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The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today
by Elizabeth Dilling




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Dilling, Jewish Religion

ible scholars are aware that Jesus Christ denounced the Pharisees. He said they nullified all the Commandments of God by their Tradition, "teaching for doctrines the commandments of men" (Mark 7:13;Matt. 15:6-9, etc.). His invective, in truth, cannot be equalled. All of Matthew 23 is like a whiplash. He likened Pharisaism to a whited sepulchre, indeed beautiful outwardly, but "inside full of dead men's bones and of all uncleanness." Christ climaxed one condemnation after another with the expletive, "Hypocrites!" He called the Pharisees children of them that killed the Prophets. He foretold they would go on killing, crucifying and persecuting until the guilt for all the righteous blood shed from Abel on down would be upon them. "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?" Christ asked.

Christ is as utterly devastating of Pharisaism in the record of John 8. Although He admitted that His hearers were descendants of Abraham, He said they were, spiritually, of the devil. Christ told them:

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because the truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it (John 8:44).

The Missing Link

"But," says the disinterested Christian, "what has that to do with us today? What a group of Pharisees did two thousand years ago is over and done with!"

However, the missing link in Christian understanding on the subject of "Pharisees" is best supplied by the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia (1943):

The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees. Their leading ideas and methods found expression in a literature of enormous extent, of which a very great deal is still in existence. The Talmud is the largest and most important single piece of that literature … and the study of it is essential for any real understanding of Pharisaism.

Concerning the Pharisees, the 1905 Jewish Encyclopedia says:

With the destruction of the Temple (70 A.D.) the Sadducees disappeared altogether, leaving the regulation of all Jewish affairs in the hands of the Pharisees. Henceforth, Jewish life was regulated by the Pharisees; the whole history of Judaism was reconstructed from the Pharisaic point of view, and a new aspect was given to the Sanhedrin of the past. A new chain of tradition supplanted the older priestly tradition (Abot 1:1). Pharisaism shaped the character of Judaism and the life and thought of the Jew for all the future. (See Exhibit 264 herein.)

Historically speaking, scripture believers had accepted Christ as the Messiah foretold. They were no longer "Jews," but called themselves "Christians." They were persecuted as such by the Pharisees. The word "Pharisee" comes from the word "separated." (See Exhibit 300.)

The Babylonian Talmud, Sole Authority

You may ascertain by turning to top Jewish authorities today that the Babylonian Talmud, the written form of the Tradition of the Pharisees, is the sole authority of the so-called "Jewish" religion, or Judaism.

Rabbi Louis Finklestein was chosen in 1937 by the Kehillas (Jewish communities) of the World as one of the top 120 Jews best representing "a lamp of Judaism" to the World, together with Maxim Litvinov (Finklestein), the Communist Commissar and bank robber terrorist; atheist communist Albert Einstein; those indefatigable Marxist reds, Harold Laski and his friend Felix Frankfurter (U.S. Supreme Court Justice) who shared honors with Rabbi Finklestein and others. Finklestein has long headed the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, with branches in New York and Los Angeles. In his two-volume work "The Pharisees." Rabbi Finklestein writes:

Pharasaism became Talmudism … But the spirit of the ancient Pharisee survives unaltered. When the Jew … studies the Talmud, he is actually repeating the arguments used in the Palestinian academies. From Palestine to Babylonia; from Babylonia to North Africa, Italy. Spain, France and Germany; from these to Poland. Russia and Eastern Europe generally, ancient Pharasaism has wandered. (See Exhibit 1Exhibit 2, and Exhibit 3 herein.)

In Rabbi Finklestein's history of the Jews, he states:

The Talmud derives its authority from the position held by the ancient academies. (i.e. Pharisee) The teachers of those academies, both of Babylonia and of Palestine. were considered the rightful successors of the older Sanhedrin . . . At the present time, the Jewish people have no living central authority comparable in status to the ancient Sanhedrins or the later academies. Therefore, any decision regarding the Jewish religion must be based on the Talmud as the final resumé of the teaching of those authorities when they existed.
[page 2] (The Jews — Their History, Culture, and Religion , Vol. 4, p. 1332, Jewish Publication Society of America, 1949).

"The Talmud: Heart's Blood of the Jewish Faith," was the heading of a November, 1959, installment of a bestselling book by the Jewish author, Herman Wouk, which ran serially in the New York Herald-Tribune.

To quote:

The Talmud is to this day the circulating heart's blood of the Jewish religion. Whatever laws, customs or ceremonies we observe — whether we are Orthodox, Conservative, Reform or merely spasmodic sentimentalists — we follow the Talmud. It is our common law.

Why Was It So Often Burned?

Why is the Talmud kept so unknown to non-Jews? Why was there no usable English translation of the Talmud until the Soncino Edition, 1934-48? Why, in European history, when the laws of the Talmud became commonly known, was it burned over and over by order of the Popes, excoriated by Martin Luther, denounced everywhere, and its followers exiled from one country after another down through the centuries?

The Talmud's basic law is that only the Pharisee Jew ranks as a man, or human being. All others rank as animals, "the people who are like an ass — slaves who are considered the property of the master." The attitude resulting from such teachings has been resented by non-Jews in all countries and centuries. Such resentment, however, is always portrayed by Jews as "persecution of the Jews."

Moses, on the contrary, was most insistent upon having one law for the stranger and for the "home-born" and in teaching that the stranger must not be oppressed. (Exodus 12:49Lev. 24:22Num. 9:1415:15-1629, etc.) In fact, he ordered: "Love ye therefore the stranger; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt." (Deu. 10:19) It was only the abominators he warned against.

Babylonian Talmud — The Law

The Babylonian Talmud is the law for so-called Judaism. However, its pornographic, anti-Gentile and anti-Christian doctrines have often caused hostility against it. It may then be argued by some Jews that there is a Palestinian Talmud which is innocuous. Nevertheless, you may look up the fact that Jewish authorities state it was lost for a thousand years, has missing parts and lacks the "Gemara" and other essentials, and is only used as a scholar's curiosity. Note the statement of British Chief Rabbi Hertz in his foreword to the Soncino edition of the Babylonian Talmud (Exhibit 33):

The Palestinian Talmud … was for many centuries almost forgotten by Jewry. Its legal decisions were at no time deemed to possess validity, if opposed by the Babylonian Talmud.

Was Christ Just to Pharisees?

Without some knowledge of the written form of the "Tradition of the Pharisees," the Babylonian Talmud, one is unable to intelligently judge whether Jesus Christ was fair and just in His acid denunciations of Pharisaism, or not. One needs proof, offered by the irrefutable exhibits from Jewish authorities (set forth elsewhere herein) that the Talmud reverses every one of the Ten Commandments, the teachings of Moses and the Prophets, and enshrines their opposites under a "whited sepulchre" which is a disguise for murder and "all uncleanness," as Christ charged. Murder of non-Pharisees is always permitted; theft, sodomy, incest, rape are all permitted. For example, the righteousness of grown men violating baby girls under three is a favorite topic for discussion in book after book of the Talmud.

Talmudic literature is one long paean of praise for the very name Babylon, and all that it means to Babylonian Talmudism today, whereas it is a term of reproach in Old and New Testaments.

Note the Foreword to the first English translation of the Babylonian Talmud by the late Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, J.H. Hertz, who, like Rabbi Finklestein, was one of the 120 Jews chosen in 1937 by the Kehillas of the World as best holding up the "lamp of Judaism:"

The beginnings of Talmudic literature date back to the time of the Babylonian Exile in the Sixth pre-Christian Century … When a thousand years later, the Babylonian Talmud assumed final codified form in the year 500 after the Christian era, the Roman Western Empire had ceased to be. (See Exhibit 30).

Rabbi Hertz extolls the Babylonian Exile, saying: "The Babylonian Exile is a momentous period … During that Exile Israel found itself. It … rediscovered the Torah and made it the rule of life …"

What he really means is that it was discovered how the Torah or Bible could be used as a "whited sepulchre" for Babylonian degeneracy, as even a cursory study will reveal.

One Rabbi Akiba was a First Century Talmud "sage," of whom Moses was even supposedly jealous! (See Exhibit 32). Rabbi Hertz lauds Rabbi Akiba (Exhibit 32):

Akiba was the author of a collection of traditional laws out of which the Mishna actually grew. He was the greatest among the rabbis of his own and of succeeding times … His keen and penetrating intellect enabled him to find a Biblical basis for every provision of the Oral Law.

Still enthusing over the Babylonian derivation of Pharisaism, Rabbi Hertz continues (See Exhibit 34):

When we come to the Babylonian Gemara, we are dealing with what most people understand when they speak or write of the Talmud. Its birthplace, Babylonia, was an autonomous Jewish center for a longer period than any other land; namely from soon after 586 before the Christian era to the year 1040 after the Christian Era — 1626 years. (Exhibit 34)

[page 3] You will note in reproductions of Talmud pages that the word "Gemara" designates the argumentation of the rabbis, the ultimate decision being summarized as the "Mishnah."

Bible Versus Oral Law (Talmud)

The Bible under Talmudic Judaism is considered to be a collection of simple tales fit only for fools, women and children. The Talmud "sages" thus must find new meanings in it by letter and number tricks which reverse the plain meaning and create out of it the permission to do otherwise forbidden crimes and misdeeds. The words of the Bible are continually misused and misquoted for purposes of blasphemy and reversal.

Stealing for themselves the title of "Israelites," the Talmud "sages" teach that "God made a covenant with Israel only for the sake of that which was transmitted orally." (See Exhibit 60) And the Biblical "basis" of this is given asExodus 34:27. But that verse states, instead: "And the Lord said unto Moses, Write thou these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel" — the opposite! (Talmud, Gittin 60b, See Exhibit 204) The Talmudic reversal of Moses' written words are said to have been transmitted "orally," and through Moses himself — believe it or not!

Bearing in mind that the Scribes were the Pharisee teachers of the Law of Moses, carefully distorted to comprise the Talmud, note: "There is greater stringency in respect to the teachings of the Scribes than in respect to the Torah … so that a Biblical law may be transgressed." (Talmud, Sanhedrin 88b, see Exhibit 95).

The Torah in its narrow sense is the Old Testament, and in a still narrower meaning the first five books (Pentateuch) of Moses. In its wider Judaistic use it means the Old Testament as misinterpreted by the Pharisaic Talmud. Always with Judaism the Talmud ranks above the Bible in every way.

Not reproduced here is a Talmud passage from the book of Nedarim (vows) of which Exhibit 170 is the title page. The Soncino edition of the Talmud states (page 107):

As will be seen on 37a, Scripture was generally regarded as the study of children only, adults usually investigating the deeper meaning … From this we see that it was usual to teach the Bible to girls in spite of the Talmudic deduction that daughters need not be educated (Kid. 30a). The opposition of Rabbi Eliezer to teaching the Torah to one's daughter (Sotah 20a "He who teaches his daughter Torah is as though he taught her lewdness.") was probably directed against the teaching of the Oral Law, and the higher branches of study (V. Maimonides Yad. Talmud Torah) … The context shows that the reference is to the higher knowledge of Biblical law.

The Talmud (Sanhedrin 59a, See Exhibit 60), states:

A heathen who studies the Torah deserves death for it is written, Moses commanded us a law for an inheritance; it is our inheritance, not theirs.

Reference is also made to the "Noachian laws" which the non-Jew may study "but not laws which do not pertain to them." Also: " … (the) objection was to the studying of the Oral Law … Rabbi Johanan feared the knowledge of Gentiles in matters of Jurisprudence, as they would use it against the Jews in their opponents' courts." Understandably, since all Talmud laws discriminate against the non-Jew and rank him a virtual animal, these were apt observations.

The Jewish Encyclopedia is still more open about what is in Sanhedrin 59a of the Talmud, above, threatening death for revelation of "Torah" laws to Gentiles: "for such knowledge might have operated against the Jews in their opponents' courts." This observation follows a dissertation on the laws on cheating and getting the best of Gentiles in trade and in court. (See Exhibit 271, left column)

The Babylonian Talmud

The Babylonian Talmud is composed of "Mishnah" (or "Halacha"), or laws formulated by the Pharisees whose teachings comprise the Talmud, and "Gemara," or argumentative teachings about these laws. There are 63 books in the Babylonian Talmud, largely divided without topical organization.

All Talmud books have "Mishnah" (plural "Mishnaim"). Some lack a "Gemara." The "Mishnah" or law of one or another Pharisee may be referred to, for example, as the "Mishnah of Rabbi Akiba," or of "Eliezer ben Jacob."

"The name Mishnah is applied in particular to the collection of Halachoth, or laws, made by Judah Hanasi (generally known as Rabbi) and his colleagues at the beginning of the 3rd Century C.E." (Note: "CE." stands for "Common Era," to avoid "AD" or "Year of Our Lord," from the Latin, Anno Domini.) (See Jewish Encyclopedia "Mishnah")

Continuing to quote from the Jewish Encyclopedia:

The Mishnah represents the culmination of a series of attempts to bring order into the vast mass of traditions which had been transmitted orally for many centuries … The compiliation of the Mishnah is not, however, the work of one man, or even of the scholars of one age, but rather the result of a long process extending over a period of two centuries.


In the Palestine Pharisee Talmudic center at Jabneh (for it was never in Jerusalem but at Jabneh where the Jerusalem Talmud was composed) there was a concerted effort on the part of the sages of Jabeneh (about 90 CE.) to assemble and harmonize the Halachah … Akiba (died about 135 CE.) arranged the Halachoth in logical order and probably constructed the framework of the present day Mishnah; (4) the collection of the Akiba was enlarged and brought up to date by his disciple Meir [Note: Who, the Talmud says, was a descendant of Nero, a convert to Talmudism.] (5) it became the custom, after the time of Akiba, for every head of an academy to compile his own Mishnah so that the confusion that resulted … motivated Judah Hanasi to compile a standard [page 4] authoritative Mishnah; (6) although it is reported that Judah made use of thirteen different collections of Halachoth in his work, his Mishnah is based largely upon the collection of Meir, and indirectly, therefore, upon that of Akiba. (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, "Mishnah")

Judah Hanasi, who compiled the Mishnah, was born about A.D. 135 and died after A.D. 200 (same authority, "‘Judah Hanasi"). "Nasi," meaning "prince" of Jewry, was the title given the head of the Sanhedrin court, which meted out life and death under Talmudic law.

Talmud — Six Main Divisions

The Talmud is divided into six main divisions called "Sedarim" (orders), but each division and each volume is a hodge-podge of every subject imaginable. The main and overall characteristics of the Talmud are: pomp, silliness, obscenity and more obscenity, a setting up of laws seemingly for the purpose of inventing circumventions, and evasions; delight in sadistic cruelty; reversal of all Biblical moral teachings on theft, murder, sodomy, perjury, treatment of children and parents; insane hatred of Christ, Christians and every phase of Christianity.

The Six Divisions of the Babylonian Talmud, called "Seder" (plural Sedarim), are:

1. ZERAIM (seeds), composed of the following books:

  1. Berakoth. The name of this book supposedly means benedictions, but is as foul a collection of obscenity as one could find, with 405 pages of what is nothing but "privy talk."
    The following 10 books occupy one 406-page volume in the Soncino edition:
  2. Pe‘ah (corner)
  3. Demai (doubtful)
  4. Kil‘ayim (mixtures)
  5. Shebi‘ith (seventh)
  6. Termuah (heave offerings)
  7. Ma‘aseroth (tithes)
  8. Ma‘aser Sheni (second tithe)
  9. Hallah (dough)
  10. ‘Orlah
  11. Bikkurim (first fruits)

    There are 11 books in Zeraim.

2. SEDER MOED (festivals):

  1. Sabbath (laws of; endless silly regulations and their evasions) 
  2. Erubin (mingling)
  3. Pesahim (passover)
  4. Shekalin (shekels)
  5. Yoma (Yom Kippur)
  6. Sukkah (booths)
  7. Yom Tob (feast day)
  8. Rosh Hashona (New Year)
  9. Ta‘anit (fasting)
  10. Megillah (Scroll of Esther, read on Purim)
  11. Moed Katan (half feasts)
  12. Hagigah (feasting)
The Megillah is a sadistic celebration of drunkenness and bloodlust, the Talmudic admonition being that it is the duty of the Jew to be so drunk on Purim he doesn‘t know the difference between "Blessed be Mordechai" and "Cursed be Haman." (See Exhibit 299)
There are 12 books in Moed.

3. SEDER NASHIM (women). This section includes a 13-page introduction to the Soncino edition by Rabbi J.H. Hertz. These books are principally distinguished by their sub-sewer filth and obscenity:

  1. Yebamoth (the dead brother's widow) occupies 2 volumes, 871 pages in the Soncino edition
  2. Kethuboth (on the sum due a wife who is divorced) occupies 2 volumes and 728 pages of Talmudic sex filth (e.g. a baby girl being fair prey for adult men).
  3. Nedarim (vows); 282 pages of filth and immorality, illustrative of what Christ denounced when attacking the Pharisees.
  4. Kethuboth(more vows); 253 pages in the Soncino edition, hairsplitting, immoral twaddle, and including the Kol Nidre
  5. Sotah (the suspected woman), 271 pages in the Soncino edition.
  6. Kiddushin (bethrothal) 
  7. Gittin (on getting the "Get" or divorce) with space allotted for such things as placing Christ and all Christians in Hell, 439 pages in the Soncino edition. 
There are 7 books in the Nashim.

4. SEDER NEZIKIN (damages):

  1. Baba Kamma (the first gate): 719 pages of Talmudic ramblings, a general law on damages being that hurting Gentile property is permissible; injuring Jewish property is like assaulting the Divine, for only "Jews" are "men" and non-Jews rank as animals. This is "brotherhood" as advocated in the Talmud. 
  2. Baba Mezia (Middle gate): 676 pages in Soncino edition and of similar import. 
  3. Baba Bathra (last gate): 779 pages in two volumes. and replete with anti-Gentile preachings. 
  4. Sanhedrin (781 pages): States the introduction in the Soncino edition of the Talmud (see Exhibit 43): "It forms, along with Makkoth, the chief repository of the criminal law of the Talmud." This section includes the most virulent calumnies of Jesus, including His imaginary stoning, burning in dung. His decapitation, His strangling in dung, His hanging, or crucifixion for "blaspheming" the Pharisee "sages."
  5. Makkoth (beatings), 175 pages in the Soncino edition.
  6. Shebuoth (oaths — more vows), 309 pages. 
  7. Eduyyoth (testimonies)
  8. Abodah Zarah on treatment of the presumably nonhuman non-Jew, 366 pages. See Exhibit 173
  9. Aboth (sayings of the fathers of Talmudism).
  10. Horayoth (rulings) 
There are 10 books in Seder Nezikin.

[page 5]

5. SEDER KODASHIM (sacrifices):

  1. Zebahim (bloody sacrifices)
  2. Menahot (meal offering)
  3. Hullin (killing)
  4. Bekorot (first born)
  5. ‘Arakin (estimation)
  6. Temurah (exchange)
  7. Keritot (extermination)
  8. Me‘ilah (trespass)
  9. Tamid (daily offering)
  10. Middot (measures)
  11. Minnim (birds' nests) 
There are 11 books in Kodashim.

6. SEDER TOHOROTH (cleanness)

  1. Niddah (the menstruant woman) is the prize part in this alleged religious section, devoting 509 pages to discussing smell, color, and examination by the rabbis of menstruation, without apparent medical or any other purpose except wallowing in the repulsive; pomp and asininity also abound.
  2. Kelim (vessel, utensil cleanness) illustrates through "nit-picking" rules the "straining at a gnat" cited by Christ (Matthew 23:24); also; "Pharisees make clean the outside of the cup and the platter; but your inward part is full of ravening and wickedness." (Luke 11:39)
  3. Oholoth (tents) 
  4. Nega‘im (plagues)
  5. Parah (young cow)
  6. Tohoroth (purification)
  7. Mikawaoth (ritual bath — such as the menstruant woman should take before having intercourse with her husband, thus ridding her of the evil eye).
  8. Makshirin (kosher, proper)
  9. Zabim (flux) 
  10. Tebul Yom 
  11. Yadayim (hands) 
  12. The last book of Tohoroth is Ukzin (stems). 
There are 12 books in Tohoroth. The last 11 of these (excepting Niddah) occupy one 589-page volume in the Soncino edition. The 1,098 pages on "cleanness," filled with the foulest obscenities of thought, once again justify Christ's disdain for this hypocrisy and serve to illustrate the justification for his attitude toward the Talmudic Pharisee

Chapter II

he Christian of today is bombarded from all sides with reference to our "Judaeo-Christian Heritage," our "Judaeo-Christian Civilization," and the "brotherhood" which should prevail, presumably, between Christian and Talmudic Judaism. Such propaganda could only succeed if one is in ignorance as to the nature of the Talmud and the total antagonism between present-day Judaism and Christianity which necessarily must exist.

Over the centuries and right up to the present century, there was not such ignorance of Talmudic precepts. The truth as it was repeatedly revealed, caused it and its adherents to be reviled, and justly so.

It is indeed strange that the Bulls of the Popes over the many centuries, warning against the Jews, should be seemingly unknown to the Catholic clergy today, and that the writings of Luther, which generally are like almost a second gospel to Protestants of the Lutheran fold, should be equally unknown on this subject today!

