusalem from the Sultan and rule as the Messiah a Jewish World Kingdom from his throne in Jerusalem. As this is what the Jewish Messiah must accomplish as the Torah, Talmud and Kabala command. This is what Judaism is about. As the Jewish holy texts state: Zohar, Toldoth Noah 63b "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves." This is what the Jewish Leader must accomplish.... Choschen Hamm 388, 15 Happy will be the lost of Israel, whom the Holy One [my note the Jewish Messiah], blessed be He, has chosen from amongst the Goyim, of whom the Scriptures say: "Their work is but vanity, it is an illusion at which we must laugh; they will all perish when God visits them in His wrath." At the moment when the Holy One, blessed be He, will exterminate all the Goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist, even as it is written: "The Lord alone will appear great on that day!... Zevi marched to the Ottoman's capital to demand Jerusalem from the Sultan, to which the Sultan ordered him to convert to Islam or be executed, to which Zevi converted to save himself. This was officially the end of his movement. As this move disillusioned most of his following. However this conversion of him and his immediate following was a ruse. They went underground as the Donmeh Jews. And kept their teachings so secret they would only reveal the actual religion to their children upon turning 14. So as to hide this easier among the greater Gentile community. The Donmeh later were able to accomplish their agenda by forming the Young Turk movement via the Free Mason lodges they set up in Turkey and with this were able to take over the Turkish Empire and this included the Armenian Genocide. The Armenian community was the major obstacle to the Donmeh grab for power so they exterminated them. Upon stealing the vast wealth of the Armenian's as well. This also forced the Turk's to only be able to deal with International Jewish bankers for finances as the Armenian banks were gone. Putting the Turks under their control. The Donmeh sabotaged the Ottman's war effort as the Rothschild's and other Zionists need the Ottoman Empire destroyed to grab the Levant for their Messianic mission of Israel. After the war Atta Turk the leader of the Turkish republic was a Donmeh. They forced in secularization at the time as they didn't want any Imperial resurgence in the region from the Turks. The Donmeh community along with the Rothschild's also created the Saudi regime to gain control of Sunni Islam. The Donmeh still run Turkey. Rabbi Jacob Frank the actual father of Communism. Back to Europe another important Rabbinical leader Jacob Frank who was a trained adept in Kabala by several Donmeh Jews who came to Europe. Now this is an important point on how Jews lie, the Jews who talk on this issue claim Frank was "Satanic" and not a Jew somehow anymore because he went against the teachings of Judaism.....Then out of the other corner of their mouth they admit everything he did was in the Talmud and not against it. So he was following the teachings of Judaism as a Jewish leader. The Jews believe Gentiles are dumb and they can lie to you with this type of chutzpa and you being the "dumb goyim brain" won't even notice. Everything Frank did was actually in the Talmud from the black magic to human ritual sacrifices. This is also in the Torah. Moses Hess another loyal Jew in the movement stated they would use Talmudic black magic to bring this agenda forth in his own writings. Also remember when these Jews talk on this issue what their Jewish law commands of them... Sanhedrin 59a To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly. Libbre David 37 A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them. So you can bet these Jews are lying to confuse the Goyim as to the actual nature of Judaism. As this situation with Zevi put them in the hot seat in front of the entire world as he came right out in the open and didn't hide behind the scenes as Jews traditionally do. Frank declared himself the reincarnation of Zevi and started the Frankist movement. To bring about the Jewish World Order. In 1773, Frank personally met with Mayer Rothschild himself a Sabbatean a follower of Zevi's teachings, Mayer was a Shamash, a personal servant to the Rabbi who raised him and to this day Mayer is given worshipful status by Jewish groups like Chabad. And Frank also met with Adam Weishaupt who's father was a Rabbi and himself Weishaupt was a teacher of Jewish Canon Law at the university of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, Germany. It was at this meeting in 1773 with Rothschild and Weishaupt, Frank came up with the agenda of the infiltration of the Masonic lodges and at this meeting the Illuminati was created. Jacob Frank and Weishaupt created the Illuminati doctrine and Rothschild provided the funds and connections. However it was also Frank that originally put Rothschild into money power along with the Warburgs. Frank had his followers run numerous money operations in Poland and then channelled this money into operations including the money the Rothschild's to the type of sum needed for lending to King's and Princes which got them started in the business. From here the Jews took over the Masonic lodges and turned them into tools of the Messianic Agenda of the Jewish leadership. The French revolution was documented to have been launched by the Frankist's via their control of the Masonic centers and bankrolled by the Rothschild's and other Jewish money elites. This movement in France called the Jacobin's was the Jewish Golem of the "French" revolution in the next century its name was changed to the Communist League. And two Jews Marx and Hess created the Communism Manifesto. Hess was an open Zionist and the father of Zionism officially. He stated Zionism is about creating a global Jewish government that rules from Israel. They just took the Illuminati ideology of Frank and cloaked it in some new mumbo jumbo. And gave it a name change to Communism. His [Hess] chief work, authorities agree, was “Rome and Jerusalem” (translated by Meyer Waxman and published in the United States in 1945 by the Block Publishing Co.). He rushed home in 1848, says the translator, from Paris, “taking an active part in the armed resistance of the people.” (page 22) “In 1845, Hess engaged in propagating the Communistic idea and founding societies devoted to its realization, an occupation which led Arnold Ruge to describe him as ‘The Communist Rabbi Moses.”’ (pp. 21-22) It is stated that, “The fundamental principle of Hess’ thought … is based on the teaching of Jewish Spinoza, of which he was a devoted follower,” but he went further, says the translator, in expounding the “basic unit” of mind and matter, “the basic unity and its various unfoldings.” Hess also stated, “Judaism has no other dogma but the teaching of the Unity.” (page 44) “… the Rabbis never separated the idea of a future world from the conception of the Messianic reign. Nachmanides insists … upon the identity of … ‘the world to come’ with the Messianic reign.” (page 46) Extolling the Talmud and delegating Moses to the inferior role given him therein (page 91), the whole cry of Hess was for Jewish world rule from Palestine “between Europe and far Asia … the roads that lead to India and China,” and he told Jewry: “You have contributed enough to the cause of civilization and have helped Europe on the path of progress to make revolutions and carry them out successfully.” He called for Jews to “March forward!” and stated: “The world will again pay homage to the oldest of peoples.” (pp. 139-40) The “Talmud is the corner-stone of modern” Orthodoxy, (page 143). He looked to black magic, the occultism of Chasidism, which along with Zionism, was to achieve Communist dictatorship.” “The great good which will result from the combination of Chasidism with the national movement is almost incalculable,” (page 218), and he added, “Although the Chasidists are without social organization, they live in socialistic fashion.” (same) The translator called Hess, in the 1918 edition Preface: “The herald of Nationalism and the trumpet of Zionism.” Communism was spread thought the world via the golem of the Free Masonic lodges and the money of the International Jewish banking elites. This is how Russia was taken down. After the Communist order was on the ground in Russia the Gentile Mason's were eliminated by the new Jewish rulers. And the lodges shut down. The Rothschild's are the carriers of the mantle of Frank and Zevi, in their own Zionist publications the Rothschild's call themselves the Kings of the Jews. The Messianic Army of Zevi, was the Red Army. Communism is the Golem by which the Jews are trying to create their Messianic Global Kingdom. The Rothschild's also sent their fellow Jewish agents to America, such as Warburg and Schiff to make deals with American industrialists and money baron's in the end forging a kabal that created the Jewish owned golem of the Federal Reserve and pushed American into the Jewish created First War and then brought on the Great Depression and "New Deal" called the "Jew Deal" openly by those in the know at the time, era which gave the Jews total economic, Media and political control over America. So much so they pushed America into a second world war. For the same purpose as the first. To create needed chaos to bring about the Jewish World Order. Which agenda is still in motion to this day. Sometimes the Jews tell you the truth here and there, Barry Chamish a Jewish lecturer and author on the subject of the Sabatean Jews and this movement [he puts the Jewish spin on it to take the heat off the tribes agenda] openly confessed that Joseph Stalin was a Jew who was part of this Zionist Jewish movement to create the Global Jewish government. Think about what that means. Stalin was also well known to be a practitioner of the Kabala and Jewish occult teachings as well. He even changed his birthdate to hide his actual birth chart astrology. Stalin was the first leader to recognize Israel as well. And sent numerous help to establish it as a state. Whenever Otto Kuhn landed in Moscow on behalf of the Rothschild's, Stalin was literally standing out there waiting to greet him with the red carpet rolled out. The Jews enforce Marxist materialism on the Goyim while they kept the truth about spiritual knowledge for themselves and damn humanity to control it. Source: From The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dillin

Fromm To have and to be ...


Nephos ... wrong on Holocaust ...Jesuit...BS but possibly valuable for clues


Allow me to quickly summarize Sabbateanism/Frankism:

In my previous article, "The Deutsch Devils", I revealed the findings of Rabbi Antelman in his books To Eliminate The Opiate Volumes I and II. His focus is the false messiah Shabtai Zvi, and the continuation of his evil ministry through the Turkish sect called the Donmeh. In the eighteenth century, Jacob Frank brought the Donmeh ideology to Europe and joined a fateful alliance. This was described in the article as:

Frankfurt at the time was the headquarters of the Jesuit, Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati, as well as Rothschild Brothers' financial empire. This is worth repeating: Frankfurt was the birthplace of both the Illuminati and the Rothschild empire.

[The Jesuit General Ricci's Illuminati was born in the Pope's ancient stronghold of Bavaria, Southern Germany. Nonetheless, the alliance between the Rothschilds and the Jesuit Order was completed by 1776.]

When Jacob Frank entered the city, the alliance between the two had already begun. Weishaupt provided the conspiratorial resources of the Jesuit Order, while the Rothschilds contributed the money. What was missing was a means to spread the agenda of the Illuminati and that the Frankists added with their network of agents throughout the Christian [non-Christian Roman Catholic; Christian Protestant] and Islamic worlds.

Jacob Frank became instantly wealthy because he was given a nice handout by the Rothschilds of Frankfurt. There is no other explanation.

And from this starting point, Rabbi Antelman gave us a blueprint for the war against Judaism and all its good, and indeed against humanity and all its moral treasures. A movement of complete evil now took hold. The Jesuits' goal was the destruction of the Protestant Reformation leading to a return of one pope sitting in judgment on all mankind. The Rothschilds goal was to control the wealth of the planet. And the Frankist vision was the destruction of Jewish ethics [Torah-based Judaism] to be replaced by a religion based on the exact opposite of God's intentions. When these factions blended, a bloody war against humanity, with the Jews on the front lines, erupted and it is reaching its very pinnacle at this moment.

Rabbi Antelman traces the means of the worldwide reach of this ugliness. By the 1770s, the Illuminati was exposed and banned in Germany and then throughout Europe. Weishaupt made a strategic change that worked miracles for the international spread of his goals. He infiltrated agents into the Freemasonic lodges of England and Scotland, changing their highest tenets to his own, until every lodge in every nation accepted them. Thus, the Illuminati now had two centers of activity, Germany and Britain [and France, as Weishaupt joined the Grand Orient Lodge in Paris in 1777].

Before diving into the proofs that Israel is being set up for another Sabbatean Holocaust [as foretold by Isaiah 28:14-18], permit me the liberty of explaining the inspiration for this piece. On February 1/04 I visited Gefen Books in Jerusalem to pick up some copies of my Hebrew book, Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin and David Morrison's book, Lies - The Rabin Assassination And Israel's Secret Service.

Dr. Morrison's book has made a powerful case for a conspiracy behind the Rabin assassination. One of the favors he did for me was, as a psychiatric doctor, confirming that my analysis of Rabin's medical records was the correct one. Though I had met him just once, he has aided my cause enormously.

That time I met him was in my home when he and Gefen publisher, Ilan Greenfield arrived to hear me out and decide whether to publish a Hebrew edition of my Rabin book, or not. Ilan told me something I didn't know. "If it wasn't for David, I would never have published your book. I left your place and told him you were coocoo. He answered that if I didn't publish your book, he'd never talk to me again. As a psychiatrist he watched you carefully and concluded you were totally sane. He told me, "He thinks differently than us, that's why he can see how the truth works. That's not called crazy, it's called gifted."

I told Ilan that without knowing how much I owed him, I had repaid David many times over by reviewing Lies in my book, The Last Days Of Israel, and by selling lots of copies of the book in Hebrew and English at my lectures. Ilan's eyes lit up and he said, "Do you know we published two other books by him? Maybe you could promote them as well." He then showed me the books. He chose to display the newest book first. It is called, The Gush, and it is very relevant to today's impending withdrawal from Gush Katif. This book tells the human story of the Jewish residents of Gush Etzion, also secretly on the chopping block no matter what Sharon says.

It was a nice book, I told Ilan, but my readers expect deep information from me. Then he showed me the other Morrison book, Heroes, Antiheroes And The Holocaust. I struck gold.

David Morrison's book on the secrets of the Holocaust stands with Perfidy, The Transfer Agreement and The Scared And The Doomed as one of the great studies of how Labor Zionism prevented the rescue of European Jewry. Morrison doesn't see this as policy but you will with the knowledge we have gained together.

Morrison doesn't realize that he is reporting a Sabbatean massacre, yet he instinctively writes about the Young Turks. We begin and end our overview with that subject. I will add my comments beginning and ending with two stars **.

** The First Sabbatean Holocaust - The Dry Run **

pp 48 - The [Jesuit-controlled, Masonic] Young Turks who led the 1908 revolution were Turkish nationalists and established secular institutions, overthrowing the religious [anti-Jesuit, Sunni] Moslem order. They viewed [anti-Pope, Eastern Orthodox] Armenians as a direct threat to their revolutionary plans. The evidence is overwhelming that the massacre of the Armenians was a deliberate, planned genocide [pursuant to the Council of Trent].

The Young Turks allied themselves with Germany and used world War I as a cover for their slaughter of Armenians... As did the Nazis in World War II, the Turks used their intended victims as slave laborers building a trans-Turkish railway for German business interests.

** And who were these Young Turks who organized The Armenian genocide? We turn to Sabbatean Messianism as Proto-Secularism: M. Avrum Ehrlich for the answer. **

The extent to which Jews were involved in the Young Turk revolution is debated, some arguing that Jews and Donme dominated the Committee of the Union and Progress Party (C.U.P) which gained control of the State. Others argue that this was anti-Semitic rhetoric and exaggerated and that while the Jews supported the revolution on a grass roots level, they were not highly represented in the upper echelons of the party. Indeed, British diplomats did report to the home office that a Jewish-Masonic conspiracy was at work favouring the revolution [as would later transpire in Orthodox Russia]. The Donme are believed to have been equally involved in the revolution but exact details are less known due to a number of reasons...It was via the Masonic lodges that the Donme, the Jews, Bektashi and secularists who were less accepted in mainstream society were able to meet on an equal footing, many of them becoming major instruments of the revolution...Whether the suspicions that Masonry is responsible for sedition and subversive activities are true or not, in this context they were a convenient home for the revolution, providing lodges and personnel, secrecy and structures for the revolution [thus duplicating the Order's Masonic French Revolution in 1789]. The Donme thrived in the Masonic environment, allowing them to be both secretive and influential, maintaining their religious ideas in a non-dogmatic atmosphere. Bridging the gap between the Jews and the Muslims [linking Masonic Jewish leadership with Masonic Muslim leadership evidenced in the Middle East today, the late Prime Minister Rabin and King Hussein of Jordan having been hailed as "Masons of Peace"], they seemed to represent the happy medium of the secular Young Turk revolution. Even today Donme are involved in the Masonic Lodof Turkey. Sahir Talat Akev of the Kapanci-Izmir group of Donme was the Grand Master of the Masons until his death in 1999.

Dr Nazim, Nuzhet Faik, Mustafa Arif, Muslihiddin Adil, Sukru Bleda, Halide Edip Adivar and Ahmet Emin Yalman were all active in the Young Turks and of Donme families. Mehmet Kapanci (1839-1924) who was a mayor of Salonica and a well-known banker funded the C.U.P and was a Donme. Other Jews active in the Young Turks were Nissim Mazliah from Izmir and Vitali Faradji , Moise Cohen (later called Munis Tekinalp) who was an active Jew and once rabbinical student who turned to business and actively asserted a proud Turkish identity along with Zionist sentiments...It is curious that Israel's first and second Prime Ministers, [Masonic] David Ben Gurion and Moshe Sharett and her second president Yitzchak Ben Zvi had lived and studied in Istanbul and embraced the concept lehitatmen, Hebrew for "to become an Ottoman". Ben Zvi is alleged by some to be descendent of a Sabbatean family. Sharett served in the Ottoman army in WW1. Ben Gurion gave up Russian citizenship for Ottoman citizenship, something many others in Palestine were afraid to do. Israeli Presidents Ben Zvi, Zalman Shazar and to a lesser degree Yitzchak Navon became students of Ottomanism.

Mehmet Cavit Bey (1875-1926) was one of the most significant Donme political figures. He was active in the revolution as a highly articulate editor of a tabloid and professor of finance and was three times Finance Minister of Modern Turkey until his execution for his alleged role in the assassination attempt of Ataturk. ]Ataturk was completely in the hands of the Jesuits. Like Fidel Castro, Ataturk would be protected at all costs]. It is believed that Cavit Bey was an ardent Zionist and saw the advantages for Turkey in the Jewish settlement of Palestine.

No less today than in the early days of its activities, secular Zionism and the Israeli Left in particular show distinctive utopian aspirations that in many ways resemble forms of religious Jewish messianism, oddly enough bolstered by an almost religious dogmatism. Despite a declared and articulate opposition to conservative orthodoxy and religious messianism, this group seems to have unconsciously adopted many messianic characteristics and uses almost religious symbolism to address its message. In contrast with the early Zionists whose goal was a secular political messianism aimed at establishing a political State and securing sovereign territory by force of arms as an essential premise, the latter manifestation of the Israeli Left has more mystical messianic leanings. On one hand, the Israeli Left [its open anti-popish policy] acknowledges its national aspirations for Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel, but on the other hand, it [its secret pro-popish policy] ]supports extreme territorial compromise with Israel's enemies [in order to further justify interventionist Papal diplomacy]. These two values are often perceived to negate one another [as those two policies are cunningly intended to deceive the innocent observer]. In a situation which is quite possibly un-resolvable in real-politick, it is however, considered entirely possible and likely in the paradigm of peace that the Leftist movement professes. Most interesting is the movement's choice of messianic terminology when describing the peace process with Israel's Arab neighbours, including a new world order in the Middle East, an uncanny political rendition of the messianic kingdom of heaven on earth.

[This language justifies the rule of the Pope's Masonic anti-Jewish Zionists, they having aided and abetted the Pope's Nazi SS leadership during the Jewish Holocaust, to the exclusion and elimination of truly patriotic Jewish leaders such Rabbi Meir Kahane, who angerly exclaimed, "the Zionists have hijacked Israel." For Kahane's truthfulness and courage he was assassinated by a Moslem secretly handled by the Pope's CIA. The Kahane assassination further proves the link between the Pope's SS/CIA and its creation - the Masonic Islamic International Wahhabi-led Terrorist Network known as "Al Qaeda."]

Most interesting is the extreme anti-nomian nature of the Israeli Left Wing. A new dimension to anti-nomianism was created in this mutation of messianism that extended beyond the rejection of Jewish ritual into a form of national anti-nomianism. There existed an overwhelming pressure on believers amongst the Israeli Left not only to neglect Jewish tradition but a fundamental imperative to forfeit Jewish sovereignty particularly over Jewish religious sites (Cave of Joseph, Cave of Machpela, Temple Mount) by which peace was directly achievable.

Furthermore, a curious similarity between the Israeli Left and the Sabbatean movement is illustrated in the Left's strong public ties with Arabs and Islam while privately rejecting and even despising their lifestyle, morality and habits. Stark similarities are evident with the Donmeh who showed great public affection with Islam but amongst themselves entirely rejected and even despised Islam. This, of course, is not so much because of causal influences that Sabbateanism had on Zionism but rather because the same impulses and mechanisms active in both groups. Their belief that assimilation was an important utopian/messianic goal is therefore argued to be a motivation in both Sabbatean and Left Wing Zionist messianism.

[This same policy of the Jesuit Order is being forced upon the White Protestant nations of the West. Coerced amalgamation leading to miscegenation between Whites and Blacks, and thus the mongrelization and browning of historic Reformed nations, is producing a White Protestant Holocaust. Protestant White Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and Protestant White South Africa - along with their Jewish communities - are finished, as hundreds of Whites are being murdered every month. This same Holocaust will continue in North America unless a group of White Calvinist Reformed peoples secede from the Empire and form their own nation once again.]

