A project of 9-11Truth.com, NewsFollowUp.com Interactive 9/11 Truth Spreadsheet
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index source location phys, pol, med, doc detail physical detail political name Item date Entity entity detail 9/11/2001 Timeline country
4 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC physical Controlled demolition Explosive experts Overwhelming evidence indicates that a combination of nuclear, thermitic and conventional explosives were used in a controlled demolition of the WTC on 9/11. Nanothermite contributed but does not have sufficient detonation velocity to pulverize hundreds of thousands of tons of steel and concrete into millions of cubic yards of dust. 09/11/01 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists Engineers / Scientists Top 100 U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
5 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political False flag Cabal The cabal: U.S., Britain, Saudi Arabia and Israel executed the 9/11 false flag attack in order to usher in a new 'war on terror' along with the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Neocon and Zionist plans to dominate the Middle East and its resources were conceived and are inextricably linked to Zionist / Nazi Germany, the Cold War ... 9/11 was a planned step in the process. 09/11/01 Cabal: US, UK, Israel & SA Mossad, CIA, MI6, Top 100 U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
6 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Conflict of interest Gatekeepers Conflict of interest: Zionists held relevant controlling positions in the NYC mayor's office, DA, Port authority, Emergency Management, Judicial offices relevant to victim compensation and insurance litigation. ... and also controlled WTC security, debris (evidence) removal, options trading, media coverage, and the alleged demolition, and nuclear radiation control. ... among worldwide accusations of complicity in 9/11. 09/11/01 Cabal: US, UK, Israel & SA Mossad, CIA, MI6, Top 100 U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
7 Veterans Today WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Truth factions The disputes between VeteransToday writers and Christopher Bollyn is highly significant. Both VT and Bollyn agree on Israeli complicity in 9/11 but disagree on the thermite vs. nuclear demolition methods. This research sides with VT (nuclear) mostly because of logistics and detonation velocity problems with nanothermite. We also pay more attention to Saudi Arabia. All mentioned focus on the Banksters complicity. Cabal: US, UK, Israel & SA Mossad, CIA, MI6, Top 100 U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
8 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Video fakery Video fakery Video fakery by MSM is clearly identified, thus we are declaring that much of the information about planes allegedly attacking the WTC is distractive disinformation and / or deliberate lies. All information from the MSM, NORAD, FBI, CIA, NTSB, NIST, Dept of Justice....etc is suspect but an important aspect of a cover-up. U.S. gov FBI Top 100 U.S.
9 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Globalist agenda hijacker, patsies If you assume that the 19 hijackers were patsies, then the questions who did 9/11 and why become paramount. The answers lie in the run-up to the Iraq War which was in the planning stages probably since the late 1980s, and involving the usual Zionist / Neocon /Saudi and UK suspects and the transition from the Cold War to the 'War on Terror'. Cabal: US, UK, Israel & SA Mossad, CIA, MI6, U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
10 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Wikipedia rewrites history Gatekeepers There is a high correlation between so-called 9/11 Truth websites that deny nuclear demolition devices and 'no planes' with websites that censor information about the complicity of Israel, UK or Saudi Arabia roles in 9/11. …including AE911Truth, 911review, 911Truth … 09/11/01 Cabal: US, UK, Israel & SA Gatekeepers U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
11 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 & Israel Zionists Jews comprise only 2% of the world's (or U.S.) population but had/have a disproportionate control over the U.S. Congress (via AIPAC), executive branch (Cheney, Libby ... ) and judicial branch (Hellerstein, Mukasey, Feinberg) of the government including the operational control of the Dept of Defense during the run-up to the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, which were 'justified' by 9/11. Cabal: US, UK, Israel & SA Mossad, CIA, MI6, Top 100 U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
12 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC 1-2 political nuclear smuggling For clues on the sources of nuclear weapons used in the destruction of the WTC see relationships between, Clinton, Bush Crime Family, Marc Rich, Scooter Libby, Cheney, Neocon links to nuclear smuggling uncovered by Sibel Edmonds investigations of… Mark Grossman etc, … Pakistan, Turkey, Afghanistan...and the Russian Israeli mafia ... U.S. gov Top 100 U.S.
13 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Wikipedia rewrites history Gatekeepers There is a high correlation between so-called 9/11 Truth websites that deny nuclear demolition devices and 'no planes' with websites that censor Israel, UK or Saudi Arabia roles in 9/11. …including AE911Truth, 911review, 911Truth … 9/11 Truth AE911Truth Top 100 U.S.
14 Cahill, Dr. Thomas WTC 1-2 physical Mini Nukes, USGS data Cahill: “soil and glass were boiling” at Ground Zero well after 9/11 and up to and including Oct 30, 2001 and beyond. ...extraordinary temperatures required and oxygen.... Underground fires, whether fed by nanothermite or other incendiaries, require oxygen. There is only ONE source of igniting and maintaining a fire without a constant feed of oxygen. Nuclear reactions.... 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists Top 100 U.S.
15 Wikipedia WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack Eyewitness Rodriguez, William at 8:46… we hear 'BOOM!' An explosion so powerful and so loud that push us upward in the air coming from below! It was so powerful that all the walls cracked, the false ceiling fell on top of us, the fire sprinkler system got activated and everybody started screaming in horror: 'HELP! 9/11 Truth 8:46:00 AM U.S.
16 Wikipedia WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Groundwork Bath, James James Bath (born 1936) is a former director of Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), a former frontman for Salem bin Laden, and also former part owner of Arbusto Energy with George W. Bush, with whom Bath served as a member of the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War. 07/01/91 U.S. gov Bush Crime Family U.S.
17 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Structural, steel The top 14 floors of the WTC account for only 2% of the buildings mass. It is physically impossible for that mass to cause the destruction of the lower 98%. U.S. gov NIST Top 100 U.S.
18 Fox, Donald WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Mininukes Demolition prep ... The mini-nuke theory (associated with Dr. Ed Ward MD, the Anonymous Physicist, Dr. Bill Deagle, Jeff Prager and myself). We have determined that the mini/micro nuke hypothesis best fits the evidence. See the Mystery Solved and the Mini-Neutron Bomb articles for a full break down of the WTC Mini-Nuke Theory. U.S. gov Top 100 U.S.
19 Dean, James WTC 1-2 physical Mininukes Dean, James ... mothballed Davy Crockett tactical nukes had been spirited out the back door via an inventory accounting system ... The inventory had gone to Israel after the Dimona accident had wrecked their ability to produce weapons grade material, but they had the expertise to re-manufacture the Davy Crockett’s into modern tactical nuclear weapons. 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists Top 100 Israel
20 Dean, James WTC 1-2 physical Mininukes Dean, James IAEA image … The 9-11 commission was never interested in the molten pools of granite under the towers. Photo from IAEA inspector. http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/09/14/the-day-the-world-fell-downanother-theory-911-was-a-nuclear-attack/ 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists Top 101 Israel
21 WTC, Pentagon, PA political Addington, David Addington, David U.S. gov U.S.
22 911Blogger WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Ijaz, Mansoor Stratesec director James Abrahamson … He also co-founded a company called Crescent Investment Management (Crescent) with the Pakistani-American, Mansoor Ijaz. U.S. corp Crescent Investment Management Pakistan
23 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC 1-2 political Disinfo & ommissions Government reports on radioactivity of WTC ground zero appeared within a few weeks of 9/11 making one wonder were they already worried about revelations of nuclear devices used in the WTC demolition. U.S. gov Top 100 U.S.
24 9/11, Wall St. & Israel
25 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC 1-2 Bentham Open Science Journal Jones, Steven Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is a clear leader in 9/11 Truth movement, but there is a disturbing issue concerning Bentham Open Science Journal… and Steven Jones. AE911 Truth has used this fraudulent peer review mill to advance the credibility of the nanothermite theories. There is no mention of this issue on their website. 9/11 Truth gatekeepers AE911Truth Top 100 U.S.
26 911Blogger WTC 1993 political Revolving Door Baker, James James Baker, who went to Princeton with Rumsfeld and Carlucci, and who was White House Chief of Staff, and Secretary of the Treasury, for Reagan. Baker was also George H.W. Bush’s campaign manager and Secretary of State, and Bush’s White House Chief of Staff again in his last government position. Baker became a partner at Carlyle just two weeks after the February 1993 bombing of the WTC. U.S. think tank White House, Bush Top 100 U.S.
27 9/11 & UK
29 AVWeb WTC, Pentagon, PA Airline cell phone calls Inside an airliner, because of its superior position, the cellphone may reach several cellsites at once. This creates problems for software that determines which site is to handle the call makes its judgment based on the relative strength of calls. If the call is made from an overhead position, it may well not be able to distinguish relative strength at different cellsites. A cascade of decisions closes down the call. U.S. corp U.S.
30 Wikipedia Wikipedia rewrites history Wikipedia states: "Two weeks after the September 11 attacks, the Federal Bureau of Investigation connected the hijackers to al-Qaeda", but Ehud Barak was on national TV
32 Barrett, Kevin WTC, Pentagon, PA political Remote-controlled aircraft WTC Security Zakheim, Dov A subsidiary of Zakheim’s SPC firm, known as Tridata Corporation, oversaw the investigation of the first World Trade Center terrorist attack in 1993, which would have provided vital first-hand knowledge of the security systems and structural blueprints of the World Trade Center. U.S. corp Tridata Corporation Top 100 Israel
36 Truth in Seven Minutes WTC 1-2 physical no planes Video fakery A careful analysis of the difference between recorded live videos and videos played later in the day that are synched exactly reveals no plane in the live videos….
42 Dean, James WTC 1-2 physical Mininukes Dean, James Mini Nukes incidents: Marines Beirut, Lebanon in 1983. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma. 1995. The Egyptian Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan in 1995. The Khobar Towers Saudi Arabia, 1996. The American Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, 1998. British Consulate, Turkey. Sari nightclub Bali 2002. The UN Office in Baghdad, Iraq in 2003. The Australian Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia in 2004. Rafik Hariri in Beirut in 2005 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists Top 100 Israel
105 Wikipedia WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Roots Bath, James James Bath (born 1936) is a former director of Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), a former frontman for Salem bin Laden, and also former part owner of Arbusto Energy with George W. Bush, with whom Bath served as a member of the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War. U.S. gov BCCI U.S.
106 ASCE Pentagon physical Pentagon, wall holes Disinfo & ommissions The ASCE report states that a Boeing 757 … slipped in between the second story floor and the ground floor… which is absolutely ridiculous…. 9/11 Truth U.S.
107 ASCE Pentagon physical Pentagon, wall holes Disinfo & ommissions The FBI would not allow the ASCE entry into the Pentagon for at least two weeks, and until all the debris had been removed. 9/11 Truth U.S.
108 Francis, Stephen NFU Pentagon physical Pentagon, wall holes Disinfo & ommissions Whatever crashed into the Pentagon, could not have been a 125 ton airliner. The entry point was too small, … the official story does not consider the practically indestructible 10-ton jet engines that should have pierced the wall in two separate places... and would have been easily recovered and displayed if they existed. 9/11 Truth U.S.
109 AE911Truth WTC 1-2 physical Disinfo & ommissions On detonation velocity, AE911Truth website does not even mention the concept … as seen from a search of their website. 9/11 Truth, gatekeeper Engineers / Scientists U.S.
110 911Review WTC, Pentagon, PA political Gatekeepers \ 9/11 Truth, gatekeeper Engineers / Scientists U.S.
111 Aangirfan WTC, Pentagon, PA political Operation Code Angel Truthers, 9/11 … the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers and WTC 7 was called 'Operation Code Angel,' also known as Tripod II - a U.S. Department of Justice 'war games' exercise involving the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) U.S. gov DoJ Top 100 U.S.
112 Aangirfan WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Financing Goldman Sachs, Office of Naval Intelligence U.S. corp Goldman Sachs Israel
113 Aangirfan WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Financing Goldman Sachs, Office of Naval Intelligence U.S. gov Office of Naval Intelligence U.S.
114 Aangirfan WTC, Pentagon, PA political Mini Nukes, Russia Israel mafia Organized Crime Rich, Marc Allegedly, Marc Rich is an asset of the CIA, Mossad and the Russian Jewish Mafia. "Lewis Libby's real claim to fame is his 18-year collaboration with Russian Mafiya 'godfather' Marc Rich… Israeli gov Russia Israeli mafia Israel
115 Aangirfan WTC, Pentagon, PA political Mini Nukes, Russia Israel mafia Libby, Scooter Allegedly, Marc Rich is an asset of the CIA, Mossad and the Russian Jewish Mafia. "Lewis Libby's real claim to fame is his 18-year collaboration with Russian Mafia 'godfather' Marc Rich… Russia Israeli mafia
116 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack emergency workers In the oral histories of 503 emergency personel on 9/11 over 100 reported explosions prior or during the collapses. Citizens reported explosions that blew glass out of doors and windows. 08/01/05 U.S. corp NY Times Top 100 U.S.
117 Alien Scientist WTC, Pentagon, PA medical Anthrax hoax Stephen Hatfill, at one time considered a prime suspect in this still-unsolved case, had worked for USAMRIID at Fort Detrick. Strangely, perhaps, he had also worked with Jerome Hauer, for Scientific Applications International Corporation, at the Center for Counterterrorism Technology and Analysis. U.S. corp SAIC U.S.
118 Barrett, Kevin WTC 1993 political Remote-controlled aircraft WTC Security Zakheim, Dov A subsidiary of Zakheim’s SPC firm, known as Tridata Corporation, oversaw the investigation of the first World Trade Center terrorist attack in 1993, which would have provided vital first-hand knowledge of the security systems and structural blueprints of the World Trade Center. U.S. corp Tridata Corporation Top 100 Israel
119 Alien Scientist Pentagon physical Remote-controlled aircraft Victims, Flight 77 Robert Penniger worked for BAE Systems, ("an industry leader in flight control systems"), whose Board is comprised of many from the intelligence community. BAE has apparently removed their Board of Directors page, but it listed a "who's who" of high level connections to the CIA, DARPA, and NSA. U.S. corp BAE Systems U.S.
120 Alien Scientist WTC, Pentagon, PA medical Anthrax hoax Hauer, Jerome Jerome Hauer advised the White House to begin taking Cipro, ...
Mr. Hauer's advice was not made public, when the first anthrax letters appeared, and again three weeks after that, when anthrax appeared in letters to Democratic Senators Daschle and Leahy.
U.S. gov White House, Bush U.S.
121 Alien Scientist WTC, Pentagon, PA medical Anthrax hoax Hauer, Jerome Jerome Hauer joined New York City's Office of Emergency Management (OEM) in 1998 and quickly obtained funding from the office of then-mayor Rudy Giuliani for the study of West Nile virus. The following year the virus appeared in the city, and Jerome Hauer led the fumigation effort. U.S. gov White House, Bush U.S.
122 Alien Scientist WTC, Pentagon, PA medical Anthrax hoax Jerome Hauer managed the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. The anthrax used in the attacks was identified as an Ames strain, which means it had to have come from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Maryland. U.S. gov NIH U.S.
123 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Black boxes Disinfo & ommissions Six out of eight black boxes on supposed 9/11 hijacked planes were never released, while the two (on Flight 77 and Flight 93) that were reportedly found cannot be verified as genuine, Should be 2 hours of recordings for four hijackings total, U.S. gov NTSB Top 100 U.S.
124 Alien Scientist WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Hauer, Jerome Despite Kroll's leading role in providing the security plan for the WTC, neither the 9/11 Commission nor the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) mentioned Kroll in their respective reports. U.S. gov NIST U.S.
125 Alien Scientist WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Friedman, Stephen Friedman figured prominently in the evaluation of WTC tenants, due to his role at Marsh & McLennan and his later role as George W. Bush's top economic advisor. Friedman was also a member of the Brookings Institution, the Bilderberg group, the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, and the board at In-Q-Tel U.S. corp Marsh & McClennan U.S.
126 Alien Scientist WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Friedman, Stephen Friedman figured prominently in the evaluation of WTC tenants, due to his role at Marsh & McLennan and his later role as George W. Bush's top economic advisor. Friedman was also a member of the Brookings Institution, the Bilderberg group, the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, and the board at In-Q-Tel U.S. think tank Bilderberg U.S.
127 Alien Scientist WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Friedman, Stephen Friedman figured prominently in the evaluation of WTC tenants, due to his role at Marsh & McLennan and his later role as George W. Bush's top economic advisor. Friedman was also a member of the Brookings Institution, the Bilderberg group, the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, and the board at In-Q-Tel U.S. corp In-Q-Tel U.S.
128 Alien Scientist WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Friedman, Stephen Friedman figured prominently in the evaluation of WTC tenants, due to his role at Marsh & McLennan and his later role as George W. Bush's top economic advisor. Friedman was also a member of the Brookings Institution, the Bilderberg group, the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, and the board at In-Q-Tel U.S. gov Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board U.S.
129 Alien Scientist WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Hauer, Jerome Kroll has operated as a private intelligence agency, and has been called "The CIA of Wall Street". In this role, Kroll traced and recovered the assets of Ferdinand Marcos, Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier, and Saddam Hussein (for Kuwait). Kroll also worked for the Russian government to recover funds, and for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) during the Savings and Loan scandal. U.S. corp Kroll & Associates U.S.
130 Alien Scientist WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Hauer, Jerome Kroll helped out by finding embarrassing secrets about the takeover company's executives, thereby preventing the takeover. Former CIA spies, FBI agents, and prosecutors were hired by the firm, and made as much as twice the salaries they made in the public sector while investigating corporate and personal misdeeds. U.S. corp Kroll & Associates U.S.
131 Alien Scientist WTC, Pentagon, PA political WTC Security Kroll, Jules Jules B. Kroll in 1972. Mr. Kroll was admitted to the New York Bar in 1967, and had spent several years as an assistant District Attorney for New York County. NYC U.S.
132 Alien Scientist Pentagon physical Remote-controlled aircraft Weapons manf execs Peter Gay (Flight 11) was Raytheon’s vice president of operations for Electronic Systems and had been on special assignment to a company office in El Segundo, California. ... Raytheon’s El Segundo’s Electronic Systems division is one of two divisions making the Global Hawk. U.S. corp Raytheon U.S.
133 ASCE Pentagon physical Rumsfeld, Donald There were two unneeded evacuations of fire fighting personel that were initiated by Donald Rumsfeld sighting more attacks on the Pentagon that never materialized. U.S. gov U.S.
134 Aviation Week WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Airline cell phone calls Neither the service, nor the "third generation" hardware, nor the "Picco cell" CDMA base station inside the cabin (which so to speak mimics a cell phone communication tower inside the plane) were available on the morning of September 11, 2001. U.S. corp MSM Top 100 U.S.
135 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Wikipedia rewrites history There is a high correlation between so-called 9/11 Truth websites that deny nuclear demolition devices and 'no planes' and websites that do not mention Israel, UK or Saudi Arabia roles in 9/11. …including AE911Truth, 911review, 911Truth … NBC, CBS, ABC and Fox News would all immediately be suspects in the cover-up. U.S. corp MSM U.S.
136 EIR WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Roots Jabotinsky, the patron-saint of Israel's Likud party who also created Revisionist Zionism, and Chaim Weizmann, chairman of the World Zionist Org..., were both witting champions of the British Empire. They were instruments of Lord Alfred Milner... authors of the Balfour Declaration, who craftily used them to secure British rule over Palestine as part of the 1916 Sykes-Picot agreements. 01/01/16 Israel
137 AVWeb WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Airline cell phone calls FCC had apparently requested that airlines make this rule, owing to the tendency for cell phone calls made from aircraft at lower altitudes to create “cascades” that may lead to breakdown of cellsite operations. (Frazier 2002) U.S. gov FCC U.S.
138 911Myths WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Airline cell phone calls debunkers Seatback phones used: Todd Beamer (airphone); Sandra Bradshaw (airphone); Thomas Burnett Jr (airphone and probable cellphone); CeeCee Lyles (airphone and cellphone); Marion Britton (airphone); Honor Wainio (airphone); Waleska Martinez (airphone); Ed Felt (cellphone) (Source). There's no dispute that airphones would have been able to work on 9/11, which only leaves us with a very few calls that can be regarded as "suspicious". see below for debunk of above. and these cell phone callers: Waino, Strong, Britton, Fiumano, Hanson, Sweeny, U.S. corp debunkers U.S.
139 AVWeb WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Airline cell phone calls The handoff problem (Dewdney 2003). An aircraft traveling at normal speed and altitude would not be over the cellsite long enough to complete the electronic “handshake” (which takes several seconds to complete) before arriving over the next cellsite U.S. corp U.S.
140 Bollyn WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Truth factions Fox, Donald Donald Fox works for a Canadian financial company, which happens to be the largest partner in Tamir Fishman, an Israeli financial firm where Ehud Barak is a senior partner and adviser, suggests that his disinformation work against 9-11 Truth is connected to his employment at RBC Capital Markets 9/11 Truth U.S.
141 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 & Israel Eastman, Dick Israel Defense Force Sayeret Matkal Branch -- Sayeret Matkal is a deep-penetration unit that has been involved in assassinations, the theft of foreign (US) defense, financial, industrial and diplomatic secrets and the theft and destruction of foreign weapons and research facilities. They did 9-11. Israeli gov Sayeret Matkal Israel
142 Barrett, Kevin WTC, Pentagon, PA political 28 pages declassified! Lynch, Stephen Congressmen Emergency request by Congressmen Stephen Lynch (D-MA) and Walter Jones (R-NC) for a Congressional resolution demanding that President Obama declassify the full Joint Congressional Report on 9/11? The report implicates one or more foreign intelligence agencies in the planning and execution of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. U.S. gov US Congress U.S.
143 Barrett, Kevin WTC, Pentagon, PA political 28 pages declassified! Lynch, Stephen Congressmen AIPAC is impeding Lynch / Jones emergency bill to declassify full Joint Congression Report on 9/11. Why is SA protecting Saudi Arabia? Does the report implicate the Mossad, FBI, CIA, MI5, 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists AIPAC U.S.
144 Barrett, Kevin WTC, Pentagon, PA political Nuclear smuggling Khalezov, Dimitri Dimitri Khalezov, former officer in the Soviet Union's nuclear intelligence service, now staff writer for Veterans Today, discuss whether Mossad agent Michael Harari organized 9/11, … Gordon Duff says this should be taken seriously, … 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists Mossad Israel
145 Wikispooks WTC, Pentagon, PA political False flag As reported by La Vox De Atzlan, two men posing as press photographers, but in reality Israeli Mossad agents, were arrested INSIDE the Mexican congress on October 10, 2001 armed with 9mm pistols, 9 grenades, explosives, three detonators, and 58 bullets, but were RELEASED from custody because of pressure from the Israeli embassy. 10/10/01 Israeli gov Mossad Israel
146 Barrett, Kevin WTC, Pentagon, PA political Wikipedia rewrites history Lynch, Stephen Congressmen AIPAC is impeding Lynch / Jones emergency bill to declassify full Joint Congression Report on 9/11. Why is SA protecting Saudi Arabia? Does the report implicate the Mossad, FBI, CIA, MI5, Israeli gov AIPAC Saudi Arabia
147 Barrett, Kevin WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Groundwork Hariri, Michael Dimitri Khalezov, former officer in the Soviet Union's nuclear intelligence service, now staff writer for Veterans Today, discuss whether Mossad agent Michael Harari organized 9/11, … Gordon Duff says this should be taken seriously, … Israeli gov Mossad Israel
148 Barrett, Kevin WTC, Pentagon, PA political Disinfo & ommissions Hersh, Seymour Kevin Barrett: Seymour Hersh, America’s top mainstream investigative reporter, broke the news that the US government’s claim to have killed Osama Bin Laden on May 2nd, 2011 was a big lie. “There’s not one word of truth in it,” 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists bin Laden family Saudi Arabia
149 Barrett, Kevin WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Disinfo & ommissions Meyssan, Theirry Theirry Meyssan: (famous French author) : How does a plane 125 ft. wide and 155 ft. long fit into a hole which is only 60 ft. across? … Only two windows broken on the second floor of the Pentagon, … the section didn't collapse until 20 minutes after explosions/missile. 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists France
150 Barrett, Kevin WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Gatekeepers Wood, Judy Judy Wood, Ph.D., has proclaimed that a Tesla-inspired directed energy weapon (DEW) was responsible for the destruction of the WTC buildings and has vehemently denied nuclear bombs were used. She offers no physical proof of (DEW) Israeli thik tank Gatekeepers Israel
151 Barrett, Kevin WTC 1-2 physical Mini Nukes, USGS data U. S. Geological Suvey, nuclear materials found WTC dust 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists U. S. Geological Survey U.S.
152 Barrett, Kevin WTC 1-2 physical Mini Nukes, USGS data ... tritium is a rare hydrogen isotope, the vast majority of tritium that is produced is used in nuclear weapons and that the tritium produced by a thermonuclear explosion is converted into tritiated water (HTO). Tritiated water WAS found in the basement of Building 6 at concentrations 55 times background levels. 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists Engineers / Scientists U.S.
153 Barrett, Kevin WTC 1-2 physical Mini Nukes, USGS data Nuclear tests have been conducted in the atmosphere since 1945, producing tritium in amounts that greatly exceed the global natural activity, particularly during 1954 to 1958 and 1961 to 1962 when a number of large-yield test series were undertaken. 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists Engineers / Scientists U.S.
154 Barrett, Kevin WTC 6 physical Mini Nukes, USGS data The tritium that is produced by a nuclear explosion is almost completely converted to tritiated water (HTO), which then mixes with environmental water. Triated water was found in the basement of WTC 6 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists Engineers / Scientists U.S.
155 Barrett, Kevin WTC, Pentagon, PA political Islamophobia Although being functionally and semantically a sublime and precious concept in Islamic thought, Jihad has been constantly vilified and denigrated by the extremist neo-cons and Zionists who want to portray a distorted and black image of Islam....however, the reality is that Jihad is a mobilized, logically sustained and concerted confrontation with those who want to plunder your values and treasures and violate your rights. 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists Engineers / Scientists U.S.
156 Barrett, Kevin WTC, Pentagon, PA political False flag Hariri, Michael reportedly played a key role in the 1976 Entebbe hijacking operation, the 1985 Achille Lauro incident, and other operations orchestrated by Israel but attributed to “Palestinian terrorists.” For details on these and other Israeli false flags, read Victor Ostrovsky’s By Way of Deception and Ari Ben-Menashe’s Profits of War. 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists Mossad U.S.
157 Barrett, Kevin WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Groundwork Kissinger, Henry Kissinger was on Defense Policy Board, U.S. gov Defense Policy Board U.S.
158 Barrett, Kevin WTC, Pentagon, PA political Neocons, Strauss The neoconservatives – Straussian Zionists who believe the elite should control the masses with Big Lies … taught that truth is too dangerous to be shared with the masses. U.S. think tank U.S.
159 Wikipedia WTC, Pentagon, PA political Civil Rights lost AUMF signed…Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists, … authorizes the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the attacks on September 11, 2001 …authorizes electronic surveillance ... ACLU v. NSA without obtaining a warrant of the special Court as required by the constitution. 09/14/01 U.S. gov NSA U.S.
160 Barrett, Kevin WTC, Pentagon, PA political Neocons, Strauss Rove, Karl Karl Rove: “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. U.S. think tank Neocons U.S.
161 Barrett, Kevin WTC, Pentagon, PA political Neocons, Strauss al-Ghouta incident of August 2013, the neocons tried to portray President Assad as a monster who had slaughtered thousands of his own people with WMD for no military purpose U.S. think tank Neocons U.S.
162 Barrett, Kevin WTC, Pentagon, PA political False flag fact that 9/11-anthrax, 7/7, the Madrid and Bali bombings, and the Mumbai slaughters have all been inside jobs orchestrated by the same neoconservative Zionist cabal. U.S. think tank Neocons U.S.
163 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA political Whistleblower Lindauer, Susan Susan Lindauer reveals inside information that 9/11 was an “inside job.” She served as the liaison between the CIA and Saddam Hussein … learned of plans to attack Iraq, she protested vigorously to President Bush. For taking that step, for speaking out about her concerns... she was harassed, intimidated, imprisoned and tortured. U.S. gov FBI U.S.
164 Barrett, Kevin WTC, Pentagon, PA political Gatekeepers Hedges, Christopher . Hedges shredded the Israelis and their American lobby. He blasted the US Senate (and Sanders) for its unanimous resolution kissing Israel’s ass while the Zionists massacred civilians in Gaza. (Hedges called it “Stalinist” and some other choice adjectives.)...all but called out the Zionists for their leading role in the oligarchy’s September 11th coup d’état. 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists Gatekeepers U.S.
165 Barrett, Kevin WTC, Pentagon, PA political False flag Hariri, Michael the Mossad kingpin who threw a party celebrating the 9/11 attacks and bragged that he had orchestrated the operation. … Did his bragging at the party he threw in Thailand – especially after Khalezov revealed it in 2011 – make him a security risk? Israeli gov U.S.
166 Barrett, Kevin WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Financing Zakheim, Dov Ordained Rabbi, Zionist and citizen of Israel, Dov Zakheim was appointed as comptroller and chief financial officer for the Pentagon during the Bush administration, from May 2001 to March 2004. Zakheim had been one of Bush’s closest advisers while he was Governor of Texas, then became his senior foreign policy adviser during the 2000 presidential campaign. 05/01/01 U.S. gov DoD Israel
167 Barrett, Kevin WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Zakheim, Dov Rabbi Zakheim had earlier held the position of Chief Executive Officer at Systems Planning Corporation (SPC). One of the products offered by SPC is a “Command Transmitter System” for remote control and flight termination of airborne test vehicles. U.S. corp Systems Planning Corp Israel
168 Alien Scientist Pentagon physical Remote-controlled aircraft Interlocking BOD & conspirators Peter Gay (Flight 11) was Raytheon’s vice president of operations for Electronic Systems and had been on special assignment to a company office in El Segundo, California. ... Raytheon’s El Segundo’s Electronic Systems division is one of two divisions making the Global Hawk. U.S. corp Raytheon U.S.
169 Barrett, Kevin WTC 1993 political WTC Security Atzmon, Menachem International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS), was responsible for security at the Boston and Newark airports on 9/11 and was headed by men with clear ties to Mossad. The owners of ICTS Huntleigh USA, Menachem Atzmon and Ezra Harel, are both Israeli Jews. Atzmon has very close and controversial ties to former Israeli PM, Ehud Olmert. U.S. corp ICTS Top 100 Israel
170 Barrett, Kevin WTC 1993 political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Olmert, Ehud International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS), was responsible for security at the Boston and Newark airports on 9/11 and was headed by men with clear ties to Mossad. The owners of ICTS Huntleigh USA, Menachem Atzmon and Ezra Harel, are both Israeli Jews. Atzmon has very close and controversial ties to former Israeli PM, Ehud Olmert. U.S. corp ICTS Israel
171 Barrett, Kevin WTC, Pentagon, PA political Zionism As Adbusters editor Kalle Lasn has pointed out, 26 of the 50 most influential neoconservatives who induced America to wage war in Iraq are Jewish (52%). 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists Zionists U.S.