The first English translation of the Babylonian Talmud was in 1903 by Rodkinson (real name — M. Levi Frumkin), and was edited by Rabbi Isaac M. Wise, "Father" of so-called "Reform Judaism." Rodkinson deleted much of the filth which is in the unexpurgated Talmud, and used no identifying folio numbers, as were in the original, but nevertheless, even this abridged translation proved very revealing. The Introduction states: (See Exhibit 9):

The persecutors of the Talmud, during the period ranging from the First Century B.C., have varied in their character, objects and actions. In one respect, however, they all agreed, namely, in their general wish to destroy its existence. Careful consideration of its many vicissitudes certainly justifies the assertion that the Talmud is one of the wonders of the world. During the twenty centuries of its existence not one of them has passed without great and powerful enemies vying with each other and exhausting every effort to destroy it; still it survived in its entirety, and not only has the power of its foes failed to destroy even a single line, but it has not even been able materially to weaken its influence for any length of time. It still dominates the minds of a whole people , who venerate its contents as divine truth, and countless numbers have sacrificed their lives and their possessions to save it from perishing. (Emphasis supplied)

Emperor Hadrian and the Talmud

Hadrian was Emperor of the Roman World empire from 117 A.D. to his death, 138 A.D. In 132 A.D. the Jews began a revolt, and for four years carried on a bloody war. Otherwise Hadrian's reign was peaceful.

The reason for this Pharisee revolt is told by Rodkinson in his History of the Talmud:

One of the causes of the great revolt against the Romans at this time was the prohibition by the Roman government of the study of the Torah [Talmud] … they rebelled, led by Bar Kochba. Rabbi Aqiba (Akiba) was the first to become his adherent, who journeyed from town to town, inciting the Israelites to rebel … It is not surprising, therefore, that Hadrian was not contented barely with the massacre of the sages of the Talmud, but was intent also on the destruction of the Talmud itself … he decreed that if any of the old rabbis should qualify a young rabbi … both should be put to death … believing that with the death of the elder generation the Talmud would be forgotten and Israel would blend with the nations and its memory be obliterated; because he very well knew that as long as the Talmud existed there was little hope for the assimilation of the Jews with other nations. This decree however, was not executed … the efforts of Hadrian met with no success … He saw the Talmud still existing … uniting Israel into one people, and establishing it still more firmly as a national and religious whole … the Talmud regained its former power and influence. (Emphasis supplied)

And the pupil of one of the contemporary rabbis "Rabbi Jehudah the Nasi" (the "prince") became "the compiler of the Mishnah" (or laws of the Talmud). (See Exhibit 14 and Exhibit 15) In 553 A.D. Emperor Justinian forbade the spread of the Talmudic books throughout the Roman Empire. (Corp. Juris. can. VII Decretal, lib V, Tit. IV, cap. 1)

The Popes and the Talmud

Writing of the battles of the Talmud and its followers, authored by the Pharisees (see Exhibit 10), we further read of events following the Sadducees, Samaritans, the followers of Jesus and the early Roman Emperors (Exhibit 9):

"The Rabbis next encountered the Popes. From the time of Pope Innocent III, the Talmud was burned at the stake in nearly every century from the 11th to the 18th in Italy, France, Germany, Spain, and many other countries …"

Rodkinson speaks of the disputations which the Popes and Kings held in which the accusers of the Talmud were answered by its defenders. The results were always that when the criminality of the Talmud was revealed in all its horror, the Talmud was ordered burned, expunged, or censored.

The same thing always started over again later. Rodkinson continues:

Still what has been the result? The Talmud exists today and not one letter in it is missing.

[page 7]

Rodkinson then lists a partial chart of the burning of the Talmud at the hands of Kings and Popes (See Exhibit 22and Exhibit 23):

The Talmud at the Stake

1244 Paris King Louis IX
1244 Rome Innocent IV
1248 Paris Cardinal Legate Odo
1299 Paris Philip the Fair
1309 Paris Philip the Fair
1319 Toulouse Louis
Burned by order of Pope John XXII, and accompanied by robbery and murder of the Jews by the mob.
Pope Julius III - Similar burnings by the same order took place in Barcelona, Venice, Romagna, Urbino and Pesar.
    "Here three wagons full of books were burned: but first they were carried through the streets of the city, while royal officers proclaimed publicly that their condemnation was due to insults to Christianity which they contained."
Ancona, Ferrara, Mantua, Padua, Candia, and Ravenna Burned by hundreds and thousands. 
Poland Talmud burned because of the charge made against the Jews that they used the blood of Christian children in their ceremonies. This occurred during the Frankist disturbances.
Rome Cardinal Chislieri
1559 Rome Sextus Sinensis

Jewish encyclopedias give credit, however, to various Popes for stopping violence against Jews; for seeking to convert them, and securing certain rights for them in territories over which they exercised temporal power.

Although the Bishops were issuing restrictive laws against Jewish aggressions long before this, the reign of Gregory the Great (590-604) is taken as the starting point of consistent relations between the Jews and the Popes. He condemned the holding of Christian slaves by Jews.

Pope Leo VII wrote the Archbishop of Mayence a reply telling him he might offer his Jews the choice between conversion or emigrating.

Anacletus II (antipope) was a Jew and his claim to the papacy always contested.

Benedictus VIII had a number of Jews put to death for blasphemy against Jesus.

Gregory VII charged the German emperor, Henry IV, with favoritism towards the Jews, and "in 1078 he renewed the canonical laws which prohibited giving Jews power over Christians … Jews might not be employed as tax-farmers or mint-masters."

Pope Calixtus II (1119-24) and Pope Alexander III are cited for pro-Jewish acts.

Innocent III is the most hated of the Popes in Jewish literature. In 1215, the Fourth Lateral Council, which he convened, "renewed the old canonical prohibitions against trusting the Jews with public offices and introduced the law demanding that Jews should wear a distinctive sign on their garments … Nevertheless he protected them against the fury of the French Crusaders."

Pope Innocent III in a long decree stated: that Jews are

not to be killed by anyone [but], they are to us dangerous as the insect in the apple, as the serpent in the breast … Since, therefore, they have already begun to gnaw like the rat, and to stink like the serpent, it is to our shame that the fire in our breast which is being eaten by them, does not consume them … Although Christian piety tolerates the Jews … and allows them to continue with us, although the Moors will not tolerate them, they must not be allowed to remain ungrateful to us in such a way as to repay us with contumely, for favors, and contempt for our familiarity. They are admitted to our familiarity only through our mercy …

Under this same Pope, Canons 67-70 were adopted by the Fourth Lateran Council, which included protective measures against Jewish usury; their wearing of a distinguishing badge (to warn Christians); forbidding intercourse with Christians, as employees, in marriage, arid barring their testimony as witnesses in legal matters (their license for perjury under the "Kol Nidre" then being well known).

"Gregory IX, … in various official documents insisted on the strict execution of the canonical laws against the Jews … his successor," (to continue quoting) "Innocent IV, ordered the burning of the Talmud in Paris (1244)."

Through Emperor Sigismund, "who was heavily indebted to them, they [the Jews] obtained from Pope Martin V (1417-31) … various bulls (1418 and 1422)" (favorable to them). "In the last years of his pontificate, however, he repealed several of his ordinances, charging that they had been obtained under false pretenses."

Popes Eugene IV and Nicholas V are cited for moderation.

Sixtus IV sanctioned the Spanish Inquisition, which was aimed at the "Marranos," namely 300,000 Jews who had entered the Church, but retained their Talmudism, and secured power over all phases of Spanish life.

One who reads the Jewish press today will see congratulations to Israel from Spanish "Catholics" who identify themselves as Talmudic Jews descended from those who have practiced their Talmudism secretly ever since 1492, when their "Marrano" coreligionists were expelled from Spain.

If nothing else, the term "convert," as applied to Jews, must be viewed cautiously, in view of the concealed Judaism of the "Marranos," which continued for centuries.

One must learn, also, from Jewish authorities that Torquemada himself, leading the Inquisition, was a Jew, and that the Inquisition was only aimed at the Marranos who under the pretense of conversion had threatened to end Christianity by their inside machinations. (For further reference to the "Marranos," see the book, The Marranos, by Cecil Roth, published by the Jewish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia).

The Jewish Encyclopedia continues:

Alexander VI (Borgia), known in history as the most profligate of the Popes, was rather favorably inclined toward the Jews.

[page 8]

Leo X, one of the Medicis who fanned the Reformation by sponsoring a great renaissance of paganism and filled the Platonic Academy and salons of Rome and Florence with Jews, expounding Talmud and occult Cabalism, is called

the humanist … favorably inclined toward the Jews, whom he a employed not only as physicians, but also as artists and in other positions at his court. The beginning of the Reformation influenced his action in the controversy between Reuchlin and Pfeferkorn which he settled in such a way as not to give any encouragement to those who demanded reforms in the Church.

The story of the sincerely converted Jew, Pfefferkorn, who aired the infamies of the Talmud, as opposed by the Catholic renegade, Reuchlin, dupe of the head of the Jewish community of Rome, and the pro-Jewish Medici Pope, ended with Pfefferkorn being silenced, Reuchlin not being tried for heresy, as he was scheduled to be and indeed should have been, and with two hostile camps in nearly every German town taking sides for or against the Talmud.

One may ask: "How could anyone reading what the Talmud says [see reproductions elsewhere herein] argue about its contents?" In this regard, however, it must be remembered that only with the relatively unexpurgated Soncino translation of the Talmud in this century, in the contemporary language, English, has it become possible for the non-Jew to receive the full impact of what the Talmud says. In other trials arguments could rage as to what a Yiddish or Hebrew text of the Talmud really meant, if translated. Nevertheless, the Jews always ultimately lost such arguments, as witness the condemnation of the Talmud by non-Jews through the centuries.

Even the Soncino English translation of the Talmud is not readily available except in major libraries, to be read there and not taken out.

Clement VII (another Medici servant of Jewry) was the bastard son of Guilio, brother of Lorenzo the Magnificent, who founded a pagan salon, the Platonic Academy. The Platonic Academy attempted the old Talmudic strategy of "harmonizing" pagan philosophy with Christianity, as Maimonides had tried to do with Biblical Judaism. Lorenzo had his son Giovanni (Leo X) made a Cardinal, through his influence with Innocent VIII, at 13, having also been made an Archbishop at 7. Ready to ascend the throne, Giovanni promptly made five of his relatives Cardinals, including his bastard cousin, Giulio. Leo X (Giovanni), made Pope on March 11, 1513, was ordained a priest on the 15th and made a Bishop on the 19th of the same month, and he reigned until December 1, 1521, nine years.

It was this Pope, Leo X, who launched the selling of indulgences in 1517, the immediate cause of Luther's break with the Church, and of Europe's arousal. Every effort was made to corrupt and Talmudize the Church from the inside, while Jewry worked to wreck it from the outside. The hotheads among Jews, says Jewish historian Cecil Roth, expected to end Christianity and supplant it with Talmudism.

But when Luther nailed his theses on the Wittenberg Cathedral door, he nailed the Jews back into the ghetto, and Popes eager for Christian faith and morals were elected in place of the pro-Talmudic "humanist" Medici popes. Luther, in turn, found the same forces polluting his own following and ended his life beseeching the Protestant princes to expel or put at hard labor all Talmudists, after burning synagogues and Talmuds first of all. Read his words — if you can now find them other than here in any library!

There is only praise for the Medici Popes in Jewish literature and only disappointment about the condition of Jewry during the Reformation and afterwards, for the succeeding Popes drove the Talmudists out of Vatican circles and back into the ghetto.

Bewailing this, the Jewish Encyclopedia reports how the Talmud was burned by Pope Julius III in 1553 and Christians prohibited from printing it. "The worst was yet to come."

Paul IV (1555-1559) in his bull "Cum Nimis Absurdum" not only renewed all the canonical restrictions on Jews, but restricted their commercial activities and made them wear a yellow hat and live in their own territory — the ghetto.

Concerning this period, the Jews and the Medici, Jewish historian Cecil Roth states in his Jews of Italy (Jewish Publication Society of America, 1946):

Girolamo Savonarola was successful … in 1494 the great Dominican drove out the Medici … Thereafter their position in the city (Florence) was a sort of barometer of its political state: when the Medici returned in 1512, they (the Jews) came too, and when the Medici were driven out in 1527 they accompanied them … It was only when the ruling house was at last securely established, from 1530 onwards, that the interruptions end and the continuous history of Florentine Jewry begins. (Page 190)


When Martin Luther nailed up his famous Theses on the cathedral door of Wittenberg, thereby setting the machinery of the Reformation in motion, the fate of the eager Jewries of Renaissance Italy were sealed. Threatened by this dangerous movement of secession, the Catholic Church began to set its house in order, more systematically and more comprehensively than ever before, in the process known as the Counter-Reformation. No longer were the Popes to be pre-eminently enlightened patrons of literature, science and the arts, with worldly inclinations and interests. Henceforth they were chosen among those in whose eyes the requirements of the Church, spiritual and temporal, were paramount … who … regarded the Jews as a leaven of disbelief which positively endangered Christianity and Christendom — at least until they were segregated from intercourse with other men, as the Lateran Councils had prescribed three and a half centuries before. Whereas the Talmud had been printed under Leo X, a Medici, in 1553, the Pope denounced the Talmud, and the other restrictions were set up. ( History of the Jews of Italy, pages 190 and following)

Pope Pius IV gave "a brief period of respite" (1566-72), [page 9] then his successor Pius V (1566-72) "not only repealed all the concessions of his predecessor, and not only renewed the laws of Paul IV, but added some new restrictions …" In 1569 he expelled the Jews from his territory.

Gregory XIII (1572-85) allowed the Jews to return but "introduced a large number of severe restrictions … and they were obliged to send every week at least 150 of their number" to listen to conversionist sermons.

Sixtus V (1585-90) "was more favorable to the Jews," and permitted the printing of the Talmud after it was censored (1586). Clement VIII (1592-1604) ordered the Jews expelled and prohibited printing of the Talmud.

Under Clement X (1670-76) the Portugal Inquisition (against Jewry) was halted but he refused to help the expelled Jews of Vienna (1670). "The worst feature … under papal dominion was the closing of the gates of the Roman ghetto nights. Severe penalties awaited a Jew leaving the ghetto after dark, or a Christian entering it."

Pius VI (1775-1800) "renewed all the restrictions enacted from the 13th Century. The censorship of books was strictly enforced … and their attendance at conversionist sermons was enforced," and Leo XII (1826) reinforced these rules with extreme rigor.

Pius IX (1846-78) started with a liberal attitude but, as stated in other Jewish literature, after he had been expelled from Rome at the hands of a Jewish movement which revealed its Talmudic anti-Christian face, he changed. To quote the Jewish Encyclopedia ("Popes"):

Pius IX during the first two years of his pontificate, was evidently inclined to adopt a liberal attitude, but after his return from exile he … condemned as abominable laws all measures which gave political freedom to them … showed his approval of the medieval laws as enacted by Innocent III. He maintained the ghetto in Rome until it was abolished by the Italian occupation of Rome (1870).

His successor, Leo XIII (1878-1903), was the first Pope who exercised no territorial jurisdiction over the Jews. His influence, nevertheless, was prejudicial to them. He encouraged anti-Semitism by bestowing distinctions on leading anti-Semitic politicians and authors, as Lueger and Drumont. [Note: Eduard Drumont's book, La France Juive traces the attempted Talmudization of French Christian life in every phase. A Judaized France was the result he deplored and sought to avoid.] He refused to interfere in behalf of Captain Dreyfus, or to issue a statement against the blood accusation. [Note that human blood is used in Talmudic black magic rituals.] In an official document he denounced Jews, freemasons, and anarchists as the enemies of the Church.

The Index Expurgatrius issued by Leo XIII in 1887 stated concerning "The Talmud and other Jewish books:"

Although in the Index issued by Pope Pius IV, the Jewish Talmud with all its glossaries, annotations, interpretations and expositions were prohibited: but if published without the name Talmud and without its vile calumnies against the Christian religion they could be tolerated; however, Our Holy Lord Pope Clement VIII in his constitution against impious writings and Jewish books, published in Rome in the year of Our Lord 1592 … proscribed and condemned them: it was not his intention thereby to permit or tolerate them even under the above conditions; for he expressly and specifically stated and willed, that the impious Talmudic Cabalistic and other nefarious books of the Jews be entirely condemned and that they must remain always condemned and prohibited, and that his Constitution about these books must be perpetually and inviolably observed.

The 1905 Jewish Encyclopedia states:

Pius X (elected 1903) is not sufficiently known to permit a judgment … but in his diocese of Mantua, before he became Pope, he had prohibited the celebration of a solemn mass on the King's birthday because the city council which asked for it had attended a celebration in the synagogue. [Note: The quote is from the 1905 Jewish Encyclopedia, hence the incomplete reference.)

The Vatican's semi-official organ, L'Osservatore Romano, of August 13, 1938, in an article headed "The Jews and the Vatican Council" (1870), after speaking of the Protective measures for the Jews by the Catholic Church, stated:

But — in order to set things straight — by this it was not intended that Jews should be allowed to abuse the hospitality of Christian countries. Along with these protective ordinances, there existed restrictive and precautionary decrees with regard to them. The civil power was in accord with the Church in this, since, as Delassus says, "they both had the same interest in preventing the nations from being invaded by the Jewish element and thereby losing control of society." But if Christians woe forbidden to force Jews to embrace the Catholic religion, to disturb their synagogues, their Sabbaths and their festivals, the Jews, on the other hand, were forbidden to hold public office, civil or military; and this prohibition extended even to the children of converted Jews. The precautionary decrees concerned the professions, education, and business positions.

The Talmud and Martin Luther, 
the Father of Protestantism

When Pope Leo X started selling indulgences in 1517, this helped precipitate Luther's break with the Church, and the nailing of his theses on the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral. Almost immediately Jews flocked to the new Protestant banner. Luther was sought after by 4 Jews. He in turn wrote a laudatory publication, "Jesus Christ Was Born a Jew," filled with sympathy for their long unbelief, which Luther laid to the unsympathetic attitude of the Catholic Popes and hierarchy, and on his part welcoming the Jews to his heart.

Present-day Catholic and Protestant sources are largely ignorant, however, of the fact that, later, Luther found that Jews who had encouraged him to break with the Church were [page 10] attempting to Judaize his followers. He then read the Talmud, as introduced to him by a truly converted Jew. Afterwards, he wrote "The Jews and Their Lies," with such denunciatory philippics that they make parallel utterances of the Popes almost pale by comparison — this only after he became aware of the truth.

Luther wrote, in "The Jews and Their Lies:"

They exalt themselves and praise God for separating them from the heathen …In order that their raving, frantic and foolish nonsense might be perfect, they praise and thank God, fisrt, that they are human beings and not animals; secondly, that they are Israelites and not Goyim (heathen); thirdly, that they were created as Men and not as Women. Such foolishness they do not have from Israel, but from Goyim.

For thus the historians write that the Greek Plato daily gave such praise and thanks to God, if such blasphemy and haughtiness could be called the praise of God. For that man [Plato] also praised his gods for these three things, that he was a man and not an animal, a man and not a woman, a Greek and not a non-Greek or barbarian. Such is the praying of a fool and the praise of a blasphemous barbarian; just as the Mals imagine that they alone are human beings and all the rest of the world nothing but inhuman beings, ducks, or mice.

As to these matters, note the Jewish Encyclopedia, Exhibit 273 (last of right column, "Gentiles"): "Judah ben Ilai recommends the daily recital of the benediction, 'Blessed be thou … who hast not made me a goy.'" This also has: "who hast not made me a woman," and also "who hast made me an Israelite … who hast not made me a slave." This is a "benediction" prescribed by the Talmud. (See "Benedictions:" Jewish Encyclopedia)

Luther also quoted John 8:39 and verse 44, wherein Christ told the Pharisees: "Ye are of your father the Devil," and warns Christians to "be on their guard against these hardened condemned people — who accuse God of lying and proudly despise the whole world … They are boastful, proud fools …" He goes on to call them "Liars and Bloodhounds." Luther then cites the book of Esther. Catholic and Protestant theologians in all centuries have protested Esther as being unhistorical, irreligious (the name of God does not once appear in it) and out of place in the Bible.

Luther states:

They are the real liars and bloodhounds, who have perverted and falsified the entire Scriptures from beginning to end without ceasing, with their interpretations … O, how they love that book of Esther, which so nicely agrees with their revengeful people — they who imagine themselves to be the people of God, who desire to think they must murder and crush the heathen … As they at first demonstrated against us Christians and would like to do so now, if only they could …

Without any modern-day Jewish Encyclopedias or Soncino translations of the Babylonian Talmud, one sees that Luther nevertheless understood perfectly the way the Talmud blasphemes and hangs obscene charges on Christ through double talk and words (the Balaam passages of the Talmud are an example of this, but Luther names others). Luther recognized that any Messiah expected by Jewry was only supposed to lead them in slaughter to power, stating:

The Jews desire no more from their Messiah than that he should be a Kochba" (leader of the Pharisee revolt against Rome in 135 A.D., in which according to historian Gibbon, about a million non-Jews were sadistically slaughtered) "and a worldly king, who would slay the Christians, divide the world among the Jews and make them rich lords …

Luther reflected upon that passage in II Peter 2 about those who "speak great swelling words of vanity," promise liberty, but "they themselves are the servants of corruption … For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they had known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them … according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to its wallowing in the mire."