** M.A. Ehrlich's great accomplishments include verifying Rabbi Antelman's grand conspiracy involving the British rites of Freemasonry but exceeds Rabbi Antelman in the strong evidential connections to Labor Zionism and today's Israeli Left. They are being guided to acquiesce in a new Israeli Holocaust, no less than the American leaders of Labor Zionism and the Left did so acquiesce in the 30s and 40s. For a revealing look at modern American Sabbateanism, visit: **

The Rothschild Connection

** Kerry and Clark are not the only world leaders who deliberately forgot their Jewish fathers. Numerous sources have claimed that Adolph Hitler's real father was a Rothschild and this assertion is not off the wall. Hitler's mother was working as a maid on a Rothschild estate when her son was conceived either through an affair or rape. No less an authority as the History Channel, in a Jan./04 series on dictators, revealed that Hitler razed the Austrian town he was born in, "to destroy all hints of his Jewish father."

Could Hitler have been a Sabbatean?

The initial financiers of Labor Zionism and Theodore Herzl were barons of the Rothschild clan. Their goal was the creation of a state in the image of their Sabbatean beliefs: that is, anti-Torah, anti-Talmudic, anti-religious and anti-Jewish. To the Sabbateans, any Jew who does not accept anti-Judaism is fit for execution. Israel has chosen morality and God, and that means execution is the correct punishment.

Rabbi Antelman is not alone in tracing the Rothschild path to an American financial takeover. Hundreds, if not thousands, of researchers have proven that the European Rothschilds sent their German agents of the Schiff, Astor and Warburg families to serve the interests of the cabal formed by the [Jesuit General in control of] Jesuit Illuminati, British Freemasonry and Sabbateanism.

We return to David Morrison's book to have a look at who was conducting the affairs of American Jews during the Holocaust era.

pp. 36-37 - "The leading figures were Judge Mayer Sulzberger, Louis Marshall, Cyrus Adler and Jacob Schiff. Schiff was the towering figure of that group that, to a large degree, represented wealthy American Jews of German background. Louis Marshall was named president of the JDC, and Schiff's son-in-law Felix Warburg, the treasurer. Warburg soon became chairman.

** In the 1940s, the Warburg connection to Hitler was exposed in a startling book by one of their own, Sidney Warburg. He wrote that he was sent to Hitler's court to finance Hitler's rise with American funds funneled through the Warburg banking operation in Hamburg. For further confirmation, read Anthony Sutton's, Wall Street And the Rise of Hitler. And who was Felix Warburg allied to but Chaim Weizmann? (Later President of Israel) **

]Both were 33rd Degree Jewish Freemasons intent on rebuilding Solomon's Temple. Weizmann's American brother Mason of the 33rd Degree was President "Dirty Harry" Truman, creator of the Airborne Nuclear War Hoax, the Cold War Hoax, the Pope's Central Intelligence Agency and a most obedient servant of "the American Pope,"Knight of Columbus Francis Cardinal Spellman.]

pp 63 - When traveling to America Weizmann and his wife enjoyed the company of Felix Warburg and his wife Frieda.

pp 40 - The power behind the group that made up the JDC and American Jewish Committee was Jacob Schiff.

[Jacob Schiff, according to his son, helped to finance the Black Pope's Bolshevik Revolution to the tune of twenty million dollars in gold. This is another example of the Pope's "Court Jews" financing the Jesuit General's many revolutions.]

From a wealthy banking family in Germany, he joined Kuhn Loeb in New York in 1873. In 1875 he won the hand in marriage of the daughter of Solomon Loeb and a full partnership in the firm. His specialty was railroad finance. Working with E.H. Harriman, he acquired the Union Pacific Railroad in 1897.

[The Jesuits were busy uniting both the East and West Coasts via the railroads in creating the Pope's "Holy Roman" Fourteenth Amendment American Empire. The Company had just finished its brutal "ethnic cleansing" known as the Indian Wars of the Great Plains, or, more properly, America's First Thirty Years' War (1865-1895). By 1901 the Order, via Freemason Theodore "Rex" Roosevelt, would begin to restore the Pope's Temporal Power around the world using the fearless American Military and high finance of the Rockefellers, the Schiffs and the Morgans. In 1913 these American Vatican Bankers would create the Pope's Federal Reserve Bank - the biggest bank in the world!]

** Now we dive into the bowels of the plot. Schiff backed the Rockefeller railroad interests, which led ultimately to the foundation of the CFR in 1921 by the same J.D. Rockefeller. E.H. Harriman was the company Prescott Bush (George Jr.'s grandfather), was working for when he funneled millions of dollars to Hitler. This connection has been documented by numerous writers including Anthony Sutton and John Loftus. The Rothschild method was to identify crooked robber barons and promise them total wealth and control, if they would follow and promote the Illuminati/Sabbatean line. The CFR is the diplomatic arm guiding America and the world into a global Satanism. And no matter who the American voter chooses, he gets the CFR and more. If Bush wasn't elected last time around, Al Gore would have been president. His daughter is married to the grandson of Jacob Schiff, assuredly meaning he is Sabbatean.

Rabbi Antelman asserts that the Sabbateans sent more than financiers from Germany to infiltrate American Jewry. He insists the Conservative, and moreso, the Reform Movements, are tools used to draw American Jews away from their traditions and into the arms of the Sabbateans. **

pp 39 - Judah Magnes confessed without provocation that in Berlin he had been converted to Orthodoxy and he knew Theodore Herzl.

pp 41 - All three groups courted Judah Magnes for a leadership role. Schiff was a major supporter of the Reform Temple Emanu-El in New York but he and Felix Warburg also contributed to the Jewish Theological Seminary. Solomon Schechter, who came from England in 1902 to become president of the seminary, lent his support and prestige to the Zionist cause.

** "We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." -- Statement made before the United States Senate on Feb. 7, 1950 by James Paul Warburg ("Angel" to and active in the United World Federalists), son of Paul Moritz Warburg, nephew of Felix Warburg and of Jacob Schiff, both of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. which poured millions into the Russian Revolution through James' brother Max, banker to the German government. **

** Sabbatean Labor Zionism concocted a dreadful tradeoff with the Nazis, which resulted in 50,000 indoctrinated German Jews escaping to Palestine from 1933 to 1939. The 3 million Jews of Poland were too religious to join the enterprise. [Further, according to one source, there were over 300 Messianic Jewish assemblies among the Polish Jews at that time. Assuredly, the Pope's "Court Jews" would never allow those "heretic" Jews to enter Palestine but rather they would be sent to the Death Camps.] And those who weren't religious largely supported the moral and proud scions of Zeev Jabotinsky, known at the time as the Revisionist Zionists. **

[The Order hated Jabotinsky for which reason he was expelled from Israel by Chaim Weizmann, one of the Pope's Masonic anti-Jewish Zionists. Jabotinsky, who died in 1940 near Hunter, New York, was not allowed to be buried in Israel until a much later date. He like Kahane, wanted a sovereign nation of Israel, rather than a "Jewish Sate" run by the Pope's "Court Jews."]

pp 42 - Louis Dembitz Brandeis, an early Zionist leader, protested to the Schiff-Warburg group over the route that Joint Distribution Committee funds took from the United States to Polish Jewry. Millions of dollars were channeled through the Aid Society of German Jews that included Max Warburg. Brandeis protested to Felix Warburg that the German group supported the ban on immigration of Polish Jews into Germany.

pp 47 - At the outset of WWI, Jacob Schiff felt the tug of his German roots. He aided Germany financially and told a friend: "My sympathies are naturally altogether with Germany, as I would think as little to side against my country as I would against my own parents."..Schiff's brother-in-law, Max Warburg, was a German delegate to the economic talks at Versailles. He had discussions with John Foster Dulles...Dulles' brother Allen served in Turkey as assistant to the US High Commissioner. From that post he aided the attempt to cover up the Turkish massacre of the Armenians during the war. His superior, High Commissioner Mark Bristol averred: "The Armenians are a race like the Jews - they have no national spirit and poor moral character."

** There isn't the space to present the machinations of the leaders of American Jewry, so we will focus on just one, the leader of Reform Judaism and the American Jewish Congress, Stephen Wise. His closest friend and correspondent was Felix Frankfurter. Of him, Jerry Rabow in his book, 50 Jewish Messiahs, writes:

"United States Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter is reported to have received a copy of Eva Frank's portrait from his mother, a descendent of the Prague Frankist family." Here is a quote from Frankfurter:

"The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise their power from behind the scenes."-- Justice Felix Frankfurter, U.S. Supreme Court. Of Stephen Wise, Rabbi Antelman provides this description in To Eliminate The Opiate, Volume II:

"Consider Stephen Wise, head of the Reform movement in the United States during World War II. As the slaughter was going on in Europe, Wise was more interested in his own gratification. Wise was both a Communist and a Sabbatian. That he was a Communist is attested to by Maurice Malkin, a member of the Communist Party who returned to Judaism, in his book Return To My Father's House. Wise was a Sabbatian, as was shown in Helen Rawlinson's book Stranger At The Party. In her chronicle of a sexual encounter with the so-called Rabbi Wise, she describes how Wise had sex with her in his office on his conference table, and quoted the verse from Psalms which Sabbatians did when engaged in sexual intercourse." pp 217

[Zionist Stephen Wise, a personal friend of Chaim Weizmann, was also the mutual friend and co-worker of the Roman Catholic Bishop, Francis T. McConnell. Both men were servants of Jesuit-trained Patrick Cardinal Hayes of New York. Later, Jesuit-trained Archbishop Spellman would control Democrat Rabbi Stephen Wise from "the Powerhouse" - St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York. Wise's autobiography, Challenging Years, was completed the year of his death in 1949. Pursuant to Vatican policy, Wise along with 33rd Degree Freemason FDR, refused to come to the rescue of European Jewry perishing at the decree of Pope Pius XII and his Jesuit-led SS.]

** Now follow David Morrison's chronicle of Wise deliberately condemning European Jews to death by torture. Lest you believe today's American Jewish leaders aren't capable of organizing a second Holocaust, always recall the very same process, using carbon copy American Jewish leaders, is at work against Israel at this moment. PM Sharon is simply doing what the CFR tells him to. **

pp 107 - Wise wrote to Albert Einstein displacing blame for Roosevelt's silence on the Nazi atrocities on the Warburgs: "I must say to you in strictest confidence that I saw the President yesterday...His first word was, 'Max Warburg wrote to me lately that things were so bad in Germany that nothing could be done.' The President threw up his hands as if to say, 'Well, if Max thinks nothing can be done, then nothing can be done.'"

[Again, Wise and FDR working for "The Powerhouse" in New York, condemning the Jews of Europe to death.]

pp 110 - Steven Wise circulated, in January, 1937, an internal memorandum to the Governing Councils in the World Jewish Congress making it clear, "in the most emphatic terms that it cannot be a party to any scheme of the Polish government which looks to a place for Polish-German emigrants."

pp 113 - At the same time, he circulated this memorandum, he wrote to a New York congressman who intended to introduce legislation to ease restrictions on emigration to America: "I have every reason to believe that any effort that is made at this time to ease the immigration laws will result in a serious wave of anti-Semitic feeling in this country."

[Wise and FDR refused immigration of European Jews to America, while after the War, thousands of Nazis were given sanctuary in the US under the guise of "fighting godless Jew Communism." One of those Nazis was the Jesuit Coadjutor, SS "Gestapo" Heinrich Muller.]

pp 120 - After Austria fell, Wise met with representatives of the American Jewish Committee and some non-Jewish groups. The meeting came in the wake of an attempt by New York Congressman Samuel Dickstein, to introduce legislation that would allow unused refugee quotas to be allocated to those fleeing Hitler. The gathering agreed unanimously: The organizations represented at the conference will take the position that the proposed legislation is inadvisable."

pp 128 - In the week following Kristallnacht, the British offered to give up most of the 65,000 quota for British citizens to emigrate to the United States to increase places for Jewish refugees. Under Secretary Of State [CFR-controlled] Sumner Welles responded: "I reminded the Ambassador that the President stated there was no intention on the part of his government to increase the quota for German nationals. I added that it was my strong impression that the responsible leaders among American Jews would be the first to urge that no change in the present quota for German Jews be made...The influential Sam Rosenman, one of the "responsible" Jewish leaders sent Roosevelt a memorandum telling him that an "increase of quotas is wholly inadvisable. It will merely produce a 'Jewish problem' in the countries increasing the quota."

pp 129 - The General Jewish Council met the following day and spent hours of debate on an agenda that did not include the Kristallnacht. When the leaders of the American Jewish Congress addressed the issue, they did so by adopting a resolution giving the following advice to their constituents across the country:

"Resolved that it is the present policy of the General Jewish Council that there should be no parades, public demonstrations or protests by Jews." Stephen Wise on American Jewish Congress stationary sent out a report to his members labeled: CONFIDENTIAL. NOT FOR PUBLICATION IN AMY FORM WHATSOEVER: "In behalf of the American Jewish Congress I send you this report clarifying our policy in meeting the present crisis in the life of our fellow Jews in Germany. The silence of the American Jewish Congress should not be regarded as a lack of activity on our part. It is the result of well considered policy."

[Indeed, silence was not only the policy of the Order's American Jewish Congress, but of Pope Pius XII himself. For Hitler's Pope was the master behind the Order's "Final Solution to the Jewish Question." The Vatican's files on Pope Pius XII, censored by the Pope's confessor Jesuit Robert Leiber and three other Jesuits, are still closed to the scrutiny of investigators - just as the CIA files on the Kennedy Assassination are closed to those patriotic Americans who would know the truth.]

pp 145 - In the wake of Kristallnacht, New York Senator Wagner introduced legislation to allow 20,000 German Jewish children into the United States. Stephen Wise testified before the legislation committee: "If there is any conflict between our duty to those children and our duty to our country, our country comes first; and if children cannot he helped, they cannot be helped."...Reynolds saw no difficulty in accommodating the refugee children in the United States. The legislation, without support from the Jewish leadership, got nowhere.

** If the children were not destined from Germany to Palestine, they were not destined to live. The same thing happened when choosing [if] the Polish Jews [were] fit to live. **

pp 154 - A letter to American Jews on United Jewish Appeal stationery continued to support the 'selected' immigration of Jews to Palestine, despite the fact that 3 million Jews were now trapped in Nazi-occupied Poland: "Selectivity is an inescapable factor in dealing with the problem of immigration to Palestine. By selectivity [it] is meant the choice of young men and women who are trained in either agriculture or industry.

pp 178 - During the summer of 1942, Gerhart Riegner sent a cable to the State Department detailing the Nazi plan for exterminating European Jewry. At the behest of Under Secretary Of State [CFR-controlled] Sumner Welles, Wise kept the report secret.

pp 187- In the February, 1943 issue of Wise's American Jewish Congress publication, Opinion, there is an extensive review of the Hitler era to date with articles contributed by 52 people. No one mentioned the word 'rescue.'

pp 200 - When [Roman Catholic Papal Knight] Anthony Eden was in Washington he met with Wise and told him nothing could be done...Eden's private secretary Oliver Harvey noted in his diary: 'Unfortunately, A.E. loves Arabs and hates Jews [which was then and is now the present policy of the Jesuit Order].'

pp 212 - There was an appeal from Italy which stated that an appeal from the pope might stop the deportation of Jews from Italy. The Zionist Emergency Committee did nothing about this matter. A meeting wasn't even called.

[And Pope Pius XII said nothing as further revealed in Rolf Hochhuth's 1963 masterpiece, The Deputy.]

pp 217 - Stephen Wise declared: "We are Americans first. Nothing else that we are, whether by faith or race, qualifies our Americanism...The way to save Jews is to unite the Jewish people behind the victory program of President Roosevelt."

pp 220 - A White House staffer recorded in his diary that, "The President told us from his bedroom that he would not see the delegation of rabbis."... Judge Rosenman, who was also in the bedroom said the group was not representative of the most thoughtful elements in Jewry. Rosenman's statement to Roosevelt that "leading Jews of his acquaintance" opposed the rabbis' march.

pp 227 - While Wise sent private memos clearly stating they thought the rescue of Jews was public they supported the Roosevelt administration's steadfast assertion that nothing could be done...

pp 230 - Congressman Gillette recalled a visit to his office by Wise and a few of his colleagues:" None of these gentlemen seemed to be enthusiastic for...the saving of the remnant of the Jewish people."

pp 241 - Wise felt strongly that the Gillette legislation did not provide for the "proper type of commission." With all that was known about the obstruction of the Jewish rescue by the State Department [then as now controlled by the Archbishop of New York], Wise was lobbying to leave the issue in their hands...Henry Morgenthau's aide Josiah Dubois uncovered the State Department's policy relevant to the issue of Jewish rescue... The stunning title to the Dubois memorandum was: REPORT TO THE SECRETARY ON THE ACQUIESCENCE OF THIS GOVERNMENT IN THE MURDER OF JEWS...Dubois pointed to the restrictions on visas as, "the most glaring example of the use of the machinery of this government to actually prevent the rescue of Jews."

** David Morrison's conclusions are too generous, but his scholarship is invaluable. He has added an essential contribution to the indisputable fact that America's Jewish leaders, led by Stephen Wise, purposely murdered by proxy, the Jews of Europe.


Rabbi Stephen S. Wise Addressing a Protest Rally in New York, 1933

[Stephen Wise was a mere puppet of the Black Pope in adhering to the secret policy of the Allied leaders -Masons Churchill, FDR and Stalin - who also worked in conjunction with the Order's Axis fascist Roman Catholic dictators - Mason Mussolini and Hitler. That secret policy was the deliberate isolation of European Jewry thus condemning it to the Death Camps of Poland, those six slaughter pens having been financed and built by corporations owned or controlled by Vatican Knights of Malta.]

Now they are working on the Jews of Israel, starting with those of Gaza. **


The CFR is at work taking over the media of the Israeli patriots. Ronald Lauder of the CFR and his frontman Moshe Ben Zvi have bought out the newspapers Hatsofe and Makor Rishon, as well as the religious TV channel Tchelet. The first thing they did at Tchelet and Makor Rishon was fire the staff and change policies. This week Makor Rishon's editor was ousted and the new management has promised a more "middle of the road" editorial policy.

To prove the Gaza withdrawal is a gesture of war, consider what could have been done. Next door to Gaza is the 36,000 sq. mile Sinai Peninsula, which Egypt has been using to funnel-tunnel weapons against Israel, obviously in contravention of its supposed peace treaty with Israel. The population of the Sinai is under 50,000 and if anyone actually wanted to bring peace to the region, a viable Palestinian state could be established there.


Influence of Frankism WinterWatch

One of the most hidden aspects of the history of the last 350 years is the impact of the Shabbetian Messianic movement. It was led by Shabbetai Tzvi starting June 6, 1666 (6666). Tzvi convinced, perhaps, half of world’s Jewry at its peak that he was the true messiah. A vast Sabbatian movement promoted the Messianic ambitions of Tzvi, who only recognized the sacred book of Kabbalah, the Zohar and rejected the Torah and Talmud.

The Sabbatian Luciferian phenomenon was kept alive through the centuries with great help. In the 18th century, Jacob Frank reintroduced Sabbatianism to Europe. Although Jewish scholars have dissected Sabbatianism and Frankism, little of it is known to the outside world. Rabbi Marvin Antelman believes the movement lives on at least in spirit and refers to today’s believers as “satanic Sabbatian Frankists.” The article that follows uses Antelman’s book, “To Eliminate the Opiate,” as the primary source to document these events.

Jewish scholar Gershom Scholem attempts to answer this question of why Sabbatianism has been swept under the rug in his book “Holiness of Sin,” as follows:

Secularist historians, on the other hand, have been at pains to de-emphasize the role of Sabbatianism for a different reason. Not only did most of the families once associated with the Sabbatian movement in Western and Central Europe continue to remain afterward within the Jewish fold, but many of their descendants, particularly in Austria, rose to positions of importance during the 19th century as prominent intellectuals, great financiers, and men of high political connections.

“Sabbatian cults are well documented in the ‘Encyclopedia Judaica’ and in the writings of Israeli academics, including the late professor Y. Tishbi, Yehuda Liebes and Yaacov Katz. In a nutshell, these groups sexually practiced incest, pedophilia, adultery and homosexuality and were otherwise depraved. The Talmud states that the Messiah will come only in an age that is completely guilty or completely innocent (Sanhedrin 98a). From this epigram, the Frankists would declare, “Since we cannot all be saints, let us all be sinners.”

One has to wonder what insanity was inside the minds of Jews that would cause so many to buy into this nihilist cult. In addition Sabbatians and Frankists practiced inbreeding which surely didn’t help with any tendency towards psychosis and neurosis. In his day, over a million Jews from every walk of life proclaimed and hailed Tzvi as their deliverer. The movement rejected the Talmud, and completely rejected the ethics and morals of Torah Judiasm.

They conspired with the Illuminati with goals of destroying all religions and fusing all nations into one. Gershon Scholem has traced the incestuous practices of the Sabbatians to that of Earth Mother worship.