172 911Blogger WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Kasputys, Joseph Joseph Kasputys, Pres. Ford's assitant Sec of Commerce, …Ran Primark that had offices in both Towers, James Baker worked with Joseph Kasputys. … Kasputys worked with DiBona during the Arab Oil Embargo as reps of US DoE, The Analytical Sciences Corporation (TASC) a Primark subsidiary, worked with “so-called 'black projects'.” TASC also worked closely with the NIST. U.S. think tank TASC U.S.
173 Bollyn WTC, Pentagon, PA political False flag Sharon, Ariel Ariel Sharon with the kabbalistic hexagram, symbol of the Zionist state of Israel. Sharon, a known terrorist and war criminal, became prime minister of Israel in March 2001, six months before 9/11. 03/01/01 Israeli gov Irgun Israel
174 Bollyn WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 & Israel Netanyahu, Benjamin Netanyahu wrote a book in 1986 about his main thesis which is "the war on terror."
Netanyahu is the Israeli politician who coined the phrase and called on the western democracies to join the "war on terror" against Israel's enemies.
01/01/86 Israeli gov Likud Israel
175 Bollyn WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 & Israel Netanyahu, Benjamin Haaretz report on close relationship between Netanyahu and Silverstein details meetings and conversations. U.S. corp Silverstein Properties Israel
176 911Blogger WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Sabah, Yousef Saud Al Yousef Saud Al Sabah was also chairman of the Kuwait-American Corporation (KuwAm), which between 1993 and 1999 held a controlling share of Stratesec, Al Sabah benefitted greatly from 9/11 throught the 'war on terror'… because of the removal of Sadam Hussein from power. Kuwait corp Stratesec Kuwait
177 911Blogger WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Abrahamson, James Stratesec director James Abrahamson … He also co-founded a company called Crescent Investment Management (Crescent) with the Pakistani-American, Mansoor Ijaz. Crescent’s board of advisors included James Woolsey, the CIA Director for President Clinton who became a PNAC signatory and Booz Allen Hamilton executive. U.S. corp Crescent Investment Management U.S.
178 Wikipedia Iran Contra political 9/11 Groundwork Abrams, Eliot Elliot Abrams — former member of PNAC, National Security Council; pleaded guilty in 1991 to lying to Congress about Iran-Contra affair; “dual citizen” of US and Israel; Zionist … Bush appointed him to the International Operations at the National Security Council on June 25, 2001 06/25/01 U.S. gov NSC U.S.
179 Bollyn WTC, Pentagon, PA political Conflict of interest Cukierman, Roger 2001 Bollyn  Hellerstein has a clear conflict of interest in the 9-11 tort litigation because his son is a lawyer with Amit, Pollak & Matalon, the law firm that works for and is closely connected with Cukierman & Company, the parent company of ICTS. Cukierman & Co. is headed by Roger Cukierman and his son Edouard. U.S. corp Cukierman & Company Israel
180 Bollyn WTC, Pentagon, PA political Conflict of interest Cukierman, Roger 2001 Bollyn ) Hellerstein has a clear conflict of interest in the 9-11 tort litigation because his son is a lawyer with Amit, Pollak & Matalon, the law firm that works for and is closely connected with Cukierman & Company, the parent company of ICTS. Cukierman & Co. is headed by Roger Cukierman and his son Edouard. U.S. corp ICTS Israel
181 Bollyn WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Evidence destruction, obstruction clean-up execs Zionist controlled WTC steel scrap companies Hugo Neu Schnitzer East (Hugo Neu)and Metal Management Northeast,  Hugo Neu A Hugo Neu affiliate processed most of the scrap metal Two New Jersey companies 60,000 tons .President Alan Ratner of Metal Management U.S. corp Metal Management
182 Bollyn WTC, Pentagon, PA political Conflict of interest Rothschild Hellerstein has a clear conflict of interest in the 9-11 tort litigation because his son is a lawyer with Amit, Pollak & Matalon, the law firm that works for and is closely connected with Cukierman & Company, the parent company of ICTS. Cukierman & Co. is headed by Roger Cukierman and his son Edouard. Previously, Roger was CEO of the Edmond de Rothschild Group U.S. think tank ICTS U.S.
183 Bollyn WTC, Pentagon, PA political Conflict of interest Rothschild Hellerstein has a clear conflict of interest in the 9-11 tort litigation because his son is a lawyer with Amit, Pollak & Matalon, the law firm that works for and is closely connected with Cukierman & Company, the parent company of ICTS. Cukierman & Co. is headed by Roger Cukierman and his son Edouard. Previously, Roger was CEO of the Edmond de Rothschild Group Israel think tank Amit, Pollak & Matalon Israel
184 Bollyn WTC, Pentagon, PA political Conflict of interest Rothschild Hellerstein has a clear conflict of interest in the 9-11 tort litigation because his son is a lawyer with Amit, Pollak & Matalon, the law firm that works for and is closely connected with Cukierman & Company, the parent company of ICTS. Cukierman & Co. is headed by Roger Cukierman and his son Edouard. Previously, Roger was CEO of the Edmond de Rothschild Group Israel think tank Cukierman & Company Israel
185 Bollyn WTC, Pentagon, PA political Israel & 9/11 ICTS Olmert, Ehud Ehud Olmert, like his Russian-born parents who emigrated first to China and then to Palestine, is an ideological child of Jabotinsky. Olmert's father, Mordechai, was a devoted follower who joined the right-wing Herut movement and the Irgun militia then led by the notorious Zionist terrorist Menachem Begin. Olmert's intensely right-wing family lived on a cooperative farm called Nahalat Jabotinsky. Israeli gov PM Israel
186 Bollyn WTC, Pentagon, PA political Israel & 9/11 ICTS Olmert, Ehud Ehud Olmert, like his Russian-born parents who emigrated first to China and then to Palestine, is an ideological child of Jabotinsky. Olmert's father, Mordechai, was a devoted follower who joined the right-wing Herut movement and the Irgun militia then led by the notorious Zionist terrorist Menachem Begin. Olmert's intensely right-wing family lived on a cooperative farm called Nahalat Jabotinsky. Israel think tank Zionists Israel
187 Bollyn WTC, Pentagon, PA political Israel & 9/11 ICTS Olmert, Ehud Ehud Olmert, like his Russian-born parents who emigrated first to China and then to Palestine, is an ideological child of Jabotinsky. Olmert's father, Mordechai, was a devoted follower who joined the right-wing Herut movement and the Irgun militia then led by the notorious Zionist terrorist Menachem Begin. Olmert's intensely right-wing family lived on a cooperative farm called Nahalat Jabotinsky. Israel think tank Irgun Israel
188 Bollyn WTC, Pentagon, PA political Israel & 9/11 ICTS Olmert, Ehud Olmert, who has long been tarnished by allegations of financial crimes, was implicated in a financial scandal involving forged receipts for donations to the 1988 Likud campaign, of which he was co-treasurer. This affair culminated in the March 1996 conviction of three other Likudniks, including Menahem Atzmon, the Likud treasurer. Israeli gov PM Israel
189 Bollyn WTC, Pentagon, PA political Israel & 9/11 ICTS Atzmon, Menachem Olmert, who has long been tarnished by allegations of financial crimes, was implicated in a financial scandal involving forged receipts for donations to the 1988 Likud campaign, of which he was co-treasurer. This affair culminated in the March 1996 conviction of three other Likudniks, including Menahem Atzmon, the Likud treasurer. Israeli gov PM Israel
190 Bollyn WTC, Pentagon, PA political Israel & 9/11 ICTS Atzmon, Menachem ... convicted in Israel in 1996 for campaign finance fraud, and his business partner Ezra Harel, took over management of security at the Boston and Newark airports when their company ICTS bought Huntleigh USA in 1999. See ICTS, Huntleigh, Hellerstein, Rothschild and Cukierman 01/01/99 U.S. corp Huntleigh, USA Israel
191 Bollyn Flight 93 physical Israel & 9/11 ICTS UAL Flight 175 and AA 11, which allegedly struck the twin towers, both originated in Boston, while UAL 93, which purportedly crashed in Pennsylvania, departed from the Newark airport. See ICTS and Hutleigh U.S. corp Huntleigh, USA Israel
192 Bollyn Flight 93 physical Israel & 9/11 ICTS UAL Flight 175 and AA 11, which allegedly struck the twin towers, both originated in Boston, while UAL 93, which purportedly crashed in Pennsylvania, departed from the Newark airport. See ICTS, Huntleigh, Hellerstein, Rothschild and Cukierman Israeli corp Cukierman & Company Israel
193 Bollyn WTC, Pentagon, PA political Israel & 9/11 ICTS Huntleigh, along with the other security companies, was granted complete congressional protection in 2002 and will not be called to account for its actions on 9-11 in any U.S. court. - U.S. gov U.S. Congress U.S.
194 Bowles, William WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 financing bin Laden, Osama William Casey's covert operations as Director of the CIA led from the arming the mujehaddin to the intricacies of Contragate. Drug profits from this funneled through BCCI at the behest of Saudi Arabia / CIA that used the Pakistan ISI as a proxy. These funds went to a drug dealer named Hekmyatar and to his protégé, Osama bin Laden. Saudi Arabia gov CIA Saudi Arabia
195 Bowles, William WTC, Pentagon, PA political BCCI corruption Casey, William William Casey's covert operations as Director of the CIA led from the arming the mujehaddin to the intricacies of Contragate. Drug profits from this funneled through BCCI at the behest of Saudi Arabia / CIA that used the Pakistan ISI as a proxy. These funds went to a drug dealer named Hekmyatar and to his protégé, Osama bin Laden. U.S. gov CIA Saudi Arabia
196 Bowles, William WTC, Pentagon, PA political Iran Contra Hekmyatar William Casey's covert operations as Director of the CIA led from the arming the mujehaddin to the intricacies of Contragate. Drug profits from this funneled through BCCI at the behest of Saudi Arabia / CIA that used the Pakistan ISI as a proxy. These funds went to a drug dealer named Hekmyatar and to his protégé, Osama bin Laden. Pakistan gov ISI Pakistan
197 BusinessWeek WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Carlucci, Frank Carlyle Group U.S. corp U.S.
198 BusinessWeek WTC, Pentagon, PA political SEC bond rules suspended Carlucci, Frank Carlucci: Director and Member of Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee
BAE Systems Land & Armaments
UK corp BAE Systems UK
199 CBS News WTC, Pentagon, PA political Iraq War Hussein, Sadam Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has raised the amount offered to relatives of suicide bombers from $10,000 per family to $25,000, U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld 04/03/02 U.S. think tank Zionists Israel
200 Chaitman,Helen Davis WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Financing Madoff, Bernard Madoff could not have stolen $64.8 billion of other people’s money without the complicity of a major financial institution. ... Madoff maintained huge balances in his JPMorgan Chase account, reaching $4 billion or more from 2006 on… senior officers of JPMorgan Chase knew that Madoff was misappropriating customer funds and knew who all the victims were. see also Chaitman and Gotthoffer U.S. corp Jewish financial organizations Israel
201 CNN WTC 7 physical Controlled demolition A condensed video synopsis of CNN and the BBC's 9-11 coverage where both reported 'sources' had indicated WTC7 had collapsed, well before it occurred. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GEAnn3uN30 09/11/01 UK corp BBC UK
202 CNN WTC, Pentagon, PA political Disinfo & ommissions Cheney, Dick Bush, Cheney meet with 9/11 panel, … refused to testify under oath … appeared together, dismissed suggestions that he appeared before the panel with Cheney to coordinate stories. … "see our body language... how we work together." … no recording made of the session nor a stenographer in the room. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S.
203 Coast to Coast WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Roots Hunt, E. Howard The “deathbed confession” audio tape in which former CIA agent and Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt admits he was approached to be part of a CIA assassination team to kill JFK was aired... on the nationally syndicated Coast to Coast AM radio show … there are countless links between 9/11 and the assassination of Kennedy... U.S. gov CIA U.S.
204 CourtFool WTC, Pentagon, PA political Energy wars Bush GW the US war against Afghanistan ... is about ...the transport oil and gas from the east side of the Caspian Sea, pipelines had been planned through Afghanistan. Because ... UNOCAL, failed to control the Afghan route, the war was prepared. ... 9/11 gave Bush the pretext to start this war... U.S. gov Bush Crime Family U.S.
205 Damn Interesting WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Mininukes Demolition prep the modern, and most common W80 nuclear warhead-- has a maximum yield of about 150 kilotons. ... can wipe out a typical medium-sized city, but at the flick of a switch, the warhead's potency can be reduced to as little as five kilotons. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
206 Henderson, Dean WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 & Israel Rothschild In 1985 Drexel Lambert (Rothschild front) S&L crook Michael Milken helped Houston Natural Gas merged with Internorth to create Enron. Kenneth Lay headed Houston Natural Gas and became chairman and CEO of the new company. Enron was the biggest corporate contributor to George W. Bush’s campaign to become Texas Governor. HendersonLeftHook (9/11 roots easily go back to the 1980s) Rothschild Israel
207 Damn Interesting WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Mininukes Demolition prep method known as "boosting." Early on in atomic weapons development, nuclear weapon scientists realized that injecting a bit of tritium gas into the center of a nuclear device could increase its destructive power tremendously.... the only way to create usable quantities of the gas is inside nuclear reactors, by using neutron activation of lithium-6. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
208 Long, David WTC 1-2 political Warnings Merrill Lynch had a emergency training session for its employees in the WTC 09/04/01 U.S. corp Jewish financial organizations U.S.
209 Nuclear demolition WTC, Pentagon, PA physical China Syndrome, bathtub Concrete used to fill a 40 ft deep, 80 ft. wide whole with melted rock sides which was revealed as the debris was removed. It appeared that something (nuclear reaction) had melted the sides of the whole…. This got no MSM attention… see pic. See Nuclear Demolition 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
210 YouTube 911 Planes Hoax WTC 1-2 physical No planes Video fakery See video of airliner crash test where a single 12" telephone pole easily slices through the wing of the aircraft and another pole cuts half way through between two engines. Part of proof of no planes … see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zt1oTYhcgo 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
211 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack Morelli, Philip Basement explosion reported by NY1 TV, four stories below ground. TV film of Philip Morelli stating this on NY1 TV … impact of explosion "through me to the floor", and then a second explosion, … tile was falling down, ceiling fixtures falling down, … U.S. corp MSM 8:30:00 AM U.S.
212 Francis, Stephen NFU Hannah, John Is linked to 9/11 in many ways U.S.
213 Francis, Stephen NFU Iran Contra Negroponte Iran Contra figure, now Dep Sec of State in Obama administraion U.S.
214 Long, David WTC 1-2 physical WTC stench the fires burned for weeks, smelled like burning plastic, fuel and dead bodies…. For months after. Truth Action Ottawa U.S. corp Merrill Lynch U.S.
215 Long, David WTC 1-2 physical Cleanup trucks were there the first day, within hours… unexpectedly.. Wondered why there was no investigation,… moving evidence, disturbing a crime scene… U.S. corp Merrill Lynch U.S.
216 DEA WTC, Pentagon, PA political Demolition prep Segalovitz, Peer DEA report: Segalovitz was untruthful about his reasoning to be in the United States for approximately the first 3 hours. Segalovitz finally admitted that he was one of approximately 30 Israeli art students who are currently in Florida. Segalovitz would not admit what their purpose was in Florida, but did state that they were not here for legitimate means.” U.S. gov DEA U.S.
217 Dean Henderson WTC, Pentagon, PA political WTC Security Guardium Israeli corp Guardium Israel
218 DOE WTC 7 physical Mini Nukes, USGS data debunkers DOE report produced on Oct 1, 2002 says tritium came from gun sights, watches and fuel fires: This work was performed under the auspices of the United States Department of Energy by the University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract No. W-7405-Eng-48. 10/01/02 U.S. gov Lawrence Livermore Lab U.S.
219 Duff, Gordon WTC 1993 physical Nuclear, thermobaric A Nuclear Thermobaric Weapon is a type of enhanced radiation weapon that utilizes boosted plasma from the nuclear fire ball to generate an intense, high-temperature explosion, and in practice the blast wave produced is typically larger and longer in duration than in a conventional explosive weapon design. 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists Engineers / Scientists U.S.
220 Duff, Gordon WTC 1993 physical Nuclear, thermobaric Thermobaric explosives apply the principles underlying unconfined vapor cloud explosions, which include those from dispersions of flammable dusts and droplets. Such explosions are most often encountered in flour mills, their storage containers,coal mines, oil tankers and refineries. 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists Engineers / Scientists U.S.
221 Duff, Gordon WTC 1993 physical Nuclear, thermobaric The explosive used by the bombers in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing incorporated the FAE (fuel air explosion) principle, using three tanks of bottled hydrogen gas to enhance the blast. 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists Engineers / Scientists U.S.
222 Duff, Gordon physical A fuel-air explosive (FAE) device consists of a container of fuel and two separate explosive charges. After the munition is dropped or fired, the first explosive charge bursts open the container at a predetermined height and disperses the fuel in a cloud that mixes with atmospheric oxygen, the size of the cloud varies with the size of the munition. 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists Engineers / Scientists U.S.
223 Duff, Gordon WTC 1-2 physical Seismographs Seismologists point out that Richter readings always come from Earth’s movements or explosives coupled to the ground, not from plane impacts on buildings or falling debris. Earthquakes rumble up to a climax and then decrease, but a sudden spike denotes a ground-planted explosive device. 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists Engineers / Scientists U.S.
224 Duff, Gordon WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Radioactive fallout found by the U.S. Geological Survey in samples from 35 sites surrounding the WTC for nearly a mile. U.S. think tank USGS U.S.
225 Wikipedia WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Mini Nukes, Israel Demolition prep Both the United States and the Soviet Union have acknowledged producing nuclear weapons small enough to be carried in specially-designed backpacks during the Cold War, but neither have ever made public the existence or development of weapons small enough to fit into a normal-sized suitcase or briefcase. It has also been reported that Israel has produced nuclear warheads small enough to fit into a suitcase 01/01/52 Israeli gov Mossad Israel
226 Ellsberg, Daniel WTC, Pentagon, PA political Whistleblower Ellsberg, Daniel Former military analyst and famed whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg said that the case of a certain 9/11 whistleblower is "far more explosive than the Pentagon Papers". He also said that the government is ordering the media to cover up her allegations about 9/11. U.S. think tank U.S.
227 Exiled Online WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Carlucci, Frank Carlyle Group director: Norman Augustine, another ex-president of the Boy Scouts, another Princeton alum, and former board director at the scandal-plagued Riggs bank. U.S. corp Riggs Bank U.S.
228 Exiled Online WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators After the attacks on 9/11, the FBI discovered that Saudi government officials used accounts at Riggs bank to wire funds to at least two known associates of the Saudi hijackers who crashed Flight 77 into the Pentagon. U.S. corp Riggs Bank Saudi Arabia
229 Exiled Online WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 & Saudi Arabia Bandar bin Sultan A Saudi named Omar al-Bayoumi housed and opened bank accounts for two of the 9/11 hijackers. About two weeks after the assistance began, al-Bayoumi's wife began receiving monthly payments totaling tens of thousands of dollars from Princess Haifa bint Faisal, the wife of Saudi ambassador and Bush family confidant, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, through a Riggs bank account. U.S. corp Riggs Bank Saudi Arabia
230 FAS WTC, Pentagon, PA political Nuclear smuggling Cheney, Dick Secretary cheney issued a post-gulf war top secret Nuclear Weapons Employment Policy (NUWEP) which formally tasked the military to plan for nuclear operations against nations capable of or developing WMD U.S. gov White House, Cheney U.S.
231 Ward, Ed WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite Evidence of tremendous heat can be seen in a 8 ton 6" thick I beam that is bent like a horseshoe without warping, kinking or splitting. ... there is no way for thermate to create this horseshoe, unless it is "miraculous" thermate. Nor, is there any unspecified vague "scalar" weapon that can do this even if the beam was isolated and not covered by some degree of 110 floors of concrete and steel.) 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
232 Fetzer, James physical Airliner air speed Video fakery It is impossible for a Boeing 757 to fly anywhere near 500 mph at sea level. The atmosphere is so dense that the engines act as brakes. Other aerodynamic realities restrict speeds to less than 250 mph not to mention Boeing's own flight specifications. U.S. corp Boeing U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
233 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA physical the “plane huggers,” such as Rob Balsamo, the head of Pilots for 9/11 Truth, who want to hang onto the myth that these big Boeings actually crashed on 9/11, when all the evidence contradicts them. 9/11 Truth U.S.
234 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Detonation velocity For an explosive to demolish a material, it must have a detonation velocity equal to or greater than the speed of sound in that material. The speed of sound in concrete is 3,200 m/s, in steel 6,100 m/s. But the highest detonation velocity attributed to nanothermite in the scientific literature is only 895 m/s. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
235 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite Spitzer, Denis Thermites are energetic materials, which do not release gaseous species when they decompose. However, explosives can be blended in thermites to give them blasting properties”, which implies that, unless supplemented with explosives, nanothermites are non-explosive. U.S. think tank Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids U.S.
236 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Groundwork Utilitarianism, where right and wrong are calculated on the basis of the benefits that accrue to the group regardless of their consequences for others … What has happened to our society appears to be that the rich and powerful are acting in accordance with the principles that define limited utilitarianism rather than those of deontological moral theory. 9/11 Truth Israel
237 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Groundwork Butler, Smedley Stopped American coup to overthrow Roosevelt administration. He was recruited to become president but exposed the plot at the opportune time. 9/11 Truth U.S.
238 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA political Zionism The proper principle on which societies should be based is that of treating every person as intrinsically valuable and never merely as a means. The term “merely” is crucial within this context, since we treat one another as means all the time, where employers use their employees as their means to conduct a business and make a profit 9/11 Truth U.S.
239 Fetzer, James Pentagon physical Light poles It's impossible for a Boeing 757 to fly less than 80 feet altitude at normal cruising speeds because of the ground effect. U.S. corp Boeing U.S.
240 History Commons WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Structural, steel Smith, William Franklin B-25 bomber crashes into Empire State Building, between 78th and 80th floors, one engine shoots through the side opposite the impact, and flies as far as a block and lands on a roof of a nearby building, starts fire, fire extinguished in 40 minutes, 14 people killed, building opens for business the following Monday. 07/01/45 9/11 Truth CIA U.S.
241 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA political Gatekeepers Henshall, Ian the 9/11 movement in the UK led by Ian Henshall, which doesn’t want to ruffle feathers by addressing the discoveries that make a difference, such as the use of mini-nukes to blow apart the Twin Towers, that no Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon, that all four of the crash sites were fabricated or faked, albeit in different ways, and that the Mossad played a crucial role in 9/11. 9/11 Truth Gatekeepers U.S.
242 Cars, toasted
243 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA medical Wellstone, Sen. Paul Sen. Paul Wellstone, … was murdered in a plane crash by rogue elements of the U.S. Government 10/25/02 U.S. gov Rogue gov U.S.
244 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Roots "To understand 9/11, we must return to the dissolution of the USSR in 1990-91, which left the US military-industrial-intelligence complex without an international boogeyman to motivate the American people to continue to support vast expenditures on bombs, planes and tanks." 01/01/90 U.S. gov Rogue gov U.S.
245 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA political Disinfo & ommissions Silverstein, Lawrence Rudy Dent, Fire Marshal, 32 year veteran of NYFD … NYFD does not 'pull' buildings Silverstein lying, buildings… 09/11/01 NYC Silverstein Properties U.S.
246 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical No planes Video fakery Reynolds, Morgan Morgan published a piece by Joe Keith, who was the software engineer who designed the on-ground “shaker system” for Boeing, who points out that the videos show the plane (Flight 175, presumably) passing through its whole length into the building in the same number of frames it passes through its own length in air, which is impossible 9/11 Truth U.S.
247 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Flight 93 anomilies Disinfo & ommissions … according to FAA Registration records I have in hand, the planes corresponding to Flights 93 and 175 were not deregistered until 28 September 2005 …. Supports fact of no planes… 9/11 Truth U.S.
248 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA physical No Arab names Disinfo & ommissions Davidson, Elias We have studies (3) by Elias Davidsson demonstrating that the government has never been able to prove that any of the alleged “hijackers” were aboard any of those planes … no hijackers, then no planes… 9/11 Truth U.S.
249 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA physical No plane parts id Nelson, Col. George Col. George Nelson, USAF (ret.) has observed, although there are millions of uniquely identifiable components of those four planes, the government has yet to produce even one. … no parts… then no planes… 9/11 Truth U.S.
250 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Flight schedule anomalies Kollerstrom, Nicholas The first to notice that American Airlines Flights 11 and 77 were not even scheduled to fly on 9/11 was the brilliant Australian blues musician, Gerard Holmgren, who was interviewed by David West on 27 June 2005. Others, such as Nick Kollerstrom, “9 Keys to 9/11″, have also reported the same difficulty with the government’s official account. 9/11 Truth U.S.
251 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Flight schedule anomalies Hendrie, Edward In his new book, 9/11: ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC (2011), Edward Hendrie has published the data tables for both of these alleged flights, where it turns out that the BTS subsequently revised their tables with partial data in order to cover up their absence. For Flight 77 9/11 Truth U.S.
252 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA physical hijacker patsies, alive Waleed al-Shehri, whom the government claims was aboard AA Flight 11, was interviewed after 9/11 by a London-based newspaper and spoke with the US Embassy in Morocco on 22 September, if hijackers still alive then 'no planes'.... 9/11 Truth U.S.
253 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA physical No planes hijacker patsies, alive Ahmed al-Nami and Saeed al-Ghamdi, both alleged to have been aboard Flight 93 and were interviewed by multiple sources, while the Saudi Embassy in Washington, D.C., reported that three other alleged hijackers, Mohand al-Shehri, Salem al-Hazmi, and Abdulzaiz al-Omairi, were all alive and well and living in Saudia Arabia... if hijackers still alive then 'no planes'.... 9/11 Truth U.S.
254 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA physical No planes Video fakery Jules Naudet, a French filmmaker, just happened to be in the vicinity doing a modest documentary about New York Firemen out looking for a “gas leak” … supposedly filmed 1st plane hitting WTC … part of proof of no planes… 9/11 Truth U.S.
255 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA physical video fakery Video fakery Both AA Flight 11 and United Flight 175, which is alleged to have hit the South Tower, were Boeing 767s, while AA Flight 77 and United Flight 93 were both Boeing 757s. While individual images are too blurry and indistinct even to be identifiable as a commercial carrier, much less as a Boeing 767 ... flying pig. 9/11 Truth U.S.
256 Fox, Donald WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Detonation velocity Detonation velocity is a principle (law) of materials science that an explosive can destroy a material only if it has a detonation velocity equal to or greater than the speed of sound in that material, where the speed of sound in concrete is 3,200 m/s and in steel 6,100 m/s, while the highest detonation velocity that has been attributed to nanothermite is 895 m/s, 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
257 Fetzer, James Flight 93 physical Pilots for 9/11 Truth has done some of the most important work on this subject, including establishing that Flight 93 was over Urbana, IL, after it had allegedly crashed in Shanksville; 9/11 Truth U.S.
258 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Flight 175 was over Pittsburgh, PA, long after it had allegedly entered the South Tower. 9/11 Truth U.S.
259 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA physical FAA Registration data show that the planes associated with Flights 93 and 175 were not de-registered or formally taken out of service until 28 September 2005 9/11 Truth U.S.
260 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Seismographs Craig Furlong and Gordon Ross, “Seismic Proof: 9/11 was an inside job,” where they compared very precise seismic data from a geological lab run by Columbia University with FAA and military radar data for the alleged impact times of the planes and found that they occurred 14 and 17 seconds prior to the alleged impacts. Academia Universities U.S.
261 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA political Neocons, Strauss Zelikow, Philip Philip Zelikow, Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission, for example, had as his area of academic specialization before entering government the creation and maintenance of public myths, 9/11 Truth 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S.
262 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA political Whistleblower Lindauer, Susan Susan Lindauer reveals inside information that 9/11 was an “inside job.” She served as the liaison between the CIA and Saddam Hussein … learned of plans to attack Iraq, she protested vigorously to President Bush. For taking that step, for speaking out about her concerns... she was harassed, intimidated, imprisoned and tortured. U.S. gov FBI U.S.
263 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Airline cell phone calls Dewdney, A.K. A.K. Dewdney has shown, all of the alleged phone calls from those planes were faked 9/11 Truth U.S.
264 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA political Energy wars the Taliban offered to surrender Osama bin Laden if we could prove that he had been involved, which we promised to do but of course ignored. Afghanistan, gov Taliban Afghanistan
265 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA political Iraq War Rumsfeld, Donald Donald Rumsfeld said that the 9/11 attacks created “the kind of opportunities that World War II offered, to refashion the world.” U.S. gov DoD U.S.
266 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA political Iraq War Clark, Gen Wesley Gen. Wesley Clark, the former Supreme Commander of NATO, has reported being informed immediately following 9/11 of a plan to destabilize and overthrow the governments of seven nations in five years, including Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, but working up to Syria and eventually Iran. U.S. gov DoD U.S.
267 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Clark, Richard Close ties to United Arab Emirates U.S. gov DoD U.S.
268 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Hijack code 7500 “FAA… assumed that the aircraft pilot would notify the controller via radio or by “squawking” a transponder code of “7500” – the universal code for a hijack in progress.”
Griffin then goes on to explain how all four planes did not squawk the hijack code.
U.S. gov FAA U.S.
269 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Hijack code 7500 Eberhart, Ralph Ralph Eberhart (commander of NORAD) also gave false information about the NORAD response to others. General Richard Meyers, acting CJCS that morning, said that Eberhart told him there were “several hijack codes in the system.” Yet none of the four planes had squawked the hijack code on 9/11 U.S. gov NORAD U.S.
270 Francis, Stephen NFU Pentagon physical Pentagon, wall holes ... a 100-ton airliner with a 125′ wingspan and a tail standing 40′ above the ground, according to the official story vaporized as it entered the Pentagon. A small hole about 15 feet in diameter marks the alledged entry point. U.S. gov DoD U.S.
271 Fetzer, James Pentagon physical Pentagon, lawn The lawn in front of the supposed impact area of Flight 77 is utterly undisturbed. This coupled with the fact that the second floor sustained little damage from the impact assumes the airliner disappeared into the first floor of the Pentagon, which is utterly absurd. U.S. gov DoD Pentagon, physical U.S.
272 Prager, Jeff WTC 1-2 physical USGS data Jeff Prager has done extensive work with the USGS dust samples and we’ll use some of the slides from his Vancouver Power Point presentation to help us analyze the USGS data: 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
273 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Bentham Open Science Journal Disinfo & ommissions Pileni, Marie-Paule (former) Editor-in-Chief of the Bentham Open Science Journal, Marie-Paule Pileni, who specializes in nano-materials research at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in France, resigned her position in protest of Steven Jones' nanothermite publication, which she regarded as very inappropriate. U.S. think tank Bentham Open Science Journal Top 100 U.S.
274 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical China Syndrome, bathtub Twin Towers were reduced to a few large pieces and millions of cubic yards of very fine dust, which appears to have been critical for the preservation of the bathtub, the shattering of which would have allowed Hudson River water to flood beneath Lower Manhattan, the subway and the PATH train tunnels, causing monumental damage to the most valuable real estate in the world U.S.