Luther also wrote:

How much better it would be if they did not have God's Commandment or did not know it. For if they did not have it, they would be uncondemned. They are condemned because they have God's Commandment and do not keep it, but act against it without ceasing … In like manner murderers and whores, thieves and scoundrels and all evil men could boast they are God's holy and chosen people, because they have His Word and know that they should fear and obey him …

By then Luther knew the Talmud, and he continued:

The heathen philosophers write much more honorably … They write that man by nature is obligated to serve others, also to keep his word to his enemies … Yea, I maintain that in three fables of Aesop there is more wisdom to be found than in all the books of Talmudists and Rabbis and more than ever could come into the hearts of the Jews. Should someone think I am saying too much — I am not saying too much, but much too little! For I see in their writings how they curse us Goyim and wish us all evil in their schools and prayers. They rob us of our money through usury … they play us all manner of mean tricks; what is worst of all, they … teach that such should be done. No Heathen has done such things and none would do so except the Devil himself, and those whom he possesses like he possesses the Jews.

Luther continued as to the Talmud:

Thus they call Him [Jesus] the child of a whore and His mother, Mary, a whore, whom she had in adultery … Reluctantly I must speak so coarsely in opposing the Devil … We do not call our wives whores as they call Maria, the Mother of Jesus; we do not call them bastards, as they call our Lord Christ. We do not curse them, but wish them all manner of bodily and spiritual good; permit them to lodge with us. We don't steal and mutilate their children; do not poison their [page 11] water; do not thirst after their blood …

Now behold what a nice, thick, fat lie it is when they complain about being captives among us. Jerusalem was destroyed more than 1400 years ago and during that time we Christians have been tortured and persecuted by Jews in all the world. For nearly 300 years we might well complain that during that time they captured and killed the Christians, which is the clear truth. On top of that, we do not know to this day what Devil brought them into our country. We did not fetch them from Jerusalem. On top of that no one is holding them now. Land and highways are open to them … They are a heavy burden to us in our country, like a plague, pestilence, and nothing but misfortune … Should the Devil not laugh and dance, when in this manner he can have his paradise among us Christians … and to thank us … blasphemes and curses God and man! … Now what are we going to do with these rejected condemned Jewish people?

After Luther became conversant with the Talmud and the ritual cursings of so-called "Judaism," his counsel exactly matched that of the ever-reenforced edicts of the beleaguered Popes. A person who condones such blasphemies, he said, partakes of them. He said they should be forced to leave the country:

We should not suffer it, after they are among us and we knew about such lying, blaspheming and cursing among them, lest we become partakers of their lies, cursing and blaspheming … We are not permitted to take revenge. Revenge is around their necks a thousand times greater than we could wish them. I will give you my true counsel:

First, that we avoid their synagogues and schools and warn people against them … that God may see that we are Christians and have not knowingly tolerated such lying, cursing and blaspheming of His Son and His Christians. For what we have so far tolerated in ignorance (I myself did not know it), God will forgive us … Moses writes in Deuteronomy that where a city practiced idolatry, it should be entirely destroyed with fire and nothing left. If he were living today he would be the first to put fire to the Jew schools and houses [which Luther follows with Scriptural support].

Secondly: That all of their books be taken away; prayer books, Talmuds, and not one page of it be left … For they use all that only to blaspheme the son of God; that is God Himself … and will never use it in any other way.

Spiritually, Luther connects the Jews with those who betrayed Moses: "Of such are the remaining dregs of the Jews, of whom Moses knows nothing; they also know nothing of him, for they do not keep one passage in Moses."

This reminds one of the constantly recurring charge of Christ that the Pharisees violated and nullified the laws of Moses, such as: "The Scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses seat." (Matt. 23:2) In other words, they occupy his throne giving forth as Mosaic Law, their own foul permissions which they attribute to "Oral" laws Moses handed down to their group, unknown to the rest of the world.

In 1543 Luther replied to the Talmudic charge that Jesus did His miracles by magic with the Tetragrammaton, or Shem Hamphorash, the consonants of the word Jehovah (by which Rabbis supposedly summon demons).

Even with no further evidence than the Old Testament, I would maintain … that the Jews, as they are today, are veritably a mixture of all the depraved and malevolent knaves of the whole world over … to afflict the different Nations with their usury, to spy upon others, and to betray, to poison wells, to deceive and to kidnap children — in short, to practice all kinds of dishonesty and injury.

Digressing from Luther's "The Jews and Their Lies," we see in Luther's "Table Talk" his view of the "converted" Jew:

If a Jew, not converted at heart, were to ask baptism at my hands, I would take him on to the bridge, tie a stone round his neck, and hurl him into the river; for these wretches are wont to make a jest of our religion. (CCLVI)

It is evident that Luther became familiar with the custom, wherever it did not endanger Jews, of spitting in the synagogue when reference to Christianity is sung in the Alenu, for he advised:

Whenever you see or think about a Jew, say to yourself as follows: Behold, the mouth which I see there has every Saturday cursed, execrated, and spit upon my dear Lord, Jesus Christ, who has redeemed me with His precious blood; and also prayed and cursed before God that I, my wife and children, and all Christians, should be stabbed and perish in the most miserable manner — and would like to do so himself if he could, that he might come into possession of our goods … Should I eat, drink with, or speak to such a Devilish mouth? … I would partake of all the Devils who live in that Jew, and would spit upon the precious blood of Christ — God keep me from doing that.

Luther's Last Sermon

Repeatedly, Luther warns the clergy against participation in the blasphemies of Judaism, by aiding or enduring these in any way. His last sermon included this:

You, Milords and men of authority, should not tolerate but expel them. They are our public enemies and incessantly blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ; they call our blessed Virgin Mary a harlot and Her Son a bastard … if they could kill us all, they would gladly do so; in fact many of them murder Christians, especially those professing to be surgeons and doctors. They know how to deal with medicaments in the manner of the Italians — the Borgias and Medicis — who gave people poison which brought about their death in one hour or a month … As a good patriot I wanted to give you this warning for the very last time to deter you from participating in alien sins. You must know I only desire the best for you all, rulers and subjects.

Chapter III

he supreme hatred of Talmudic Judaism is reserved for and directed against the hated "adherers to the text" of Scripture who are, thus, accused of spurning the words of the Pharisee "Sages," as enshrined in the Babylonian Talmud. These "adherers" to the Bible are classified as the primary enemies of Judaism. They are all "idolators," "heathen," "goy." They rank not only as animals — like the rest of the non-Jewish human race, but as the lowest and most despised form of life. The Talmud frequently refers to Bible adherents scathingly as "Samaritans" and "Cutheans," phraseology similarly used to excoriate Christians.

The Sadducees were the first of these enemies. They were the constant opponents of the Pharisees and their imported Babylonian paganism, misrepresented by the Pharisees as the Tradition of the Elders, the "Oral Law" ostensibly transmitted privately to Moses and on down, superseding anything written in the Bible.

In the six years of civil war between the Pharisees and Alexander Jannaeus, King and High Priest of Jerusalem, 50,000 were killed on both sides before this Sadducean ruler succumbed, and his widow Salome turned affairs over to the Pharisees in 79 B.C. Her brother, Simon ben Shetah, had been waiting for such an opportunity. The continued civil war resulted in the sons of Alexander Jannaeus, Hyrcanus and Aristobulus, in 63 B.C., going hat in hand to Pompey, Caesar's Roman General in Syria, asking him to invade Palestine and slaughter their respective opponents. This is how Rome happened to be in power when Christ was born. Only after Christ's Ascension did the Pharisees triumph.

Other enemies have been the Samaritans, whom Our Lord seemed to favor. They had been brought in from Cutha and other far places in the World Assyrian Empire, to take the place of the ten Israel tribes deported in 721 B.C. They had adopted Biblical Judaism and opposed the return from Babylon in 536 B.C. of the Pharisee-run population.

Each year a handful of Samaritans celebrate Passover on the site of their former temple at Mt. Gerizim, an event contemptuously referred to by American Jewish writers.

The Karaites arose in the 8th century in Babylonia under Anan to plague the Pharisee top element by scorning the Talmud and holding up the Bible as supreme authority. A molten stream of hatred, therefore, was turned on them. With true Talmudic "Brotherhood" and "tolerance," Anan was expelled from Babylonia, and founded the Karaite sect in Jerusalem. Later, when the few remaining thousands of Karaites were favored by the Czar of Russia, although classed as "untouchables" by Talmudists, the latter offered to join the Karaites to get immunity from Czarist displeasure — but the Karaites turned them down as hypocrites.

The supreme curses the Karaites have shared with Christians are due to the adherence of the Karaites to the Bible, instead of the "sages," or Jewish Talmud. They are likened to the Sadducees and Samaritans in this. (See Exhibit 16Exhibit 24Exhibit 25, and Exhibit 26).

Talmudic Anti-Christianity

The ultimate object of hatred in Talmudic Judaism is Christ, and the targets of Talmudic hatred are not just Gentile non-Jews, "the people who are like an ass — slaves who are considered the property of the master" (Talmud,Kethuboth 111a). Of these non-Jews, the Christians are most insanely hated and loathed because their doctrines are the opposite of every Talmudic doctrine. They rank not just as animals, like the rest of non-Talmudic humanity, but almost as vermin, to be eradicated. Language in the Talmud is virtually exhausted to find foul and hated names for Christians.

Min (plural Minim) is used throughout the Talmud as a term to designate Christians. In the "Shemoneh Esreh," or 18 Benedictions, the word has been changed from time to time as wary non-Jews become aware of its meaning. Note at the left column of Exhibit 284 that "Zaddukim" was substituted, and "Apikoresim."

In the right column of Exhibit 284 we see "Epicureans" substituted by Maimonides (a Talmudic pillar). Reference is made to uncensored Talmud editions of Berechoth 28b (left column, same Exhibit), Sanhedrin 27aHorayoth 11a, and Gittin 45a. The Berechoth statement reads: "The benediction relating to the minim was instituted in Jabneh [Palestine] after the rest." The harangue goes on to decree vengeance against anyone leaving out the benediction against the minim, "because we suspect him of being min."

"The censored [ie. editions] have mumuar," says this exhibit from the Jewish Encyclopedia, instead of minim. And, in Sanhedrin 27a, mumar is used to denounce as wholly disqualified one who eats meat which is not slaughtered in kosher manner, thus showing "his contempt for the law" (of the Talmud).

The Talmud Gittin 45b reference states that "a scroll of the Law which has been written by a min should be burnt." Distilled hate is the theme. [See Sabbath 116a]

The Horayoth 11a citation from the Talmud (page 79 of the Soncino edition, not reproduced here), is another tirade against those who rank below "common people" — the minim. It cites those who drink wine dedicated to an idol, referring to Holy Communion. Christ is always the "idol" denounced by the Talmud, while real idolatry in regard to spirits, planets, child burning to Molech, Baal filth, are permitted in Judaism.

[page 13] Present day Jews keep up a continual propaganda that burning anti-Christian, immoral or subversive books is the depth of bigotry, bias and intolerance. But the teaching in Sabbath 111a [correction: Sabbath 116a] of the Talmud is even cited in the Jewish Encyclopedia (under Gentiles), which holds that Christian books should be burned "without regard to the name of God appearing therein." (See Exhibit 273, right hand column.)

Characteristic of charging as a crime against others what Talmudists themselves are doing, a Sanhedrin passage denounces Christ as a sorcerer (Talmud, Exhibit 76). It was to refute this Talmudic teaching of hate against Christ, that Martin Luther wrote his "Shemhamphoras" on the charge that Christ did His miracles by sorcery, using the Tetragrammaton, which, in some Talmud passages, He is said to have stolen and hidden in His flesh!

Christ was amazingly correct in designating the Talmudic Pharisees as children of the Father of Lies. (John 8:44)

Christianity Calls from Hell

Christianity is likened in the Talmud to one of two daughters of a horse-leech calling from hell, "Bring, bring!" One is the government — "Which constantly imposes fresh taxes and duties" and the other "Minuth" (Christianity) — "Which continually lures the unwary to its erroneous teaching" — a Biblical verse is then misused as a curse "applied to those converted to idolatry" (Christianity). Then another says the voice of hell is calling to bring these two "daughters," "who cry and call in this world," back to hell. (See Exhibit 179)

Incest Preferable to Christianity

The Talmud speaks of a woman who confessed that her younger son was the offspring of her older son and that incest was her lightest sin, and wanted to die in peace but could not, for if incest was her lightest sin "it may be assumed that she had also adopted minuth [Christianity] … that is why she did not die … . Since she said of her guilt that it is one of the lightest, it may be assumed that she was guilty of idolatry [Christianity] also."

A tale follows about a Rabbi who visited every harlot in the world, crossing seven rivers to get at the last one. He is allowed to die in peace because he had not committed the unforgivable minuth (Christianity). (Talmud, Abodah Zarah l7a, Exhibit 180)

Death from Snakebite Preferable

The Talmud says that Rabbi Ishmael (sage) has a nephew who is bitten by a snake and wants to let Jacob, a Disciple of Jesus, heal him, but dies in the middle of the sentence. The Rabbi thereupon exclaims: "Happy art thou Ben Dama for thou wert pure in body and thy soul likewise left thee in purity … ." His joy was because, of course, it was preferable to die of snakebite than to be healed by a Christian. (Talmud, Abodah Zarah 27b, see Exhibit 187)

Jesus and the High Priest's Privy

The Talmud tale is told that, because of talking to a Christian Disciple of Jesus, a Rabbi is suspected of being pro-Christian, which makes him deeply ashamed. He tells the lie that Jesus taught that the hire of a harlot may be used to build a privy for the high priest. (Abodah Zarah 16b-17a) This last pleased the rabbi very much, he says. (Exhibit 178)

This filthy and false story to defame Christ is used in a typical Pharisee lie by Rabbi Louis Finklestein in his publication "The Pharisees" (See pages xv-xvi of the Foreword. Exhibit 1Exhibit 2, and Exhibit 3 herein are from same publication.) Any epithets directed at Pharisaism by Christians in the early centuries Finklestein ascribes to conflict between Christians and "their former comrades, who continued loyal to unaltered Pharisaism. Nevertheless, the Pharisee and the Christian remained sufficiently close to regard one another with respect." Then the above Rabbi Eliezer lie is used as a compliment!: "Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus, one of the most orthodox of the sages, offered high praise to an interpretation of Scripture given by an early Christian" (Aboda Zara l7a). This is the self-same libel on Christ!

More Lies to Fool Us

At the time the Jewish Encyclopedia was published in 1905 there was no English translation of the Talmud with identifying folio numbers. The first, by Rodkinson in 1903, was not only abridged, but also without folio numbers. Only with the relatively recent Soncino English translation of the Talmud do we have folio numbers and overt, unmistakable references which require no argument or interpretation for non-Jews. However, in 1905, lies concerning the Talmud were quite safe from prying non-Jewish eyes.

The 1905 Jewish Encyclopedia states: "During the first century of Christianity the Rabbis lived on friendly terms with the minim" (Christians).

Anyone familiar with the liquid fire turned on Pharisaism by Christ in the New Testament is not fooled by this. However, to buttress this lie, the above false privy tale attributed to Jesus is told as though it indicated friendliness — Abodah Zarah 16b-17a. Concerning the above anti-Christian "snakebite" story from the Talmud, the Encyclopedia then states (Exhibit 267 herein):

"Ben Dama, a nephew of Rabbi Ishmael, having been bitten by a snake, allowed himself to be cured by means of an exorcism uttered by the min Jacob, a Judaeo-Christian."

Does not this one series of circumstances once again illustrate how amazingly correct Christ was in designating the Pharisees as children of the Father of Lies (John 8:44)?

Jesus Knew The Talmud

Rodkinson (M. Levi Frumkin), who made the first English translation of the Babylonian Talmud, asks, in the section on the History of the Talmud: [page 14]

Is the literature that Jesus was familiar with in his early years yet in existence in the world? Is it possible for us to get at it? … To such inquiries the learned class of Jewish rabbis answer by holding up the Talmud … . The Talmud then, is the written form of that which, in the time of Jesus, was called the Traditions of the Elders, and to which he makes frequent allusions. (See Exhibit 27)

The Talmud and Mary, Mother of Jesus

She is called "Miriam, a dresser of women's hair." She "committed adultery." (Exhibit 75)

"She played the harlot with carpenters." (Exhibit 114)

All rabbinical sources ascribe to Jesus, "illegitimate birth ... the seducer was a soldier by the name of Panthera [also called Pandira. and Stada]." "Pappus [husband of Mary] has nothing to do with the story of Jesus, and was only connected with it because his wife happened to be called "Miriam" [Maryl and was known to be an adulteress."

All the Life of Jesus (Toledot Yeshu) "editions contain a similar story of a dispute which Jesus carried on with the scribes who on the ground of that dispute declared him to be a bastard." (Jewish Encyclopedia, "Jesus," Exhibit 277)

Christ as "Balaam"

Under the name of "Balaam" the most lewd Talmud passages concerning Jesus appear. Proof that Jesus is called "Balaam" is found in the Jewish Encyclopedia (under "Balaam") which, after enumerating His alleged loathsome qualities, states: "Hence … the pseudonym 'Balaam' given to Jesus in Sanhedrin 106b and Gittin 57a." (See Exhibit 111Exhibit 112Exhibit 113Exhibit 114Exhibit 115Exhibit 274Exhibit 275Exhibit 278, and Exhibit 279)

In the same article, we are told that the Talmud likens the Gospel Christians and Christ to Baal sex-worshippers because of whose abominations 24,000 Israelites died of plague at the time of Balaam. (Numbers 25:1-9)

Because Balaam had been asked to curse the Israelites but instead did not and foretold the coming Messiah (Numbers 24:17), the flimsy pretext is made that Jesus was a curse like Balaam. "He is pictured as blind of one eye and lame in one foot and his disciples distinguished by three morally corrupt qualities …" He is called "one that ruined a people," and His churches are likened to nudist Baal worship.

And, "this hostility against his memory finds its climax in the dictum that whenever one discovers a feature of wickedness or disgrace in his life, one should preach about it." (Sanhedrin 106b)

Turning to Exhibit 114, which is Sanhedrin 106a-l06b of the Talmud, mentioned above, we see the likening of Jesus to the supposed act of Balaam in causing 24,000 Israelites to go whoring and die of plague (some 1450 years before Christ was born). He is due for his "reward" for this infamy. His mother, Mary, is "She who … played the harlot with carpenters … They subjected him to four deaths, stoning, burning, decapitation and strangulation … he was thirty-three or thirty-four years old." Another says: "I … have seen Balaam's Chronicle in which it stated, 'Balaam the lame was thirty years old when Phinehas the Robber killed him.'"

The footnote explains:

"Balaam is frequently used in the Talmud as a type for Jesus." The mother of Jesus is identified, the four deaths enumerated, "and … all the Balaam passages are anti-Christian in tendency, Balaam being used as an alias for Jesus, Phinehas the Robber is thus taken to represent Pontius Pilate, and the Chronicle of Balaam probably to denote a Gospel."

Verifying the Jewish Encyclopedia account above on Balaam being Jesus in the Talmud we see: "in the case of the wicked Balaam: whatever you find written about him, lecture upon it to his disadvantage." (Exhibit 115) Christian churches are likened to tents for Baal prostitution, with old women outside, young ones inside to get customers drunk and disrobe and worship the "idol," Jesus, in Baal manner, by prostitution. (Exhibit 112)

Hanging a calumny on the brief mention in the Bible that Balaam was slain (Numbers 32:8), the above passage in Sanhedrin is cited by the Jewish Encyclopedia thus: "In the process of killing Balaam [Num. xxxi.8], all four legal methods of execution — stoning, burning, decapitating, and strangling — were employed" [Sanh. 1.c]. (See Exhibit 274) "He met his death at the age of thirty-three (Ibid) and it is stated that he had no portion in the world to come" (Sanh. x. 2; 90a).

Sanhedrin 90a of the Talmud, denying "Balaam" a place in the world to come, begins with Exhibit 96 herein. There it is stated that the resurrection being denied by Sadducees and Samaritans, "It was to oppose these that the doctrine was emphatically asserted in the second of the Eighteen Benedictions." The "sin" of pronouncing the Tetragrammaton is cited against Christ and Christians. (Exhibit 97)

The curse of Christians, as those who pronounce the "Name" as "spelt" (Tetragrammaton) and read "uncanonical books," begins with a Mishnah (starting with Exhibit 97). Vague meanderings to throw off a possible Christian reader appear in the footnotes (Exhibit 97) with a hint that the "uncanonical books" may mean this or that, but: "There are indications, however, that something more is meant."

But the footnote to "uncanonical books," still being discussed 68 pages later (See Exhibit 102) overtly reveals that the reference is to the New Testament, and that the word "Sadducees" is used to indicate "Gentiles."