After a forced conversion to Islam by the Sultan, the cult simmered down. Then, Jacob Frank, one of history’s nastiest men, encountered the Sabbatian Dönmeh while he was a traveling salesman in Turkey in 1750. He refined the concept of the Messiah, declared himself so, and urged members of the movement to sin as the means to salvation. It was called the “cult of the all-seeing eye.”

The Frankist “believer” had an inverted, deceptive belief system. One must not appear to be as they really are. The last belief justified its followers’ pursuit of the double lives they led. One could appear to be a religious Jew on the outside and, in reality, be a Frankist. The Dönmeh officially converted to Islam but remained (hidden) crypto-Jews. Similarly so, the many Frankists who officially converted to Catholicism.

The great majority of Frankists who outwardly appeared to embrace Judaism integrated themselves into the Jewish community. Despite the fact that they were all outwardly religious, they still cherished as their goal “the annihilation of every religion and positive system of belief,” and they dreamed “of a general revolution that would sweep away the past in a single stroke so that the world might be rebuilt.”

For the Frankist, anarchic destruction represented all the Luciferian radiance, and “great is a sin committed for its own sake.” The Frankists taught that their Four Godheads represented the major religions that needed to be destroyed: Elijah represents the ultimate Messiah, which is reached by starting with Judaism, represented by Jonathan Eibeschutz; going on to Islam represented by Shabbetai Tzvi; a the last portal represented by Frank in Christianity. After the revolution, comes Big Brother, who rules the earth.

The Frankists enticed women to leave their husbands and to join their orgies. Families were broken up by the hundreds. This is even more amazing considering the strong family life that characterized the Jews in the communities of Podolia, Moravia, Poland, Hungary and Romania at that time.

The Encyclopedia Judaica states that Frank’s considerable wealth and income “was a constant source of wonder and speculation, and the matter was never resolved.”

In 1752, Frank married a Bulgarian Jewish woman named Channa. She was very beautiful, and he utilized her, as was the custom among members of his sect, to ensnare hundreds of men who had licentious affairs with her to build up the strength of his sect.

In 1755, Frank returned to Poland, where he associated with the Sabbatian leaders of Podolia and visited and expanded Jewish communities that had been known for their heretical leanings since the beginning of the 18th century.

Rabbis Crack Down

After Frankists burned copies of the Talmud and accused Jews of ritual murders, the rabbis had seen enough. In 1756 in the city of Satinow, rabbis formally excommunicated Frank and all of his followers. They prohibited intermarriage with any members of the sect. Rabbi Jacob Emden (1697- 1776) wrote in a letter that it was forbidden for anyone to have mercy on them.

Divorced from traditional Judaism, a group of Frankists in Europe converted to Catholicism in 1759. But a year later, Frank was accused of heresy and was thrown into the Citadel of Czenstokova. Frank lived comfortably at the monastery for 13 years.

Frankism was coined in early 19th century and was initially a slur directed at the descendants of Frank’s followers who converted to Roman Catholicism and attempted to conceal their background.

According to contemporary accounts, the Warsaw Frankists were at 6,000. It was put at 24,000 in the whole of Poland. The cultists were said to monopolize certain trades and professions, including lending, brothels and alcohol. This factor led to many conflicts between Polish burghers and the Frankists. In Polish brochures and pamphlets published in Warsaw in the 1790s, the Frankists were portrayed as neither Jewish nor Christian (religious chameleons) and were characterized as managing to escape the control of both Jewish and Polish authorities.

After the rabbis succeeded in reducing the sect some, Frankists turn up in Moravia and Vienna. There was already an influential clan in Prague that pre-dated Jacob Frank. For reasons not adequately explained by Rabbi Antelman in his book, many of the Frankist families at this time were wealthy elites. Our theory is that their low morals and evil intent allowed them to move aggressively into the lucrative vice trades which more traditionally religious peoples avoided.

Additionally, because many were now “officially” Catholic, they were able to join or form Masonic lodges where they liked to plot and conspire. In particular, the elite Frankist inbred families operated out of the Mason Order of Asiatic Brethren in Vienna. More lodges were opened in Hamburg and Berlin. Even gentile Masonic lodges were very amenable to Jewish converts to Christianity, especially among men of means (crypto-Jew Frankists) who could grease palms and provide sexual favors. This led to a path of infiltration and of course compromising control.

The Elite Frankists

After his release from the citadel, Frank moved to Brno, Moravia, to hang out with his brother, who was the head of the large Dobrushka family. Jacob Frank even adopted that name. They were Frankist loyalists. The family included eight sons. Two who changed their name to Frey were leading Jacobins in the French Revolution and were guillotined when the Jacobins were removed. Frank resided for 13 years in Brno. His brother Solomon (1715-1774) held both the lucrative potash and the tobacco monopolies in Moravia.

Though they had a tendency to inter-marry and inbreed within their own group, the elite Luciferian Frankists had no problem strategically assimilating with select wealthy Catholic families. Indeed, by all accounts, they were gold diggers and seductresses who also had money in their own right. Frank’s own daughter Eva slept with Crown Prince and future Emperor Joseph II in Vienna, where for a time Frank was welcome within the court. Besides the sexual servicing of Joseph II, the Hapsburgs thought he could be useful in converting and assimilating Jews.

Frankists also freely held both Jewish, Catholic or Islamic names. Sabbeatians and Frankists epitomize the term “crypto-Jew.” As time went on, Frankism became more of a predatory psychopathic belief system and excuse to sin and indulge than anything else.

Eight Dobruskas “officially” converted to Christianity and six were ennobled. One of Solomon’s granddaughters, Francesca Dobrushka, married into the Hoenig family, later ennobled as the von Hoenigsbergs. The Hoenigsberg family acquired most of its wealth as descendants of Loebel Hoenig who, during the Austrian secession of 1740-1748 and the Seven Year War of 1756-1763, accumulated a fantastic fortune as a supplier of the Austrian army. Loebel’s eldest son, Israel Hoenig (1724-1808), achieved control of the Austrian tobacco monopoly.

Other prominent Sabbeatians were the Wehles family of Prague. One, Gottlieb Wehle, came to the United States with a large constituency of Frankists from Bohemia and Moravia after the Revolution of 1848. One member of this clan was Louis Brandeis (1856-1941), the Supreme Court Justice and ardent Zionist who was instrumental in promoting the Federal Reserve Bank. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter is reported to have received a copy of Eva Frank’s portrait from his mother, a descendent of a Prague Frankist family.

Isaac Daniel Itzig of Berlin also had Frankist familial connections. He ran the Press of the Jewish Free School, which in 1796 changed its name to the Oriental Printing Office, considered to be a powerful instrument of “cultural reform” and intellectual precursor to the Frankfurt School. Rabbi Antelman labels Itzig as an earlier Communist. In fact, Antelman documents a theory that holds that proto-Frankists were the vanguards of the Marxist-Communist philosophy.

Itzig’s father Daniel aka Daniel Yoffe was financial adviser to King Frederick William II of Prussia who, when he was crown prince, was a member of the Berlin llluminati. Itzig (1750-1806) was a purveyor of silver to the Royal Prussian mint. Along with banker-merchant H. Ephraim during the Seven-Year War, he issued debased coinage that not only contributed to inflation but helped the Prussian government fight the war. These two powerful Frankist families were later joined in marriage.

Frankist Mayer Arnstein married Theresa Wertheimer, granddaughter of banker and chief rabbi Samson Wertheimer of Austria. Rabbi Wertheimer (1658-1724) was considered to be the wealthiest Jew in Europe between 1694 and 1704. He was financial administrator for emperors Leopold I, Joseph I and Charles VI and supervised their diplomatic missions. This earned him the nickname Judenkaiser, or Jewish Emperor. Arnstein in turn financed the Tyrolese peasant revolt against France and Bavaria.

The same pattern continuously emerges. Brilliant, wealthy Luciferians addicted to power, anxious to superficially assimilate, to destroy religions, to indulge in radicalism, shady ethics and to live cryptic, two-faced lives, sometimes posing as religious Jews, Catholics, Protestants or Muslims but indulging their revolutionary radicalism in secret. Even as Frankism itself diminished, at least on the surface, as a large and organized sect, its belief system received a strong toehold even within the Catholic faith through Frankist “conversions.”

Rabbi Scholem adds more clues as to their practices:

The “believers” endeavored to marry only among themselves, and a wide network of inter-family relationships was created among the Frankists, even among those who had remained within the Jewish fold. Later Frankism was to a large extent the religion of families who had given their children the appropriate education. The Frankists of Germany, Bohemia, and Moravia usually held secret gatherings in Carlsbad (Karlovy Vary, Bohemia, today’s Czech Republic) in summer round about the ninth of Av.

In 1800 the Prussians conducted an investigation of the Frankists under the official Forney. At first they thought it was a scam, but in the end they determined it was a secret society engaged in political and economic esponiage under the guise of a religion.

Rothschild Connection

Near the end of his life, Frank lived in Offenbach, just outside Frankfurt. He lived in regal style and maintained a militia. He died in Offenbach on August 10, 1791, having settled there in 1786.

When the Frankists established themselves in 1786 in the Frankfurt suburb of Offenbach, they were patronized by “unidentified philanthropists” of the Frankfurt community. But during the Frankfurt Masonic Lodge’s formative years, the three most active members of the Frankfurt Judenloge were Frankist-influenced: Sigmund Geisenheimer, Michael Hess (1782-1860) and Justus Hiller, who were also leaders in the liberal Jewish Reformist movement. Michael Hess was hired by Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) as a tutor for his children. Geisenheimer was Mayer Rothschild’s head clerk. Thus the spirit and mentality of Frankism received a large boost from the richest family in Europe. Incidentally, 29 of 58 of Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s grandchildren married first or second cousin


The Satanic Frankfurt School’s most well-known proponents included Max Horkheimer, media theorist Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Walter Benjamin and Jurgen Habermas. Dr. Kurt Lewin, the founder of the study of “group dynamics,” was a member of the Satanic Frankfurt school in America, and an important influence on the work of the Satanic Tavistock.

In producing their critical theory, the Satanic Frankfurt School brought together the dialectical versions of history of Hegel and Marx. They were deeply influenced by Hegel's idealism and dialectical interpretation of history, and derived a sense of the power of Spirit (Geist) or of cultural forms in human cultural life.

From Marx they derived a sense of the importance of material forces in history and the role of economics in human and social life. They were also heavily influenced by Nietzsche, particularly his critiques of mass culture, society, morality and the state, which in Thus Spake Zarathustra, he had denounced the new idol, a new object of worship.

Nietzsche also criticized "mass man" and conformity, and was one of the first critics of the role of journalism in creating mass opinion. The Satanic Frankfurt School agreed with Nietzsche that a lot of the common cultural forms repressed natural instincts, and therefore tried to develop a Godless philosophy that would lead to the supposed emancipation of the human being in society but instead bring Hell on Earth.

The Satanic Frankfurt School recognized that modern consumer society was the new form of capitalism, creating novel forms of social institutions that integrated the working class into advanced capitalist systems. Important, therefore, was their attempt to update traditional Marxist interpretation by analyzing the role of what they recognized as state and monopoly capitalism.

While, beginning in the late nineteenth century, a new era of monopoly capitalism had arrived, additionally, with the Great Depression the state began to play a much more important role in managing the economy, resulting in the new model of state capitalism exemplified by the New Deal.

There were two forms of state monopoly capitalism: there was the fascist and authoritarian state capitalism of Nazi Germany and the democratic state capitalism of the United States. In both of these forms of state capitalism, new types of administration, bureaucracy and methods of social domination emerged that contributed, they believed, to a curtailing of individual freedom and democracy, giving rise to conformity and massification.

In particularly, the Satanic Frankfurt School explored the role of the mass media. Where control of mass media was overt in Nazi Germany, and similarly in the Soviet Union, the Satanic Frankfurt School saw that the instruments of mass culture and communication were playing an equally important role in marketing capitalism, democracy and the American way of life.

The members of the Satanic Frankfurt School were, for the most part, from assimilated Satanic Jewish families. And it would seem, due to their secularism, despite retaining a Jewish identity, as well as their cohesiveness and theories promoting a reinterpretation of traditional morality, particularly sexual morality, that they must have been of Sabbatean Frankist origin

Sexual Excess as a Religion

We are told "free love" is "progressive and modern." In fact, like Satanism the Sabbatean sect has indulged in Sexual Rituals including wife sharing, sex orgies, adultery and incest - increasing sexual addiction leading on to homosexuality, torture, drugs, pedophilia, bestiality, and pornography for more than 350 years.

They have inducted us into their cult.

Antelman cites the proceedings of a rabbinical court where Shmuel, son of Shlomo tearfully confessed he had rejected the Torah and had encouraged his wife to have sex several times with Hershel. "I am guilty. She did not want to." (111)

Jacob Frank pimped his beautiful wife to recruit influential men.


Pimping and blackmailing as an entry into Satanic organisations. In order to be trusted by a Satanist one must pedophile then ritually torture, Murder, Sacrifice babies, children and people on video! in the underground dungeons all over the Planet.

Otherwise you get Epsteined!

Pimping and blackmailing Epstein as well as donating to Harvard and MIT eugenic, mind control, scientists for, on behalf of, transhumanist Eugenicists Bill Gates and the "usual suspect" family foundations was a blackmailer, "they owe me favours" of many elite people - heads of Google, Microsoft and Facebook - as well as Bill Gate


freud moses montheism

Sigmund Freud And His Vision Of The Unconscious November 22, 2008

Sigmund Freud And His Vision Of The Unconcious

Redefining A False Vision


R.E. Prindle


Bakan, David, Sigmund Freud And The Jewish Mystical Tradition, Orig. Issued 1965, Dover edition of 2004

Movie: The Testament Of Dr. Mabuse, 1932, Fritz Lang, auteur.


Sometime after I wrote the first part of Something Of Value (see above for link) I read David Bakan’s Freud And The Jewish Mystical Tradition. Bakan’s book confirmed my findings while developing Freud’s relationship to his culture’s mystical tradition based on Bakan’s understanding of the Zohar and the Jewish Kabbalah, which I haven’t read or studied; nor do I intend to unless I exhaust my other pursuits which doesn’t seem likely. You never know though.

However a point to consider is how Jewish is the Jewish mystical tradition, that is, what are its antecedents? Are they rooted in Judaism or elsewhere? Bakan seems to believe that the Jewish Kabbalah is derived entirely from Jewish sources independent of the general milieu. I don’t believe this to be true. The Jewish mystical tradition like all others is based on the very ancient Egyptian traditions as is a great deal of ancient Jewish culture. Bakan believes that the Kabbalah arose in the first century AD. This is probably true.

The Hermetic tradition which is equivalent to a European Cabala took form as such in Alexandria during the Ptolemaic period when Greek and Egyptian ideas interreacted. Hemeticism evolved from much earlier doctrines centered around the Egyptian god Thoth. The Zohar and Cabbalah then is Hermetic material adapted for Jewish needs. The whole can be traced back to Alexandria. It will be remembered that there was a large colony of Jews in Alexandria from long before the first century AD.

The Zohar is a mystical book, which is attributed to the first and second century Rabbi, Simeon Bar Yohai, and it was rewritten, edited and whatever in twelfth century Spain in the sixteenth century. Its influence then was transmitted to the seventeenth century Jewish messiah, Sabbatai, Zevi.

According to Mr. Bakan Freud was familiar with the Zohar and Kabbalah. I couldn’t go so far as to claim so myself but Mr. Bakan can quote chapter and verse. While Freud claimed to be scientific Mr. Bakan relates almost all of Freud’s psychology to the Kabbalah showing Freud’s dependence on Sabbatianism and Frankism as I indicated in Something Of Value Part I.

Thus while seeming to be working from a scientific point of view Freud is actually blending a bit of scientific method acquired from European sources, as there is no science in Jewish culture, with his Jewish religious material to subvert the European moral order. While Freud himself was at war with European civilization, the international Jewish organizations of which he was a member extended his field of influence to the United States and Canada. Thus while Freud speaks specifically of Europe he can be taken to mean Euroamerica.


A further background for his psychology, Freud’s central childhood fixation, appears to be the incident in which a European knocked his father’s hat into the gutter which his father meekly, or wisely, depending on your point of view, accepted without a demur. Because of this story Freud wished to avenge himself on all Europeans.

Probably at this point Freud assumed the Moses complex that stayed with him to the end of his life. He, Freud, would lead his people to triumph over the Europeans as Moses had led the People out of Egypt while Pharaoh and his army were drowned in the Red Sea.

However, oddly enough, as he claimed to be wholly Jewish, Freud was conflicted in his attitude toward Europeans. As a child he had a Roman Catholic nurse who introduced him to Christianity by taking him to church. Most probably she also tried to wean him from Judaism. This experience had a great effect on young Freud. In the following anecdote, as with most fixations, he seemed to have lost the exact memory of the situation. From Bakan:

…that my ‘primary originator; (of neuroses) was an ugly, elderly, but clever woman who told me a great deal about God and hell, and gave me a high opinion of my own capacities.

On October 15, 1897 he quotes his mother speaking about the old nurse who took care of him when he was very young:

“Of course,” she said, “an elderly woman, very shrewd indeed. She was always taking you to church. When you came home you used to preach and tell us about how God conducted his affairs.”

His memory had become confused while it does not appear that he ever exorcised his fixation, for fixation it was. He apparently loved this nurse at the time rather than hating her. When she was later accused and convicted of stealing from the Freuds she was dishonored and actually sent to jail. Freud was heartbroken while changing his opinion of her. But, he had had contact with Christian Europeans which left a lasting impression on him that he could not consciously recognize or acknowledge. If I am correct, this impression resurfaced when he came into contact with C.G. Jung who he adopted as a surrogate for this nurse transferring his love and hatred of her to Jung.

Just as he loved this nurse there were apparently strong homosexual overtones in his relationship with Jung. As Freud would have known, the compulsion toward repitition would have been a component in his relationship with Jung through his nurse although he apparently did not recognize this. So much for his self-analysis. He found reasons to break off with Jung or drive him away while bitterly claiming to be betrayed by Jung just as his nurse had been accused and convicted of theft thus betraying the love of the child Freud. Thus once again his contact with a Christian European was brief ending in sorrow for himself.

A third situation occured late in life when he wrote Moses And Monotheism. Rather startlingly he claimed that Moses was not Jewish but was an ethnic Egyptian. This means Freud, who had a Mosaic fixation, split his personality between his Christian longings and his professed Jewish identity. Another result would be that monotheism was not a Jewish invention but actually a goyish invention so that all the evil arising from monotheism was not the fault of the Jews but the goys. A neat job of transference. Thus Freud’s notion of Moses may have been a sort of dream reversal of facts.

Whatever the results of Freud’s self-analysis back before the turn of the century, it is quite clear that he was unable to resolve his fixations nor, one believes, was he aware of their influence on him. He never integrated his personality remaining under the influence of his subconscious fixations. No wonder he ignored the conscious mind.


Like most people Freud had to find his way from adolescence to adulthood and his true ambitions by a freud-5circuitous route.

The editor’s note to 1927’s The Future Of An Illusion says this:

In the ‘Postscript’ which Freud added in 1935 to his Autobiographical Study he remarked that a ‘signficant change’ had come about in his writings during the previous decade. “My interest,” he explained, “after making a long detour through the natural sciences, medicine, and psychotherapy, returned to the cultural problems which fascinated me long before, when I was a youth scarcely old enough for thinking.”

He undoubtedly refers to his experiences in church with his Christian nurse contrasted with the ‘Christian’ who knocked his father’s hat into the gutter. As Freud is very duplicitous in his use of language one should try to be very sensitive to the personal meanings behind the general meaning of his words. Thus I believe his use of the term ‘cultural problems’ can usually be understood as his inner conflict between his Christianity and Judaism.

As Bakan points out, that while Freud rejected Rabbinical religious Judaism he was deeply immersed in the Jewish mystical tradition of the Zohar and Kabbalah. Thus one can discount his claim to be an ‘atheistic’ Jew. Or else atheism has a more specific meaning for him.

I would place the change of emphasis in his writing or, at least the beginning of the change, in 1915. My guess would be that Freud was unaware of the coming Jewish Revolution until he joined B’nai B’rith in 1895. That knowledge would have shaped the direction of his researches. Whatever science was involved would have been subordinated toward achieving the Revolution. At the same time that he was working out the nature of psychoananlysis as Bakan indicates he must also have been studying the Zohar and Kabbalah. I haven’t read or studied either so I have to rely on Bakan’s analysis of their influence. Bakan traces strong mystical influences running side by side with what passed for science in Freud’s mind. As Freud persistently says he’s going to ignore the facts if favor of projections one must assume that there is more mysticism than science in Freud’s construction of psychoanalysis- as he says ‘his creation.’