275 Fetzer, James WTC 7 physical Ejections NIST: When WTC 1 collapsed at 10:28:22 AM, . . . some fragments [of debris] were forcibly ejected and traveled distances up to hundreds of meters. Pieces of WTC 1 hit WTC 7, severing six columns on Floors 7 through 17 on the south face and one column on the west face near the southwest corner. The debris also caused structural damage between Floor 44 and the roof.85 U.S. gov NIST 10:28:22 AM U.S.
276 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Controlled demolition In a standard controlled demolition a debris pile remains that is about 12% of its original height. The WTC towers debris piles were only about three stories. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists Top 100 U.S.
277 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Mini Nukes, USGS data By reaching beyond conventional weaponry in to the range of unconventional weaponry, such as lasers, masers, plasmoids, mini-nukes. I mean, who knows in advance of actually conducting an investigation that theories or hypotheses about the use of lasers or masers or mini-nukes are wrong? You can’t know that without investigation. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
278 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite And I’m going to suggest that a gigantic hoax is being perpetrated on the research community by the claim that [the] scientific method supports this very narrow definition of the use of thermite and thermate . . . . 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
279 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Detonation velocity . The highest degree of explosiveness for iron oxide/aluminum nanothermite—the chemical form claimed to have been involved in WTC destruction—that Mark could find documented in the technical literature has a detonation velocity of only 895 m/s (or meters per second). TNT is 6900 m/s and nuclear weapons are 100,000 m/s. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
280 Hightower, T. Mark WTC 1-2 physical Detonation velocity While thermite in one or another of its guises as a rapid incendiary could have been used to sever or pre-weaken steel members, this low velocity melting process is a totally different mechanism for the cutting of steel than the shock wave method that requires detonation velocities of at least 3,200 m/s for concrete and 6,100 m/s for steel. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
281 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite ... “explosive nanothermite”, when used to describe the causal mechanism for demolishing the Twin Towers is either seriously misleading under a charitable interpretation and at worst deliberately deceptive under an uncharitable one. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
282 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite “Find and document peer-reviewed scientific research that demonstrate that a gas-generating nanothermite (GGNT) based upon iron (III) oxide (Fe2O3) and aluminum (Al), where the gas-generating chemical added to the nanothermite is not itself a high explosive, can be made to be a high explosive with at least a detonation velocity of 2000 m/s. ... will donate up to $1000 for proof. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
283 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Nanothermite Then we have the “thermite sniffers”, led by Steven Jones and Kevin Ryan, who insist that this obscure incendiary could have blown apart the buildings, 9/11 Truth, gatekeeper U.S.
284 Dean, James WTC 1-2 physical Mininukes Dean, James Jim W. Dean is managing editor of Veterans Today, … He has been writing, speaking and doing public relations, television, consulting and now multimedia work for a variety of American heritage, historical, military, veterans and Intel platforms. 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists U.S.
285 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite Thermites are energetic materials, which do not release gaseous species when they decompose. However, explosives can be blended in thermites to give them blasting properties”, which implies that, unless supplemented with explosives, nanothermites are not explosive. iron oxide/aluminum nanothermite detonation velocity is less than 300 m/s 9/11 Truth Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids U.S.
286 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Detonation velocity Deets, Dwain Dwain Deets, the former Chief of Research Engineering and Director for Aeronautical Projects at NASA Dryden Flight Research Center ... for a high explosive to significantly fragment a material, its detonation velocity has to be greater than the speed of sound in that material, which requires a detonation velocity of at least 3,200 m/s to fragment concrete and 6,100 m/s to fragment steel–far beyond 895 m/s for nanothermite. 9/11 Truth NASA Dryden Flight Research Center Top 100 U.S.
287 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite Griffin, David Ray Griffin: “We are happy with our formulation, that it can be tailored to work as an incendiary or [as] an explosive. We cannot be responsible for the fact that many people may equate ‘explosive’ with ‘high explosive’”, his answer raised a number of rather disturbing questions about the ethical implications of allowing these enormously misleading impressions to linger: 9/11 Truth AE911Truth Top 100 U.S.
288 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 political Military officers for 9/11 Truth Sabrosky, Dr. Alan DR ALAN SABROSKY (former director of studies at the US Army War College) : What we need to stand up and say is that not only did they, the Israelis, attack the USS Liberty – they did 9/11 also. They did it!... 9/11 was a Mossad operation Israeli gov Mossad U.S.
289 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 political al Queda Obama, Barack Barack Obama: I’m aware that there’s still some who would question or even justify the events of 9/11. But let us be clear: Al Qaeda killed nearly 3,000 people on that day. U.S. gov White House, Obama U.S.
290 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 political Military officers for 9/11 Truth Cossiga, Francesco Francesco Cossiga: (former Prime Minister of Italy): All the intelligence services of America and Europe know well that the disastrous 9/11 attack was planned and realized by the CIA and Mossad, with the help of the Zionist world, in order to pin the blame on the Arab Countries and persuade the Western powers to intervene in Iraq and Afghanistan. Italy gov Italy
291 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 political Warnings Odigo had a branch office only two blocks away from the World Trade Center. Even more coincidentally, Odigo’s headquarters were located in Herzliya, Israel, a town just north of Tel Aviv where — wonder of wonders! — Mossad is also headquartered. Israeli corp Odigo Israel
292 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Mininukes mini-nukes — which were probably neutron bombs — planted in the center columns of the buildings, detonated from top to bottom and configured to explode upward, can explain what is observed. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
293 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Mininukes Gatekeepers Wood, Judy Judy Wood, Ph.D., has proclaimed that a Tesla-inspired directed energy weapon (DEW) was responsible for the destruction of the WTC buildings and has vehemently denied nuclear bombs were used. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
294 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Ejections The explosives that demolished the Twin Towers were so powerful that North Tower debris was ejected up at a 45° angle and out over 600 feet into the Winter Garden. 90% of the debris from the Twin Towers destruction landed outside the building’s footprints. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
295 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Mini Nukes, USGS data The Department of Energy (DOE) collected water samples from the basement of Building 6 eleven days after 9/11 that showed tritium levels 55 times greater than background. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
296 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Mini Nukes, USGS data US Geological Survey data on nuclear materials found at WTC site includes amounts of Barium, Strontium,Thorium,Uranium, Lithium, Lanthanum, Yttrium, Chromium and Tritium 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
297 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Mini Nukes, USGS data US Geological Survey data on nuclear materials found at WTC site includes amounts of Barium, Strontium,Thorium,Uranium, Lithium, Lanthanum, Yttrium, Chromium and Tritium U.S. gov USGS U.S.
298 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite Jones, Steven In a paper titled “Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Completely Collapse?” (2006), physicist Dr. Steven E. Jones cited thermite to explain the molten metal and first started raising the possibility that nanothermite could explain the additional explosive effects observed. 01/01/01 9/11 Truth, gatekeeper AE911Truth U.S.
299 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite Harrit, Niels ... “Active Thermitic Material Discovered in the Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe” by Niels Harrit, et al. (April, 2009), ... assumed that nanothermite had been definitively identified as the prime candidate destructive agent. 04/01/09 9/11 Truth AE911Truth U.S.
300 Dean, James WTC 1-2 physical Mininukes Dean, James The day the world fell down…9-11 was a nuclear attack … VT has gone public with the official US 2003 classified report on the Ground Zero attack being a nuclear event … confirmed by a mass spectrometry analysis of the dust samples … IAEA investigators confirmed the nuclear bombing history and our own Sandia labs had designed the bombs that were supposed to be used to defend us. 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists Israel
301 Fetzer, James Pentagon physical Fires, Pentagon Disinfo & ommissions black smoke--was coming from a series of enormous dumpsters in front of the Pentagon and not from the building itself, a nice example of the use of "special effects" on 9/11. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
302 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Melting planes the impact of a moving plane impacting with a stationary building should create the same effects as those of a moving building impacting with a stationary plane. We would not expect a car crashing into an enormous tree to disappear into the tree. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
303 Fetzer, James Pentagon physical video fakery Flight 77 (as reportedly seen in surveillance videos) should have been more than twice the size of the plane in the Pentagon’s own frame. So my third question is, why isn’t the plane in the image the size of a Boeing 757? 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
304 Fetzer, James Pentagon physical Pentagon, planted evidence Two men wearing business attire were photographed carrying airliner parts within a hundred feet of the Pentagon crash area. Other parts were suspiciously carried and placed at the scene by firefighters. The parts were suspiciously clean and shiny. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists Pentagon, physical U.S.
305 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 physical Neils Harrit, a proponent of the nanothermite hypothesis, has estimated that it would have required “hundreds of tons” to do the job (where Harrit has also offered the more precise calculation of from 29,000 metric tons to 143,000 metric tons for each tower) 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
306 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Nanothermite Jones, Steven Then we have the “thermite sniffers”, led by Steven Jones and Kevin Ryan, who insist that this obscure incendiary could have blown apart the buildings, 9/11 Truth, gatekeeper
307 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 & Israel Comverse Infosys (Israeli company) built the tapping equipment used by law enforcement to eavesdrop on all American telephone calls, but suspicion formed that Comverse Infosys, which got half of its research and development budget from the Israeli government, Israeli corp Comverse Infosys Israel
308 Fetzer, James WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Fetzer, miniNukes 9/11 Truth U.S.
309 Fetzer, James WTC 1-2 political video fakery Sept Clues video: The 9/11 imagery was nothing but a Hollywood-style film production, complete with actors in the role of ‘eye-witnesses’ or ‘firefighters’, staged ‘running crowds’… No airliners were hijacked or ... crashed into the WTC towers … The WTC complex was demolished with powerful explosives ... 3000 people did not perish.. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
310 Forward WTC, Pentagon, PA political Urban Moving Systems, Dancing Israelis Suter, Dominik Otto The Forward, a Jewish newspaper, said the FBI found that at least two of the five arrested Israelis were Mossad agents and that Urban Moving Systems was a Mossad front operation. Israeli corp MSM Israel
311 Fox, Donald WTC, Pentagon, PA political Globalist agenda Rothschild The Council on Foreign Relations was founded by Elihu Root, who was the personal attorney for JP Morgan. Morgan was well known to be a Rothschild frontman U.S. think tank CFR U.S.
312 Henderson, Dean WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Rothschild In 1985 Drexel Lambert S&L crook Michael Milken helped Houston Natural Gas merged with Internorth to create Enron. Kenneth Lay headed Houston Natural Gas and became chairman and CEO of the new company. Enron was the biggest corporate contributor to George W. Bush’s campaign to become Texas Governor. HendersonLeftHook Rothschild Israel
313 Prager, Jeff WTC 1-2 physical Detonation velocity Jeff Prager has done extensive work with the USGS dust samples and we’ll use some of the slides from his Vancouver Power Point presentation to help us analyze the USGS data, and see Veterans Today….on detonation velocity 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
314 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Tower infernos CTV Tower, China, Russia, Spain…. Etc Engineers / Scientists Global
315 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Gatekeepers Sheen, Charlie Charlie Sheen has spoken out for 9/11 Truth and even created videos, but has since distanced himself from the movement 9/11 Truth, gatekeeper Gatekeepers U.S.
316 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Urban Moving Systems, Dancing Israelis Five Israeli Army veterans (Mossad) dressed in Arab clothing were seen celebrating after WTC attack. .. they were arrested. Their visas were expired and they were in the country illegally. There was no investigation and were sent back to Israel. Israeli gov Mossad U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
317 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political False flag Dancing Israelis Three Israelis were also arrested in New York on 9/11 with a truck load of explosives in an apparent effort to blow up the George Washington Bridge. Chertoff ordered mobbed-up New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik to destroy all records of the arrest, and witnesses have been murdered; but the New York Police audio recording of the arrest escaped destruction and can be heard on YouTube. Israeli gov Mossad U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
318 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Israeli Art Students, spies Israeli Art Students About 200 Israelis who were members of Israeli intelligence units were also deported without investigation after 9/11... Telegraph, Haaretz daily. Israeli gov Mossad U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
319 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Urban Moving Systems, Dancing Israelis Dancing Israelis Three of the five 'Dancing Israeli's appeared on Israeli television after their deportation.... see Bollyn Paul Kurzberg, Silvan Kurzberg, Israelis Yaron Shmuel, and Omer Gavriel Marmari Israeli gov Mossad U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
320 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political UK & 9/11 Blair, Tony Tony Blair — UK gov PM U.S.
321 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Hellerstein, Alvin 2001 Bollyn ) Hellerstein has a clear conflict of interest in the 9-11 tort litigation because his son is a lawyer with Amit, Pollak & Matalon, the law firm that works for and is closely connected with Cukierman & Company, the parent company of ICTS. Cukierman & Co. is headed by Roger Cukierman and his son Edouard. U.S. gov DOJ Israel
322 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA medical Victims 2001 Doeda 41% of the fatalities in the Twin Towers came from two companies that managed U.S. government securities: Cantor Fitzgerald and Eurobrokers. 31% of the 125 fatalities in the Pentagon were from the Naval Command Center that housed the Office of Naval Intelligence. U.S. corp Cantor Fitzgerald
323 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA physical 9/11 Wall St. & Israel 9.10/2001 at the CBOE there were 4,516 puts on American Airlines to only 748 calls. United Airlines was targeted for 4,744 puts as opposed to 396 calls. The numbers on the reinsurance companies were similarly lopsided. Biggest trader of put options was Deutsche Bank Alex Brown 09/10/01 U.S. corp CBOE
324 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Globalist agenda Neville-Jones, Pauline 2001 Pauline Neville-Jones - International Governor of BBC on 911; Member of Bilderberg group; Chairman of UK Joint Intelligence Committee (1991-1994); Chairman of QinetiQ Group, a war technology company with government customers in UK and USA; Chairman of Information Assurance Advisory Council (IAAC) UK corp BBC
325 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators 2001 some less known players in 9/11 Thomas Pickard, Dale Watson, Dave Frasca, Marion “Spike” Bowman, Ralph Eberhardt, Larry Arnold , Eric Findley, Montague Winfield, Richard Mies ,Henry Shelton, Peter Schoomaker, Geoffrey Lambert, John Brinkerhoff, Tony Gentry, Philip Odeen ,Lewis Eisenberg,
326 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC 1-2 political Demolition prep 2001 Stumblein Shaul Eisenberg owned the Mossad company called Atwell Security. Atwell tried to obtain the security contract for the World Trade Center (and Port Authority) in the late 1980s. .... Eisenberg still alive... see Globes articles. 01/01/89 Israeli corp Security companies Israel
327 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC 1-2 physical 9/11 Groundwork Olmert, Ehud 2001 9/11 Olmert, ... tarnished by allegations of financial crimes, was implicated in a financial donations scandal involving forged receipts in the 1988 Likud campaign, This affair culminated in the March 1996 conviction of three other Likudniks, including Menahem Atzmon, Israeli gov Likud Israel
328 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Demolition prep Hellerstein, Alvin 9-11 Judge Hellerstein is Connected to Rothschild-Funded ICTS ..  (9/11 Airport Security)  & Mariani case and 2 U.S. corp ICTS Israel
329 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Demolition prep Mariani, Elen 9-11 Judge Hellerstein is Connected to Rothschild-Funded ICTS ..  (9/11 Airport Security)  & Mariani case and 2 U.S. corp DoJ Israel
330 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC 1-2 physical Cleanup, 9/11 Evidence destruction, obstruction Ratner, Alan Alan D. Ratner’s Metals Management and the SIMS group is responsible for quickly scooping up the WTC steel rubble and shipping it off to Asian smelters. Alan Ratner is Jewish. Ratner merged with the SIMS group and the Hugo Neu corporation U.S. corp SIMS Group Top 100 Israel
331 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Rothschild & 9/11 Rothschild Hearst estate is being advised by NM Rothschild, U.S. corp Hearst Corp UK
332 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Rothschild & 9/11 Hearst Hearst estate is being advised by NM Rothschild, the investment bank. Popular Mechanics Magazine is a Hearst publication and at the forefront of 9/11 disinformation. U.S. corp Popular Mechanics Israel
333 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Cleanup, 9/11 Evidence destruction, obstruction These five companies were AMEC Construction Management, Bovis Lend Lease, Turner Construction, Tully Construction and Tishman Construction. Charlie Vitchers, who worked for Jim Abadie at Bovis, and was a leader at Ground Zero, said the site was then broken up "into basically five segments. U.S. corp Salvage companies U.S.
334 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Rothschild & 9/11 Zakheim, Dov London School of Jewish Studies (LSJS) and London School of Economics are links to Rothschild / Dov Zakheim (9/11 mastermind) relationship. UK gov LSE UK
335 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Rothschild & 9/11 Frost, Martin Martin Frost The 'Rothschild Connection': in the invasion of Iraq
336 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Wall St. & Israel On the 9/11, the SEC lifted “Rule 15c3-3: Customer Protection – Reserves and Custody of Securities.” Thus GSCC Government Securities Clearing Corporation] was allowed to substitute other securities for the physical securities destroyed during the attack  U.S. gov SEC U.S.
337 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Ptech / Mitre Goff, Michael S. ... PTech's original manager of marketing and information systems was Michael S. Goff, whose PR firm, Goff Communications, currently represents Guardium, a Mossad-linked software company. And Goff comes from a well-to-do line of Jewish Masons who have belonged to Worcester's Commonwealth Lodge 600 of B'nai Brith  01/01/94 U.S. corp Guardium U.S.
338 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political WTC lease Peterson, Pete Peter Peterson --also was Chairman and CEO of Lehman Brothers (1973­1977)
and later the Chairman and CEO of Lehman Brothers, Kuhn, Loeb Inc. (1977­1984), . Ambassador and Personal Representative to President Richard Nixon. .and on the boards of the JP Morgan Chase National Advisory Board and the New York City Partnership Board of Directors.
U.S. corp Blackstone Group U.S.
339 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 & Israel Philip Zelikow -- led the 9-11 Cover-Up Commission; personally wrote the 9-11 Omission Commission Report, a best-selling work of fiction; appointed Counselor of US Department of State; "dual citizen" of US and Israel U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S.
340 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA physical SEC bond rules suspended In the vaults beneath the World Trade Center Towers, major government security brokerages and their securities certificates for bonds were destroyed.  U.S. corp U.S.
341 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC 6 political 9/11 Financing Building 6 was destroyed by explosions from within. Building 6 was home to the U.S. Customs agency and the El Dorado Task force, (ICE.gov, U.S. Customs Service Office of Investigations, Bank Secrecy Act) which was responsible for coordinating all major money-laundering investigations in the U.S  U.S. gov U.S. Customs Service Office of Investigations U.S.
342 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Cabal the US trading arm of Deutsche Bank – which bought traditional Eight Families’ wealth repository and largest Four Horsemen shareholder Banker's Trust in 1999 to become the world’s largest bank with $882 billion in assets. U.S. corp Deutsche Bank Alex Brown U.S.
343 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Emergency response Giuliani, Rudy Rudolf Giuliani, the mayor of New York, also called Amec within minutes of Tuesday's terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre to help with the rescue effort in lower Manhattan. NYC AMEC UK
344 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Cleanup, 9/11 Evidence destruction, obstruction Bovis a foreign company - headed by a Knight of the British Empire - managed the controversial cleanup of the rubble at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.  ...  UK corp Bovis UK
345 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Cleanup, 9/11 Evidence destruction, obstruction Rothschild AMEC, a Rothschild connected company contributed to WTC / Pentagon rubble cleanup (evidence removal) UK corp Amec UK
346 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA Cleanup, 9/11 Evidence destruction, obstruction Giuliani, Rudy Sir Peter Mason is a Knight of the British Empire. The former mayor of New York, Rudolph Giuliani, who gave the management of the WTC site to the two British firms, AMEC and Bovis Lend Lease, received an honorary knighthood in the Order of the British Empire from Queen Elizabeth II on Feb. 13, 2002.  02/01/02 UK corp Bovis UK
347 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Cleanup, 9/11 Evidence destruction, obstruction Rothschild GlobalGuru  Executives and board members at AMEC include former directors of NM Rothschild, Kellogg, Brown and Root (now Halliburton), and SG Warburg.   UK corp Bovis UK
348 Dean, James WTC 1-2 physical Mininukes Dean, James ... mothballed Davy Crockett tactical nukes had been spirited out the back door via an inventory accounting system ... The inventory had gone to Israel after the Dimona accident had wrecked their ability to produce weapons grade material, but they had the expertise to re-manufacture the Davy Crockett’s into modern tactical nuclear weapons. 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists Top 100 Israel
349 AE911Truth WTC 1-2 docs Bentham Open Science Journal Disinfo & ommissions http://benthamopen.com/tocpj/articles/V002/7TOCPJ.pdf 9/11 Truth AE911Truth U.S.
350 Atzmon 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists
351 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Financing Goldman Sachs is a Jewish investment banking firm, with headquarters in Lower Manhattan close to the World Trade Center. U.S. corp Goldman Sachs Israel
352 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Airliner air speed Media reports: American Airlines Flight 11 impacts the north side of the North Tower (1 World Trade Center) of the WTC between the 94th and 98th floors. American Airlines 09/11/01 8:46:00 AM U.S.
353 Global Research 7/7 London bombings political 9/11 & Israel Giuliani, Rudy Rudolph Giuliani, who was mayor of New York City at the time of the 9/11 attacks, was staying at the Great Eastern hotel on the 7th of July, where TASE was hosting its economic conference, with Israel’s Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as keynote speaker. NYC gov Top 100 U.S.
354 Francis, Stephen NFU 9/11, JFK & Holocaust political False flag 1954 "'Operation Susannah' 07/01/54 Israeli gov Irgun Egypt
355 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Silverstein, Lawrence United Jewish Appeal Israeli think tank United Jewish Appeal Israel
356 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA medical Victims, 9/11 2001 Doeda 41% of the fatalities in the Twin Towers came from two companies that managed U.S. government securities: Cantor Fitzgerald and Eurobrokers. 31% of the 125 fatalities in the Pentagon were from the Naval Command Center that housed the Office of Naval Intelligence. U.S. corp
357 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA medical Victims, 9/11 2001 Doeda 41% of the fatalities in the Twin Towers came from two companies that managed U.S. government securities: Cantor Fitzgerald and Eurobrokers. 31% of the 125 fatalities in the Pentagon were from the Naval Command Center that housed the Office of Naval Intelligence. U.S. gov Office of Naval Intelligence
358 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA physical 9/11 Wall St. & Israel 9.10/2001 at the CBOE there were 4,516 puts on American Airlines to only 748 calls. United Airlines was targeted for 4,744 puts as opposed to 396 calls. The numbers on the reinsurance companies were similarly lopsided. Biggest trader of put options was Deutsche Bank Alex Brown 09/10/01 U.S. corp Deutsche Bank Alex Brown
359 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Neville-Jones, Pauline 2001 Pauline Neville-Jones - International Governor of BBC on 911; Member of Bilderberg group; Chairman of UK Joint Intelligence Committee (1991-1994); Chairman of QinetiQ Group, a war technology company with government customers in UK and USA; Chairman of Information Assurance Advisory Council (IAAC) UK gov UK Joint Intelligence Committee
360 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political MSM Neville-Jones, Pauline 2001 Pauline Neville-Jones - International Governor of BBC on 911; Member of Bilderberg group; Chairman of UK Joint Intelligence Committee (1991-1994); Chairman of QinetiQ Group, a war technology company with government customers in UK and USA; Chairman of Information Assurance Advisory Council (IAAC) U.S. corp QinetiQ Group
361 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political UK & 9/11 Neville-Jones, Pauline 2001 Pauline Neville-Jones - International Governor of BBC on 911; Member of Bilderberg group; Chairman of UK Joint Intelligence Committee (1991-1994); Chairman of QinetiQ Group, a war technology company with government customers in UK and USA; Chairman of Information Assurance Advisory Council (IAAC) U.S. gov Bilderberg
362 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Demolition prep Rothschild 9-11 Judge Hellerstein is Connected to Rothschild-Funded ICTS ..  (9/11 Airport Security)  & Mariani case and 2 U.S. corp ICTS Israel
363 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 & Israel Olmert, Ehud Olmert, as deputy prime minister to Ariel Sharon, made an unannounced and secret visit to New York City on September 10-11, 2001 Israeli gov Israel
364 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Rothschild & 9/11 Zakheim, Dov London School of Jewish Studies (LSJS) and London School of Economics are links to Rothschild / Dov Zakheim (9/11 mastermind) relationship. Dov Zakheim attended LSE. UK gov LSE UK
365 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Ptech / Mitre Goff, Michael S. Later Goff worked for Guardium, an Israeli software-firm with links to military intelligence services. This is the crucial connection (PTech –> Goff –> Guardium) that was helpful in uncovering the larger Israeli military network that was behind the events of 9/11. U.S. corp Guardium U.S.
366 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Ptech / Mitre Goff, Michael S. But the company's original manager of marketing and information systems was Michael S. Goff, whose PR firm, Goff Communications, currently represents Guardium, a Mossad-linked software company. And Goff comes from a well-to-do line of Jewish Masons who have belonged to Worcester's Commonwealth Lodge 600 of B'nai Brith  U.S. corp Ptech U.S.
367 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Ptech / Mitre Goff, Michael S. But the company's original manager of marketing and information systems was Michael S. Goff, whose PR firm, Goff Communications, currently represents Guardium, a Mossad-linked software company. And Goff comes from a well-to-do line of Jewish Masons who have belonged to Worcester's Commonwealth Lodge 600 of B'nai Brith  Israeli gov Ptech Israel
368 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Demolition prep But the company's original manager of marketing and information systems was Michael S. Goff, whose PR firm, Goff Communications, currently represents Guardium, a Mossad-linked software company. And Goff comes from a well-to-do line of Jewish Masons who have belonged to Worcester's Commonwealth Lodge 600 of B'nai Brith  Israeli think tank B'nai Brith Israel
369 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC 6 political Money Laundering Building 6 was home to the U.S. Customs agency and the El Dorado Task force, (ICE.gov, U.S. Customs Service Office of Investigations, Bank Secrecy Act) which was responsible for coordinating all major money-laundering investigations in the U.S  U.S. gov U.S. Customs Service Office of Investigations U.S.
370 Dewdney Fetzer, VT…
371 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC 6 political Money Laundering Building 6 was home to the U.S. Customs agency and the El Dorado Task force, (ICE.gov, U.S. Customs Service Office of Investigations, Bank Secrecy Act) which was responsible for coordinating all major money-laundering investigations in the U.S  U.S. gov El Dorado Task Force U.S.
372 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC 6 political Money Laundering Building 6 was home to the U.S. Customs agency and the El Dorado Task force, (ICE.gov, U.S. Customs Service Office of Investigations, Bank Secrecy Act) which was responsible for coordinating all major money-laundering investigations in the U.S  U.S. gov U.S.
373 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators GlobalGuru  Executives and board members at AMEC include former directors of NM Rothschild, Kellogg, Brown and Root (now Halliburton), and SG Warburg.   UK corp Bovis UK
374 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political WTC Security Argenbright which ran security on 9/11 at Dulles and Newark airports where Flight 77 and Flight 93, respectively, took off that day. Argenbright also managed some, perhaps unrelated, security checkpoints at Logan Airport in Boston, where the two other 9/11 planes took off. U.S. corp Neocon security companies U.S.
375 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political WTC Security Argenbright which ran security on 9/11 at Dulles and Newark airports where Flight 77 and Flight 93, respectively, took off that day. Argenbright also managed some, perhaps unrelated, security checkpoints at Logan Airport in Boston, where the two other 9/11 planes took off. U.S. corp Logan International Airport U.S.
376 Wikipedia WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 roots Investigators in the US and the UK revealed that BCCI had been "set up deliberately to avoid centralized regulatory review, and operated extensively in bank secrecy jurisdictions. Its affairs were extraordinarily complex. Its officers were sophisticated international bankers who operated in secrecy to commit fraud on a massive scale, and to avoid detection. Wikipedia omits any reference to Jewish banking dominance global BCCI UK
377 Wikipedia WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 roots The CIA held numerous accounts at BCCI,... Oliver North also used and held multiple accounts at BCCI. These accounts were used for... transfers of money and weapons related to the Iran-Contra scandal, ... The CIA also worked with BCCI in arming and financing the Afghan mujahideen ... see links between 9/11, Bush and mujaheddin. global Mujaheddin UK
378 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political Cleanup, 9/11 Evidence destruction, obstruction Thompson, Simon Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive Director Age 52, was appointed a non-executive director in January 2009. He was previously an executive director of Anglo American plc, Chairman of the Tarmac Group and held positions with S G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is currently Non-Executive Director of Tullow Oil plc (UK), Newmont Mining Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB (Sweden). U.S. corp AMEC U.S.
379 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Cleanup, 9/11 Evidence destruction, obstruction clean-up execs These five companies were AMEC Construction Management, Bovis Lend Lease, Turner Construction, Tully Construction and Tishman Construction. Charlie Vitchers, who worked for Jim Abadie at Bovis, and was a leader at Ground Zero, said the site was then broken up "into basically five segments. U.S. corp Tishman Construction U.S.
380 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Cleanup, 9/11 Evidence destruction, obstruction These five companies were AMEC Construction Management, Bovis Lend Lease, Turner Construction, Tully Construction and Tishman Construction. Charlie Vitchers, who worked for Jim Abadie at Bovis, and was a leader at Ground Zero, said the site was then broken up "into basically five segments. U.S. corp Tishman Construction U.S.
381 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Israeli spies, historical Wolfowitz, Paul Paul Wolfowitz — Deputy Secretary of War on 9-11; “dual citizen” of US and Israel; Zionist; investigated for spying for Israel; former PNAC member; chief architect of Iraq war; forced to resign in World Bank scandal U.S. gov DoD US Israel
382 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Iraq War Wolfowitz, Paul Paul Wolfowitz — Deputy Secretary of War on 9-11; “dual citizen” of US and Israel; Zionist; investigated for spying for Israel; former PNAC member; chief architect of Iraq war; forced to resign in World Bank scandal Global Jewish financial organizations US Israel
383 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political False flag Nero and blaming the burning of Rome on the Christians Global Italy
384 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC 1-2 political Cleanup, 9/11 Evidence destruction, obstruction Ratner, Alan Alan D. Ratner’s Metals Management and the SIMS group is responsible for quickly scooping up the WTC steel rubble and shipping it off to Asian smelters. Alan Ratner is Jewish. Ratner merged with the SIMS group and the Hugo Neu corporation U.S. corp SIMS Group Israel
385 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Ptech / Mitre Goff, Michael S. ... the company's original manager of marketing and information systems was Michael S. Goff, whose PR firm, Goff Communications, currently represents Guardium, a Mossad-linked software company. And Goff comes from a well-to-do line of Jewish Masons who have belonged to Worcester's Commonwealth Lodge 600 of B'nai Brith  01/02/94 Israel think tank Jewish organizations U.S.
386 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Ptech / Mitre Goff, Michael S. ... the company's original manager of marketing and information systems was Michael S. Goff, whose PR firm, Goff Communications, currently represents Guardium, a Mossad-linked software company. And Goff comes from a well-to-do line of Jewish Masons who have belonged to Worcester's Commonwealth Lodge 600 of B'nai Brith  01/02/94 Israel think tank B'nai Brith Saudi Arabia
387 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Financing Perry, William William Perry — former Secretary of War; associated with the Rothschild's banking empire through Global Technology, a Rothschild affiliate UK corp Rothschild UK
388 Francis, Stephen NFU Franklin Scandal Omaha Pedophilia rings Bush GW White House pedophilia ring, RNC, Lawrence Franklin, Omaha U.S. think tank RNC U.S.