The 18 Benedictions

The "religious" Orthodox Jew recites the "Eighteen Benedictions," or "Shemoneh Esreh," three times week days, four times on holidays and Sabbaths, the 7th and 12th of which curse the Christians and non-Jews to hell and perdition. Thus, the "good Orthodox Jew" gives us Christians 6 cursings on ordinary days, 8 on "specials." Note all the varieties of double talk which have been utilized down the centuries to keep the truth about the "Shemoneh Esreh" from the non-Jews, who might not be friendly to those who recite this "Brotherhood" litany religiously 6 to 8 times daily! Note: "In order to obviate hostile misconstructions, the text was modified …," and one change after another [page 15] to fool the non-Jew is enumerated. (See Exhibit 284)

The 12th benediction, the "Birkat ha-Minim" (curse against Christians, etc.) "furnished the traducers of Judaism and the Jews a ready weapon of attack." (See Exhibit 284) This "Petition Against Enemies" (non-Jews) is called an "imprecatory appeal." "Imprecatory" means, of course, "invoking evil, a curse" (Webster). It is further stated by the cautious Jewish Encyclopedia (same Exhibit), "The seventh benediction … looks like a duplication and is superfluous."

The Jewish Encyclopedia also cites a recommendation by the "sages" for daily recitation of the "benediction:" "Blessed be thou who hast not made me a goy." (See Exhibit 273)

In the Talmud, the Christian is also planted in Hell for eternity under a deluge of "boiling excrement" if opposing "Judaism:"

"Whoever mocks the words of the Sages is punished with boiling hot excrement." (Talmud, Gittin 57a; Exhibit 202)

On this same page, where the ordinary Christian gets this eternal fate, Christ is similarly punished forever in hell with "boiling semen."

The Talmud — Five Deaths to Jesus

Jesus, as stated in both the Talmud and Jewish Encyclopedia, gets "four legal methods of execution" and is Crucified as well, as a blasphemer of Pharisee Judaism.

Jesus stoned, then "hanged" or crucified, Sanhedrin 43a-45b (Exhibit 46 and Exhibit 48); Sanhedrin 67a (Exhibit 75), where under another phony name (Ben Stada) Jesus is identified as "Jesus of Nazareth." See Jewish Encyclopedia, Exhibit 277 and Exhibit 8.

As to Judas, we are told (Exhibit 279) that: "when Judas found he could not touch Jesus in any way, in aerial battle, he defiled him" (the "privy concept," once again, which runs through the Talmud).

Jesus' apostles all killed, Sanhedrin 43a, b (Exhibit 47). Their names are decoded by Jewish Encyclopedia (seeExhibit 278, right column.)

Jesus crucified as a "blasphemer," Sanhedrin 46a (Exhibit 51), Jewish Encyclopedia (Exhibit 276).

Jesus burned, Sanhedrin 52a (Exhibit 52); manner of burning, Yebamoth 6b (Exhibit 151), verified by Jewish Encyclopedia under "Balaam" (Exhibit 274). He is "lowered into dung up to his armpits then a hard cloth was placed within a soft one, wound round his neck and the two loose ends pulled in opposite directions forcing him to open his mouth. A wick was then lit, and thrown into his mouth so that it descended into his body and burnt his bowels … his mouth was forced open with pinchers against his wishes (Exhibit 52) And: "The death penalty of 'burning' was executed by pouring molten lead through the condemned man's mouth into his body, burning his internal organs. (Exhibit 152)

Jesus strangled: "He was lowered into dung up to his armpits then a hard cloth was placed within a soft one, wound round his neck, and the two ends pulled in opposite directions until he was dead." (Talmud, Sanhedrin 52a, Exhibit 53)

This is repeated (Sanhedrin 106b; Exhibit 114) and verified by the Jewish Encyclopedia (Exhibit 274).

Jesus in hell where His punishment is "boiling in hot semen." (Talmud, Gittin 57a; Exhibit 202) The subject is identified as Jesus in a footnote, also in the Jewish Encyclopedia under "Balaam." (Exhibit 275)

Christians in hell (in the above passage) are punished by "boiling hot excrement" which is the punishment for all who mock "at the words of the sages" (i.e. the Talmud).

Jesus "committed bestiality," "corrupted the people," is "turned into hell." (Talmud Sanhedrin 105a; Exhibit 106 andExhibit 107)

Jesus "limped on one foot" and "was blind in one eye," "he practiced enchantment by means of his membrum," "he committed bestiality with his ass," he was a fool who "did not even know his beast's mind." (Talmud, Sanhedrin l05a-105b; Exhibit 108 and 109) The ridiculous and foul misuse of Judges 5:27 about Sisera's dying convulsions meaning sexual intercourse is here applied to Jesus, with a footnote "explanation" of Judges 5:27: "This is taken to mean sexual intercourse …"

Jesus attempts to seduce women, is excommunicated by a rabbi and then worships a brick, was a seducer of Israel, and practiced magic. (Talmud, Sanhedrin l07b; Exhibit 117), also the Jewish Encyclopedia (See Exhibit 277).

Jesus is cited in the index of the Sanhedrin portion of Talmud, "chief repository of the criminal law of the Talmud" (See Exhibit 43), which shows the page numbers where He is denounced. (Exhibit 118)

Jesus' resurrection is cursed: "Woe unto him who maketh himself alive by the name of God." (Talmud, Sanhedrin 106a; Exhibit 111)

The trial of Jesus: "It was by the action of the priests that Jesus was sent before Pontius Pilate." The Sanhedrin priests "had most reason to be offended with Jesus' action in cleansing the Temple," the probable place of His trial, according to the Talmud. His cry: "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" … was in all its implications itself a disproof of the exaggerated claims made for him. The very form of his punishment would disprove these claims in Jewish eyes. No Messiah that Jews could recognize could suffer such a death; for "He that is hanged is accursed of God" (Deuteronomy xxi. 23). This refers to an "evil son" and Talmudist Rashi adds "an insult to God." The foregoing is from the Jewish Encyclopedia under "Jesus." (See Exhibit 276)

Other foul charges against Jesus and His mother, His being a "bastard," and the like, follow. (Exhibit 277 from the same Encyclopedia)



Chapter IV

he basic Talmudic doctrine includes more than a "super-race" complex. It is an "only" race concept. The non-Jew thus ranks as an animal, has no property rights and no legal rights under any code whatever. If lies, bribes or kicks are necessary to get non-Jews under control — that is legitimate. There is only one "sin," and that is anything which will frighten non-Jews and thus make it harder for the Jewish "humans" to get them under control. "Milk the Gentile," is the Talmudic rule, but don't get caught in such a way as to jeopardize Jewish interests. Summarized, Talmudism is the quintesscence of distilled hatred and discrimination — without cause, against non-Jews.

This is perhaps an apt place to expound upon the amazing fact that those people who really believe in the Book of Books, the Bible, and accept the Holy One of Israel, Christ, and the Israel prophets who foretold Him, meekly accept the designation "Gentiles," a term which in the Bible refers to pagan sex-worshippers, demon invokers and the like (I Thes. 4:5I Cor. 10:20, etc.). Metatron-venerating, demon-invoking Talmudists who revile every teaching, every respected character in the Old Testament, we give these the name of "Israelites," and "Jews."

Nevertheless, for the sake of usage only, we refer herein to non-Talmudists as "Gentiles."

Under "Gentiles" the Jewish Encyclopedia sums up the Pharisee Talmudist attitude: "The Pharisees held that only Israelites are men … Gentiles classed not as men but as barbarians." (See Exhibit 268)

Further on, and misusing Scripture shamelessly and characteristically, the Scriptural lines about God shining are misinterpreted to mean that God shined His laws to Moses on all the nations, but since only the Israelites accepted them: "He withdrew His 'shining' legal protection from them and transferred their property rights to Israel." (Exhibit 269 , upper left column)

Then, "It follows that the Gentiles were excepted from the general civil laws of Moses." Talmud law from the book of Baba Kamma, on ox-goring, is then cited.

Here Moses is flouted. He taught again and again that the stranger is to be treated the same as the "home born," or the Israelites: "The stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt … . Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment, in meteyard. in weight, or in measure." (Lev. 19:34-5) "Love ye therefore the stranger …" (Deut. 10:19)

Numbers 9:1415:29; "One law and one manner shall be for you, and for the stranger that sojourneth with you." (Nu. 15: 15-1629)

Bear in mind that the oral law, or the Traditions of the Pharisees, as recorded in the Talmud, completely reverses each teaching of Moses, who time and again taught that the non-Israelite, the "stranger," must be treated, be loved, as one's self! No wonder Christ said, "The Pharisees sit in Moses' seat, and by their Tradition make the commandments of God of none effect." (Matt. 15:36Mark 7:13)

The Jewish Encyclopedia reference noted above (Exhibit 268) states that, "The Pharisees … held that only Israelites are men … . Gentiles they classed not as men but as barbarians." After the word men in the above passage, you will note in the original: "quoting the prophet, 'Ye my flock, the flock of my pasture are men,'" with Ezekiel 34:31 given as the Biblical, and Baba Mezia l08b [see: Bab Mezia 114b] as the Talmudic basis, for this abhorrent doctrine.

The Ezekiel verse ends the 34th chapter, a parable about good and bad cattle, promised justice and a Redeemer, being addressed as a "flock:" "And I will judge between cattle and cattle. And I will set up one shepherd over them, even my servant David" (Christ) — the whole ending with the explanation of the parable: "And ye my flock … are men and I am your God, saith the Lord God."

However, the Talmud invents and adds to the above words in a Baba Mezia 108b [see: Baba Mezia 114b] passage (not reproduced here): "Only ye are designated as 'men.'" This Ezekiel verse is a popular quotation in the Talmud, always misused to infer that Talmudists are men but non-Talmudists are on the level of mere beasts or cattle.

The Baba Mezia passage is about the graves of Gentiles which rank like the graves of animals. "The graves of Gentiles do not defile," is the edict based upon this same Ezekiel verse: "Ye my flock … are men," and reference is made to Numbers 19:14 which lays out the rule that when a man has died in his tent, those who come into the tent are suspect for seven days — as they may have perhaps caught a communicable disease, which killed the deceased. But that rule does not apply to Gentiles. They do not rank as human carcasses. The "Sage" who mouths this last choice thought is the above mentioned Rabbi Simeon ben Yohai (Talmud, Page 651, Soncino edition, book of Baba Mezia, 1l4a-114b, not reproduced here).

Articles Lost By Gentiles

According to the Talmud book of Baba Kamma, a lost article need not be restored to a heathen (non-Jew). (SeeExhibit 40)

The Talmud always quotes the Bible in order to reverse it. Here Moses' admonition about returning lost articles, whether or not one knew the "brother" who had lost them, is [page 17] cited once again to justify the reverse.

Elsewhere in the Talmud (see Exhibit 84) returning a lost article to a non-Jew is stated to be a "sin."

Wine Touched by Gentiles

Wine touched by a non-Jew would be poisoned and unfit to drink, from the contact alone. So, in the first Talmud English translation (Rodkinson) we see that the matter of using the wine after thieves had broken into a house, and who might have touched it, is taken up with the Rabbi "who allowed the wine [to be used] on the ground that the majority of thieves in that city are Jews." In a similar case that occurred in Nehardea, Samuel (a top "sage"), "too, allowed the wine." Both of these Babylonian towns of Pumbeditha and Nehardea were Talmud-Cabala centers for centuries. (See Exhibit 8)

Gentiles Cast in a Pit

The Talmudic "Sages" even provide reasons for letting a Gentile die in a pit. In general, according to the Talmud book of Abodah Zara, non-Jews are not to be thrown down a pit to die — that would make bad feelings against Jews — except in the case of "minim" (Christians), "apostates" (from Talmudism) and "informers" (about the Jewish religion) — these "may be cast in and need not be brought up." (See Exhibit 186)

However, the same Talmud reference notes that, for payment "one is obliged to bring them up on account of ill feeling." But another "Sage," Abaye, is referred to as urging:

"He could offer such excuses as, 'I have to run to my boy who is standing on the roof,' or, 'I have to keep my appointment at the court.'" Then, presumably, the Gentile should be happy to die in the pit and no blame could be attached to the Jew.

In a footnote, reference is made to the Talmud, Abodah Zarah 13b (not reproduced), where it is reiterated — "As to idolators … even throw them in" (that is, if they are Christians or minim). [Exact wording found in Abodah Zarah 26b, cited in Exhibit 186.]

Reference is also made to the Talmud, Sanhedrin 57a [see: Sanhedrin 57b], where, ridiculously, sentencing non-Jews to death with only one witness, even a relative, is permitted. Don't try to use your intelligence at this point.Genesis 9:5 is cited. There, God is ordering men not to eat living animals: "Surely your blood of your lives will I require …"  However, according to the Talmud, the "reason" why only one witness need testify against a non-Jew to cause him to be put to death is twisted thus:

"The interpretation is based on the use of the singular, 'I will require.'"  Thus, God not being "plural," witnesses need not be plural.

In Talmudism the Bible is used as a "grab-bag" to justify the "whited sepulchre" of Pharasaism referred to by Christ.

Non-Jews — The People Who are Like an Ass

The utterly mad way in which the Bible is tossed about to make a "whited sepulchre" for Talmudic Babylonian filth and criminality is illustrated by the Talmud, Kethuboth 111a. A reach here, and a grab there, and the Pharisee "Sages" make their own Satanic meaning out of unrelated scriptural verses, plays on words, and other childish devices. We thus see in Exhibit 148: "It is written, 'Unto the people upon it,' and elsewhere it is written, 'Abide ye here with the ass' which may be rendered 'people that are like an ass — slaves who are considered the property of the master.'"

This is linked to Isaiah 42:5 in a footnote. Isaiah 42:5 in actuality refers to God as: "He that spread forth the earth … he that giveth breath unto the people upon it," and which has nothing to do with what is in the Talmud. The reference is to the Gentile Canaanite, the "Canaanite bond-woman." The source given by the Talmud for the phrase, "Abide ye here with the ass," is Genesis 22:5, which actually concerns Abraham going off to pray: "And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the ass; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again unto you." Which once again has nothing whatsoever to do with the anti-Gentile doctrine above.

Sly little verses are put in as a code in the above such as "Now according to Eliezer — Who based his view on Ezekiel 26:20 …" This Bible verse actually refers to the fall of Tyre, with a fate such as the Talmudists wish to inflict on Gentiles: "I shall bring thee down with them that descend into the pit … in the lower parts of the earth …"

Always Make Money

The Talmud book of Abodah Zara, which concerns relations with the non-Jew, is a series of Contortions aimed to keep the "human" Jew separate from the "non-human" Gentile, while still making money off the Gentile. Christians in particular are designated as "idolators," with Jesus as the "idol." A Mishnah of Abodah Zara 11b-12a (see Exhibit 174 and Exhibit 175) attempts to circumvent the question of how to go to an "idolatrous festival" and do business without technically being there at all. A long-winded exposition about the road leading to it is ludicrous:


Of course, a road which went only one place would only be outside of one place. Every road goes past one place after another or it is not a road at all.

But the essence of it all is this: "The Sages should not mind the possibility of receiving money of an idolator." A footnote follows to confuse the non-Jewish reader.

Gentiles Are "Beasts"

"The Torah [Talmud] outlawed the issue of a Gentile as that of a beast," Ezekiel 23:20 being given as the basis. (See Exhibit 270) This Bible chapter actually likens the whoring Judah and Israel kingdoms to two sisters, Aholah and Aholibah, both prostitutes, the grossness of whose paramours is likened to that of asses and their illegitimate [page 18] offspring to the "issue of horses." Public mass sex-perversions, sadism, and child burning voodoo practices of these sex-worshippers, in which offspring were spawned, was the subject of Ezekiel's lambasting. He promised the Judaites the same fate their "sister" whore, the Israel kingdom, had experienced at the hand of God for the same crimes, the Assyrians having killed and deported the ten-tribe kingdom in 721 B.C.

The amazing hypocrisy of Talmudic Judaism is that while condoning or endorsing such execrable practices as the burning of children to Molech, sodomy, rape, incest, murder or perjury, sins condemned by the Bible, Biblical condemnation for the perpetrators voiced by Ezekiel and other Prophets (as in Isaiah 57:3, 5 and elsewhere) is distorted by Talmudists and turned instead against the anti-Talmudists who condemn such sins. Small wonder Christ so excoriated and denounced Pharisaism.

Non-Jews — No Property Rights

The Talmud teaches that non-Jews have no property rights. Their possessions are "like unclaimed land in the desert." (See Jewish Encyclopedia, Exhibit 270) The illustration is given of the 4th Century notable Rabbi Ashi who, knowing this, acted accordingly and gave "an adroit and evasive answer" when questioned by the Gentile owner of a vineyard who overheard Ashi tell his slave to go into his vineyard and get him some grapes if the vineyard belonged to a Gentile, but not to take any if the owner be a Jew. "Is it permitted to take from a Gentile?" the owner asked. Ashi's evasive answer is given with the explanation that: "In truth Ashi coincided with the opinion of the authority stated above: namely, that … Gentile … property is considered public property, like unclaimed land in the desert." (See Exhibit 270)

The Talmudic authority which holds that Gentile property is like unclaimed land in the desert is the Talmud Book of Baba Bathra, Folio 54b, there cited. The passage actually appears on page 222 of the Soncino edition: "Rab Judah said in the name of Samuel: The property of a heathen is on the same footing as desert land; whoever first occupies it acquires ownership."

Gentiles Must Not Rest, Even on Mondays

There are no labor union laws for Gentiles under Talmudic "religious" doctrine.

The Jewish Encyclopedia states, quoting the Talmud, Sanhedrin 58b:

"A Gentile observing the Sabbath deserves death … not even on Mondays is the Gentile allowed to rest — probably to discourage general idleness." (See Exhibit 272)

Another passage (not reproduced, page 399 of the Talmud, Soncino edition) states:

"A heathen who keeps a day of rest, deserves death … Their prohibition is their death sentence."

One wonders how these so-called "People of the Book" could ring the Bible in on that. However, after the word "death" in the above quotation from the Talmud is this: "For it is written, 'And a day and a night they shall not rest' (Genesis 8:22)."

But here is the actual Genesis verse:

"While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and Summer and Winter, and day and night shall not cease."

No bearing whatsoever!

The above Talmudic "precepts" are certainly at variance with the fourth of the Ten Commandments, concerning the Sabbath day, in which this appears: "Thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates." (Ex.20: 10) Obviously a "stranger" would be a human being, and even cattle get to rest on the Sabbath, under the Commandment. However, under Judaism, Gentiles rank even lower than cattle. And, this twisting of the Bible by the Pharasaical Judaists once again illustrates how they "follow Moses," in reverse.

Goring One's Ox

The Jewish Encyclopedia (See Exhibit 269, left column) makes reference to the laws of Moses, Exodus xxi 35-36Hebrews, providing for payment of damages if a man's ox gores and kills a neighbors ox, but states:

"Here the Gentile is excepted as he is not a neighbor …"

Perhaps the saying about right and wrong depending upon "whose ox is gored" originates with the Talmud, Baba Kamma 37b, which in any event aptly summarizes the doctrine of all Talmudism in terms of injury done by oxen.

Thus, if a Canaanite's (Gentile's) ox gores another Canaanite's ox or an Israelite's ox gores that of another Israelite, damages must be paid. But, if an Israelite's ox gores the ox of a non-Jew, or Canaanite, "There is no liability!" It makes no difference whether the animal was or was not fierce or a menace which should have been kept shut up. Injury done to the property of a "non-human Canaanite" by the property of a human is held to be perfectly legitimate. After all, one does not reimburse "non-humans" for their loss of property. (See Exhibit 39)

In Law Suits, Cheat the Gentile

The Jewish Encyclopedia states (See Exhibit 269): "The Mishnah … declares that if a Gentile sued an Israelite, the verdict is for the defendant [the Jew]; If the Israelite is the plaintiff, he obtains full damages."

The Talmud, Book of Baba Kamma, 4th chapter and 3rd Mishnah, is then cited, which deals with ox-goring being acceptable if the ox belongs to a Jew and gores the ox of a non-Jew. (See Exhibit 39)

And in Baba Kamma, Folio 113b (not reproduced, page 664 of Soncino edition) is this:

"Where a suit arises between an Israelite and a heathen, if you can justify the former according to the laws of Israel, justify him and say: 'This is our law;' so also if you can [page 19] justify him by the laws of the heathens, justify him and say to the other party: 'This is your law;' but if this cannot be done, we use subterfuges to circumvent him."

Rabbi Akiba warns, however, against these subterfuges when there is a danger of exposing the true nature of Talmudic law, it being called a danger to the "sanctification of the Name" (of the Jewish god and religion). The same Talmud reference continues:

"Now, according to Rabbi Akiba the whole reason appears to be because of the sanctification of the Name, but were there no infringement of the sanctification of the Name we could circumvent him!" (Baba Kamma 113b)

A Gentile must not be taught the Torah (i.e. Talmudic precepts), because to "reveal their laws to Gentiles" might have operated against the Jews "in their opponents' Courts," states the Jewish Encyclopedia (see Exhibit 272). Furthermore, notes the same authority, a Jew who teaches a Gentile the Torah "deserves death."