Bakan points out that Freud transited from the role of physician to that of ‘healer.’ That is analogous to the hands on approach of Christian Fundamentalism. Freud then for all practical purposes abandoned medicine for healing. Then, sometime between 1913, the year of the beginning of the Jewish revolution, and 1915 he abandoned psychoanalytical research for his ‘cultural’ studies.’ In other words, he began to apply his psychological studies to the manipulation of cultures through his developing ideas on Group Psychology.

Just as Freud learned that there were screen memories that transformed more painful memories into something more acceptable to salve those injured feelings so Freud learned that he could develop ‘screen’ language to serve up unpalatable meanings in palatable ways. Thus what he says has a reasonable meaning to the uninitiated but has a totally different meaning to the initiated- those with the key. In many ways it is the same as a criminal argot. Those who understand the argot can discuss topics openly without the uninitiated understanding, while only those with the key can twig it. Ya dig?

The key incident that fixed his mind on ‘cultural interests’ was his father’s story of the guy who knocked his hat into the gutter. Freud then, in attempting to diguise his hatred for ‘Christianity’ while secretly admiring it because of his nurse who gave him an inflated opinion of his importance, and his desire to avenge his father and hence all Jews through his Moses fixation, developed his program. Thus he acted in his own mind altruistically and need feel no guilt.

Freud was very seriusly conflicted, also suffering from depression according to Bakan. Hence his purpose was to knock the whole of European Christianity into a cocked hat in the gutter, which is to say the actual persons of Europe. Compare Freud to Rebbe Schneerson in America.

Thus, the use of terms like ‘Culture’ and ‘Civilization’ should always be placed in the context of Jews and Europeans. In this manner he avoids the appearance of bigotry and hatred while sounding ‘scientific.’

Now, this obsession and extreme form of vengeance for something that, after all, didn’t happen to him nor did he witness it, might certainly be considered a neurosis, probably a psychosis and possibly a degree of insanity. In reading Bakan there is a hint that he believes Freud had a disordered mind. Indeed, Fritz Lang’s movie The Testament Of Dr. Mabuse should be held steadily in mind when reading of Freud’s later career. Lang must have had Freud in mind when he filmed the movie.

Lang also had a hand in the making of The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari from which film he was dismissed. Lang’s departure from Caligari changed the ending of that movie to the conventional note of the victim, or whistle blower, being declared insane. Lang reversed this by making the perpetrator Caligari/Mabuse insane as in real life with Freud. Further the disciple of Mabuse, the head of the asylum, Dr. Baum was also declared insane. Although the problem appeared to be solved the threat of the conspiracy continuing from Mubuse’s cell, now occupied by Dr. Baum who has assumed Dr. Mabuse’s identity, looms like a spectre over the denouement.

While Freud was never incarcerated as he sould have been, he was imprisoned in his mind no less than Drs. Mabuse and Baum or the character in Gradiva which held such fascination for Freud. It is interesting that Freud had a plaster cast of the relief of Gradiva’s heel on which the story of Gradiva was based that the displayed prominently in his office. The story obviously had greater significance for him than his ‘objective’ analysis of the story would lead one to suspect.

Thus from 1915 to 1935 like Dr. Mabuse he sat imprisoned in his projection of reality churning out page after page, volume after volume of criminal plans for the subversion of civilization which is to say of Euroamerican civilization but not Jewish culture. He makes a definite point of that illusion of whose future he is discussing applies only to Europe and Christianity rather than religion in general which would include his own Judaism. At this point he is not aware of the burgeoning Wahabi Moslemism so that his message is that Jewish beliefs are real while Christian beliefs and Scientific reality are illusory. One has to penetrate the screen language and convert it into the proper psychological intent.

As David Bakan points out Freud lived his whole life in a sort of Jewish ghetto having very little contact with Europeans.

His choice of Jung as the potential heir to his ‘creation’ may have had as much to do with a desperate attempt to reestablish a connection similar to that of his childhood Christian nurse. Thus his overtures to Jung while under extreme stress were driven from his unconscious while he himself was unaware of his true motivations. This would have been an expression of a repetition compulsion. Thus as his nurse disappeared from his life under discreditable circumstances he replicated the situation with Jung. His attempt to convert Moses (hence himself) into an Egyptian may have been a last attempt to replicate and resolve this early contact with Christianity. His view of European civilization then was filtered wholly through a Jewish projection of possibilities. He really had no intimate knowledge of European mores.

From 1915 on, then, his writings were obsessed with hatred for Euroamerica and a desire to wreak vengeance on them by destroying the basis of their civilization. His ideas for the subversion of European civilization were carried to America by the international B’nai B’rith organization to be adopted and employed there. In addition Revolutionary plans executed in Europe in 1917 were financed and organized by the world Jewish government in the US. While functioning according to local conditions the Revolution was conducted on an international scale. Act locally, think globally. Hence Jewish revolutionaries left the US for Russia after 1918 to aid in the consolidation going on there. This is really an incredible repressed story in the Freudian cultural manner. Very Freudian that such phenomenal criminal activity that were best left invisible was repressed into humanity’s unconscious.

At this point I think it mght be well to examine Freud’s vision of the unconscious in more detail. While there can be little doubt that there is a subconscious function to the human mind usually referrred to as the unconscious after Freud that had been an accepted fact amongst scientific researchers for a hundred years Freud has been given the credit for discovering it. The exact nature had not been determined before Freud nor does Freud determine it. His view is merely a projection of his own conscious and subconscious needs.


In David Bakan’s view Freud made a compact with ‘Satan.’

Certainly not in the literal sense but in the figurative sense that Freud would do anything, abandon any freud-1moral precepts, to achieve fame. Bakan points out the supercription to Freud’s Interpretation Of Dreams a quote from Virgil: Flectere si nesqueo, superos, Acheronta movebo. Translated as: If the gods above are no use to me, than I’ll move all hell. Freud further blurred the line between good and evil or amalgamated the two from the influence of Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank who cast off all morality. Since Freud has been successful in altering both Euroamerican and Jewish morality toward these immoral or amoral beliefs by false ‘Satanic’ criminal doctrines it is imperatvie to debunk his personal projection of the ‘unconscious.’

As he ‘made a pact’ with powers below- the unconscious- against the powers above- the conscious- he invested his projection of the unconscious with the attributes of ‘Satan’ or evil. This view of the subconscious is a self-serving fiction not based on any science.

He sets up the unconscious as an autonomous entity with the main function of blighting the conscious. He give the powers of hell supremacy over the powers of heaven. The notion is mere fantasy; it cannot be. There is no possibility that the function of the subconscious doesn’t have a positive function in and of itself and in relation to the conscious. If you actually think abut it for a moment you wil realize this must be true; every part of the body works to the benefit of the whole; there can be no exception for the subconscious.

Now, nature is not flawless. The order that the religious seem to find is not there. Nature functions in a much more imperfect or haphazard way. It takes only one peek through the Hubble to see that.

However the relationship between the conscious and subconscious is delicate and easily disrupted especially in the early years of the organism when it has no experience with which to evaluate the events occurring to it. The Ego and Anima are not part of the subconscious and possibly not of the conscious but functions through the conscious and subconscious minds.

The conscious mind perceives phenomena and acts on them but the terrific inflow of impressions is more than it can deal with so the day’s input is received into the subconscious for further reference. Thus a major function of dreams in the sleeping state is to review and process, organize the information into a coherent whole for future reference. The subconscious then is able to compare incoming information with experience for the appropriate response. When the conscious and subconscious minds are attuned, that is to say, the personality is integrated, the system works properly, otherwise the response is distorted by one’s fixations. This is very easy to see in Freud.

However, especially in youth when experience is scant, the mind may be challenged with some devastating new experience for which there are no reference points. If an appropriate response is made there is no problem. If an inappropriate response is made against which future experience may be in variance, the earlier response which has become fixated will over rule the current response and substitute the fixated inappropriate response. Thus the current response will constellate around these earlier fixations which gives one bizarre symbolic dreams and inappropriate responses.

The inappropriate response will usually result from an insult to the Ego or, in other words, one’s sexual identity. In turn the response to this insult will be expressed in a sexual affect.

The purpose of psychoanalysis, which is real science, although Freud didn’t see that, is to locate and exorcize them allowing the conscious and subconscious aspects of the mind to function properly as a unit. Dreams are actually important because they are an analysis of life’s experience providing responses. None of this, of course takes in intelligence, discipline and other functions of mind and character that Freud dismisses as irrelevant.

Now, in the cultural war between Judaism and Euroamerica, or as the Jews express it, Christianity, Freud infused the Jewish subconscious with a disregard for morality al la Jacob Frank in relation to Sabbatai Zevi. Any evil was excused so long as it seemed to advance the cultural war. While this infusion may not have reached down through the ranks of Jewry- which is to say they behaved in a certain way but didn’t know why- the ideas were thoroughly planted in the minds of what Henry Ford would call the International Jew.

The cold war between Jews and Europeans became a shooting war in the wake of the Great War. Men, money and munitions flowed in a wide steady stream from the United States to Russia. Coordinators established themselves in strategic locations. If one reads restricted, censored literature the impression is made that horrible anti-Semites harassed and hated innocent unresisting Jews. Jews may have been killed but they were not innocent or unresisting. To the contrary freed from guilt, or supposedly so, by Freudian/Sabbatian/Frankist precepts, abattoirs were established throughout Russia where unsuspecting Russians were led in one door and flowed out the other in liquid form. This is not the place to dwell on gruesome details. The literature exists but the collective Jewish mind has repressed the deeds into the collective unconscious. In other words, history has been denied and censored so that the crimes can’t be known. Actually Whittaker Chambers, the Red spy, translated a number of these books concerning the Hungarian atrocities of Bela Kun and Tibor Szmuelly, but those are impossible to come by. All this slaughter was made possible and justified by the doctrines of Freud.

In relation to the 1919 atrocities of the Jews in Hungary and the response which expelled them from power it should be noted that Israeli troops were recently introduced into Hungary to reestablish the tyranny of Kun and Szmuelly. Don’t ever think that historical memories are short. Remember the Amalikites.

Freud sat confortably in Vienna looking on as the carnage occurred. If, as believed, the tenor of his writing changed in 1925 that was probably due to the death of Lenin in 1924. By 1925 it was apparent that the Jewish Revolution in Russia was on shaky grounds as Stalin began his rise to power so that Freud may have renewed his cultural attack or, on the other hand, as 1928 was the terminal projected year of the Jewish Revolution Freud may have been celebrating the death of European Civlilation when he published The Future Of An Illusion. By the illusion he meant European Christianity and he meant European civilization was finished. The Rome of the Popes should have fallen.

In Illusion and Civilization And Its Discontents Freud makes us believe that the malcontents of civilization are synonymous with civilization rather than being a minority that always exists during great revolutionary changes. Freud whose Judaism was challenged by the Scientific Revolution as much as Christianity or Moslemism must have been aware of the reactionary ‘instinct’ as he himself was in reaction to both European Christianity and the Scientific Revolution.

David Bakan closes his volume with these words:

…under the ruse of “playing the devil” (Freud) served Sabbatian interests. In this respect, however, just as Freud may be regarded as having infused Kabbalah into science, so may he be regarded as having incorporated science into Kabbalah. Sabbatian-wise, by closing the gap between Jewish culture and Western Enlightenment he acts as the Messiah not only for Jewish culture but for Western culture as well.

Note that Western Enlightenment is reduced to Western culture putting it on a par with Jewish culture which is a tacit admission that there is no science in Jewish culture and none is wanted in Western ‘culture’. Language as a screen.

Bakan’s is a hefty statement. Under the guise of the Devil Freud becomes the Messiah not only for Jews but for Euroamericans. Truly in this scenario good comes from evil in the Jewish mind, assuming that the Messiah is good. In case you missed it, Freud according to Bakan was the Second Coming. Narrowing the gap between the two cultures means the imposition of Jewish culture as the Chosen or Abelite people over Western or Cainite culture. Thus the age old goal of reversing the Cain and Abel story so that Cain is obligated to give preference to Abel is accomplished.

By infusing Kabbalah into science, science has been subjugated to the unscientific Jewish culture so that the Catholic/Jewish situation of Medieval Europe has been restored. The Enlightenment that invalidated Judaism, Christianity and Moslemism has been obliterated, hence the revival of religion happening today. Thus in Bakan’s eyes and according to Freud’s intent Judaism has deconstructed Euroamerican society so the reconstruction according to Jewish cultural mores can commence.

The result has been accomplished by the destruction of the Scientific Consciousness as there is little of science in Freud’s cultural writings. He just says what he believes and wants you to believe and asserts it as a fact. As always there were some Westerners who resented the encroachment of the strict limits imposed by science. Rider Haggard in his Allan Quatermain made that as clear as possible. The topic is the dominant theme of Edgar Rice Burrough’s Tarzan novels. Henry Ford and his mass production methods was a symbol of that rebellion against the strict limits set by the clock. Some denounced it as Taylorism; but with each passing decade the West became more acclimated to the change as the reactionary mood became acclimated to the new reality.

Freud invents ‘instincts’ and their ‘renunciation’ to give sense to his arguments; the renunciation of instincts’ almost sounds scientific but it isn’t. there are no instincts nor does Freud even attempt to demonstrate their existence. Like the rest or Freud’s psychology the notion is just something Freud made up. As always he notes only the negative societal destructive effects. He says nothing of the ‘instinct’ to be around people which would conflict with his instinct against civilization- the last is a vague enough term the way he uses it. But as Fritz Lang points out the hypnotic spell cast by Mabuse negates criticism so that the head psychologist of the asylum, the objective scientist himself, Dr. Baum, suspends critical judgment falling under the spell of Mabuse to the point of becoming a disciple just as Lang himself did. Indeed, as the West has. Hitler was a blessing in disguise for the Jewish Revolution. The guilt caused by Hitler completely disarmed the West allowing the reconstruction of Western mores to proceed at a faster pace than would have been possible otherwise. Indeed, the Nazi Era drove the entire psychotic Jewish Revolution to the shores of the United States beginning in the early thirties. Thus the deconstruction of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ America was assured


Lurianic Kabbalah / Psychoanalysis

A Psychoanalytic Guide to Kabbalah
By Merle Molofsky | July 9, 2013
Kabbalah and Psychoanalysis
by Michael Eigen
Karnac Books, 2012

Drawing on a profound knowledge of psychoanalysis and Jewish mysticism, Michael Eigen has written a meaningful and lively introduction to Kabbalah, particularly Lurianic Kabbalah, as it illuminates the psychoanalytic process.

In his introduction, Eigen tells us that his interest in Kabbalah was heightened and focused when, in his early forties, he first met with the noted psychoanalyst Wilfred R. Bion, who talked about using the Kabbalah as a framework for psychoanalysis.

Kabbalah and Psychoanalysis embraces the eternal invitation to walk the path of knowing, but not really knowing Kabbalah. Through it, Eigen­—a prolific author and respected psychoanalyst and educator­—plays a role akin to Maimonides, offering a twenty-first century Guide for the Perplexed. Based on several seminars in Kabbalah and psychoanalysis that Eigen offered under the auspices of the New York University Contemplative Studies Project, the book draws deeply on Eigen’s intensive scholarship, deep soul-searching and God-seeking, and eagerness to share his journey in order to assist others who also are on the path.

The seminars that form the core of the book were designed to address people with a basic knowledge of psychoanalytic process, but Eigen keeps his language down to earth. He does not burden his reader with jargon. He endeavors to speak of both Kabbalah and psychoanalysis with clarity, yet he is acutely aware that no matter how much a gifted writer and thinker can “simplify,” nothing is “simple” because both Kabbalah and psychoanalysis are in essence intuitive processes. Like the Tao Te Ching, which begins, “The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name,” the essence of Kabbalah and the essence of psychoanalysis cannot be told. Nevertheless, like the Tao Te Ching, Eigen’s Kabbalah and Psychoanalysis seeks to serve as a path to that which cannot be told or named by helping readers to access their own intuitive power.

Eigen’s approach takes seriously the well-known Buddhist teaching, “Do not mistake the finger pointing at the moon for the moon.” Toward the end of the book, in Appendix 6 of Eigen’s book, we found this quotation from Wilfred R. Bion: “Psycho-analysis itself is just the stripe on the coat of the tiger. Ultimately it may meet the Tiger – the Thing itself – O” (for Bion, “O” is a symbol for the unknowable, for ultimate reality).

The whole of Eigen’s work is a finger pointing at the moon, an acknowledgment that there is a ground of being, an essence, and a way to know both God and the human psyche and soul, without pinning the essence of either down like a butterfly pinned to a mat.

Anselm Kiefer's "Breaking of the Vessels," in the St. Louis Art Museum. Credit: Creative Commons/clio1789.

Brokenness as a Starting Point for Psychoanalysis
The book is composed of an introduction, two chapters, and eight appendices. Chapter One introduces basic concepts drawn from Kabbalah and psychoanalysis through the prism of Eigen’s own encounters—both as a child and as an adult—with Jewish ethos and thought. He begins with something essential to Judaism, the precept from Deuteronomy 6:5: “You will love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your might.” It is the fact of love that Eigen uses as an invitation to seek and find God, and the mystery underlying all creation and human experience. He unspools a train of thought that addresses the mystery of the Name of God, and the more arcane Names of God, the plural Elohim, and the individual unsayable name Yahweh. He understands Elohim as subsumed in the One of the Sh’ma, “Sh’ma, Yisroel, Adonai Elohenu, Adonai Echod,” the “Echod” of Oneness.

From establishing Oneness, Eigen moves us to the mystery of what is broken—the breaking of the vessels, the image of God shattering, in Isaac Luria’s story of God’s act of Creation, and then to what is broken in human beings. It is in this breaking that Eigen interweaves Kabbalah and psychoanalysis. In Lurianic kabbalistic thought, because God is the All, He has to contract in order to make room for His Creation—for us. When we consider this kabbalistic thought, we realize that if we are made in the image of God, we too contract and break.

A favorite line of poetry of mine is from “Crazy Jane Talks With the Bishop,” by W. B. Yeats: “For nothing can be sole or whole that has not been rent.” We learn from Eigen, as we learn from Yeats, that the basic condition of being is brokenness.

From the brokenness that results from the first Act of Creation, Eigen concludes, “That creation and the creative process could not bear its own intensity, teaches us, as psychotherapists, to go slow, dose it out.” The lesson for psychotherapists to be gained from Lurianic Kabbalah is the lesson Eigen says is offered by Bion, who “sees catastrophic processes at the beginning of psychic life and writes of a sense of catastrophe as a link that cements personality together.” For Bion, Eigen writes, “the psychoanalytic attitude is Faith.”

Etz haChayim, or The Tree of Life, depicts the ten attributes, or Sephirot, through which God reveals himself. Credit: Creative Commons/rodrigotebani.

Eigen, in his unfolding of Bion’s work, addresses two concepts that Bion represents with letters: K (knowledge) and O (“ultimate reality,” which cannot be directly known). Just as God cannot be fully known but is intuited and therefore “loved with all our hearts and all our minds and all our might,” the entire psyche of a human being—with all its unconscious processes, its rationality, irrationality, longings, wishes, dreams, and taboos—cannot be fully known.

Eigen reports that, at their very first meeting, Bion asked him, “Do you know the Kabbalah, the Zohar?” Eigen replied, “Well, I know it, but don’t really know it,” to which Bion responded, “I don’t, either, really know it.”

Just as Eigen and Bion know Kabbalah, but do not really know Kabbalah, the ultimate reality of a human being cannot be really known. But the experience of the human being can be sought and respected. What Bion and Eigen both describe as “the emotional storm between two personalities” that takes place in the psychoanalytic encounter is an opportunity for tikkun (repair).

Mysticism and Emotional Intensity
In the second (final) chapter, Eigen focuses on the Zohar of Moses de León and its impact on the writings of Rabbi Nachman. He also uses the mysticism of Rabbi Nachman to further illuminate the psychoanalytic concepts of Bion. “Nachman, in one of his passages, depicted the world as a kind of dreidel, a spinning dreidel,” Eigen writes. “We will see if we can reap some insight from spinning minds, spinning spirits, spinning souls.” In the intensity of Nachman’s search for God and the intensity of emotional storms is the potential for transformation.

Here, Eigen introduces the idea of destruction, the impulsivity of destructiveness that Freud called Thanatos, the death drive, seeking entropy. He asks, how do we reconcile destructiveness with compassion? His question leads us to another fundamental question: do we despair, or do we have faith in the unknown ultimate reality? And so I wonder, in the hope generated by faith, can we find a better way to live, a way to live with our brokenness and work toward tikkun?

In this chapter, Eigen leads us to Rabbi Nachman’s struggle over the idea that sexuality is an aspect of the yetzer hara, the evil inclination, and, like the impulse toward destructiveness, the death drive, cannot but lead to guilt. In examining Rabbi Nachman’s struggle, Eigen intimates that perhaps Rabbi Nachman suffered from a bipolar disorder.

Rabbi Nachman envisioned the world as a spinning driedel. What insights can we reap from this analysis? Credit: Todd Jordan.

