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Evangelical Christians and the Stock Market

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Christianity, Fascism, and the Stock Market.


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Christianity and the Stock Market   top       
  • Cursor, Fascism and Fundamentalism  ... "by David Neiwert  ...  Over the past two decades, the most important meeting ground for the broad range of rightist beliefs has been in the field of fundamentalist Christianity. Extremists frequently organize around an arcane brand of fundamentalism like Identity; mainstream conservatism has become increasingly identified with mainstream fundamentalism"
  • and Abramoff
  • Zenzibar Alternative Culture Directory  Social, Ethical and Environmental Investing
    • Summary
    • Fundamentalist Christianity's pro-war anti-science, anti-environmentalism stance stifles and sqews investment in technologies that can benefit the planet.
    • Major rifts in the Fundamentalist movement are changing the above.
    Fast Company  Social Capitalist Awards
  • Karma banque short selling strategy for boycotts of COKE, MRK, MCD, etc. Take control of stock markets using Smart Boycotts
  • North American Securities Administration   "Affinity groups are organizations where the members share a common religion, ethnicity, profession or interest.  Affinity fraud involves scammers joining or pretending to be members of the group in order to scam the organization's members by gaining their trust. They often focus on conning the group's leaders into trusting them so that the leaders will unwittingly help them spread the scam... "
  • ReligiousBlogNews "Fellowship of Christian Investors, a nonprofit organization founded by Garman as an educational resource “dedicated to teaching biblical principles of money management,” the group’s Web site says."
  • Rockwell, Lew, "The Reality of Red State Fascism" Libertarian
  • ScamBusters
  • United Christian Word Ministries A project unique to British Columbia that seeks to alert Christians to the very real danger of scam artists infiltrating their churches only to defraud them of potentially millions of dollars is starting to be noticed south of the border." affinity scams,
  • HomeWithGod Christian search engine 


    • Interfaith Stewardship Alliance  Fundamentalist Christian right wing (Bush) view of environmental issues: "....scientific evidence better supports the view that climate change in the past 30 to 150 years, as well as what may be projected with reasonable confidence into the foreseeable future, has been and will be: 
      • well within the bounds of natural variability, in which Earth’s climate has warmed and cooled cyclically throughout its history; 
      • largely natural in origin; 
      • unlikely to be catastrophic to humanity or the rest of the biosphere; 
      • not susceptible of significant reduction by any actions we take; 
      • far from the most serious threat to humanity and the rest of our environment. Further, we believe: 
      • the costs of achieving even tiny mitigation of future temperatures through any policy of greenhouse gas emissions reductions would far outweigh the benefits, and 
      • the benefits of adaptation to whatever temperatures the future brings–warmer or cooler (and geologic history assures us that they will be both)–can outweigh the costs." and printscreen and pdf  (for the record)


  • Rockwell, Lew "In short, what we have alive in the US is an updated and Americanized fascism. Why fascist? Because it is not leftist in the sense of egalitarian or redistributionist. It has no real beef with business. It doesn't sympathize with the downtrodden, labor, or the poor. It is for all the core institutions of bourgeois life in America: family, faith, and flag. But it sees the state as the central organizing principle of society, views public institutions as the most essential means by which all these institutions are protected and advanced, and adores the head of state as a godlike figure who knows better than anyone else what the country and world's needs, and has a special connection to the Creator that permits him to discern the best means to bring it about."
  • Cursor "Much of Anthony's and Robbins' work builds upon the work of sociologist Robert Lifton and his colleague Charles Strozier, whom they cite extensively:  Both writers have explicitly linked totalism and fundamentalism. Interestingly, they tend to define fundamentalism in terms very close to descriptions of authoritarianism: for example, fundamentalist childrearing practices -- allegedly strict, repressive, corporally punitive and guilt-inducing -- resemble the familial milieux associated with authoritarian personalities. The emphasis by Lifton and Strozier on fundamentalist scriptural literalism, textual fetishism, obsession with disorder, nostalgia for a strongly ordered golden age less chaotic than the present, and emphasis on restoration keyed to inerrant scriptural texts, appears to evoke classic descriptions of authoritarian personalities"



Evangelical Christians, Global Warming and the Stock Market    top
  • Nearly 80% of Christian Fundamentalists voted for Bush in 2000, 2004, 2006...and now he has a less than 30% approval rating? 70% of Americans want Iraq War ended.  But not the Fundies
  • go to Creation Museum Jokes page
    • Summary
    • Fundamentalist Christianity's pro-war anti-science, anti-environmentalism stance stifles and sqews investment in technologies that can benefit the planet.
    • Major rifts in the Fundamentalist movement are changing the above.
  • SoldierServant "Do Not Buy Into The Global Warming Scam, Christians!"