389 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Neocons Pilgrim Society Global Pilgrim Society Global
390 Francis, Stephen NFU Pentagon medical Abhugrab, Flight 77 U.S. corp Titan Corporation U.S.
391 Francis, Stephen NFU Pentagon physical SAIC U.S. corp SAIC U.S.
392 Francis, Stephen NFU Pentagon physical Generator, Pentagon The end of the generator that was in the flight path of the 'missile' was knocked towards the Pentagon building and had a round shaped dent on an upper corner. This dent could not have been made by a Boeing 757 considering its structural dimensions. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
393 Francis, Stephen NFU Pentagon physical Fires, Pentagon Fires burned for three days, which were initially reported as contained. U.S. gov U.S.
394 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Roots Zakheim, Dov System Planning Corporation (SPC) International (leader in remote control aircraft) executive, Dov Zakheim, called for "some catastrophic and catalyzing event "like a new Pearl Harbor" In 2010 he became Senior Vice President of Booz Allen Hamilton . played a leading role in the 1905 turmoil that paved the way for the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution U.S. corp Systems Planning Corp U.S.
395 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Groundwork Rich, Marc Scooter Libby (Jewish) as Marc Rich's attorney … Libby was the behind-the-scenes Svengali responsible for the disastrous Clinton Presidential pardon of Rich, working directly with "former" Mossad operatives Zvi Rafiah and Avner Azulay. U.S. gov White House, Clinton U.S.
396 Wikipedia WTC, Pentagon, PA docs 9/11 & Israel Libby, Scooter In the... "Working Paper" entitled "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy", University of Chicago political science professor John J. Mearsheimer and academic dean of the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University Stephen M. Walt argue that Libby was among the Bush administration's most "fervently pro-Israel ... officials" 9/11 Truth White House, Cheney U.S.
397 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Neocons, Strauss Strauss, Leo 9/11 is an age-old example of a self-awarded elite that exist within each and every society who believe they should rule over those not as intelligent or able by all means of trickery and deception. This particular iteration is a Straussian-led upgrade of feudalism that takes advantage of modern persuasive means within a thoroughly corrupted political system. Fabian Society U.S. think tank Israel
398 Francis, Stephen NFU WTC, Pentagon, PA political Neocons, Strauss Laski, Harold Links Rothschild, LSE, Neocons, Strauss, Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Shulsky U.S. gov Office of Special Plans U.S.
399 Wikipedia WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Mininukes A nuclear fission chain reaction begins with a neutron bombarding a uranium 235 atom…that splits into Bromine and Zenon … then splitting Krypton and Cesium … then splitting Rubidium and Barium to Strontium until all the fisionable material is gone. … This is the China Syndrome. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
400 Global Research WTC 1993 political 9/11 Groundwork Rahman, Sheik Omar Abdel, Schoenman correctly identifies the support provided by the Clinton Administration to the al Qaeda network at a time when Al Qaeda, and more specifically Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman was being accused of masterminding the 1993 WTC bombing. White House, Clinton Israel
401 Global Research Bosnia political al Queda Lake, Anthony A 1997 document of the US Congress reveals how the Clinton administration --under advice from the National Security Council headed by Anthony Lake-- had "helped turn Bosnia into a militant Islamic base" leading to the recruitment through the so-called "Militant Islamic Network," of thousands of Mujahedin from the Muslim world. U.S. gov White House, Clinton Bosnia
402 911Blogger WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Hadley, Stephen Cornell University’s Quill & Dagger society. This included Paul Wolfowitz, National Security Advisors Sandy Berger and Stephen Hadley, Marsh & McLennan executive Stephen Friedman, and the founder of Kroll Associates, Jules Kroll. U.S. think tank Quill & Dagger U.S.
403 Global Research Pentagon political Litigation & 9/11 Gallop, April April Gallop versus Dick Cheney: Court Dismisses 9/11 Suit against Bush Officials … April Gallop … who survived the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, claims that no evacuation was ordered inside the Pentagon, despite flight controllers calling in warnings of approaching hijacked aircraft nearly 20 minutes before the building was struck. U.S. gov White House, Cheney U.S.
404 Global Research Pentagon physical Litigation & 9/11 Gallop, April April Gallop versus Dick Cheney: Court Dismisses 9/11 Suit against Bush Officials … April Gallop … who survived the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, claims that no evacuation was ordered inside the Pentagon, despite flight controllers calling in warnings of approaching hijacked aircraft nearly 20 minutes before the building was struck. U.S. gov White House, Cheney U.S.
405 Global Research Pentagon political Litigation & 9/11 Gallop, April Bush cousin (Judge John M. Walker of the 2nd Circuit of the United States Court of Appeals) presides over April Gallop 9/11 suit against Cheney, Rumsfeld, Myers U.S. gov White House, Cheney U.S.
406 Global Research Pentagon political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Walker, Judge John M. Bush cousin (Judge John M. Walker of the 2nd Circuit of the United States Court of Appeals) presides over April Gallop 9/11 suit against Cheney, Rumsfeld, Myers U.S. gov White House, Cheney U.S.
407 Global Research Pentagon political Litigation & 9/11 Walker, Judge John M. Bush cousin (Judge John M. Walker of the 2nd Circuit of the United States Court of Appeals) presides over April Gallop 9/11 suit against Cheney, Rumsfeld, Myers U.S. gov DoJ U.S.
408 U.S.
409 Global Research Pentagon political NORAD / FAA Gallop, April According to a time-line of the attacks, the Federal Aviation Administration notified NORAD that American Airlines Flight 77 had been hijacked at 9:24 a.m. The Pentagon was not struck until 9:43 a.m U.S. gov NORAD 9:24:00 AM U.S.
410 Ward, Ed WTC 1-2 physical Structural, steel Evidence of tremendous heat can be seen in a 8 ton 6" thick I beam that is bent like a horseshoe without warping, kinking or splitting. ... there is no way for thermate to create this horseshoe, unless it is "miraculous" thermate. Nor, is there any unspecified vague "scalar" weapon that can do this even if the beam was isolated and not covered by some degree of 110 floors of concrete and steel.) 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
411 Nuclear demolition WTC, Pentagon, PA physical China Syndrome, bathtub Jones, Steven Chernobyl site, “They tried in vain to put out the fire with 2400 tonnes of lead and 1800 tonnes of sand.” ….Mayor Giuliani ordered the trucking in and out of sand the very next morning. These are real “unextinguishable fires” Steven Jones, desperately tries to claim for (“nano-composite”) thermite--which actually stops burning in minutes. 9/11 Truth, gatekeeper Engineers / Scientists U.S.
412 Government Computer News WTC, Pentagon, PA physical China Syndrome, bathtub High temperature hotpsots ("1500 degrees, sometimes higher") revealed in this article, to be present until at least March, 2002 could only have been caused by the GENERATION of heat from nuclear reacting criticality sites underground-- the China Syndrome. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
413 Graham, Sen. Bob WTC, Pentagon, PA political Bush ties to Saudi Arabia Graham, Senator Bob RT.com: Graham speaks of close personal ties between the Bush family and the Saudi Arabia rulers. But why the “policy of covering up Saudi involvement [in 9/11] persisted under the Obama administration” is something he fails to understand. Saudi Arabia gov Bush Crime Family Saudi Arabia
414 Graham, Sen. Bob WTC, Pentagon, PA political Saudi Arabia, complicity Graham, Senator Bob “I believe that the failure to shine a full light on Saudi actions and particularly its involvement in 9/11 has contributed to the Saudi ability to continue to engage in actions that are damaging to the US – and in particular their support for ISIS,” Saudi Arabia gov ISIS Saudi Arabia
415 Graham, Sen. Bob WTC, Pentagon, PA political Saudi Arabia, complicity Graham, Senator Bob Obama promised to release the censored documents during his first presidential campaign, but haven’t yet delivered on the promise. Saudi Arabia gov ISIS Saudi Arabia
416 Graham, Sen. Bob WTC, Pentagon, PA political 28 pages declassified! Graham, Senator Bob Some light on the Saudi role in the 9/11 tragedy could be shed if the 28 redacted pages from the inquiry were made public. Graham has been campaigning for that. Saudi Arabia gov Bush Crime Family Saudi Arabia
417 Graham, Sen. Bob WTC, Pentagon, PA political Saudi Arabia, complicity Graham, Senator Bob Despite the fact that 15 out of 19 of the hijackers were Saudis, some 144 of their compatriots mostly from the Saudi aristocracy, were able to return home to Saudi Arabia within days of the attack without being questioned by the FBI. Saudi Arabia gov Bush Crime Family Saudi Arabia
418 Graham, Sen. Bob WTC, Pentagon, PA political Saudi Arabia, complicity Graham, Senator Bob Failure by the US to investigate Saudi Arabia’s connection to the 9/11 attacks is among the factors that led to the rise of ISIS, Bob Graham, a former senator and co-chairman of the official inquiry into 9/11, told The Independent in an interview. Saudi Arabia gov White House, Obama Saudi Arabia
419 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA medical Hijacker patsies hijacker patsies, alive Six hijackers still alive. BBC, NYTimes, official apology. The official explanation that they were victims of identity theft is ludicrous. The probability that more than one of them was a identity theft victim is beyond astronomical. U.S. gov DOJ Saudi Arabia
420 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Hijacker patsies hijacker, patsies Hani Hanjour (Flight 77 Pentagon) failed small plane flight training and could not have piloted Boeing jet aircraft. Professional pilots using flight simulators found it essentially impossible to fly the planes the way they were depicted in the 9/11 Commission Report. 9/11 Truth 9/11 Commission, omissions Saudi Arabia
421 Alien Scientist WTC, Pentagon, PA medical Anthrax hoax Jerome Hauer managed the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. The anthrax used in the attacks was identified as an Ames strain, which means it had to have come from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Maryland. U.S. gov USAMRIID U.S.
422 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Office furnishings fires Omitted that office fires have never, before or after 9/11, caused steel-frame buildings to collapse. 9/11 Truth 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
423 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Controlled demolition Controlled demolition WTC7, which was not hit by a plane and only had small office fires on a few floors, and the collapse was identical to controlled demolition. The asymetrical nature of the fires could not have precipitated a symetrical destruction. 9/11 Truth 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
424 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA medical Mininukes & 9/11 Hiroshima Elevated cases of multiple myeloma, Hiroshima disease in first responders whose symtoms appeared within months of WTC demolition were caused by likely nuclear devices. NYC U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
425 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Urban Moving Systems, Dancing Israelis Cameron, Carl Fox News, Carl Cameron, four-part investigation of an Israeli spy ring casing hijackers shown only once then deleted from its website, is available online 12/01/01 U.S. corp Fox News U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
426 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Structural, steel Skilling, John The WTC twin towers were designed to withstand the impact of a large airliner traveling at 600 mph. There would be a fire but the building would withstand it… no signs of collapse after explosions… that have been characterized as plane crashes… 9/11 Truth U.S.
427 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Structural, steel Controlled demolition The claim that the core of the WTCs was a "hollow steel shaft" is media lie. Denies 47 columns, 5" thick beams at base. U.S. corp MSM U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
428 Wikipedia WTC 1-2 political Lowy, Frank In January 2001, Silverstein, via Silverstein Properties and Westfield America (Lowy), made a $3.2 billion bid for the lease to the World Trade Center. Silverstein was outbid by $30 million by Vornado Realty, ... Vornado withdrew and Silverstein's bid for the lease to the World Trade Center was accepted on July 24, 2001 01/01/01 U.S. corp Westfield Group U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
429 Bollyn WTC, Pentagon, PA political Energy wars TAPI pipeline, designed to bring Israeli-owned gas from Turkmenistan to India and China, after pacifying Afghanistan, is still in the plans … Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline is a proposed natural gas pipeline being developed by the Asian Development Bank Israeli gov Israel
431 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Warnings Giuliani, Rudy It was omitted that Mayor Giuliani's made a statment that he received advance warning that WTC7 was going to 'collapse'. NYC 9/11 Commission, omissions 3:00:00 PM U.S.
432 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political WTC Security Bush, GW It was omitted that GW Bush's brother Marvin Bush and his cousin Wirt Walker III were principles in WTC security firm Securatec. U.S. corp Securatec U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
433 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Pentagon political Pentagon It was omitted that newly refurbished west wing of Pentagon would have been the least likely target for many reasons. U.S. gov DoD U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
434 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Pentagon physical Pentagon, where's the wreckage? There are photos of government agents with business attire carrying plane parts within minutes of the attack. U.S. gov FBI Pentagon, physical U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
435 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Pentagon physical Pentagon, delayed collapse Disinfo & ommissions It was ommitted that the Pentagon wing attacked on 9/11 didn't collapse for 30 minutes. The collpase was due to fire and not the impact of any flying object. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
436 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Pentagon physical Pentagon, where's the wreckage? Disinfo & ommissions All testimony about plane debris, whether on the inside or outside was ommitted. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions Pentagon, physical U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
437 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Pentagon political Disinfo & ommissions All discussion of a Pentagon anti-missile system was ommitted U.S. gov DoD U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
438 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Pentagon political Pentagon surveillance tapes All discussion about the surveillance camera videos of the Pentagon being confiscated and classified by the FBI are omitted U.S. gov FBI U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
439 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Pentagon physical Pentagon surveillance tapes Rumsfeld, Donald Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld use of the word 'missile' when referring to the Pentagon attack were omitted. U.S. gov DoD U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
440 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Florida, Sarasota No discussion exists about Secret Service allowing Bush Jr. to remain at Sarasota school as the WTC attack (demolition) were occurring. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
441 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor political Florida, Sarasota Bush, GW Bush lies about his whereabouts and recollections on 9/11 U.S. gov 9/11 Commission U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
442 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Disinfo & ommissions The claims that Bushes presidential party were unaware of WTC attack (demolition) as they arrived at Sarasota school U.S. gov Bush Crime Family U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
443 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Warnings Ashcroft, John It was ommitted that Attorney General Ashcroft received warning to not use commercial airlines prior to 9/11. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
444 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Warnings Schippers, David The 9/11 Commission omitted information about David Schippers' claim that he unsuccessfully tried to convey information provided by FBI agents about attacks in lower Manhattan prior to 9/11 U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
445 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Warnings FBI The 9/11 Commission omitted any mention of FBI agents prior knowledge of 9/11. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
446 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Wall St. & Israel The 9/11 Commission denied that information that put option activity was evidence of prior knowledge of 9/11. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
447 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Warnings Brown, Willie The 9/11 Commission omitted information that Mayor Willie Brown received warnings about flying on 9/11. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions 12:01:00 AM U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
448 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA Medical bin Laden, Osama It was omitted that Osama bin Laden was treated in July 2001 by an American doctor in an American hospital in Dubai. … FBI said there never was enough evidence to charge him with a crime involving 9/11. 07/01/01 Saudi Arabia gov 9/11 Commission, omissions Saudi Arabia
449 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA Medical bin Laden, Osama The omission of reports of inconsistencies in Saudi official portrayal of bin Ladens family relationship. U.S. gov bin Laden family Saudi Arabia
450 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Financing Posner, Gerald The omission of any information on Gerald Posner's account of Abu Zubaydah's testimony concerning Saudi funding of al-Queda U.S. gov al Queda Saudi Arabia
451 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political PNAC Posner, Gerald The omission of any information on Gerald Posner's account of Abu Zubaydah's testimony concerning Saudi prior knowledge of 9/11. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions Saudi Arabia
452 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 & Saudi Arabia Bandar bin Sultan The 9/11 Commission's denial of any evidence that money from Prince Bandar's wife, Princess Haifa, went to al-Qaeda operatives. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions Saudi Arabia
453 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Air bin Laden Saudis The comissions exclusion of information on private flights from Tampa to Lexington on 9/13/2001 violated airspace rules at the time. 09/13/01 U.S. gov bin Laden family Saudi Arabia
454 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 & Saudi Arabia Bandar bin Sultan The denial that any Saudis including Prince Bandar were allowed to leave the U.S. on 9/13/2001 without being adequately investigated. 09/13/01 U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions Saudi Arabia
455 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Whistleblower Rowley, Coleen Omitted Coleen Rowley's claim that the Kenneth Williams memo was seen by some FBI officials. U.S. gov FBI U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
456 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Warnings Wright, Robert Omitted any information concerning Robert Wright's case on a 9/11 terrorist cell and used intimidation to prevent publication of his book about this. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
457 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Warnings Rowley, Coleen Omitted information about FBI agents including Coleen Rowley attempts to obtain a search warrant on Zacarias Moussaoui was sabotaged by FBI. U.S. gov FBI U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
458 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Disinfo & ommissions Edmonds, Sibel Omitted any information about FBI cover-ups by Sibel Edmunds and her public letter to Chairman Kean. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
459 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Disinfo & ommissions Tenet, George Ommitted any information on General Mahmoud Ahmad's (Pakistan ISI) stay in Washington the week before 9/11 and meeting with George Tenet. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions Pakistan
460 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Disinfo & ommissions Tenet, George Omission of evidence that ISI chief Mahmoud ordered $100,000 to be sent to Mohamed Atta prior to 9/11. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions Pakistan
461 research WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Roots Zakheim, Dov Julius Zakheim (Zhabinka), born in the Ukraine (1870), was a Russian rabbi who married a relative of Karl Marx. He was a Menshevik/Bolshevik and played a leading role in the 1905 turmoil that paved the way for the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. (also the father of Dov Zakheim, Pentagon comptroller 9/11/2001) Israel think tank Chabad Lubavitch Israel
462 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Disinfo & ommissions hijacker patsies The omission of the report that the Bush administration pressured Pakistan to dismiss Ahmad as ISI chief after the appearance of the story that he had ordered ISI money sent to Atta. U.S. gov ISI Pakistan
463 Alternative news WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 & Israel Lieberman, Joseph Jewish members of Congress regularly attend seminars conducted by a Washington DC Lubavitcher rabbi. The Assistant Secretary of Defense, Paul D. Wolfowitz, the comptroller of the DoD, Dov Zakheim (an ordained Orthodox rabbi), and Stuart Eizenstat, former Deputy Treasury Secretary, are all Lubavitcher groupies. Israel think tank Chabad Lubavitch Israel
465 WhoDidIt WTC, Pentagon, PA political Israel, Dual citizens Fleischer, Ari Ari Fleischer — White House spokesman for Bush on 9-11; “dual citizen” of US and Israel; connected to the extremist group called the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidics Fleischer was the co-president of Chabad's Capitol Jewish Forum. He received the Young Leadership Award from the American Friends of Lubavitch in October, 2001. see also Eric Cantor, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Joe Lieberman
10/01/01 U.S. gov Chabad Lubavitch U.S.
466 WhoDidIt WTC, Pentagon, PA docs Rothschild & 9/11 Carter, Ashton Ashton Carter — co-authored paper, “Catastrophic Terrorism: A National Policy” with Zelikow and Deutch; senior partner at Global Technology Partners, an affiliate of Rothschild North America U.S. corp Global Technology Partners U.S.
467 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Disinfo & ommissions Cheney, Dick Omitted in 9/11 Commission report of information about The Project for the New American Century and that the neocons who created it would become key figures in the Bush administration. It called for a new Pearl Harbor event. Neocons 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
468 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Disinfo & ommissions Rumsfeld, Donald The omission of the fact that Donald Rumsfeld, who as head of the commission on the U.S. Space Command had recommended increased funding for it, used the attacks of 9/11 on that very evening to secure such funding. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
469 WMR WTC, Pentagon, PA political Israeli Art Students, spies Israeli Art Students Israeli Art Students and Arab hijackers paths crossed in a number of cities in 2000 … the primary culprits in the cover-up of this were John Ashcroft and Robert Mueller. … the cities included Irving, Texas and Hollywood, Florida (Mohammed Atta). … from Dec 2000 to April 2001. ... U.S. gov FBI U.S.
470 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Energy wars The omission of important information about the relationship between the Taliban and Unocal, Caspian region oil and gas pipelines through Afghanistan and Pakistan … would give the Bush administration a pretext for war…. 01/01/01 U.S. corp 9/11 Commission, omissions Afghanistan
471 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Energy wars Brzezinski, Zbigniew 9/11 Commission Failed to mention that in Zbigniew Brzezinski's 1997 book he states that the US needed to gain control of Central Asia's energy resources and a new Pearl Harbor was needed to accomplish this. U.S. gov Trilateral Commission Afghanistan
472 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Energy wars Rumsfeld, Donald 9/11 Commission excluded information that Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz had been agitating for war in Central Asia for many years. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
473 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Energy wars Rumsfeld, Donald 9/11 Commission Omitted Rumsfeld's notes on conversations that he was determined to use attacks as a pretext for a war with Iraq. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
474 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Energy wars PNAC The omission of the statement by the Project for the New American Century that "the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein". U.S. gov PNAC U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
475 WMR WTC, Pentagon, PA political Warnings Victims, 9/11 William Rodriguez (WTC building maintenance manager), president of the Hispanic Victims Group, said he spotted and talked to Mohand Al-Shehri casing the North Tower, … he said he passed numerous tips to the FBI but they were ignored … 06/01/01 U.S. gov FBI U.S.
476 Wikipedia 7/7 London bombings political False flag Lowy, Frank Westfield (of WTC lease) has an interest in ten shopping centres in England and Northern Ireland. By far its most significant asset is Westfield's 50% partnership inWestfield London development in Shepherd's Bush,... The development included the construction of a new railway station for the London Overground.... and a new entrance for the London Underground station. and 7/7 bombings occurred UK gov Westfield Group UK
477 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA medical Hijacker patsies Atta, Mohammed Omitted information that Mohamed Atta and most of the hijacker patsies were not religious and reportedly had fondness for alcohol, pork, and lap dances, see Abramoff, Florida casinos Saudi Arabia gov 9/11 Commission, omissions Saudi Arabia
478 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Flight 93 political NORAD / FAA Cheney, Dick The claim that Vice President Cheney did not give the shoot-down authorization until after 10:10 (several minutes after Flight 93 had crashed) and that this authorization was not transmitted to the U.S. military until 10:31. U.S. gov White House, Cheney U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
479 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Flight 93 political Flight 93 Shot down US military The omission of all the evidence indicating that Flight 93 was shot down by a military plane despite undeniable evidence of airliner parts discovered in a wide debris field. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
480 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Flight 93 Shot down Clarke, Richard The claim that Richard Clarke did not receive the requested shoot-down authorization until 10:25. U.S. gov FAA U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
481 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Flight 93 Shot down Clarke, Richard The omission of Clarke's own testimony, which suggests that he received the shoot-down authorization by 9:50. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
482 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Cheney, Dick Omission of claim that Cheney did not reach the underground shelter (the PEOC [Presidential Emergency Operations Center until 9:58. U.S. gov PEOC U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
483 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Pentagon missile Mineta, Norman The 9/11 Commission omission of multiple testimony, including that of Norman Mineta to the Commission itself, that Cheney was in the PEOC before 9:20. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
484 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Flight 93 Shot down US military 9/11 Commission omitted The claim that shoot-down authorization must be given by the president. U.S. gov White House, Bush U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
485 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Flight 93 Shot down Generals, 9/11 The omission of reports that Colonel Marr ordered a shoot-down of Flight 93 and that General Winfield indicated that he and others at the NMCC had expected a fighter jet to reach Flight 93. U.S. gov NORAD U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
486 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Flight 93 physical Black boxes FBI states airliner is buried in the ground, found data recorder 12 feet below the surface, and cockpit voice recorder about 25 ft deep. Both of which are always installed in the rear of the plane. U.S. gov NTSB U.S.
487 911Report.pdf
488 9/11Blogger WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite Another client was Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), where scientists were working on the development of nanothermite, a type of explosive material that has since been discovered in the WTC dust U.S. gov Los Alamos National Laboratory U.S.
489 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political NORAD / FAA NORAD The endorsement of General Myers' claim that NORAD had not recognized the possibility that terrorists might use hijacked airliners as missiles. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
490 911Blogger WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators McDaniel WTC, McDaniel was in charge of the security operation in terms of what he called a “completion contract,” to provide services “up to the day the buildings fell down.” iii] McDaniel came to Stratesec directly from BDM International, where he had been Vice President for nine years. BDM was subsidiary of Carlyle Group ... black projects. U.S. corp Carlyle Group Israel
491 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political War Games NORAD The failure to probe the issue of how the "war games" scheduled for that day were related to the military's failure to intercept the hijacked airliners. U.S. gov NORAD U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
492 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political False flag US military 9/11 Commission: The failure to discuss the possible relevance of Operation Northwoods to the attacks of 9/11. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
493 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Incompetence theory FAA The claim — made in explaining why the military did not get information about the hijackings in time to intercept them — that FAA personnel inexplicably failed to follow standard procedures some 16 times. U.S. gov FAA U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
494 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Conflict of interest Zelikow, Philip The failure to point out that the Commission's claimed "independence" was fatally compromised by the fact that its executive director, Philip Zelikow, was virtually a member of the Bush administration. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
495 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Conflict of interest The failure to point out that the White House first sought to prevent the creation of a 9/11 Commission, then placed many obstacles in its path, including giving it extremely meager funding. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
496 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Conflict of interest The failure to point out that the Commission's chairman, most of the other commissioners, and at least half of the staff had serious conflicts of interest. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
497 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Conflict of interest The failure of the Commission, while bragging that it presented its final report "without dissent," to point out that this was probably possible only because Max Cleland, the commissioner who was most critical of the White House and swore that he would not be part of "looking at information only partially," had to resign in order to accept a position with the Export-Import Bank, and that the White House forwarded his nomination for this position only after he was becoming quite outspoken in his criticisms. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
498 WMR WTC, Pentagon, PA political Warnings Bush GW The President's Daily Brief … the FBI was aware that suspected terrorists were conducting surveillance of the WTC towers 08/06/01 U.S. gov White House, Bush U.S.
499 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Tower infernos A bomber hit the Empire State Building that killed 13 people and caused widespread damage, but the building was never in danger of collapsing. 9/11 Truth 9/11 Commission, omissions New York
500 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Disinfo & ommissions Silverstein, Lawrence "I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it." And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse." U.S. corp Silverstein Properties U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
501 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Neocons Neocons wrote in PNAC that "a new Pearl Harbor" was necessary to bring about the changes they sought U.S. think tank PNAC U.S.
502 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Financing O'Neill, Paul Paul O'Neill: Pretext for war: Sadam was bad person and needed to go…. Going after Hussein was 'Topic A" 10 days after Bush inauguration, 01/01/00 U.S. gov Sec of the Treasury U.S.
503 WMR WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Financing O'Neill, Paul Paul O'Neill attempted to expose Dubai, HSBC, BAE, Saudi 9/11 hijacker financing and was forced to resign as Secretary of the Treasury, 03/01/02 U.S. gov Sec of the Treasury Saudi Arabia
504 WMR WTC, Pentagon, PA political al Queda Perle, Richard the Bosnia Defense Fund, which partly financed al Queda in Bosnia civil war, was established by Richard Perle and Douglas Feith, … and facts strongly indicate that there was high-level coordination between Abramoff's underworld network of Russian-Ukranian-Israeli gangsters, wealthy Saudi financiers, and Bush neocon operatives. U.S. gov Neocon financial org Saudi Arabia
506 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Whistleblower Rowley, Coleen FBI whistleblower, discovered info that could have uncovered 9/11 plot, memos never got past her superiors, and she was prevented from pursuing her investigation, 08/01/01 9/11 Truth FBI U.S.
507 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Groundwork Rowley, Coleen FBI whistleblower, discovered info that could have uncovered 9/11 plot, memos never got past her superiors, and she was prevented from pursuing her investigation, 08/01/01 U.S. gov FBI U.S.
508 Wikipedia WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Bath, James James Bath (born 1936) is a former director of Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), a former frontman for Salem bin Laden, and also former part owner of Arbusto Energy with George W. Bush, with whom Bath served as a member of the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War. U.S. corp CIA front companies U.S.
509 911Blogger WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Groundwork Walker, Wirt Stratesec had a small board of directors that included retired Air Force General James Abrahamson, Marvin Bush (the brother of George W. Bush) and Wirt Walker III, a cousin of the Bush brothers. Yousef Saud Al Sabah, a member of the Kuwaiti royal family U.S. gov Bush Crime Family U.S.
510 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Pentagon missile Cheney, Dick Gave a direct order to not shoot the supposed Flight 77, see Norman Mineta. "Vice President, the plane is ten miles out"… "do the orders still stand?" … "of course they do", … 09/11/01 U.S. gov PEOC U.S.
511 Alternative news WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Groundwork ACE built the elevator systems in the World Trade Center and until September 11, 2001 had been their sole servicer, from which it derived 90 percent of its revenue. Unable to make up enough of that income from other sources, ACE filed under chapter 11 on December 21, 2004 12/21/04 Ace Elevator U.S.
512 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Commission published its report. Failed to meet families expectations, concluded 9/11 was a 'failure of imagination", ommissions, lies, consensus911.org 07/01/04 U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S.
513 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Debunkers Attivissimo, Paolo Paolo Attivissimo (Italy) member of CICAP, declared war on conspiracy theorists, U.S. think tank debunkers U.S.
514 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Debunkers Quirant, Jerome France, debunker, Jerome Quirant, book: September 11 and the Conspiracy Theories, U.S. think tank debunkers U.S.
515 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Debunkers Meigs, John Popular Mechanics, most known 9/11 debunker, 2006 book Debunking 9/11 Myths, forward by John McCain, John Meigs is Editor in Chief, also see Michael Shermer, 01/01/05 U.S. think tank Popular Mechanics U.S.
516 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Hellyer, Paul US air defense system failed to intercept any of the four aircraft in the one and a half hours of the 9/11 attack. Paul Hellyer, Canada Minister of National Defense. U.S. gov National defense depts Canada
517 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Incompetence theory The official version is that the failure to intercept any of the hijacked airplanes were blunders, miscommuncations and mistakes …. 'incompetence theory'. U.S. gov FAA U.S.
518 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Incompetence theory Official reason for failure, Air Defense was designed for external not internal threats. Debunked…but FAA responsible for internal threats, according to Rumsfeld himself, if a plane goes off course it is contacted and then referred to Pentagon if need be. U.S. gov FAA U.S.
519 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Incompetence theory Official reason for failure was that transponders turned off. Had to pick from 4500 radar blips, is not true, if transponder is off they lose altitude readings but can still track plane. A11, AU 175 and Flight 77 were successfully tracked after transponders off. U.S. gov FAA U.S.
520 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political war games Until Sept. 11, 2001, NORAD conducted four major exercises a year. Most included a hijack scenario, but not all of those involved planes as weapons. Since the attacks, NORAD has conducted more than 100 exercises, all with mock hijackings. U.S. gov NORAD U.S.
521 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political NORAD / FAA NORAD fighters based in Florida have intercepted two hijacked smaller aircraft since the Sept. 11 attacks. Both originated in Cuba and were escorted to Key West in spring 2003, NORAD said. 04/01/03 U.S. gov NORAD U.S.
523 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Cheney, Dick NORAD tapes: White House has ground-to-air missiles of their own, and were told to shoot anything in the skies. U.S. gov NORAD U.S.