How then, in Rabbi Nachman’s oscillating between depression at God’s absence and ecstasy in the knowledge of God, is repair possible? Here the message of social reform is embedded: the internal conflicts addressed by psychoanalysis are like the conflicts between people and between nations that Rabbi Nachman says have one cause—human nature itself. And, perhaps, the equating of sexual desire with evil inclination, when addressed through psychoanalysis, can diminish the anxiety people have about sexuality. People with neurotic anxiety about sexuality tend to project their sexual impulses onto others, so that their own sexuality is hated in the other. When the other is hated, the other is attacked. Psychoanalysis offers the opportunity for transformation—the opportunity to reconcile oneself to one’s own sexuality and, indeed, to accept it. The dynamic of self-hatred and projection, and its social consequences, was discussed in detail in Sartre’s 1946 essay, Antisemite and Jew, which served as a guide to understanding the horrors of the Holocaust.

In the journey Eigen leads us along in his book, the transformation of consciousness we gain from psychoanalysis, from spiritual awareness, and from spiritual experience is always subject to the ups and downs of emotional intensities. And if the journey leads us to a heightened tolerance of emotional intensity, perhaps the reconciliations involved are another step in a journey toward repai



The Satanic Theology Behind Cultural Marxism
January 30, 2016

(left, influential critic Walter Benjamin, 1892-1940)

When I studied English Literature, I was mystified that it was
stripped of its social and biographical context
as if naked words had some occult meaning by themselves.
"Critical Theory" (Jewish Satanism, Cabalism) has subverted
("deconstructed") modern Western culture
and undermined language as a means of communication.
Our education system quite literally inducts naive young people
into a Masonic Jewish satanic cult.

"In order to effect the destruction of all collective forces except ours we shall emasculate the first stage of collectivism, the universities,
by re-educating them in a new direction." Protocols of Zion, 16

Jews (and Freemasons) have a choice: Disown their organizations, or be blamed for what they are doing.

by Ayesha Elfathi

Abridged by
In every conversation about Cultural Marxism, Walter Benjamin is often overlooked, but this is a mistake.

Benjamin loaded his writings on literature and culture full of concepts and terminology from the kabbalah and the occult. In an early piece, The Task of the Translator, he claims that all modern languages are incomplete and can never give a completely accurate description of anything on the surface until society and language become "whole." This is a clear reference to the kabbalistic "shattering of the vessels."


The ideas expressed in this text would become the backbone of deconstructionism, the technique used by cultural Marxists to prove that words can mean anything and all things are "social constructs." He died young by his own hands while fleeing Nazi persecution but right before doing so he wrote a short essay which combined Marxist "historical materialism" with kabbalist mysticism.


Keeping with the semi-Gnostic kabbalist narrative of the "broken God" that inflicts His suffering onto Mankind, Benjamin claimed all human history was a history of suffering and all human culture was barbaric. To him, the only way to obtain mankind's liberation is to identify with the Marxist "class struggle"... The "oppressed" classes need to fill their hearts with hate, thus provoking them to destroy capitalism and Western Civilization. He says: "Hatred and [the] spirit of sacrifice...are nourished by the image of enslaved ancestors rather than that of liberated grandchildren."


This spontaneous act will bring about communist revolution, which will bring about a mass redemption of humanity. This is exactly analogous to the Sabbatean idea that the Messianic Era will only arrive once everyone is evil. Mankind will no longer be divided according to class, gender, race, nation or any other identity marker.





Erich Fromm 1900-1980 (making a Masonic hand sign) ... wrote heavily about Marx's theory of "alienation" ... In his book The Art of Loving, he frequently made the claim that capitalism causes people not to love each other, and argued that human relationships would be stronger under socialism. He also claimed that all sexual differences between men and women were socially constructed and rejected gender as something innate.


By far the most notorious of the Frankfurt School, Herbert Marcuse, was influenced by this ideology. His book Eros and Civilization takes Freud's views on sexuality - which were absolutely Sabbatean claimed Christian morals distorted "authentic" sexuality and openly called for a society where the most sinful of sexual acts are considered normal.


He also said perverted sexualities can help bring down capitalism and Christianity. His book played a huge role in the development of the American New Left, which gave us abortion on demand, feminism and homosexuality.




It's clear that Cultural Marxism was heavily influenced by Sabbateanism which seeks to bring the Messianic Era by interpreting Jewish Law in reverse so that all sins become holy. Critical Theory, likewise, seeks to bring Communism by interpreting Western culture and its values in reverse, so that the things Western culture considers moral and good (such as religious morality, the family, and free markets) become evil and vice-versa.


(left, Marcuse 1898-1979)


This demonic theology is the main reason why Critical Theory pushes for abortion, homosexuality, the breakdown of the family, feminism, degenerate art, and total communism. It is why they condemned the so-called "fascistic nature" of the "authoritarian personality" as one who holds to traditional Western values, contrasting it with the "liberal personality" who was unable to live up to the standards of traditional Western values.


It is also why Benjamin promoted disgusting art and literature all while celebrating the death of traditional Western art. Marcuse's concept of "repressive tolerance" also follows this model, as it promotes the censorship of those who wish to promote religious morality and traditional values.


Critical Theory is indeed a form of black magic. The reoccurring theme in all of this is the tikkun, or the restoration of everything to a state of oneness. According to the Zohar, the Jewish messiah destroys the differences between genders, nations, religions and everything else. It is Communism in its purest form



Roosh Valizadeh
Daryush "Roosh" Valizadeh created ROK in October 2012. You can visit his blog at or follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

ISBN: 0759672229

In the past couple of years I began to wonder about the fact that Jews are firmly in the middle of leftist movements centered around socialism, communism, and feminism. The Culture Of Critique by Kevin MacDonald answered why they are so heavily invested in leftist causes and how they have damaged traditional Christian ideals by treating America as a cultural laboratory to further their own group interests above those of gentiles (non-Jews).

(click for larger size)

Up to recently, Jews did not have a homeland, meaning they had—and still have—to live in countries where they’re minorities. Therefore they would historically favor societies that were open, multicultural, pro-immigration, and left-leaning so that they would not be persecuted by the host nation or be barred from attaining higher social and economic status.

Jews benefit from open, individualistic societies in which barriers to upward mobility are removed, in which people are viewed as individuals rather than as members of groups, in which intellectual discourse is not prescribed by institutions like the Catholic Church that are not dominated by Jews, and in which mechanisms of altruistic punishment may be exploited to divide the European majority.

To accomplish such a society, Jewish intellectuals moved mountains to promote human equality and the idea of racial equality (the inventor of the word ‘racist’ was Russian Jewish communist Leon Trotsky, born Lev Bronshtein). While pushing the notion of equality, Jews were hyper-aware of their own unique race and would exclude themselves from many of the prescriptions they offered to their host cultures. They made sure to help their “tribe” before all others.

Below are the main arguments and highlights of The Culture Of Critique:

“Race is a myth”
Famed Jewish anthropologist Franz Boas was instrumental in pushing the idea of nurture and culture over that of nature. We now speak of “cultural” effects upon nations instead of more genetically determined factors like race.

An important technique of the Boasian school was to cast doubt on general theories of human evolution , such as those implying developmental sequences, by emphasizing the vast diversity and chaotic minutiae of human behavior, as well as the relativism of standards of cultural evaluation.


By 1926 every major department of anthropology was headed by Boas’s students, the majority of whom were Jewish.


Ashley Montagu was another influential student of Boas. Montagu, whose original name was Israel Ehrenberg, was a highly visible crusader in the battle against the idea of racial differences in mental capacities. He was also highly conscious of being Jewish, stating on one occasion that “if you are brought up a Jew, you know that all non-Jews are anti-Semitic. . . . I think it is a good working hypothesis”. Montagu asserted that race is a socially constructed myth.

Freudian psychoanalysis as a gentile subversive movement
The book proposes that Sigmund Freud, a Jew, pushed psychoanalysis to break down traditional pair bonding in gentiles.

Many early proponents viewed psychoanalysis as a redemptive messianic movement that would end anti-Semitism by freeing the world of neuroses produced by sexually repressive Western civilization.


Freud’s theory of anti-Semitism in Moses and Monotheism contains several assertions that anti-Semitism is fundamentally a pathological gentile reaction to Jewish ethical superiority.


Freud managed to diagnose Western culture as essentially neurotic while apparently, on the basis of the argument in Moses and Monotheism, holding the view that Judaism represents the epitome of mental health and moral and intellectual superiority.


…when [Western] institutions were subjected to the radical critique presented by psychoanalysis, they came to be seen as engendering neurosis, and Western society itself was viewed as pathogenic. Freud’s writings on this issue are replete with assertions on the need for greater sexual freedom to overcome debilitating neurosis. As we shall see, later psychoanalytic critiques of gentile culture pointed to the repression of sexuality as leading to anti-Semitism and a host of other modern ills.


The psychoanalysts who emigrated from Europe to the United States during the Nazi era expected to make psychoanalysis “into the ultimate weapon against fascism, anti-Semitism, and every other antiliberal bias.”

Frankfurt school
The Frankfurt school was a research institute set up in Germany during the 1920’s. They were instrumental in developing an intellectual base for cultural Marxism under the “critical theory” framework.

At a deep level the work of the Frankfurt School is addressed to altering Western societies in an attempt to make them resistant to anti-Semitism by pathologizing gentile group affiliations.


…entire thrust of the Frankfurt School’s view of science rejects the idea that science should attempt to understand reality in favor of the ideology that science ought to serve moral (i.e., political) interests.


The end of anti-Semitism is thus viewed as a precondition for the development of a utopian society and the liberation of humanity— perhaps the closest that the Frankfurt School ever came to defining utopia. The envisioned utopian society is one in which Judaism can continue as a cohesive group but in which cohesive, nationalistic, corporate gentile groups based on conformity to group norms have been abolished as manifestations of psychopathology.


In the 1970s, the Frankfurt School intellectuals continued to draw the fire of German conservatives who characterized them as the “intellectual foster-parents of terrorists” and as fomenters of “cultural revolution to destroy the Christian West”


Jewish interests are also served by the Frankfurt School ideology that gentile concerns about losing social status and being eclipsed economically , socially, and demographically by other groups are an indication of psychopathology. As an exceptionally upwardly mobile group, this ideology serves Jewish interests by defusing gentile concerns about their downward mobility.

Jewish intellectual strategies to change culture
Judaism, because of its position as a minority group strategy committed to its own worldview, has tended to adopt ideologies in which the institutions and ideologies of the surrounding society are viewed negatively.


…an important goal of Jewish intellectual effort may be understood as attempting to undermine cohesive gentile group strategies while continuing to engage in their own highly cohesive group strategy.


…one of the themes of post-Enlightenment Judaism has been the rapid upward mobility of Jews and attempts by gentile power structures to limit Jewish access to power and social status. Given this rather conspicuous reality, practical reasons of economic and political self-interest would result in Jews being attracted to movements that criticized the gentile power structure or even advocated overthrowing it entirely.


Another practical goal of Jewish political and intellectual movements has been to combat anti-Semitism. For example, Jewish attraction to socialism in many countries in the 1930s was motivated partly by communist opposition to fascism and anti-Semitism. The general association between anti-Semitism and conservative political views has often been advanced as an explanation for Jewish involvement with the left, including the leftist tendencies of many wealthy Jews.


In the absence of a clearly perceived conflict with Jewish interests, it remains possible that different political choices among ethnic Jews are only differences in tactics for how best to achieve Jewish interests.


Silberman notes “American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief— one firmly rooted in history— that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. It is this belief, for example, not approval of homosexuality, that leads an overwhelming majority of American Jews to endorse ‘gay rights’ and to take a liberal stance on most other so-called ‘social’ issues.”


Institutions that promote group ties among gentiles (such as nationalism and traditional gentile religious associations) are actively opposed and subverted, while the structural integrity of Jewish separatism is maintained. A consistent thread of radical theorizing since Marx has been a fear that nationalism could serve as a social cement that would result in a compromise between the social classes and result in a highly unified social order based on hierarchical but harmonious relationships between existing social classes.


When an experiment in ideology and political structure fails, another experiment is launched. Since the Enlightenment, Judaism has not been a unified, monolithic movement.


In the promised utopian societies of the future, the category of Jew-gentile would be of no theoretical importance , but Jews could continue to identify as Jews and there could be continuation of Jewish group identity while at the same time a principle source of gentile identity— religion and its concomitant supports for high-investment parenting— would be conceptualized as an infantile aberration.

Promotion of cosmopolitanism, individualism, and decadent lifestyles
A race to degeneracy hurts Jews less than gentiles because they still retain guiding ingroup values. Gentiles are left in the cultural winds that Jews help create.

Research summarized by Triandis on cross-cultural differences in individualism and collectivism indicates that anti-Semitism would be lowest in individualist societies rather than societies that are collectivist and homogeneous apart from Jews.


In the long run, radical individualism among gentiles and the fragmentation of gentile culture offer a superior environment for Judaism as a group evolutionary strategy,


Indeed, “the universities, ‘free’ professions, salons, coffeehouses, concert halls, and art galleries in Berlin, Vienna, and Budapest became so heavily Jewish that liberalism and Jewishness became almost indistinguishable”.


People in individualist cultures, in contrast, show little emotional attachment to ingroups. Personal goals are paramount, and socialization emphasizes the importance of self-reliance, independence, individual responsibility, and “finding yourself”. Individualists have more positive attitudes toward strangers and outgroup members and are more likely to behave in a prosocial, altruistic manner to strangers. Because they are less aware of ingroup-outgroup boundaries, people in individualist cultures are less likely to have negative attitudes toward outgroup members.


Jews, as a highly cohesive group, have an interest in advocating a completely atomistic, individualistic society in which ingroup-outgroup distinctions are not salient to gentiles.


…a fundamental aspect of Jewish intellectual history has been the realization that there is really no demonstrable difference between truth and consensus.


…the cultural idealization of an essentially Jewish personal ethic of hedonism, anxiety, and intellectuality came at the expense of the older rural ethic of asceticism and sexual restraint.

Jews went through great efforts to conceal the predominately Jewish nature of their intellectual movements by having token gentiles be controlled spokespersons for their groups.

…because [their] movements were intended to appeal to gentiles, they were forced to minimize any overt indication that Jewish group identity or Jewish group interests were important to the participants.


…to exert their influence, they were forced to deny the importance of specifically Jewish identity and interests at the heart of the movement.


…after the collapse of the communist regime in Poland, “numerous Jews, some of them children and grandchildren of former communists, came ‘out of the closet’ ”, openly adopting a Jewish identity and reinforcing the idea that many Jewish communists were in fact crypto-Jews.


Lyons (1982, 73) finds that “most Jewish Communists wear their Jewishness very casually but experience it deeply. It is not a religious or even an institutional Jewishness for most; nevertheless, it is rooted in a subculture of identity, style, language, and social network.


Freud took great pains to ensure that a gentile, Jung, would be the head of his psychoanalytic movement— a move that infuriated his Jewish colleagues in Vienna, but one that was clearly intended to deemphasize the very large overrepresentation of Jews in the movement during this period.

The Jewishness of an assimilated Jew tends to come out when Jewry is threatened:

Jewish identity of even a highly assimilated Jew, and even one who has subjectively rejected a Jewish identity, may surface at times of crisis to the group or when Jewish identification conflicts with any other identity that a Jew might have, including identification as a political radical.

Their disproportionate participation in communism, Marxism, and socialism
Marxism is an exemplar of a universalist ideology in which ethnic and nationalist barriers within the society and indeed between societies are eventually removed in the interests of social harmony and a sense of communal interest.


Jews perceived communism as good for Jews: It was a movement that did not threaten Jewish group continuity, and it held the promise of power and influence for Jews and the end of state-sponsored anti-Semitism.


…many Eastern European Jews were impoverished at least in part because of czarist anti-Jewish policies that prevented Jewish upward mobility. As a result , a great many Jews were attracted to radical political solutions that would transform the economic and political basis of society and would also be consistent with the continuity of Judaism.


The main weapons Jews used against national cultures were two quintessentially modern ideologies, Marxism and Freudianism, “both [of which] countered nationalism’s quaint tribalism with a modern (scientific) path to wholeness”


Communism was good for Jews: It was a movement that never threatened Jewish group continuity, and it held the promise of Jewish power and influence and the end of state-sponsored anti-Semitism. And when this group achieved power in Poland after World War II, they liquidated the Polish nationalist movement, outlawed anti-Semitism , and established Jewish cultural and economic institutions.


12 of the 20 NKVD directorates were headed by ethnic Jews, including those in charge of state security, police, labor camps, and resettlement (i.e., deportation). The Gulag was headed by ethnic Jews from its beginning in 1930 until the end of 1938, a period that encompasses the worst excesses of the Great Terror. They were, in Slezkine’s words, “Stalin’s willing executioners”


Jewish dissidents whose parents had run the Gulags, the deportations, and the state-sponsored famines, now led the “urgent call for social justice” [after Stalin’s crackdown on Jews].

Jews were originators of the “social justice” movement that we now have to deal with, but they lost control of it after Jews were no longer seen as minorities in need of social justice but as privileged whites who are part of the power structure. Many Jews are confused about how to handle a movement they helped create that is highly sympathetic to Palestinian causes.

Jews in neo-conservatism
Neoconservatism evolved from those on the farthest right of Stalin’s communist left, who eventually became anti-communist because of Soviet persecution of Jews after World War 2. They still retain liberal ideals like the denial of race and gender differences. Their most preached position of “Middle East democracy” is a euphemism for “let’s hurt Israel’s enemies.”

Jewish liberals promote domestic issues which help their interests in the USA while neocons promote foreign policies that support Israel under the false guise of conservatism. They don’t work together directly but seem to cover all the bases to help Jews both in and out of Israel.

…origins of neoconservatism as a Jewish movement are thus linked to the fact that the left, including the Soviet Union and leftist radicals in the United States, had become anti-Zionist.


The New Left also tended to have negative attitudes toward Israel, with the result that many Jewish radicals eventually abandoned the left. In the late 1960s, the black Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee described Zionism as “racist colonialism” which massacred and oppressed Arabs.


Part of the attraction neoconservatism held for Jewish intellectuals was its compatibility with support for Israel at a time when Third World countries supported by most American leftists were strongly anti-Zionist.


In alliance with virtually the entire organized American Jewish community, neoconservatism is a vanguard Jewish movement with close ties to the most extreme nationalistic, aggressive, racialist, and religiously fanatical elements within Israel.


…by far the best predictor of neoconservative attitudes, on foreign policy at least, is what the political right in Israel deems in Israel’s best interests.


…neoconservatives have been staunch supporters of arguably the most destructive force associated with the left in the twentieth century—massive non-European immigration.

Jewish influence in America
Jewish groups, particularly the AJCongress, played a leading role in drafting civil rights legislation and pursuing legal challenges related to civil rights issues mainly benefiting blacks. “Jewish support, legal and monetary, afforded the civil rights movement a string of legal victories. . . . There is little exaggeration in an American Jewish Congress lawyer’s claim that ‘many of these laws were actually written in the offices of Jewish agencies by Jewish staff people, introduced by Jewish legislators and pressured into being by Jewish voters’ ”


By 1968, Jews constituted 20 percent of the faculty of elite American colleges and universities and constituted 30 percent of the “most liberal” faculty. At this time, Jews, representing less than 3 percent of the population, constituted 25 percent of the social science faculty at elite universities and 40 percent of liberal faculty who published most.


[Jewish intellectualism] has resulted in a society increasingly split between a disproportionately Jewish “cognitive elite” and a growing mass of individuals who are intellectually incompetent, irresponsible as parents, prone to requiring public assistance, and prone to criminal behavior, psychiatric disorders, and substance abuse.


…neither communism nor fascism was good for Jews in the long run. But democracy cannot be trusted given that Weimar ended with Hitler. A solution is to advocate democracy and the trappings of traditional religious culture, but managed by an elite able to manipulate the masses via control of the media and academic discourse.


Of considerable importance to the history of U.S. immigration policy has been the collaboration between Jewish activists and elite gentile industrialists interested in cheap labor, at least in the period prior to 1924.

Jewish progress in the 20th century
In the late 19th century the great bulk of the Jewish population lived in Eastern Europe, with many Jews mired in poverty and all surrounded by hostile populations and unsympathetic governments. A century later, Israel is firmly established in the Middle East, and Jews have become the wealthiest and most powerful group in the United States and have achieved elite status in other Western countries. The critical Jewish role in radical leftism has been sanitized, while Jewish victimization by the Nazis has achieved the status of a moral touchstone and is a prime weapon in the push for large-scale non-European immigration, multi-culturalism and advancing other Jewish causes.