Gentiles Must Suffer to Make Jews the Messiah

Although some Jews look for a War Lord type of individual to help place Jewry on the throne of the World, the actual view of Judaism is that the Jewish people themselves comprise the Messiah, and their reign is the Messianic reign (actually foretold for Christ in the Bible). The tribulation foretold to precede the reign of Christ, in which Satanism strives to subdue the world, is scoffed at by the Talmud and called "fictitious." Babylonian power will not fall, says Judaism. The tribulation will be but "the throes of mother Zion which is in labor to bring forth the Messiah — without metaphor, the Jewish people." (See Exhibit 147, from the Talmud, Kethuboth 111a) In other words, to call the Jewish people the Messiah is no metaphor; they are literally just that; they are the "Messiah," says the Talmud.

A passage in the Talmud, Sanhedrin 98b (See Exhibit 100) records the exulting words of the Pharisee rabbis: "The Jews are destined to eat their fill in the days of messiah." Above these words is this: "When the ox runs and falls, the horse is put into his stall," which is explained thus: "It will be difficult to remove the Gentiles from their position without inflicting much suffering." And then: "The years of plenty which the Messiah will usher in will be enjoyed by the Israelites."

Bear in mind, once again, that the pagan Babylonian Talmudists have always stolen the Biblical names which should designate the followers of the Holy One of Israel (Christ), and who believe in Him and in the Israel prophets who foretold Him. Biblically and as previously noted, they are the sex-worshipping "Gentiles" and we are spiritually "Israel." But for better understanding of matters discussed herein, let them reverse these terms.

Of course, as more fully set out elsewhere in this book, the "Congregation of Israel" was never a racial entity, any more than is Catholicism or Protestantism. The Bible testifies to that.

A Talmud passage reads: "A Min [Christian] said to Rabbi Abbahu, 'When will the Messiah come?' He replied, 'When darkness covers those people' — Alluding to the questioner and his companions — 'You curse me,' he exclaimed." Concerning the "darkness" it is also stated: "The cock said to the bat, 'I look forward to the light, because I have sight; but of what use is the light to thee?'" And all this is explained in a footnote:

"Thus Israel should hope for the redemption, because it will be a day of light to them, but why should the Gentiles, seeing that for them it will be a day of darkness?" (See Exhibit 101)

Gentile Babies Defile

Sodomy is an accepted privilege in Judaistic Talmudism, and we learn from the Talmud, Abodah Zara, 36b, 37a, (see Exhibit 188 and Exhibit 189) that the exception may be if the subject is a Gentile baby, and then only on the ground of alleged defilement. The "Sages" decree that a heathen child causes "defilement by seminal emission, so that an Israelite child should not become accustomed to commit pederasty [i.e. sodomy] with him." Then a harangue commences as to the age when a heathen child starts defiling by discharges (which, in fact, are only possible after adolescence).

The standard idiotic Talmud doctrine is then repeated that a male is "capable of the sexual act" at "nine years and one day" and a female from the age of "three years and one day." From those ages on they can "defile" the Jew, goes the argument in this passage.

Swearing Falsely — the Kol Nidre

The Bible teaches:

"And ye shall not swear by name falsely … neither lie one to another … I am the Lord" (Leviticus 19:11,12, etc.).

One of the handiest devices provided by the Talmudic "Sages" to offset Moses' laws against swearing falsely, is found in the Talmud book of Nedarim (Vows), and is put into practice yearly in every synagogue across the world as the "Kol Nidre" (all vows). (See Exhibit 171)

The text of the Kol Nidre may be found in the Jewish Encyclopedia [Exhibit 303]. Three times the Cantor, to a tune that sounds like the melodious grief of all ages, pompously intones the words: "All vows, obligations, oaths … whether called 'konam,' 'konas,' or by any other name, which we may vow or swear, or pledge, or whereby we may be bound, from this Day of Atonement until the next (whose happy coming we await), we do repent. May they be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void and made of no effect … . The vows shall not be reckoned vows; the obligations shall not be obligatory; nor the oaths be oaths."

The confirming reply of the Congregation is typical of blasphemous Judaistic misuse of the Bible. Three times a verse from Numbers is chanted. It actually concerns the duty of a congregation which has violated the laws of God, in ignorance, to repent, and states:

"And it shall be forgiven, all the congregation of Israel, [page 20] and the stranger that sojourneth among them; seeing all the people were in ignorance." (Numbers 15:26)

Here is a typical Talmudic situation: Knowingly, in advance, every shred of truth is to be cast away, with religious support. A Scriptural verse of no relevance whatsoever is used as justification.

With the Jewish Kol Nidre, not only is there no repentance involved, as in the Bible itself, but forthright, blatant disavowal and annulment of solemn oaths an entire year in advance.

The text of the Kol Nidre also appears in the Talmud, Book of Nedarim, 23a. (See Exhibit 171 and Exhibit 172)

The Talmud Mishna states: "EVERY VOW WHICH I MAY MAKE IN THE FUTURE SHALL BE NULL. HIS VOWS ARE THEN INVALID PROVIDING THAT HE REMEMBERS THIS AT THE TIME OF THE VOW." The Kol Nidre is repeated on the following page. Discounting the irrelevant "filler" about a man eating with his friend, we see in a footnote (Exhibit 172):

"This may have provided support for the custom of reciting Kol Nidre (a formula for dispensation of vows) prior to the Evening Service of the Day of Atonement … . But Kol Nidre as part of the ritual is later than the Talmud … [as] the law of revocation in advance was not made public."

However, this advance disavowal of oaths, and sanction of perjury, did become known at various times. The Jewish Encyclopedia account [Exhibit 303] concerning Kol Nidre relates how this practice of revoking all vows to be made, a year in advance, was used in European countries to bar the oath of a Jew as of no value. Contemporaneously, however, as we have been in ignorance of the Kol Nidre and what it means, such oaths, no matter how valueless, are foolishly accepted in our Courts.

Robbery, Stealing, Murder — 
Approved Against Gentiles

The "chief repository of the criminal law of the Talmud" (together with Makkoth or "beatings") is the book of Sanhedin (See Exhibit 43). The non-human status of the non-Jew so far as legal or human rights are concerned is reiterated in Sanhedrin 57a. (See Exhibit 57)

A footnote explains that the Talmudist censor inserted the word "Cuthean" in the text for the word goy or Gentile, thus deceiving a possible non-Jewish reader as to the real meaning.

To quote: (Exhibit 57):

"With respect to robbery — if one stole or robbed [Footnote: "by secret stealing or by open violence"] or seized a beautiful woman, or committed similar offenses, if these were perpetrated by one Cuthean against another, the theft, etc., must not be kept, and likewise the theft of an Israelite by a Cuthean, but that of a Cuthean by an Israelite may be retained."

Sufficient filler is then inserted in the footnotes to confuse the "goy" reader, with a reference to the footnote concerning Baba Kamma 37b (See Exhibit 39). There, the false supposition that non-Jews have no "laws of social justice" is said to justify an inhuman standard of immorality taught by the "ox-goring" Talmud reference previously mentioned herein, a standard repeated elsewhere throughout the whole Talmud.

On murder of Gentiles (Exhibit 57):

"For murder, whether of a Cuthean by a Cuthean or of an Israelite by a Cuthean, punishment is incurred: but of a Cuthean by an Israelite, there is no death penalty."

The same doctrine abides throughout the whole Talmud. Glancing at the Jewish Encyclopedia section on "Gentiles" we see that Rabbi Simon ben Yohai's edict is: "The best among the Gentiles deserves to be killed."

Elsewhere, three and a half large pages are devoted to this Rabbi, whose black magic voodoo is venerated by the Cabalists in Talmudism. (See Jewish Encyclopedia under "Simeon ben Yohai.")

Cheating A Gentile Out Of Wages

Exhibit 58 reproduces other Talmudic "religious" teachings about Gentiles. Applying it to "withholding of a laborer's wage. One Cuthean from another, or a Cuthean from an Israelite is forbidden, but an Israelite from a Cuthean is permitted," says the Talmud text.

Illustrating the twisted and tortured thinking of the Talmud "sages" a footnote states:

"This only borders on a robbery, for actual robbery means depriving a person of what he already possesses."

So, if a laborer never gets his wages, he cannot be robbed of what he never received! The "shyster mind" at work!

Sodomy and Killing a Gentile

Sanhednn 58b of the Talmud (Exhibit 59) states that sodomy or: "Unnatural connection is permitted to a Jew" and permits sodomy with a "neighbor's wife."

It also teaches that "If a heathen smites a Jew he is worthy of death." Then follows: "Rabbi Hanina also said: 'He who smites an Israelite on the jaw, is as though he had thus assaulted the Divine Presence.'"

By turning one word into another, and without rhyme or reason picking out a verse in Proverbs 20:25 ("It is a snare to the man who devoureth that which is holy …"), the precept is somehow then evolved that "One who smiteth man — that is an Israelite — attacketh the Holy One."

Throughout the Talmud it is basic Pharisee teaching that only Pharisee Jews are "men."

Kill the Gentile Who Studies the Torah

"A heathen who studies the Torah deserves death … it is our inheritance, not theirs … he is as guilty as one who violates a bethrothed maiden." (See Exhibit 60) This is sound Talmudic thinking, since knowledge of the anti-human criminality of the Talmud Torah must inevitably put non-Jews on their guard. The footnote explains (Exhibit 60):

"This seems a very strong expression … it is suggested that Rabbi Johanan feared the knowledge of Gentiles in matters of Jurisprudence, as they would use it against the Jews in their opponents' courts … the Talmud places R. [page 21]Johanan's dictum … immediately after the passage dealing with the setting up of law courts by Gentiles."

It is further explained that study of the Oral Law (Talmud) is what is feared and that the same R. Johanan said "God's covenant with Israel was only for the sake of the Oral Law [ie. Talmud]."

Accidental Killing of Jews

The overall Talmudic philosophy is that killing Gentiles is no more serious than merely killing wild animals.

Suppose, however, a Jew intends killing a Gentile, and accidently kills a Jew? Is he criminally liable? By Talmud standards the attempt to kill a Gentile so "sanctifies" a Jew that if he kills another "human," or Jew, in the attempt, the sin is washed away and there is no penalty.

The core of a long harangue in Sanhedrin, 78b-79a, is that if a Jew "intended killing … a heathen and he killed an Israelite … he is not liable." (See the Mishnah, Exhibit 90). After typical twaddle, this is repeated in the Gemara. (See Exhibit 91)

However (same Exhibit), if he intended killing one Israelite and killed another, he is liable.

On the next page of Sanhedrin (Exhibit 91) and weighing the "purity" of the killer's heart, it states if a Jew "threw a stone into a company of Israelites and heathens … . Shall we say the company consisted of nine heathens and one Israelite … his non-liability can be inferred from the fact that the majority were heathens … even if half and half … Since … we do not know whether he aimed at an Israelite or a heathen … he is not liable."

A footnote confirms that this "verse under discussion teaches that the murderer is not liable."

The American public has been drenched with propaganda concerning "brotherhood" between Christians and Jews, and Jew and non-Jew. Such propaganda could never be effective if the true nature of Talmudic Judaism were known.

Chapter V

t. Paul, who had been a Pharisee, often bores Christians who do not know what he was arguing about, in his discourses haranguing Pharisees. But one familiar with the Talmud can appreciate his diatribe against the "uncleanness" of those, "Who changed the truth of God into a lie" and: "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools," until "God gave them over to a reprobate mind … . Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness … ." (Romans 1:222528).

Of the "sacred" Talmudic teachings of the "Sages," preserved since 500 A.D. and taught more widely today than ever before in Talmud-Torah schools in the U.S.A., perhaps nothing better illustrates "fools" with "reprobate minds" than the teaching in the Talmud book of Yebamoth (Exhibit 155) that spittle on the top of the bed curtain proves that a wife has been guilty of adultery, as only lying down face upwards could she have spit up on it. Spitting several feet straight up! The Talmud states: "When a peddler leaves a house and the woman within is fastening her sinnar [breech-cloth] … . If spittle is found on the upper part of the curtained bed she must, said Rabbi, go." Footnote: "Even if there were no witnesses that misconduct took place." Further footnote: "Only the woman lying face upwards could have spat on the spot. Intercourse may, there fore, be suspected."

From a Roof

The Talmud book of Yebamoth also concerns the duty to marry a brother's widow who is childless. Two volumes of junk and obscenity for its own sake carry the title, Yebamoth. Another illustration of the "reprobate mind" is the teaching that [Yebamoth 54a] if a man falls from a roof "and his fall resulted in accidental insertion," as [Ybamoth 54a footnote] "When in a state of erection the levir fell from a raised bench upon his sister-in-law who happened to be below." Here the great Talmudic "saint" Rashi is cited as authority. "His commentary on the Talmud is a consummate masterpiece, a remarkable and gigantic work," says the 1943 Universal Jewish Encyclopedia. Rashi was born in Troyes, France, 1040, and died there in 1105.

The above Talmud passage is not reproduced here. It is in Yebamoth 53b-54a (page 356 of the Soncino edition) and continues the above with the responsibility of a "levir" or brother-in-law "when, for instance, his intention was intercourse with his wife and his sister-in-law seized him and he cohabited with her." [Yebamoth 54a] The passage is merely an excuse to indulge the "reprobate mind" in uncleanness. (Romans 1:28) Is it any wonder that Christ likened Pharisees to "unseen graves" (Luke 11) and "whited sepulchres" (Matt. 23)?


Although Moses commanded that if a woman have intercourse with a beast, both should be killed (Leviticus 20:16), and that a priest must not marry a harlot or woman who is profane (Lev. 21:7), the Talmud teaches that "unnatural intercourse does not cause a woman to be forbidden to marry a High Priest," since then "you will find no woman eligible … ." (See Exhibit 157, from the Talmud book of Yebamoth, Folios 59a-59b)

Rulings of the "sages" follow: "A woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a priest — even a High Priest." Unless specifically warned in advance and the act seen by two witnesses, she is acceptable also. If she had intercourse with a dog while sweeping the floor, she is likewise reckoned to be pure, and suitable. For, "The result of such intercourse being regarded as a mere wound, and the opinion that does not regard an accidentally injured hymen as a disqualification does not regard such as intercourse either." (See Exhibit 158)

This alone gives a fair idea of the systematic deformation of Scripture by the Pharisees and the truthfulness of Christ's denunciations about their making God's commandments of none effect by their Tradition. (Matthew 15:6)


Baby boys may always be used as subjects for sodomy by grown men, according to the Talmud. (See Exhibit 54) The Pharisaic subterfuge here is that until a child reaches sexual maturity, capable of sexual intercourse, he or she does not rank as a person, hence Biblical laws against sodomy (pederasty) do not apply. Throughout the Talmud "nine years and one day" is the fictitious age of male maturity.

Likewise, under "nine years and one day," the "first stage of intercourse" of a boy with the mother, or any grown woman, is harmless, Talmudically. Shammai, to seem more "strict," lowers the age to eight years in some cases. (See Exhibit 82 from Sanhedrin 69b of the Talmud)

A long harangue about the amount of the Kethubah (payment if divorced) a woman gets if her virginity was removed by a young boy, fills Kethuboth 11b of the Talmud. [page 23] (See Exhibit 136 and Exhibit 137) And here, the foul mother may be reckoned "pure," depending on the age of the child. Such degrading use of children was typical of paganism throughout the ancient world.

"When a grown up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this — that is, less than three years old — it is as if one puts the finger into the eye — tears come to the eye again and again, so does virginity come back to the little girl under three years." (See Exhibit 136, Kethuboth 11b of the Talmud)

This is the standard doctrine of the whole Talmud on baby girls.  Sodomy and intercourse with babies is the prerogative of the adult Talmudic man, in contrast to Christ's beautiful teachings concerning little children.

The following is also typical concerning the fictitious age of sexual maturity of baby girls set by the Pharisee "sages:" "A maiden aged three years and one day may be acquired in marriage by coition …" See Exhibit 55(Sanhedrin 55b), Exhibit 81 (Sanhedrin 69a-69b), Exhibit 156 (Yebamoth 57b), and Exhibit 159 (Yebamoth 60b); also Niddah 44b.

Baby girls of three can invoke sadistic punishments on those who have intercourse with them when they are "Niddahs" (menstruating), a physical impossibility, of course. (Talmud, Sanhedrin 55b - Exhibit 55; Sanhedrin 69a - Exhibit 81)

And, at three, a baby girl is always rated as "one who is fit for cohabitation — that is one who has attained the age of three years and one day." (Talmud, Yebamoth 60b, Exhibit 159) But, in the case of a baby girl who is not Jewish-born, or a so-called "proselyte," she may be "married" thus by a grown priest: "A proselyte who is under the age of three years and one day is permitted to marry a priest;" although "one who is fit for cohabitation," as stated on the same page, is "one who has attained the age of three years and one day." (See Exhibit 159)

This Talmud Yebamoth passage continues with the ruling in the case of a baby under three married to a grown man priest, and declared eligible to continue as his wife. (See Exhibit 160) The baby girl was a "proselyte," of course, so age did not matter. But "under eleven years and one day" a little girl "carries on her marital intercourse in the usual manner." (See Exhibit 152, Yebamoth 12b of the Talmud)

Adultery is permitted with the wife of a minor, and wife of a non-Jew. (See Exhibit 53) The pretense is that a minor not being a "man" yet, and the non-Jew having non-human status, Talmudically, the Biblical law does not apply.

Thus, once again do the Pharisees make the commandments of God of "none effect" as Christ said. (Matthew 15:6,Mark 7:13)


Moses ordered the priests that: "They shall not take a wife that is a whore, or profane … for he is holy unto his God." (Leviticus 21:7) The laws against incest are most vehement: "The nakedness of thy mother, shalt thou not uncover: she is thy mother … (Leviticus 18:7) And in the Talmud the Pharisee "sages" reverse these Biblical injunctions:

"If a woman sported lewdly with her young son, a minor and he committed the first stage of cohabitation with her — Beth Shammai say, he thereby renders her unfit to the Priesthood." Here a footnote explains that she could not marry a priest, if this made her profane and the above Leviticus 21:7 is cited precisely. (See Exhibit 82)

We then learn that the dispute concerns only the age of the son, not the lewdness of the foul mother: "All agree that the connection of a boy aged nine years and one day is a real connection whilst that of one less than eight years is not [Footnote: "So that if he was nine years and a day or more, Beth Hillel agree that she is invalidated from the priesthood, whilst if he was less than eight, Beth Shamnmai agree that she is not."] Here silliness reigns supreme, and one understands why Christ called the Pharisees "fools and blind:" "Beth Shammai maintaining, we must base our ruling on the earlier generations" [Footnote states: "When a boy of that age could cause conception."] "but Hillel holds that we do not."

The supposition that boys became fathers at eight is the silly excuse for the Shammai school to argue that the boy must be under eight to leave the mother pure. The standard throughout the Jewish Talmud is that a little boy becomes a person, "sexually mature," at nine years and one day, — another asininity. The whole argument strains at the "gnat" of age and "swallows the camel" of incest between mother and son. (Matthew 23:24)

Incest with Lot

The Bible tells us that after the destruction of Sodom with all of its inhabitants, except Lot and his two daughters who took refuge in a cave: "The firstborn said unto the younger, our father is old, and there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us … . Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve the seed of our father. And they made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose." The next night the same events took place for the younger: "Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father." (Genesis 19:31-8) The abominating tribes of Moabiteg and Ammonites were the products of these two sons, at first spared, then demolished by the fourth king of Judah, Jehosaphat. (11 Chron. 20)

But the Talmudic "Sages" take anything but a critical view of this incest:

"A man should always be as alert as possible to perform a precept, for as a reward for anticipating the younger by one night, the elder daughter of Lot was privileged to appear in the genealogical record of the royal household of Israel four generations earlier." (See Exhibit 166, Nazir 23b-24a of the Talmud)


The Jewish press in 1954 reported attempts to alter state laws so as to legalize marriages between uncle and niece, which is common in rabbinical circles. The Bible prohibits marriages between uncles and aunts, and with nieces and nephews, as incest. (Lev. 18:13,14).

Under "Talmudic Eugenics" in Baron's A Social and Religious History of the Jews (Jewish Publication Society, 1952), is this on incest: "In Egypt the Ptolemaic rulers themselves, for the most part, married their own sisters. In Parthia-Persia, marriages between parents and children were valid, and those among brothers and sisters were quite customary. [page 24] The Parsee religion … encouraged such marriages as the fittest means of preserving family purity [cf. 'Yasna' 12, 9] … . Artaxerxes 11 had married his two daughters, and … Mithraidates I had married his mother. Ardea Viraz is said to have married his seven sisters." (page 229, Volume 11) This was not harmful, we are told!

"On one point, particularly, Roman law differed from Jewish: marriages between an uncle and a niece. We recall that both Rabbi Eliezer and Abba married nieces, as did Rabbi Jose the Galilean … Rabbi Ishmael made a special effort to overrule his vow [not to marry his own niece] and to make the niece more attractive to him by improving her teeth … ." (page 230, same)

Moses commanded in God's name, that a woman should not marry her uncle, or a man his aunt. (Lev. 18:14) Nevertheless, today these "People of the Book" are striving to modify American state laws against such marriages, and have actually been successful in some states, on the ground that their "religion" requires such latitude.