524 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Mineta, Norman Mineta testimony before 9/11 Commission, questioned about underground bunker, PEOC, in White House, where Cheney took charge of the situation that day. Mineta said "the plane is fifty miles out", Cheney responded "of course the orders still stand" "have you heard anything to the contrary"? excluded in report. 05/01/03 U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S.
525 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Cheney, Dick The 9/11 Commission report and Mineta's testimony are in conflict. It can be proven from numerous sources that Cheney was in the PEOC at 9:37, but the 9/11 Commission report says he didn't enter until around 20 minutes later. The effect of this lie is to negate the chance that Cheney allowed Flight 77 to attack the Pentagon. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions 9:37:00 AM U.S.
526 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political hijacker patsies No one has ever produced a single security camera image showing the alleged terrorists boarding any of the four hijacked airplanes. The only photo shows Alomari and Mohammed Atta going through a security checkpoint, but they are not boarding Flight 11, but a flight from Maine to Boston, U.S. corp 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S.
527 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political hijacker patsies No images of hijackers in security cameras: but In 2005 a video was released of hijackers of Flight 77 at Dulles checkpoint, but the time stamp was missing making it suspect, … if they were in the airports it is impossible that they would not have been recorded because of the number and locations of the cameras. 01/01/05 U.S. corp 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S.
529 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Black boxes hijacker patsies No recorded conversations of hijackers from cockpit voice recorder, American Flight 11 Black box said never found, For United 175 that hit second tower said never found, for Flight 77 voice recorder found but contents unusable, for United Flight 93 voice recorder found but good recording was never made public. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S.
530 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Families of 9/11 of Flight 93 asked the FBI to release voice recordings, FBI refused, 12/01/01 U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S.
531 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political hijacker patsies The only recordings of hijackers come from controller tapes of hijackers pressing the wrong keys, but the clips could have come from any source and are highly questionable and don't prove the hijackers were aboard the planes. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S.
532 WMR WTC, Pentagon, PA political Israeli Art Students, spies From (DEA) Report drafted in June 2001 on the activities of the art students and... (FBI) list of the hijackers and other terrorist suspects, accidentally released in early October 2001 on a Finnish government web site. The DEA memo specifically stated that the Israelis may have had ties to an “Islamic fundamentalist group.” 06/01/01 U.S. gov FBI U.S.
533 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Hijackers, lack of evidence hijacker patsies FBI agent Louis Schiliro said agents examined footage of dozens of cameras at the three airports where the terrorists allegedly boarded aircraft and found nothing, even ticket areas, restaurant, departure lounges, boarding call, ..etc. U.S. gov Airlines, US U.S.
534 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Hijackers, lack of evidence hijacker patsies David Brent said he was part of team that scanned surveillance videos for the hijackers and found nothing from over 300 cameras with 30 days retention, U.S. gov Airlines, US U.S.
535 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Hijackers, lack of evidence hijacker patsies No security cameras on 9/11 show hijackers, Washington Dulles had security cameras, but time-stamps were missing making them highly suspicious and could have been produced by an ordinary camcorder. U.S. gov Airlines, US U.S.
536 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Black boxes Every black box carries a metal plaque with the model number and serial number. The serial number is used to signify memory configuration changes, to perform correct recovery of the data, . These numbers exist in every NTSB report for the last twenty years, but were missing in NTSB reports on Flight 73 and Flight 93 U.S. gov NTSB U.S.
537 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Black boxes FOIA request to the FBI, FAA and NTSB for model number and serial numbers for Flight 77 and Flight 93 data recorders were all denied. U.S. gov FAA U.S.
539 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Airliner air speed Below 10,000 feet air speed must be below 250 mph. Each airplane has a VMO, max operating velocity, flutter can occur that rips the plane apart, U.S. corp Boeing U.S.
540 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Airliner air speed Using a simulator designed and developed by Aeronautical Engineers, Pilots For 9/11 Truth attempt to duplicate the 9/11 attacks based on data provided by the government regarding the excessive speeds reported, starting from the exact locations and altitudes according to government data. U.S. corp Boeing U.S.
541 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Airliner air speed Air China 006 marginally exceeded VMO in 1985. Landing gear doors were ripped off plane, visible damage all over plane, but it landed safely. All 9/11 aircraft exceeded VMO by more than 100 mph. VMO for 757 is 402, U.S. corp Boeing U.S.
542 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Airliner air speed Brokaw, Tom Tom Brokaw reported that Flight 175 was going nearly 600 mph when it supposedly hit the north tower of the WTC. This is impossible. U.S. corp MSM U.S.
543 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Airliner air speed Boeing 757 engines need six times the power to fly at sea level at 500 miles and hour than they do at 30,000 feet due to the density of air at sea level. These are factual physical restraints that can't be refuted. 9/11 Truth Pilots for 9/11 Truth Top 100 U.S.
544 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political False flag Operation Northwoods detail how to swap a passenger aircraft with a military aircraft in midair and undectectable to air traffic controllers. U.S. gov Operation Northwoods U.S.
545 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Airline cell phone calls Cell phone calls were impossible from commercial airlines in 2001 because of technological limitations. Cell phone towers could not hand off calls from one to the next fast enough. The phones use low power transmitters, receiving towers boost signal Airlines, US Top 100 U.S.
546 Wikipedia WTC, Pentagon, PA political Wikipedia rewrites history Wikipedia completely endorses the 9/11 Commission Report version of 9/11, which is confirmation of Israel's complicity in 9/11. Israeli think tank Wikipedia Israel
547 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Airline cell phone calls Olson, Ted Ted Olson changed his story about his wifes calls from cell phones to airphones… and once it became apparent that cell phones could'nt be used the official narrative became ambiguous. 9/11 Commission report only has one mention of it. U.S. gov DoJ U.S.
548 Wikipedia WTC 1-2 physical Elevator renovation Wikipedia rewrites history Wikipedia does not mention elevator rennovations on its WTC page, which is significant. When Wikipedia omits something that is important to 9/11 Truth, it confirms the importance of that subject Israeli think tank Wikipedia Israel
549 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Airline cell phone calls Burnett, Thomas Caller ID proves the cell phone connections worked… see Thomas Burnett. But it has been proven that they could not have worked from an airliner…. 9/11 Truth Top 100 U.S.
550 PressTV WTC, Pentagon, PA political Nuclear smuggling Carnaby, Roland US secretly selling nukes worldwide via Israel … Carnaby was holding a trove of documents outlining the theft and transfer of hundreds of nuclear warheads from the Pantex Plant near Amarillo, Texas. Israeli gov Pantex Israel
551 PressTV WTC, Pentagon, PA political Mini Nukes, Israel Carnaby, Roland US secretly selling nukes worldwide via Israel … Carnaby was holding a trove of documents outlining the theft and transfer of hundreds of nuclear warheads from the Pantex Plant near Amarillo, Texas. Israeli gov Pantex Israel
552 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Pentagon physical Remote-controlled aircraft Many eye witnesses report a small jet or screaming missile rather than a Boeing 757. or Global Hawk U.S. corp Boeing U.S.
553 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Pentagon physical Light poles Any airplane with an 85 ft wing span could have downed the light poles. The wing span of a Boeing 757 is 125 ft. U.S. corp Boeing U.S.
554 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Pentagon physical Pentagon, where's the wreckage? Where's the wreckage,… no tail, no seats, nothing …. Except mismatched what looks like planted parts. U.S. gov U.S. Military Pentagon, physical U.S.
555 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Pentagon physical Pentagon, where's the wreckage? Omitted that only two windows broken out in second floor of the Pentagon. Damage inconsistent with official version. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions Pentagon, physical U.S.
556 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Pentagon physical Pentagon, where's the wreckage? The fuselage of an airplane is the weakest structure, yet the official story claims this is what put the whole in the C-ring of the Pentagon. The engines and wings should have done more damage for they are the first points of hard surfaces, U.S. gov U.S. Military Pentagon, physical U.S.
557 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Pentagon physical Pentagon, where's the wreckage? The core's of the Rolls-Royce RB-211 engines are practically indestructible but were never found while the weakest part of the plane supposedly crashed through the C-ring of the Pentagon. Purdue University produced an animated simulation where the engines simply dissappear. U.S. gov Boeing Pentagon, physical U.S.
558 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Pentagon physical Pentagon, where's the wreckage? The Pentagon Building Performance report by the American Society of Civil Engineers stated that columns in the direct path of the plane were damaged but still standing after impact. The fuselage was destroyed in a distance approximately equal to its length which is far less than the distance to the C-ring. No fuselage part reached the C-ring. U.S. think tank ASCE Pentagon, physical U.S.
559 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Pentagon physical Pentagon, where's the wreckage? The opening on the first floor is only half the width of the projected dimension of the Boeing wingspan given the 42 degree angle of entry…. No valid explanation why there is almost no damage where the wingtips would have entered. … and no similar damage from the tail. U.S. think tank ASCE Pentagon, physical U.S.
560 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Pentagon physical Pentagon, where's the wreckage? The FBI has never released definitive video surveillance tapes from at least 85 sources around the Pentagon. FOIA requests replies said only one tape showed the plane. … and is only five frames that have become the focus of many theories over the years of which frame 23 is the most controversial. U.S. gov FBI Pentagon, physical U.S.
561 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Pentagon physical video fakery The FBI release another video in 2006 that has been compared and synchronized with the first footage released and frame 23 show visible proof of being retouched. Using sophisticated digital analysis techniques. U.S. gov FBI U.S.
562 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Pentagon physical Pentagon, where's the wreckage? We're supposed to believe that a 100 ton aircraft is buried underground. Witnesses speak of little pieces of shrapnel but no plane parts… tv reporters could not identify any of the small pieces as parts of an airplane. U.S. gov NTSB Pentagon, physical U.S.
563 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Flight 93 physical Flight 93 anomilies Sommerset County Coroner Wallace Miller: and Dennis Roddy, editor of Pittsburg Gazette, couldn't identify any plane parts, and mayor of Shanksville Ernie Smith, said they were sent to an airplane crash site and there was no airplane. U.S. gov NTSB U.S.
564 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Flight 93 physical Flight 93 anomilies FBI states airliner is buried in the ground, found data recorder 12 feet below the surface, and cockpit voice recorder about 25 ft deep. Both of which are always installed in the rear of the plane. U.S. gov NTSB U.S.
565 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Flight 93 physical Flight 93 anomilies Debunkers say the aircraft flight path was nearly vertical but this is not true. NTSB data shows flight path at about 45 degrees. The whole is only about 10 by 50 ft. The official story claims that 100 tons of airplane parts were excavated from a whole about 10-15 feet in diameter, but no one has ever seen the parts. U.S. gov NTSB U.S.
566 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Flight 93 physical Flight 93 anomilies NTSB reconstructs most major airline crashes, but this was not done on Flight 93. All parts have been sequestered by the FBI, U.S. gov NTSB U.S.
567 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Flight 93 physical Flight 93 anomilies Normal plane crashes exhibit thick plume of black smoke from fuel fires, but this did not occur for Flight 93… the smoke resembled more of an a bomb explosion. The crash site doesn't have a burned jet fuel odor, more like scorched earth.. The grass around hole is untouched, unburned, The plane was carrying 8-10 gallons of fuel at the time of supposed impact. U.S. gov NTSB U.S.
568 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Flight 93 physical Flight 93 anomilies Plane debris was found several miles away from crash site. Debris fell in Indian Lake, a couple miles away, included a rib bone, pieces of seats, chunks of melted plastic, U.S. gov NTSB U.S.
569 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Flight 93 physical Flight 93 anomilies Plane debris was found as far away as New Baltimore, about 8 miles away, CNN reported on debris field. The official story is that the plane hit the ground in one piece. U.S. gov NTSB U.S.
570 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Flight 93 physical Flight 93 anomilies People speak of lights flickering at the moment of the crash. … pertains to radar functions in a shoot-down, the mayor spoke of witnesses seeing a missile, and witnesses who said they saw a small white plane flying over just before the crash, U.S. gov NTSB U.S.
571 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor Flight 93 physical Flight 93 anomilies Transcripts from voice recorder were used to analyze moments around Let's roll, but the actual recording was never made public. U.S. gov NTSB U.S.
572 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 political Asbestos 9/11 Groundwork WTC towers were obsolete and heating cooling costs were prohibitively high. Port Authority would have had to spend $800 million to modernize. 1993 bombing dropped tenancy, NYC Port Authority U.S.
573 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Asbestos … omitted that they contained 400 tons of asbestos, 7 million square feet of asbestos tiles, every renovation required expensive asbestos remidiation, NYC 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S.
574 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Asbestos Silverstein, Lawrence Asbestos abatement bill of $1 billion, the same cost of a brand new tower, Port Authority lost a lawsuit against insurance companies to fund asbestos cleanup. Port Authority could not demolish them because of asbestos, but too costly to maintain, 05/01/01 NYC NYC Port Authority Top 100 U.S.
575 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 political WTC insurance fraud Silverstein, Lawrence Silverstein purchased a 99 year lease on the WTC towers for $200 million, and took out an insurance policy for $3.2 billion in case of total destruction. His office was in the North tower. He claimed they were two separate events, court settlement was for $4.5 billion. 07/24/01 U.S. corp Silverstein Properties U.S.
576 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 7 political WTC insurance fraud Silverstein, Lawrence Silverstein received $800 million to rebuild WTC7 that originally cost $400 million. U.S. corp Silverstein Properties U.S.
577 Slate WTC, Pentagon, PA political BCCI corruption Khashoggi, Adnan Khashoggi crime connections: A partial list would include Iran-Contra, Wedtech, BCCI, the Marcos Philippine kleptocracy, the Synfuels fiasco, and the discovery of buried mustard gas in the pricy Spring Valley neighborhood of Washington, D.C. To these we must now add the tragic events of 9/11. Clinton to Auchi to Khashoggi White House, Clinton
578 911Blogger WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Groundwork Bush, Marvin Stratesec had a small board of directors that included retired Air Force General James Abrahamson, Marvin Bush (the brother of George W. Bush) and Wirt Walker III, a cousin of the Bush brothers. Yousef Saud Al Sabah, a member of the Kuwaiti royal family U.S. gov Bush Crime Family
579 911Blogger WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Groundwork Walker, Wirt Stratesec had a small board of directors that included retired Air Force General James Abrahamson, Marvin Bush (the brother of George W. Bush) and Wirt Walker III, a cousin of the Bush brothers. Yousef Saud Al Sabah, a member of the Kuwaiti royal family U.S. gov Bush Crime Family
580 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Structural, steel Roth & Sons WTCs were built to hold 3x-5x the weight they were required to hold. "Its 244 perimeter columns made it one of the most redundant and one of the most resilient skysrapers". "The building as designed is sixteen times stiffer than a conventional structure." 9/11 Truth Journal of Metallurgy U.S.
581 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Structural, steel Gage, Richard The rebuilt WTC7 has the same design as the original WTC. Skyscraper within a skyscraper thus validating the design. U.S. gov NIST U.S.
582 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Structural, steel Roth & Sons "all the columns on one side could be cut as well as two corners and several columns on the adjacent sides, and the tower would still be strong enough to withstand a 100 mph wind." 9/11 Truth Journal of Metallurgy U.S.
583 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Structural, steel Controlled demolition WTC twin towers destruction exemplified at least 10 features suggestive of controlled demolition. Freefall time of demoltion was about 10 seconds. 9/11 Truth U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
584 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Structural, steel Skilling, John "Live loads on these (permiter) comumns can be increased by more than 2000% before failure occurs." 9/11 Truth U.S.
586 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Office furnishings fires Young, Leslie: No proof of temperatures about 250 degrees C. (480 degrees F). Jet fuel (bomb explosions) burnt up in a few minutes… only fuel left is office furnishings which are required by code to be fire resistant. NIST claims temperatures of 1800 degrees… have never published data from simulations showing this... U.S. gov NIST U.S.
587 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Office furnishings fires NIST Steel melts at about 2800 F and softening can begin at about 1100 degrees F. NIST found no proof that, accept for a few isolated spots, no beams temperature was beyond 480 degrees F. U.S. gov NIST U.S.
588 Atzmon 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists
589 Journal of 9/11 Studies WTC 1-2 physical Pancaking Chandler, David The theory published by Thomas W. Eagar and Christopher Musso in JOM in
December 2001, and adopted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) study, postulated that the floor connections broke due to fire, leading to a "pancaking" collapse of the floors. (which was later rejected)
9/11 Truth FEMA U.S.
590 WhoDidIt WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Office furnishings fires NIST Knoblauch, Loring Loring Knoblauch — CEO of Underwriters Labs; said that jet fuel fires were not “reasonably foreseeable”; resigned suddenly in August 2004 after UL performed tests of WTC floor models where floors did not collapse and were barely affected U.S. corp UL Labs U.S.
591 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Fireproofing NIST NIST claims the fire proofing dislodged from the beams hastening the process causing the beams to sag. And made the dislodging a necessary condition for the towers to collapse, … Sagging trusses theory… created even more problems for official version U.S. gov NIST U.S.
592 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Fireproofing Glans, James: There is no proof that NIST's fire proofing dislodging claim is true. … U.S. gov NIST U.S.
593 Atzmon 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists
594 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Office furnishings fires Sunder, Shyam Jet fuel does not create enough heat to melt the steel so the official story changed to the steel was weakened or "fire weakened steel". Expands, softens and weakens… failure due to sagging… they pulled on the exterior columns as much as five feet breaking the columns.. U.S. gov NIST U.S.
595 Physics911 WTC 1-2 physical Office furnishings fires NIST NIST kerosene fires burned for less than 10 minutes (NIST 2005), or that the few fires remaining in the building were mostly oxygen-starved, low-temperature office fires and could not have melted or even weakened in any way 5" thick steel columns. U.S. gov U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
596 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Office furnishings fires NIST NIST said they have no proof of temperatures high enough to weaken steel. "of the more than 170 areas examined on 16 perimeter column panels, only three columns had evidence that the steel reached temperatures above 250 degrees C (480 degrees F) U.S. gov NIST U.S.
597 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Office furnishings fires NIST NIST said: "No conclusive evidence was found to indicate that pre-collapse fires were severe enough to have a significant effect on the microstructure that would have resulted in weakening of the steel structure." U.S. gov NIST U.S.
598 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Office furnishings fires Omitted that the jet fuel fires lasted only a few minutes…so the only available source of fuel was office furnishings which are not hot enough to affect the structural stability of steel. 9/11 Truth 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S.
599 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Office furnishings fires survivors, 9/11 WTC 16 people were able to descend through the area of impact without being burned alive. They got to the 74th floor and there were normal conditions, lights were on, no heat… on the 84th floor stairwell temperatures were normal. 9/11 Truth U.S.
600 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Office furnishings fires There are thermographic images of the burning towers showing no temperatures high enough to soften steel at 9:18 about a half an hour after the first explosion… (alleged plane impact). In fact, the temperatures don't even reach 212 degrees. FLIR … Cumulus, Thermacam 9/11 Truth 9:18:00 AM U.S.
601 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Trusses Scientists / Engineers 9/11 Truth Cause of initial collapse: There was inward bowing of the exterior columns but the trusses were not strong enough to destroy the exterior columns. But if explosives were used they would add enough energy to initiate the collapse. 9/11 Truth Scientists / engineers U.S.
602 Atzmon 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists
603 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Structural, steel NIST: "although it does not actually include the structural behavior of the tower after the conditions for collapse initiation were reached and collapse became inevitable." "NIST did not describe the specific sequence of events after global collapse initiated." 80,000 tons, John Gross, NIST lead engineer. U.S. gov NIST U.S.
604 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Structural, steel debunkers Researchers sympathetic to official version refer to publication: 'What Did and Did not Cause Collapse of WTC Twin Towers in New York.' … states: "The high tilt seen on the South Tower top would call for a three-dimensional model of progressive collapse." Bazant, Zdenek P. U.S. think tank debunkers U.S.
605 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 political Structural, steel Disinfo & ommissions NIST received $20 million to "Determine why and how WTC 1 and WTC 2 collapsed following the initial impacts of the aircraft … ". But have never done this. U.S. gov NIST U.S.
606 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Structural, steel Gage, Richard AE911Truth has asked NIST to "Publish their data in regards to the potential energy released during the downwards movement of the upper stories … and the absorbitive capacity of the intact structure below the collapse zone." 9/11 Truth AE911Truth U.S.
607 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration Scientists / Engineers 9/11 Truth Angle, Richard Laws of physics violated, … Newton's Third Law of Motion: "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction"… like the head-on collision of two cars, the top 14 floors collapse would use up all the energy available and none would remain to destroy the remaining 96 stories. U.S. gov NIST U.S.
608 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration Scientists / Engineers 9/11 Truth Laws of physics violated, Law of Momentum Conservation, … The total energy in an isolated system must always remain the same. Even if you assume that the top 14 stories had the potential to destroy the remaining 96 stories, it could not have happened at freefall speed. ... the transformation from movement to deformation. 9/11 Truth Scientists / engineers U.S.
609 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration Scientists / Engineers 9/11 Truth Laws of physics violated. In freefall, all energy is transformed into the objects descent with no resistance… the speed must decrease in the face of any resistance. Some of the energy must be converted into breakage of the resistance. The freefall speed proves that the energy was applied to destroy the lower stories 9/11 Truth Scientists / engineers U.S.
610 Barrett, Kevin WTC, Pentagon, PA political Whistleblower Bennett, Scott Scott Bennett, U.S. Army Special Operations Officer (11th Psychological Operations Battalion, Civil Affairs-Psychological Operations Command) … clashed with Zakheim in efforts to expose funds flowing through Swiss Banks to terrorists.... to protect “deep state” funding flowing to “radical Muslim terrorists.” 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists al Queda banks Saudi Arabia
611 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration Scientists / Engineers 9/11 Truth Lopez, Alfred P. E. "The towers could not have come straight down through the resistance of 80,000 tons of structural steel at the speed of freefall. " 9/11 Truth Scientists / engineers U.S.
612 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration Scientists / Engineers 9/11 Truth Chandler, David ..."If the top section made an impact on the core structure below it, the core structure is going to push back equally hard, and that's what is going to cause the collapse to slow down." 9/11 Truth Scientists / engineers U.S.
613 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration Scientists / Engineers 9/11 Truth Dusterwald, Steven, P. E. "As energy is drained away from the system, to deform those members, it would slow down the descending mass and cause a descent at less than freefall speed." 9/11 Truth Scientists / engineers U.S.
614 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration Scientists / Engineers 9/11 Truth Gibbs, Jody … The building fell at a freefall speed which can only occurr if the vertical structure below has been removed. 9/11 Truth Scientists / engineers U.S.
615 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration Asunder NIST "freefall time would be an object that has no structural components below it." … 9/11 Truth Scientists / engineers U.S.
616 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration Scientists / Engineers 9/11 Truth Rice, William P. E. ..."The only way that it can accelerate is by having it pre-engineered, precisely timed, and precisely placed explosives" freefall speed automatically means controlled demolition. 9/11 Truth Scientists / engineers U.S.
617 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration debunkers Cazzaniga, Luigi … Debunkers claim the collapse speed of 10 seconds is correct, but the time on available videos is 16 seconds, by listening to how long the rumble lasts. debunkers U.S.
618 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration Gage, Richard " A floor impacting the floor below it…would transfer momentum … it would take a minumum of 30 seconds to collapse … just by transferring the momentum to the floors … the 10 second freefall speed has been confirmed by official sources. 9/11 Truth Scientists / engineers U.S.
619 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration 9/11 Commission ".. The South Tower collapsed in ten seconds, … " 9/11 Truth Scientists / engineers U.S.
620 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration Sunder, Shyam Shyam Sunder of NIST (lead investigator), "The measurements have indicated that Tower One collapsed in about 11 seconds and Tower Two collapsed in about 9 seconds" and has acknowledged that the tower camed down in nearly freefall speed. "… the entire top of the building pretty much came down in freefall." U.S. gov NIST U.S.
621 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration Sunder, Shyam "Since the stories below the level of collapse initiation provided little resistance … the building section above came down essentially in freefall." U.S. gov NIST U.S.
622 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration debunkers Quirant, Jerome … the debunkers response to freefall issues: none…. They either belittle or ignore AE911Truth organization. U.S. think tank debunkers U.S.
623 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Structural, steel debunkers David Meis, of Popular Mechanics, wrote: "Not one of the leading conspiracy theorists has a backgroud in engineering, construction, or related fields." … appeared in 'Debunking 9/11 Myths, 2006 and revised version in 2011 01/01/06 U.S. think tank Popular Mechanics U.S.
624 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Structural, steel Rivera, Geraldo More than 2000 architects and engineers have examined the evidence about WTC7 collapse and disagree with the NIST report … I'm certainly more open minded about it… because of the victims families and the architects and engineers… 9/11 Truth AE911Truth U.S.
626 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Hat trusses Scientists / Engineers 9/11 Truth The antenna began descending before the exterior trusses indicating the central core was destroyed first. 9/11 Truth Scientists / engineers U.S.
627 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Structural, steel debunkers The debunkers have offered different reasons than controlled demolition saying it would have been impossible to place explosives and be undetected saying it would take an army of workers and months to be accomplished. U.S. think tank debunkers U.S.
628 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Elevator renovation 9/11 Groundwork Scientists / Engineers 9/11 Truth A major elevator rennovation in both towers by Ace Elevator was occurring in the months before 9/11. This could provide cover for explosives being planted. Elevator World Magazine 9/11 Truth Ace Elevator U.S.
629 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Elevator renovation 9/11 Groundwork Scientists / Engineers 9/11 Truth Humin, Richard: Chief elevator engineer for WTC. The elevator shafts gave direct access to the core columns. 9/11 Truth Scientists / engineers U.S.
630 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Elevator renovation 9/11 Groundwork Scientists / Engineers 9/11 Truth Forbes, Scott: Movement of heavy equipment on supposedly empty floors was noted by building occupants in the weeks leading up to 9/11. Forbes said the people who worked for Aon were moved from the 97th floor. Pneumatic drills, hammering sounds. Floors were skaking… something heavy moved and taken off wheels. 07/01/01 U.S. corp Aon U.S.
631 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Elevator renovation 9/11 Groundwork Rodriguez, William William Rodriguez, who worked at the WTC for 20 years also recalls heavy machinery movements. 34th floor, heavy equipment being moved around. He knew is was an empty floor and no one was supposed to be there. The elevators didn't stop on the 34th floor. 9/11 truth survivors U.S.
632 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical bomb sniffing dogs 9/11 Groundwork dogs, bomb sniffing After 1993 bomb sniffing dogs were used in WTC security, but were removed on Sept 6, 2001. 09/06/01 NYC Port Authority U.S.
633 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Power down 9/11 Groundwork Corbett, Gary: Unprecedented total building power down on Sept 8, 2001 until Sept 9, 2001. For the first time in 30 years, all the security systems were useless at the same time. All surveillance cameras were inoperative. … and door security…. 09/08/01 NYC Port Authority U.S.
634 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Power down 9/11 Groundwork Forbes, Scott Scott Forbes, database administrator in the South Tower, also reported power down. He said Port Authority was conducting a recabling exercise to increase the bandwidth of computer networks. He saw spools of cable, tool boxes, uniformed workers, looked legitimate, 09/09/01 NYC Port Authority U.S.
635 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Controlled demolition debunkers Coburn, David: Debunkers say "controlled demolition always begin from the bottom"… WTC destruction began from the top… but this is not true. They are designed according to engineering needs and are initiated from top, bottom and middle. U.S. think tank Popular Mechanics U.S.
636 PressTV WTC 1-2 physical Mini Nukes, W-54 Clinton, Bill “The type of nuclear devices used on 911 were a modified version of the W-54 nuclear artillery shells that were covertly provided to the Israelis between 1988 and 1998 from US surplus stockpiles illegally exported during the Bush/Clinton era. Chemical analysis done by DOE Sandi was able to identify the chemical/radiation footprint or fingerprint of the warheads based on samples taken after 9/11 of the fallout at ground zero.” Israeli gov White House, Clinton Israel
637 Rowley, Coleen WTC, Pentagon, PA political Whistleblower Rowley, Coleen Minneapolis Special Agent, FBI, tried in vain to get a wiretap of Zacarias Moussaoui, … Rowley described how in mid-August of 2001, her office was contacted by some flight instructors, concerned because Moussaoui had paid for flight lessons with large amounts of cash. ... Time Magazine named her Person of the Year in 2002, along with fellow whistleblowers Cynthia Cooper of WorldCom and Sherron Watkins of Enron. 08/15/01 U.S. gov FBI U.S.
638 Seigel, Rick WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack Eyewitness Seigel, Rick Rick Seigel, WTC 2, 10 pre-collapse explosions, DVD, www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCrLDQwNlqw … 10 10 WINS TV audio track, see more below and in 9/11 day timeline… 9/11 Truth U.S.
640 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack debunkers Loiseaux, Mark: People mistake the sound of explosions, but most were reported by firefighters and police who have experienced many explosions. debunkers U.S.
642 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Controlled demolition emergency workers Normal high rise buildings are designed to carry 3x to 5x times strength, so preliminary explosion are necessary to weaken the structure. 9/11 Truth Scientists / engineers U.S.
643 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical 9:03 am second explosion (plane impact) into South Tower, 9:03:00 AM U.S.
644 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical 9:59 am, Collapse of the South Tower, 9:59:00 AM U.S.
645 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical 10:28, Collapse of the North Tower, 10:28:00 AM U.S.
646 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical 5: 20 pm, controlled demolition of WTC7 5:20:00 PM U.S.
647 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack Eyewitness Rodriguez, William William Rodriguez, reported explosions that pushed him upward, that came from the B2 and B3 level. He thought is was the mechanical room, … "when I went to verbalize it was a generator we heard a BOOM … all the way on the top … two different events … two different times." 9/11 Truth U.S.
648 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack 9/11 Commission 9/11 Commission explanation of explosions: "A jet fuel fireball erupted upon impact and shot down at least one bank of elevators." … "The fireball exploded onto numerous lower floors, including … the B4 level, four stories below ground." … but witnesses report explosions before impact of plane. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S.
649 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack WTC survivor survivors, 9/11 WTC Griffith, Arturo: There were only two elevators that spanned all floors, that were used by maintenance people and Arturo Griffith, who was on that elevator and recalled the three separate explosions … 9/11 Truth U.S.
650 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack WTC survivor survivors, 9/11 WTC Each tower contained 2,160,000 cubic yards of space, … the alleged planes had 10,000 gallons of fuel at time of impact, …. Or 50 cubic yards… insignificant … if half the fuel was consumed on impact, and 20 needed to ignite furnishings, leaving only 5 to descend over 800 ft to the basement ... all impossible.. 9/11 Truth U.S.
651 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack debunkers David Dunbar of Popular Mechanics, ignored that the explosions were heard before impact (faked). U.S. think tank Popular Mechanics U.S.
652 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Elevators, fuel fires No regular elevators connecting the top floors to the basement. The WTC was constructed of three separate buildings built on top of each other. … each with their own elevator system. … only two elevators connecting the lobby and 78th floor. But (plane) struck 97th floor ... no continuous shaft for fuel to pour down. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
653 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack WTC survivor survivors, 9/11 WTC Scott, Michelle: Three lobby explosions within one hour after impact that blew all the windows out… before collapse … It took survivors one hour to walk down Tower One after plane impact (faked). When they got to the lobby there was another explosion. 9/11 Truth U.S.