The victory over National Socialism set the stage for the tremendous increase in Jewish power in the post-World War II Western world, in the end more than compensating for the decline of Jews in the Soviet Union. As Slezkine shows, the children of Jewish immigrants assumed an elite position in the United States, just as they had in the Soviet Union and throughout Eastern Europe and Germany prior to World War II. This new-found power facilitated the establishment of Israel, the transformation of the United States and other Western nations in the direction of multiracial, multicultural societies via large-scale non-white immigration, and the consequent decline in European demographic and cultural preeminence.


While constituting approximately 2.4 percent of the population of the United States, Jews represented half of the top one hundred Wall Street executives and about 40 percent of admissions to Ivy League colleges. Lipset and Raab (1995) note that Jews contribute between one-quarter and one-third of all political contributions in the United States, including one-half of Democratic Party contributions and one-fourth of Republican contributions.

Predictions for the future
One may expect that as ethnic conflict continues to escalate in the United States, increasingly desperate attempts will be made to prop up the ideology of multiculturalism with sophisticated theories of the psychopathology of majority group ethnocentrism, as well as with the erection of police state controls on nonconforming thought and behavior.


History also suggests that anti-Jewish reactions develop as Jews increase their control over other peoples. As always, it will be fascinating to observe the dénouement.


Presently white gentiles are the most underrepresented group at Harvard, accounting for approximately 25 percent of the students, while Asians and Jews constitute at least half of the student body while constituting no more than five percent of the population. The United States is well on the road to being dominated by an Asian technocratic elite and a Jewish business, professional, and media elite.

Jews feel an intimate bond with each other as you may have already noticed by their professional networking circles like I have in Washington DC. Their actions, lives, and ideology are dominated by their race. While I don’t have a problem with that, I do find their subversive movements against gentiles hypocritical in that they would in no way advise or enact those ideas for Israel. Their morality, fairness, and justice is limited to whether they are dealing with fellow Jews or gentiles, and they will not push any idea or notion that may paint Jewish actions in a critical light.

The book makes clear that Jews conducted cultural undertakings that they believed would end anti-Semitism once and for all, but like most utopia builders, they forgot to account for the consequences, particularly how multiculturalism, a Jewish keystone policy, is beginning to cater to additional groups that are hostile to Jewish interests. Also, incubating social justice and then losing control of it has left out Jews as a victimized group and promoted Palestinian interests instead.

Their overshot explains why the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a neocon organization, has in the past two years begun attacking feminism, an ideology that developed with disproportionate Jewish support. They’re doing so because minorities are clamoring for a bigger piece of the victim pie and introducing anti-Semitic and pro-Palestine thought. Some Jews have calculated that at this point it’s better to introduce some truth and realtalk in gender issues (but not race) so that non-Jewish groups don’t gain too much power. Don’t be surprised if Jews throw multiculturalism under the bus at some point and claim that they are the true “white” Americans in need of protection from the anti-Semitic minority hordes.

In turns out there is no “Jewish conspiracy” at all. The Jewish people simply are hyper-nationalistic and ethnocentric and so live and work in a way that their group is benefited first. Their participation in every sociological movement is structured so that Jews are benefited outright, or at least not hurt. This would be no different than if your efforts to increase your income and well-being went to benefit your direct family.

What amazes me is how methodical, patient, and determined Jews are in promoting their group interests. Such efforts should be commended and modeled. Why isn’t there such a group of Americans that do the same for Christian interests? The answer lies in the fact that gentiles are less organized, less ethnocentric, more altruistic to outgroups, and more prone to selling out their people if presented with money and power, while Jews would only sell out after their ingroup needs are met.

A lot of red pill truth is concerned with dismantling myths that have been institutionalized by intellectual Jews over the past century. Not being able to highlight race or gender differences matches with the Jewish imperative because doing so will inevitably lead to “anti-Semitism” when differences between Jews and gentiles are pointed out concerning each group’s propensity for ambition, intelligence, ethnocentrism, identity, and socioeconomic class status. The Culture Of Critique explains where significant parts of our current cultural problems came from, connecting a lot of dots I had missing about why our culture got to where it is. The bulk of what I criticize about Western culture was in fact ushered in by intellectual Jewish movements.

Before opening this book, I wondered if it would turn me into a neo-Nazi, but instead it served as a historical truth bomb that has made me skeptical of the ideas, behavioral actions, and teachings of prominent Jews and where their true intentions and loyalties lie (i.e. if an American Jew would die for America before Israel). I’m also having trouble getting my head around the fact that such a small group would embark on a massive reconstruction of reality and ideological manipulations on the world’s people just to protect their group—and succeed. I feel both outrage and admiration at the same time.

Ironically, my parents were allowed to emigrate to the United States in part because of intense Jewish lobbying to loosen immigration laws. I probably wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for their efforts in creating a multicultural America. The neomasculine ideals that I believe are correct, and the traditions that I would want to bring back, would have likely prevented me from coming into existence and becoming an American citizen.

That said, when I witness the cultural destruction today and how it negatively affects my male peers, I feel not anger for what has transpired in the past but a deep focus on actions I can take in the present to preserve secular masculinity for men who don’t want to turn into a effete male who prays at the alter of a matriarchal power structure.

The Culture Of Critique is thoroughly cited, but the author often went on long tangents that veered away from his main arguments. It reads likes a textbook and does repeat itself often, but the author is patient in making sure you understand the gravity of the information he’s presenting. If you’re interested in how our culture got to this point in time, I highly recommend the book


summary: William H. McNeil’s The History of Western Civilization is propaganda, is from University of Chicago, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, which is known as the “Western Civilizations Course.” It represents a eurocentric version of history inspired by the philosphy of Hegel. and the Kabbalah, Greek philosphy represented the first important development of the Kabbalistic tradition, which forms the bedrock of the Western occult tradition, which shaped most of the key events of Western history, from the Crusades, to the Renaissance and finally the Enlightenment, which shaped our modern era. It as an unfolding divine plan, where God is man who comes to know himself. Supposedly, man’s intellectual development begins in Greece, with the emergence of philosophy, supposedly the first rejection of God, and the first attempt at the independent use of “reason.”

Proof of Hegel’s affiliation with the Illuminati was his mention of the Owl of Minerva, the society’s symbol, which is also the logo of the Liberal Arts College.

Real history emanates from the IndoEuropeans (Aryans), shaped through the influence of the occult, particurly Bible legends of the “Sons of God” and of Atlantis. I learned that these ideas derived from the influence of Freemasonry, and also the notorious Illuminati.



Livingstone, about

I’m an independent researcher, and this book represents the culmination of nearly 30 years of research. When I attended the Liberal Arts College of Concordia University in Montreal, I read William H. McNeil’s The History of Western Civilization, which mentioned the appearance of the so-called “Indo-Europeans,” who emerged suddenly out of the Caucasus and conquered the known parts of the world. The story seemed strange to me. Most nations emerged gradually when they turned to agriculture. These Indo-Europeans had no prior presence in history, and burst out of nowhere, and supposedly mastered the chariot, though they came from a mountenous region.

As I investigated further, I discovered that the “Indo-Europeans” was the politically-correct term for the Aryan race. And their existence was merely a theory, which was shaped through the influence of the occult, particurly Bible legends of the “Sons of God” and of Atlantis. I learned that these ideas derived from the influence of Freemasonry, and also the notorious Illuminati.

However, for the most part, mainstream historians have shied away from investigating what they consider a field rife with cranks and “conspiracy theory.” These societies typically claimed a fantastic pedigree about themselves, stretching far back into ancient times, and involving history’s most famous figures and epochs. While some of these assertions might sound outlandish, they were often nevertheless based in an element of truth.

I therefore set out to find out of the truth about their origin and influence. The result is a fascinating version of history, which reveals a completely different pattern and significance than has otherwise been taught by mainstrean historians. In fact, McNeill’s “history” is propaganda, associated with a project from the University of Chicago, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, which is known as the “Western Civilizations Course.” It represents a eurocentric version of history inspired by the philosphy of Hegel.

Interestingly, the one proof of Hegel’s affiliation with the Illuminati was his mention of the Owl of Minerva, the society’s symbol, which is also the logo of the Liberal Arts College.

Rather, the so-called history of “Western Civilization” as it is taught is inspired by the Kabbalah, which teaches history as an unfolding divine plan, where God is man who comes to know himself. Supposedly, man’s intellectual development begins in Greece, with the emergence of philosophy, supposedly the first rejection of God, and the first attempt at the independent use of “reason.”

In reality, Greek philosphy represented the first important development of the Kabbalistic tradition, which forms the bedrock of the Western occult tradition, which shaped most of the key events of Western history, from the Crusades, to the Renaissance and finally the Enlightenment, which shaped our modern era.


David Livingstone ...dying god

The modern version of history, as one begun in Greece, and secluded to Europe, is one wrought by certain prejudices that can be traced back to the eighteenth century. In Europe, the Bible commanded had largely commanded the perspective of history. But, during the Renaissance, “Humanists” emphasized their regard for philosophy, and thus the importance of the pagan Greeks. Still though, the Greek heritage they thought was to be traced back to Hermes, an Egyptian, and Zoroaster, a Persian.

In the eighteenth century, with the discovery of the purported linguistic relationship between Sanskrit and European languages, as well as through the influence of occult legends, scholars created the notion of an original “Indo-European” race. And so, focused on India as a cradle of civilization, attributing its inception to Aryan invaders.

However, while Enlightenment scholars had initially turned to India, the German Romantics of the early nineteenth century, perceiving an affinity between the Greek and German languages, came increasingly to regard Greece as the lost Golden Age of Aryan civilization they had been longing for.

The reconstruction of history according to a Euro-centric perspective was further aided though the prestige of “Reason” established by the Enlightenment. Reacting to the insistence on “Faith” as the basis of belief in Christianity, Enlightenment philosophers stressed instead the use of “Reason”, which, through science, came to be perceived as incompatible with the mounting inconsistencies made apparent in the Bible.

Thus, with the increasing acceptance of Darwinism, all history came to be seen as progress, specifically, the progress of “rationalism” or “Humanism”, supposed to have been incepted by the Greeks, and crowned by the success of the French Revolution and its implementation of secular rule.

The first error in this equation was to have regarded the Greeks as the first “free-thinkers”. Scholars' emphasis on the achievement of the Greeks has inhibited them from recognizing the cultural and scientific revolution that took place in Babylon in the sixth century BC, which had profound ramifications. Essentially, there, the ancient worship of a dying god was assimilated to astrology and magic, a cult known to the ancient world as that of the Chaldean Magi.

With the advance of the Persians, this cult was carried to those parts of the world that had come with the bounds of their immense empire, most notably, the Greek city-states of Ionia, on the western coast of Turkey. The adoption of Magian beliefs among the Greeks led there to the emergence of the cult of Orphism, and the philosophy of its greatest exponent, Pythagoras, and through him, Plato.

After the conquests of Alexander, these traditions, under Greek guise, were disseminated through the Roman Empire, flourishing particularly at Alexandria, where they fostered the creation of new mystical cults, namely, Hermeticism, Neoplatonism, and Gnosticism, all founded on the doctrines as taught in the “Ancient Mysteries”.

In turn, and throughout the so-called Dark Ages, these were picked up by the Arabs, where they led to the formation of the Sufis and the heretical branch of Shia Islam known as the Ismailis. In effect, it was contact with these traditions, introduced to them by the Arabs during the crusades, which rescued the Europeans from centuries of obscurity, leading to the emergence of the Age of Scholasticism and the legends of the Holy Grail.

The continuing influence of these traditions led to the Renaissance. That period though, was not a rejection of Christianity and the progress of “rationalism”, as offered by the Humanistic interpretation of history, but the revival of mysticism through the rediscovery of Neoplatonism and Hermeticism. The same tendencies were then perpetuated by the Rosicrucians, the Freemasons, and during the Enlightenment influenced the formation of Aryan race theory.

In effect, not only has history followed a course very different from that which has commonly been considered, but this ancient cult of a dying god, with its attendant beliefs in astrology, magic and alchemy, has shaped an alternate history, or, a hidden history, which has formed the basis of the Western occult tradition, and by that, much of Western culture, though in a manner that has yet to be fully discerned, due to its continuing suppression by the same emphasis on “rationalism”.

David Livingstone


Rebbe Blog article

The Historical Roots Of Cultural Marxism Must Be Understood If It Is To Be Defeated
Sabbatean-Frankism as the Paradigm of the Modern Left

Introduction: Sabbatean-Frankist Paradigm

What do all these influential intellectuals all have in common?

1. Communism (Marx)
2. Sexual depravity (Freud)
3. Corporate Leftism (Bernays)
4. Multiculturalism (Horace Kallen)
5. Deconstructivism/Critical Theory (Walter Benjamin)
6. Frankfurt School (Adorno)
7. Radical jurisprudence (Brandeis, Frankfurter, and Cardozo)
8. Large-scale, non-selective immigration (Israel Zangwill, Emma Lazarus)

They are all linked to Sabbatean-Frankism, a distinct quasi-Satanic schism within Jewry. The extraordinary prevalence of Sabbatean-Frankist influence among top Jewish intellectuals from 1850-1950 makes it statistically impossible to deny its role because of the impossible coincidences.

The Sabbatean-Frankists sought to invert traditional Jewish-Christian values, including the 10 Commandments, restrictions on debauched sexuality, man’s dominion over the environment, etc. Further, given Sabbatean-Frankism’s apocalyptic nature, the modern Left is riven with irrational destructive impulses.

This general thesis has been explored by historians Paul Johnson and Gershom Scholem, but never in such detail. There are several implications of this thesis:

The failures of the contemporary Left do not represent “good faith” secular humanist efforts gone wrong. It is very possible that Freud, Marx, and other Sabbatean-Frankist intellectuals purpose-built their ideas to destroy the West.
The US Supreme Court was heavily influenced by Sabbatean-Frankists. Their impact help cause a revolution via court fiat in the 50s-70s that undemocratically imposed decadent/anti-Judeo-Christian (i.e. Frankist) values on the country.
Since the Left is fundamentally a quasi-Satanic movement devoted to destroying traditional Judeo-Christian civilization, it is a natural ally with like-minded Islam, despite superficial differences (feminism, gay rights). Islam and the Left will seamlessly cooperate to destroy the West as they cooperated to topple the Shah in the Iranian Revolution.
Any civilization will eventually grow contemptuous of its stern founding virtues. Sabbatean-Frankism’s resonance is part of a cycle where civilizations grow complacent and ultimately self-destructive.

Count Radetzsky, who defeated both Napolean and the Frankist-inspired rebels of 1848, appears to have understood the nature of the Left, which isn’t secular humanism or mere nihilism, but destructiveness as an end-in-itself.

Soldiers! Open your eyes to the abyss that opens at your feet; everything is in flux; the mainstays of the social order have been destroyed; property, morality, religion are threatened with destruction. Everything that is holy and dear to man, everything on which the state is based and which it upholds, people are determined to destroy. That, not liberty, is the aim of every rabble-rouser who wants to drag you down to your ruin and shame.

If Frankism is an ideology of destruction, how does it animate the Left? Saul Alinksy tells us by dedicating his work to Lucifer. Note the famous quote from Milton’s Paradise Lost “Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.” The Left seeks to preside over bringing Hell on Earth.

2. Definitions

2-1. “Sabbatean”: Follower of Sabbati Zevi. Sabbati Zevi was a false Jewish messiah who spawned a large movement (estimates range from 100,000 to 1MM followers) in 1666. Zevi’s teachings can be summarized by the maxim: “what is holy; unholy, what is unholy, holy”. The theology of Sabbateanism represents an “Achilles Heel” in Judaism. In traditional Jewish theology, cumulative acts of righteousness will eventually bring the Messiah. However, the Sabbatean interpretation uses isolated Biblical quotes to support the opposite conclusion. As if following the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, Sabbateans reason that it would be easier to accelerate the flow of chaos to utterly destroy civilization than to perfect it. Once they debauch the Judeo-Christian faiths and ruin the world, God would be forced to start the Messianic Age to save it.

Orthodox Rabbi Emden (1697-1776) tried warning Christians of the existential Sabbatean menace:

And if they are truly Christians, they will observe their faith with truth, and not allow within their boundary this new unfit Messiah Shabbetai Zevi who came to destroy the Earth.

2-2. “Frankist”: Jakob Frank came 100 years after Zevi and claimed to be his reincarnation. As Gershom Scholem described: “Frank will always be remembered as one of the most frightening phenomena in the whole of Jewish history”.

Frankism is a distinct system from Sabbateanism (it has less mysticism and more radicalism and is more primed as a political movement). Frank is notable for innovating ideas such as contemporary feminism and Labor Zionism. Notoriously, Frankists engaged in orgies, pedophilia, adultery, wife-swapping, murder, and all manner of sin, ritualistically.

Schisms in Judaism between decadent rejectionists and traditionalists are age-old.

2-3. “Neo-Frankist”: Following the death of Jakob Frank in 1791, his movement fell apart. About a century later, “Neo-Frankism” and related Jewish mysticism became common among Jewish intelligentsia. As German fascists found spiritual energy in neo-Paganism, the radical Jewish Left found its muse in Sabbatean-Frankist thought. Although they don’t technically practice Frankist custom and ritual, clearly they are linked to the ideas and sub-culture of the Frankist movement, including marrying fellow Frankist.

Marx, Freud, Israel Zangwill, and the Frankfurt School, among others, all appear to be “neo-Frankists”.

We make war against all prevailing ideas of religion, of the state, of country, of patriotism. The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed.

–Karl Marx

The bizarre Frankist cult should have been a historical footnote, but they were able to capture the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) and Western culture in the chaos following WW1 and WW2. Gramsci’s Long March allowed nearly all institutions of the West (religious, political, and corporate) to be taken over by neo-Frankism.

2-4. “Sabbatean–Frankists”: references Sabbateans, Frankists, and Neo-Frankists, collectively.

2-5. Frankist Paradigm: The “Frankist Paradigm” is the set of neo-Frankist beliefs that have now metastasized across Western culture. These ideas find resonance in a multi-cultural society, where animosities brew under the surface and politics becomes a proxy for ethnic warfare. Without traditionalism, society becomes insipid and narcissistic, finding itself attracted to radical politics as a catharsis and a sadistic release. Without unity, society divides into warring factions. The Frankist Paradigm weaponizes these conflicts, producing a society of malcontents more interested in destruction and animosity than collective progress.

Inception provides an introduction to Kuhnsian paradigms.

3. Methodologies: How to Identify Sabbatean-Frankists

Sabbatean-Frankists rarely reveal their interest in Zevi or Frank (Israel Zangwill was an exception). Frankists were commanded: “a believer must not appear as he really is”. They went so far as to destroy all public and personal records to conceal their prior association. Why would they hitch themselves to discredited apocalyptic messiahs with bizarre sexual proclivities? Indeed, the entire modern Leftist project to destroy the West would be undermined if its hidden roots in apocalyptic quasi-Satanism were uncovered.

Sabbatean-Frankists were deeply cynical and relish deception. So, instead of saying that they were influenced by Frank, they make up risible hagiography-worthy stories of their profound altruism and humanity (Marx claiming that he was inspired to Communism by seeing unneeded scrap wood not being shared to help keep the German locals warm).

To identify Sabbatean influence, Gershom Scholem used geographic loci to determine a Sabbatean relationship. For example, if the Haskalah (the Jewish Enlightenment) popped up in a region known as a nest of Sabbatean behavior, he drew a causal connection between the Haskalah and earlier known Sabbatean activity. Thus, there is a pattern of Sabbatean-Frankists linked to a few regions, such as Prague, Posen, and Frankfurt. Jewry lacked a strong centralized governance, meaning that heresies could thrive in isolated communities.

As Scholem demonstrated, there are techniques to identify potential linkages between an individual or an activity and Sabbatean-Frankism. The “art and science” of identifying Sabbateans has been going on for over 350 years and it’s a hit-or-miss affair.

Sabbatean-Frankists were anything but your “typical Jew”. They were distinctive with unique backgrounds and commonalities. Using these patterns, we can determine if a given intellectual could be characterized as “Sabbatean-Frankist”.

3-1. Frankist Dynasty
If a given intellectual or activist comes from a family of Sabbatean-Frankists, this is a red flag that he could be one as well. The Rothschilds and Jacob Schiff descended from Frankists. Marx’s father was rumored to have been one. Brandeis came from a high-profile Frankist family and Felix Frankfurter’s mother was one. Supreme Court Justice Cardozo (and his cousin Emma Lazarus) were Sephardi Jews from the same dynasty as the Sabbatean prophet, Cardoso. These dynasties produced extraordinarily talented men, akin to Galtonian eminence.

Frankist families often did not revert to Judaism, but remained an endogenous community where they regularly inter-married and maintained their distinct history and values. Further, Orthodox Jews didn’t want the murdering pedophiles back in Judaism.