Harlots and Dogs

The creative powers were worshipped in all ancient pagan countries as the procreative powers of male and female, with sex rites to match. Men who became priests to the female goddess Venus, Mylitta, Astarte, or by whatever name, in a wild orgy of drugged frenzy would castrate themselves with "sacred swords" and then contribute part of their earnings as sodomists to the upkeep of the pagan cult and temple, and would train, sell and rent dogs for immoral purposes. Girls who became priestesses to the pagan temples earned their keep and contributed to a cult's upkeep through their earnings as "sacred prostitutes."

But Moses taught that the worship of God was not to be maintained on such earnings. "Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, into the house of the Lord thy God for any vow: for even both of these are abomination unto the Lord thy God." (Deuteronomy 23:18)

The Talmud, citing Deuteronomy 23:19, makes this out of the ruling: "There is not adultery in connection with an animal, because it is written, 'Thou shalt not bring the hire of a harlot or the wages of a dog,' etc., and it has been taught: 'The hire of a dog and the wages of a harlot' are permissible, as it is said, 'Even both of these are an abomination unto the Lord' —the two specified in the text are abominations but not four." Then the permission is given to use for the temple: "Money given by a man to a harlot to associate with his dog. Such an association is not legal adultery. If a man had a female slave who was a harlot and he exchanged her for an animal, it could be offered." (Sotah 26b Talmud, Exhibit 168)

Abodah Zarah of the Talmud takes up this same "matter of a harlot's hire which is permitted — To be devoted to the Temple, in spite of the Law of Deut. XXIII, 19." (actually, verse 18) The man is permitted to do this: "If he gave her it [the money] and subsequently had intercourse with her, or had intercourse with her and subsequently gave it to her, the hire is permitted. The two matters are regarded as separate and what she received is legally a gift." This argument goes on for two pages. (See Exhibit 190 and Exhibit 191)

No wonder that Christ charged that the Pharisees nullified the commandments of God by their Tradition, which now, in written form, has become the Talmud.

Permissible Adultery and Intercourse with the Dead

"None of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to him, to uncover their nakedness: I am the Lord," says the Book (Lev. 18:6). Scripture references are also cited which denounce a married woman who lies "carnally" with a man not her husband. But say the sages: "That in connection with a married woman excludes intercourse with a relaxed membrum since no fertilization can possibly result. This is a satisfactory interpretation in accordance with the view of him who maintains that if one cohabited with forbidden relatives with relaxed membrum he is exonerated." And other Talmud sources are cited. "The exclusion is rather that of intercourse with a dead woman [Footnote 15] even though she died as a married woman." Thus one is "exonerated" for, or permitted, intercourse with dead relatives or with relatives, married or single, "with a relaxed membrum," because "no fertilization can possibly result." (Talmud, Yebamoth 55b, See Exhibit 163)

Intercourse with dead bodies was an old pagan practice. The above is echoed with some variation in "the chief repository of the criminal law of the Talmud," the book of Sanhedrin. (See Exhibit 89)

There the act of sodomy with one suffering with an incurable disease, hence regarded as already dead, or a "terefah," is held to be merely "as one who abuses a dead person, and hence exempt." The explanation, which continues on the next page (not reproduced) is: "Punishment is generally imposed because of the forbidden pleasure derived — [footnote] Whereas there is no sexual gratification in abusing the dead."

How apt it was when Christ called the Talmudic Pharisees "whited sepulchres … full of all uncleanness." (Matt. 23) Yet some of His followers call these abominators of every decency "God's Chosen People" and "People of the Book"!


There is nothing now, as formerly, in Talmudic doctrine, against polygamy. It is practiced by Jews in countries where it is allowed.

A 1952 book by Salo Wittmayer Baron, Professor of Jewish History, Literature and Institutions of the Miller Foundation, Columbia University, is entitled, A Social and Religious History of the Jews and is published by the American Jewish Committee's Jewish Publication Society of America. The chapter, "The World of the Talmud," cites the harem of King Solomon (which finished him morally and otherwise), saying its "memory kindled the imagination of polygamous Jews in subsequent ages." Although we are told [page 25] that there was no real difference between Palestinian and Babylonian Jewries fundamentally, the book states "there are indications that Babylonian Jewish society had more polygamous features than did that of Palestine."

And: "Anecdotes like those current in regard to Rab and Rabbi Nahman [who] after arriving in a foreign city they used to advertise for women ready to marry them for the time of their sojourn ('man havya le-yoma') … . In law, too, the Babylonian emphasis lay upon the Jew's right to 'marry as many wives as he is able to support.'"

It was Rabbi Gershorn Ben Judah (bom Metz, 960; died Mayence, France 1040), whose edicts were accepted by European Jewry as final for all time, who commanded Jews in Christian countries to stop getting into trouble with the law by polygamy.

Israel first proposed extra allowances for plural wives but now seems to be screening polygamy from Christian eyes.

After the period of the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and before this, in the case of Adam and Noah, monogamy ruled. The Prophets were monogamists. Moses commanded regarding a man of God that: "Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not away. …" (Deuteronomy 17:17) And, admittedly, the polygamy of David and his son Solomon ended the Israel twelve-tribe united Kingdom. Their hordes of pagan wives, and foul, pagan altars broke down any Godly spirit which had formerly united them. However, reversing the Bible once again, Pharisee "Sages" embroider upon the above words of Moses against polygamy, their permission to have 18, 24, or 48 wives. (Talmud, Sanhedrin 20b-21a) The Mishna asks: "Why then is it written, neither shall he multiply wives to himself … Rabbi Simeon said: He must not marry even one who may turn away his heart — From which it might be inferred that he may marry a lesser number even if they should corrupt him."

The Jewish Talmud and Legally
Murdering Your Neighbor

As noted elsewhere, regarding murder of the non-Jew, it is good and meritorious, providing you do not get caught and thus get the Talmudic religion exposed for what it is.

However, permissible murder in Judaism embraces more than just killing Gentiles. Murder by suffocation is permissible. Here shyster hairsplitting is inserted in the Talmud, it being permissible to seal up a neighbor in an airtight "alabaster chamber," providing one does not put in a lighted candle to help eat up the oxygen, but merely allowing the victim to expire by breathing the oxygen up himself unaided, this is acceptable. (See Exhibit 86 from Sanhedrin 77a-77b of the Talmud)

Under Talmudic "law" other forms of murder are also permissible:

  • Binding up your neighbor so that he dies of starvation. Just bind up the neighbor before it is hot or cold enough to kill him and all is well — you are guiltless of what follows. (See Exhibit 85)
  • Binding up your neighbor so that he dies of sunstroke. (See Exhibit 85)
  • Binding up your neighbor so that he dies of cold. (See Exhibit 85)
  • Binding up your neighbor so that a lion may kill him. (See Exhibit 85) He could not have fought the lion anyway, so, it is acceptable, says the Talmud.
  • Letting mosquitoes bite your neighbor to death. As for the mosquitoes, they come and go, so, since the ones which bit him when you tied the victim go away and others end his life, you are pure and blameless. (See Exhibit 85)
  • Throwing your neighbor into a pit and leaving him to die there. (See Exhibit 86)
  • Killing your neighbor with arrow wounds. (See Exhibit 86) Shooting the neighbor with an arrow is acceptable, since if there is balsam for sale somewhere, he presumably could have sent for some and thus have been cured instead of dying. (See Exhibit 86)

You can also drown your neighbor and yet be "guiltless" of his death! Remember to follow Talmudic law, however, and cause the water to travel a little distance before it drowns the neighbor — then you are guiltless of his death! (See Exhibit 87)

Ten "Innocent" Murderers

It is granted in the Talmud that the Bible forbids taking a man's life — but that merely means taking his life all by yourself. In other words, you must not take the whole of his life all alone, which permits you, nevertheless, to help nine other men to take a life.

Thus, it is stated in the Talmud: "If ten men smote a man with ten staves whether simultaneously or successively, and he died, they are exempt." Answering the Rabbi who suggests that killing whatever is left of a man's life might be wrong, we are also told: "If ten men assailed him successively, he was already nearly dead when the last smote him: therefore the last, too, is exempt." (See Exhibit 88)

"Mercy" Killings Approved

Elaborate pains were taken, rather recently, by Rabbis to deny that "mercy" killings are permitted in Judaism — because they are. The public discussion was on whether or not a hopelessly sick person should be put out of his misery. The Rabbis denied that would be proper, necessarily know ng that the Talmud states otherwise. The Talmud, Sanhedrin 77b-78a, contains these rabbinical edicts:

"Both agree that if he killed a Terefah [explained in a footnote as 'a person suffering from some fatal organic disease, recovery from which is impossible'] — he is exempt." And: "If one kills a Terefah, he is exempt; whilst if a Terefah committed murder: if in the presence of a Beth Din [i.e. a Talmudic law court] he is liable; otherwise he is exempt." (See Exhibit 88 and Exhibit 89)

Cursing and Striking Parents

"Honor thy Father and thy Mother." So states the Commandment.

[page 26] The Bible, through Moses, teaches that anyone who strikes or curses his parents is worthy of death.

But the Pharisee "Sages" have nullified that. One may strike parents without wounding them, while they are alive, but there are no limitations upon striking them after death! (See Exhibit 94)

Jews may curse their parents providing they use any term meaning God. (See Exhibit 74) Excepted are the Y-H-W-H consonants of the word Jehovah, called the Tetragrammaton, and which is reserved for use in summoning demons.

As for the "sacredness" of the Tetragrammaton word for Jehovah, the word God is frequently written "G-d." The Tetragrammaton written in full is reserved for the use of Rabbinical potentates, the Hassidist Baal (Master) Shem (of the Name of God), who by using 14, 42, 72 letter combinations of the name is supposedly able to invoke spirits. At the beginning of the century, according to authorities, about half of Jewry was Hassidist.

The word "God" is not supposed to be written or spoken even today, and the California Jewish Voice, for example, carries articles in which the word is spelled "G-D" throughout. Not piety but sheer superstition governs this.

One of Christ's major "crimes" was that He pronounced the Name as spelled. (See Exhibit 56, from Sanhedrin 55b-56a of the Talmud) It is there explained in a footnote that "Bless" is used in the text instead of the right term "Curse," typifying Talmudic double-talk.

Moses said that anyone who cursed or struck mother or father should be put to death. (Exodus 21:15,17Leviticus 20:9Deuteronomy 27:16)

"But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say a gift (Or I have dedicated to God that which would relieve your need) … ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother: making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have … delivered, and many such like things ye do." (Mark 7:1-13Matthew 15 contains like denunciations.

In Matthew 13 and Mark 7, Christ asked the Pharisees: "Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition? For God commanded, saying, Honor thy father and thy mother and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death."

Then Christ reminded them of the Pharisee custom of dedicating their goods to the Temple, then telling their needy parents that what they might have given them is now the property of God and they must do without, although they themselves went on using the proceeds of their wealth for themselves.

Christ was hated by the pagan Pharisees for such teachings as:

"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven … except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:17-20)

The Talmud Book of Gittin And Some Health Remedies

This Talmud book is about divorce. Reproduced herein are the title page (Exhibit 199) and part of the introduction (Exhibit 200). The book also deals with the fate of Christians in Hell. (See, for example, Exhibit 201 and Exhibit 202.) Following are also various dog and dung health remedies. Exhibit 205Exhibit 206Exhibit 207Exhibit 208, and Exhibit 209 are reproductions from Gittin, Folios 69a-70b, devoted to these dung and dog remedies almost too fantastic to believe. The privy, demons and privates are mingled in insane array.

The funny thing about the horrendous and silly "remedies" of the Talmud book of Gittin, is not the asininity of the remedies themselves so much as the commentary, in English, by a British doctor with a string of alleged degrees, which appears in the Appendix to the Soncino edition of this Talmud book. He actually attempts to justify and praise these nutty things! The wrong people, it is often said, are in asylums.

The "Appendix" (not reproduced) is entitled: "Notes On The Various Remedies Recommended in Folios 68b-70b," by W. M. Feldman, MD, FRCP, Lond., FRAS, FRS."

For the "Charms, Amulets, Incantations, Astrological associations," he finds the benefits of "suggestion" with "profound effect," and for whatever he cannot evolve a "rational physical basis," he invents imagined benefits. He points out that "animal excrements as remedial agents" are ancient and we "shall not lightly dismiss the ancient folk remedies — however absurd they may appear." He extolls the incantations and lauds these Rabbis' "knowledge of all parts of theoretical and practical medicine, in which they surpassed their contemporaries … ." He refers to several works to study the glories of "Talmudic Medicine" in five pages of whitewash, professing to look down upon "the probable sneers of the sophisticated, but untutored reader," which should include just about everyone except a Talmudist zealot.

Use of the Bible for Asininity and Obscenity

One is enlightened as to Christ's denunciations of the Pharisees as "fools and blind" (Matthew 23, etc.) by the following so-called "wisdom of the sages:

Adam's words about Eve are cited in the Bible: "And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh …" a statement Christ used in His teachings about marriage. (Matthew 19:3-6) But the Jewish Talmud teaches:

"What is meant by the Scriptural text, 'This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my fleshT (Genesis 2:23) This teaches that Adam had intercourse with every beast and animal but found no satisfaction until he cohabited with[page 27] Eve." (See Exhibit 161, Yebamoth 63a, of the Talmud)

David's 6th psalm is a plea by David for forgiveness: "Return, 0, Lord, deliver my soul: oh save me for thy mercies sake … in the grave who shall give thee thanks?"

"I am weary with my groaning; all the night make I my bed to swim; I water my couch with my tears." Citing the above verse, Psalm 6:7, the Talmud "sages" make this to be the meaning: "Even during David's illness he fulfilled the conjugal rights of his eighteen wives, as it is written, 'I am weary with my groaning: all the night make I my bed to swim; I water my couch with my tears.'" (See Exhibit 116, from Sanhedrin 107a of the Talmud)

Women who are "unclean" (menstruating) are to remain separate, said Moses, "all the days of her issue," and this verse (Leviticus 15:26) is cited in the Jewish Talmud, which states, "that a woman is not regarded as a 'zabah' [one with a discharge] except during the daytime because it is written, 'all the days of her issue.'" (See Exhibit 194, from Horayoth 4a of the Talmud)

Typical of the Talmud misuse of the Bible for purposes of inventing obscenity and then giving it a Biblical coating, is the Biblical account about Sisera, head of the Canaanite army, who fights all day and is the only man left alive. He flees to the tent of a supposed friend of the Canaanites, Heber the Kenite. Jael, Heber's wife, welcomes him in but as soon as he falls into exhausted sleep drives a tent nail through his temple and he dies. She boasts of this to his pursuing captors. Next, Deborah makes up a song of rejoicing in which she embroiders on Sisera's actual death in his sleep (Judges 4:2 1) and with poetic license sings: "When she had stricken through his temples — at her feet he bowed, he fell, he lay down: at her feet he bowed, he fell, where he bowed, there he fell down dead." (Judges 5:27) The verbs "bowed" and "fell" are used three times each, and "lay" is used once. This makes seven verbs used in this verse.

The standard Talmud use of this verse is to indicate it as meaning "seven sexual connections." The same Biblical verse is used thus about Christ. The words: "at her feet he bowed, he fell" are explained as: "Judges 5:27. This is taken to refer to sexual intercourse …" (See Exhibit 108, San hedrin 105a-b of the Talmud)

This is rehashed in Yebarnoth 103a-103b of the Jewish Talmud: "That profligate — Sisera — had seven sexual connections on that day for it is said, 'Between her feet he sunk, he fell, he lay: at her feet he sunk, he fell; where he sunk, there he fell down dead," with the footnote giving the Talmudic reasoning: "Each of the expressions 'he sunk,' and 'he fell,' occurs three times, and 'he lay' occurs once." (See Exhibit 162)

The Talmud book of Nazir reiterates the same Biblical misuse for no reason whatever: "That wicked wretch, Sisera, had sevenfold intercourse with Jael at that time, as it says, 'At her feet he sunk, he fell, he lay,' etc. — The words 'he sunk,' 'he fell' occur three times, and the words 'he lay,' once. Judges V,27." (Exhibit 165, from Nazir 23b, of the Talmud)

The Talmud book of Horayoth repeats the same obscenity. (See Exhibit 195)

Farming Inferior for Jews

In the course of a terrible prophecy against Tyre, the New York of the ancient world, and reprobate with sodomy, lesbianism, child-burning, and other abominations, is a Bible verse foretelling that "all that handle the oar, the mariners, and all the pilots of the sea, shall come down from their ships; they shall stand upon the land." (Ezekiel 27:29) The prophecy, including all the details of the preceding chapter were literally fulfilled by Nebuchadnezzar and Alexander the Great. Nebuchadnezzar pounded down the walls of Tyre and Alexander made a causeway of the rocks, killing or selling into slavery the inhabitants, who had taken refuge on an island off shore.

However, the Talmud nullifies and twists these Biblical words, and out of the words foretelling the end of the seagoing trading power, coming "down from their ships they shall stand upon the land," the Pharisee Talmud "sages" state: "No occupation is inferior to that of agricultural labor, for it is said, 'they shall come down."  (From Yebamoth 63a of the Talmud - See Exhibit 161)

Talmud Instructions for the Sabbath

No Talmud book illustrates Christ's depictions of Pharisaism better than the book of Sabbath. He said: "Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel." (Matthew 23:24)

One way to go raving crazy is to study the Talmud book of Sabbath with its rules on what is or what is not permissible on the Sabbath.

Concerning the Sabbath, even the digested laws, or Talmud Mishna in the Schulhan Aruch, take up 82 pages of Volume 2 (pages 63-145). The sum and substance of all of them is a game of subversion. A rule is set up. "How many ways are there to get around it and nullify it?" That is the problem, leading to almost endless trivia and discussion.

Moving a Door Key

One gem concerns the weighty problem of the door key which the "shabbos goy," or a Sabbath gentile, is carrying home for you so that the Jew is spared that "labor. "

The Talmud rule is that you cannot move goods from one category of property to another; from private to public property or from what is neither public or private, on the Sabbath. Your doorstep is neither public nor private. The street or sidewalk outside the doorstep is public; your house inside is private. Therefore, says the Talmud, you must have the "goy" not only insert your key in the lock, but push the door in as, otherwise, if you pushed the door in with the key in it, you would be moving the key from property neither public nor private (the sill) to the inside of the house (private property).

[page 28]

The Sabbath Louse-Hunt

"One who searches his garments and finds a louse shall not crack it, but simply rub it with his fingers and throw it away on the Sabbath." (See Exhibit 6) Throwing away lice is not "labor." Cracking a louse is to be avoided at all costs, however.

Sabbath Intercourse

The bloody, the sadistic, and the obscene are the darlings of the Talmudic "synagogue of Satan" mentality, the appetite for which is seemingly never sated. To illustrate, eight running pages have been reproduced here on the popular Talmud subjects of blood and intercourse. This discourse concerns whether or not the first intercourse on the Sabbath would constitute Sabbath "labor." "Is it performed to see if she was a virgin?", is discussed at length, for example. But the rule which governs is the dominant Talmud rule of the Sabbath on the subject of labor, namely that an act of injury never ranks as "labor." So, if the intent is to injure the wife the act is permissible. (See Exhibit 122, Talmud book of Kethuboth 5b-6a)

The eighth page ends with the thought that intercourse is permitted anyway. Then a new line of needless, senseless "religious" discussions about women and blood starts in. These longwinded, silly pages of Pharisee "wisdom" are but a sample of the bent of the whole Talmud. (See Exhibit 121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140, and 141)


In Matthew 5:34-6, and in Matthew 23:16-22 are recorded the lambastings Christ gave the Pharisees for vowings: "ye blind guides which say, whosoever shall swear by the temple, it is nothing; but whosoever sweareth by the gift that is upon it he is guilty. Ye fools and blind: for which is greater the gift or the altar that sanctified the gift?" Christ goes on to illustrate Pharisee silliness. Do not swear by anything, is the gist of the Matthew 5:34 passage, not by your head for you cannot "make one hair white or black."

One can only appreciate His words after reading hundreds of pages of drivel about vows in the Talmud books of Nazir and Nedarim. (Title pages, Exhibit 164 and Exhibit 170)

The Talmud Mishna on the Heifer and the Door is illustrative (not reproduced). The Mishna opens with the Door saying if the man doesn't open it, and the heifer saying if the man does not make it stand up, he must be a "Nazir." (A Nazirite [to vow] was one who had vowed not to cut his hair or drink or eat any product of the grape for a certain time.) Three pages of haranguing "Gemara" following the Talmud . . "Mishna" discuss the fact that the heifer then got up of its own volition. The door is quiet, apparently, for nothing more is said by it. The Jewish school of Shammai holds that since the man did not of his own power force the heifer up, he must be a "Nazir," but the Hillel Jews say that the essence of the vow is the upping of the heifer which was "recumbent" and is now standing up, so the man does not have to be a "Nazir." The schools of the Hillel and Shammai were in full flower in the Holy Land when Christ lived and, no doubt, this and other nonsense presently preserved for the Jewish religion, existed then.