654 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack survivors, 9/11 WTC There were dozens of explosions reported before and during the collapse (demolition) of the WTCs. 9/11 Truth U.S.
656 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack WTC survivor survivors, 9/11 WTC John Schroeder NYFD, was climbing stairs, when he heard explosion from below, "We came down and it looked like a bomb went off in the lobby." … 9/11 Truth U.S.
657 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack WTC survivor survivors, 9/11 WTC McLoughlin, John, Port Authority Police: Explosions moments before South Tower collapsed, "We heard a loud explosion coming from the area near Building Two" … at that point the whole building began collapsing" … 9/11 Truth U.S.
658 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack WTC survivor survivors, 9/11 WTC Many witnesses describe explosions during the collapse. "it sounded like if you had a hundred of those little fire crackers and you lit em all off" … "sounded like the finally of the Fourth of July" … "there were explosions less than a second apart", "boom, boom, boom (in raped sequence)... twenty straight hits" 9/11 Truth U.S.
659 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack WTC survivor survivors, 9/11 WTC Same sequence of rapid booms were heard in the collapse of the North Tower, 9/11 Truth U.S.
660 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack NIST debunkers Debunkers say there were no rapid sequence of explosions because they were not heard in video recordings . But most television shots were taken from a distance with telephoto lenses, … but that's untrue, there was. From a NIST FOIA Cumulus release … see Rick Seigel DVD. U.S. gov NIST U.S.
661 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack MSM Sequence of explosions heard in ABC Television report … NIST FOIA Cumulus release U.S. corp U.S.
662 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack MSM The same sequence of explosions heard in ABC television report can be heard on PBS documentary. U.S. corp U.S.
663 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 7 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack NIST explosions occurred after both towers collapsed, … at 11:00 am … U.S. gov NIST 11:00:00 AM U.S.
664 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 7 medical Wall Street workers survivors, 9/11 WTC elevated numbers of cases of Multiple myeloma and Hodgkins disease are reported among WTC first responders and Wall Street workers. U.S. corp U.S.
665 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 7 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack Eyewitness Jennings, Barry Barry Jennings reported a big explosion in WTC7 before either of the twin towers disintegrated. sometime after 9am he was trying to reach street level from the 23rd floor of WTC7. "We made it to the 8th floor … big explosion … " he was trapped in the building for several hours and kept hearing explosions. 9/11 Truth Top 100 U.S.
666 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 7 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack Eyewitness Michael Hess confirmed the explosion on the 8th floor of WTC7. He was colleague of Barry Jennings. He said he was in the Emergency Management Center on the 23rd floor, 9/11 Truth U.S.
667 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 7 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack MSM survivors, 9/11 WTC Ron Di Francesco, the person who descended from the 91st floor of the South Tower all the way to ground level, … he was so close to an explosion that a fireball was coming right at him…blew him across Church street, he woke up in the hospital two days later …CNN, Beyond 9/11 U.S. corp CNN / Time U.S.
668 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack Eyewitness There were at least three explosions in the North Tower before the supposed impacts of the plane. 9/11 Truth U.S.
669 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack explosion in lobby of North Tower 1 hr after impact of the plane but before the collapse of tower two. U.S.
670 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Squibs survivors, 9/11 WTC Steve Luce, US Army, Explosive Demolitions Expert, noticed squibs 30-40 stories below the collapsing floors that contained concrete and debris, … they were isolated to certain floors, if it was air compression it would have occurred on all floors and would not contain concrete dust or smoke that far below. 9/11 Truth AE911Truth U.S.
671 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Squibs debunkers Squibs, according to debunkers is air blowing out the windows, as the structure cascades down, and ignore that squibs were seen as much as 40 floors below collapsing sections. debunkers AE911Truth U.S.
672 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Ejections Donly, Michael Powerful ejections of concrete and steel seen during collapse that would require far more explosive energy than thermite or possibly even conventional explosives. Ejecta, … lateral ejection of large structures, over 500 ft in all directions, reaching the Millenium Hotel and WTC 3, 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
673 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Ejections FEMA documented a 1200 ft diameter debris field around each tower where major chunks U.S. gov FEMA U.S.
674 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Ejections Jody Gibbs, an architect, says gravity works vertically not laterally. Material was ejected hundreds of yards laterally. The ejected structures are steel, and aluminum … exterior columns. And were embedded in buldings nearby. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
675 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Ejections debunkers Debunkers say that lateral ejections were composed of aluminum cladding only. debunkers U.S.
676 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Ejections David Chandler calculated the energy needed to hurl structures laterally. By using software to analyze video frame by frame…. Plot graphs from data, … energy needed to hurl a 4 ton girder is comparable to shooting a 200 lb cannon ball three miles. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
677 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical 45 degree & V-cut beams Redyke, James: 45 degree cuts with thermite are typically used in controlled demolitions. … shaped charges … some of the cuts were made by ironworkers in the cleanup, … Dykon Explosive Demolition U.S. corp 8:00:00 PM U.S.
678 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical 45 degree & V-cut beams First responders Kevin McPadden saw "tons and tons" of 45 degree cut beams in the evening of 9/11 when there was no acetylene or iron workers on site. "It's just not possible to cut that amount of beams in that short a time" … 45 degree shaped charges are commonly used in building demolition. 9/11 Truth Top 100 U.S.
679 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Controlled demolition Controlled demolition Danilo Coppe, president of IRE, Italys foremost expert in controlled demolition, said: "I’ll confess, this is an extremely curious from a technical point of view." … Italy corp U.S.
680 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 7 physical 45 degree & V-cut beams V-cut, a controlled demolition technique was observed on steel beams from WTC7. … In the cleanup, iron workers would not use diagonal or v-cuts. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
681 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Hat trusses The complete disappearance of the hat trusses, … large structures that bound the columns from above, … covered an acre in area on top of each building. Nothing could have crushed them from above, they also supported the antenna on the South Tower, should have been sitting on top of the rubble. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
682 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Hat trusses The antenna on the North Tower which was supported by the hat truss was found, but the hat truss itself was completely destroyed. There was obviously nothing above it to cause this. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
683 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Molten steel / concrete Thermographic images from NASA show extreme temperatures over 1300 found at the base of the pile of rubble of Twin Towers and WTC7. Governor George Petake … CNN … ABC News said flames still coming up from base of rubble pile. … boots melt within a few hours. 09/21/01 U.S. gov NASA U.S.
684 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Molten steel / concrete Hotspots remained clearly visible and were getting worse. As they cleared more rubble, oxygen was better able to reach the fires and would burst into flames. … "Vitchers crew picked up 40 to 60 foot-long pieces of steel impaled in the pile, where the bottom 20 ft would be glowing redhot." 10/23/01 U.S. corp Bovis Construction U.S.
685 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Molten steel / concrete From OSHA.gov, "Underground fires burned at temperatures up to 2000 degrees." … and was confirmed by Mayor Giuliani, … and American Society of Safety Engineers said therographic images taken from helicopters showed temperatures from 400- 2800 degrees. U.S. gov U.S.
686 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Molten steel / concrete Last underground fire extinguished. 12/19/01 U.S. gov U.S.
687 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Molten steel / concrete Concrete is resilient to high temperatures, yet molten concrete was found at ground zero and preserved at the New York Police Museum, including hand guns embedded in concrete. On a plaque it said: … Fire temperatures were so intense that concrete melted like lava around anything in its path... NYC New York Police Museum U.S.
688 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Molten steel / concrete Peter Tulley of Tully Construction, … saw pools of "literally molten steel" at the WTC. U.S. corp Tulley Construction U.S.
689 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Beams, horseshoe Voorsanger, Bart: Steel beams bent and mangled, … builders and architects have never seen anything like it, … 6" thick beams curled into prezel shapes, … near perfect horseshoe bend, … History Channel, 9/11 museum curator Israeli corp Top 100 U.S.
690 Cahill, Dr. Thomas WTC 1-2 physical Molten steel / concrete Cahill: “soil and glass were boiling” at Ground Zero well after September 11th, 2001 and up to and including October 30, 2001 and beyond. ...extraordinary temperatures required and oxygen.... Underground fires, whether fed by nanothermite or other incendiaries, require oxygen. There is only ONE source of igniting and maintaining a fire without a constant feed of oxygen. Nuclear reactions.... 10/30/01 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
691 Cars, toasted Cars, rusted, incinerated 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
692 Cars, toasted Cars, rusted, incinerated Engineers / Scientists U.S.
693 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Molten steel / concrete Ron Burger of the National Envirnomental Health Association stated: "Feeling the heat, seeing the molten steel, the layers upon layers of ash, like lava, it reminded me of Mt. St. Helen's." U.S. think tank National Environmental Health Association U.S.
694 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Molten steel / concrete William Langewische, author of American Ground, a book containing detail description of Ground Zero, mentions "Streams of molten metal that leaked from the hot cores and flowed down broken walls inside the foundation hole." and Greg Fuchek … 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
695 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Cars, toasted debunkers Debunkers suggest fuel from cars in parking lots, and power generators, but the Journal of the American society of Safety Engineers said of the 2000 cars in the basement many were in pristine condition. And 72000 gallons of diesel fuel for generators was found and had not exploded. U.S. think tank Journal of the American Society of Safety Engineers U.S.
696 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Molten steel / concrete Loizeaux, Mark Mark Loizeaux, CEO of Controlled Demolition, Inc, was told by contractors about "Hot spots of molten steel in the basements … at the bottom of the elevator shafts of the main towers." U.S. corp Controlled Demolition, Inc. U.S.
697 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Molten steel / concrete Astaneh, Dr. Abolhassan Dr. Abolhassan Astaneh, professor of civil engineering at University of California at Berkeley, said " I saw melting of girders in World Trade Center." ... like the clocks in Savador Dali paintings … That could only happen if you get steel yellow hot or white hot -- perhaps around 2000 degrees." U.S. Academia University of California U.S.
698 Cars, toasted Wood, Judy DEW toasted cars…. No proof … no evidence, just conjecture. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
699 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Molten steel / concrete NIST Molten steel running down channels of beams seen, … debunkers and NIST deny any knowledge of molten steel, U.S. gov U.S.
700 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Molten steel / concrete A dense mass of fused concrete and steel objects is held at a hangar at the Kennedy Airport. "The Meteorite" NYC Kennedy Airport U.S.
701 Henderson, Dean 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists
702 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Pulverization NYC & 9/11 Pataki, George Evidence against a gravitational collapse: Complete pulverization of all the contents of the WTC towers, beginning with the concrete floors. Governor George Pataki told of pulverized concrete all over Manhattan in a 2-3 inch layer. 425,000 cubic yards of concrete. NYC U.S.
703 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Pulverization First responders 43,600 windows, 600,000 sq ft of glass, 200,000 tons of structural steel, 5 million sq ft of gypsum, six acres of marble, and the contents of 110 stories of furnishings. Nothing was recognizable other than dust and steel. No phones, tables, desks, computers, chairs, U.S. think tank U.S.
704 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Pulverization First responders Pulverization of filing cabinets, only one was found and it was melted into a blob of steel found in the basement. U.S. think tank U.S.
705 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 medical Victims, vaporized chief medical examiner Victims were vaporized. No bodies found. Hospitals recorded almost no arrivals. 2749 people were killed. Fewer than 300 whole bodies were recovered. 20,000 pieces of bodies were found. 6000 small enough to fit in 5 in. test tubes. 200 pieces were matched to a single person. 1630 identified, 800 by DNA alone. NYC Engineers / Scientists U.S.
706 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 medical Victims chief medical examiner 1119 or 41 % of victims remained unidentified because there wasn't enough DNA. Body parts found in a wide field around the site. And fragments of human remains emerged for many years. NYC NYC Medical Examiner U.S.
707 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 medical Victims chief medical examiner Body parts of victims found on the roof of the Deutsche Bank building kept increasing… to a total more than 700. USA Today wrote that the bone fragments were tiny… the size of your pinky nail, … they couldn't have come from planes, blocked by the South Tower, were of fire fighters not in North Tower. NYC NYC Medical Examiner U.S.
708 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 7 physical Controlled demolition WTC 7, first, had not been hit by an airplane, but displayed all the characteristics of a controlled demolition. Suffered non-devastating fires, sudden onset of collapse, rapid acceleration towards the ground, symetrical descent, the collapse appeared to start at the bottom, unlike the twin towers. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
709 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 7 physical Controlled demolition Jowenko, Danny "That's a controlled demolition" … this is a professional job … done by a team of experts." "the bottom goes first" … They just blew up the columns, then the rest just caves in." … 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
710 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 7 physical Controlled demolition MSM Rather, Dan Dan Rather: "It's reminiscent of all those pictures we've seen on television where a building was deliberately destroyed by well placed dynamite…" U.S. corp U.S.
711 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 7 physical Controlled demolition, NIST NIST Sunder, Shyam NIST's explanation: "WTC7 collapsed because of fires" "We really have a new kind of collapse … where fire produces progressive collapse" … according to NIST it was due to the failure of Column 79 … it blamed thermal expansion as the "new phenomena" that caused the collapse of the structure. Sunder Shyam is NIST Building & Fire Research Lab Director 01/01/08 U.S. gov U.S.
712 Francis, Stephen NFU physical Soil trucked into WTC Soil trucked into WTC immediately after 9/11 to remidiate radioactivity … 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists U.S.
713 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 7 physical Controlled demolition, NIST NIST Sunder, Shyam NIST animations of WTC7 demolition are inconsistent with videos of the event. The inward bending of the top of the structure did not occur. U.S. gov U.S.
714 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Controlled demolition, NIST NIST Sunder, Shyam Computer model to simulate the fires is also inconsistent with their own statements. No one has been allowed to verify the data used to create it. NIST computer model shows fires on floor 12 east side peaked about 4pm but photos show they died out by 4pm. NIST inconsistently states: "their is no indication of fires burning on the east side of the 12th floor at this time." U.S. gov 4:00:00 PM U.S.
715 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 7 physical Controlled demolition, NIST Quirant, Jerome Debunkers say that the steel in WTC 7 was weaker than the average structure, and had been built over an electrical substation. But NIST itself has refuted this possibility. In final report: "The transfer elements such as trusses, girders and cantilever overhangs that were used to support ... the office building over the Con Edison substation did not play a significant role in the collpase of WTC7." debunkers U.S.
716 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 7 physical 9/11 & Israel Silverstein, Lawrence NY Times reported that Larry Silverstein spent $200 million on WTC7 structure to reinforce it beyond requirements for its main tennant Salomon Brothers. 375 tons of steel requiring 12 miles of welding. … NYC Silverstein Properties U.S.
717 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 7 physical NYC & 9/11 First responders Dozens of NY police, fire fighters and first responders were warned by the fire department that WTC7 was going to be brought down as much as five hours before it happened. "… by noon or one o'clock they told us we had to move from that triage site … " said Indira Singh, a first responder on Guns and Butter, KPFA NYC U.S.
718 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 7 physical Warnings First responders Fire fighters were warned of the impending collapse of WTC7. "We were just hanging out, until Tower 7 came down." … and Sweeny confirmed. NYC NYFD U.S.
719 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 7 physical MSM CNN was spreading the rumor that WTC 7 was "going to collapse or is collapsing" … U.S. corp CNN / Time 4:00:00 PM U.S.
720 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 7 political Disinfo & ommissions Stanley, Jane BBC announced that WTC7 had collapsed, but their own video shows it still standing during the message. UK corp BBC 5:00:00 PM U.S.
721 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 7 political MSM CNN (and BBC) reported that the police were clearing the area around WTC7 preparing for its collapse. "We are walking back. The building is about to blow up." U.S. corp CNN / Time U.S.
722 Henderson, Dean 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists
723 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical First responders A person heard a countdown right before the collapse. … waiting for orders from a Red Cross representative, … The Red Cross person had a radio ... McPadden: "at the last three seconds he took his hand off and you hear … three, two, one ... after a second or two you started to hear the explosions, ... then boom, boom, ... then building collapsed. U.S. think tank Red Cross 5:20:00 PM U.S.
724 Henderson, Dean 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists
725 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 7 physical Controlled demolition Chandler, David After the initial failure of the penthouse on the eastern side of the building, the entire structure came down in about 6 seconds. The first 2.5 seconds is indistinguishable from gravity freefall speed. 9/11 Truth AE911Truth U.S.
726 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 7 political Controlled demolition, NIST NIST AE911Truth confronted NIST with freefall analysis and forced NIST to change their story. They then said the collapse happened in three stages. First a slow descent corresponding to buckling of exterior columns, second a freefall for 2.25 seconds, which sealed the debate, the bottom floors can't just disappear. U.S. gov U.S.
727 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 7 political NIST McCain, John John McCain was posed a question about WTC7 freefall in 2013, … he claimed ignorance even though he wrote the forward to the 9/11 Myths book. U.S. gov U.S.
728 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Pentagon missile Cheney, Dick Mineta testimony before 9/11 Commission, questioned about PEOC, in White House, where Cheney took charge. Flight 77 alledged crash at 9:37, Flight 93 at 10:03, order to shoot down commercial aircraft came after Pentagon strike, Mineta said "the plane is fifty miles out", Cheney: "of course the orders still stand" "have you heard anything to the contrary"? excluded in report. U.S. gov White House, Bush U.S.
729 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Hijacker patsies Brent, David David Brent said he was part of team that scanned surveillance videos for the hijackers and found nothing from over 300 cameras with 30 days retention, 09/01/01 U.S. gov FBI U.S.
730 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Steel scrap companies Steel from WTC hurredly shipped overseas to remove crime scene evidence of explosives. U.S. corp U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
731 Wikipedia WTC 1-2 political Dirty tricks O'Neill, John An August 19, 2001 New York Times report ... suggested that O'Neill had been the subject of an "internal investigation" at the FBI. The report suggested that O'Neill was responsible for losing a briefcase with "highly classified information"..." The briefcase was recovered shortly after its disappearance. 08/19/01 U.S. gov FBI U.S.
732 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Elevators, fuel fires WTC survivor survivors, 9/11 WTC Griffith, Arturo: There were only two elevators that spanned all floors, that were used by maintenance people and Arturo Griffith, who was on that elevator and recalled the three separate explosions … 9/11 Truth U.S.
733 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Elevators, fuel fires WTC survivor survivors, 9/11 WTC Each tower contained 2,160,000 cubic yards of space, … the alleged planes had 10,000 gallons of fuel at time of impact, …. Or 50 cubic yards… insignificant … if half the fuel was consumed on impact, and 20 needed to ignite furnishings, leaving only 5 to descend over 800 ft to the basement ... all impossible.. 9/11 Truth U.S.
734 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political NORAD / FAA Secret Service The claim that the FAA (falsely) notified the Secret Service between 10:10 and 10:15 that Flight 93 was still up and headed towards Washington. U.S. gov U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
735 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC, Pentagon, PA political Warnings Clarke, Richard Vital information about hijackers kept from Richard Clarke, Counterterrism Czar. He said there was a high level CIA order not to share info …like Pearl Harbor Australia warned the US three days before attack, and Rep. Curt Weldon denounced US preknowledge in Able Danger data, 01/02/00 U.S. gov Counterterrorism Czar U.S.
736 Haaretz WTC, Pentagon, PA political Warnings Macover, Micha Odigo, the instant messaging service, says that two of its workers received messages two hours before the Twin Towers attack on September 11 predicting the attack would happen, and the company has been cooperating with Israeli and American law enforcement, including the FBI, in trying to find the original sender of the message predicting the attack. 09/26/01 Israeli corp Odigo U.S.
737 Hankey, John global Rockefeller & 9/11 Brzezinski, Zbigniew Brzezinski is the most prominent of Rockefeller servants, founder and director of the Rockefeller's Tri-Lateral commission, U.S. think tank Trilateral Commission U.S.
738 Harrit, Neils WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite Neils Harrit,... While thermite was “used for melting the steel beams”, he is certain that conventional explosives were also used: 9/11 Truth U.S.
739 Hart, Alan WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Groundwork Hart, Alan former lead BBC Mideast correspondent Alan Hart says, the hard-line Zionists around Netanyahu want to start a big Mideast war. This would allow them to finish the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. UK corp BBC UK
740 Hendrie, Edward WTC, Pentagon, PA political False flag Rich, Marc British weapons secretly destined for Abu Nidal were financed through BCCI offices and shipped under export documents that Marc Rich knew to be phony. My role at the bank was to handle the Nidal account. I later became a spy for the CIA and MI6,” Ghassan Quassem, who was a senior officer with BCCI for nearly two decades, Israel gov Mossad Israel
741 Hersh, Seymour WTC 1-2 physical Mini Nukes, USGS data Nuclear smuggling Hersh, Seymour It has also been reported that Israel has produced nuclear warheads small enough to fit into a suitcase. Hersh, Seymour M (1991), The Samson Option, New York: Random House, p. 220, ISBN 0-394-57006-5. U.S. think tank Israel
742 History Commons WTC, Pentagon, PA political Israeli spies, historical Perle, Richard Richard Perle caught passing intel to Israel . This data was given to Perle by NSC staff member Helmut “Hal” Sonnenfeldt, who was under investigation since 1967 for providing classified documents to the Israelis. 01/01/67 U.S. corp Israel
743 History Commons WTC, Pentagon, PA political Israeli spies, historical Perle, Richard An FBI wiretap at the Israeli Embassy in Washington picks up Richard Perle, an aide to Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson (D-WA—see Early 1970s), discussing classified information with an Israeli official. 01/01/70 U.S. gov Israel
744 History Commons WTC, Pentagon, PA political CIA coups Mosaddeq, Muhammad The government of Iran is overthrown by Iranian rebels and the CIA in a coup codenamed Operation Ajax. The coup was planned by CIA operative Kermit Roosevelt after receiving the blessings of the US and British governments. Muhammad Mosaddeq is deposed and the CIA promptly reinstates Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi on the throne. 01/01/53 U.S. gov CIA Iran
745 History Commons WTC, Pentagon, PA political CIA coups Mosaddeq, Muhammad The Shah’s secret police, SAVAK, trained by the CIA and Israel’s Mossad, are widely perceived as being as brutal and terrifying as the Nazi Gestapo in World War II. British oil interests in Iran, partially nationalized under previous governments, are returned to British control. American oil interests are retained by 8 private oil companies, who are awarded 40% of the Iranian oil industry. 01/01/53 U.S. gov CIA Iran
746 Henderson, Dean 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists CIA
747 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Structural, steel debunkers Debunkers depict the WTC as light and fragile buildings saying the exterior columns bore the most weight while the interior was a hollow shaft, but AE911Truth explains that it was a strong building with 47 columns of 5" steel beams at the base. It was a skyscraper within a skyscraper. U.S. think tank debunkers U.S.
748 History Commons WTC, Pentagon, PA political NORAD / FAA NORAD Has 1,200 Interceptor Aircraft in 1960 - NORAD .. established by the US and Canada in 1958 to counter the threat posed by the Soviet Union. It is initially responsible for intercepting any Soviet long-range bombers that might attack the Northern Hemisphere. By 1960, it has about 1,200 interceptor aircraft dedicated to this task. 01/01/60 U.S. gov U.S.
749 History Commons WTC, Pentagon, PA political NORAD / FAA NORAD's Mission Changes after Cold War Ends - With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact in 1991, the threats NORAD has to counter change significantly. During the early 1990s, NORAD’s mission consequently changes from one of air defense to one of maintaining “air sovereignty,” 01/01/90 U.S. gov U.S.
750 History Commons WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Roots The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' - In the 1920s, William J. Cameron, editor of the Dearborn Independent, popularized the manuscript called “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” which purported to detail the “secret teachings” of Judaism, including the planned takeover of the world’s governments, the subjugation of non-Semitic races, cannibalistic rituals practiced by Jews. 01/01/20 Israeli think tank Israel
751 History Commons WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Florida, Sarasota Bush, GW Bush meets with Manatee County Sheriff Charlie Wells, Sarasota County Sheriff Bill Balkwill, Sarasota Police Chief Gordon Jolly, and Manatee County Sheriff’s Colonel Ken Pearson. … all at beach resort.. The four law enforcement officials will later travel to the Sarasota school in the president’s motorcade. 09/11/01 U.S. gov White House, Bush 8:00:00 AM Florida
752 History Commons WTC, Pentagon, PA political NORAD / FAA Hamre, John J. revealed that NORAD has the capacity to inject simulated material into the system, “as though it was being sensed for the first time by a radar site.” In a training exercise in December 1998, for example, NORAD ran “30 different simulations, some of them being mass attacks, some of them being single missiles.” U.S. gov U.S.
753 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Elevators, fuel fires Loizeaux, Mark Mark Loizeaux, CEO of Controlled Demolition, Inc, was told by contractors about "Hot spots of molten steel in the basements … at the bottom of the elevator shafts of the main towers." U.S. corp Controlled Demolition, Inc. U.S.
754 History Commons WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 & Saudi Arabia Siddiqui, Aafia the Saudis wrote a $20,000 check that same day to a third Saudi who had listed the same address as Aafia Siddiqui, a microbiologist who is believed to have been a US-based operative for 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed U.S. corp Riggs Bank Saudi Arabia
755 History Commons WTC, Pentagon, PA political Bush Crime Family Ghorbanifar, Manucher In November 2001, Swiss investigators will search the home of Youssef Nada, the leader of Al Taqwa Bank, a Swiss bank that had just been shut down by the US and the UN for alleged ties to al-Qaeda, Hamas, see Osama bin Laden. Bush connections global global
756 History Commons WTC, Pentagon, PA political al Queda Ramadan, Said The Al Taqwa Bank is closely associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, and one of its key founders, Said Ramadan, is one of the Muslim Brotherhood’s top leaders, and also the son-in-law of Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Saudi Arabia gov Muslim Brotherhood Saudi Arabia
757 History Commons WTC, Pentagon, PA political CIA coups Ramadan, Said there is strong evidence that Ramadan also was a long-time CIA asset. ... Declassified Swiss documents reveal that in the 1960s, the Swiss government considered him to be, “among other things, an intelligence agent of the British and the Americans.” The Wall Street Journal will report in 2005, “Historical evidence suggests Mr. Ramadan worked with the CIA. U.S. gov CIA U.S.
758 History Commons WTC 1-2 physical Mini Nukes, Saudi Arabia Nuclear smuggling Wright, Robert A. Q. Khan and his Khan Laboratories. Khan is considered the “father” of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons capability. But since the funding for this nuclear program gets traced back to Saudi Arabia, restrictions are placed on the inquiry. Also in early 2001, FBI agent Robert Wright, attempting to pursue an investigation into Saudi multimillionaire Yassin al-Qadi, is told by FBI superiors, “it’s just better to let sleeping dogs lie” U.S. gov FBI Pakistan
759 History Commons WTC 1-2 physical Mini Nukes, Saudi Arabia Nuclear smuggling Khan, AQ A. Q. Khan and his Khan Laboratories. Khan is considered the “father” of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons capability. But since the funding for this nuclear program gets traced back to Saudi Arabia, restrictions are placed on the inquiry. Also in early 2001, FBI agent Robert Wright, attempting to pursue an investigation into Saudi multimillionaire Yassin al-Qadi, is told by FBI superiors, “it’s just better to let sleeping dogs lie” U.S. gov FBI U.S.
760 History Commons WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Roots In 1932, Chevron struck oil in Bahrain and was soon operating in Saudi Arabia. In 1933, when Hitler seized power, Standard Oil New Jersey supplied Germany with the patents it required for tetraethyl lead aviation fuel. In 1936, the company Schroder, Rockefeller Investment Bankers, included board directors linked to the Gestapo and several European, Nazi-linked banks. see Prescott Bush, Harriman, Luftwaffe 01/01/32 U.S. gov Bush Crime Family Saudi Arabia
761 History Commons WTC, Pentagon, PA political Rockefeller & 9/11 Bush, Prescott In 1932, Chevron struck oil in Bahrain and was soon operating in Saudi Arabia. In 1933, when Hitler seized power, Standard Oil New Jersey supplied Germany with the patents it required for tetraethyl lead aviation fuel. In 1936, the company Schroder, Rockefeller Investment Bankers, included board directors linked to the Gestapo and several European, Nazi-linked banks. see Prescott Bush, Harriman, Luftwaffe 02/01/32 Saudi Arabia gov Bush Crime Family Saudi Arabia
762 How911WasDone WTC, Pentagon, PA political Ptech / Mitre Goff, Michael S. The role that Goff played within PTech consisted of buying software for PTech and sales of enterprise software developed within PTech. Later Goff joined Guardium, a company that formed a branch of the research and development department of the Israeli air force. Guardium is a spin-off of Log-On Software, founded by major Gil Migdan (Israeli marine) en Joseph Segev U.S. corp Guardium U.S.
763 How911WasDone WTC, Pentagon, PA political WTC Security Yoran, Amit Another founder and director of Guardium is Amit Yoran, an Israeli who became manager for computer security of the Pentagon. After 9/11 he was appointed by GW Bush to cyber security czar for the ministry of Homeland Security. Yoran was charged with the design of a security architecture for the Pentagon. U.S. corp White House, Bush Israel
764 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Thompson, Simon Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive Director Age 52, was appointed a non-executive director in January 2009. He was previously an executive director of Anglo American plc, Chairman of the Tarmac Group and held positions with S G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is currently Non-Executive Director of Tullow Oil plc (UK), Newmont Mining Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB (Sweden). U.S. corp Warburg, SG U.S.
765 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political Rothschild & 9/11 Thompson, Simon Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive Director Age 52, was appointed a non-executive director in January 2009. He was previously an executive director of Anglo American plc, Chairman of the Tarmac Group and held positions with S G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is currently Non-Executive Director of Tullow Oil plc (UK), Newmont Mining Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB (Sweden). U.S. corp Rothschild, NM U.S.
766 NNP WTC 1-2 physical Elevators, fuel fires “There was elevator doors ajar. There were elevator doors missing. I could see an elevator car twisted in the shaft…” 50-ton exterior column beams flung upward from Towers basements to pierce buildings such as the Deutsche Bank across from WTC 2 U.S. think tank Nuclear Non-Proliferation community U.S.
