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TransparencyPlanet ABC polling methodology: skewed to males?...see below Stock Market, mother of all polls
Elections          Media           Think Tanks          Politics
U.S. Polls
U.S. Polls
  • FAIR on polls 92% of polled are white males
  • American Chronicle Padding the polls
  • Globescan, Bush 58% negative impact, 29% positive, scope of survey included Africa, Latin America, North America, Asia and Europe of 22,000 participants.
  • FAIR on polls 92% of polled are white males
International and Global  Polls
  • American Chronicle Padding the polls
  • FAIR on polls 92% of polled are white males
  • Globescan, Bush 58% negative impact, 29% positive, scope of survey included Africa, Latin America, North America, Asia and Europe of 22,000 participants.
  • PSBsurveys accused of manipulating exit poll results to alter the outcome of Venezuela's Chavez recall
Betting Sites
  • Traders in the Dublin-based Intrade prediction market gave Democratic front-runner Barack Obama an 86 percent chance of being the Democratic presidential nominee, versus a 12.8 percent for Clinton, the New York senator and former first lady.  Results were similar on the Iowa Electronic Markets at the University of Iowa, with traders giving Obama an 82.9 percent chance of winning, versus a 12.8 percent chance for Clinton.

From ABC Polling Unit methodology:     top

"The last stage of sampling is respondent selection within the household: Interviewers ask to speak to the household member age 18 or over at home who's had the last birthday. To compensate for the fact that women tend to be easier to reach, in-house selection is stratified by sex, with interviewers asking to speak with the male household member 75 percent of the time and the female 25 percent of the time. If a person of the selected sex is unavailable, the interviewer asks to speak with the person of the other sex who had the last birthday."

University of Michigan National Election Study
National Opinion Research Center (NORC)
The Gallup Organization
University of Connecticut Roper Center for Public Opinion Research

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