Talmud — Juvenile Birth Control and the "Two Hairs" Test for Puberty

The Talmud, Yebamoth 12b, harangues about the ages when female birth control may be exercised, namely from "the age of eleven years and one day until the age of twelve years and one day," with a child "under or over" these ages to "carry on her marital intercourse in the usual manner." The recommended birth control is to be followed because otherwise the pregnant female might have a "second conception" which would make her fetus a "sandal" or "flat fish." Read the nonsense, followed by the "two hairs" test. (See Exhibit 152)

Read the asinine harangue in the Talmud, Yebamoth 12b 13a (See Exhibit 153), about two hairs proving puberty, or not proving it, as the child may have lost the two hairs through childbirth, also, the calling for an examination by the Rabbis. In the Soncino edition of the Talmud, reference is made to three similar messes of muck in Kethuboth 36a,Baba Bathra 156a and Niddah 52a of the Talmud.

To be unable to tell whether a little girl is as yet adolescent, or has borne a child or not, by counting two pubic hairs, is too idiotic to credit to anything except the Talmudic love of sub-sewer subjects — "the reprobate mind," as Paul called it, "Who changed the truth of God into a lie." (Romans 1:25, 28)

To deal in unnatural filth and sex matters is the core of Talmudic "scholarship."

More Talmudic "Wisdom"

Pretensions of "wisdom" by Talmudic Pharisee "sages" are perhaps the most incredible. No pompous dissertation seems complete without mention of a privy. Sons of "sages" and scholars, we read may "enter and sit down before their father, with their backs to the people."

When, however, they do not possess the capability of understanding the discourses, "they enter and sit down before their father with their faces toward the public … if he went out to ease himself he may re-enter and sit down in this place. … This applies only to the minor functions of the body but not to the major functions since he should have examined himself before … A man should always make a habit of easing himself early in the morning and late in the evening in order that there be no need for him to go far …" (See Exhibit 197 and Exhibit 198)

Jewish Talmud "remedies" are foolish to say the least. The above passage from Horayoth 13a-b of the Talmud is replete with learning such as: "As the olive causes one to forget seventy years of study, so does olive oil restore seventy years of study. … Wine and spices have made me wise." (Exhibit 96)

The Talmud "sages" then dispute whether dipping one or two fingers in salt makes one wise; whether passing under the [page 29] bit of a camel, or under the camel itself, interferes most with mentality. The text then returns to the required protocol for the "Nasi, head of the Sanhedrin, and the head of a Talmud school, the Ab-Beth Din," and how many rows have to rise in honor when each one enters. (Exhibit 197)

The Talmud also has "wisdom about eating dates." "They remove three things: evil thoughts, stress of the bowels, and abdominal trouble." This leads to a play on words, door, ladder and bed, where "one is fruitful and multiplies on it" — back to the old subjects. This is from Kethuboth 10b-11a of the Talmud.

On this same page is the Mishnah (law) that a baby girl under three years and one day old is always reckoned as a virgin: "If they had intercourse before they were three years and one day old the hymen would grow."

Do not just the few illustrations above from the Pharisee Talmud show the justness of Christ's excoriations of the Pharisees as: "Full of all uncleanness;" their love of the "uppermost rooms at feasts. . . all their works they do for to be seen of men" — "full of hypocrisy and iniquity?" (Matthew 23:5-627-8, etc.)

And, illustrating their hairsplitting paraded as "wisdom," He called them "fools and blind." (Matthew 23:17-19)

Virginity on a Monetary Scale

The Kethuboth book of the Babylonian Talmud (See Exhibit 119 for title page) is supposed to set down rules relating to married life.

The Kethubah is a contract promising to pay a wife a certain sum of money if the husband divorces her, which he can do at will, according to Talmudic doctrine. Perhaps urged on by the growing Christian propaganda against divorce, the Hillelite Jewish school stressed the husband's freedom to divorce his wife even for some culinary deficiency, or, as Rabbi Aquiba taught, because he had found a better looking woman.

The Kethubah need not be paid if the wife can be proven not to have been a virgin when married. Hence the Jewish custom of the groomsmen waiting outside the bridal chamber door for the bloody sheet to be witnessed, proving the wife's virginity. Elaborate cuts of these Kethuboth appear in the 1943 Universal Jewish Encyclopedia.

Chicago physician and hospital owner, Dr. A.A. Whamond, used to relate to a member of my family about the money he made by putting in false cat-gut hymens for Jewish girls who were not virgins before they were to be married.

The Talmud price for getting rid of a wife who had been a virgin, is "200 zuz," given by the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia as being 200 denarii or about $30.00.

"If the wife refuses sexual intercourse, she can be threatened with a reduction of her claims in the Kethubah, and this threat can be carried out." (Same Encyclopedia) If the husband can contend that the wife had not been a virgin, she gets only "a maneh," or the smallest coin, says the Talmud.

All of this talk about blood and virginity is a favorite Talmudic subject, and seemingly endless. Note, for example, Exhibit 121Exhibit 122Exhibit 123Exhibit 124Exhibit 125Exhibit 126Exhibit 127Exhibit 128Exhibit 129,Exhibit 130Exhibit 131Exhibit 132Exhibit 133Exhibit 134Exhibit 135Exhibit 136Exhibit 137Exhibit 138Exhibit 139Exhibit 140Exhibit 141Exhibit 142Exhibit 143Exhibit 144, and Exhibit 145 herein, all from the book of Kethuboth.

And, as always in the Talmud, in the book of Kethuboth, asininity is combined with filth. For example, the controlling "Mishnah" or overall rule in Folio 61b (See Exhibit 145) doles out by trades the proper number of relations between husband and wife as: "men of independence, every day; for laborers, twice a week; for ass-drivers, once a week; for camel-drivers, once in thirty days; for sailors, once in six months."

Sodomy Approved

Despite the thunderings and prohibitions of the Bible, sodomy in general, and specifically with little children, dead bodies, neighbors' wives and one's own wife is permitted by the Talmud.

The argument for this last is in Nedarim 20b of the Talmud (page 58 of Soncino translation): "Our Sages said … a man may do whatever he pleases with his wife at intercourse: Meat which comes from the abbatoir [stockyards] may be eaten salted, roasted, cooked or seethed; so with fish from the fishmonger. … A woman came before Rab and complained [of her husband's sodomy with her], "Rabi replied: 'Wherein does it differ from fish?"

All of this is made Jewish religious doctrine with full Luciferian knowledge of the Bible's laws against it.

"Thou shalt not lie with mankind" and the Biblical verse, Leviticus 18:22, is actually cited in the same Talmud section where sodomy with boys under nine or baby girls under three is permitted. (See Exhibit 54) The full text of this verse states: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is abomination."

Small wonder that Christ denounced the Pharisees as nullifying the word of God and violating every concept of human decency.

The Talmud Today

After reciting the denunciations and condemnation of the Talmud down throught the centuries, Rodkinson, in his in troduction to the Talmud, states:

"Such was the past of the Talmud which we hope will never be repeated. Now a glance at the end of the last century and the beginning of this one.

"The colleges for the study of the Talmud are increasing almost in every place where Israel dwells, especially in this country where millions are gathered for the funds of the two great colleges, the Hebrew Union College of Cincinnati and the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in New York, in which the chief study is the Talmud and its post-Talmudical literature."

This was written early in the present century. Is what Rodkinson wrote true today?

The answer is "yes." Not only are Hebrew Union College of Cincinnati and the Jewish Theological Seminary of America more active than ever, but a network of schools to teach the Talmud to young Jews now exists from coast to coast.

[page 30] For example, in the Chicago area, the Associated Talmud Torahs of Chicago oversees some 57 schools where the Talmud is taught to young Jews, commencing with their tender years.

If you are told by anyone that the Jewish Talmud is merely ancient history concerning Judaism, don't be fooled. The Talmud is present-day Judaism and without it so-called Judaism would not exist.

Chapter VI

o many Christians, Judaism is a monotheistic religion, based on belief in one Supreme Being and adherence to the Old Testament, with the Messiah still to come. This is not so. 

Double-talk is the trade mark of Talmudic Judaism, called by Christ the "Synagogue of Satan." (Revelation 2:93:9) Talmudists sanctimoniously declare that their devotion to "pure monotheism," or the "unity of God," precludes their belief in His Personality being Incarnate in Jesus Christ, His Son, and we Christians keep silent. 

The Unity of God to which they refer is actually the oneness of the Pantheistic "en sof," a mass without a "Chief Engineer." This is the "unity of nature" in which the Pagans believed. For every form of spirit invocation, and for the deification of man, that is Judaistic Talmudism, a religion of polytheism, or many gods. Slyly, the polytheists say what they mean. We do not understand them. 

Take any of the modem heresies, the "new" religions our tired Christians like to think were just evolved; you will find them all in Talmudism and its collection of ancient Old Testament paganism. The Jewish Cabala with its non-existence of evil, its deification of man, is a source book for modem "isms," the sources of which are largely unknown in modem times. 

Turn to the Jewish Encyclopedia article on "Pharisees" (Exhibit 264) and the statements that when the God of Intelligence, the "anthropomorphic" God, was eliminated from the Bible by the Pharisees, "these used … the Angelogy and Demonology of the Pharisees … with the help of the Ma’aseh Bereshit and Ma’aseh Mercabah [Pagan rites to see the Sun God, Mithra, or Metatron, and learn the past and future] not only to amplify the Biblical account, but to remove from the Bible anthropomorphisms and similarly obnoxious verbiage concerning the Deity by referring them to angelic and intermediary powers [for instance Genesis 1:26] …"

In other words, the old mass of spirit or substance of which the universe is supposedly composed, god of the Pagans called pantheism, or god as the sum-of-nature, left spirits or "gods" of every phase of nature to be invoked by man himself. The "supreme" Sanhedrin 67b of the Talmud (Exhibit 78) boasts about the Rabbis being able to create calves by "studying the laws of creation, by means of which they created a third-grown calf and ate it." The Sefer Yezirah presumably does the trick if the Talmud fails! 

And how they do other wonders! (See Exhibit 79) The "sages" are represented as gods indeed. 

The claim is made in the Talmud (Sanhedrin 65b — Exhibit 72) that "Rabbah created a man," and this is followed by a long footnote on the use of the "Sefer (book) Yezirah," the Book of Creation, a part of the Cabalistic lore of Talmudism, and its derivation from Babylonian, and other occultism. Reference is made to Sanhedrin 67b where the claim mentioned above is made that by magic the rabbis created a calf and ate it. This is followed by supposedly turning a woman into an ass. (See Exhibit 80

Creation by Hebrew letters is urged as a means of ascribing God's powers to asinine objects so as to dethrone Him and enthrone Man as the creator. This latter procedure is Pythagorean. 

One thus is advised that: "In uttering a charm one generally expectorated" (Sanh. 101a, Exhibit 104); that "snakes and serpents may be charmed on the Sabbath." (Exhibit 105

The dangers of Shabriri (a "demon of blindness") are pointed out, and reference made to repeating his name, each time dropping one letter until the demon "shrinks" away with the letters of his name, thus curing the blindness he causes. (Talmud, Abodah Zarah 12b, see Exhibit 176) The "cure" under "Abracadabra," is found in the Jewish Encyclopedia. (See Exhibit 281

The Tetragranimaton (Y-H-W-H), the letters of the word Jehova (Hebrew lacks vowels), is reserved for summoning spirits and it is a "sin" for the unauthorized to use the word. 

In the California Jewish Voice, and other current Jewish publications the word "God" is written "G-d" for this reason. 

"The Tetragrammaton, the four-lettered Name of God was fully pronounced only by the Priests in the temple … Everywhere else it was pronounced 'Adonai.'" This refers to the time of the second temple when the Pharisees were in the ascendancy in Jerusalem. (See Talmud, Abodah Zarah l7b-18a. Exhibit 181

Using the word as is is one of the "crimes" charged against Jesus (See Talmud, Sanhedrin 55b-56a, Exhibit 56). On this ground Jesus is called a "blasphemer" of this repugnant Pharisee pagan custom. 

In Judaism, Ba’al Shem ("Master of the Name") is the sorcerer who uses this Name of God to make the demons mind him (See Exhibit 265), and the Judaistic branch, Chassidism (also spelled Hassidism) is built upon this sort of demonology. Baal Shem Tob is extolled for his activities by Rabbi Louis Finklestein in his work, The Pharisees. (See Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3

The use of amulets to drive off Lilith, demoness of childbirth, and of the night, who collects "men's semen" to spawn demons, is part of current Pharisee demonology. (See Exhibit 287 for picture) By means of these demonistic devices [page 32] one may cause "terror diffused through the world … one's enemies set to tearing each other to pieces … cause anyone to perish." All this is part of the Cabala or demonology of the Pharisees called "the art of employing the knowledge of the hidden world in order to attain one's purpose  .… One may thus easily make himself master of creation." (See Exhibit 285, from the Jewish Encyclopedia) 

Blasphemy Approved 

Not content with consistent reviling or blasphemy of God's Word, this subterfuge is taught by the Talmud to permit blaspheming the Divine Name: "Blasphemy is an indictable offense only if it is mentally directed against God. If, however, one reviles the Divine Name, whilst mentally employing it to denote some other subject, he is not punished!" (Sanhedrin 65a-b, see Exhibit 70

Jews the Messiah 

The untutored Gentile has been led to believe that adherents of the Jewish religion are simply believers in the Old Testament who are still awaiting their promised Messiah. However, in Judaism that Messiah is already here, and it is the "Jewish people" themselves. 

For example, the Jewish Talmud, Kethuboth, 111a, states: 

"The Messiah [is] without metaphor the Jewish people." (See Exhibit 147)

The Jewish Cabala 

The existence of a spirit world, of evil spirits, is mentioned throughout the Bible. Christ drove out possessing spirits. There is one hard and fast rule taught on the subject, however: namely, to leave them alone, do no invoking or communicating with them. It is clear that spirit elements could deceive the finite powers of human beings. 

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me," is the First Commandment. "And that you shall do no bowing to, or serving them," is the Second Commandment. (Exodus 20:3-5). 

Whereas the Bible represents God as the Supreme Intelligence, Creator and Ruler, the pagan and atheist Judaistic concept is pantheism. In other words, there is a great nature essence, out of which individual lives percolate blindly without direction. "Pan" (nature) "theism" (god-ism) holds that the sum of nature is god. Man becomes the all powerful Luciferian "god." 

It is foretold in Biblical prophecy that the Anti-Christ will personify that concept (Isaiah 14:12-19Daniel 11:36-38Matt. 24:15Mark 13:14). 

The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia (1943), as to the "Cabala," states: 

"Although Palestine was the birthplace of Jewish mysticism, the land where the Cabala was conceived, it was in Babylonia that it attained its greatest importance." It cites "the mystic speculations of the Talmud and the system of the Cabala, originating in the one and reaching its completion in the other."
The Jewish Cabala is a library of literature, all on magic, spiritism, and based on sheer pantheism. "Aaron ben Samuel is credited with bringing the mysterious doctrine from Babylonia to Italy about the middle of the Ninth Century; thence it spread to almost all the Christian countries of Europe." (same Jewish Encyclopedia, page 616) Cabala, also spelled Kabbalah, means "tradition," and it is the tradition of the paganisms of Babylon, Egypt, and the pagan philosophers, enshrined in the Jewish religion. 

Exhibits 285 through 292 herein (285286287288289290291292) each deal with the Cabala.

Cabalistic Hasidism 

The Hasidist branch of Judaism specializes in the Cabala. About half of all Jews were Cabalists at the end of the 19th Century, we are told. 

Hasidism, like so many Talmudic words, is spelled in various ways: Chasidism; and with a "C" and two "s's," an "H" and two "s's." The Jewish Encyclopedias of 1905 and 1943 use the first spelling, however. 

Hasidism is called a religious movement within the fold of Talmudism "which won over nearly half of the Jewish masses." Its leading promoter was one Israel Baal Shem Tob (shortened to the "Besht"). Father-to-son dynasties were set up of Hasidist leaders, wonderworkers, fortune-tellers, invokers of spirits, healers, who employed drunkenness, singing, and dancing, to create states of "ecstasy." Evil was indulged in to "purify" it. 

Gershom Sholem, head of the Department of Jewish Mysticism at the Hebrew University in Palestine, in his book of lectures delivered at red Rabbi S.S. Wise's Jewish Institute of Religion in N.Y. (Schocken Books, N.Y., 1946), extolls Baal Shem Tob, the 18th Century evangelist of Hasidism, as does Rabbi Louis Finklestein, head of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, in his The Pharisees. (See Exhibit 1Exhibit 2, and Exhibit 3

Sholem calls Baal Shem Tob "a true Baal Shem, that is to say … a master of practical Kabbalism, a Magician" (page 349). He closes his book with the prophecy that Jewish mysticism still has its greatest role to play. In that he certainly coincides with the Bible and the prophecies of the Anti-Christ and his wonderworking after the order of Satan. (II Thes. 2:9

The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, under "Hasidism" states that "Hasidism had not introduced any religious novelties into Judaism." (page 240) 

To quote the Jewish Encyclopedia of 1905: 

"The teachings of Hasidism … are founded on two theoretical conceptions: (I) religious Pantheism … and (2) the idea of communion between God and man … which was adopted from the Cabala … not only that Deity influences the acts of man, but also that man exerts an influence on the will and mood of Deity. Every act and word of man produces a corresponding vibration in the upper spheres. From this conception is derived the chief practical principle of Hasidism - [page 33] communion with God for the purpose of uniting with the source of life and influencing it .…"
Pantheism is the oldest pagan concept of God as being the composite of nature. The sum total of nature being "god," man can be ruler of everything if he but knows the right secrets. 

In Jewish Hasidism, "Baal Shem," or master of the name, is also called a saint or Zaddik who, to quote the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia: "rules by the possession of the largest number of … 'sparks' of divine emanation … he stands on the same level as Moses and the Prophets, and not only speaks with the authority of the Torah, but may even change and abrogate it. The Hasidim must live in submission to the Zaddik, surround him with their love and confidence, bring him gifts, cater to his every whim, and not question his conduct even when it seems to depart from the accepted norm." 

The Cabala and God 

The Cabala is the bone and blood of Talmudic Judaism, which is itself pagan from start to finish. It uses the "whited sepulchre" of the Old Testament to cover its negation of every moral law in the Old Testament as it promotes practice of all the occult demonistic abominations excoriated by the Old Testament. 

The Cabala has two aspects: theoretical and practical, or "theurgic" (wonderworking). The "God" of the Cabala is "the En Sof," the unknowing and unknowable sea of mind or matter out of which creation emerges. "The doctrine of the En Sof," says the Jewish Encyclopedia, "is the starting point of all cabalistic speculations. God is the infinite, unlimited being, to whom one neither can nor may attribute any attributes whatever." ("Cabala," page 472, Jewish Encyclopedia) 

Maimonides, pillar of Talmudism in the Middle Ages, "contributed to the cabalistic doctrine of the En Sof by his teaching that no attributes could be ascribed to God unless it be of Pythagorean origin." (same Encyclopedia, page 465) Pythagoras was a pagan sorcerer who set up a dictatorship along Iron Curtain lines, and who attributed creative powers to letters and numbers, as does the Jewish Cabala. 

The "Ten Intelligences" of pagan Aristotle, that is the Sun, Moon and seven planets each ruled by a Ruling Spirit who dominates affairs of the Universe in accordance with the complicated astrological time charts, are paralleled by the "Ten Sephirot" of the theoretical Cabala. Three triads, the male and female spawners and their offspring, plus the overall or En Sof, form a design representing every condition of life, every quality, from A to Z. Sex is the glorifying King and Queen. The soul supposedly transmigrates around, and back into the unknowing and unknowable source, the En Sof, into a condition of "Nirvana" know nothingness, like in Hinduism. 

"Jewish mystics described the highest degree of love of man for God in sensuous forms in terms taken from marital life." (Jewish Encyclopedia, page 465) "Closely connected … is the doctrine of the transmigration of the soul on which the Cabala lays great stress." (same reference, page 476) 

There are "ten classes of angels with their chiefs presided over by Metatron who was changed into fire." (same reference, page 475) Metatron is the Ruler Spirit of this universe and Talmudic Judaism, and linked to the Sun God (called by another sect, "Mithra"). 

The Ten Sephirot, or intelligences of the Cabala, are designed as male and female procreative agencies: "Kether," or "Crown" or the "I am" emanates the "masculine or male potency," and from this "the feminine or passive potency .… The union of the masculine and feminine potencies … produced again," and so the male and female Sephirot spawn along: "Thus each triad is compounded of force, counter-force, and their connecting link: namely active and passive agents and combination." (Note: Incorporated as "progressive" in Karl Marx' dialectical materialism) "They were all combined in the Adam Kadmon (Primordial man)." (Jewish Encyclopedia, "Sefirot, Ten") 

The Kabbalah (George Routledge & Sons, London 1925), as expounded by Jewish author Ginzburg, lays down as doctrine 1 of the "Kabbalah:" "God is boundless in his nature. He had neither will, intention, desire, thought, gauge, nor action." (Note: therefore, out goes the whole Bible and its Willing, Thinking, Acting, God of Intelligence.) Continuing: "He cannot be grasped and depicted; and for this reason is called En Soph, and as such he is in a certain sense not existent." (Note: small letters for the Deity in original) 2. "He is not the direct creator of the universe since he could not will the creation .…" Then comes mention of the self-activating emanations, the "Ten Sephirot," and "the different worlds gradually and successively evolved. These evolutionary worlds are the brightness and the express image of their progenitors, the Sephiroth, which uphold all things." The Sephiroth create the souls, and the souls must return to the source "whence it emanated .… The creature shall not then be distinguished from the Creator." (Note: this is nothing but the 'Nirvana' of Hinduism, which Webster defines as "the extinction of individual existence by absorption of the soul into the supreme spirit.") and, continues the publication: "the soul will rule the universe: she shall command, and God obey" (pp. 145-146). In view of the distinction between Brahmins and untouchables in Hindu castes, and the difference in Talmudism between the Gentile "asses" who have no human status, alive or dead, and Jewish "humans," it will be easy to see who is supposed to do the ruling, and who does the obeying, God Himself being but a lump, a mass, an essence, a source stream, for Man to work. 