767 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Thompson, Simon Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive Director Age 52, was appointed a non-executive director in January 2009. He was previously an executive director of Anglo American plc, Chairman of the Tarmac Group and held positions with S G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is currently Non-Executive Director of Tullow Oil plc (UK), Newmont Mining Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB (Sweden). UK corp Tullow Oil UK
768 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political Hijackers, SunCruz Abramoff, Jack Less than a week before the 9-11 attack on 5 September, the so-called lead hijacker Mohamed Atta and several other hijackers made a still-unexplained visit onboard one of Pro Israeli lobbyist, Ashkenazi Jew, Jack Abramoff’s Sun Cruz casino boats.    ...  09/05/01 Israeli gov Israel
769 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political Warnings Atta, Mohammed Less than a week before the 9-11 attack on 5 September, the so-called lead hijacker Mohamed Atta and several other hijackers made a still-unexplained visit onboard one of Pro Israeli lobbyist, Ashkenazi Jew, Jack Abramoff’s casino boats.    ...  U.S. corp Florida
770 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political Amdocs, spies It is discovered that US drug agents’ DEA communications have been penetrated. Suspicion falls on two companies, AMDOCS and Comverse Infosys, both owned by Israelis. Israeli corp Israel
771 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political Amdocs, spies Shiron, Eitan AMDOCS generates billing data for most US phone companies and is able to provide detailed logs of who is talking to whom.    ...   Shiron was Amdocs security manager interrogated by Interpol about a huge computer espionage spy ring involving Amdocs. See also PROMIS, Michael Haephrati, Israeli corp Israel
772 comment WTC 1-2 political 9/11 & Israel Lieberman, Joseph The most prominent backer of the Lubavitchers on Capitol Hill is Senator Joseph Lieberman (D.Conn.), an Orthodox Jew, and the former candidate for the Vice-Presidency of the United States. The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), has commended Chabad Lubavitch "ideals" in a Senate floor statement. Israel think tank Chabad Lubavitch Israel
773 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 & Israel Comverse has built a back door into the system that is being exploited by Israeli intelligence and that the information gleaned on US drug interdiction efforts is finding its way to drug smugglers. Israeli corp Comverse Infosys Israel
774 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political Israeli Art Students, spies The investigation by the FBI leads to the exposure of the largest foreign spy ring ever uncovered inside the United States, operated by Israel. Half of the suspected spies have been arrested when 9-11 happens. U.S. gov FBI U.S.
775 Iamthe Witness WTC 1-2 political Urban Moving Systems, Dancing Israelis Dancing Israelis On 9-11, 5 Israelis are arrested for dancing and cheering while the World Trade Towers collapse. Supposedly employed by Urban Moving Systems, the Israelis are caught with multiple passports and a lot of cash. Israeli corp Israel
776 Iamthe Witness WTC 1-2 political Urban Moving Systems, Dancing Israelis Dancing Israelis Two of them are later revealed to be Mossad. As witness reports track the activity of the Israelis, it emerges that they were seen at Liberty Park at the time of the first impact, suggesting a foreknowledge of what was to come. Israeli corp Israel
777 Iamthe Witness WTC 1-2 political Urban Moving Systems, Dancing Israelis Dancing Israelis The Israelis are interrogated, and then eventually sent back to Israel. The owner of the moving company used as a cover by the Mossad agents abandons his business and flees to Israel. The United States Government then classifies all of the evidence related to the Israeli agents and their connections to 9-11. Israeli corp Israel
778 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political Israeli spies, historical Dancing Israelis All of this is reported to the public via a four part story on Fox News by Carl Cameron. Pressure from Jewish groups, primarily AIPAC, forces Fox News to remove the story from their website. U.S. corp Fox News U.S.
779 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political Warnings Two hours prior to the 9-11 attacks, Odigo, an Israeli company with offices just a few blocks from the World Trade Towers, receives an advance warning via the internet. The manager of the New York Office provides the FBI with the IP address of the sender of the message, but the FBI does not follow this up. Israeli corp Odigo U.S.
780 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political Urban Moving Systems, Dancing Israelis The FBI is investigating 5 Israeli moving companies as possible fronts for Israeli intelligence.    ...   It is revealed that prior to the attack millions of dollars of put options on both American Airlines and United Airlines, were traded. Israeli corp FBI U.S.
781 Alternative news WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 & Saudi Arabia Khashoggi, Adnan An Oct. 7 article by Frank Connolly in Ireland's Sunday Business Postquotes unnamed U.S. intelligence officials alleging that Khashoggi has made "protection payments" to Osama Bin Laden. Saudi Arabia
782 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political False flag After 9/11, anonymous letters containing anthrax are sent to various politicians and media executives. ... blamed on Al-Qaeda , later determined to be weaponized anthrax made by a United States military laboratory.    ...   U.S. corp U.S.
783 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political Anthrax hoax Zack, Dr. Philip The FBI then discover that the main suspect for these anthrax letters is a Ashkenazi Jew, Dr. Philip Zack, who had been reprimanded several times by his employers due to offensive remarks he made about Arabs. U.S. corp al Queda U.S.
784 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political Anthrax hoax Zack, Dr. Philip Dr. Philip Zack, was caught on camera entering the storage area where he worked at Fort Detrick which is where the Anthrax was kept. FBI and MSM then stopped coverage..   U.S. corp U.S.
785 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political False flag Rubin, Irvin Jewish Defence League Chairman since 1985, Ashkenazi Jew, Irv Rubin is jailed for allegedly plotting to bomb a mosque and the offices of a Arab-American congressman. He dies shortly after slitting his throat in a suicide attempt, before he can be brought to trial.    ...  01/01/85 Israeli think tank Jewish Defense League Israel
786 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political Warnings One week prior to the WTC attack, the Zim Shipping Company moves out of its offices in the WTC, breaking its lease and costing the company $50,000. No reason has ever been given, but Zim Shipping Company is half owned by the State of Israel Israeli gov Zim American Shipping Co. Israel
787 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 & Israel Sharon, Ariel Ariel Sharon,...  "Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that....I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." Every Prime Minister of Israel has been an Ashkenazi Jew. Israeli gov Israel
788 WhoDidIt WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 & Israel Libby, Scooter Lewis “Scooter” Libby — PNAC founding member; studied political science at Yale under Paul Wolfowitz; aid to Cheney; convicted for lying about outing of Valerie Plame; “dual citizen” of US and Israel; Zionist U.S. gov Aspen Strategy Group Israel
789 Iamthe Witness 9/11, JFK & Holocaust political Mossad: "By way of deception, Thou Shall Do War" Israeli gov Mossad Israel
790 Iamthe Witness 9/11, JFK & Holocaust political Illuminati The Illuminati is to be based upon the teachings of the Talmud, which is in turn, the teachings of Rabbinical Jews. Israeli think tank Illuminati Germany
791 Iamthe Witness 9/11, JFK & Holocaust political Illuminati Weishaupt, Adam Adam Weishaupt officially completes his organisation of the Illuminati on May 1 of this year. The purpose of the Illuminati is to divide the goyim (all non-Jews) through political, economic, social, and religious means.
Israeli think tank Germany
792 Iamthe Witness 9/11, JFK & Holocaust political Freemasons Rothschild, Mayer Amschel Weishaupt soon infiltrates the Continental Order of Freemasons with this Illuminati doctrine and establishes lodges of the Grand Orient to be their secret headquarters. This was all under the orders and finance of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and the concept has spread and is followed within Masonic Lodges worldwide to the present day. Israeli think tank Illuminati Israel
793 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political Cleanup, 9/11 Evidence destruction, obstruction Thompson, Simon Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive Director Age 52, was appointed a non-executive director in January 2009. He was previously an executive director of Anglo American plc, Chairman of the Tarmac Group and held positions with S G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is currently Non-Executive Director of Tullow Oil plc (UK), Newmont Mining Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB (Sweden). U.S. corp U.S.
794 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Thompson, Simon Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive Director Age 52, was appointed a non-executive director in January 2009. He was previously an executive director of Anglo American plc, Chairman of the Tarmac Group and held positions with S G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is currently Non-Executive Director of Tullow Oil plc (UK), Newmont Mining Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB (Sweden). U.S. corp Tarmac Group U.S.
795 911Blogger WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Kasputys, Joseph Joseph Kasputys, Pres. Ford's assitant Sec of Commerce, …Ran Primark that had offices in both Towers, James Baker worked with Joseph Kasputys. … Kasputys worked with DiBona during the Arab Oil Embargo as reps of US DoE, The Analytical Sciences Corporation (TASC) a Primark subsidiary, worked with “so-called 'black projects'.” TASC also worked closely with the NIST. U.S. think tank Primark U.S.
796 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political Rothschild & 9/11 Thompson, Simon Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive Director Age 52, was appointed a non-executive director in January 2009. He was previously an executive director of Anglo American plc, Chairman of the Tarmac Group and held positions with S G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is currently Non-Executive Director of Tullow Oil plc (UK), Newmont Mining Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB (Sweden). U.S. corp Rothschild, North America, Inc. U.S.
797 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Thompson, Simon Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive Director Age 52, was appointed a non-executive director in January 2009. He was previously an executive director of Anglo American plc, Chairman of the Tarmac Group and held positions with S G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is currently Non-Executive Director of Tullow Oil plc (UK), Newmont Mining Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB (Sweden). U.S. corp Newmont Mining Corp U.S.
798 Iamthe Witness WTC, Pentagon, PA political Israeli spies, historical It is discovered that DEA communications have been penetrated. Suspicion falls on two companies, AMDOCS and Comverse Infosys, both owned by Israelis. U.S. gov U.S.
799 Debunk debunkers
800 Debunk debunkers
801 Iamthe Witness 9/11, JFK & Holocaust political Illuminati Weishaupt, Adam Illuminati, The opposing sides were to be armed and incidents were to be provided in order for them to: fight amongst themselves; destroy national governments; destroy religious institutions; and eventually destroy each other. Israeli think tank Illuminati U.S.
802 IMC WTC, Pentagon, PA political Hijackers, SunCruz Abramoff, Jack Abramoff and his partner, Adam Kidan, were indicted by a federal grand jury in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on fraud charges arising from a 2000 deal to buy casino boats. Kidan and a third associate, Ben Waldman, as yet unindicted, are accused of using a fake wire transfer to defraud Foothill Capital Corp. and Citadel Equity Fund Ltd that had agreed to lend $60 million to purchase the casinos on condition that Abramoff and his partners made a cash contribution of $23 million. 08/01/05 U.S. corp Foothill Capital U.S.
803 IMC WTC, Pentagon, PA political Hijackers, SunCruz Abramoff, Jack Abramoff is a central figure in a series of high-profile political scandals linked to the Republican Party. and involvement in the Abramoff-Reed Indian Gambling Scandal, He was indicted on August 11, 2005, by a third grand jury in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for bank fraud arising out of an unrelated business deal. 08/01/05 U.S. corp Florida
804 Sheen, Charlie WTC 1-2 physical Elevators, fuel fires Sheen, Charlie  9/11 Truth Sheen questioned the plausibility of a fireballs traveling 110 feet down an elevator shaft and causing damage to the lobbies of the towers as seen in video footage, especially when contrasted with eyewitness accounts of bombs and explosions in the basement levels of the buildings. 9/11 Truth U.S.
806 JewCrmNt WTC, Pentagon, PA political Gatekeepers Bermas, Jason One of the more outspoken and prominent members of the Kosher 911 truth movement is so called “infowarrior” Jason Bermas. Co-produced Loose Change, which doesn't mention Israel 9/11 Truth, gatekeeper U.S.
807 JewCrmNt WTC, Pentagon, PA political Gatekeepers Bronfman Alex Jones shares the same lawyer as Holly Bronfman Lev, the younger sister of Edgar Bronfman Jr, one of the most prominent Jew families in the world. U.S. corp U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
808 JewCrmNt WTC, Pentagon, PA political Gatekeepers Bermas, Jason These three films, which were made by Bermas in conjunction with the Jew Dylan Avery, were associated and promoted by a Jewess named Deborah Simon, who married into the billionaire Jewish Simon family of Minneapolis. 9/11 Truth, gatekeeper U.S.
810 JewCrmNt political Gatekeepers Tarpley, Webster Webster Tarpley has been a central figure in the Kosher truth movement, and wrote a book called 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in the USA. Tarpley is a firm supporter of the Kosher version of the truth which is that Bush & Cheney orchestrated 9/11;doesn't mention Israel 9/11 Truth, gatekeeper U.S.
811 JewCrmNt political Interlocking BOD & conspirators perps, 911 9/11 players: Abdussattar Shaikh, Abdullah Noman ,Daniel Lewin, Dominic Suter, Sivan Kurzberg, John Gross, Theresa McAllister, Ronald Hamburger, William Baker, Harold Nelson, Ramon Gilsanz, Shankar Nair, Gene Corley, Paul Mlakar, Mete Sozen, U.S. corp U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
813 JewCrmNt WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators perps, 911 9/11 players: Loring Knoblauch , Michael Cherkasky Newt Gingrich, Pauline Neville-Jones, Mahmoud Ahmad  and WarIsCrime same names, more detail. U.S. corp U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
816 JewCrmNt WTC, Pentagon, PA political Gatekeepers Berger, Mike Mike Berger - a member of the steering committee of the kosher 911truth.org website, that never mentions Jews. Steers away from Zionist complicity in 9/11. 9/11 Truth, gatekeeper U.S.
817 JewCrmNt WTC, Pentagon, PA political Gatekeepers Gold, Jon Jon Gold, co-founder of 911blogger.com, Jewish gatekeeper, departed on "too much discussion" of controlled demolition…. Returned as "reprehenser" see www.theholohoax.com 9/11 Truth, gatekeeper U.S.
819 JewCrmNt WTC, Pentagon, PA political Gatekeepers Elinoff, Jonathan Jonathan Elinoff (Jewish) - This WeAreChange Colorado activist is the creator of a series of films called Core Of Corruption, so called documenting the global conspiracy. Underplay role of Israel,… attacked Missing Links (wasn't mentioned on CoC. 9/11 Truth, gatekeeper U.S.
821 JewCrmNt WTC, Pentagon, PA political Gatekeepers Marrs, Jim Jim Marrs, avoids Israel 9/11 question, "Inside Job" excludes Jews. Promotes 'Rise of the Fourth Reich', Nazis gaining control of America, by 1%, secret societies,… fascism 9/11 Truth, gatekeeper U.S.
822 JewCrmNt WTC, Pentagon, PA political Gatekeepers Kleist, Von Von Kleist is kosher member of 9/11 Truth? In Plame Sight does not mention Jews only Bush Cronies 9/11 Truth, gatekeeper U.S.
823 Jewish Virtual Library 9/11, JFK & Holocaust political False flag Lavon Affair … Egyptian Jews who agreed to spy for Israel, Israeli underground cells that had been operating in Egypt were uncovered by the Egyptian police, Darling, John Israeli gov Egypt
825 Journal of 9/11 Studies WTC, Pentagon, PA political Journal of 9/11 Studies website contains approximately 70 peer-reviewed publications. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
826 Journal of 9/11 Studies WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration The roof line of the North Tower of the World Trade Center is shown to
have been in constant downward acceleration until it disappeared. ... The downward acceleration of the upper block can be understood as a consequence of, not the cause of, the disintegration of the lower section of the building.
9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
827 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 physical Pancaking Quirant, Jerome Debunker and official first explanation was the "pancake theory" for the collapse of the WTC towers, but had a major flaw in that it doesn’t explaing why the 47 column core structure also collapsed. 01/01/02 U.S. think tank debunkers U.S.
828 Killtown WTC, Pentagon, PA political Incompetence theory CNN report: In the two years before the Sept. 11 attacks, the North American Aerospace Defense Command conducted exercises simulating what the White House says was unimaginable at the time: hijacked airliners used as weapons to crash into targets ...were regional drills, not regularly scheduled continent-wide exercises. 04/01/99 U.S. gov U.S.
829 Killtown WTC, Pentagon, PA political NORAD / FAA CNN report on NORAD exercises before 9/11: One of the imagined targets was the World Trade Center. In another exercise, jets performed a mock shootdown over the Atlantic Ocean of a jet supposedly laden with chemical poisons headed toward a target in the United States 04/01/99 U.S. gov U.S.
830 Killtown WTC, Pentagon, PA political NORAD / FAA USA Today report on NORAD exercises before 9/11 that involved hijacked airliners. In a third scenario, the target was the Pentagon — but that drill was not run after Defense officials said it was unrealistic, NORAD and Defense officials say. 04/01/99 U.S. gov U.S.
831 Killtown WTC, Pentagon, PA political NORAD / FAA Project on Government Oversight, released a copy of an e-mail written by a former NORAD official referring to the proposed exercise targeting the Pentagon. The e-mail said the simulation was not held because the Pentagon considered it "too unrealistic." 04/01/04 U.S. gov U.S.
832 Killtown WTC 1-2 political Urban Moving Systems, Dancing Israelis Suter, Dominik Otto The dancing Israelis were linked to an Israeli-owned office moving company called Urban Moving Systems. Manhattan busines address was just a PO box and their business licence was revoked. Other info: 2000 Chevy white van … explosives detected, box cutters, search: Special Agent Robert F. Taylor Jr. Israeli gov Israel
833 Killtown WTC 1-2 political Urban Moving Systems, Dancing Israelis Kurzburg, Sivan ABC 20/20 report echoed East Rutherford police report, FBI canvassed the neighborhood, Israeli gov Israel
835 WMR WTC 1993 political Drills gone live 1993: February 26. The WTC garage is hit by a car bomb. The FBI has been aware of the plot via their informant Emad Salem yet let it go ahead, killing six and injuring more than a thousand in the resulting fires after a plan to substitute harmless powder for the explosives was called off by an FBI supervisor There now exists a pretext for subsequent "fireproofing upgrades" 02/26/93 U.S. gov FBI U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
836 Madsen WTC, Pentagon, PA political al Queda bin Laden, Osama WMR previously reported that a classified French intelligence report stated that Bin Laden and his Afghan forces remained under the operational control of Britain's MI-6 and the CIA until 1995. 01/01/95 U.S. gov CIA U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
837 Madsen WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 & Saudi Arabia Fraker, Ambassador As the BAE Systems bribery scandal continues to circle around top Saudi officials, including the last two Saudi ambassadors to Washington, Princes Bandar and Turki bin Faisal, the Tony Blair government, and possibly, Bush administration officials aware of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations by BAE Systems, a major Pentagon contractor but failing to take action, the selection of Fraker, who has spent much of his career in London, the focal point of the BAE scandal, has taken on greater significance. UK corp BAE Systems UK
838 Madsen WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Roots Cook, Robin Shortly before his suspicious death in Scotland in 2005, former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook wrote in The Guardian that "Al Qaeda" was a CIA database of mercenaries, financiers, and interlocutors used by the CIA to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan: 01/01/05 UK gov al Queda UK
839 Madsen WTC, Pentagon, PA political Middle East policy Cook, Robin Shortly before his suspicious death in Scotland in 2005, former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook wrote in The Guardian that "Al Qaeda" was a CIA database of mercenaries, financiers, and interlocutors used by the CIA to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan: U.S. gov CIA UK
840 Madsen WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 & Saudi Arabia Bandar bin Sultan As the BAE Systems bribery scandal continues to circle around top Saudi officials, ... Princes Bandar and Turki bin Faisal, the Blair government, and possibly, Bush administration aware of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations by BAE Systems,... but failing to take action, the selection of Fraker, is significant U.S. corp BAE Systems Saudi Arabia
841 Madsen WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Fraker, Ambassador As the BAE Systems bribery scandal continues to circle around top Saudi officials, ... Princes Bandar and Turki bin Faisal, the Blair government, and possibly, Bush administration aware of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations by BAE Systems,... but failing to take action, the selection of Fraker, is significant U.S. corp BAE Systems Saudi Arabia
842 MERIP WTC, Pentagon, PA political Iraq War On the eve of the Iraq War, Rep. James Moran (D-VA)said: "if it were not for the strong support of the Jewish community for this war with Iraq, we would not be doing this." … Moran's quick apology demonstrated once more the power of the Zionist lobby over not only US Middle East U.S. gov U.S. Congress Israel
843 MERIP WTC, Pentagon, PA docs Lake, Anthony Eleven signatories of the final report of WINEP's 1992 commission on US-Israeli relations, "Enduring Partnership," joined the Clinton administration. Among them were National Security Advisor Anthony Lake, ... Madeleine Albright, Undersecretary of Commerce Stuart Eisenstat and the late Les Aspin 01/01/92 U.S. gov WINEP Israel
844 MERIP WTC, Pentagon, PA 9/11 Roots in 1993, the Clinton administration announced a policy of "dual containment" aimed at isolating Iran and Iraq. The principal formulator and spokesperson for that policy was Martin Indyk, in his new role as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Near East and South Asian Affairs at the National Security Council. "Dual containment" was the forerunner of George W. Bush's "axis of evil" policy. 01/01/93 U.S. gov Israel
845 MERIP WTC, Pentagon, PA Cheney, Dick Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) JINSA's board of advisors included Cheney, Undersecretary of State John Bolton and Undersecretary of Defense Douglas Feith. Richard Perle Israel think tank JINSA Israel
846 MERIP WTC, Pentagon, PA Bolton, John Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) JINSA's board of advisors included Cheney, Undersecretary of State John Bolton and Undersecretary of Defense Douglas Feith. Richard Perle Israel think tank JINSA Israel
847 MERIP WTC, Pentagon, PA Feith, Douglas Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) JINSA's board of advisors included Cheney, Undersecretary of State John Bolton and Undersecretary of Defense Douglas Feith. Richard Perle Israel think tank JINSA Israel
848 MERIP WTC, Pentagon, PA Perle, Richard Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) JINSA's board of advisors included Cheney, Undersecretary of State John Bolton and Undersecretary of Defense Douglas Feith. Richard Perle Israel think tank JINSA Israel
849 MERIP WTC, Pentagon, PA political PNAC Khalilzad, Zalmay PNAC affiliates include Cheney and his chief of staff Lewis Libby, Rumsfeld and his deputy Paul Wolfowitz, Bolton, special envoy to "Free Iraqis" Zalmay Khalilzad, Secretary of State Colin Powell's deputy Richard Armitage and Elliott Abrams, a rehabilitated Iran-contra criminal who now serves as National Security Council adviser for the Middle East. U.S. think tank Israel
850 MERIP WTC, Pentagon, PA docs "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm," advocated that Israel repudiate the Oslo accords and seek permanent annexation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Even more provocatively, it urged Israel to support Jordan in advocating restoration of the Hashemite monarchy in Iraq and the elimination of the regime of Saddam Hussein U.S. think tank Israel
851 MERIP WTC, Pentagon, PA political PNAC January 26, 1998, PNAC sent a letter to President Bill Clinton urging that he launch a war against Iraq. The signatories included Kristol, Cheney, Libby, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Bolton, Perle, Abrams, Khalilzad and Armitage. 01/26/98 U.S. think tank Israel
852 MERIP WTC, Pentagon, PA political PNAC The result of efforts by PNAC and others was the passage of the Iraq Liberation Act of November 1998, which announced the switch in US Iraq policy from disarmament to regime change. This legislation was adopted weeks before Clinton ordered the UNSCOM inspectors out of Iraq and launched Operation Desert Fox—four days of intensive bombing. 11/01/98 U.S. think tank Israel
853 MERIP WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Groundwork Perle, Richard Soon after the 9/11 attacks, Perle convened a two-day seminar of the Defense Policy Board. The consensuswas removing Saddam Hussein from power should be an objective in the US war on terrorism despite the lack of any evidence linking Iraq to the attacks or to al-Qaeda. 10/01/01 U.S. think tank Defense Policy Board Israel
854 MERIP WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 & Israel Perle, Richard Perle also sits on the advisory board of WINEP, the more established pro-Israel think tank in Washington (as did Wolfowitz before he entered government) U.S. think tank WINEP Israel
855 MSM WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Groundwork Bush, GW "… the operatives had been instructed to insure the explosives went off at a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped from above from escaping" U.S. gov White House, Bush U.S.
856 MSM WTC, Pentagon, PA political False flag Cameron, David "...when the Twin Towers *and* World Trade Center #7 were blown up" UK gov Top 100 UK
857 New York Times WTC, Pentagon, PA political BCCI corruption Mahfouz, Sheikh Khalid bin The New York Times published an obituary marking the death that year of Sheikh Khalid bin Mahfouz, the Saudi billionaire and Muslim Brotherhood oligarch who had, in the 1980s, been the largest shareholder of BCCI, and who had served as executive director of the bank. global BCCI Saudi Arabia
858 NFU Rothschild WTC, Pentagon, PA political CIA coups August 19, 1953, the democratically elected government of Iran was overthrown by a coup instigated by the US government. Sixty years after the event declassified CIA documents detail how the secret CIA operation overthrew a democratic government (Mossadeq) and imposed Washington’s puppet on the people of Iran. 08/01/53 U.S. gov CIA U.S.
859 NNP WTC 5 physical Mininukes The nine-story WTC 5 suffered two gigantic holes that went straight through to the bottom-level basement. The hole in the eight-story WTC was 100 feet in diameter U.S. think tank Nuclear Non-Proliferation community U.S.
860 NNP WTC 1-2 physical Seismographs Seismic evidence and witness statements indicate that high-yield explosives were used in basements of all buildings except the Marriott that morning to clear space for their remains. NNP Nuclear Non-Proliferation community U.S. think tank U.S.
861 NNP WTC 1-2 physical Ejections “There was elevator doors ajar. There were elevator doors missing. I could see an elevator car twisted in the shaft…” 50-ton exterior column beams flung upward from Towers basements to pierce buildings such as the Deutsche Bank across from WTC 2 U.S. think tank Nuclear Non-Proliferation community U.S.
862 NNP WTC 1-2 physical Ejections “It is well known in seismology that Impact Sources produce Low Frequency Waves while Explosive Sources produce High Frequency Waves. The Seismic Waves produced during the WTC collapse were High Frequency Waves—again indicating that they could not have been produced by the impact of rubble on the surface, but rather by an impulsive explosive source.” U.S. think tank Nuclear Non-Proliferation community U.S.
863 NNP WTC 1-2 physical Mininukes the nuclear “event” began by the violent upward thrust of the nuclear blast 150 feet per second. Its white-hot heat shot upward vaporizing the Towers’ interiors of concrete, steel, glass, combustibles—and people—into dust. Blowing to the top and out into the atmosphere, the tremendous energy flung its steaming load of vaporized materials skyward to become multi-colored pyroclastic clouds of dust and radioactive fuel. U.S. think tank Nuclear Non-Proliferation community U.S.
864 NNP WTC 1-2 physical Mini Nukes, USGS data ... levels never fall below 400 ppm for Barium and they never drop below 700 ppm for Strontium and they reach over 3000 ppm for both of them at WTC01-16, Broadway and John Streets. U.S. think tank Nuclear Non-Proliferation community U.S.
865 NNP WTC 1-2 physical Mini Nukes, USGS data there’s a 99% correlation in the variation in the concentration between these two elements (barium and strontium). They vary in lockstep; they vary together. … Fission is the only process that explains this. U.S. think tank Nuclear Non-Proliferation community U.S.
866 Northern Truth Seeker WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Flight schedule anomalies http://northerntruthseeker.blogspot.com/2009/06/more-9-11-lies-exposed-flights-11-and.html Flights 11 and 77 were not in the air on 9/11 09/11/01 9/11 Truth U.S.
867 History Commons WTC, Pentagon, PA political al Queda Ramadan, Said The Al Taqwa Bank is closely associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, and one of its key founders, Said Ramadan, is one of the Muslim Brotherhood’s top leaders, and also the son-in-law of Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Saudi Arabia gov al Taqwa Bank Saudi Arabia
868 Government Computer News WTC, Pentagon, PA medical China Syndrome, bathtub Firefighters/responders' computer cataloging of 7000 human remains found at the WTC from 9/25/01 to 5/30/02. It states that, "For six months after Sept. 11, the ground temperature varied between 600 degrees Fahrenheit and 1,500 degrees, sometimes higher." ..., "In the first few weeks, sometimes when a worker would pull a steel beam from the wreckage, the end of the beam would be dripping molten steel. 05/01/02 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
869 Nuclear demolition WTC, Pentagon, PA physical China Syndrome, bathtub Cahill, Proffessor Remember, we know unequivocally from the aerosol analysis carried out by Prof. Cahill,
that for over 6 weeks the temperatures under the WTC were so high that soil and glass were being evaporated - boiled away. This means the temperature must have been well over 2000 degrees centigrade.
9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
870 Nuclear demolition WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Soil trucked into WTC Giuliani, Rudy Chernobyl site, “They tried in vain to put out the fire with 2400 tonnes of lead and 1800 tonnes of sand.” ….Mayor Giuliani ordered the trucking in and out of sand the very next morning. THESE are real “unextinguishable fires” Steven Jones, desperately tries to claim for (“nano-composite”) thermite--which actually stops burning in minutes. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
871 Nuclear demolition WTC, Pentagon, PA physical China Syndrome, bathtub The MSM, NIST and the 911 Commission hide any mention of molten metal. They simply ignore it, or say there was no evidence of molten steel. The government, was also very active in destroying any proof of high temperatures after the 9/11 event-such as altering the second AVIRIS data set. U.S. gov 9/11 Commission, omissions U.S.
872 Nuclear demolition WTC, Pentagon, PA physical China Syndrome, bathtub Much of the rubble pile was indeed hot, and led to such phenomena as melted firemen’s and dog’s boots; and the need to hose down the rubble pile for many weeks and months, with countless photos showing the steam emanation that resulted. A nanothermite fire does not contiue to burn for weeks or even months... 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
873 Nuclear demolition WTC, Pentagon, PA medical Hanging skin Felipe, David Felipe David’s hanging skin indicates the largest nukes were likely in the sub-basement. 9/11 Truth U.S.
874 Alternative news WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Nanothermite Much of the rubble pile was indeed hot, and led to such phenomena as melted firemen’s and dog’s boots; and the need to hose down the rubble pile for many weeks and months, with countless photos showing the steam emanation that resulted. Nanothermite would cool down within minutes or an hour. 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
875 Nuclear demolition WTC, Pentagon, PA physical China Syndrome, bathtub Only nuclear chain reactions release massive heat almost indefinitely, without needing ANY oxygen whatsoever! This is not the case for any conventional (non-nuclear) fire including nanothermite. This “indefinite” massive heat source was the basis for the term “China Syndrome” 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
876 RawStory WTC, Pentagon, PA political Controlled demolition A Government Accountability Office investigator smuggled live bomb components into a federal building in just 27 seconds, then assembled a bomb in a restroom and ventured throughout the building without being detected ... In addition, congressional investigators were able to penetrate every single federal building they probed without any difficulty — 10 in all. U.S. gov GAO U.S.
877 Nuclear demolition WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Wood, Judy She provides absolutely no hard evidence for DEW, which confirms the lack of credibility of her efforts 9/11 Truth, gatekeeper Engineers / Scientists U.S.
878 NYC CAN WTC 7 political NYCcan.org, High Rise Safety Initiative, … to reinvestigate WTC 7 failed, but was a highly successful organizing event 10/01/14 9/11 Truth U.S., Israel, SA, Britain
881 PakAlert WTC, Pentagon, PA political Warnings Alexander, Kobi Odigo was later bought up by another Israeli company called Comverse. The CEO of Comverse was Kobi Alexander, “dual” Israeli-US citizen, with connections to Mossad. Herzliya happens to be the Head Quarters of Mossad Israeli corp Odigo Israel
882 PBS WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Mininukes Yes, small atomic charges exist. They are very small. Several dozen kilos, thirty kilos, forty kilos. ..Russian ones do exist, … Their power is about one kiloton, … Yeltsin's former Science Advisor, Alexei Yablokov, testified to the American Congress regarding the so-called suitcase bombs 9/11 Truth Engineers / Scientists U.S.
883 Pentagon Building Performance Report Pentagon physical Boeing 757 slips into first floor ASCE Reports The photograph also shows that the only column missing on the second floor in the west exterior wall of the building was at column line 14. The spandrel beam for the third floor and all third-floor exterior columns appears to be intact. U.S. gov U.S.