3-2. Khabbalist Allusions
One of the easiest ways to identify a Sabbatean-Frankist is if they use allusions from the Khabbalah, their holy book (while concealing the source).

a) Israel Zangwill’s famous “Melting Pot” metaphor appears to have been taken from a scene from the Zohar where at the end of times all people’s meld into one. Zangwill recreated this scene in his play, to which Teddy Roosevelt boomed (unknowingly) “That’s a great play, Mr. Zangwill!“.

b) Freud’s innovative ideas about the subconscious are similar to concepts already in the Khabbala. Freud’s sexual morality is simply a copy of Jakob Frank’s, where sexual repression is damaging and sexual desires should not go unfulfilled. Freud’s peculiar focus on incest and pedophilia was distinctly Frankist. Further, extensive study has been made of Freud’s innumerable allusions to Sabbatean thought.

c) Frankfurt School member Walter Benjamin’s Deconstructionism appears related to the kabbalistic “shattering of the vessels”. Deconstructionism underlies the core Cultural Marxist concept of Critical Theory.

d) According to historian Paul Johnson, Marx’s concept of history was taken from Khabbalistic theories from Nathan of Gaza, the mentor of Sabbati Zevi.

3-3. Intellectual Cabals
Statistical evidence can conclusively establish linkages between Sabbatean-Frankist ideas and Leftist thought. For example, the first three “Jewish” Supreme Court Justices, Cardozo, Frankfurter, and Brandeis, all came from Sabbatean or Frankist Dynasties. This coincidence is statistically impossible since a tiny minority of Jews had such lineages. Frankist Jews in the late 19th century were said to constitute a majority of the lawyers in Prague and Warsaw. This would have terrible consequences as their subversive Frankist Jurisprudence would ultimately turn the secular West’s greatest asset, its rule of law, into its most subversive. Ultimately, through court fiat, most Western nations can now be fairly described as Frankist theocracies.

Further, the three most significant immigration activists of the Victorian Era: Israel Zangwill, Emma Lazarus, and Horace Kellen, are similarly all linked to Sabbatean-Frankism. They even had a secretive Sabbatean-style Zionist organization where Horace Kallen, Stephen Wise, and Brandeis operated.

3-4. Intellectual Evolution Linkages:
An FBI RICO approach can define a systematic conspiracy. Given enough individuals and institutions acting in concert, an underlying conspiracy becomes evident. The sheer weight of circumstantial evidence, over hundreds of years, creates a compelling narrative showing the evolution of the Left’s ideas as rooted in Sabbatean-Frankist thought.


(Click to expand the chart. The 37 points will be expanded upon in coming weeks.)

3-5. Hatred of the Traditional Judaism
Sabbatean-Frankists were prototypically non-practicing Jews (or Jews that practice a far-Left version of Judaism). Yet, they were well-versed in Jewish theology because they often descend from Rabbinical dynasties.

Horace Kallen, the inventor of “multiculturalism”, is a good example. He insisted on meeting his secret Zionist society on Friday evenings, during the Jewish Sabbath. This infuriated many Jewish members, but he refused to relent and reschedule. This inexplicable anecdote makes Mr. Kallen a suspected Sabbatean (he has numerous other red flags).

3-6. Obsession with Destruction
Further, the Sabbatean-Frankists often held psychotic narcissistic fantasies of the West’s destruction at their hands: Marx’s “Revolution” and Satanic poetry of destruction or Freud fancying himself as Hannibal, conqueror of the West. This obsession with destruction, as an end itself, stands in contrast to traditional “gentile” Leftism. Unitarians oppose traditional Christian values, yet they do not seem obsessed with destroying all sane, rational order.

Sabbatean-Frankists cynically feigned “secular humanism”, but they represent a distinct ideology from, say, Robespierre, who sought a form of rational order. Even Marquis de Sade is viewed as a satirist by Camille Paglia. But, there is nothing satirical about Freud or Marx.

3-7. Labor Zionism
In 19th century Judaism, Zionism was widely viewed as Sabbatean (Herlz was even accused of being one). Sabbatean Zionists sought control over the Holy Land to use the leverage of Jerusalem to establish hegemony over all of Judaism (know that Zevi’s 17th century movement was ultimately squelched by the Chief Rabbinate of Jerusalem calling him a fraud).

The Sabbatean-Frankist obsession with Zionism is similar to Islam’s obsession with conquest over the Holy Land. The Holy Land holds no real connection to the Islam, yet both faiths works tirelessly to establish hegemony over it to defile and humiliate the Judeo-Christian faiths. In this sense, both faiths, Islam and Sabbatean-Frankism, share a common ideal of destruction.

This “Labor Zionism” shouldn’t be confused with “Religious Zionism” (Jewish #NRx) or “Revisionist Zionism” (Jewish Alt-Right), which are the opposite. In Israel today, “Labor” represents the intellectual remnants of “Labor Zionism”, and Netanyahu’s government represents a coalition of Religious and Revisionist Zionists. So, in Israeli politics, the Left’s relationship with its Sabbatean roots is more clearly defined.

3-8. Misanthropy and Disorders
Sabbatean-Frankists engaged in patterns of behavior hostile to conventional norms of the time (homosexuality, pedophilia, incest, drug addition, encouraging promiscuity). In the case of Marx, knocking up his housekeeper, then kicking her out on the street. Freud, similarly, was cocaine-addicted and preyed on his patient’s mental problems. Zevi himself appears to have suffered from severe bipolar disorder.

3-9. Rabbi Ancestors
For whatever reason, many high-profile Sabbatean-Frankist intellectuals descended from families of rabbi’s. The combination of their oppositional defiant personalities and their descendancy from rabbi’s produces an implacable hatred of religion. This is similar to Nietzsche, whose father was a priest.

3-10. Germanic Jews
The Sabbatean-Frankists were nearly always Germanic Jews. Germanic Jews comprise a tiny portion of global Jewry (even before the Holocaust). As mentioned earlier, modern neo-Frankists often had origins in specific areas historically known for Sabbatean-Frankist activity: Posen, Warsaw, Prague, Vienna, Frankfurt. This regionality strengthens the argument that this is a distinct intellectual movement.

Germanic Jews were uniquely-prone to Frankism. Wealthy, narcissistic, and brilliant, the German elite was embarrassed by their Jewish roots and traditions. Felix Mendhellson was so ashamed of his Jewish background that he played under a Christian name. They sought to forge a new identity for Judaism and to establish dominion over Israel through their Zionist project. They won more Nobel Prizes per capita than any group (by far). Like the similarly hubristic and talented ancient Greeks, their success was merely a flash and they left the world stage as quickly as they entered.

Great Germanic-Jewish composers include Mahler, Mendelssohn and even Josef Goldmark’s brother, Karl.

3-11. James Bond Villains
Sabbatean-Frankists were charming, narcissistic, brilliant, and natural leaders, often acquiring a cult-like following. The result of their conspiratorial minds and implacable hatred was a larger-than-life cartoonish “James Bond villain” personality full of megalomaniacal scheming.

Jacob Schiff undermined the Tsar (funding the Japanese navy in their shocking victory and later Russian revolutionaries). Josef Goldmark led the Vienna Revolt of 1848, lynched the Austrian Defense Mister, fled to the United States where he fortuitously built a munitions factory a year before the Civil War, and then he ultimately toppled the United States via Frankist revolution-by-fiat through his son-in-law SCOTUS Louis Brandeis.

3-12. Millions Dead
Any large-scale catastrophe is an indicator of Sabbatean-Frankist mischief and should arouse suspicion.

100MM dead stemming from Marx’s polemic incendiary communist writings: the Cultural Revolution in China, the Khumer Rouge, etc.
The Donmeh, a Turkish Sabbatean cult, may have been behind the Armenian genocide.
The Holocaust appears linked to FDR’s Sabbatean Court Jews passive-aggressively blocking the emigration of Jews from Europe, and thereby consigning them to their inevitable deaths.
The Revolt of 1848 (Josef Goldmark).
The overthrow of the Tsar was funded by Frankist-descendant Jacob Schiff.There are many more than this list, but they start to delve into conspiracy theory.

Secular humanists struggle to understand truly evil and irrational (demonic) personalities. Fiction like James Bond villians and the Rolling Stones fills the void.

4. The Inexplicable Left

To show that the Frankist Paradigm explains the startling rise of the Left in the 20th century, it is implicit to show that conventional theories are unsatisfactory. To quote Sherlock Holmes, when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

The Left of 2017 is raw demonic madness: roving savages of Antifa, unlimited and unqualified Islamic immigration, 9-year old transgendered children, decriminalization of Jihadi rape of teenage white girls, etc. This is self-evidently not a rationalist movement, and therefore it must be a quasi-theological one, rooted in radical anti-nomianism (inversion of moral rules).

Further, none of the existing theories from the Right can account for the equally Satanic nature and peculiarity of the Left’s dominant Jewish intellectuals.

4-1. Christian Left
Many adopt a “Christian” version of the Sabbatean-Frankist thesis and blame the left-wing Jesuits and Unitarians. While there is no doubt that these groups promoted far-left ideas and had the power to promote them as left-wing Protestants controlled the Ivy League, the Christian Left is marked by pathological altruism and naiveté. They have historically applied a more left-wing interpretation of the Gospels, but this is hardly the ideology of today’s violent apocalyptic Antifa. The Christian Left has typically acted more like useful idiots than prime movers.

In the 2010s, however, Pope Francis appears to be taking the mantle in leading the spread of subversion by using the power and credibility of the Papacy as a weapon to destroy Christianity and the West.

4-2. Frankfurt School or “Cultural Marxism”
Another explanation, promoted in Mein Kampf and accepted by the Paleocons, is that Freud, Gramsci, and the Frankfurt School (Cultural Marxists) put forward a series of ideas that formed the basis of the modern Left. To accept this argument, you have to believe that a fully-formed intellectual/political movement somehow spontaneously developed from 1900-1933 and then managed to sweep the West, utterly, within a few decades.

Further, the Frankfurt School itself was heavily influenced by Sabbatean-Frankist thought. So, the Frankfurt School is significant as the first major openly subversive Frankist institution, but not as the originator of the Left’s ideas.

4-3. “Jewish Interest”
Kevin MacDonald, the guru behind the AltRight, explains the 20th century Left’s astonishing ascension as “Jewish Interest”. Jews act in a “group evolutionary strategy”, and that’s the real reason why Western Civilization is in ruins. While MacDonald may be correct that Orthodox Judaism is an “evolutionary strategy”, this ended with the collapse of the Rabbinical order as a result of Zevi, Frank, and the French Revolution.

The Left was developed by neo-Frankist intellectuals, meaning that they were promoting the inverse of traditional Talmudic/rabbinical Jewry. Indeed, neo-Frankists like Marx were rabid anti-Semites and Jakob Frank rallied the Catholic Church against Orthodox Jewry, culminating in Talmud burning. So, the radical Left seeks to manipulate Christians as patsies against Orthodox Jewry.

Once Jewry became dominated by neo-Frankists, Jews went from being “history’s greatest survivors” under the Rabbinical order, to being repeatedly on the cusp of extermination. Since 1900: (a) Jews have been largely removed from Europe and slaughtered by the millions, (b) Stalin was given the atomic bomb by Jewish communists and could have destroyed New York, home of post WW2’s surviving Jewry, (c) Stalin further sought to exterminate Soviet Jewry before he died, (d) Feminism obliterated secular Jewish birth rates, and lastly, (e) Israel’s Sabbatean Leftists repeatedly pushed their nation to the brink of ruin.

One of the most shocking revelations in this series is the peculiar passive-aggressive attitude of Sabbatean Rabbi Stephen Wise before and during the Holocaust. The most powerful rabbi of the 20th century did nothing to help heavily Orthodox Eastern European Jewry and actively sabotaged anyone who tried. So, the bête noire of the AltRight, “Organized Jewry” (which is mostly neo-Frankist front groups) hardly acted in the generalized “Jewish interest”.

Ironically, by describing radical Jewish Leftists as being riven with ethnic fidelity, MacDonald is buying into their risible rhetoric. Following Occam’s Razor, subversive Jewish intellectuals serve the interests of their fellow subversive Jewish intellectuals or subvert their fellow Jews. In sum, MacDonald’s Culture of Critique becomes cogent when you call the modern Left a “Jewish Neo-Frankist Intellectual Movement”.

4-4. Managerial Class
Like MacDonald, James Burham (the inspiration behind National Review) also describes the decline of the West in rationalist and not theological terms. He blames a dysfunctional technocratic managerial elite. The problem is that corporate or governmental rationality isn’t suicide, and that’s the direction where they are leading us. Corporate and governments push the immigrant invasion, debt, and debauchery to the point of destabilizing the West. Their self-destructive actions ensure an eventual reckoning. So, these parties aren’t acting in anything resembling a rational fashion to account for where we are today.

Further, who exactly are our Elites? They were handpicked and screened by Frankfurt School dominated Ivy League universities. France and the UK have similar gatekeeper elite institutions fully-captured by the radical Left. The Elite are systematically indoctrinated for years (perhaps up to 10). Anyone not agreeing to the propaganda doesn’t get promoted and is thereby excluded from the Elite. Conservative students and professors learn to either submit or remain in hiding.

4-5. Capitalism
Similar to the “managerial class gone wrong” is the argument that capitalism inherently promotes Leftism. Modern corrupt/left-wing Corporate, however, was defined by Sabbatean Jews. The Rothschild dynasty turned high-finance into an industry of hyper-corruption. Sabbatean Freud’s nephew Edward Bernays innovated left-wing public relations where companies could profit by shilling for subversive causes.

tabooyBernays famously shattered the taboo of women smoking with his orchestrated “Torches of Freedom” march for a cigarette company. Prior to this, Corporate was decidedly conservative.

Although many industries specifically want to degenerate values, such as pharmaceutical companies pushing birth control, the free market also provides avenues to express conservative ideals. Trump’s campaign leveraged social media to achieve victory. Social media may end up being a reactionary force as it allows the formerly “silent” majority to express their opinions.

4-6. Sabbatean-Frankists
The various theories above may have seemed plausible until just a few years ago. However, the Left of today has been given full control of the culture and the organs of power. We can now see the full depth of their madness: genocide of the West via immigration and unlimited cultural degeneracy (e.g. gay marriage and transgender rights). Among the subversive intellectual movements, the Sabbatean-Frankists are the only suspect with this level of destructiveness and irrationality, i.e. a subversive cult. If the conventional theories can all be dismissed, then the Sabbatean thesis, however improbable, must be accepte



Historians have traced that the Sauds belonged to Anza tribe who were settled in Najd around 1450 AD. It is said that Sauds were originally Jews and shrewd Feudal Lords. Read more..
In early 1960s, the Sawt al Arab Broadcasting Station in Cairo, Egypt and the Yemen Broadcasting Station in Sana’a confirmed the Jewish ancestry of the Saudi Royal family.

King Faisal (1906-1975), who ruled the Kingdom between 1964-75, confirmed Jewish ancestry of Saudi Royals. In an interview to Washington post on September 17, 1969, King Faisal is reported to have said “We, the Saudi family are cousins of the Jews.

We entirely disagree with any Arab or Muslim Authority which shows any antagonism to the Jews; but we must live together with them in peace. Our country (Arabia) is the Fountain head from where the first Jew sprang, and his descendants spread out all over the world.”Read more.

It is claimed that the roots of Saudi ruling family have also been described in detail in a book written in 1810 by a researcher Ibn Rushed (not the Muslim philosopher Ibn Rushd of Cardoba, Spain who lived during 1126-1198). He mentioned about an individual Murdakhai Bin Abraham Bin Moshe Al Dounami, also known as Merkhan, a trader from Basra, Iraq and how he had claimed that he is from Arabian Peninsula but his father had fled earlier to Basra and changed his name for security reasons. He married a bedouin woman and had children. One of his sons name was Saud. Mohammed Ibn Saud (the son of this Saud) later became the founder of Saud dynasty in Arabia. It is claimed that when this book surfaced in Saudi Arabia, the Saudi Royals hunted for its copies and destroyed it. A copy of this book is claimed to be available in US Congress library and many attempts by academicians from various US Universities to acquire this book have failed as this book is placed on a HOLD STATUS since 1981. Our readers are requested to let us know if they have credible information in this context.

There is an official Saudi account of the ancestor of al-Saud Clan. Saudis claim the ancestor of current Saudi Royals was Mani Ibn Rabiah al-Muraydi who had settled in Diriya. The ancestry of Mani Ibn Rabia is not known; except that he was the descendant of Aniza (Anza) tribe. Mani was invited by a relative named Ibn Dir. Ibn Dir was the ruler of many villages that make up modern-day Riyadh. Ibn Dir gifted Mani two small villages where he settled and renamed these villages as al-Diriya. Read more.

The researchers have found out the ancestor of al-Saud to be Murdakhai Bin Abraham Bin Moshe, a Jew from Anza tribe who lived in Basra, Iraq and moved to Najd and settled in Diriya. The official account of al-Sauds claims their ancestor to be Mani Ibn Rabia al-Muaydi, from Aniza (Anza) tribe who settled in Diriya. Probably both these accounts are referring to the same person who is the ancestor of Saudi Royals.

Watch the following video clip. Former Lebanese Minister Wiam Wahhab, in a TV interview also confirms that Saudi Royal family is the descendant of Jews.

Some people claim that ancestors do not matter in Islam. Once you have accepted Islam, it does not matter who were your ancestors. It is true that ancestry has no significance in Islam as long as you have accepted Islam in a true sense. If someone uses deception and fools Muslims about his acceptance of Islam, it means he is still the adherent of the religion of his ancestors. Look at the systematic destruction of Islam in the hands of Saudi Royals, how they have destroyed all Islamic memorials in the name of Islam and how they are terrorizing the Muslim world and killing Muslims everywhere. This is a clear evidence that Wahhabism is a Jewish ploy with which they are plundering the Muslim world and fooling 1.5 billion Muslims around the Globe.
Watch the followingvideo clip. King Salman bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia admitted in March 2015 that all his predecessor Kings, including his father, (King Abdulaziz, King Saud, King Faisal, King Khaled, King Fahd, and King Abdullah ) were Jews. He also admitted that there were many other Jews in the Royal Family, like Naif bin Abduaziz.

Watch the following video clip. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu admitted in 2012 that Israel and Saudi Arabia have alliance in the Middle East.

It is reported that Saudi Royal family trusts Israeli and US mercenaries as their personal body Guards : US and Israeli mercenary security personnel working for private contractors are allegedly used by Saudi Royal family to guard Saud family Princelings. This Praetorian Guards use balaclava (face cover) and other disguises during security operations which allows for anonymity.Read more…..

Saudi Royal’s Jewish ancestry is also confirmed from the fact that they have destroyed and eliminated the entire Islamic Heritage and established Salafism, a new religion in Arabian Peninsula.Read more .
Mohammed Ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1703-1799), born in Uyayna in Najd, belonged to Banu Tamim Tribe. Some historians have claimed that Muhammed ibn Abd al-Wahhab, grand parents belonged to Doenmeh Jewish community. This was claimed to have been disclosed in intelligence reports of Iraqi Government which became public after US occupation of Iraq.
Ibn Abd al-Wahhab studied in his childhood from his father. Later, he spent some time in Basra, Southern Iraq from where he traveled to Makka and Madina. All historians agree that his new thinking of rebellion against Islam was developed when he was in Basra. By the time he returned to his native town Uyayna in 1740 he had completely transformed into a rebel against Islam. He started propagating his new ideology claiming that the entire population of Muslims of Arabian Peninsula and that of the world was Mushrikeen and that what he was preaching was real Islam.
Memoirs Of Mr. Hempher, The British Spy to the Middle East is a book that was published in series (episodes) in Spiegel, the German paper and later in a prominent French paper. It is reported that a Lebanese doctor translated the book into Arabic. Waqf Ikhlas publications, Turkeytranslated it into English under title: Confessions of a British spy and British enmity against Islam. Read more…
Hempher’s confessions were mentioned in a research study titled “The Emergence of al-Wahhabiyya Movement and its historical roots” by Col. al-Amri Sa’id Mahmud Najm, General Military Intelligence Directorate, Government of Iraq. This research study was discovered by US forces in May 2003 after their capture of Iraq. Read more..
David Livingstone, a famous Canadian author wrote an Article titled “The House of Saud – No more Islamic than Billy Graham” in which he has described about British Spy Hempher and his covert operations in Arabian Peninsula. Read more..

A similar work exposing the Wahhabi terror was documented by the well known Mufti of Makka, Shaikh Ahmad Zayni Dahlan in his famous book titled “Fitna-tul-Wahhabiyya” . Read more..
The book narrates the actions of a covert British agent, Hempher, who was sent to Turkey, the then Head of the Ottoman Empire in 1710, to find ways and means to cause dissension, riots and dismantling of the khilafah in Istanbul, Turkey.

At the beginning of his account, Hempher stated he went to Istanbul, embraced Islam, learned Holy Quran and pretended to be a very pious Muslim. During this time, Hempher became fully aware of the difference between Sunnis and Shiites.