That is Judaistic "monotheism!"[page 34]

Theoretical Cabala 

Two qualities dominate the theoretical Jewish Cabala. Every attribute of Intelligence, of Knowing, Loving or Ruling is stripped from the God of the Bible and handed over to pagan spirits, who are invoked as in ancient paganism as "other gods," those which were so often denounced by the Prophets. This act of stripping God of Intelligence and reducing Him to a mass of "self-percolating essence," the "En Sof," is nothing but pantheism (the sum of nature being God, without any Supreme Being). 

Whether called "emanation" by the Jewish Cabala, "immanence" by Talmudic Spinoza, or renamed by Hegel - for "the real and ideal is taught in the same way in the Cabala as in Hegel" (Jewish Encyclopedia, page 474), or designated "dialectical materialism" by Karl Marx, the result is the same old atheistic concept of nature just waiting for man to run and dominate it. The Luciferian god is always man. 

The great heresy of Gnosticism, which nearly swept Christianity from the earth in the early centuries, is admittedly Cabalistic. And the Gnostic and Cabalistic idea that evil is non-existent is currently revived in "Christian Science," which is neither Christian nor scientific, and has been a magnet for hundreds of thousands of Jews who can, as the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia states, be Christian Scientists without deserting their Talmudism. This Encyclopedia states: "As the divine has true being, evil is that which has no being, the unreal or seeming thing as it appears." (page 477) And: "Evil, according to the Cabalistic philosophy, is nonexistent, anticipating Christian Science .…" (same reference, page 620) 

Practical Cabala 

Every pagan trick of dethroning God and enthroning individual spirits is employed by the Jewish Cabalists. "Casting of Lots, Necromancy, Exorcism … Bibliomancy, and the mysticism of numbers and letters were developed into complete systems. Hence the cabalistic doctrine of the heavenly alphabet, whose signs are the constellations and the stars. Thus Astrology was legitimized, and bibliomancy found its justification in the assumption that the sacred Hebrew letters are not merely signs for things, but implements of divine powers by means of which nature may be subjugated" [by Man], says the Jewish Encyclopedia, under "Cabala," page 479. 

But the bloody business of making circles to circumscribe the spirits, of gouging out cocks' eyes, skinning lambs and throwing the blood around to weird incantations to bring up the spectres of the departed, as forbidden by Scripture, is hidden as an "esoteric" or secret lore entrusted to such as the Jewish Baal Shems ("masters of the name"). 

Transmigration of Souls 

Reincarnation, or transmigration of souls, is a doctrine of the Cabala generally. Failing to wash off the demons of the hands may turn one into a river, says the Jewish Encyclopedia under "Transmigration of Souls." The theory is the cause of much degradation in Hinduism. In the Cabala, each soul corresponds to a part of the body of the Adam Kadmon universe, some being "lower" organs, some "higher." The "dibbuk" or possessing spirit who can only be expelled by a "Baal Shem" wonderworker came into the Jewish press recently (1955) when a dibbuk is alleged to have been seen leaving the body of its unwilling host. Jewish press publications all carried the report. 

A newsreel I saw in recent years showed the knife-sticking and goat-bleeding Hindu rites of Kali in India, horrible sights. Kali, to quote, is "a Hindu goddess. She is represented as black, with four arms, wearing a necklace of skulls, and the hands of slaughtered giants round her waist as a girdle. Her eyebrows and breasts appear streaming with blood of monsters she has slain and devoured. One hand holds a sword, another a human head. She is the goddess of death and destruction, and goats and other animals are sacrificed on her altars. Ancient Hindu books even enjoined human sacrifices to this bloodthirsty goddess. Her worship is said to be characterized by vile secret rites." (American International Encyclopedia, "Kali") In sex, filth, degrading treatment of baby girls, low status of women, and the caste system, Talmudic Judaism and Hinduism are closely allied. Whereas the appeasement of many spirits is secreted in Judaism and is open in Hinduism, the caste system, which numbers some 2,000 Hindu castes and sub-castes, is much simplified in Judaism, there being but two castes: the human and the animals, that is the "Jew" and non-Jew, the "Brahmin" or semi-divine "Jew," and the non-Jewish "Untouchable." 

The Zohar, Principal Work of the Cabala

The Zohar (Book of Splendor) has been translated in several large volumes. It is more degenerately pornographic, if that were possible, than the Talmud itself. 

The Zohar is a veritable library. Like the Talmud it seeks to nullify all the literal meaning of the Bible. This the Zohar does by allegorizing. Whereas the "Sages" of the Talmud always give as "higher" meanings their own reversal of Biblical moral laws, the Zohar in more fanciful, and in sex language seeks to reduce to Nature the whole of life and to Deify Man. Based upon the Cabalistic method and doctrines, the principal characteristic of Gnosticism was the "harmonizing" of opposites, or syncretism. By this means black can be represented as white. That Lucifer always arrays himself as an angel of light is a Biblical truth: "Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." (II Corinthians 11:14) The Cabala was the basis of Gnosticism, which today is expressed through such organizations as the National Conference of Christians and Jews, which deceives the unknowing public that there can be "brotherhood between 'Christ' and 'anti-Christ.'" 

"Zohar ('brightness'), the principal work of the Cabala," starts the section in the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia and includes this: "Cabalistic groups raised the Zohar to the same rank … as that given to the … Talmud .… The reading of the Zohar was regarded as a religious duty by the  [page 35] Hasidim and by the Oriental Jews and some parts of the Zohar were used liturgically .… The Zohar's teachings combine practically all the elements of the older Cabala: the doctrines of the Primordial Man (Adam Kadmon), of the Sephiroth, of Creation and of the Mercabah … number and letter mysticism, especially in reference to the names of God .…" 

The Jewish Encyclopedia (1905) on the Zohar, states: "It contains a complete cabalistic theosophy," and calls it: "Not the work of a single author," under which subtitle the close relationship to Hinduism is cited: "it is necessary to ascertain where and when the Jews became intimately acquainted with the Hindu philosophy, which more than any other exercised an influence on the Zohar" (a parallel reading is quoted), and emphasis on the similarity follows. The Mohammedan Sufis had similar doctrines: "All these sects had their sacred writings which they kept secret, and these writings probably formed the nucleus of the Zohar." One section is described as "explaining Scripture mystically by way of … Gematria … the doctrine of Metempsychosis … the importance of washing the hands .… The Zohar repeatedly endeavors to impress upon the mind of the reader that the Biblical narratives and ordinances contain Higher truths in addition to the literal meaning." 

The Zohar in its later form (after the 13th Century) "spread among the Jews with remarkable celerity … representatives of Talmudic Judaism began to regard it as a sacred book and to invoke its authority in the decision of some ritual questions." (Same reference) 

"Glorification of Man" 

The same Encyclopedia notes that Jews "were attracted by its glorification of man, its doctrine of immortality … the Zohar declared him to be the lord of Creation. Indeed, according to the Zohar … man influences the ideal world of the Sephirot … although the Sephirot expect everything from the En Sof, the En Sof itself is dependent upon man." As noted previously, the En Sof is the mass called "God," a mindless self-percolating essence, unknowing and unknowable. 

The Darwinian theory of evolution, like the Spinoza theory of "immanence," pantheism, are similar Cabalistic ideas in new word form. 

The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, will tell you how when the Dutch began to call the theories of Spinoza by their right name - Atheism - his own Cabala teachers who were members of the Beth Din (Talmud law court) quickly excommunicated him to prevent more unpopularity from fastening upon the already unpopular Jewish community. But, ever since, he has borne in Judaism the title of "Blessed Spinoza." All that he did was to voice the Cabala, a foundation of the basically atheistic "Jewish" Babylonian Talmudic religion. Karl Marx, himself son of a Jewish Rabbi, called the "En Sof" by a still fancier name, "dialectical materialism," the mindless bashing of germ to fish to mammal to ape to man, with the Jewish-spawned Marxist revolution as its crown and triumph. 

Procreation is "God"

Says the Jewish Encyclopedia: "Zoharic elements … crept into the liturgy of the 16th and 17th Centuries … the characteristic features of which were the representation of the highest thoughts by human emblems and human passions, and the use of erotic terminology to illustrate the relations between man and God, Religion being identical with love … sensuous pleasure, and especially intoxication, typify the highest degree of divine love as ecstatic contemplation, while the wine-room represents merely the state through which the human qualities merge or are exalted into those of the Deity." 

There is nothing new here that pagans who consulted the oracles, indulged in drunken and sex degeneracies, to worship the old sex-gods who were the deities of all pagan civilizations, did not have centuries and centuries ago. No wonder the unsparing denunciations of the Prophets have to be "allegorized" away into nothing! 

Tied up in the Zohar and Cabala generally, are the doctrines of metempsychosis or transmigration of souls, the worship of the seven planets, Sun, Moon, and the over-all En Sof, diagrammed as the Ten Sephirot which propel themselves out and back into the mass, the En Sof, and which also corresponds with the pagan Aristotle's Ten Intelligences (or "Boss" Spirits of the heavenly bodies). 

Sholem; "Divine" Talmudists; "Holy Communion" 

Gershom Sholem, whose lectures here at Red Rabbi Wise's institute of Judaism in New York were compiled as "Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism" has been listed in Who's Who in World Jewry as holding the chair of Jewish mysticism at Hebrew University, Palestine. 

His excerpts from The Zohar, the Book of Splendor (Schocken Books, 1949) are revealing: 

"The book of Zohar, the most important literary work of the Kabbalah … a work of secret wisdom," he calls it. Like the Talmud, which uses the Bible verses which admittedly are not there, the Zohar uses a non-existent verse to portray the Talmudists as Divine: "The Divine Presence as the mystical embodiment of the Community of Israel," Blasphemously, in Baal worship style, intercourse is called Holy Communion. "God chose Israel and none other from among the peoples and established them in the world as a single unique nation … he called them 'one nation' .… When is 'one' said of a man? When he is male together with female …then and only then he is designated one without mar of any kind… only when male and female are conjoined do they form a single body; whereas, and this we have learned, if a man is not wedded, he is, we may say, divided into two .…" This is "holy communion." 

The section of the book, "The Rose of Sharon" is another intercourse scene in which "the Community of Israel is called Rose of Sharon; because her desire to be watered from the deep stream .… She is named 'Rose' when she is about to Join with the King and after she has come together with [page 36] him in her kisses, she is named 'lily.'" That excerpt, extended, however, is not enough. The Rabbis are quoted on: "the true devotion of the Community of Israel to God, and her longing for him, for these souls make possible the flow of the lower waters toward the upper, and this brings about perfect friendship and the yearning for mutual embrace in order to bring forth fruit. When they cleave one to another, then says the Community of Israel in the largeness of her affections: 'Set me a seal upon thy heart.'" (same book, pages 69-70) There is much more of the same. 

With that diversity of spelling characteristic of the Talmudists, God is called, in Sholem's study of the Zohar, the "en sof, the Infinite. Neither shape nor form has he [Note: small "h" always in referring to the Deity] and no vessel exists to contain him, nor any means to apprehend him." (page 79) And then comes a vicious attack on Christianity so common in Talmudism. Our "crime" is in ascribing Intelligence to God, in accepting Christ's words that He is the personification of the Father, a real and Loving Spirit: "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father." (John 14:9

The Zohar: "Woe to the man who would make bold to identify the Lord with any single attribute … and the less so any human form existent … there is neither attribute, nor likeness, nor form in him." (same book, page 78) 

Sholem's work on the Zohar also states: 

"The names and grades of the soul of man are three: 'nefesh' (vital soul), 'ruah' (spirit), 'neshamah' (innermost soul). The three are comprehended one within the other, but each has its separate abode. While the body in the grave is decomposing … nefesh tarries with it, and it hovers about in this world, going here and there among the living .… Ruah betakes itself into the earthly Garden of Eden .… On Sabbaths, New Moons and festival days. it ascends up to the supernal sphere … But neshamah ascends for forthwith to her place in the domain from which she emanated … when the children of men … betake themselves to the graves of those who are gone, then nefesh is wakened, and it goes out to bestir ruah, which then rouses … neshamah .…" (pages 96-7)

The Cabala and the World 

The World is explained by a chart representing three copulating triads: male, female and offspring - given fantastic names. The En Sof surrounding these is the god-essence which "percolates" through the three sets back into itself. 

According to the pantheistic Cabala God has no intelligence. To quote: 

"God is the infinite, unlimited being, to whom one neither can nor may ascribe any attributes whatever; who can therefore be designated merely as En Sof 'without end.'" (Jewish Encyclopedia, "Cabala," page 472) Describing the ten sephirot, which include the three spawning triads, the same source designates as "Yesod - 'foundation' the reproductive element, the root of all existence." (page 475) 

Under the title "Cabala" the 1943 Universal Jewish Encyclopedia emphasizes the same idea: "But the En Sof, being boundless, cannot become the direct creator, for He has neither will, intention, desire, thought, language, nor action, attributes which belong to finite beings." (page 619) 


Metatron is the prince of this world, the "demiurge" in the Talmud and Cabala. He is the same as the Persian sun god Mithra, according to the Jewish Encyclopedia. (see "Metatron") 

With god a formless "lump," without any attributes, someone has to be Ruler, and Metatron (Mithra) is it. The Talmud sometimes gives the En Sof an almost comic character with big feet, splashing with the big fish in the sea, and teaching dead children the Torah one-fourth of the day. But Metatron teaches them three-fourths! This last, in the Talmud Aboda Zara 3b, is cited by the Jewish Encyclopedia (under "Metatron"), and also his being "lord of all the heavenly hosts, of all treasures, of secrets. The Zohar defines his nature exactly by declaring that he is little lower than God." He is not only identified here with "Zoroastrian Mithra," the Sun God, but in articles about "Mercabah" he is seen as inflamed with incantations, dope, "and other means," as comparable to the "demiurge." Under "Mercabah" the Jewish Encyclopedia describes the spiritualistic Mithra rites of "Metatron" whose name letters add up to those of Shaddai (God). Non-Jews are unaware that using letters for numbers ("Gematria") is as prevalent today in Pharisaic Judaism as it was in the time of Christ. 

Letters Create the World - Not God 

Note in Exhibit 285 herein that through the Cabala "one may thus easily make himself master of creation" - a Luciferian idea. Also wild animals can be slain and "terror diffused through the world." Note in Exhibit 288 that letters of the alphabet, especially of the four-letter word for Jehova, the Tetragrammaton, have magic power, in fact that letters created the world! It is stated that this idea "seems to have originated in Chaldea" (Babylonia). That the rabbis worked the Cabala and created a third-grown calf and ate it, is cited as coming from the Talmud, Sanhedrin 67b. This is reproduced herein as Exhibit 78. Demonism is the subject also of Exhibit 77Exhibit 79Exhibit 80, which are from the Talmud. See also Exhibits 285-92 (285286287288289290291292) from the Jewish Encyclopedia. 

Cabala Exalts the Jew

The Cabala, says the Jewish Encyclopedia, taught the top position of man, 
"the true Jewish view of life, and one that appealed to Talmudic Judaism. The Jew as well as the man was recognized in the Cabala. Notwithstanding the strongly pantheistic coloring of its metaphysics, the Cabala never attempted to belittle the importance of historic Judaism, but, on the contrary, emphasized it … the cabalists developed a Jewish Magic." (p. 478) "… Demonology, therefore, occupies an important part in the work of many cabalists … many cabalists developed their theories on Casting of Lots, Necromancy, Exorcism. Astrology was legitimized and [page 37]bibliomancy found its justification in the assumption that the sacred Hebrew letters are not one. With that old pagan deification of man idea in which nature as a whole is god and man is the doer, merely signs for things but implements of divine powers by means of which nature may be subjugated." (page 479)

The Cabala - Sefer Raziel

"Sefer" means book. 

"Sefer Raziel," meaning book of secrets, is "an ancient Cabalistic book." The usual pretext to call pagan practices "Jewish" is to attribute them to some old patriarch such as Abraham, who has been dead for centuries and is unable to deny the attribution. This one is linked to Noah, Abraham, Shem, and so on. However, the voodoo in it is as old as the pagan "philosophers" themselves. 

"The book contains mystic lore on the letters of the alphabet … and various magic recipes and amulets." (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, "Sefer Raziel") "From the Talmud … we learn that the alphabet played an important role in the creation of the world .… Sefer Raziel states that Adam engraved the letters out of the likeness of the fallen angels [demons] from aleph to Tav. Every angel must appear as soon as his name is uttered .… Bezalel, the builder of the Tabernacle in the wilderness, knew how to combine the letters by which heaven and earth were created (Talmud, Berechoth 55a)." (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, "Alphabet") 

See Exhibit 288 concerning letter creation. 

Although the Bible refers to Bezalel only as a workman inspired to serve God in his efforts on the Tabernacle, the Talmud makes him into a demon evoker, a great intellect of whom Moses was jealous. Bible references to Bezalel: Exodus 31:2Exodus 35:30Exodus 36:1-2Exodus 37:1Exodus 38:22I Chron. 2:20I Chron. 1:5

The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia states (under "Alphabet"): 

"The most important letters of the alphabet are, of course, those which spelt out the Tetragrammaton, or Name of God, Y.H.V. (or W.H.). This word is not to be pronounced as written, but must be read as 'Adonai,' 'The Lord;' and each letter has an especial potency … The belief in the power of the word was common to all the religions of antiquity. Thus the platonists had notions of the influence of anagrams made out of the names of persons … In the Talmud … there are many passages to indicate the rabbis were familiar with the various methods of permutation of the letters of the alphabet … The first was that of codes [Note: the Atbash code of using the last letter for the first, etc., is described] … the second … was the anagram in which the letters of a word were reshuffled to form a new word. The third was Gematria, based on the numerical value of the letters. The fourth was Notarikon, which took each letter of a given word as the initial of another word, and thus interpreted it in mystic fashion."

The Cabalists' special alphabet is diagrammed.

The Cabala - Sefer Yetzirah

"Sefer Yetzirah," or Book of Creation, is another voodoo Cabalistic compilation frankly emanating from Chaldea, or Babylon. (See Exhibit 72 and Exhibit 73

To quote the Jewish Encyclopedia under "Cabala:" "The belief in the magic power of the letters of the Tetragrammaton and other names of the Deity … seems to have originated in Chaldea … the theurgic Cabala … under the name of Sefer (or 'Hilkot') Yezirah, induced Babylonia rabbis of the Fourth Century to 'create a calf by magic' (Sanhedrin 65bSanhedrin 67b)." (See Exhibit 288, left column) 

The Mercabah rites inspired by dope, incantations, etc., at the end of which the Sun God (Mithra), called in Talmudism "Metatron," Ruler of the world, are then referred to. 

One familiar with Isaiah's description of the satanic Anti-Christ of the Babylonian world government now rising (See Isaiah 14), is struck with the following words concerning one's ability to be master of creation by means of the Sefer Yetzirah, and making the nether spirits obey and raise one to knowledge and power through cabalistic know-how. The Jewish Encyclopedia states (see Exhibit 285): "'Practical Cabala' or the art of employing the knowledge of the hidden world in order to attain one's purpose, is founded upon the mysticism developed in the Sefer Yezirah ('Book of Creation'). According to this work, God created the world by means of the letters of the alphabet which He combined in the most varied ways. If one learns these combinations and permutations, and applies them at the right time and in the right place, one may thus easily make himself master of creation .…" Then the ridiculous statement appears that "these formulae all proclaim monotheism." 

Note from the same section of the Jewish Encyclopedia (Exhibit 285) that by writing demonistic Amulets on a "fetus," that is, an unborn creature or child, the rousing of "demons" can sometimes be accomplished with success. 

By "monotheism," the Talmudists really are saying "pantheism," which is the pagan concept that the sum total of all nature is God, an unknowing, unknowable mass of essence, spirit or matter, of which the universe is composed, without the "anthropomorphic" God of the Bible which the Pharisees have proudly eliminated, transferring all the powers attributed to Him to "intermediary powers" - yes, to those hosts of pagan spirits or gods of which Metatron, the Sun God, is chief today. Plato, Pythagoras, and the pagans the Prophets tried to reach during the long centuries before Christ, had the same "monotheistic" world in which they, as the "Supermen," could make themselves Masters of Creation and Dictators of the people. 

Stripped of its deceptions and falsehoods, there is nothing monotheistic about Judaism, nor does it have anything in common with Christianity to which it is irrevocably and diametrically opposed. 





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