884 Pentagon Building Performance Report Pentagon physical Boeing 757 slips into first floor ASCE Reports Impact of the fuselage was at column line 14, at or slightly below the second- floor slab.The left wing passed below the second-floor slab, and the right wing crossed at a shallow angle from below the second- floor slab to above the second-floor slab U.S. gov U.S.
885 Pentagon Building Performance Report Pentagon physical Boeing 757 slips into first floor ASCE Reports the impact of the fuselage and the tail, severe impact damage did not extend above the third-floor slab. U.S. gov U.S.
886 Pentagon Building Performance Report Pentagon physical Boeing 757 slips into first floor ASCE Reports The BPS team concluded that the impact of the aircraft destroyed or significantly impaired approximately 50 structural columns.The ensuing fire weakened a number of other structural elements. However, only a very small segment of the affected structure collapsed, approximately 20 minutes after impact U.S. gov U.S.
887 Pentagon Building Performance Report Pentagon physical Boeing 757 slips into first floor ASCE Reports The collapse, fatalities, and damage were mitigated by the Pentagon's resilient structural system. Very few upgraded windows installed during the renovation broke during the impact and deflagration of aircraft fuel. U.S. gov Top 100 U.S.
888 Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor WTC 1-2 political Office furnishings fires Disinfo & ommissions Gage, Richard When Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth asked to see government data on fire temperature simulations, there request was denied. 9/11 Truth AE911Truth U.S.
889 Physics911 WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Airline cell phone calls An aircraft, having a metal skin and fuselage, acts like a Faraday cage, tending to block or attenuate electromagnetic radiation. One can make a cellphone call from inside an aircraft while on the ground because the weakened signal is still close enough to the nearest cellsite (relay tower) to get picked up.
9/11 Truth Physics911 U.S.
890 Pilots for 9/11 Truth WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Airliner air speed NTSB The airplane was UA175, a Boeing 767-200, shortly before crashing into World Trade Center Tower 2. Based on analysis of radar data, the National Transportation and Safety Board reported the groundspeed just before impact as 510 knots. This is well beyond the maximum operating velocity of 360 knots, and maximum dive velocity of 410 knots. U.S. gov Top 100? U.S.
891 Alternative news WTC, Pentagon, PA political Pedophilia rings Buffett, Warren 3:07 p.m. – Bush arrives at U.S. Strategic Command at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska." - September11News.com … see Warren Buffet…Offutt is right outside Omaha Nebraska, home of the Franklin Scandal Omaha. U.S. gov Bush Crime Family 3:07:00 PM U.S.
892 Pilots for 9/11 Truth WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Smith, Raymond W. Raymond W. Smith was sitting on the board of directors at US Airways on 9/11. Ray Smith has served on the boards of Bell Atlantic, The Carnegie Corporation, Westinghouse, CBS, Corestates Financial, First Union, and others. He is also Chairman of Rothschild, North America, Inc. and Chairman of Verizon Ventures. Mr. Smith also served on the board of Five Arrows (Rothschild). U.S. corp Rothschild, North America, Inc. Israel
893 Pilots for 9/11 Truth WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Financing Giuliani, Rudy  During the restructuring of US Airways, the company hired Rudy Giuliani''s firm as an advisor to the restructuring.  Delta Airlines was paying $400,000 a month to restructuring specialists Giuliani Capital Advisors, founded by former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani. U.S. corp Giuliani Capital Advisors U.S.
894 Pilots for 9/11 Truth WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Simon, James Jr. US Airways also had a 28 year CIA veteran sitting on it's board as well. James M. Simon Jr. is now on the board at ORBIMAGE. After September 11th, he was designated as the senior intelligence official for homeland security establishing and chairing the Homeland Security Intelligence Council. U.S. gov Homeland Security Intelligence Council. U.S.
895 Pilots for 9/11 Truth WTC, Pentagon, PA political NORAD / FAA Ptech was with MITRE Corporation in the basement of the FAA for two years prior to 9/11, Singh said. "Their specific job is to look at interoperability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force in the case of an emergency. U.S. gov U.S.
896 Pilots for 9/11 Truth WTC, Pentagon, PA political Ptech / Mitre Mitre Corp / Ptech, in FAA basement If anyone was in a position to know that the FAA -- that there was a window of opportunity or to insert software or to change anything -- it would have been Ptech along with MITRE." Singh has spoken extensively about Ptech's alleged connections with Saudi Arabia  U.S. corp Mitre corp Saudi Arabia
897 Pilots for 9/11 Truth WTC, Pentagon, PA political Ptech / Mitre Mitre Corp / Ptech, in FAA basement If anyone was in a position to know that the FAA -- that there was a window of opportunity or to insert software or to change anything -- it would have been Ptech along with MITRE." Singh has spoken extensively about Ptech's alleged connections with Saudi Arabia  U.S. corp U.S.
898 Pilots for 9/11 Truth WTC 1-2 physical ACARS messages ACARS Messages have been provided through the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) which demonstrate that the aircraft received messages through ground stations located in Harrisburg, PA, and then later routed through a ground station in Pittsburgh, 20 minutes after the aircraft allegedly impacted the South Tower in New York. U.S. think tank FAA 9:22:00 AM U.S.
899 Pilots for 9/11 Truth Pentagon physical Flight schedule anomalies It has been reported that American Airlines Flight 77 departed Washington Dulles International Airport at approximately 08:20 AM on 9/11/2001 allegedly from Terminal Concourse D Gate 26 (1). ... Flight Data Recorder positional data provided by the NTSB tells a very different story. 9/11 Truth Pilots for 9/11 Truth U.S.
900 Pilots for 9/11 Truth WTC 1-2 physical Airliner air speed Boeing spokeswoman Leslie Hazzard in this recording saying 500+ mph at 700 feet is impossible. (Interviewer asks -) "So there's no way the aircraft could be going 500 mph at [700 ft] altitude then?" Boeing Spokesperson - (Laughs) "Not a chance..." U.S. corp Boeing U.S.
901 Pilots for 9/11 Truth WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Airliner air speed Lear, John Lear stated during this interview that AA11 and UA175 demonstrated “impossible speed” and that no planes hit the towers. U.S. corp Lear Corporation U.S.
902 Pilots for 9/11 Truth WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Airliner air speed Bursill, John The aircraft (Boeing 767, 757) were well within their structural limit of .86 Mach by a margin of .12 Mach or approximately 14%; flying at maximum of reported speed of .74 Mach. The simulator test carried out on an actual certified Full Flight Simulator (the best available), in a fully accredited pilot certification facility, showed that the 767 aircraft can reach an airspeed of .86 Mach in a flat trajectory at approximate sea level. 9/11 Truth Pilots for 9/11 Truth U.S.
903 Pilots for 911 Truth WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Gruetzmacher Gordon/Krongard, Cheryl  Cheryl Gruetzmacher Gordon/Krongard is currently on the BOD at US Airways. She is the chief executive officer of Rothschild Asset Management, Inc. She was a senior managing director at Rothschild also. She recently remarried ex-CIA AB 'Buzzy' Krongard.  see Edward S. Gordon U.S. corp Rothschild Asset Management, Inc. U.S.
904 Pilots for 911 Truth WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Giuliani, Rudy  During the restructuring of US Airways, the company hired Rudy Giuliani''s firm as an advisor to the restructuring.  Delta Airlines was paying $400,000 a month to restructuring specialists Giuliani Capital Advisors, founded by former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani. U.S. corp US Airways U.S.
905 Pilots for 911 Truth WTC, Pentagon, PA political Rothschild & 9/11 Smith, Raymond W.  Raymond W. Smith was sitting on the board of directors at US Airways on 911. Ray Smith has served on the boards of Bell Atlantic, The Carnegie Corporation, Westinghouse, CBS, Corestates Financial, First Union, and others. He is also Chairman of Rothschild, North America, Inc. and Chairman of Verizon Ventures. Mr. Smith also served on the board of Five Arrows (Rothschild). U.S. corp US Airways U.S.
906 Pilots for 911 Truth WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Simon, James Jr. US Airways also had a 28 year CIA veteran sitting on it's board as well. James M. Simon Jr. is now on the board at ORBIMAGE. After September 11th, he was designated as the senior intelligence official for homeland security establishing and chairing the Homeland Security Intelligence Council. U.S. corp US Airways U.S.
907 Pilots for 911 Truth WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Groundwork Ptech was with MITRE Corporation in the basement of the FAA for two years prior to 9/11, Singh said. "Their specific job is to look at interoperability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force in the case of an emergency. Singh has spoken extensively about Ptech's alleged connections with Saudi Arabia  U.S. corp US Airways U.S.
908 Pilots for 911 Truth WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Krongard, Buzzy  Cheryl Gruetzmacher Gordon/Krongard is currently on the BOD at US Airways. She is the chief executive officer of Rothschild Asset Management, Inc. She was a senior managing director at Rothschild also. She recently remarried ex-CIA AB 'Buzzy' Krongard.  see Edward S. Gordon U.S. gov CIA U.S.
909 Pilots for 911 Truth WTC, Pentagon, PA political Rothschild & 9/11 Gruetzmacher Gordon/Krongard, Cheryl  Cheryl Gruetzmacher Gordon/Krongard is currently on the BOD at US Airways. She is the chief executive officer of Rothschild Asset Management, Inc. She was a senior managing director at Rothschild also. She recently remarried ex-CIA AB 'Buzzy' Krongard.  see Edward S. Gordon U.S. corp US Airways U.S.
910 Pilots for 911 Truth WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Smith, Raymond W.  Raymond W. Smith was sitting on the board of directors at US Airways on 9/11. Ray Smith has served on the boards of Bell Atlantic, The Carnegie Corporation, Westinghouse, CBS, Corestates Financial, First Union, and others. He is also Chairman of Rothschild, North America, Inc. and Chairman of Verizon Ventures. Mr. Smith also served on the board of Five Arrows (Rothschild). U.S. corp US Airways U.S.
911 Pilots for 911 Truth WTC, Pentagon, PA political Rothschild & 9/11 Rothschild  Raymond W. Smith was sitting on the board of directors at US Airways on 911. Ray Smith has served on the boards of Bell Atlantic, The Carnegie Corporation, Westinghouse, CBS, Corestates Financial, First Union, and others. He is also Chairman of Rothschild, North America, Inc. and Chairman of Verizon Ventures. Mr. Smith also served on the board of Five Arrows (Rothschild). U.S. corp Rothschild, North America, Inc. U.S.
912 Pilots for 911 Truth WTC, Pentagon, PA political Smith, Raymond W.  Raymond W. Smith was sitting on the board of directors at US Airways on 911. Ray Smith has served on the boards of Bell Atlantic, The Carnegie Corporation, Westinghouse, CBS, Corestates Financial, First Union, and others. He is also Chairman of Rothschild, North America, Inc. and Chairman of Verizon Ventures. Mr. Smith also served on the board of Five Arrows (Rothschild). U.S. corp Rothschild U.S.
913 PlaneSafe WTC, Pentagon, PA political WTC Security July, 2002, the U.S. House passed the Homeland Security Bill -and very late they slipped in “clarifying provisions,” which granted corporate immunity to Argenbright Security (British), Globe Aviation Security Services (Sweden), and Huntleigh USA Corp. (Dutch company) 07/01/02 U.S. gov U.S. Congress U.S.
914 Pornography of Power WTC, Pentagon, PA political Vulcans & 9/11 Wohlstetter, Albert Rise of the Vulcans, book, James Mann U.S. think tank Israel
915 PressTV WTC, Pentagon, PA political Urban Moving Systems, Dancing Israelis Hariri, Michael Israel has been wildly celebrating the success of its 9/11 operation against the United States of America. The latest example: Israeli children recently dressed up as the burning Twin Towers, complete with impaled exploding airplanes, to celebrate the bizarre Jewish holiday known as Purim. Iran think tank Iran
916 PressTV WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Roots Purim Purim exalts and commemorates an ancient operation very much like 9/11. It glorifies the deceptions of Esther, who concealed her Jewish identity to seduce the King of Persia, then slyly tricked him into slaughtering 75,000 people deemed “enemies of the Jews.” Israeli gov Israel
917 PressTV WTC, Pentagon, PA political Urban Moving Systems, Dancing Israelis Dancing Israelis the “dancing Israelis” went on television and admitted their complicity in 9/11, but denied having planted the explosives that destroyed the Twin Towers, saying: “We were only there to document the event.” Israeli gov Mossad Israel
918 PressTV WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 & Israel Netanyahu, Benjamin "We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.” (Ha'aretz, Apr 16, 2008 - “Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel”.) 04/16/08 Israeli gov Mossad Israel
919 PressTV WTC, Pentagon, PA political False flag Netanyahu, Benjamin Lavon Affair, otherwise known as Operation Susannah. In that covert operation, Israeli Mossad operatives, disguised as Egyptians, bombed American targets in Egypt. ...Israel officially denied the event ... But Wikipedia: “In March 2005, Israel publicly honored the surviving operatives, 03/01/05 Israeli gov Mossad Israel
920 PressTV WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Roots Kissinger, Henry Kissinger was undeniably the mastermind of the first 9/11 (Chile coup). As President Nixon's National Security Advisor in 1973, and the head of the "40 Committee" that oversaw US covert operations, Kissinger designed the coup that overthrew and murdered Allende. U.S. gov CIA U.S.
921 PressTV WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Roots Kissinger, Henry "I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country (Chile) go communist because of the irresponsibility of its own people.” U.S. gov CIA U.S.
922 PressTV WTC, Pentagon, PA political Neocons Kissinger, Henry Kissinger has been a leading advocate of the neoconservative plan to destroy "seven countries in five years" as Gen. Wesley Clark revealed. U.S. gov CIA U.S.
923 PressTV WTC 1-2 political Mini Nukes, Israel Nuclear smuggling Carnaby, Roland Carnaby was holding a trove of documents outlining the theft and transfer of hundreds of nuclear warheads from the Pantex Plant near Amarillo, Texas. Weapons sent there for disassembly were transshipped to Israel and, from there, refurbished, their cores remachined and then sold around the world or stored in Israeli embassies and consulates around the world. Israeli gov Mossad Israel
924 Qualcom WTC, Pentagon, PA physical Airline cell phone calls Not until July 2004 did American Airlines and Qualcomm, announce the development of a new wireless technology --which will at some future date allow airline passengers using their cell phones to contact family and friends from a commercial aircraft 07/01/04 U.S. corp Qualcom U.S.
925 Quickleak WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Wall St. & Israel On the 9/11, the SEC lifted “Rule 15c3-3: Customer Protection – Reserves and Custody of Securities.” Thus GSCC Government Securities Clearing Corporation] was allowed to substitute other securities for the physical securities destroyed during the attack 09/11/01 U.S. gov SEC U.S.
926 RawStory Pentagon political Eyewitness Gallop, April Spc. Gallop also says she heard two loud explosions, and does not believe that a Boeing 757 hit the building. Her son sustained a serious brain injury, and Gallop herself was knocked unconscious after the roof collapsed onto her office. U.S. gov White House, Cheney U.S.
927 Rense WTC, Pentagon, PA political Organized crime Nevzlin, Leonid Nevzlin's and Berezovsky's activities with Litvinenko are the tip of a huge iceberg of private intelligence intrigue that involves a number of wanted Russian exiles, including Nevzlin, Berezovsky, ex-Russian media magnate Vladimir Gusinsky, Mikhail Chernoy, Roman Abramovitch, and Chechen "Foreign Minister" Akhmed Zakayev. Berezovsky's [and Litvinenko's] spokesman, Russian exile Alex Goldfarb, freely operates out of both London and New York. Israeli think tank Israel
928 Rense WTC, Pentagon, PA political Oligarchs & 9/11 Nevzlin, Leonid Nevzlin's and Berezovsky's activities with Litvinenko are the tip of a huge iceberg of private intelligence intrigue that involves a number of wanted Russian exiles, including Roman Abramovitch, and Chechen "Foreign Minister" Akhmed Zakayev. Berezovsky's [and Litvinenko's] spokesman, Russian exile Alex Goldfarb, freely operates out of both London and New York. Israeli think tank Israel
929 Rense Zionist / Nazi Germany political Zionism & Nazis Zionists SS-Hptscharf. Adolf Eichmann, had visited Palestine, in October, 1937, as the guest of the Zionists. He also met, in Egypt, with Feivel Polkes, a Zionist operative, whom Eichmann described as a "leading Haganah functionary." The chain-smoking Polkes was also on the Nazis' payroll "as an informer." 01/01/37 Israeli gov Israel
930 Rense Zionist / Nazi Germany political Zionism & Nazis Zionists Brenner isn't the first writer to address the mostly taboo subject of how the Zionist leadership cooperated with the Nazis. Rolf Hilberg's seminal "The Destruction of European Jews"; Hannah Arendt's "Eichmann in Jerusalem"; Ben Hecht's "Perfidy"; Edwin Black's "The Transfer Agreement"; Francis R. Nicosia's "The Third Reich and the Palestine Question"; Rudolf Vrba and Alan Bestic's "I Cannot Forgive"; and Rafael Medoff's "The Deadening Silence: American Jews and the Holocaust," also dared, with varying public success. Israeli gov Israel
931 Rense Zionist / Nazi Germany political Zionism & Nazis Hecht, Ben Popular American playwright and fervent Zionist Ben Hecht wrote the first book on the subject, “Perfidy,” relating the history of a Hungarian Zionist leader who arranged for his family and several hundred prominent Jews to escape while facilitating the movement of the rest of Hungarian Jews to Nazi concentration camps. Israeli gov Israel
932 Rense Zionist / Nazi Germany political Zionism & Nazis Zionists in 1933 Zionist leaders concluded a secret pact with the Third Reich that transferred 60,000 Jews and $100,000 to Palestine, Zionists promising in return that they would halt the worldwide boycott “that threatened to topple the Hitler regime in its first year.” The Transfer Agreement 01/01/33 Israeli gov Israel
933 Rense Zionist / Nazi Germany political Zionism & Nazis Zionists Brenner’s second book on the topic, “51 Documents, Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis,” includes a 1940 letter from underground Zionist terrorist leader Avraham Stern proposing that Jewish militias would fight on Germany’s side in exchange for Nazi help in creating an “historic Jewish state.” 01/01/40 Israeli gov Israel
934 Rense Zionist / Nazi Germany political Zionism & Nazis Ben-Gurion, David In “The Seventh Million: The Israelis and the Holocaust,” Israeli historian Tom Segev quotes Zionist leader and future Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion: “If I knew that it was possible to save all the Jewish children of Germany by transporting them to England, but only half of them by transporting them to Palestine, I would choose the second.” Israeli gov Israel
935 Rense WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 & Israel Akhmed Zakayev Nevzlin's and Berezovsky's activities with Litvinenko are the tip of a huge iceberg of private intelligence intrigue that involves a number of wanted Russian exiles, including Roman Abramovitch, and Chechen "Foreign Minister" Akhmed Zakayev. Berezovsky's [and Litvinenko's] spokesman, Russian exile Alex Goldfarb, freely operates out of both London and New York.
936 RightWeb WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 & Israel Libby, Scooter Libby was closely associated with the clique of hardline and neoconservative advisers that was instrumental in shaping the foreign policy of the Bush administration in the wake of 9/11. U.S. gov White House, Cheney Israel
937 RightWeb WTC, Pentagon, PA docs 9/11 & Israel Libby, Scooter Libby's views on U.S. defense and foreign policy is the now-infamous 1992 draft Defense Planning Guidance (DPG), a controversial defense blueprint created in the administration of President George H.W. Bush. The draft DPG seems to have been a major influence on the evolution of neoconservative thinking during the 1990s. 01/01/92 U.S. gov White House, Bush HW U.S.
938 RightWeb WTC, Pentagon, PA political Disinfo & ommissions Libby, Scooter March 2007 on charges of lying to government investigators probing the leak of the identity of CIA agent Valerie Plame. Among the charges were two counts of perjury, one count of making false statements, and one of obstruction of justice. 03/01/07 U.S. gov White House, Cheney Israel
939 RightWeb WTC, Pentagon, PA political Neocons Libby, Scooter During the Bush Senior administration, Libby worked at the Pentagon under Wolfowitz and then-Secretary of Defense Cheney. Libby became Vice President Cheney's chief of staff in 2001, after the younger Bush took office. 01/01/01 U.S. gov White House, Bush HW U.S.
940 RightWeb WTC 1-2 docs Rogue government Libby, Scooter In 1992, while he was working under Cheney, Libby teamed up with Wolfowitz to write—with the assistance of Zalmay Khalilzad—the Pentagon's new Defense Policy Guidance, or DPG. The draft version of the guidance, ordered by Cheney, laid out a military strategy for global military dominance and preventive war U.S. gov White House, Bush HW U.S.
941 RightWeb WTC 1-2 docs Rogue government Khalilzad, Zalmay In 1992, while he was working under Cheney, Libby teamed up with Wolfowitz to write—with the assistance of Zalmay Khalilzad—the Pentagon's new Defense Policy Guidance, or DPG. The draft version of the guidance, ordered by Cheney, laid out a military strategy for global military dominance and preventive war 01/01/92 U.S. gov White House, Bush HW U.S.
942 Rodriguez, William WTC, Pentagon, PA political Litigation & 9/11 Rodriguez, William William Rodriguez filed a lawsuit against the then President George W. Bush and 155 other parties and accused them of complicity in the 9/11 attacks. He claimed that the Twin Towers were devastated by means of “controlled demolitions” which the members of New York fire department were ordered on instructions of the CIA 9/11 Truth U.S.
943 RT.com WTC, Pentagon, PA political Money Laundering Benard, Cheryl Zalmay Khalilzad suspected of money laundering. Former U.S. ambassador to the UN, America's envoy to Iraq and Afghanistan under Bush, currently CEO of Khalilzad Associates, a division of Gryphon Partners, his wife Cheryl Benard is accomplice. 09/01/14 U.S. corp Gryphon Partners Afghanistan
944 RT.com WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 Wall St. & Israel Segarra, Carmen The tapes were recorded (of Fed / Goldman Sachs duplicity) by a former New York Federal bank examiner, Carmen Segarra, who was an embedded supervisor with Goldman Sachs. She began the recordings when she became worried about what she was witnessing among her colleagues and at Goldman Sachs over a deal with Banco Santander. U.S. corp Goldman Sachs Israel
945 RT.com WTC, Pentagon, PA political Whistleblower Segarra, Carmen A record was needed in case events were disputed. Nearly seven months into her work Segarra was fired in May 2012, after as she claims she refused to alter a critical assessment of Goldman’s legal and compliance units. ProPublica, conflict of interest. 05/01/12 U.S. corp Goldman Sachs Israel
946 RT.com WTC, Pentagon, PA political Whistleblower Segarra, Carmen The tapes were recorded by a former New York Federal bank examiner, Carmen Segarra, who was an embedded supervisor with Goldman Sachs. She began the recordings when she became worried about what she was witnessing among her colleagues and at Goldman Sachs over a deal with Banco Santander. 9/11 Truth Goldman Sachs Israel
947 RT.com WTC 1-2 physical Tower infernos Krasnoyarsk, Russia The residential tower “Novaya Vysota” [New Pinnacle] was built in 2001, reports the local branch of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. All floors engulfed in flames, no danger of collapse. 9/11 Truth Global
948 Ruppert, Michael WTC, Pentagon, PA political Rogue government Ruppert, Michael Ruppert is the author of Crossing The Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil, published in September 2004. Crossing The Rubicon claims that VP Dick Cheney, the US government, and Wall Street had a well-developed awareness of and colluded with the perpetrators of 9/11. 9/11 Truth White House, Cheney U.S.
949 Seigel, Rick WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack Eyewitness Seigel, Rick Rick Seigel, WTC 2, 10 pre-collapse explosions, DVD, www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCrLDQwNlqw … 10 10 WINS TV audio track, 9/11 Truth U.S.
950 Seigel, Rick WTC 1-2 physical Eyewitness Seigel, Rick FEMA, Tripod 2 emergency exercise helicopter possibly seen hovering near top of WTC 2 prior to collapse, Port Authority headquarters, Pier 92 9/11 Truth U.S.
951 Seigel, Rick WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack Eyewitness Seigel, Rick Explosion #3, WINS TV audio track 09/11/01 9/11 Truth 9:56:10 AM U.S.
952 Seigel, Rick WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack Eyewitness Seigel, Rick Explosion #4, WINS TV audio track 09/11/01 9/11 Truth 9:56:21 AM U.S.
953 Seigel, Rick WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack Eyewitness Seigel, Rick Explosion #5, WINS TV audio track 09/11/01 9/11 Truth 9:56:51 AM U.S.
954 Seigel, Rick WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack Eyewitness Seigel, Rick Explosion #6, WINS TV audio track 09/11/01 9/11 Truth 9:56:54 PM U.S.
955 Seigel, Rick WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack Eyewitness Seigel, Rick Explosion #7, WINS TV audio track 09/11/01 9/11 Truth 9:56:56 AM U.S.
956 Seigel, Rick WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack Eyewitness Seigel, Rick Explosion #8, WINS TV audio track 09/11/01 9/11 Truth 9:56:57 AM U.S.
957 Seigel, Rick WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack Eyewitness Seigel, Rick Explosion #9, WINS TV audio track 09/11/01 9/11 Truth 9:58:12 AM U.S.
958 Seigel, Rick WTC 1-2 physical Explosions, during 9/11 attack Eyewitness Seigel, Rick Explosion #10, WINS TV audio track 09/11/01 9/11 Truth 9:58:12 AM U.S.
959 Seigel, Rick WTC 1-2 physical FEMA Tripod exercises Seigel, Rick FEMA, Tripod 2 emergency exercise helicopter possibly seen hovering near top of WTC 2 prior to collapse, Port Authority headquarters, Pier 92 NYC Port Authority New York
960 Seigel, Rick WTC 1-2 physical FEMA Tripod exercises Seigel, Rick FEMA, Tripod 2 emergency exercise helicopter possibly seen hovering near top of WTC 2 prior to collapse, Port Authority headquarters, Pier 93 U.S. gov FEMA U.S.
961 Serendipity WTC, Pentagon, PA political Globalist agenda Rich, Marc Scooter Libby was Marc Rich's attorney … Libby was the behind-the-scenes Svengali responsible for the Clinton pardon of Rich, working directly with "former" Mossad operatives Zvi Rafiah and Avner Azulay. Israeli gov Mossad Israel
962 Sheen, Charlie WTC 1-2 physical Elevator renovation Sheen, Charlie  9/11 Truth Sheen questioned the plausibility of a fireballs traveling 110 feet down an elevator shaft and causing damage to the lobbies of the towers as seen in video footage, especially when contrasted with eyewitness accounts of bombs and explosions in the basement levels of the buildings. 9/11 Truth U.S.
963 Spectator.co.uk WTC, Pentagon, PA political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Silverstein, Lawrence Larry Silverstein and Marc Rich both hired Jack Quinn as their attorney. U.S. gov Silverstein Properties U.S.
964 Wikipedia WTC, Pentagon, PA political False flag Begin, Menachem Menachem Begin's Irgun Jewish terrorists dress as Arabs and bomb the King David Hotel, killing 92 people. The Irgun also plot to assassinate British foreign secretary Ernest Bevin; fortunately, this conspiracy is foiled by MI6. 07/01/46 Israeli gov Irgun Israel
965 Take Our World Back WTC, Pentagon, PA political False flag Ben-Gurion, David David Ben-Gurion declares the independence of the new Zionist State of Israel, born from deception and from the blood of victims of Jewish terrorism hours before the British Mandate is due to expire. May 15. Eleven minutes after midnight, U.S. President Harry Truman officially recognises the proclaimed Jewish state in Palestine. 05/15/48 Israeli gov Irgun Israel
966 Take Our World Back WTC, Pentagon, PA political False flag Operation Susannah An Israeli spy ring is arrested in Egypt. These Israeli secret service agents have been assigned to attack U.S. and British interests in Egypt. "Operation Susannah" is a typical example of false-flag terrorism ... The operation is unsuccessful, the Israeli defense minister Pinhas Lavon is forced to resign as a result of the scandal, and the incident becomes known as the Lavon Affair. ... but he is later honored in Israel. 07/01/54 Israeli gov Mossad Israel
967 Take Our World Back WTC, Pentagon, PA political False flag Israel carries out a sustained air and naval attack on the USS Liberty for over an hour, employing torpedoes, machine guns and napalm rockets, even to the extent of machine-gunning lifeboats launched to save the most seriously wounded. 34 men are killed and more than 170 wounded. 06/01/67 Israeli gov Mossad Israel
969 Take Our World Back WTC, Pentagon, PA political 9/11 & Israel Piper, Michael Collins American journalist and author Michael Collins Piper, in an article for The Spotlight, exposes Roy Edward Bullock as a full-time professional operative and informant for the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL). Bullock, a homosexual from San Francisco whose information is passed on to both Israel and the South African government, poses as an "art dealer", a "populist" and a "good patriot" 01/01/86 9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists ADL Israel
970 Take Our World Back WTC, Pentagon, PA political Israeli spies, historical Pollard, Jonathan Jonathan Pollard, a former U.S. Navy intelligence officer, is convicted of spying for Israel. One case of many. 01/01/87 Israel
971 Take Our World Back WTC, Pentagon, PA physical 9/11 Groundwork Israeli security officials inspect the garage of Zim American Israeli Shipping in the WTC, and conclude that the WTC garage is vulnerable to a car bomb. 01/01/91 Israeli corp Zim American Shipping Co. Israel
972 Take Our World Back WTC 1993 political Evidence destruction, obstruction Rahman, Shaik Omar Abdul US fed prosecutors suppressed critical evidence in 1993 WTC bombing trial of Shaik Omar Abdul Rahman that demonstrated links between the CIA and Muhjaeddin, including Osama bin Laden. 02/01/93 U.S. gov FBI Israel
973 WMR WTC 1-2 political Israeli Art Students, spies Barak, Roy The DEA compiled a list of the Israeli Art Students… WMR has reprinted that list in his book The Star and the Sword. Roy Barak is on the list and was arrested on Sept 12, 2001. He was a driver for Urban Moving Systems. See also Tinker Air Force Base. ... and Canadian authorities also aware of IAS activities... see Winnegeg Sun, Bob Holliday. 09/12/01 Israeli gov Israeli Intelligence Israel
974 WMR WTC 1-2 political Israeli Art Students, spies The team active in Irving, Texas had links to the Chesterfield, Missouri-based AMDOCS, Michael Calmanovic was the leader of the IAS Irving group, Calmonovic was arrested, and his address was just a few blocks away from 9/11 hijacker Ahmed Khalifa (Khafefa), ... Marbletree Apts, ... the IAS were either decoys or were casing and supporting the hijackers. 10/01/01 Israel corp AMDOCS Israel
975 Antiwar WTC 1-2 political Israeli Art Students, spies Baer, Ophir In another case of arrested "art students" of the Israeli persuasion, we are told who posted bail: one Ophir Baer, an employee of AMDOCS (p. 13, paragraph 42), an Israeli-based company that has a virtual monopoly on phone-billing in the US, and is mentioned prominently both by Carl Cameron of Fox News and Paul Rodriguez of Insight magazine in their respective exposés of Israeli penetration of US communications systems. Israel corp AMDOCS Israel
976 WMR WTC 1-2 political Israeli Art Students, spies CALEA The DEA used the T2S2 intercept system provided by Comverse,… Israel reimbursed Comverse for 50% of its operations, the