Hempher was later sent to Basra, Iraq with the following instructions detailed on Page 20 of this book.

QUOTE – “Your duty this time is to diagnose the Shia-Sunni controversies well and to report to the ministry. The more successful you are in aggravating the differences among Muslims, the greater will be your service to England. We, the English people, have to make mischief and arouse schism in all our colonies in order that we may live in welfare and luxury. Only by means of such instigations will we be able to demolish the Ottoman Empire. Otherwise, how could a nation with a small population bring another nation with a greater population under its sway? Look for the mouth of the chasm with all your might, and get in as soon as you find it. You should know that the Ottoman and Iranian Empires have reached the nadir of their lives. Therefore, your first duty is to instigate the people against the administration! History has shown that ‘The source of all sorts of revolutions is public rebellions.’ When the unity of Muslims is broken and the common sympathy among them is impaired, their forces will be dissolved and thus we shall easily destroy them.”UNQUOTE

While staying in Basra, Hempher joined a Carpenter’s shop where he worked as a cover. He further stated in his book on page 23 as follows:

QUOTE – “From time to time a young man would call at our Carpenter’s shop. His attire was that of a student doing scientific research, and he understood Arabic, Persian, and Turkish. His name was Mohammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab and he was from Najd, Eastern Arabia. This guy was rude and nervous person. While abusing the Ottoman Government, he would never speak ill of the Iranian Government. The common ground which made him and the shop-owner Abdur-Ridaa so friendly was that both were inimical towards the Khalifa in Istanbul.” UNQUOTE

Hempher further stated on page 24 as follows:

QUOTE – “During a dinner conversation at Abdur-Ridaa’s place, the following dispute took place between Mohammad of Najd and a guest from Qom, a Shiite scholar named Shaikh Jawad:

Shaikh Jawad: “Since you accept that Ali (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) was a Mujtahid, why don’t you follow him like Shiites do?”

Muhammad of Najd: “Ali (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) is no different from ‘Umar (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) or other Sahabah. His statements cannot be of a documentary capacity. Only the Qur’an and the Sunnah are authentic documents.”

Shaikh Jawad: “Since our Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) said, ‘I am the City of knowledge, and ‘Ali (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) is its Gate,’ shouldn’t there be difference between ‘Ali (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) and the other Sahabah?”

Muhammad of Najd: “If Ali’s (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) statements were of a documentary capacity, would not the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) have said, ‘I have left you the Qur’an, the Sunna, and ‘Ali (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) ?'”

Shaikh Jawad: “Yes, we can assume that Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) said so. For it is stated in Hadith, ‘I leave (behind me) Allah’s Book and my Ahle Bayt.’ And ‘Ali (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) is the greatest member of the Ahle Bayt.”

Mohammad of Najd denied that the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) had said so. UNQUOTE

Well, Hempher found that Mohammed Abdul Wahhab had a lot of hatred for the Sunnah and the family and descendants of the Holy Messenger (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) and was misquoting Quran and hadith. Therefore, he established very intimate friendship with Mohammad bin Abdul Wahhab of Najd and launched a campaign of praising him. Hempher told him, “You are greater than ‘Umar (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) and Ali (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ). If Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) was alive now, he would appoint you as his Khalifa instead of them. I expect that Islam will be renovated and improved in your hands. You are the only scholar who will spread Islam all over the world.”

Foundation of Deceit – On page 28 of this book, Hempher described the foundation of deceit as follows:

QUOTE – “Mohammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab and I decided to make a new interpretation of Qur’an to reflect only our points of view and would be entirely contrary to the explanations made by the Sahabah, Imams of Fiqh and Mufassireen of Quran. We started reading the Qur’an and talking on its verses. The purpose. was to mislead Mohammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab. After all, he was trying to present himself as a revolutionist and would therefore accept my views and ideas with pleasure. UNQUOTE

While talking about Mu’ta, Hempher narrated as follows :

QUOTE – “I sensed that Mohammad of Najd desired a woman as he was single. I told him, ‘Come on, let us each get a woman by Mut’a. We will have great fun with them.’ He accepted with a nod. This was a great opportunity for me, so I promised to find a woman for him to enjoy. My aim was to ally the timidity he had about people. He asked me to keep it a secret between us and that even the woman should not know his name. I hurriedly went to one of the Christian prostitutes who were sent by the Ministry of Colonies with the task of seducing the Muslim youth. I explained the matter to one of them. She accepted to help, so I gave her the nickname Safiyya. I took Mohammad of Najd to her house. Safiyya was at home, alone. We made a one-week marriage contract for Mohammad of Najd, who gave the woman some gold in the name of ‘Mehr.’ Thus we began to mislead Mohammad of Najd; Safiyya from inside, and I from outside.” – UNQUOTE

Hempher recounts an incident of Mohammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab getting drunk with the Christian prostitute nick named ‘Safiyya’, as follows:

QUOTE – “I told Safiyya to make Ibn Abdul Wahhab drunk heavily. Afterwards, she said, ‘I did as you said and made him drink excessively. He danced and had sex with me several times in the night.’ From then on Safiyya and I completely took control of Mohammad of Najd.

In our farewell talk the Minister of Colonies said, ‘We captured Spain from Muslims by means of alcohol and fornication. Let us take all our lands back by using these two great forces again.’ Now I know how true a statement it was.- UNQUOTE

Hempher further elaborated:

QUOTE – “The Ministry devised a subtle scheme for Mohammad of Najd, as detailed below:

(i) He is to declare all Muslims as disbelievers and announce that it is halal to kill them, to seize their property, to violate their chastity, to make their men slaves and their women concubines and to sell them at slave markets.
(ii) He is to strive to dissuade Muslims from obeying the Khalifa. He is to provoke them to revolt against him. He is to prepare armies for this purpose. He is to exploit every opportunity to spread the conviction that it is necessary to fight against the notables of Hejaz and bring disgrace on them.
(iii) He is to allege that the mausoleums, domes and sacred places in Muslim countries are idols and polytheistic milieus and must therefore be demolished. He is to do his best to produce occasions for insulting Prophet Mohammad (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) his Sahabah, and all prominent scholars.
(iv) He is to do his utmost to encourage insurrections, oppressions and anarchy in Muslim countries.
(v) He is to try to publish a copy of the Qur’an interpolated with additions and excisions, as is the case with Ahadith.”
After explaining this scheme, the Secretary added, ‘Do not panic at this huge program. For our duty is to sow the seeds for annihilating Islam. There will come generations to complete this job.’

Mohammad of Najd promised me that he would implement all the points of the scheme and added, ‘For the time being I can execute them partly.’

A couple of years later the Ministry of Commonwealth managed to cajole Mohammad bin Sa’ud, the Amir of Der’iyya, into joining our team. They sent me a messenger to inform about this and to establish a mutual affection and cooperation between the two Mohammads. For earning Muslims’ hearts and trusts, we exploited Mohammad of Najd religiously, and Mohammad bin Sa’ud politically. It is a historical fact that States based on religion have lived longer and have been more powerful and more imposing. Thus we continuously became more and more powerful. We made Der’iyya the Center of our subversive operations. And we named our new religion, the Wahhabi religion.” UNQUOTE

It is reported that initially Ibn Aabdul Wahhab managed to convert Uyayna’s Town In-charge Uthman Ibn Mu’ammar into his new religion and with his support started implementing his new ideology in the town by force. The first evil act committed by Ibn Abd al-Wahhab was, by conspiring with Ibn Mu’ammar, one night, he destroyed the Dome and pious grave of Hadhrat Zayd Ibn al-Khattab (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) who was Sahabi of Prophet Mohammad (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) and brother of Hadhrat Umer Ibn al-Khattab (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ), the second Caliph of Islam. Destruction of the Dome and his anti-Islam activities in collusion with local Town In-Charge drew the attention of Sulaiman Ibn Mhammad of Bani Khalid, the Tribal Chief of Al-Hasa who was a good Muslim. He ordered the arrest of Ibn Abd al-Wahhab. The news reached Ibn Abd al-Wahhab in time and he fled from Uyayna.Read more…
Mohammad Ibn Saud was a shrewd tribal Lord of neighboring Diriyya, Najd who cared more about power, money and women, as had been the case with most of the feudal lords in medieval times. He gave protection to Ibn Abd al-Wahhab on the instruction of the British agents and quickly envisioned the possibility of forming a State in Arabian Peninsula based on Wahhabism, the new religious theory preached by Ibn Abd al-Wahhab.

Thus, the first Saudi State came into being in the year 1744 AD (1157 AH) when Ibn Abd al-Wahhab and Mohammad Ibn Saud formed an alliance and hatched a political conspiracy to establish a State based on Wahhabism, away from Islam. To cement the alliance further Ibn Saud’s sister was married to Ibn Abd al-Wahhab. As per the terms of alliance, Ibn Abd al-Wahhab became de facto Minister for Religious Affairs whose job was to convert people into the new religion and create religious fanaticism in masses. The plan was to use newly converted religious fanatics to expand Sauds’ territory and eventually form a large Saudi State in Arabian Peninsula.

The following 183 years, between 1744-1927, Sauds fought wars with all Muslim rulers of Arabian Peninsula and were finally successful in wiping out Islam and Muslims from Arabian Peninsula in 1927 when Abdul Aziz declared himself as King of the newly formed state of ‘Saudi Arabia’.

Currently Sauds are planning to expand their territory into major part of the Globe using religious fanaticism of their scholars. Read more ..
It is in Hadith – ‘A person with eyes protruding, with a long beard and head clean-shaven (named Zul-Khawaisara who was from the tribe of Banu Tamim) came to the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) and declared: ‘O Muhammad! (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) fear Allah (سبحانہ و تعا لی). ‘ The Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) replied: ‘If I disobey Allah (سبحانہ و تعا لی) then who else will obey Him? I am obedient to Allah (سبحانہ و تعا لی) at all times and never disobedient. Allah (سبحانہ و تعا لی) has sent me as Amin (Honest for the entire world, but you don’t accept me as an honest man? A Sahabi (Hadhrat Umer – رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ ) became infuriated and sought permission to remove him from the presence of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم). The Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) prevented him from doing so. After the person had left, the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) said: ‘From his progeny (descendants) will rise a Group who will recite the Holy Quran but it will not go below their throats. They will leave the Deen (Islam) just as an arrow leaves the bowstring. They will kill Muslims but spare the idolaters. If I ever confronted these people I would slaughter them just as the people of Aad had been destroyed’. (Mishkat, pp – 535).

Since Ibn Abd al-Wahhab also belonged to Banu Tamim, therefore, as per the above Hadith, he is indeed from the direct descendants of Zul Khawaisara. There cannot be two opinions in this context.

Imam Bukhari has quoted this Hadith from Abdullah Ibn Umar(رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) that Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) once prayed for Syria and Yemen. It is narrated that there were some people of Najd also present in the gathering and they requested the Prophet(صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) to make supplication (du’a) for Najd also. Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) continued saying: ‘O! Allah, Shower Blessings on Syria and Yemen’. The people of Najd again requested the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) to offer prayers for Najd. The Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) said: ‘It is a place of tremor and mischief (Fitna) and the Horn of Shaitaan will rise from there.’ (Bukhari, Vol – ii, P – 1050).

The above Hadith clearly specifies following conclusive points.

It is abundantly clear that the place called Najd is not blessed from Islamic point of view as Prophet Mohammad (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم)called it a place of Fitna and Evil.
When we look at the geographical position of Najd, it lies to the East of Madina. In other Ahadith, it is mentioned that Prophet Mohammad(صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) pointed his hand towards the East and said, ‘there, that is the direction from where Fitna will emerge.
This place is deprived of the prayers of Prophet Mohammad (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) .
Hoping of any Islamic good coming out of this place is against the Will of Allah (سبحانہ و تعا لی).
In these circumstances, the Wahhabism or Salafism coming out of this place cannot be good or virtuous. As per Prophet’s (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) prophecy this religion is tribulation and fitna in Islam. We pray Allah (سبحانہ و تعا لی) to safeguard us from this Fitna.
The Arabic word used in the above Hadith is ‘Qarnush Shaitaan’,(horn of Shaitaan) which indeed refers to Ibn Abd al-Wahhab. However, in Misbahul Lughaat (page 663) (the dictionary used by Salafis/Deobandis, etc.) the meaning of this word is written as ‘One who follows the advice of Satan’. Therefore, as per the Hadith, Ibn Abd al-Wahhab and his devotees (Salafis) are the followers of Satan.
For the past 100 years, this tribulation (Fitna) has gradually swept the entire world. Millions of innocent Muslims have become victims of this movement. Wahhabis /Salafis and their like minded groups have mislead millions of innocent Muslims with the slogans of Shirk, Kufr, Biddah, etc.
Read Prophet’s (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) warnings about Salafism

The first Saudi State lasted between 1744 -1818 when their last ruler Abdullah bin Saud was executed by Ottomans ( دَوْلَتِ عَلِيّهٔ عُثمَانِیّه ). Read more…

The second Saudi state was established in 1824 and lasted till 1890 in central Arabia; when its last ruler Abdur Rahman Ibn Faisal Ibn Turki was defeated by Al-Rashids. Read more…

Abdul Aziz bin Abdur Rahman Al-Saud (1876-1953) was the founding ruler of third Saudi State in Najd. He had fled and took refuge in Kuwait in 1890 along with his father Abdur Rahman and entire family whenSecond Saudi State was defeated by Al-Rashids.

In 1901, Abdul Aziz returned to Najd and with the help of Kuwaitis, recaptured Riyadh from Al-Rashids.

Later on, with the help of British Government, he established his hold on entire Arabian Peninsula over a period of 27 years. The following is the gist of capture of States in Arabia by British trained Wahhabi Army.

(i) On Nov. 2, 1921, Ibn Saud captured Hail, ending the ancient dynasty of the Rashids.

(ii) In July, 1922, Ibn Saud overran Jauf and ended the ancient Shalan dynasty.

(iii) On Aug. 24, 1924, the Wahhabis attacked Taif, in Hijaz, and overran it on Sept. 5, the same year.

(iv) On Oct. 13, 1924, Ibn Saud took Makka. Sherif Hussein and his son, Ali, were forced to flee. This is how Saudi Arabia usurped the holy city, an act which remains, to this day, deeply resented by 1.5 billion Muslims of the world. Without British help, Ibn Saud would not have been able to subdue Makka. The British oligarchical structure had long expressed hatred of Prophet Mohammad (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) and no doubt took great satisfaction in the Saudi victory.

(v) Between January and June of 1925, the Wahabis laid siege to the city-state of Jeddah and captured it.

(vi) On Dec. 5, 1925, Medina surrendered to Ibn Saud, and on Dec. 19, Sherif Ali, son of Hussein, was forced to abdicate.

(vii) On Jan. 8,1926, Ibn Saud (King Abdul Aziz) was proclaimed King of the Hijaz and Sultan of Nejd.

(viii) On May 20, 1927, the Abdul Aziz signed a treaty with Great Britain, which recognized the complete independence of all territories held by Wahhabis, and allowed them to become known as Saudi Arabia.

These 27 years saw several hundred thousands Muslims killed, all traces of traditional Islam erased and over 60,000 sacred graves of Sahabah, members of Prophet’s (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) family destroyed and their pious bodies disposed off mysteriously by Abdul Aziz forces. In a nutshell, Islam was completely wiped out, Muslims totally vanished and Islamic Arabia was renamed as “Kingdom Saudi Arabia ( المملكة العربية السعودية‎)“.Read more …

Saudis did not stop at that. They gradually changed Ahadith books, misinterpreted Quranic verses and started massive Salafi Da’wa campaign in the world to legitimize their rule in the Arabian Peninsula. People say that the current plight of Muslims and their innumerable divisions in the world is mainly because of Salafi Da’wa carried out by the Kingdom spending billions of Petro-dollars wealth. Read more …

The actual number of Princes and Princesses King Abdulaziz fathered are not known. Some historians say he fathered 37 or 40 princes and around equal number of princesses while some others say he fathered more than one hundred children. Among the women who gave birth to his children, 22 have been identified by historians who say that the number could be much higher than that. Read more…

Historians have also mentioned that the personal life of the King was full of vice, with women, wine and wealth. He had unknown number of beautiful young women in his Harem and a large nursery of Princes and Princesses born to these women.

Be it King or pauper, Islam allows only 4 wives, that too on certain conditions. The children born to women used by the King for sex are known, in Islamic Law, as illegitimate forbidden children. There is harsh punishment for fornication in Islam. We all know, everyone has to pay for his evil deeds. There is no escape in Hereafter.

The King consolidated his authority ruthlessly, killing every Muslim who did not convert to Salafism and destroying the entire Islamic heritage kept intact for 1300 years by successive Muslim Governments. His forces wiped out the entire geography of Siratun Nabi ( صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم). Read more …

As an alternative to Islamic heritage, the National Museum at Riyadh built an elaborate pre-Islamic “art rock” helicoptered from Najd sands. In addition, many plush museum complexes such as Dar al-Malik Abdul Aziz, dedicated to the founding fathers of Saudi Kingdom, have now risen everywhere in the Kingdom. The Sauds’ goal is to erect gleaming, high-tech relics commemorating King Abdul Aziz and the ancestors of Saudi Royal family.

The other important goal of the Saud family is to eliminate the last remaining trace of Islam from Arabia, ie., the Green Dome of Prophet Mohammad ( صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) along with his pious grave. Read more …

It is reported that, during the last expansion of Prophet’s ( صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) mosque in late 1980s, Saudis have structurally partitioned the Green Dome from the rest of the Mosque in preparation for razing it into rubble by a powerful dynamite.

A pamphlet published in 2007 by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and endorsed by their Grand Mufti reads: “The green dome shall be demolished and the three graves flattened in the Prophet’s ( صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) Mosque.” The demolition of the Green Dome has already been checked off “to-do list”. Even the pious body of Prophet Mohammad ( صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم), who is ‘Rahmtul lil Aalameen for the worlds, along with the pious bodies of his two prominent companions is now slated to disappear under the rubble and dust. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.

We pray for Allah’s (سبحانہ و تعا لی) help to stop Saudis from eliminating Islam and humiliating Prophet Mohammad ( صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) in this manner.

We hope followers of Salafism in the world will think about these undeniable facts and come back to the straight path of Islam for their own good in this life and in Hereafter. Read more …


In late 1960s King Faisal issued a decree that every inch of the country that was not officially registered to a private individual belonged to the Saudi royal family. Thus the entire country is treated as private property of the Royal family.

The King distributed much of the land to royal family members. Princes sold some of the land back to the state and some to the public, but most they kept for themselves. Inside major cities or out in the remote desert, the country’s vast landmass remains private property of the Princes now numbering over 15000. They also treat entire Saudi oil revenues as their private wealth.Watch the following Video Clip.


Every Prince is entitled to a monthly salary starting the date of his birth. The closer the relation to Late King Abdul Aziz, the higher is the salary. Like, immediate descendants of late King Abdul Aziz receive a 7 digit (millions) salary each month. The Princes are paid separate Salary for each of their official position. Like Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, reportedly holds over 60 separate positions in addition to chairing dozens committees, entitling him to separate salary for every position. Governors are entitled to a special additional payment of SR 1 billion annually to be used at their discretion. In addition, every Prince is entitled to a Luxurious Private Palace or money to build the Palace of his choice, as well as cash from birth to buy expensive cars and other luxuries. Literally every thing is supplied to the Prince free from the State, like electricity, water, medical, security, education, etc. All State developmental contracts are essentially awarded to the companies owned by the Princes. Similarly, their business establishments and other incomes are free from State control and taxes. Anything coming into Saudi Arabia under the name of a Prince via Air or Sea is not checked by any Government Agency.Read more…

Daily Reckoning reports: “Not many people know that over 90% of Saudi oil comes from six oilfields discovered before 1970’s. Experts argue that these oilfields are now well past their prime. Ghawar oil field is the super giant and has provided 55-60% of Saudi oil over the past five decades! According to experts like Matthew Simmons, Ghawar is past its peak already and likely to enter into a major decline.” Rude Awakening comments: “Even the world’s largest oil producer may be running low on cheap oil”. Matthew Simmons, Chairman of Simmons and Company International, an investment bank specializing in oil industry says that “Saudi fields are aging much faster”. According to Simmons, “the Saudis need to strip water out of nearly every well and this is a sign that Saudi fields are aging much faster than the industry has planned for”.

Once Saudi oil reserves get more noticeably depleted the Saudi Royal family members have their pre arranged asylum in the United States. Read more …


Saudi Sex Slave Trade
Legalized Prostitution in Saudi Arabia
Islamic Heritage Destruction in Saudi Arabia
Disturbing facts about Peace TV
Salafi Groups in the World

The Globalists Created Wahhabi Terrorism

Memoirs of Mr. Hempher,
The British Spy to the Middle East (I)

Memoirs of Mr. Hempher,
The British Spy to the Middle East (II)

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